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O     F 


C  O  N  T  A  I  N  UC  G, 

States  ;    as  alio   the   Atchicvcments  of  the 

An  Historical  Enquiry  into  the  Origin 
of  Armories,  and  the  Rife  and  Progrefs  of 
Heraldry,  confidered  as  a  Science ;  the  In- 
flitution  of  the  Offices  of  Constable,  Mar- 
shal, and  Earl  Marshal  of  England  ; 
their  concurrent  and  feparate  Jurifdiftions, 
Fundtions,  Powers,  &c.  the  Eredlion,  Crea- 
tion, and  Eftablilliment  of  Kings,  Heralds, 
Pursuivants,  and  Other  Officers  of 
Arms,  with  their  feveral  and  refpedive  Duties, 
Badges,  Liveries,  Wages,  Vifitations,  &c. 

The  Proper  Methods  of  Blazoning  and 
Marshalling  Armorial  Bearings  ;  and 
therein  of  Ordinaries,  Charges,  Marks  of  Ca- 
dency, Additions,  and  Abatements  of  Honour  ; 
AfTumptions,  Grants,  Augmentations,  Aliena- 
tions, Ex'changes,  Conceffions,  and  Forfeiture 
of  Coat  Armoufi  Crefts,  Coronets,  Supporters, 
Badges,  and  other  Armorial  EnCgns. 

The  Arms,  Quarterings,  Crefls,  Supporters, 
and  Mottos,  of  all  Sovereign   Princes  and 

Peers,  Peeresses,  ^nd  Baronets,  o1  Eng- 
land, Scotland,  and  Ireland. 

An  Historical  Catalogue  of  all  the  dif- 
ferent Orders  of  Knighthood,  from  the 
earlicfl:  to  the  prefent  Time;  with  Defcriptions 
of  their  Habits,  Collars,  Badges,  &c.  &c. 

The  Anns  of  the  Counties,  Cities,  Bo- 
roughs, and  Towns  Corporate,  in  Eng- 
land^nd.  PFales  ;  and  of  the  Aebies  and  Reli- 
gious Houses  founded  therein  :  as  alfo  thofe 
of  the  Royal  Boroughs  in  Scotland;  and  of 
the  Societies,  Bodies  Corporate,  Tra- 
ding Companies,  &c.   in  London. 

The  Arms  of  Archiepiscopal  and  Episco- 
pal Sees  in  England  and  Irchnd,  and  of 
thofe  heretofore  eftablifiicd  in  Scotland  ;  as 
likewife  of  the  Universities,  their  feveral 
Colleges,  Halls,  and  Schools. 

A  Difcourfe  on  the  Origin,  Ufe,  and  Abufc,  of 

,    Funeral  Trophies. 

glover's     ordinary    of    ARMS, 


An    alphabet    of    ARMS, 

Containing  upwards   of   FIFTY   THOUSAND   COATS,    with   their  CRESTS,  &c. 

AND         ''^' 
A  COPIOUS  GLOSSARY,  explaining  all  the  Technical  Terms  ufcd  in  HERALDRY. 

IN     TWO     VOLUMES. 
ILLUSTRATED    WITH    C  OPPE  R  -  P  L  AT  E  S. 


By  JOSEPH  EDMONDSON,  Efq.  F.  S.  A. 




VOL.       IL 


Printed,  for  the   AUTHOR,   by  T.  Spilsburv,  Snowhill; 
And  Sold  by  J.  Dodsley,  in  PaU-Mall;  T.Payne    and,  Son,  zt  tht  Meufe-Gate ;  J.  Robson,  \n  Bond-Street ; 
J.  Walter,  pbaring-Cro/s ;  J.  Ridiey,  m  St.  James's  Street ;   and  R.  Faulder,   in  Bond-Street. 

M  B  C  C  L  X  X  X. 


O     F 

T  'U    E 


AN  Alphabet  of  Arms,  containing  up- 
wards of  Fifty  Thoufand  Coats,  An- 
cient and  Modern,  with  their  Crefts  and 
Mottos,  and  the  Dates  of  the  fevcrai  Inftrii- 
ments  by  which  they  were  refpedlively  granted. 
Colledted  from  Regifter  Books,  Pedigrees,  He- 
ralds' Vifitations,  Church  Gatherings,  and  other 
Manufcripts  depofited  in  the  Bodleian,  Harleian, 
and  Cottonian  Libraries,  the  Britijh  Mufasum, 
the  College  of  Arms,  the  Libraries  of  the  fe- 
vcrai Colleges  in  Oxford  and  Cambridge,  and 
other  Public,  as  well  as  Private  Repofitories. 
To  which   is  added,   by  way  of  Appendix,   a 

Colledion  of  New  Arms,  Crefts,  Mottos,  &c. 
which  have  been  granted  at  the  Heralds'  Office, 
fince  the  Year  1770. 

A  Glossary,  fully  explaining  all  the  Tech- 
nical Terms  and  Words,  whether  French, 
Latin,  or  Englijh,  ufed  in  the  Blazoning  of 
Armorial  Bearings,  and  other  Branches  of  the 
Science  of  Heraldry.  Illuftrated  with  a  Va- 
riety of  Copper  Plates,  exhibiting  upwards  of 
Twelve  Hundred  Armorial  Bearings,  of  all 
the  different  Kinds  that,  with  any  Propriety,  are, 
or  can  be,   ufed  in  Heraldry. 

As   alfo  Additions  and  Emendations. 

^y^:/^^-^  //^'/^-r^^^^yy/ 

A  N 


O    F 






ABADAM,    Ar.    on  a  crofs  gu.  five  mullets  or. 
ABARLE,  Or,  three  larks  proper.     Granted  1572. 
ABAROUGH  [Dychet,  in  Somerfetfhirc]    Sa.  two 

fvvords  in  faltier  ar.  bctw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  or,  a  bordure  erm. 

— Creft,  a  ferret  ar.  collared  or,  lined  az. 
ABBERBURY,  or  Aberburv,  [Oxfordfliire   and   Suffolk] 

Or,  a  fclle   embattled  fa. 
ABBETOT,    [Warwickfhirc]    Az.  a  chcv.  or,    betvv.  three 

ABBIS,  or    Abis,    [Norfolk]    Gu.    a   felTc  lozcngy,    betw. 

three  efcallop-fhellsar. 
ABBOT   [Shropfhire]      Ar.    three  (hrcdding-knivcs  fa.   two 

and  one. 
Abbot  [Lincoln]    Ar.    on    a   p;ile  fa.    bctw.    two   ogredcs,    a 

demi-lion    ilTiiant    or. — Crcft,  a  unicorn's  head   erafed  ar. 

attired  and  crinej  or,  charged  with  a  bar  gemel  fa. 
Abbots    Dr.    Abp.    of  Canterbury,    [Devon]     Gu.    a    chev. 

betw.    three  pears  ftalkcd  or. 
Abbot,  Erm.  on  a  pale  gu.  three  pears  or. — Creft,  a  demi-uni- 

corn  erm.  armed  and   mancd  ar.    gorged   with  a   collar   az. 

ftuddcd  or. 
Alb'it,   or    About,      Sa.   a    crofs     voided,     betw.   four    fpread 

eagles  or. — Creft,  a  griffin  fejant. 
ABDEN,  Ar.  three  fleurs-de-lis  fa. 
ABDY,    Sir  John,    Bart.   [Stapleford-Abbot  in  Effcx]   Or,  a 

che/.    bctw.   three   trefoils  flipped  fa. 
ABDEY,     or   Abdv,     [London]      Or,    two   chev.     betw. 

three  trefoils    flipped     fa.— Creft,    an    eagle's   head    erafed 

prop,  beaked  or. 
Abdy,  Sir  Thomas,  Bart.    [Fclix-H.ill,  Efibx]     The  fame. 
Abily,  Sir  Rob.  Knt.  and  Bart.  [Albin's,  Eflex]   The  fame. 
ABELYNE,    Ar.  in  chief,    three  chefs-rooks  fa. 
Abchnc,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  fa.  four  eagles  difplayed  of  the  field. 
ABELYN,  or  Abvteyne,  Ar.  three  chefs-rooks,   fa. 
ABKLL,     [Kent    and    London]     Ar.    a     faltier    engr.    az. 

another  gu. 
AbtU,   Ar.  a  faltier  engr.  az.  betw.  twelve  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
Abclli  Ar.  a  crofs  engr.  az. 
M,<ll    [EfTex]      Ar.   a   felFc   purp.    b;tw.    three  boars-heads 

A     B     S 

couped  gu. — Creft,     an    arm   embowed    in  armour  proper, 

holding  in   the  hand  proper  a  fword  ar.  hilt  or,  enflled  on 

the  arm  with  a  wreath  ar.    and  gu. 
ABERDWELL,    or  Abredrobell,    Gu.  a  fefl"e  bctw.    fix 

annulets  ar. 
ABERTON,      Ar.     a     chev.      betw.      three     bears-heads 

erafed  fa. 
Aberton,or  Aburton,  Or,  on  a  fefTe  gu.    betw.  three  mullets  fa. 

a  crofs  croflet  fitchee  of  the  firft. 
Aberton,    or    Aburton,     Or,     on     a     fcfl^e    gu.     betw.     three 

mullets  pierced   fa.   as  many   crofs  croflets  fitchee  ar. 
ABING TON,   [Dorfet]    Ar.    on  a  bend    cotifed   fa.   three 

eagles  difpl.  ar.  in  the  finifter  corner  an  cfcallop-ftiell  fa. 
Ablngton,   or  Abingdon,  [Dowdefwell,  Gloucefterfliire]  Ar.  on 

a  bend  gu.   three  eaglets    difpl.  or;    an  annulet  of  the    fe- 

cond. — Creft,  a  hand   and  arm  couped  at   the  ftioulder,   in 

armour,    garnifhcd  or ;    embowed   felFcway,  holding    in  the 

hand  an  ancient  mace  headed  or,  handled  fa.  and  ftudded  or  ; 

girt  round  the  arm  near   the  fhoulder   with  a   fafti  tied   in  a 

bow  ar.  fringed  or. — Granted  1595. 
ABLAND,  Ar.  on  a  bend  in.   three  pheonsof  the  field. 
ABLEHALL,  [Gloucefter]  Gu.  a  fefleor. 
AbUhall,  [Gloucefter]  Or,  a  fefle  gu. 
ABNEY,      Sir    Edward,     Knight,    [Wilcfly,    Dcrbyftiire] 

Ar.  on  a  crofs  fa.  five   bezants. 
Abnc-y, [he'iceder  and  Derby]  Or,  on  a  chief  gu.  a  lion  pafTmtar. 
ABNET,    [StafFordfliire]     Gu.    an  eagle   difpl.  betw.  thres 

pheons  ar. 
ABKAHALL,    [Herefordfliirc]     Az.    three    hedgehogs    (or 

porcupines)  or. 
ABRAHAM,  Az.  a  fun  or.— Creft,  a  fun  or. 
ABREY,  Bendy  of  fix,  erm.  and  gu. 
Ab'-ey,  Bendy  of  fix,  gu.  and  erm. 
ABRELL,  Az.  three  boars  paflant  or. 
ABRISCOURT,  [Oxfordfti.]   Erm.  three  bars  humets  or. 
Abrijlcurt,  [Oxfordihirc]  Erm.  three  bars  humets  gu. 
Abrijiofirt,  or  Abu/court,  Vert,    three  bars  humets  gu. 
ABROOKE,    Or,    a   crofs   engr.    per  pale   gu.    and  fa.  a 

chief  erm. —  Creft,  a  wolf's  head  erafed  fa. 
ABSALL,  Ar.  a  crofs  fi. 

3  A  ABTOSr, 

A     B     T 

ABTOST,  Per  palegu.  and  vert,  two  lions  paflant  garJant  or. 
ABTOT,  Parted  per  pale  or  and  gu.  three  roundlets  counter- 
changed   of  the  field. — Creft,  a  bear  couchant  ar.    collared, 
muzzled,  and  langued  or. 
ABYS,  [Derbyftiire]     Gu.  a  feire  lozengy,  betw.  three  efcal- 

]op-{hells  ar. 
ACHARD,   [Berkfhire]   Or,  a  bend  engr.  fa. 
Jchard,  [Berkfhire]   Gyronny  of  fix,  ar.  and  gu.  a  label  of  five 

points  az. 
Achard,    Barry  wavy    of    fix,   ar.    and    gu.    a  label  of  five 

points  az. 
ACHAM,     [Plenyth    in    Cornwall]     Ar.  a  maunch    betw. 
ninecinquefoils,  three,  three,  and  three,  gu. — Creft,  a  lion 
fejant  or,  collared  and  lined  fa. 
ACHAS,   [Leiceflerfhire]   Sa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
ACHE,  or  AcHEY,  [Devonfliire]   Sa.  two  demi-lions  paffant 

gardant  or,  another  gu. 
ACHEFIELD,    Per   chev.    ar.    and  fa.    three  leopards   faces 

Jcheficld,    Per  chev.   ar.    and   fa.     in    chief,  a  label    of  three 

points  gu.   in  bafe,  as  many  leopards  faces  or. 
ACHELEY,  [London  and  Salop]  Gu.  on  a  fefTe  engr.  ar.  three 
crofTcs  formee  fitchee  fa.  betw.  as  many  grifSns  heads  erafedor. 
Achele%  Gu.    on   a    felTe  engr.    betw.     three   leopards    heads 

erafed  or,  as  many  crofs  croflets  fitchee  fa. 
Achelcy^  Per  pale,  gu.  and  or,  a  fleur-de-lis    counterchanged  of 

the  fame. 
ACHENEY,     Ar.    five  lozenges    in    faltler,  betw.   four   lo- 
zenges gu. 
ACHERTON,    Gu.  three  falcons  clofe  ar.  belled  or. 
ACKELAM,  or  Acklam,  or  Acklome,   [Moreby,  in  York- 
fhire]    Gu.  a  maunch  ar.  within  an  orle   of   cinquefoils    of 
the   fecond  ;    another   or. 
ACKET,  or  Aket,  [Ireland]  Az.  three  hake  fi/Iies  haurient 

ar.  two  and  one. 
ACKHURST,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  acorns  or. — Cretl,  a 
demi-lionar.  holding  in  his  dexter  paw  an  acorn  flipped  vert, 
frucled  or. 
ACKLAND,     Sir  Hugh,    Baronet,  •  [Columb  John   in  De- 
vonfhire]    Cheeky  ar.   and  fa.  a  fefTe  gu. — Crefl,  a   finifler 
arm  in  fefTe,  habited  az.  having  on  a  glove  ar.  thereon  a  hawk 
perched  ar.  beaked  and  belled  or. 
ACKLEWARD,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  garbs  or. 
ACKLOW,  Quarteily  indented  ar.  and  az. 
ACKWORTH,  [Suffolk]    Ar.   a  griffin  fegreant    (another 

falient)  per  felTe  az.  and  purp.  armed  or. 
ACLE,   [Devonfliire]  Gu.  two  lions  pafTant  regardant  or. 
ACLEY,  or  Ackles,  Or,  three  pales  az. 
ACOT TS,  Sir  John,  Or,  on  a  crofs  pierced  az.  befantec. 
Acotts,    Or,  on  a  crofs  pierced  az.  four  cinquefoils  of  the  field. 
Acotii.,  or   Acoth.,    A   crofs    quarter   pierced  az.    and    or,  the 

firlr  charged  with  five  bezants. 
ACRE,  Gu.  a  fefTe  fufuly  betw.    three  efcallop-fhells  ar. 
Acre,  [Weftmorland]  Gu.  three  cfc.illops  within  an  orle  of  ferny 

trefoils  flipped  ar. 
Acre,  Gu.  three  lozenges  or,  in  chief,  as  many  efcallop-fhells  ar. 
ACRE,   or  AcRis,  [Weftmorland]   Az.  on  a  crofs  or,    (an- 
other ar.)    four  efcallop-fhells  gu. 
Acre,  [Weftmorland]   Gu.  three  fufils  in  fefTe  or,  and  in  chief, 

as  many  efcallop-fhells  ar. 
ACRES,  [Northumberl.]Ar.  a  fefTe  betw.  fi::  flcurs-dj-Iis  fa. 
Acres,    Gu.  three  trefoils   flipped   in   feflTe  or,  betw.  as  many 

efcallop-fhells  ar. 

ACTON,  Sir  William,  Baronet,  [Aldenham,  in  Shropfliii-e] 

Gu.  twolions  palTant  ar.  betw.  nine  crofs  croflels  or. — Creft, 

on  a  wreath,  a  wreath  ar.  and  gu.  therein  a  leg  coupej  at  the 

thigh  in  armour  proper. 

A£lon,  [Aflon,  in  EITex]  Vert,  a  chev.  betw.  three  etoiles  ar. 

Aston,  Gu.  a  fefl"e  and  bordure  engr.  erm.   on  a  canton  or,    a 

tree  eradicated  of  the  field. 
Aclm,    [Worcefterfhire]     Gu.    a  fefTe  erm.  within  a  bordure 
engr.  of  the  fecoad. — Crelc,  an  arm  in  armour,  embowed  pro- 


per,  holding  in  his  hand  a  fword  ar.   hilt  or;  thereon  a  boar*! 

head  coiiped  fa.  the  neck  itTuing  blood. 
A^on,  [Warv/ickfhireJ   Gu.   a   fefTe,   within   a   bordure   erm. 
A£lon,  Gu.  a  bordure  engr.  erm. 
Aden,  [London]  Quarterly,  per  feffo  indented  ar.  and    gu.   in 

the  firft  quarter  a  Cornifn  chough  fa. 
AStan,  Qiiarterly,  per  fefTe  indented  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  bend  az. 

three  crofTes  former  fitchee  or. 
A£ion,  Quarterly,  per  fefle  indented  ar.  and  az. 
Alton,  Gu.  a  crofs  fa.  within  a  bordure  engr.  erm. 
ASlon,   [Chcfhire]   Ar.  a 
Adon,  Or,  three  bars  vaire. 
Ailon,  [Adion,  in  Worcefterfnirc]    Ar.  a  chev.    bctvv.    three 

cinquefoils  gu. 
Alton,  Gyronny  of  eight,  ar.  and  gu. 
ACloii,  The  fame,  adding  on  the  fecond  quarter  a  crofs  patte  ar. 

charged  with  five  efcallop-fnells  gu. 
AC  WELL,  Paly  of  fix,  ar.  and  az.  on   a  chief  gu.  a  leopard 

pafTant  or. 
ADAM,  Or,  on  a  crofs  gu.  a  mullet  of  the  field. 
Adam,  [Lincolnfhire]   Ar.  a  crofs  gu. 
Adam,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  gu.  a  mullet  or. 
Adam,  Sa.   two  bars  ar.   in  chief  three  plates. 
ADAMS,  [London]  Sa.  a  martlet  ar. 
Adatm,  [Salop]   Erm.  three  cats  a  mountain,  in  pale   az.  tail 

coward. — Creft,  a  greyhound's  head  erafed  erm. 
Adams,  [London]    Erm.  three   cats  a  mountain  in  pale  az. — 

Creft,  a  boar's  head  ar.  couped  gu. 
Adams,    Erm.  three  cats  a  mountain  in  pale  proper. — Creft,  a 

greyhound's  head  erafed  erm. 
Adams,    Vert,  on  a  crofs  or,  a  mullet  of  fix  points  ^u. — Creft 

a  raven  fa. 
Adams,    Vert,  a  crofs  or. — Creft,  a   gv!fiin"s  head,  win<Ts   in- 

dorfed  vert,  charged  on  the  breaft  with  a  crofs  or. 
Adams,    [Middlcfex]      Ar.    on    a    bend    az.     three     trefoils 

flipped  or. 
Adams,  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  a  chev.  betw.   three  o-ad-bees   all 

Adams,  [London]     Ar.  on  a  crofs  gu.  five  mullets  or. Creft 

a  lion  fegreant  or. 
Adams,  [Middle  Temple]  Sa.  on  a'ocnd  or,  betw.  two  bczanj:, 

three  martlets  of  the  field. 
Adorns,  [Lincolnfhire]    Vert,  a  pale    ar.    betw.    two   gri-fjins 

fegreant  or. — Creft,  a    grIiKn's    head  betw.   two  v/in-'s  tu. 

beaked  az.  on  each  wing  three  bezants. 
Adams,  [Cambridge]  The  fame. — Creft,  a  griiTin's  head  eu. 

betw.  two  wings  or. 
Adams,    Sa.  a  martlet  ar. 
Adams,  ["vliddlcfex]  Ar.  a  fefTe  betw.  four  martlets  -ru.    three 

and  one. 
Adams,    Sa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
Adams,     [St.  Ives]     Ar.    on     a     chev.     fa.     three     muIiets 

pierced  or. 
Adams,    [Wales]     Az.  a    crefcent    betw.   three  mullets  or. 
Adams,    Barry  of  fix,  ar.  and  gu.  over  all  a  lion  rampant  or. 
Adams,    Or,  a  lion  rampant  betw.  ten  crofs  croflets  fa. 
Adams,    [Cheaton,    in    Salop]     Enn.    a     chevron   vnirc    or 

andaz.  betw.  three  rofes  gu.  fecdcd  of  the  fecond.— Creft,  a 

gii.Tin's  head  erafed   erm.  beaked  gu.  charged  with    a   chev. 

vaire  or  and  az. 
ADAMSO?>r,  [Weftmorland]  Vert,  on  a  crofs  or,  an  etoile 

'"• — Creft,  a  talbot   paflaiit  az.  collared  or,  and  bezanty. 
ADAN,  Vert,  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  pheons  of  the  field. 
ADDERBURY,   [Sufi"ex]   Or,  a  fcfii  embattled  fa. 
ADDERLEY,  [StafTordfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  vert,   three  maf- 

cles  of  the  firft. 
Adderhy,  [Weddington,  in  Warwickfhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az. 
three  mafcles  of  the  field.— Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu.   turned 

up  erm.  a  ftork  ar. 
Addcrley,  [Staftordfhirc]   Ar.  on  a  bend  <n\.  three  cro.Tes  formee 
of  the  field,  betw.  tvro  lions  beads  erafed  fa. 


A     D     E 

ADERLEY,  [Blackhail,  in  Stafrordihire]  Ar.  on  a  benJ  ar. 

three  mafijlcs  of  the  fitlj,  each  charged  with  a  phron  gu. — 

Creft,  a  leopard's  head  coupedor,  pierced  thiou'^h  his  mouth 

with  a  (u'ord-bladc  broken  ar. 
AderL'y,  [Staftordlliirc]     Ar.   on  a   chev.    fa.  three   mullets   of 

the  Held. 
ADCANE,  Ar.  achcv.  bctw.  three  griffins  heads  erafed  fa. 
ADDOTT,-  Per  chev.  gu.  and  ar. 
AUDOTTS,    Parted  per  chev.  gu.  and  ar.  two   fquirrels  in 

chief  fejant   cracking   nuts,  and  three  piles  in  bafe  vert. 
ADDRKSrON,  or  Aderston,    kt.  three  martlets  within  a 

bordure  cngr.  ar.  two  and  one. 
AUELEIGH,  Gu.  fretty  or. 
Adilagh,  Gu.  fretty  or,  within  a  bordure  ar. 
ADERTOM,  [LancalhireJ  Sa.  three  fword-chapcs  or. 
Aderton,  [Lanc.ilhirc]   A.-,  two  bends  withi.n  a  bordure  fa. 
Adirton,  or  Adyrton,  [Lancafhircj  Gu.  three  hawks,  or  falcons, 

ar.  jelled  and  belled  or,  two  and  one. 
ADY,  or  Adey,    [Kent,    London,  and  Hcrefordfliirc]    Gu. 

on  a  bend  ar.  three  leopards  iaces  vert,  langued  of  the  field. 
Ady,  or  Adry,  Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.    three  leopards  laces  fa. 
Ady,  [Dodington,  in  Kent,  and  of  the  borough  of  6outhwark] 

Az.   a  felTc  dauncctte  bctw.  three  cherubims  o:,  faces  ar. — 

Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  ft.!g  lodged  ar.  ait.ieJ  or,  ducally 

crowned  or.     Gr.  1615. 
ADYER,  [Durham,  in   Kent]  Ar.  a  chev.  daancctte   bctw. 

three  cherubims  gu. 
ADING  1  ON,  Ar.  a  fclFc  bctw.  three  efcallops  fa. 
Adington,  [London]  Per  pale  ermine    and   ermines,    a   chev. 

counts  rchangcd. 
Addington,  [Devon]     Per   pale   ermine    and  ermines,  a  chev. 

betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis,  four  lozenges,  all  counterchanged. 

Crefl,  a  leopard  fejant  gardant  ar.  pellettc  fa. 
ADLER,  [Haverftokc,  in   Elllx]    Sa.  two   bends  erm.  on  a 

canton  ar.  a  lion  rampant   fa. — Crcft,  a   demi-eagle  with 

wings  difpl.  fa.  charged  on  the  brtaft  with  an  etoile  or. 
ADIS,  Ar.  a  chev.  huinetty,  iKtw.  three  crolfes  forme-e  gu. 
ADLEY,   [Somerfetfhire]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  crois  crof- 

lets  U. 
ADLYN,  [London,    1590.]  Gu.  nine  martlets,  three,  three, 

two  and  one,  or. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  martlet  or. 
ADLING TON,  ba.  a  chev.   betw.   three  goats  heads  ar.  at- 
tired or.    (Another,  antelopes  heads.) 
ADMEROLD,  [Of  the  Round  Table]     Ar.  three  barulets, 

and  ill  chief  a  lion  paflant  gu. 
ADOKEb,  [LancafhireJ  Ar.  a  crofs  fa.   in  the  firfl  quarter  a 

fleur-de-lis  g-.i. 

ADRY  A.N,  Barry  ncbulc  ar.  and  f.i.  a  chief  cheeky  or  and  az. 
ADRYPAYN,  [Lincolnfliire]  Gu.  a  fefle  humet  ar.  in  chief 

three  gri.'nns  heads  erafed  or. 
ADSTON,  Ar.  a  bend  indented  fa. 
AFFORDBiE,  [Afordby,  in  Lincoliifhire]  Ar.  a  faltierengr. 

fa. — Creft,  a  horfc's  head  erafed  fa.  bridled  or. 
AGAYLE,  or  Avale,  Or,  three  pales  fa. 
AGAS,  [Wymondham,  in  Norfolk]  Az.  a  fcflc  cotifcd   erm. 

in  chief  three  ftags  heads  caboffeJ. 
AGARD,  [Lancafhire]    Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three   boars  heads 

erafed  (another  couped)  fa.   langued   gu.  armed  or. — Creft, 

a  bugle  horn    ar.    garniihcd  or,    flinged  fa. 
Agard,  [Lancafhire]    Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  boars  heads 

couped  fa. — Crcft,    an   ibex    head  or,   charged  with   hurts, 

inained,  tufted,  horned,  and  collared,  az. 
Agard,  [Lancafliire]   Ar.  achev. engr.  gu.  &c. 

AGILLON,  or  Aoii-LUN',  and.AciLMO,   Gu.  a  fleur-de-lis  ar. 
AGLIONBY,   [Cumberland]    A*,  (another  ar.)  two  bars  fa. 

in  chief  three  martlets  of  the  fecond. — Creft,    a  demi-eatrle 

difpl.  or. 
AGMONDESHAM,  [Horfi.7,  in  Surrey]    Ar.  on    a  chev. 

A     Y     L 

az.  bctw.     tdrc:  boars   heads  couped  fa.  langued  or,    fu'C 
cinquefoils  of  the  laft. — Creft,  a  ft^g  or. 

AG.VIONDISHAM,  [aurry]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  bctw.  three 
boars  heads  couped  fa.  five  cinquefoils  of  the  fiel  I. 

Agmondifniim,  [Suny]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  az.  bctw.  three  boar& 
heads  couped  fa.  armed  or,  fivccinqucfoiK  of  the  laft. 

AGOLLON,  orAouLLUN,  [Yorklhire]  Gu.  on  a  canton  ar. 
a  crofs  flory  fa. 

AGtJ.M,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  martlets  fa. 

AGRAS,  Ar.  a  hind  trippant  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecop'l, 
three  lozenges  of  thf^firft. 

AGREVELL,  [of  Cheficy]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  rcgr.r- 
dant  ar. 

AGRICOr-L,  Erm.  a  canton  gu. 

AGRUAFJ-,  Gu.  crufuly  or,  a  lion  rampant  gardant  of 
the  fecond. 

AGUILLIA.VIS,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  ermines,  armed  fa.  col- 
lared or. 

AYALA,  Ar.  two  wolves  paflant  fa.  within  a  bordure  gu. 
rcplcnilhed  with  eight  pair  of  lions  gambs  in  faltieror. 

AYtR,  or  Ayrf,  [NottinghamfhircJ  Gu.  three  doves  clofe 
ar.  beaked  and  memhercd  or. 

A):r,  Gu.  three  covered  cups  ar. 

AlELER,  or  AvLEs,  Az.  a  cinqucfoil  erm.  pierced  ar.  witliin 
a  bordure  engr.  or. 

AIGHTON,  [Lancafliire]  Sa.  three  garbs  or.— Creft,  a  fnake 
coiled  up  proper. 

AIGLES,  [Northumberland]  Sa.  three  lions  rampant  ar.  two 
and  one. 

Aigles,  Sa.  three  lions  paflant  gardant  ar.   two  and  one. 

Aiglcs,  [Northamptonfliire]  Sa.  three  lions  rampant  gardant 
ar.  two  and  one. 

AILARD,  Ar.  two  bars  betw.  nine  martlets  vert. 

A; Li',  or  AvLES,  Cheeky,  or  and  gu.  a  bend  ar. 

AYLEiMER,  orAvLENER,  or  AvLMEn,  [Baron  A)Imcrin 
Ireland]  Ar.  a  crofs  fa.  betw.  four  fea  aylets  of  the  fecond. 
— Crcft,  a  fea  aylet  with  wings  difpl.  fa.  in  a  ducal  coronet 
or.  Supporters,  two  mariners,  the  dexter  holding  a  fcreftaft", 
the  finiftcr,    a  lead-line,  all  proper.     Motto  Stt-ady. 

Aylemcr,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  engr.  fa.  five  bezants  betw.  four  fea  ay- 
lets,  within  a  bordure  gobonated  az.  and  purp. 

Aykiner,  Ar.  a  crofs  betw.  four  eaglets  clofc  wu. 

AYLESBURY,  or  Alesbusy,  [Warwickfl-.ireJ  Az.  a 
crofs  ar. 

AYLESFORD,  Gu.  a  fret  cngr.  erm. 

AYLETT,  [Braintree,  in  ElTex]  Az.  a  fefle  embattled,  betw. 
three  unicorns  heads  erafed  ar.  crined  and  armed  or. — Creft, 
ademi-unicorn  regardant  ar.   aimed  and  crined  or. 

AlrLEWAY,  [Taunton,  in  Gloucefterfhire]  Az.  a  lion  ram- 
pant or,  betw.  three  crofs  crollcts  fitchee  ar. 

AYLFORD,  Gu.  fretty  erm. 

A-jljord^  Gu.  fretty  or. 

AYLIFFE,  [London,  and  BrinkfAorth  in  \'.''iltfliirc]  Ar.  on 
a  chev.  engr.  fa.  betw.  three  ftars  gu.  ftreaming  on  the  dexter 
fide  downwards  in  bend  or,  as  many  bucks  faces  of  the  field, 
Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  an  oak-tree  proper, 
frucled  or. 

AyliJJ'e,  Quarterly,  gu.  and  fa. 

AYL.MAN.     See  ALALAN. 

AYLMER,  [ElFex,  1607]  Ar.  a  crofs  bctw.  four  fea  aylets  Hi. 
beaked  and  legged  gu. — Crcft,  on  a  marquis's  coronet  or,  an 
aylct's  head  erifcd  fa.  beaked  gu.  betw.  two  ea"ies  win<^s  ex- 
panded or. 

Aylmcr,  Ar.  a  fefle  betw.  three  afles  paflant  f^u. 

Aylmcr,  [London]  Or,  on  a  crofs  engr.  bctw.  four  martkts  fa, 
five  bezants  within  a  bordure  gobonated  purp.  and  ar. 

AYLOFFE,  Sir  William,  Baronet,  [Braxtcd  Ma;m,  in 
Eliex,  and  Framficid,  in  SuiTexJ  Sa.  a  lion  rampant,  collared 
gu.  betw.  three  crolics  formee  or.— Creft,  a  dcmi-lion  or, 
collared  fju. 

Ayhjc,  [Suffolk]     The  {^r^.z. 


A     Y     L 

Jtykffe,  Sa.  a  lion  rampant   garJant   or,  collared  gu.    charged 

with  three  croffes  or. 
Ayloffe,  [Kent  and  Wiltftiirc]     Quarterly,  gu.   and  fa.  a   lion 

rampant  betw.   three   crpfies  formce  fitchee  or,  collared   az. 

within  a  bordure  pellotee. 
AYLOFT,  Ar.  a  fefle  betw.  three  hens  fa. 
AYLWARD,    [Suffolk]    Ar.  on  a  falticr  az.   betw.  four  grif- 
fins heads  erafed  gu.  a  leopard's  face,   and  four  lozenges  or. 
Aylwarch,  or  Alvuarde,  [Suffolk]    Ar.   a  faltier  az.  betw.  four 

griffins  heads  erafed  gu. 
AYLWORTH,   [Kent  and  Glouccfter]    Ar.    a    feffe    engr. 

betw.  fix    billets  gu. — Creft,      an  arm    habited   fa.    iffuing 

out  of  rays  or,  in  the  hand   proper,   a  human  fkull  ar. 
Jylworth,  Ar.  on  a    felTe   engr.  gu.   a  crefcent  of  the    firft, 

betw.  fix  billets  of  the  fecond. 
Aylworth,  [Somerfetlhire]    Ar.  on  a  fefTe  engr.    cotifed,    betw. 

fix  billets  gu.  three  infants  heads  couped  at  the  flioulders  ar. 

crined  or. — Creit,  the  fame  as  Aylworth   of  Kent. 
Aylvjorth,  Ar.  achev.  engr.  betw.  fix  billets  gu. 
Aylworth,  [Effex]    Az.  a  fleur-de-lis  or,  betw.  three  bez.ints. 
Aylworth,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  garbs  or. 
AYLEWORTH,  Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  birds  gu.  on  a  chief 

or,  three  rein-deers  heads  cabofTed  fa. 
AYNCOTES,   Ar.  three  covered  cups  az.  on  a  chief  gu.   a 

tower  or,  betw.  two  lions  pafTant  of  the  field. 
AYNCOTTS,  Ar.  three  covered  cups  az.   a  chief  gu. 
AYNCOURT,   Ar.  a  fefTe  dauncette  betw.  ten  billets  fa.  in 

chief  a  label  of  three  points  gu. 
Ayncourt,  Az.  blllettee  a  fefle  dauncette  or. 
AYNFORD,  or  Aylford,  Gu.  a  fret  engr.  erm. 
AYNSCOMBE,   [Mayficld  in  SufTex,  and  Cowden  In  Kent] 

Ar.   a  chev.   betw.    three  fleurs-de-lis  fa. — Creft,     an  arm 

couped  at  the  clbov/,  and  ereil   proper,  holding  in  the  hand 

a  fleur-de-lis  fa. 
AYNESWORTH,    [Lancafhire]    Gu.  three  battle-axes  ar. 
Aynefwortb,  Az.  three  fpades  ar.  another  within  a  bordure  or. 
AYNSWORTH,    Sa.    on   a  bend  ar.     three    crefcents   of 

the  field. 
AYOT,  Vert,  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  pheons  fa. 
AYPE,  Erm.  a  bend  gu. 
AYRE,  [Wotton,  in  Devonfhire]  Gu.  on    a  bend  betw.  fix 

crolTes  formee  fitchee  ar.  three  mullets  fa, 
Ayre,  [Ifie  of  Ely]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  quatrefoils  or. 
Ayre,  Ar.  a  bend  az.  betw.  two  mullets  gu. 
AYSON,  [EfTex  and   London]  Ar.  a  mullet  fa.   in  thedexter 

point  a  fleur-de-lis  gu. — Crefl,  out  of  a  mural    crown  ar.  a 

grifiin's  head  gu.  ducally  gorged  or. 
AYSCUE,  [Lincolnfiiire]  Ar.  three  alTes  heads  couped  fa. 
AYSHE.    See  ACHE,  or  ECHE. 
AISELBIE,  or  AiSLAEiE,  [Yorkfliire]     Gu.  three   lozenges 

conjoined  in    fefle   ar.  betw.   three    lions    he.ids   erafed    or. 

Creft,  a  lion's   head  erafed  gu.  gorged   with   three   lozenges 

conjoined  in  feffe  ar. 
AISHWORTH,  [Oxfordlhire]  Gu.  a  crofs    engr.  or,  betw. 

four  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
AYSINGCOURT,  Ar.  an  eagle  difpl.  with  two  necks  gu. 
AYSHCOMBE,  Sir  Oliver,  Baronet,  [Liford,  in  Berkfliire] 

Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  armed  and   langued  az.   tall  forked, 

a  chief  of  the  third. 
AYTON,  Barry  of  fix  or  and  az.  on  a  canton  gu.  a  crofs 

patce  ar. 
AITO,  or  AuiTo,  [Dcvonfhire]  Or,  three  Moors  heads  fide- 
faced  fa.  two  and  one,  wreathed  about  the   temples  ar.  and 

pearls  in   their  ears. — Creft,  out  of  a  cloud  an   arm  proper, 

holdino-  a  fword  ered  ar.  hilt  or,  on  the  blade  a  Moor's  head 

as  in  the  arms. 
AKELAND,    [Devonfhire]  Cheeky,  ar.  and  fa.  a  fefTe  gu. 
Akehmd,  [Devonfhire]   Barry  of  eight,  ar.  and  fa.  a  pale  coun- 

terchanged  of  the  fame,  and  a  fefTe  gu. 

A     L     C 

Akelaml,  [Devonfliire]  Ar.  a  pale  fa.  over  all  a  fefTe  gu.  cotircJ 

of  the  fecond,  voided  of  the  firft. 
Akcland,  or  Akeloute,  [Glouccfter]     Ar.  on   a  bend  cotifed  gu, 

three  mullets  or. 
AKELITZ,  Gu.  three  halberts  or. 
AKENTHORP,  [Akenthorp,   in  Derbyfliire]   Vert,  a  chev. 

betw.  three  efcallops  or. 
AKERIS,  or  Akyrij,    Ar.  on   a  bend  fa.  three  acorns   or, 

hufked  vert. 
AKET,  [Derbyfliire]  Ar.  two  bends  gu. 
ALAIN,   Quarterly,  gu.  and  az.  a  lion  rampant  ar. 
Alain,  [EfTex]  Sa.  a  crofs  potenceor. 
ALAN,  Sa.  a  crofs  crofletor. 
ALLAN,  [Hertfordftiire]  Sa.  a  crofs  potent  or. 
ALANBY,  Ar.  a  chev.  engr.  within  a  bordure  az. 
ALLAUNSON,  [Durham]    Ar,  a  fefle  az.  betw.    two  boars 

heads  fa.  couped  gu. — Creft,  a  pheon  ar.  in  it  a  broken  ftalT 

or,  handle  or. 
ALBAM,  [Cornwall]  Erm.  on  a  crofs  gu.  five  bezants. 
ALBA?-jGE,  Gu.  a  wolf  falientor. 
ALBANY,    [London,  Salop,    and  Bedfordfiitre]     Ar.  on  a 

fefTe    betw.  three  cinquefoils    gu.  a  greyhound   pafTant   ar. 

Another  current  or. — Creft,  out  of  a   ducal   coronet  gu.  a 

demi-do!phin  rifing  or.     (Another,  a  dolphin  haurient  or.) 
ALBANE,  Erm. 

[This  coat  belonged  to  Albane,  carl  of  Brittain,,  unto  whom 
William  the  Conqueror  gave  the  earldcm  of  Richmond,  and 
the  honour  of  IVIiddlefham] 

ALBEMARLE,  Gu.  a  crofs  potence  vaire. 
Albemarle,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  heads  erafed  gu. 
ALBERBURY,  or  Abereury,  Or,  a  fefle  embattled  fa. 
ALBERY,   [Wickingham,  in  Berkfhire,    1590]    Gu.  a  crofs 

engr.  betw.   four  ffock-doves  az. — Creft,  a  ftock-dove  az. 

holding    in    his   beak    a   branch    of    leaves  and  ftalk   vert, 

ALBEROUGH,    or    AtBORouGH,    Gu.     (another   fa.)     a 

fefle   betw.  three  crofs  croflets  ar.     (Another,  plain  crofTes.) 
Alborough,  [Somcrfetfliire]  Sa.  two  fwords    in   faltier  ar.  hilts 

and  pomels  or,  betw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  or,  a   bordure  erm. — 

Creft,  a  fox  ar.  collared  and  lined  or. 
ALBERTON,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bulls  heads  erafed  fa. 
Alhcrton,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bears  heads  erafed  fa.   langued 

gu.  muzzled  or. 
Alberlon,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  betw.  three  ogrefTcs  within  a  bordure 

engr.  of  the  fecond. 
ALBERT,  Az.  a  griffin  fegreant  or. 
ALBERTUS,  Gu.  the  hull   of  a  fhip,  having  only  a  main- 

maft,  and  a  top,  without  any  tackling,    or. 
ALLESLEY,  [Warwickfhire]   Vert,  three  chev.  in  bafe  inter- 
laced or,  a  chief  ar. 
ALBYN,  Or,  on  a  crofs  fa.  five  eaglets  difpl.  ar. 
ALBYNETTO,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or. 
ALBLASTER,  the  fame  as  ARBLASTER. 
ALBOROUGH,  Gu.  a  fefi'e  betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  ar. 
Alborough,  Az.    a  fefTe  betv/.  three  crofs  croflets  ar. 
Alborough,  or  Albrough,    Ar.   a   fefl^e  betw.    three  crofs  croflets 

fitchee  az. 
ALDBOROUGFI,  or  Aldeburghe,  [Aldborough,  in  York- 
fliire]   Az.  a  fefTe  ar.    betw.    three   crofs  croflets  or. — Creft, 

an  ibex  pafTant  or. 
Aldborough,   Gu.  a  chev.  engr.  betw.  three  cfcallop-fliells  gu. 
ALBON,   Vert,  on  a  bend  ar.  three  crofTes  formee  fitchee  az. 
Al^BONE,  Gu.  a  lion  unarmed,  in  anefcutcheonofconqueft  ar. 
ALCHORN,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  buck's  head  cabofled  fa.  and  chief 

indented  of  the  fecond. — Creft,    a  human  heart  gu.    ducally 

crowned  or,  betw.  a  pair  of  wings  ar. 
ALCOCK,    [Kent]  Ar.  on  a  felTe  gu.  betw.   three  fcythes,  as 

many  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet   az.    a 

demi-fwan  erm.    wings  expanded  and  ducaliy  crowned  or. 
Alccck,  Per  pale,  or  and  az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles  difpl.  all 

countcrchanged,  on  a  chief  gu.   three  lozenges  erm. 


A     L      C 

Aktck,  [Silvcrtoft,  in  Northamptonfliirc-]  Gu.  a  fcfle  bcfw. 
three  cocks  heads  erafed  ar.  barbed  and  crefted  or. — Creft,  a 
cockcrm.  beaked,  mcmbcred,  crcfted,  and  wattled,  or. 

Alcockt  Ar.  a  feffe  gu.   betw.  three  fcythes  fa. 

Alcock,  Ar.  on  a  tVfil-  gu.  three  fleurs-de-lis,  betw.  as  many 
fcythcs  proper. 

Alcock,  Ar.  on  a  chcv.  fa.  betw.  three  cocks  heads  crafcd  fa. 
the  two  in  chief  looking  at  each  other,  betw.  the  two  heads 
in  chief,  the  letters  A  L  az.  an  cfcaliop  (hell  or. 

ALDAM,  [Sulfcx  and  Kent]  Az.  a  pile  waved,  ilFuing  out  of 
the  di.-xter  corner  of  the  efcutcheon  bcndwaysor. 

Aldain,  At.  one  ray  of  the  fun,  illuing  out  of  the  dexter  corner 
of  the  efcutcheon   btndways  or. 

Aidant,  nr  Alchn,  Gu.  three  crefcents  erm.  two  and  one.  Ano- 
ther, the  fame,  within  a  bordure  cngr.  ar. 

ALDE,    [Kent]   lirm.  on  a  chief  fa.  two  griffins  combatant  ar. 

Aide,  Ar.  on  a  pale  fa.  betw.  two  ogrefTes,  a  demi-lion  ram- 
pant or. 

ALDEN,  [Hartforo'fhirc,  and  of  theTemple,  London]  Gu.  a 
bezant  betw.  three  crefcents,  within  a  bordure  engr.  erm. — 
Creft,  out  of  ducal  coronet  per  pale,  gu.  and  fa.  a  demi  lion 
or. — Granted  1607. 

ALDERBY,    The  fame  as  ALBEREURY  before. 

ALDEREORD,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  a  faltier  az.— Creft,  a  rat 

Alder  ford.  Or,  a  fakier  az. 

Alderford,  [Warwickftiire]  Ar.  on  a  filticr  az.  betw.  four 
griffins  heads  erafed  ermines,  a  leopard's  f-ie  and  four  lo- 
zenges or. 

Alderford,  [W'arwickfnire  and  VVorccftcrfliirc]  Ar.  on  a  fal- 
tier, az.  a  tiger's  head  erafed  or. 

ALDER,  Gu.  three  crefcents  erm.  andaborJure  engr.  ar. 

ALDERNE,  [Suffolk]  Gu.  three  crofs  croflets  or,  a  cliicf  of 
the  fccond. 

ALDERSEY,  [Lonaon  and  Kent]  Gu.  on  a  bend  c:igr.  ar. 
betw.  two  cmqucfoils  of  the  fccond,  three  leopards  faces  vert. 
— Creft,  on  a  plume  of  feathers  ar.  a  demi-griffin  gu. 

Alderjey,  CJu.  on  a  bend  engr.  ar.  betw.  two  cinquefoils  or, 
three  leopards  faces  r.z. 

Alderfey,  fCheftiirc]  Gu.  on  a  bend  betw.  two  cinquefoils  or, 
three  leopards  taces  az. 

ALDEVVI  \CKLE,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  formeegu.   a  mullet  or. 

Aldeiu'it'.dU,  Ar.   a  crofs  form ee   gu. — Confirmed  1584. 

Ald;xv:n:ktf,  Gu.  four  lozenges  ar.   one,    two,  and  one. 

ALDEWINKELL,  Qiiarterly;  firft,ermine,  on  a  crofs  formee 
gu.  a  mullet  or;  fecondly,  fa.  three  butterflies  v/ithin  abor- 
durecnjr.  ar. 

ALDHAM,  [Shrimpling,  in  Norfolk]  Or,  two  talbots 
pafiantf;:.  lanuued  gu.  betw.  two  flanches  of  the  fecond. — 
Creft,  a  talbot's  head  erafed  or,  gorged  with  a  collar  fa. 
lined  gu. 

Aldham,  Az.  a  ftar  of  nine  points  or. 

ALDRED,  Gu.    a  chev.  betw.  three  griffins  heads  erafed  ar. 

Aldred,  Gu.  a  chev.  engr.  betw.  three  griffins  heads  erafed  ar. 

ALDRICH,  Dr.  Vice  Chancellor  of  Oxford,  and  Dean  of 
Chrift-Church.     Vert,  onafcffeor,  a  bull  counterchanged. 

Aldrich,  [Cheame,  in  Surry]  Ar.  on  a  fcflc  or,  a  bull  patnun  az. 

ALDRIGH,    Vert,  a  chei'.  betw.  three  garbs  or,   overall   a 

bend  gu. 
ALDRIKGTON,  S-i.  three  hav%-ks   Icures  ar.  as  many  annu- 
lets gu. 
Aldrlngton,  AlderingtOJ:,  AUerrlngton,   AUwrington,     Sa.    three 

hawks  leures   ar.    attached  or. 
ALDWORTH,  [Briftol  and  Wilt.Tiire]  A r.  a  chev.  gu.  betw. 
three  boars  heads  coupcd,   within  an  orlc  of  eight  crofs  crof- 
lets fitchce  az. 
ALEYNSHERLS,    Gu.    a  bend    battily  counter-battily  ar. 
ALEXANDER,  Ar.   five  bars  gu.  over  all  a  lion  rampant  or, 
crowned,    and   fuftaining   a  battle-a.xc  of  the  laft. — Crc.ft,   a 
cock  ar.  beaked  and  membered  gu. 


ALFORTH,  [Yorkfliire]  Gu.  three  pears,  the  flalks  ujv. 
wcrds,    and  a  chief  or. 

ALFE'V'N,   Gu.  a  fret  erm. 

ALP'ORD,  [Berks]  Gu.  fix  pears  or,  three  and  three  bar- 
ways,  a  chief  or. — Creft,  a  boar's  head  ar.  with  a  broken 
fpear,  handle  thruft  down  his  mouth  or. 

Alford,  [Surry,  Yorkfnire,  and  Salop.]  Gu.  fix  pears  or, 
three,  two,  and  one,  a  thief  of  the  fccond. — Creft,  a  boar's 
head  ar.  in  his  mouth  three  feathers  of  a  phcafant's  tail  proper. 

Alford,  [Ipfwich,  in  Suffolk]  Ar.  a  hind's  head  couped  az. 
collared  or,    betw.  two  hafle-boughs  vert,  fruited  or 

Alford,  [Sutiolk]  Ar.  on  a  faltier  az.  betw.  four  griffins  heads 
erafed  gu.   a  lion  palFant  or. 

Alford,  Gu.    acrofs  molinee  ar. 

Alford,   [Devon]  Ar.  two  greyhounds  current  in  pale  fa. 

ALFRED,  Gyronny  of  four  pieces,  az.  and  gu.  acrofs  botone, 
on  the  upper  end  a  crown   or,    on  the  nether  end  a  bezant. 

ALEOUNDEK,  [Kirkby  and  Dcdham,  in  Eflcx]  Ar.  on  a 
crofs  az.  betw.  four  birds  fa.  five  nails  or. — Creft,  an  arm 
CDuped  at  the  elbow  and  credt,  vcfted  gu.  cufTed  ar.  in  the 
hand  proper,  three  nails  or,  all  be:v.-.  two  wings  ar. 

ALEREY,  Erm.  on  a  chief  indented,  fa.  three  fwans  necks 
erafed  ar.  gorged  with  a  crown  gu.  and  tlicrcto  chains  af- 
fixed or. 

Alfrey,  [SufTex]  Per  fcfle,  fa.  and  erm.  a  pale  counterchanged, 
three  cftrichc;;  necks  erafed  ar.  gorged  with  crowns   gu. 

Alfrey,    [Shorchani]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  a  fleur-de-lis  ar. 

Alfrey,  [Sufl'ex,  1591  ]  Per  fe fie,  fa.  and  erm.  a  pale  counter- 
chjnged,  three  oftriches  heads  erafed  ar.  gorged  with  crowns 
and  lines  or. — Creft,  an  oftrich's  head  and  neck,  betw.  two 
oftrich's  feathers  ar. 

Alfrey,  Ar.  a  fcfte  betw.  three  boars  heads  coupcd  fa. 

Alfrey,  [Sulfcx]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  firft. 

ALERETON,  Az.   two  chev.  or. 

ALYE,  [Glouceftcrftiire]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar. — Creft,  a 
lion's  head  cabofild  betw.  two  wings. 

ALKINGTON,  [Salop]  Q^iarterly,  or  and  gu.  an  eagle 
difplaycd,  counterchanged. 

ALICOCK,  [Northamptonfh.]  G u.  a  feftc  or, betw.  threecocks 
heads  erafed  ar.  combed  and  wattled  or. — Creft,  a  cock  erm. 
combed  and  wattled  or. — Confirmed  by  Segar,  1616. 

ALISBORNE,  Az.  a  crofs  ar. 

ALLYE,  [Dorfet]  Or,  a  talbot's  head  erafed  fa.  on  a  chief 
embattled  fa.  three  plates. — Creft,  a  ftag's  head  erafed,  party 
per  pale,  ar.  and  or,  attired  ar.  gorged  with  a  collar  double 
embattled  gu.   charged  with  three  efcallops  or. 

ALYSON,  [Ivcnt,  1585]  Ar.  a  fefie  az.  betw.  three  boars 
heads  coupcd  fa. — Creft,  a  pheon  ar.  with  part  of  a  broken 
fliaft  in  it  or. 

ALLAN,  [Scotland]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  crowned  or. 

ALLEYN,  Sa.  a  crofs  potent  ar. 

ALLATON,  or  Alton,  Gu.  three  chev.  vairc'  on  a  chief  ar. 
a  lion  paffantgardant  az. 

ALLYN,  Party  per  fefle,  gu.  and  fa.  a  chev.  rompu,  betw. 
three  grISns  heads  erafed  erm.  on  a  canton  ar.  a  crofs  potent 
betw.  four  crofl'cs  pattce  or. — Creft,  a  tree  erafed  vert,  fruclej 
with  bunches  of  berries  gu. 

ALLEY,  Sir  John,  Knight,  Gu.  a  crofs  ar.  within  a 
bordure  cnvcckcd  of  the  fecond. 

Alley,  Gu.   acrofs  engr.  within  a  bordure  ar. 

Alley,  Az.  a  pale  erm.  betw.  two  lions  rampant  of  the  fecond, 
ducally  crowned  or. 

ALLEN,  Sir  Thomas,  Baronet,  [Thaxfted,  in  E flex]  Sa.  a 
crofs  potent  or. — Creft,  a  dcmilion  az.  holding  in  his  two 
feet  a  rudder  of  a  veficl  or. 

Allen,  Sir  Thomas,  Baronet,  [Blundefdon,  in  Suffolk]  Gu. 
two  fwords  barways  ar.  hilts  and  pomels  or,  betw.  four  mul- 
lets of  the  third. 
Allen,  Sir  William,  Knight,  [Kent]  Parted  per  feftc,  fa.  and 
or,  a  pale  engr.  counterchanged,  and  three  talbots  palLnt 
or,  collared  gu. — Creft,  a  talbot  pafunt  or,  collared  gu. 
3  B       "  ALLEYNE, 


ALLEYNE,   [Haj'eficigh,  itvEffex]  Or,  on  a  felTe  vert,  three 

fleurs-de-lis  of  the  firft. 
Allen,  Dr.   M.  D.   [London]  Ar.  a   bend   indented,  betw.   a 

crefcentand  mullet  gu. 
Men,  [Whetfton,  in  Leicefterfliire]  Perpale,  ar.  and  fa.  achev. 

betw.  three  talbots  andcollared,   all  counterchanged. 
Men,  [London]   Per  pale,  ar.  and  fa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  tal- 
bots  fejant    collared,  :ill    counterchanged.— Creft,  a   demi- 

eriffin,  holding  in  his  feet  a  branch  vert,  fruaed  or. 
Jllen,  [London]  Parted  per   pale,  ar.    and    fa.  a  chev.   engr. 

betw.  three  talbots  counterchanged. 
Allen,  [Eflex]   Sa.  on  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  bezants,  charged 

with  as  many  talbots  paffant  of  the  firft;    three  crefcents  az. 
Allen,  [London]  Barry  of  fix  pieces,  ar.  and    az.  over    all  an 

anchor  in  pale,  with  two  cables  fixed  to  the  ring,  noded  and 

pendant  or. 
Allen,  [London]     Or,  three  ogreffes,  on   each  a  talbot  pafTant 

on  a  chiu-f  gvi.  alion  pallant  gardant,  betw.  two   anchors   of 

the  field. 
Allen,  Sa.   a  cfofs  formce  or. 
Allen,  Ar.  on    a  chev.  gu.  three  lozenges   of  the  field,  each 

charged  with  a  crofs  croflct  fa. 
Allen,  or  Alleyn,  [Suftblk,  Cheniire,  and    Wiltfliire]     Parted 

per  bend  finlfter  roinpu,  ar.  and  fa.  fix  martlets  counterch. — 

■  Creft,  a  martlet  ar.  winged  or,  holding  in  his  beak  an  acorn 
or,-  leaved  vert. 

Allen,  [Yorkfi^ire]   Sa.    a  feffe  engr.  betw.  three  t;=lbots  paifant 

■  or,  collared  gu. 

Allen,  Per  chev.  ar.  and  fa.    fix  martlets  counterchanged. 
^//f«, ■  [Leicefter]  Perpale,  ar.  and    fa.  a    chev.  bcav.    three 

talbots  paifant  counterchanged,  collared  or. 
Allen,  [London]  Per  chev.  gu.  anderm.  in  chief  two  lions  heads 
crafed  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  ahorfe'shead  ar. 
Allen,  [Ireland]     Ar.   a   chev.   gu.  betw.  three  ogreffes,  each 
charged  with  a  talbot  or  ;  on  a  chief  of  the   fecond,  a  lion 
paifant  betw,   two  crefcents  of  the  firft. 
Allen,  [EfiTex]  Or,  on  a  chev.  engr.  az.    three  crefcents  of  the 
firft,  betw.  as  many  plates,  each  charged  with  a  greyhound 
current  fa.  collared  gu. 
Allen,  Or,  on   a  chev.   fa.  three   martlets  ar.  betw.   as  many 
ocrreffes,  each  charged  with  a  talbot  or,  on  a  chief  az.  a  demi- 
lion  rampant,  betw.  two  dragons  heads  erafcd  or. 
Allen,  [Surrey]   Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  cinquefoils  gu. — Creft, 
an  arm  couped    at  the  elbow  and   ere£l:,  holding   a  human 
heart,  the  arm  ifi'uing  out  of  flames  of  fire,  all  proper. 
[This  family  founded  Dulwich  college,  in  Surrey.] 
Allen,  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  leopards  heads  gu. 
Allen,  [Kent]  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  bloodhounds  upon    the 
fcent  fu — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  paled  round  or,  abound 
fa.  collared  of  the  laft. 
Allen,  Az.  a  feife  nebule  erm. 
Allen,  [Lancafliire]   Barry' nebule  "of  fix  pieces,  ar.    and  gu.  a 

label  of  three  points  az. 
Allen,  [Suflex]   Ar.  two  bars  fa.  in  chief  three  mullets  of  the 

Allen,    Ar.    three  bars    gu.  over  all    as  many    towers  triple- 
towered  or,  two  and  one. 
Allen,  Sa.  a  crofs  patonce  or,  fretty  gu. 

Allen,  [Dublin]  Ar.  two  bars  wavy  az.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond, 
an  etoile  betw.   two  efcallops  or, — Creft,  a   bezant  charged 
with  a  talbot's  head  erafcd  fa.    . 
Allen,  Gu.  on  a  crofs  patee  ar.  five  efcallop-fliells  az. 
Allen,  [London]     Party    per  felie,  gu.   and  fa.  a  chev.  rompu 
betw.  three  griffins  heads  erafed  erm. — Creft,  a  grifnn's  head 
erafed  per  feffe,  erm.  and  gu. 
Allen,  [Eftex]  Or,  on  a  fefie  vert,  three  lions  rampant  or. 
Allen,  Sa.  three  lozenges  or,  two  and  one. 
Allen,  Vifcount  Allen,  [Ireland]    Ar.  two  bars  wavy  az.  on  a 
chief  of  the  laft,  an  etoile  betw.  two  efcallops  or. — Creft,  on 
a  bezant  a  talbot'shead  erafed  fa.  Supporters,  two  talbots  fa. — 
Motto,  Triumpho  morte  tain  vila. 


Alk?:,  Francis,    Efq.    [Chelfea,  1563.]     Ar.    a   pa!o  gu.    fur- 
mounted  with  a  chev.  counterchanged,    charged  wiih  a  rin- 
quefoil  gu. — Creft,  a  talbot's  head  erafed,  per  pale  indented, 
ar.  and  gu.  collared  and  chained  fit. 
Allen,  [Devonfliir^]    Barry  of  fix,  ar,  and  gu.  fix  mullets,  three, 

two,  and  one,  or  — Creft,  a  mullet  gu.   pierced  or. 
ALLENSON,  Az.  an  inefcutcheon  ar. 

Jllenfon,  Paly  wavy  of  fix,  or  and  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  linn  paf- 
fant oardant   or. — Creft,  a   demi-lion   rampant  gardant   or, 
holding  a  crofs  gu. 
Allenfon,   Az.  a  chf:v.  ar. 
ALLIBONE,     Vert,    on    a   bend   ar.    three    crofles    formee 

fitchee  az. 
ALLIN,  Bart.   [Suft'oUc]    Gu.  a  cinq,   pierced   or.— Creft,  a 
fnake  coiled  upand  environed  with  flags  (i.  e.  rufhesj  proper. 
ALLYN,  [London]    Az.   a  pale  engr.  erm. 
Alleyn,  [Bampton,  in    Devonfhire]     Per  bend   rompu  ar.  and 
fa.  fix  m.artlets  counterchanged,  an    annulet   in    the    dexter 
chief  point  counterchanged.    • 
ALLYE,  [Tewkfbury,  in  Gloucefterfhire]  Az.  a  lion  rampant 

ar. — Creft,  a  leopard's  head  or,    betw.  two  wings  fa. 
ALLERTON,  Per  chev.  fa.  and  ar.  in  chief  two  barulets  ar. 
ylllerton,  Ar.  three  bars   fa,  in  chief  three  balls  within  a  bor- 

dure  engr. 
Allerton,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.    in  chief  three  pellets. 
Allerton,  Party  per  chev,  fa.  and  or,  three  bars  gemels  ar. 
Allerton,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.   three  lions  heads  e.'afed  fa. 
ALLESLEY,  Ar.  a  bend  az.  in  chief  an  annulet  of  the  fecond, 
ALLESTRY,  Ar.  a  chief  az.  on  abend  gu.  three  efcutc!;eons 

parted  per  feflc,  vert  and  ar. 
Allc/hy,  Ar.   a  chief  gu.  on  a  bend  az.  three  efcutchcons  coun- 
terchanged of  the  firft  and  fecond. 
ALLETT,   [Iwood,  in  Somerfetfli.]   Or,  on  a  pale  betw.  two 
pellets  fa.  a  demi-lion  rampant  or. — Creft,  an  unicorn's  head 
ar.   collared  fa. 
ALLGOOD,  Or,  a  leopard's   head   az.  and   two  cocks  gu. 
betw.  as  many  flanches  fa.  each  charged  with  a  fleur-de-lis  ar. 
Allgood,  [Northumberland]  Ar.  a  crofs  engr.  betw.   four  mul- 
lets gu.  on  a  chief  az.  three  rofes  of  the  firft. 
ALLINGTON,  Giles,  Lord,   [Horfe-Heath,  in  Cambridge- 
fhire]   Sa.  a  bend  engr.  betw.    fix  billets    (another  eight)  ar. 
— Creft,  a  talbot  pallant  erm, 
Allington,  Ar,  a  bend  betw.    eight  billets   fa. — Creft,  a  talbot 

paflant  erm. 
AYLMAN,  [Wiltfliire]   Sa.  a  unicorn  paffant  or,  on  a  chief 
of  the  fecond,   three  billets  of  the  firft. — Creft,  a  bear's 
erafed  az.   muzzled,  collared,  and  lined,  or  and  bezanty. 
ALMJiRiCUS,  Or,  fretty  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the  laft,  three  be- 
zants.— Creft,  a  nag's  head  erafed  ar.  ducally  gorged  or. 
ALMAYNE,  Or,  an  eagle  difpl.  fa.    armed  gu. 
ALMAN,  [Pearnfey,  in  Suflix]  Parted  per   bend  dexter,  or 
and  fa,  a  crofs  potent  counterchmged. — Creft:,  a   len- in    ar- 
mour fpurred  or,  couped  in  t:ie  middle  of  the  thigh. 
Alinan,  Ar.  a  fprcad-eagle  fa.  armed  or. 
ALiMARLE,  the  fame  as  ALBEMARLE. 
ALMER,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or,  armed  and  langued  gu. 
ALMONT,  Gu.    a  crofs  vaire. 

ALLOTT,  [Lancafliire  and  Lincolnfiiire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa. 
a  demi-lion  of  the  field  betw.  two  ogreffes. — Another  or,  &c. 
AL\10T,  [Suff"o!k]  Ar.  a  chev.  betv/.  three  efcallops  fa. 
Almot,    Alnot,  and   Alneot,     Qviarterly,   per    pale   indented,    or 
and  gu.  on  the  firft  and  fourth,   five    mafclcs  coiijunil,  one, 
three,  and  one. 
ALNWICK,   Ar.  a  crofs  molinee  fa. 
Alr.ivkk,  ox  Aluiewake,  Paly  of  fix,  az.  and  or,    on  a  chief  o-u, 

three  crofs  crofletsof  the  firft. 
ALPI-IRAHAM,    Az.    three  eagles  difpl.   betw.  nine    crofs 

croflets  or. 
ALLPORT,  [Cannock,  in  Staffordfliire]  Barry  wavy  of  eight, 
ar    and  az.  on  a  bend  or,  three  mullets  gu. — Creft,  a  demi- 
lion  erm.  gorged  with  a  mural  coronet  gu. 



ALPHEN,  Ar.  a  fefle  betw.  three  boars  lieaJs  erafed  fa. 
ALPHEW,  or  Alphkgh,  Ar.  a  fclli;  bctw.  thrtc  boars  heads 

couped  fa. 
ALRED,     [Holdernefi,    in  Yorknilrc]    Gu.    a   thcv.    bciw. 

three  griftiiis  heads  eraftd  ar.  armed  or. 
Aired,  Gu.  a  chcv.  cngr.  betw.  tlircc  grifnns  heads  erafed    ar. 

armed  or. 
ALPHE,  [Hampfhire]  Ar.    a  lion   pafTant  betw.    three  boars 
headi  couped  fa. — Crcll,  outof  a  ducal  crown  an  cask's  head. 
ALREY,  Ar.  three  cfcallop-ftiells  gu.  two  and  one. 
ALSOP,  [Derby  and  LciccilerJ   Sa.   three  doves  ar.  wings  ex- 
panded, Icfjged  and  b?alced  gu. — Crcft,  a   dove  with^s 
expanded,  holding  in  his  beak  an  car  of  wheat. 
Alfop,  [Alfop  and  Derby]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.    three   flieldr.ikcs 

or.    Another,  hawks  clofe  or. 
ALSOPE,  [DerbyQiire]  Per  felfe,  or  and  erm.  a    pale  coun- 

terchanged,  three  mullets  pierced  fa. 
ALSOPP,  [London,    1597J  Sa.  on    a  bend   betw.    fix  doves 
ar.   lc""cd  gu.   three   pheons  of  the  fird. — Crcll,  a   dove  ar. 
Ics  gu.  betw.  two  ollrich's  Feathers  fa. 
ALSP.\TH,  Ar.  a  bend  fa.  cotifedgu. 
ALSPATHE,  Ar.  a  bend  fa.  cotifedgu.  within   a  borJure  of 

the  third. 
ALSTON,    Sir  Thomas,  Knight    and   Baronet,    [Odell,  in 
Ecdfordlhire]     Az.    ten  liars,    four,  three,  two,  and    one, 
or. — Crell,  an  etoile  or,  on  a  crefcent  ar. 
ALSTON  E,  Sir  Jof.  Bart.  [  Middlefex]  The  fame. 
Aljloniy  [Newton,  Marlcford,  and  Affington,  in  Suffblkj   Az. 
ten  rtars  ar.   four,  thiee,  two,  and  one. — Creil,  an  ctoilc  or, 
in  a  crefcent  ar. 
AL  THA.Vl,  [London  and  EiTex]  Paly  of  fix  pieces,  erm.  and 
az.  on  a  chief  gu.  alion  p-i'dant  g.irdant  or. —,  a  demi- 
lion,  holdi.ig  a  Ihip-ruddcr  fa. 
AUhanty  [EillxJ  Ar.  a  lion  l.diant  fa. — Crell,  the   fame  as  the 

ALVEKSTON,  [Dunmorc]  Az.  a  crofs  patoncc  betw.  fojr 

fleur-de-lis  or. — Crell,  a  greyhound  fali-iit  fa. 
ALVERT,  Ar.  on  afalticr  az.  betw.  four  griffins  heads  erafed 

<iu.  a  leopard's  head  or. 
ALVERTHORP,  Sa.  a  crofs  patec  or. 
ALVERD,  or  Alured,  [Ipfwich]  Ar.  on  a  faltier  az.  betw. 
four   griffins  heads  erafed   gu.  a   leopard's   head   betw.    four 
lozenges  or. 
ALWORTHY,  Or,  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  trefoils  flipped  la. 

three  mullets  of  the  field. 
ALWYN,  Sir  Richard,  Knight,  Ar.  a  felTe  nebule- az.  betw. 

two  lions  pali'ant  (j.. 
jf/it.71,  [Devonfliire]  Two  coats  ;  firft,  ar.  three  lions  pafiant, 
(another,  rampant)  fa.  fretty  az.     Secondly,  per  pale,  or  and 
az.  three  eaglets  countcrchangcd. 
jtluyn,  [PLiiftow,  in  EifcK]   Ar.  a  felfe  nebule  gu.  betw   three 
lions  rampant  fa. — Creil,  a  lion's  gamb  erect  and  erafed    fa. 
enhled  with  a  mural  crown  or. 
Ahtyn,  Or,  a  chcv.  betw.  three  goats  p.ifiant  fa. 
Alivyn,    [London]     Ar.  a   fclie  wavy    az.    betw.    three    lions 

faliant  fa. 
ALWYNE,  Or,  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  goats  heads  of  the  fe- 

cond,  attired  of  the  firft. 

ALWAYE,  [Streetley,  in  Bedfordfliire]  Or,  a  talbot  pafiant 

fa.  on  a  chief  of  the   fecond,  three   martlets  of  the   firih — 

Creft,    a   hind's  head  or,  betw.    two    holly-branches  vert, 

fruflcd  with  berries  gu. 

AL^^"  AY,  Ar.  a  fefle  betw.  three  lions  rampant  fa.  crowned  or. 

ALEX.ANDER,  Az.  on  a    mount  vert,  a  falcon  with  wings 

expanded,  looking  at  an  ctoilc  ar. 
Alexandir,  Per  pale,  ar.  and  fa.  a  chev.  and  a  crefcent  in  bafe, 
counterchanged. — Creft,  an  arm  cmbowe-d  in  armour,  in  the 
hand  proper,  a  fivord. 
AUxander,  [Dover,  in  Kent]  Barry  often,  ar.  and  az.  a  lion 

rampant  gu.   holding  a  batile-axe  or. 
Alexander^  Ar.  five  bars  gu.  over  all  a  lion  rampant  and  crowned 

A     M     O 

or,  fiipporting  a  battle-axe  of  the  laft.— Creft,  a   cock  ar. 
beaked  and   membered  l,"J. 
Alexar.dir,  [WinchefkrJ  A/,,  a  chev.  betw.  three  talbow  heads 
erafed   ar.  collared   gu.— Creft,    a    talbot's   head  erafed    ar. 
collared  gu. 
A.VLADES,    [Plymouth,   in    Devonfhirc]     Az.  a  c'ncv.  erm. 

betw.  three  oJtxn  flips  acorncd  proper. 
A.MAN  D,  Or,  frcriy  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  three    be- 
zants.    Another,  ihrccplatcs. 
Amand,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  coward  purp. 
Am.iiid,  and    Amant,    Per  pale,  ar.   and    fa.    a  chev.   ermine 

and  cimincs,  betw.  fix  martlets  countcrchan''cd. 
A.VIARY,  Gu.  on  a  crofs  cngr.  ar.  four  cinqucfoils  gu. 
A.NL'VRLE,    Ar.  gu:ttcde  fang,  three  bars  humcts  az. 
AMA  TYSr,  Ar.  on  abend  fa.  three  cinqucfuils  of  the  field. 
AMBROSE,  [Lancaftiirc]     Ar.    three  dice  (by   fomc  called 
billets)  fa.  each  charged  with  a  mullet  of  the  field.     Another, 
annulets,  or. 
AMBESACE,andAMBoRAF.s,  Or,  three  dice  fa.  eacbchargcd 

with  an  ace  ar.     Another,  the  dice  gu. 
AMBLER,  Sa.  on  a  feile  or,  bclw.  three  pheons  ar.  a  lion  paf- 

fant  gardant  gu. 
AMBERS.\.M,  Or,  on  a  chcv.  betw.  thice  bears  heads  couped 

fa.  as  many  cin(iuefuils  of  the  firft. 
AMCOTS,  [Eflex]  Ar.  a  tower,   triple  towered,  bctv/.  three 
covered  cups   az. — Creft,  a   fquirrel  paflant   gu.  holding  in 
his  mouth  a  nut  or. — Sec  AYNCOTES. 
AMCO  FES,  [Artrop,  in  Lincolnftiire]    Ar.   a   tower  betw. 
three  covered  cups  az. — Creft,  on  a  wreath,  a  fquirrel  fi-jant 
gu.  holding  to  his  mouth  a  nut  or. — Granted  1548. 
Air.cotes,  [Writtenby,  in  Licolnftlirc]  The  fame  ;  a  crefcent  for 

AMYS,  [Eftex]  Ar.  ontwobarsgu.  three  mullets  of  the  firft. 

— Creft,  a  hind  pafiant  ar.  collared  gu. 
AMYE,  [Cambridge]  Or,  on  a  chief  embattled  fa.  three  mul- 
lets of  the  firft. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  an  eagle's 
head  proper,  holding  in  his  mouth  a  fprig  vert. 
AMENES,  and  Annenell,  Ar.  a  fefle  betw.  fix  annulets  gu. 
A.VIEREDITH,  [Murfton  andTamerton,  in  Devonftiire]  Gu. 
a    lion  rampant  regardant   or. — Creft,  a    demi-iion   fa.  du- 
cally  gorged  and  lined  or. 
AMERANCE,  Gu.   four  mafcles  in  bend  ar.  betw.  ei"ht  crofs 

croflcts  or. 
AMHURST,  or  Amherst,  [Kent,  1607]  Gu.  three  launccs 
or,  pointed  upwards  ar.   two  and  one. — Creft,  on  a   mount 
vert,  three  launces  or,     pointed   ar.     within    a   chaplct   of 
laurel  vert. 
AMYAS,  [Tilbury,  in  EflTex]  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  charged  with 

three  mullets  or. — Creft,  a  hind,  collared  gu. 
Atnyas,  Gu.  three  pales  az. 
A;nyai,  [Cambridgelhire]  Ar.  a  fefle  az.    in  chief  a  demi-lion 

rampant  gu. 
Amya'.y  [Norfolk]   kx.  a  boar's  head  couped,  armed  or,  betw. 
three  crofs  croflets  fa. — Creft,  a  ftag's  erafed  or,  "Ofed 
with  a  wreath  ar.  and  ii.    tied  at  the  end. 
Amyas,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  fa.  three  rofes  of 

the  field. 
Amyas,  Sa.    a  chev.  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  ar. 
A.MYAND,  Bart.  [London]   Vert,  a  chev.  betw.  three  garbs 
or. — Creft,  an   arm   embowed,  vefted   or,    holding   proper, 
three  ftalks  of  wheat  or. 
AMIDAS,  [London]     Az.  a  chcv.  erm.  betw.  three  oaken 

flips,  within  a  bordure  engr.  or.     Another,  ar.   4:c. 
AMITESLY,  [Glouceftcrfliire]   Party  per  pale,    or  and  ar.  a 

fclTe  wavy  !;u.     Another,  four  bars  wavy. 
ANELSHEY,  AsMETESLEy,  Anteshev,   and  Anteslev. 

The  fame. 
AMORIE,  orD'.\MORlE,  [Gloucefterfhire]    Barry  nebule  of 
fix  pieces,  ar.  and  gu.  over  al!,  on  a  bend  fa.  three  bezants.^ 
Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  or,  a  taibot's  head  az.  eared  or. 


A     M     O 

AMMORY,   [Oxfordfliire]  Barry  wavy  of  fix  pieces,  af.   and 

gu.  a  bend  fa. 
Ammory,  Barry  ncbule  of  fix  pieces,  ar.  anJ  gu. 
Ammory,  [Oxfordfliire]   Az.  on  ahead  or,    three  eaglets  difpl. 

fa.  armed  gu. 
AMOSLEY,  Paly  of  fix  pieces,   ar.  and  az.    abend  fa. 
AMPHLET,  [StaiFordlliire]  Ar.  a  fefle  betw.  three   lozenges 

az.   in  chief  a  cinquefoil  fa. 
AMRENELL,  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  fix  annulets  gu. 
AMRAS,  [Norfolk,  defccnded  out  of  Kent]  Erm.  on  a   bend 
fa.  three  acorns  or. — Creft,    a  flag's  head  erafcd  .  .  .  gorged 
with  a  wreath  tied  in  a  bow. 
AMUAULE,   and  Amerley,   Gu.  a  crofs  patee  vaire. 
AMSON,  [Lees,    in  the  county  of  Chcfter]   Ar.  on  two  bars 

az.    fix  bezants  betw.  three  leopards  faces  in  pale  gu. — Crefl, 

a  cock    blackbird   proper,  betw.    two   oftrich's  feathers   ar. 

Granted  April  3,   17 11,  to  John  Amfon. 
ANBEMONT,  Erm.  on  a  pile  az.    three  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
ANBETT,  Gyronny  of  eight  pieces,  or  and  az.   four    annu- 
lets of  the  firft. 
ANBOROW,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bears  heads  erafed  fa. 

muzzled  or. 
ANCELGICKS,  Vaire,  a  canton  erm, 
ANCHER,  or  Anchor,  [Kent]    Erm.  on  a  chief  az,  three 

lions  rampant  or,  paleways.     See  AUCHER. 
ANCRENGES,  Ar.  a  crofs  gu.  within  a  bordure  ^i. 
ANDBY,  or  Andeley,  Gu.    a  fclTe  betw.  two  chev.  or. 
Jndby,  Andeby,  and  Anderby,  Gu.  on  a  bend  or,  three  mart,  fa, 
Andby,  or  Andbly,   Ar.  a  felTe  oppreffing  three  chev.  gu. 
Andhy,  or  Andey,  [Devonlhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  az.  three 

rofes  or,  feeded  vert. 
ANDBOROUGH,  Az.  a  fefle  ar.  betw.  three  crofles  botone 

or.     Another,  crofs  croflets. 
ANDELEY,    [EiFcx]  Or,  on  a  fefl^e  betw.  three  coneys  cur- 
rent fa.  as  many  martlets  ar. 
ANDELBY,    Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  in  chief  three  chefs-rooks   of 

the  fecond. 
ANDEMARLE,  or  Anbemarle,  [Dorfetfhire]  Gu.  crufuly 

or,  on  a  bend  a  mafcle  ermines. 
AN  DERBY,  The  fame. 
ANDERSON,   Sir  Edmond,  Baronet,  [Broughtone,  in  Lin- 

colnfhire]  Ar.    a  chev.  betw.  three  crofles  fiory  fa. 
Anderfon,  Sir  John,    Baronet,    [St.  Ives,   in  Huntingdonfhire] 

The  fame. 
Anderfon,    Sir  Stephen,  Baronet,    [Eyeworth,  in  Bcdfordfhire] 

The  fame. 
Anderfon,  [Penley,   in  Hartfordfhire]     Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three 

crofs    croflets,   (another,    three   crofles   formee)    fa. — Creft, 

a  fpaniel  dog  pafl'ant  or. 
Anderfon,    Sir  Henry,  Baronet,     Sa.  five  etoilcs  ar.   two,    one, 

and  two. 
Anderfon,  [London]    Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crofles  farceliy  fa. 

in  chief  a  fleur-de-lis  gu. — Creft,    out  of  a  ducal  coronet  ar. 

a  hind's  head  or,    pierced  through  the  neck  with  an  arrow  fa. 

feathered  ar. 
Anderfon,  [Newcaftle,  in  Northumberland]   Or,  on  a  chev.  gu. 

betw.  two  hawks  heads  erafed  fa.  as  many  acorns  flipped  ar. 

— Creft,    an  eagle's  head  erafed  ar.  holding  in  his  beak  pale- 
ways   an  arrow  gu.    headed  and  feathered  or. 
ANDERTON,  [Lancafhire]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  fhack- 

boks  ar. — Creft,   a  curlew  proper. 
Anderton,    [Lancafhire]     Sa.  three  bugle-horns  (or  hanchets) 

garniihed  ar.   two  and  one. — Creft,  a  curlew  ar. 
Anderton,[C\\e^nc  y.nA  Lancafhire]  Sa.  two  fingle  flvack-bolts, 

and  one  double,  ar. 
Anderton,   [Anderton,  in    Yorkfliire]    Three  coats ;    firfl-,  fa. 
three  prifon-bolts  ar.    two   and  one ;   fecondly,    az.    a    lion 
rampant  gardant  ar.    thirdly,  vert,    three  bugle-horns  ar. 
Anderton,    [Lancafhire]  Sa.  three  chains  ar. 
ANDES  LEY,    Ar.  two  lions  gambs  erafed  in  falrier  fa. 

A     N     G 

Andcfley,   Ar.  tv-fo  lions  gambs  erafed   per  faUier  gu. 

Andefley,  Paly  of  fix,   ar.  and  az.    a  bend  gu. 

Andejley,  Ar.  two  lions  gambs  erafed   per  faltier  gu.  on  a  quarter 

(or  canton)  of  the  fecond,  three  purfes  or. 
ANDREW,   Gu.  three  mafclcs  or,  two  lions  rampant  fa. 
Andrew,   [Gloucefterfhiic]    Sa.    a  faltier  engr.  erm.  on  a  chief 

or,  three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field. 
Andrew,    [Backhoulds  and  Plymouth,  in  Devonfhire]     Sa.  a 
faltier  ar.    betw.  four  crofs  croflets  or. — Creft,  a  flag's  head 
erafed  fa.    attired  or. 
ANDREWES,  [Suffolk]   Ar.  on  a  bend  engr.  cotifed  fa.  three 

mullets  of  the  firfl,    betw.  two  lions  rampant  of  the  fecond. 
Andrewes,  [St.  Edmund'sBury  inSuffblk,  and  ofWiltfh.]   Or, 

a  bend  engr.  gu.    cotifed  fii.   charged  with  three  mullets  ar. 
Andrewes,  [Bifbrooke,  in  Rutlandfhire]    Az.  a  crofs  erm.  betw. 
four  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  or,  ducally  crowned 
ar.   holding  up  in  his  dexter  foot  a  human  heart  gu. 
Andrewes,  [London]    Ar.  a  faltier  az.   on   a    chief  gu.   three 

mullets  or. 
Andrewes,  Az.  a  faltier  betw.  four  croflTes   formee  or. 
Andrewes,  [Dodington]      Gu.  a  faltier  voided  or. 
Andreiues,  SirWm.  Bart.  [Northamptonfhire  andCarliflc]  Gu, 
a  faltieror,  furmounted  of  another  vert. — Creft,    a  Moor's 
head  in  profile — Granted  1334.. 
Andrewes,   Gu.    gyronny  of  four  pieces,  or. 
Andrewes,  Sir  Henry,  Bart.  [Lathbury,   Bucks,  and  of  Suffolk] 
Ar.    on  a  bend  cotifed  fa.    three  mullets  of  the  field. — Creii-, 
a  {tag's  head  ar.     Another  (for  the  Suffolk  branch)  a  flag's 
head  erafed  ar.  charged  with  a  crefcent  for  did". 
ANDREWS,    [Kempton  Park,   in  Middlefcx]   Ar.  on  a  bend 
wavy  cotifed,  and  betw.  two  lions  rampant  fa.    crowned  or, 
three  etoiles  of  the  firft. — Creft,   on  a  naval    coronet   or,   a 
dove  volant,  with  an  olive-branch  in  his  beak,  all  proper. — 
Granted  Sept.  2,    1704. 
Andrews,   [Hampfhire]     Ar.   a  chev.  engr.  gu.    charged  with 

three  mullets  or,  betw.  as  many  quatrefoils  flipped  vert. 
Andrews,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend  engr.  betw.  two  cotifcs  and 
two  lions  rampant  fa.  three  mullets  ar. — Crefl,  a   bird  with 
wings    expanded  az.  holding  in   his  beak  a  laurel-branch. 
Another,    an  acorn  vert. 
Andreius,  Bifhop  of  Winchefler,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend  engr. 
betw.    two   cotifes    fa. — Creft,    a    flag's    head    erafed     ar. 
Anno  1618. 
Andrews,  [London  and  Kampfhire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  engr.  betw. 
three  quatrefoils  flipped  vert,  as  many  mullets  or. — Crefl,  an 
arm  erccSl,  habited  vert,  cuff  ar.   charged  on  the  fleeve  with  a 
quatrefoil  or  ;    in    the   hand  proper,    a  branch  vert,   thereon 
three  quatrefoils  or. 
Andreivs.  [Suffolk  and  Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  fa.  three 

mullets  of  the  field. 
Andrews,    [Suffolk]  Ar.   on  a   bend  engr.  fa.   three  mullets  ot" 

the  field. 
Andrews,  Ar.  on  a  bend  wavy,  cotifed  fa.  betw.  two  lions  ram- 
pant fa.   crowned  or,   three  etoiles  of  the  firfl. — Creft,  on  a 
naval  coronet  or,  a  dove  volant  ar.    beaked  and  legged  gu. 
holding  in  his  beak  an  olive-branch  vert. 
ANDROS,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  engr.  gu.   voided  az.  three  quatre- 
foils, betw.  as  many  mullets  fa. 
ANDROWEY,  or  Andwey,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  gardant  or, 

within  an  orle  of  cinquefoils  ar. 
ANFRONS,  Vaire',  orandgu.    on  a  canton  of  the  fecond,  a 

mullet  erm. 
ANGE,  Az.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  fourcroffes  formee  ar. — Crefl, 

a  crofs  formee  fitchee  or,  betw.  two  wings  az. 
ANGELDON,  [London]  Az.  the  field  rcpleniflied  with 
crofs  croflets  fitchee  or,  an  unicorn  ar.  (Another,  crofs  crof- 
lets fitchee  or,  an  unicorn  or.) — Crefl,  a  knot  fa.  betw.  two 
wings  or. 
ANG.ELL,  [London,  who  came  from  Pekirk,  in  Lancaftiire] 
Or,  three  fufils  in  feffe  az.  over  all  a  baflon  gu. — Crefl,  out 
of  a  ducal  crown  or,  a  demi-pegafus  ar.  crined  gu. 


A     N     G 

Angdl,  or  Aiiegoll,    Gu.  a  cinquefoil,  within  an  orle  of  ten  crofs 

croflcts  or. 
Angill,  [London]  Or,  four  fufils  in  fcfle  az.  over  all  a  bendgu. 
— Crcft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a   fwan  ar.    ducally  gorged   or, 
beaked  gu.    legged  fa. 
ANGELLIS,    Sa.   a  flcur-dc-IIs  ar. 

ANNGELL,  [Kent]  Or,  four  fufils  in  fclTc  az.  a  bendgu.— 
Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  dcmi-pegafus  ar.  crined  or. 
ANGER,  Erm.  on  a  chief  az.   three  lozenges  fa. 
Anger,  [Kent]   Erm.   on  a  chief  az.  a  lion  rampant  or. 
Anger,  or  Aunger,  [Yorkfliire]    Erm.  a  griffin  fegrcant  volant, 

parted  per  fefic,   or  and  az. 
Anger,  [Eflcx]   Erm.    a  griffin  fcgrcant,  parted    per   pale,    or 

and  az. 
ANGERTON,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.   three  lozenges  erm. 
ANGEV'INE,   or  Angeville,  [Thethclthorpc,    in  Lincoln- 
fliire]    Ar.    two  bars   gu.   on  a  chief  vert,    three  bezants. — 
Creft,  a  branch  of  three  rofcs  ar,   leaved  and  ftalkcd  vert. 
ANGEVYNE,    [Lincolnfliire]   Ar.    two   bars  gu.     in  chief 

three  torteuxes. 
Angevyne,  [Lincolnfliire]  Ar.    two  bars  gu.   on    a   chief  vert, 

three  bezants. 
ANGY,   Gyronny  of  twelve  pieces,    ar.  and  fa.  charged  with 

crofs  crodets  or,   on  the  fecond. 
ANGVVISHE,  [Norfolk,   154c]    Gu.    a  cinquefoil  or,  in  the 
dexter  corner  a  mullet  of  the  fecond. — Crcft,  a  fnakc  nowed 
proper,  betw.  two  branches  of  fern  vert. 
ANGUISH,  Ar.   .morlcgu. 
Anguijh,  [Norwich]     Gu.   a  cinquefoil   or. — Creft,    a  fnake, 

&:c.  as  before. 
ANYLAY,   Paly  of  fix  pieces,  ar.  and  az. 
ANKETELL,  [Shaftcftjury,  in  Dorfetfhire]  Ar.   a  crofs  em- 
battled vert. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  an  oak-tree  proper. 
Anketell,  Ar.   a  faltier  raguly  vert. — Creft,  the  root  of  an  oak- 
tree  erafed,  out  of  it  a  live  branch  ifluing  proper,  acorneJ  or. 
ANKE,    orANKEV,    Gu.   twobarsar.   in  chief  three  annulets 

of  the  fecond. 
Ante,   or  Ankor,    Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.    three  lozenges. 
ANLABY,  Ar.  a  fcfle  betw.  fix  fleurs-de-lis  fa. 
ANLEBY,  and  Anselbv,    [Eaton,  in  Yorkfliire]  Ar.  a  chcv. 

betw.  three  chefs-rooks  fa. 
ANLET,   [Yorkfliire]   Gyronny  of  four  pieces,    gu.  and   az. 

four  annulets  in  crofs  ar. 
ANLETT,  Gyronny  of  four  pieces,  az.   and  gu.   four  annu- 
lets in  crofs  or. 
Anlett,   Az.   three  annulets  ar.  two  and  one. 
Anlcti,  Az.    three  annulets  or,   two  and  one. 
ANNABELL,  orANAOLES,  Or,   two  bars  engr.  gu. 
ANNBURGH,   Az.   afeflear.   betw.  three  croiTes  floretty  or. 
ANSCELL,  or  Anstrell,  [Barford,  in   Bedfordfliire]   Gu. 
on  a  faltier  or,    betw.  four  bezants,    fourmafcles  gu. — Creft, 
a  demi-lion  az.   ducally  gorged  and  lined  or. 
ANNCELL,   or  Auncell,   Erm.   on   afeflcgu.  three  crofs 

croflets  or. 
ANCELL,  or  Auncell,  Gu.  a  bend  mafculy  ar. 
AnccU,   Gu.   a  bend  lozengy  or. 
Ancell,  ox  Anfcell,    [Cornwall]   Gu.    a    faltier  engr.   ar.    betw. 

four  bezants. 
ANDY,   The  fame  as  AUNDY. 
ANNE,   [Trickley,    in  Yorkfliire]  Gu.  three  bucks  heads  ar. 

attired  or. — Creft,   a  buck's  head  cabofled  ar. 
Anne,   [Freckley,   in  Yorkfliire]  Gu.    three  bucks  faces  ar. 
Anne,  [Oxfordfh.  and  Northamptonfh.]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three 
martlets  of  the  field,  in  chief  a  crefccnt  of  the  fecond. — Creft, 
a  woman's  head  couped  at  the  breaft,  face  proper,   vefted  ar. 
hair  difhevelled  or. 
Anne,   [Northamptonftiire]  Ar.    on  a   bend  fa.  three   martlets 
or. — Creft,   a  woman's  head  and  breaft  proper,  hair   diflie- 
velled  or. 
Anni,  [O.xfordfliirc]  Ar.  on  abend  fa.  three  mullets  of  the  field. 

A     N     W 

AN.MERS,  orANNERs,  [Chefliire]  Gu.  a  chcv.  or,  betw, 

three  bezants. 
Anmeri,  or  Anners,  [Cheflilrc]  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.   three  mul- 
lets or. 
ANNELES,  Gyronny  of  four  pieces,  gu.  and  az.  four  annu- 
lets or. 
ANNENELL,  The  fame  as  AMENES. 
ANNELSHIE,  Party  per  pale,  or  and  ar.    a  hound  gu. 
ANNESLEY,  Paly   of  fix   pieces,   ar.    and   az.    a  bend  gu. 
— Creft,    a   Moor's   head    fidc-faccd,    wreathed   about   the 
temples  ar.  and  az. 
Annejley,  or  Annyjlay,    Paly  of  fix  pieces,  ar.  and  az. 
Annejley,  Paly  of  fix  pieces,  ar.  and  az.    a  bend  gobbonated  gu. 

and  or. 
Anneft/y,  Paly  of  fix  pieces,  ar.  and  az.  a  bend  vaire  ar.  and  fa. 
AnneJIfy,  [Bucks  and  Oxon]   Paly   of   fix   pieces,  or  and  az.   a 
bend  gu. — Crcft,  a  Saracen's  head  fide-faced  proper,  wreathed 
about  the  temples  ar.  and  az. 
ANSEIGNES,  [Gloucefterfliire]   Gu.  three  cinquefoils  erm. 

two  and  one. 
ANSELME,    Gu.   on  a  faltier  or,  betw.  four  bezants,  a  maf- 

cle  of  the  field. 
ANSIAM,  orANSYM,    Ar.   a    fefie   betw.    fix    martlets   gu. 

Another,  or,    &c. 
ANSTABO TH,  or  Anstalboth,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  in  chief 
three  martlets  of  the  fecond.     Another,   barry   of   fix  pieces, 
ar.  and  gu.    in  chief  three  martlets  of  the  fecond. 
ANSTAM,  Ar.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  fa. 
ANSTELL,  Gu.  a  faltier  betw.  four  leopards  heads  or. 
Anjiell,  [Cornwall]  Gu.   a  faltier  engr.  ar.  betw.  four  bezants. 
Anfleil,  Ar.  on  a  crofs   fa.    betw.    four    torteuxes,  a    leopard's 

face  of  the  firft,   within  a  bordure  of  the  fecond,  guttee  or. 
ANSTY,    [Cumberland  and    Cambridgefliire]    Or,    a  crofs 

engr.  betw.  four  martlets  gu. — Creft,    a  martlet  or. 
Anfy,  [Suflex]  Or,  a  crofs  engr.  gu.   betw.  four  martlets  fa. 
ANSTiS,      Ar.     a    crofs  raguly   gu.    betw.    four  birds   az. 

legged  gu. 

ANSTYBALTH,    Erm.  on  a  chief  indented  gu.  two  mull.  ar. 

ANSTROTHER,     [Temp.   Hen.    VIIL]    Gu.    a   man   in 

complete  armour,   holding  in  his  hand  a  halbert  ar. — Creft, 

out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,    a  demi-man  in  armour  complete 

ar.    hoIJ'ng  in  his  hand  a  fpear  fa.  headed  ar. 

ANTHINGHAM,  or  Antincham,  [Lancafli.  and  Norfolk] 

Sa.  a  bend  ar. 
ANTHONY,  Gu.  ten  plates,    four,   three,   two,  and  one. — 

Creft,   a  goat's  head  ar. 
Anthony,  [Guernfcy]    Per  pale, or.  and  gu.  guttee  erm.  over  ail 

a  tun  in  crofs  az. 
Anthony,  Per  chev.  and  per  pale,  or,  gu.  and  erm.  a  taw  az. 
Anthony,    [London]  Ar.  a   leopard's  head  betw.    two  flanchcs 

fa.   each  charged  with  a  plate. 
Anthony,    Gu.  billetty,  a  lion  rampant  or. 
AN TWEISEL,  Sa.    three  mullets  ar. 

ANTON,  [Stoatfield  in  Lincolnfhire,  London,   and  Ireland] 
Az.  a  felTeor,  within  a  bordure  erm.— Crcft,  out  of  a  mural 
coronet  a  lion's  head  ar. 
ANTROBUS,  [London]  Lozengy,  or  and  az.  on  a  palegu. 
three  ftars  of  the  field. — Creft,  an  unicorn's  head  ar.   crined 
and  armed  or,   ifluing  out  of  rays  of  the  fecond,  and  gorged 
with  a  chaplet  of  leaves  vert. 
ANVARY,  Barry  of  fix  pieces,  ar.  andgu. 
ANVERY,  Gu.    a  chev.  betw.  three  bezants. 
ANVERS,  [Cheftiire]   Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  tnulleU  of  fix 

points  or. 
ANVINE,   Ar.  three  playing-tops  fa.  two  and  one.   Another 

adds  a  martlet  gu. 
ANVORY,  Az.  on  a  bend  or,  three  eaglets  fa.  armed  gu» 
ANWICK,  [London]  Paly  of  fix,  or  and  az.  on  a  chief  gu. 
three  crofs  croflets  ar. — Creft,  a  dexter  arm  gu.  the  hand  pro- 
per, holding  a  broken  tilung-fpear  or. 


A     N     W 

ANWICKE,  Ar.   a  holy  crofs  fa. 

ANVVYL,  [Parkin,    Merionetllfliire]  Vert,  three  eagles  difpl. 

ill  feffe  or. 
ANWRIS,  Gu.    achev.  ar.   betw.  three  plates. 
AOPSON,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  az.  betw.  three  torteuxes,  three  cin- 

quefoils  or,  a  chief  chequy  or  and  az. 
APADAM,  Gu.  fivcftarsor. 
Apadam,    Jpden,    and   Aphandam,     Ar.   on    a  crofs  gu.     five 

mullets  or. 
APELBY,  [Shropfhire]  -Az.  fix  fea-gulls  ar.  three,  two,  and 

one,  the  dexter  wings  difpl.   the  finifter  clofe. 
Apelby,  and  Apkby^    [StafFordftire]   Az.    fix  martlets  ar.   three, 

two,  and  one.     Another,    or. 
APEELE,  Ar.    three  bars  gu.    a  canton  erm.— Creft,  a  fleur- 
de-lis  or,   betw.   two  wings  ar. 
APELESBURY,  or  Applesbury,  Sa.  a  fefle  embattled  betw. 

three  cinquefoils  or.     . 
APELTON,  Apleh,  and  Apulh'i,    Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.   three 

apples  or. 
Apelton,  Appelton,   and  dppolton,  [Apleton,  in  Lancafiiire]   Ar. 

a  bear  faliant  fa.   crowned  or. 
APENRITH,  [Ireland]    Gu.  on  a  fefle  betw.  three  lozenges 

or,  each  char-ged  with  a  fleur-de-lis,    a  demi-rofe  crowned, 

betw.  two  griffins  fegreant  gu, 
AP-GRIFFYN,   [Wales]  Quarterly,    or  and  az.    four  lions 

paflant  gardant  counterchanged. 
AP-HARRY,   or  Parry,   Ar.    a  feffe  betw.  three  lozenges, 

within  a  bordure  az. 
AP-JOHN,   [Stretham,  in  Surrey]    Sa.  a  fefle  or,  betw.   three 

childrens  heads  proper,    couped  at  the  fhoulder,    about  each 

neck  a  fnake  vert. 
APILIARD,   Appleyard,  or  Appulyard,  [Eafl:  Carlton, 

inNorfolk]  Az.    achev.  betw.  three  owls  ar.   membered   or. 

Creft,  a   demi-tiger  quarterly  gu.  and   az.     the    tail    az. 

and  tufted  or,  in  his  mouth  a  rofe  gu.  ftalked  and  leaved  vert. 
APLEYARD,    [Norwich  and  Yorkfliire]    Az.    a  chev.   or, 

betw.  three  owls  ar.  with  a  crefcent. 
APPLEBY,    [Leicefl:er]     Az.    fix    martlets  or,    three,    two, 

and  one. — Crefl:,  an  apple  or,  fl:alked  and  leaved  vert. 
APLEBY,  or  Apulby,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  bezaiits. 
Apleby,  Az.  three  harts  fejant  or,    two  and  one. 
Aplehy,  Weftmorland,  [the  arms  of  the  town]   Gu.  three  lions 

paflant  gardant  in  pale,    crowned  or. 
APULTREFIELD,  or  Aplederfield,    Sa.   a  crofs  voided 

or.     Another,   erm.  a  bend  gu. 
APLEGATH,  orAPLEGARTH,  [Rapley,  in  Hampfhire]    Az. 

a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  owls  ar.   in  chief  a   fleur-de-lis  erm. 

. — Creft,  a  demi-tiger    gu.   bezanty,    armed    and  tufted   or, 

charged  with  a  bend  of  the  laft. 
APPLETON,  Sir  Roger,    Bart.    [South   Bemfted,    in  EflTex] 

Ar.  a  fefl'e  fa,  betw,  three  apples  or,  leaves  vert, 
APLETON,  Ar.  three  leaves  vert. 
Apleton,  Or,  a  fefle  betw.  three  pine-apples  fa. 
Apleton,  [Kent]   Vert,    a    fefle  engr.    betw.    three    apples   ar. 

ftalked  gu. 
Apleton,    [Kent]     Vert,    a  fefle    fa.     betw.    three   apples   gu. 

ftalked  or. 
Apleton,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  feflTe  fa.  betw.  three  apples  gu.  ftalked  vert. 
Apleton,  Ar.    three  pine-apples  vert,  ftalked  or. 
Apleton,  Ar.  a  feflTe  fa.  betw.  three  pine  apples  vert.     Another, 

the  pines  gu. 
Apleton,  [Suffolk]  Ar,  a  feffe  fa.   betw.  three  apples  gu.   ftalked 
and    leaved    vert, — Creft,    an  elephant's   head    couped   fa. 
eared  or,    in   his   mouth  a  fnake  vert,   wreathed    about  his 
APLERTFOLD,  Or,  on  a  feflTe  gu.  three  lozenges  ar. 
APPLETON,  Vert,   on  a  feffe  engr.  ar.    three  apples  gu. 
Appleton,   [Apelton]   Ar.    a  feffe  betw.  three  apples  gu. 
Appleton,  Ar.  a  bear  faliant  fa.    on  his  ftioulder  a  cinquefoil  ar. 


APLETRE,  [Dodington,    in  Oxfordftiire]  Ar.  on  a  feffe  gu. 

three  lozenges  vaire. 
°XP-1VIAD0KE,    [Wales]    Sa.  a   chev.    betw.  three  hawks 
leures  ar. 

APMENRICE,  [Wales]  Paly  of  fix  pieces,  or  and  az.  on  a 
feffe  gu.   three  mullets  ar. 

APMERICK,  [VN^'ales]  Per  pale,  fa.  and  gu.  two  griffins 
combatant  ar. 

APMERICHE,  [Wales]  Party  per  pale,  gu.  and  fa,  two 
griffins  ar. 

APOWEL,  [Wales]   See  AP-HOWELL, 

APPLETRESEND,  Erm.   a  bend  gu. 

APPLYARD,  [Norfolk]   The  fame  as  APLEYARD. 

APPLEYARD,  [Norfolk]  Az.  achev.  gu.  betw.  three  owls  ar. 

APPULEY,  or  Appurley,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  pine^ 
apples  gu. 

AP-HOWELL,  [Gloucefter,  defcended  from  Wales]  Ar.  a 
lion  rampant  fa.  over  all  a  feffe  engr.  gu. 

AP-REES,  [Wales]   Sa.  three  pheons  ar. 

APRECE,  [Buckinghamfliire  and  Huntingdonfliire]  The 
fame  coat. — Creft,  an  otter  proper,  collared  and  lined  or. — 
Another  creft,  a  fpear  erecl  ar,  over  it   this  motto.  La- 

bora  ut  aternum  vivas. 

APRESTBY,  or  Apresby,  Sa.  a  crofs  ar.  in  chief  a  cinque- 
foil of  the  fecond. 

AP-RICE,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  az.  three  boars  heads  couped  or,  in 
chief  a  lionpaffantgu. — Creft,  a  boar's  headeredl  ar.  pelletty, 
betw.  two  oak-branches  vert,  frufted  or, 

APRICE,  [Wales]    Sa.   a  crofs  potence  ar. 

APRICE,  [Herefordfhire]  Sa.  on  a  chev,  betw,  thr^e  leo- 
pards heads  ar.  as  many  fpears  heads  fa.  on  a  chief  ar.  three 
cocks  gu. — Creft,  a  cock  with  wings  expanded  gu.  holding 
in  his  beak  a  rofe  gu.  leaved  and  ftalked  vert. 

APRIS,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  ar.  Another,  fpur- 

APRYCE,  [Wiltfhire]    Sa.   three  croffes  formee  ar. 

APbLEY,  or  Apesley,  [Apfley,  in  Suffolk]  Barry  of  fix 
pieces,  ar.  and  gu.   a  canton  erm. 

APESLEY,  [Surrey  and  Suffex]  Ar.  three  bars  gu.  a  canton 
erm. — Creft,  a  fleur-de-lis  or,  betw.  two  wings  ar, 

AP-ROBERTS,  Sa,  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  ar. 

APTON,  Ar.   achev.  betw.  three  martl ets  fa.  See  UPTON. 

APULTON,   [Lancafhire]   Ar.  a  bear  paffant  fa.   muzzled  or. 

APULDERFIELD,  or  Appeltorfield,  Or,  on  a  feffe  gu. 
four  lozenges  ar. 

Apulderfield,  Sa.  a  crofs  or,  voided  of  the  field, 

Apulderfield,  Erm.  a  feffe  vaire,  or  and  gu. 

APULTRESEND,  Or,  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  lozenges  vaire. 
Another,  three  mafcles  or. 

APULTON,  orAPULSTONE,  [Lancafliire]  Ar.  three  goats 
faliant  fa. 

APWENWYN,  or  Apwennonwyn,    [Wales]  Or,   a  lion 

rampant  gu. 
AQUITAIN,  Gu.  a  lion  paffant  gardant  or. 

This  was  the  coat-armour  of  William  duke  of  Aquitain,  and  of 
Guyen  one  of  the  peers  of  France,   whofe  daughter  and   heir 
Eleanor  was  married  to  Henry  II.  king  of  England,    by  reafon 
of  which  match  the  field  and  charge  being  of  the  fame  colour 
and  metal    that    the   then-royal    enfigns  of   the  land  were, 
and  this  lion  of  the  like  aftion  that  thofe  were  of,  thislionwas 
united  with  thofe  two  lions  in  one  fhield  ;    fince  which  time 
the  kings  of  England  have  borne  three  lions  paflant  gardant. 
AQUITTEN,  or  Aquillon,   Gu.  a  fleur-de-lis  ar. 
ARAGAND,  or  Aragune,  Ar.  afeffe  betw.  three  mullets  gu, 
ARAGON,  Paly  of  ten  pieces,  ar.  and  gu. 
ARBLASTER,    or  Allebaster,   [Staffordftiire  and  Effex] 
Erm.   a  crofs-bow  bent  in  pale  gu, — Creft,  a  feather  in  pale, 
enfiled  with  a  ducal  coronet.     Another  creft,  out  of  a    ducal 
coronet  ar.  a  greyhound's  head  ar.    collared  or, 
ARBRETH,    [Lancafhire]  Or,   two  bars  vert. 
ARCESTER,    [Gloucefterftiire]  Ar.  a  chev.  az.  and  label  of 
three  points  gu. 



ARCHARD,  [Kent]  Erm.  on  a  crofs  fa.  a  crefcent  or. 

Archnrd,  [Yorkshire]  Or,  five  fufils  in  bend  fa. 

Orchard,    Ar.  five  t'ufils  in  crofs  fa. 

ARCHAS,  [Lexcfterlhire]  Sa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 

ARCHELJOLD,  or   Archbold,  [Staffordfliire]   Ar.  a  lion 

rampant  bctvv.  three  (another,  fix)  flcurs-dc-lis  fa. 
ARCHED  ALE,  [London]    Az.  a  chev.    erm.   betw.   three 
talbots  pafliint  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet,  a  tiger's 
head  ar.   niancd  and  tufted  fa. 

ARCHDEACON,  [Cornwall]   Ar.  achev.  fa. 

Archdeacon,  [Devonfhire]  Ar.  three  chcv.   fa. 

Archdeacon,  [Hertfordfhire]    The  fame. 

Archdeacon,   Sa.  three  chev.  or. 

ARCHER,  [Lincolnfliire]  Party  per  pale.  gu.  and  az.  three 
arrows  or,  barbed  and  feathered  ar, — Creft,  on  a  wreath  a 
dragon's  head,  pirty  per  pale,  gu.  and  az.  with  wings  cx- 
•  panded,  the  finifter  wing  or,  the  dexter  ar.  ifluing  out  of  a 
mural  crown,  party  per  pale,  ar.  and  or. — Granted  by 
William  Dugdale,  March  24,    1684. 

Archer,  Ar.  three  pheons  gu. 

Archer,  Sa.  three  pheons  gu. 

Archer,  Baron,  [Umbci  fl.ide,  in  Warwiclcfhire]  Az.  three 
broad  arrows  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  gu.  a  dra- 
gon's head  ar.  Supporters,  two  wiverns  regardant  ar.  mu- 
ral ly  gorged  or.     Motto,  Sola  bona  qua  honejla,  ' 

Archer,  [ElTex]  Erm,  on  a  chief  az.  three  lions  rampant  or. 
—  Creft,  a  bull's  head  erafed  gu. 

Archer,  [Shropfliire]    Sa.  a  lion  rampant  or. 

Archer,  tA'hs  de  Boys,  [EHex]  Erm.  a  crofs  fa. — Twocrefts; 
firft,  a  wivern  ar.  fccondly,  a  leg  couped  at  the  thigh,  em- 
bowed  at  the  knee,  all  counterchanged,  ar.  and  fa.  (pur  and 
leather  or. 

ARCHES,  [Dcvonfljire]  Gu.  three  door-arches  ar.  their  capi- 
tals and  pjdeftalsor. 

ARCY,  Sa.  a  fefte  or. 

ARDiALL,  or  Ardoll,  [Eficx]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three 
ftars  gu. 

ARDONFF,  and  Ardonse,  [Eflcx]  Ar.  a  chcv.  fa.  betw. 
three  ftars  gu. 

ARDBOROUGH,  Ardeborough,  and  Ardbow,  Ar.  a 
chev.  enT.  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  gu.     Another,  fa. 

ARDEN,  Or,  three  pales  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  as  many  lo- 
zenges ar. 

ARDERES,  [Meridcn,  in  Warwickftiire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  co- 
tifed  fa.  three  mullets  of  the  firft. — Creft,  a  demi-llon  az. 
gorged  with  a  collar  or,  charged   with  three  mullets  az. 

ARDER,  or  Ardern,  Erm.  a  felFe  gu.  charged  with  three 
cinquefoils  or.     Another,   pierced  or. 

ARDERNE,  Sa.  three  lions  paflTant  or. 

Ardeme,  Erm.  on  a  fefte  gu.   three  lozenges  or. 

Arderne,  Ar.  three  chev.  az.   within  a  bordure  engr.   gu. 

Arderne,  [Cheftiire  and  Lancafhirc]  Gu.  three  crofs  croflets 
fitchee,  and  a  chief  indented  or.  Another,  engr.  or. — Creft, 
out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  plume  of  feathers,  three  or,  and 
two  az. 

Arderne,  Gu.  ferny  crodets,  and  a  chief  or.  Another,  eight 
crofs  croflets  and  a  chief  or. 

Ardcn,  or  Arderne,  [  VVarwickfhire  and  Bedfordfliire]  Gu.  three 
crofs  croflets  fitchee  or,  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  a  martlet  of 
the  firft. — Creft,  a  plume  of  feathers  ar.  charged  with  a 
martlet  or. 

Arderne,  Gu.  three  crofTcs  botonee  fitchee  or. 

Arderne,  Gu.  three  crofies  botonee  fitchee,  and  a  chief  engr.  or. 

Arderne,  Gu.  three  crofTes  patonce  fitchee,  and  a  chief  or.^ 
Creft,  out  of  a  cafe  or  bandage  or,  a  plume  of  feathers  ar. 

Arderne,  Or,    ferny  croflets,  a  lion  rampant  fa. 

Arderne,  or  Ardrtn,  [Ireland]  Per  pale,  az.  and  gu.  a  lion 
rampant. ar.  armed  of  the  fecond. 

Arderne,    Ar.  a  lion  rampant  az.  opprefled  with  a  bend  gu. 

Arderne,  Vert,  a  lion  rampant  or,  armed  and  langucd  gu. 

A     R     M 

Arderne,   [Warwickftiire]    Erm.  a  fcfll-  chequy,  or  and   az.— 

Creft,  on  a  chapeau  az.   turned  up  erm.  a  boar  pafl'ant  or. 
Arderne,  [Staft'ordfliire]   Ar.  the  fame  as  before. 
Arderne,    [  Warwickfhire]  Ar.  a  fcfle  chequy,  or  and  az.  betw. 

three  crefccnts  gu. — Creft,  a  boar  paflant  or. 
ARDES,  Ar.  a  bend  betw.  fix  martlets  fa. 
Ardei,    [Sharington,   in    liuckinghamfliirc]    Ar.  a  bend  betw. 
fix  mullets  fa. — Creft,   within  a  Catherine-wheel  fa.  ducally 
crowned  or,  a  fun  in  his  glory. 
ARDINGTON,  [Bcrkftiirc]    Az.  t-Aro  lions  pafl'ant  or. 
Ardingtan,    [Yorldhire]    Or,    a    fcfle    betw.     three   efcallop- 

fticllt  gu. 
Ardington,   Ar.  a  fcfle  betw.  three  efcallop-fliclls  fa. 
ARDYN,  or  Ardsm,  Or,  a  lion  rampant,  within  an  orle  of 

eight  crofs  croflets  fa.     Another,   ar.  &c. 
Ardyn,    [Kent]    The  fame  as  Arderne,  of  Staffordlhire. 
ARDIS,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  a  mullet  fa. 
ARE,   Az.  on  a  crofs  ar.  five  efcallop-fhells  gu. 
AREAS,  Sa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
ARES,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa. 

AREY,  Gu.  three  birds  ar.  mem'cercd  or,  two  and  one. 
Arey,   Sa.   a  fiflc  or. 
ARFAKE,  Gu.  a  bend  or,  cotifed  ar. 
ARKECE,  or  Arfois,  Ar.  three  caftles  gu. 
ARGALL,  or  Argnall,   Or,   a  lion  rampant  regardant  ar. 
Argall,  Dr.  [Much-Baddow  and  Lowhall,  in  Efllx]  Per  fefle, 
ar.  and  vert,  a  pale  counterchanged,  three  lions  heads  erafed 
gu. — Creft,  a  fphinx  with  wings  expanded  proper.     Another 
creft,    an   arm  embowed   in   armour  proper,  fupporting  a 
Argall,  or  Argell,  Party  per  fefle,    three  pales  counterchanged, 

or  and  fa.  as  many  lions  heads  erafed  gu. 
Argall,  [Lancaftiire]  Or,  a  pale  vert,  counterchanged  per  fefle, 
on  the  firft  and  fourth  quarter,  a  lion's  head  erafed  gu.  on  the 
fecond  and  third,  an  acorn  flipped  or. 
ARGENTE,    [Ifle   of  Ely,  in    Cambridgefliire]  Gu.   three 
covered  cups  ar. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  gu.  holding  a  covered 
cup  ar. 
ARGENTYNE,  Gu.  three  lily-pots  ar. 
Argentyne,  Gu.  a  crofs  lozengy  or,    in  the  firft  quarter  an  ea- 
gle difpl.  ar. 
ARGU.\T,  orARGUNE,   Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three   martles  fa. 
ARIES,    [Irclandj  Vert,  three  rams  heads  cabofled  ar.  at;ircd 
or. — Creft,   a  fatyr,  nolding  in  his  dexter  hand  a  fword,    in 
his  finifter  a  partizan,  all  proper. 
ARISSEL,  [Cornwall]   Gu.    a  faltier  engr.   ar.  betw.   four 

ARKINSTALL,  [Cambridge]   Erm.  a   fefle  fa.  betw.   three 
martlets  of  the  fecond.— Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  greyhound 
fcjant  erm. 
ARKYBUS,  Ar.  on  a  fcflfc  engr.  fa.  three  mafcles  or. 
ARMARLE,  The  fame  as  A.VIARLE. 
ARMENY,    Az.  a  lion  rampant  erm. 
Armcny,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  crowned  or. 
AR.VIERBURY,  Sa.  two  arms  ar.  betw.  three  crofs  croflets 

fitchee  of  the  fecond. 
ARMESBURY,  [Eflex]  Sa.  two  arms,  hand  in  hand,  in  fefle 
ar.  betw.  three  crofs  croflets  or.     Another,  three  croflcs  bo- 
tonee fitchee  or. 
ARMESLEY,  Paly  of  fix,  ar.  and  az.  over  all  a  bendlet  gu. 
ARMERY,  who  betrayed  Calais,  [Pavy]  An  efcutcheon  re- 

verfcd  az.   four  mullets  or,   two  and  two. 
ARMESTRONG,  Gu.  three  embowed  armed   arms  creel, 

two  and  one,  ar. 
Armejhong,  [Nottingham]  Gu.  three  armed  arms  lying  pale- 
ways  ar. 
ARMESTON,  [Burbage,  in  Leicefterfliire]  Sa.  a  chev. 
betw.  three  fpcars  heads  ar.  a  crefcent  for  difi'erence. — Creft, 
a  dragon's  head  erafed  vert,  fcalcd  or,  charged  with  a  cref- 
cent or,  for  difference, 



ARMiG£R,  [North-Creake,  in  Norfolk.]   Az.  three  helmets 
or^  betw.  two  bars  ar. — Creflr,  on  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  tiger 
fejant  gu.  crined  and  tufted  or. 
Armlger,  [Suffolk]   Az.   a  feffe    cotifed  ar.    betw.  three  clofe 

helmets  or. 
Armiger,  Erm.    a  griffin  fegreant  counterchangcd  or  and   az. 

armed  gu. 
Armlger^  Erm.  a  griffin  az.  armed  gu. 

Arimgcr,  Per  pale,   az.  and  or,  a  griffin  fegreant  counterch. 
ARMINE,   [Ofgodby,   in  Lincoln&ire]    Erm.  a  faltier  engr. 
gu.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  a  lion  palTant  (another,  gardant) 
or. — Creft,   on  a  mount  vert,  an  ermine  proper. 
Arm'ine,  Ar.  three  martlets  fa. 

ARMITAGE,  Sir  Francis,  Bart.   [Kirklees,  in  YorkOiire] 
Gu.  a  lion's  head  erafed  betw.  three  croffes  botonee  ar. — Creft, 
a  dexter  arm  embowed,   vefted  or,    cufF  ar.    grafping  in  the 
hand  proper,  a  fword  by  the  blade  ar.  hilted  or,  point  down- 
ARMYN,   Gu.  fix  rofes  ar.  three,  two,  and  one. 
Armyn,  [Cornwall]    Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  efcallops  az. 
ARMYTAGE,  [London  and  Yorkfhire]  Ar.  three  croffes  bo- 
tonee gu. — Creft,  a  demi-!ion  ar.  holding  in   his  dexter  paw 
a  crofs  botonee  gu.     Her.  Off.  Lond.   C.  24. 
Armytage^   [Yorkfliire]    Az.   a  lion's  head  erafed  betw.   three 

crofs  croflets  or. 
ARMONY,  Gu.  a  bend  ar.  (another,  erm.)  betw.  fix  bezants. 
ARMORER,   [London]     Gu.    on   a   chev.   ar.    betw.   three 
fmifter  gauntlets  or,  two  pales  betw.  three  half  fleurs-de-lis 
fplit  paleways. 
ARMORY,   [The  county  of  Kerrey,  in  Ireland]  Paly  of  fix 
nebulee,  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  chief  of  the  firft,  a  lion  paffant  gar- 
dant of  the  fecond. — Creft,  an  eagle's  her.d  or. 
ARMSTRONG,    [Lincolnftiire  and  Nottinghamfliire]  Gu. 
three  dexter  arms  vambraced  ar. — Creft,  a  dexter  arm  vam- 
braced  in  armour,  the  hand  proper. 
ARMESTONE,    [Leicefterfliire]    Sa.   a    chev.   betw.    three 

fpcars  head  ar. — Creft,  a  dragon's  head  erafed  proper. 
ARNEFORD,  or  Arnford,  Az.    three   bars  or,  within  a 

bordure  erm. 
ARNEST,    [Devonfhire]   Ar.   three    holly-leaves    barways, 
two  and  ene,  their  ftalks  towards  the  dexter  part  of  the  efcut- 
cheon  proper. 
ARNEY,    [Chanbury,    in  Dorfetfhire]    Ar.  a  ftffe  compony, 
or  and  az.  in  chief  three  martlets   gu. — Creft,    on  a  mural 
crown  or,  three  arrows  through  a  human  heart,  two  in  faltier, 
and  one  in  pale,  ar. 
ARNEWEY,    or   Arnway,    and  Arnold,    [Bucks]    Ar. 

three  efcallop-fhells  fa. 
ARNWAY,    [Lincolnfhire]   Quarterly,  az.  and  ar.  a  faltier 

engr.  counterchanged. 
Arnway.,    Az.  in  chief  a  mullet  betw.  two  crefcents  or,  in  bafe 

a  fifti  naiant  of  the  field. 

ARNEWOOD,  [Hampftjire]  Erm.  on  a  bend  az.  betw.  two 
cotifes,  three  lions  paffant  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet 
...  a  demi-leopard.  .  . 
ARNOLD,    [Cromer   in   Kent,  and   Ballisford  in   Suffolk] 
Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  dolphins  ar. — Creft,  a  dolphin 
Arnold,  [London]    Gu.  three  pheons  ar.  on  a  chief  of  the  fe- 
cond,  a  bar  nebulee  az. — Creft,  a   demi-tiger  fa.   bezanty, 
maned   and  tufted  or,   holding  a  broad  arrow,   ftick  gu.  fea- 
thers ajid  pheon  ar. — Granted  December  31,   16 12. 
Arnold,  [Huntingdonfliire]  Sa.  two  lions  paffant  or. 
Arnold,  Gu.   a  chev.  betw.  three  pheons  or. 
Arnold,    [Gloucefterfhire]     Gu.     a    chev.    erm.    betw.    three 

pheons  or. 
Arnold,   [Gloucefterfliire]  Gu.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  efcal- 
lop-fhells or. 
Arnold,  [Chilwick,  in  Hertfordfhire]    Gu.  a  chev.  quarterly, 
ermine  and  ermines,  betw.  three  pheons  or. — Creft,  an  ea- 

A     S     C 

gle's  head  erafed  gu.  gorged  with  a  mural  cofonet  ar.  holding 
in  the  beak  an  acorn  flipped,  leaved  vert. 
ARPE,  Erm.  on  a  bend  betw.  two  croflets  fa.  three  lozenges  ar. 
ARQUILL,  Per  feffe,  or  and  vert,  a  pale  counterchanged,  on 
the  firft  three  lions  heads  erafed  vert,  on  the  fecond  as  many 
oaken  flips  or. 
ARRAS,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  az.  five  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
Arras,  [Bucks]   Ar.  on  a  crofs  fa.   five  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
Arras,  Erm.  a  chev.  fa. 
ARROWOOD,  or  Arwood,   [Lancafhire]  Ar.  three  conies 

az.     Another,  three  conies  current, 
ARROWSMY-BH,    [Huntingfield    Hall,    in    Suffolk]   Gu. 
two  broad  arrows  in  faltier  or,  feathered  ar.  betw.  four  lions 
heads  erafed  and  crowned  of  the  fecond. 
Arrowfmyth,  [Lancafhire]    Ar.    five    billets    in  feffe  fa.  betw. 

three  pheons  gu. 
ARSACKE,  or  Arsak,  Gu.  a  bend  or,  cotifed  ar.     Another, 

gu,  a  bend  cotifed  or. 
ARSCOT,  [Devonfhire]  Per  chev.  az.  and  ermin,  two  bucks 
faces  or.     Another,  only  one.     Another,  two  ftags  heads  or. 
ARSICK,   Quarterly,  gu.  and  or,  on  a  bordure  fa.  eight  bulls 

heads  couped  ar, 
ARSOYS,  The  fame  as  ARFOIS. 
ARSYCKE,  Ar.  a  chief  indented  fa. 

ART,    [Greenwich,  in  Kent]  Az.  three  plates,  one  in  chief, 
and  two  in  bafe ;  two  piles  bendways,  one  dexter,  the  other 
fmifter,   each  charged  with  an  anchor  fa. 
ARTHAWE,  Sa.  two  flanches  ar,  in  chief  one  bar  gemel  of 

the  fecond. 
ARTHEKILL,   Gu.    fix  mullets  pierced   ar.    three,    two, 

and  one. 
Arthekll,  Gu.   fix  martlets  ar.   three  two,  and  one. 
ARTHINGTON,  [Arthington,  in  the  Weft-riding  of  York- 
fliire] The  fame  as  ARDINGTON. 
Arthington,  [Yorkfh.]  Ar,  a  feffe  betw.  three  efcallop-fliells  fa. 
Arthington,   [Yorkfti.]  Sa,  a  feffe  betw,  three  efcallop-fhells  ar. 
Arthington,  [Yorkfti.]  Or,  a  feffe  betw.  three  efcallop-fliells  gu. 
ARTHUR,  [Dublin]  Gu,    a  chev.  ar,  betw.  three  refts  or, 
on  each    as    many   hurts. — Creft,   a   falcon  volant   proper, 
jeffed  and   belled  or. 
Arthur,  [Springfield,   in  Effex]   Gu.  a  chev.  betw,  three  refts 
(or  clarions)  or, — Creft,  a  pelican  fa.  ftanding    in  her  neft 
or,  her  breaft  vulned.     Her.  Off.  Effex,   C,  21, 
Arthur,  Sa,  three  chefs-rooks,  and  a  chief  ar.     Another,  the 

chief  or, 
Arthur,  Sa.  three  cocks,  and  a  chief  ar, 
Arthur,  Gu,  a  chev.  ar,  betw.  three  bowls  or. 
Arthur,  Sa.  three  wheels  in  chief  ar. 
Arthur,  Sa.   three  wheels  ar.  a  chief  or. 
Arthur,  [Clopton,  in  Sometfetfliire]  Gu.  a  chev.   betw.  three 

clarions  or. 
ARTHURE,     [Ireland]    Gu.    a    chev.    betw.    three    Irifh 

brogues  or. 
ARTRED,   Ar.  on  a  feffe  fa.  three  lozenges  or. 
ARUNDELL,    [Baron  of  Wardour,   in  Wilts]  Sa.  fix  fwal- 
lows  ar.    three,  two,  and  one. — Creft,  a    wolf  paffant  ar. 
Supporters,   the  dexter    a   lion  gardant   erminois,    ducally 
crowned  or,   the  finifter   an  owl    ar.    winged    and    ducaily 
crowned  or. — Motto,  Deo  data. 
Arundell,  [Trerice]    Sa.  three  chev.  ar, — Creft,  on  a  chapeau 
gu.   a  martlet  ar.     Another  creft,  on  amount  a  horfe paffant 
ar.  againft  a  tree  proper. 
Arundell,  Sa.  fix  martlets  ar.   three,   two,  and  one. 
Arundell,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or,  armed  and  langued  az. 
Arundell,  Barry  of  fix,   or  and  az.  a  faltier  gu. 
ARWARD,  or  Arwood,  Ar.  three  hares  current  az. 
ASAMUZ,    Gu.  two  bars  dancettee  or. 
ASBONE,  Erm.  on  a  crofs  gu.  five  bezants, 
ASBORNE,  Gu.  a  feffe  betw.  fix  martlets  ar. 
ASCHE,  or  Aschey,  Or,  a  feffe  az,  over  all  a  faltier  gu. 

A     S     C 

Jfche,  Az.  three  pigeons  (or  doves)  ar.  two  and   one,  beaked 

and  mcmbered  gu. 
ASCHELEY,  Quarterly,  ar.  and  gu.  a  bend  fa. 
ASCLEY,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu.    on  his  Hiouldcr  a  cinque- 
foil  of  the  firft,  and  a  label  of  three  points  az. 
ASCOTT,  Per  chcv.  az.  and  erm.  in   chivf  two   ftags  heads 

caboQcd  or. 
ASCON,  Ar.  on  a  chief  fa.   three  lozenges  of  the  field. 
ASCOUiVr,  Or,  on  a  chief  az.  a  lion  rampant  gu. 
ASCOUGH,  Sir  Edward,  Knt.   [Salingborough,  in  Lincoln- 

fliirc]    Sa.  afclTe  or,  bctw.  three  aH.s  palTant  ar. — Crcft,  an 

afs  ar. 
Jfcough,  [Lincolnfhirc]    The  fime,  with  a  crcfccnt  for  dilF. 
Jfcough,  [Blibers,  in  Lincolnfhirej  Ar.  a  fcllc  bctw.  three  aflls 

pafllmt  fa. — Creft,  an  afs  pall'ant  fa. 
ASCUE,  [Lincolnfhir;]    Sa.   a  fclTe  bctw.  three  aJTcs  ar. 
Afiue,  [Lincolnfhirc]  Ar.  a  feflc  gu.    bctw.   three  adcs  heads 

coupcd  fa. 
Jfcue,  Gu.  on  a  fclTc  engr.  bctw.  three  alTes  heads  couped  or, 

acrofs  pattce  and  two  martlets  az. 
Afcut.,  Gu.  on  a  fclTc  cngr.  ar.  a  crofs  formee  bctw.  two  mart- 
lets az.     See  ASKEW. 
ASCUM,  Ar.   a  chev.  bctw.  three  flcurs-dc-lis  fa. 
ASCUNE,  Parted    per    pule,  or  and  az.  a   fcflc   bctw.   three 

alTcs  or- 
ASELOCFCE,  or  Aslake,  [Suffolk]   Sa.   a  chev.  erm.  bctw. 

three  Catherine  wheels  ar. — Creft,  a  talbot's  head   fa.  guttcc 

dc  ar. 
ASEN,  Ar.  afeflegu.  bctw.  three  eagles  heads  couped  fa. 
ASGILL,  Bart.   [London]    Party  per  fefle,  ar.    and    vert,  a 

pale  counterchanged,  in  each  part,  of  the  firft,  a  lion's   head 

crafed  gu. 
ASHE,  Sir  Jofcph,  Ba.'t.  [Twickenham,  in  Middlefex]     Ar. 

two  chev.  fa. — Creft,  a  cockatrice  or,  combed  and  wattled  gu. 
Ajht,  [Somcrfetftiire]    Ar.  a  feffe  az.   over  all  a  faltier  gu. 
jtjhi-,  Ar.  a  faltier  and  fefte  gu. 
Ajht,  Ar.    a  faltier  gu.  and  felFe  az. 
A]he,  Or,  a  faltier  gu.    over  all  a  feflc  fa. 
Ajhe^  Az.  three  fea-mews  ar.  beaked  and  membered  gu. 
Jjhe,  or  EJhe,  [Devonftiirc,   1613.]    Ar.  two  chev.    fa.   each 

charged  with    a  trefoil  flipped  or. — Creft,   a    cockatrice  clofe 

ar.  charged  on  the  breaft  with  a  trefoil  flipped  gu. 
ASHAWE,  [Lancafliire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  martlet 

vert,  as  many  croflcs  pattee  fitchee  of  the  field. — Creft,  an 

arm  embowed,  habited  with  green  leaves,  IflTiiing  out   of  a 

duca!  coronet  or,  and   holding  in    the   hand   a   crofs  pattee 

fitchee  ar. — Granted  1599. 
ASHBERTON,  Per  fefle,  ar.  and  fa.  a  greyhound  and  mule, 

within  a  bordure  engr.  all  counterchanged. 
AJhbertoi,  Az.    a  talbot  paflant  or,  collared  gu. 
ASHBORNE,  or  Ashburv,    [Worcefterfliirc]    Gu.  a  fefle 

betw.  fix  martlets  ar.     Another,  the  fefle  or,  &c. 
JJhborne,  Ar.  on  a  fefle  betw.  three  crcfccnts  gu.  as  many  mul- 
lets or. — Another,  the  mullets  ar. 
JJhbornt,  or    Jjhburiw,  [Ireland]     Ar.    on   a   bend   fa.    three 

towers  triple-towered  of  the  field. 
ASHBURY,  [Worcefterfh.]  Gu.  a  fefle  bet.  three  mullets  ar. 
ASHBY,   [Leicefterftiire]    Ar.  a  lion  rampant  az.  guttee  or. 
AJhhy,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa. 
Ajhby,  [Leicefterftiire]    Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  and  a  chief  gu. — 

Creft,  a  ram's  head  ar.   attired  or. 
AJhby,  [Leicefterftiire]    Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.    billety  or. 
AJhhy,  Az.  a  fefle  betw.  three  martlets  ar. 
AJhby,  [Quenby,  in  Leicefterftiire]   Az.   a  chev.   erm.    bctw. 

three  leopards  heads  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  crown  ar.    a 

leopard's  head  or. 
JJhby,  Per  pale,  az.  and  gu.    a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  leopards 

heads  ar. 
AJhby,  [Leicefterftiire]  Az.  a  chev.  bctw.    three   fpread-eagles 

or. — Creft,  an  eagle  clofe  ar.  ducally  crowned  or. 
AJhby,  Sir  Francis,  Bart.  [Hartfieid,  in  Middiefe.x]    The  fame. 

A    S     It 

ASHBURNHAM,  [Earlof  Aftiburnham]    Gu.   a  fcflc  berv. 

fix  mullets  ar. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronst  or,  an  a(h-trce 

fruited  proper.     Supporters,  two  greyhounds  fa.  collared  and 

lined  or.     Motto,  Le  Roy  ii  [ Ejlat. 
Ajhburnham,  Gu.  a  feflc  betw.  three  mullets  ar. 
Ajhbtiniham,  [Sufllex]  Gu.  a  feflc  ar.  betw.  fix  plate?. 
Aftiburnhaniy  or  AJhbrenham,  Az.  a  fcflc  betw.  three  martlet?  sr. 
AJhburnhain,  [HampOiire]  Gu.  on  a  fefle  bctw.  fix  mullets  ar. 

a  crefcent  fa. 
ASHCOMB,  or  Aishcomb,  [Bctkftiire]  Or,  a  linn  rampant 

quevec  forchce  gu.  a  chief  az. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  a  denii- 

caglc  difpl.  fa.    ducally  crowned  or.     1612. 
ASHDOUN,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  gorged  with  a  collar  or, 

and  charged  with  three  ogrcfl'es. 
ASHELDA.VI,or  AsnELDKN,[Eircx]  Erm.afcfledanceitic^u. 
ASHELSON,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  and  a  bend  az. 
ASHENDEN,  Ar.   a  lion  rampant  gu.  armed  and  langucd  az, 
AJluntlen,    Ar.    a    lion    rampant   gu.    collared  or.      Another, 

the   field  or. 
ASHERBURNE,  Ar.  a  fcfl^c  bctw.  three  crcfccnts  gu. 
ASHERST,  [Lancafhirc]    Gu.  a  crofs  engr.  or,  in   the  fiift 

quarter  a  fleur-de-lis  ar. — Creft,  a  fox  paflant  proper. 
ASHINGHURST,    Or,  a  cockatrice  clofe  d.   wattled  and 

legged  gu.  his  tail  nowed,  and  ending  with  a  fcrpcnt's  head, 

in  the  mouth  of  the  cockatrice  a  fprig  vert. — Creft,  the  fame 

as  the  arms. 
ASHURST,  Sir  Henry,  Bart.    [Kmington,  in  OxfordiTiirc] 

Gu.  a  crofs  bctw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
AJhJmrJI,  Sir  Adam,   Knt.  [Chcftiirc]  Gu.    a  crofs  cnT.   or, 

in  the  chief  dexter  quarter,  a  fleur-de-lis   ar.     Another,  the 

fleur-de-lis  or. 
AJhhurJI,  [Lancaftiire]  Gu.    a  crofs  engr.  or,  betw.  four  fleurs- 
de-lis  ar. 
AJhhurft,  [Lancafliire]  Gu.  a  crofs  engr.  bctw.  four  flcurs-Je- 

lis  ar.     Another,  four  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
AJhurjl,  Gu.    on  a  crofs  or,  five  fleurs-de-lis  az. 
ASHFIELD,  [Lancafti.]  Sa.  a  fefll:  bet.    three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
AJ})fidd,  [Sufl^olk]     Sa.  a    fefle    betw.    three  fleurs-de-lis    ar. 

Anothc.',   the  fefle  engr. 
AJhJicld,  [Suffolk]  Gu.   a  fefle  indented,  counter-indented,  two 

points  at  each  end  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
AJhfiild,  [Yorkftiire]  Sa.  a  feflc  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis,  within 

a  bordure  ar. 
AJhfiild,    [Sufl<;x]    Sa.  on  a  fefle  cngr.    betw.  two  fleurs-dc-Lia 

ar.   a  crefcent  of  the  field. 
AJhfidd,  Sa.  a  chev.  engr.  bctw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
AJhfieldf  [Oxfordftiire]   Barry  wavy  of  fix,  ar.  and  fa. 
AJhJiild,  [Warwickftlire  and  Euckinghamfhire]     Ar.  a   trefoil 

flipped  fa.  bctw.  three  mullets  gu. — Creft,  a  wolf  current  erm. 
ASHFORD,    [Aftiford  in  Devonfhirc,   and  of  Cornwall  J  Ar. 

betw.    two  chev.  fa.   three   aftitfn-kej's  az.     Another,    the 

keys  vert. — Creft,  on  a  wreath  a  .Moor's  head   fide-faced  fa. 

wreath  about  the  temples  ar.  and  ifliiing  out  of  a  chaplet  of 

oak  leaves  vert. 
Ajhford,  [Devonftiirc]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  voided  fa.    three  bunches 

of  afhcn  keys  proper, 
j^/sr^,  [Cornwall]    Ar.   a  chev.  betw.  three  bunches  of  aflicn 

keys  vert. 
ASHLEY,  Sir  Francis,  Knt.    [Dorfetftiire]   Vert,  a  cinquc- 

foil  erm.   within  a  bordure  cngr.  ar. 
AJhley,  [Somerfetfhire]   Ar.   three  bulls  paflant  fa.   armed  or. 

Creft,  on    a  chapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm.    a  bull  fa.    ducally 

gorged  or. 
AJhley,  [Suffolk  and    Norfolk]   Sa.  a   fefle  engr.  berw.   three 

fleurs-de-lis  ar.     Another,  three  crcfccnts  ar. 
AJhlty,  or  Ajhelty,  [Dorfetftiire]    Sa.   on  a  pale  cngr.  ar.    three 

crefcents  of  the  field. 
AJhlcy,  Az.  on  a  pale  engr.   ar.    three  crefcents  of  the  field. 
Afnley,  Sa.  on  a  pale  engr.  ar.   three  crefcents  ju. 
Ajhley,  Sa.   on  a  pale  engr.   ar,   three  crofles  for.-ncc  gu. 

3  D  Ajhkj, 


AjliUy,  [Lowfljy,  in  Leiccfterfliire]    Ar.  a  Hon  rampant  fa. 

crowned  or. 
Ajhley,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  and  a  chief  gu. 
jijhley,  Ar.   a  lion  rampant  gu. 
AJhley,  Quarterly,  ar.  and  gu.    a  bend  fa. 
Ajhle^i,  Quarterly,  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  mullets   of 

the  firft. 
AJhley,  [London]  Gu.  three  wool- facks  ar.  In  chief  a  mullet  or. 
AJhley,  [London]   Gu.   on  a  feffe  engr.  ar.   betw.  three  griffins 

heads  erafed  or,  as  many  croffes  formee  fitches  of  the  field. 
AJhley,  Gu.  on  a  fefle  engr.  betw.  three  griffins  heads  erafed  ar. 

as  many  croffes  formee  fa. 
AJhley,  [Devonfhire]    Az.  a  cinquefoil  erm.  pierced  of  the  field. 

AJhley,  [Dorfetfliire]    Az.  a  cinquefoil  within  a  bordureengr. 

erm. — Creft,  a  harpy  proper. 
ASHMAN,  [Lymmir.gcon,    in  Wilts]    Or,    on  a  bend  gu. 

betw.  twotalbots  heads  erafed  fa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
ASHMOLE,  Comptroller  of  ejxife  1679,  [StafFordfb.]   Quar- 
terly, fa.  and  or,  in  the  chief  dexter   quarter,   a  fleur-de-lis 
of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  greyhound  current  fa. 
ASHOE,  Or,  a  feflfe  az.  in  the  chief  dexter  quarter,  a  faltiergu. 
ASHORP,  or  Arthorp,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  martlets  gu, 
ASHPOOLE,  Az.  three  chev.  or. 
ASHTON,  [Afliton,  in  Chefljire]  Per  chev.  fa.  and  ar. 
AJhton,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  rofes  gu. 
AJhton,  [Yorkfhire]    Sa.  a  faltier  ar. 

AJhton,     [Spalding  in    Lincolnfliire,   and    of  London]   Ar.  a 

mullet  pierced  fa.  in  the  dexter  corner  a  fleur-de-lis   gu. — 

Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  ar.  a  griffin's  head  gu.   ducally 

gorged  and  beaked  or. 

AJIjton,  [Afhton  under  Line  in  Lancafhire,  and  of  Sheering  in 

Eflex]  The  fame,   v.'ith  a  crefcent. 
AJijton,  or  AJheton,  [Chefhire  and  Lancafhire]    Ar.  a  mullet  fa. 

— Creft,  a  boar's  head  couped  ar. 
AJhton^  [Wefton,  in  Leicefterfhirc]   The  fame,  with    a  cref- 
cent for  difference.! 
AJhton,  [Shepley  and  Lancafliire]  Ar.  a  mullet  fa.   pierced  of 
the  field. — Creft,  a  mower,  with  his  fcythe,  his  face  and  hands 
proper,  his    habit  and  cap  counterchanged  ar.    and    fa.    the 
handle  of  the  fcythe  or,  the  blade  ar.  as  in  a£lion. — Granted 
Aug.  16,   1632. 
AJhton,  [Cheftiire]  Or,  a  mullet  fa. 
AJhton,  [Lancafhire]   Ar.  a  mullet  fa.  pierced  erm. 
AJiiton,  [Chefliire]  Ar.  a  mullet  fa.   charged  with   a   plate,  in 

chief  a  crefcent  of  the  fecond. 
AJhton,  Sir  Ralph,  Knt.  and  Bart.  [Midleton,  in  Lancafhire] 

Ar.  on  a  mullet  fa.  an  annulet  or. 
AJhton,  [StafFordfhire]   Ar.  a  feiie  fa.  in  chief  three   lozenges 

of  the  fecond. 
AJhton,  [Suffolk]    Ar.  a  feffe  fa.   in   chief   three   fufils  of  the 

AJhton,  [Crofton,  in  Lancafliire]   Quarterly ;  firft  ar.  a   chev. 

fa.  betw.  three  mafcles  gu.  fecondly,  ar.    two  bars  fa. 
Ajhton,  or  Ajheton,  [Crofton,  in  Lancafliire]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw. 
three  chaplets  gu.     Another,   the  chev.  fa. — Creft,    out   of 
clouds  proper,  a  demi-angel   with    wings    expanded,  vefted 
■    ar.  face  and  hands  proper,  hair,  wings,  and  girdle  or. 
Afoton,  Ar.  two  bars  and  a  bend  gu. 

ASHWORTH,  [Heyford,  in  Oxfordfliire]    Gu.  acrofsengr. 
couped  or,  betw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  ar. — Creft,  on  a   mount 
vert,  a  fox  proper. 
ASKE,  Az.  four  lozenges  ar. 

Afie,  [Chowbent,  in  Lancafliire]    Barry  of  fix,  ar.  and  az. 
AJke,  [A(ke,    in  Yorkfhire]    Or,  three   bars  az.  an  annulet  for 
difference. — Creft,    an    old    man's   head    fide-faced   proper, 
wreath   about  the  temples   or  and  az.   and  tied  with  a  bow 
of  the  colours. 
AJhe,  [Aughton,  in  Yorkfliire]  The  fame, 
Ajh,  Ar.  three  lions  paffant  gardantaz. 


Jjie,  [Yorkftiire]  Or,  three  bars  az.  within  a  bord.  engr.  gUi 
AJke,  [Yorkfliire]    Or,  two  bars  az. 

AJke,  [Yorkfliire]   Or,  four  barrulets  az.    Another,  three,  &c. 
ASKEBY,  Sir  Robert,  Knt.    Ar.   a   lion  rampant  fa.    bil- 

lety  or. 
AJkeby,  Ar.  a  chev.  engr.  az . 

AJkchy,  or  AJklahy,  Az.   a  feffe  betw.  three  martlets  ar. 
ASLAKBY,   The  fame. 

ASKEAM,  AsKEHAM,  or  Askham,  Gu.  a  feffe  betw.  thred 
dolphins  or.     Another,  the  dolphins  ar.     Another,    the  feffe 
or,    the  dolphins  ar. 
ASKELEY,  AsKLEY,  and  Skaley,  Ar.  a  chev.  engr.  az. 

Another,  the  field  erm. 
ASKERKBY,  Az.   a  feffe  betw.  three  mullets  ar, 
ASKERTON,  Or,  a  trefoil  flipped  vert. 
ASKETINE,  [Weft  Peckham,  in  Kent]    Or,    on   a   chev, 
betw.  three  lions  gambs  fa.  couped  gu.  and  eredt,  three  cref- 
cents  of  the  firft. — Creft,  two  lions  gambs  eredt  fa.  fupport- 
ing  a  crefcent  or. 
ASKEW,  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three  affes  paffint  fi. 
AJkew,    [London]    Gu.   on  a  feffe  engr.  ar.    betw.  three  affes 
heads  couped    or,   a  crofs    croflet    and   tv/o    ftars   az.     See 
ASKJiWE,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or,  oppreffed  with  a  bend  vert, 
ASKUE,  Sa.    a  feffe  or,  bstw.  three  affes  paffant  ar. 
ASKYTON,    [Lancafliire]   The  fame  as  y/yJ^/«»  of  Crofton. 
ASKOUTHE,  Sa.  a  feffe  gu.  betw.  three  affes  ar. 
ASKWITH,  [Yorkfliire]  Sa.   a  feffe   betw.  three  crofs  crof- 

lets  ar, 
ASLACK,  or    Asloke,  [Holme,  in  Norfolk]    Sa.    a   chev. 
erm.  betw.  three  Catharine  wheels  ar.     Another,  the  wheels 
or. — Creft,    a  talbot's  head  fa.    guttee  de  ar. 
ASLIE,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu. 
ASLIN,  [London]   Ar.  a  chev.  crenelee  az.  betw.  three  rofes 

gu.  ftalked  and  leaved  proper. — Creft,  a  demi-horfe  proper. 
ASLIN,  Or,   on  a  chev.  crenelee  gu.  three  rofes  of  the  field 

flipped  vert. 
AJlin,  or  AJlun,  Or,  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  lozenges  of  the  fe- 
cond.    Another,  ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  lozenges  of  the 
fecond,  each  charged  with  a  crofs  croflet  fa. 
ASNANTES,  Gu.   two  bars  dancettee  or. 
ASPALL,   [Suffolk]  Az.  three  chev.   or.     Another  adds   a 

fleur-de-lis  gu. 
ASPLEY,    Vaire,    ar.  and  fa.   three  bars  gu.  a  canton  erm. 
ASPILON,  Ar.    a  chev.  betw.  three  efcallops  fa. 
ASPINWALL,  AsHMELL,  and  Asmall,  [Northumberland] 

Gu.  two  bars  dancettee  or,  within  abordure  fa. 
ASPIN,  Dodor  William,  [Buckinghamfliire]  Az.  three 
cheveronels  ar.  bet.  as  many  quatrefoils  or ;  and,  for  his  creft, 
on  a  wreath  a  dragon's  head  or,  betw.  two  afpin  branches  pro- 
per.— Gr.  by  Henry  Sir  George  Clarenceux,  Feb.  20,  1687. 
ASSAKAR,'or  Assakur,  Sa.  a  chev.  engr.  betw.  three  cref- 

cents  ar. 
ASCHEBY,  Ar.   a  lion  fa.   billety  or. 
ASSELLS,  Gu.  a  faltier  and  a  chief  ar. 

ASSENT,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three crefcents  gu.  within  abor- 
dure erm. 
ASSETHORP,  Ar.   a  chev.  betw.  three  martlets  fa. 
ASTABLE,  Quarterly,  vaire  and  gu.  a  bordureengr.  or. 
ASTEKEY,  and  Astell,  Gu.  a  lion  paffant  gardant,  within 
anorle  of  crofs  crofiets  or.     Another,  gu.  a  lion  rampant  gar- 
dant,  within  an  orle  of  crofs  croflets  ar. 
AJlell,  [Everton  in  Bedfordftiire,  Huntingdon,   and    LondonJ 
Gu.   a  lion  paffant,  party   per  pale,    or  and    ar.  betw.  four 
crofs   croflets  ar. — Creft,  a  crofs  croflet  or,  entwined  with 
a  ferpent  vert. 
AJlell,  [Leicefterfliire]   Gu.  a  lion  paffant  gardant  or,  the  field 
crufuly  of  the  fecond,  on  a  canton  ar.  an  eagle  difpl.  fa.  on 
thebreaft,  on  an  efcutcheon  or,  three  bars  az. 
ASTEN,  orA-NSTEN,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  betw.  two  chev.  fa.  three 
c/'offes  or, 




ASTERBY,  [Lincolnfhire]  Ar.  a  falticr  engr.  fa. 


AS  ILE   of  Staffordihirc,  and  ASTLEY  of  Dorfctniire,  Az. 

a  cinquefoil  erm.  within  a  bordure  engr.  of  the  Iccoiid. 
JjUey,  [Kent]  A/,  a  cinquefoil  erm.  within  a  burdure  engr. 
or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducul  coronet  or,  apjumcof  feathers  in 
a  cafe  ar. 
JjlUj/,  Sir  Jacob,  [Melton-Conftabic,  in  Norfolk]   The  f.ime, 

with  due  difFerenee. 
JjlUy,  Sir   Richard,   Bart.    [Patifhull,  in  BedfordHi/rc]     The 
fame,  with  due  diftcrcnce. — Crcll,  onachapeau   gu.  turned 
up  erm.  a  (haft  of  a  column  gu.  environed  with  a  ducal  co- 
ronet or,  on  the  top  of  the  column  a  plume  of  feathers  ar. 
JjlUyt  [StirfordlhircJ    Az.  a  cinquefoil  erm.  pierced  or. 
/^'//.•j',  [Warwicklhire]    Az.   three  cinquefoils  erm. 
yljIUy,  [Patifhull,  in  Salop]    Az.  a  cinquefoil  erm.  a  crefccnt 
tor  ditlerence. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  ar.  a  plume  of 
feathers  gu.  furmountcd  with  another  plume  or. 
Jjiley,  Az.  ferny  of  crofs  croHcts  or,  a  lion  padJnt  gardant  ar. 
AjUey,  Gu.  ferny  of  crofs  croflets  or,  a  lion  rampant  gardant  ar. 
■/tjlley,  Az.   the  held  repleniihed  with  crolfes  botonee  or,  a  lioa 

paflant  regardant  ar. 
Ajlleyy  Ar.  a  lion  gu.    armed  and  laiigucd  or. 
AJlley,  h-L.  a  lion  paflant  gardant  ar.     Another,  the  lion  or. 
AjiUy,  or  /IjieUy,  [Stailbrdlhlrc]    Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  armed 

and  langucd  or. 
AjiUyy  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  armed  az. 

Ajllty,  [Effex]    Az.  a  cinquefoil  erm. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  a 
plume  of  feathers  ar.    banded  gu.  and  encircled  with  a  ducal 
coronet  or. 
AJleleyy  Gu.  a  lion  pafTant  regardant  ar.  within  an  orle  of  eight 

crofs  croflets  or. 
AJilty,  Gu.  a  leopard  rampant  ar.  armed  and  langued  az.  within 

an  orle  of  eight  croU  crollets  or. 
Jjiley,  Az.  two  leopards  palLint  ar.    armed  and  langucd  az. 
Ajlley,  Gu.  a  leopard  rampant  ar.   armed  of  the  field. 
JjiUy,  Az.  a  leopard   pall'ant  ar.   within  an  orle  of  fix    crofs 

croflets  or. 
AjUey,  Gu.  a  wolf  faliant  ar.  within  an  orle  of  crofs  croflets  or. 
AjiUy,  [Warwickftiire]    Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  grifEns  heads 

crafcdof  the  field.     See  A^HLEY. 
ASTLOW,  Ar.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  owls  az., 
ASTON,  I^ordAfton,  [Ir.Und]    Ar.  a  felTc  fa.  in  chief  three 
lozenges  of  the  fccond. — Crcl},  a   bull's  head  or,  the  horns 
ar.  tipped  fa.  '   Supporters,  two   Roman  knights  completely 
armed,  face,  hands,  ar.J  knees  proper.     Motto,  Numini  tjf 
f  atria  ajh. 
Afton,  Ar.  on  a  chief  or,  three  lozenges  fa. — Creft,  a  bull's 
head  or,' horned  party  per  fcli'e,  fa.  and  ar.     Another  creft,  a 
chapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm.  on  each  fide  of  the  cap,  within  the 
erm.  a  horn  proper. 
Aflon,  [StafFordlhirc,  of  Afton  in  Lancaftiirc,  and  of  Chcfliirc] 
Parted  per  chev.   fa.   and    ar.    See  Ajhttn. — Creft,  an  afs's 
head  per  pale,  ar.  and  fa.    Another,  the  afs's  head  per  chev. 
ar.  and  fa. 
Ajhn.,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  mafclcs  gu. 
Ajhn,  Az.  a  cinquefoil  pierced  erm. 
>^?ijn,  [StafFordfhirc]  Or,  on  a  chief  az.  a  lion  paflant  of  the 

AJlon,  Az.  a  chief  or,  over  all   a  lion  rampant  of  the  fecond. 

Another,  the  tail  forked. 
Aihit.,  Or,  a  chief  az.  over  all  a  lion  rampant  gu. 
Ajhn,  The    fame,    within    a  bordure  gobbonatcd  ar.  and  fa. 

charged  with  efcallops  countcrchanged. 
/tflon,  [Gloucefterlhire]   Gu.  a  lion  ramp,  or,  and  bend  vaire. 
Ajhn,  [Gloucefterfhire]     Gu.  a    lion   rampant   ar.   opprcfied 

with  a  bend  vaire. 
AJliit,  [Wiltfhire]    Az.  a  bend  ar.  cotifcJ,  bctw.  fix  crofs  crof- 
lets or. 
Afton,  Az.  abend  ar.  cotifed  or,  bet.  eight  trefoils  of  the  third. 

A     T     K 

AJitn,  [Northamptonfljire]   Sa.  a  faJtierar. 

ASTORELL,  [Huntingdonftiire]    Ar.  on  a   bend   gu.  three 

efcallop-fhclls  or. 
ASTRY,  [Wood-End,  in  Bedfordfliirc]  Barry  wavy  of  fix, 

ar.  and  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  bezants. 
Ajiry,  [Lincolnfhire]    The  fame. 
Ajiry,   [Huntinj.'donfliirc]   The  fame. 

[All  dcfcendfd  from  Sir  Ralnh  Allry,  lord-may«r  of  London  in 
the  rcij;n  of  king  Henry  Vll.] 

ASTROBY,  Sa.  abend  bctw.  fix  ftart  or. 

ASTVVICICE,  [Bcdfordftiirc]  Ar.  three crofTes  botonee,  two 
and  one,  fa. 

Ajlwicke,  Sa.  a  chev.  engr.  bctw.  three  crofs  croflets  ar.  Ano- 
ther, the  crofs  cruflcis  or. 

ATHOROUGH,  Sa.  two  fwords  in  falticr  ar.  betw.  four 
fleurs-de-lis  or. 

ATCHKLAY,  or  Atchley,  [London]  Gu.  on  a  fefTe  engr. 
ar.  bctw.  three  griffins  heads  erafcd,  as  many  croflcs  forme-c 
fitchcc  fa. 

ATCLYFFE,  [Kent]    Az.  three  quatrcfoih  ar.  flipped  vert. 

Atdylfi,  Az.  three  fhovellcrs,  two  and  one,  ar. 

ATENDOLA,  or  Atendelaw,  [Italy]  Az.  a  lion  rampant 
or,  fupporting  in  his  paw  a  body  heart  pu.  Another,  the 
heart  or. 

ATEIELD,  Per  chev.  erm.  and  fa.  on  the  firft,  two  dolphins 
of  the  fccond. 

Atfielil,  Per  chev.  ar.  and  fa.    in  chief  two  dolphins  of  the  field. 

ATI'ORD,  [Surrey  and  Yorkfliire]  Gu.  three  pears  or,  two 
and  one,  a  chief  of  the  fecond.     Another,  fix  pears. 

ATGROVE,  Erm.  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  efcallop-fhells  ar. 

A  THAEL,  [Sherborne,  in  ]  Sa.   a  chev.  b:tw.  three 

finiftcr  hands  couped  ar. 

ATHELL,  [Scotland]  Or,  three  pales  fa. 

Alhdl,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  az.  armed  gu.  on  his  (houlder  a 
crcicent  of  the  field.     Another,  the  crefccnt  or. 

Athcll,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  az.  aimed  gu.  on  his  fhoulder  a 
crefcent  of  the  third. 

ATYE,  [Newington,  in  Middlefcx]  Az.  a  bend  bctw.  two 
lions  rampant  or. — Creft,  on  a  wreath  an  ermine  pafTant. 

ATHELSTON,  Per  faltier,  gu.  and  az.  a  crofs  flory  or. 

Atheljhn,  Gjronny  of  four  pieccs,az.and  gu.  acrofs  pato.nce  or. 

Atheljlon,  or  Atbiljhn,  Ar.  a  faltier  az.  bctw.  four  crofs  crof- 
lets fitchee  gu. 

ATHERLEY,  Ar.  on  a  bend  betw.  two  lions  heads  erafed  fa. 
three  crolTes  formee  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  fa. 

ATHERTON,  [LancafhireJ  Ar.  two  bends  within  a  bor- 
dure fa. 

Alkerton,  Gu.  three  hawks  belled  and  jefled  or,  two  and  one. 

Atberton,  ot  /Ittcrton,  [Lancafhire]  Gu.  three  fparrow-hawks 
ar.  beaked,  belled,  and  jefTed  or. — Creft,  a  hawk  proper, 
legged  and  beaked  or.  Another  creft,  a  fwan  az.  ducally 
gorged  and  lined  or. 

Atberton^  [Atherton,  in  Yorkfhire]  The  fame,  with  this  creft, 
viz.  a  demi-fwan  ar.  beaked  gu.  enfiled  with  a  ducal  co> 
ronet  or. 

ATHILL,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.    betw.  three  pears  or. 

ATHLOVVE,  [Eflex]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  az.  three  lions  ram- 
pant or. 

ATY,  Sir  Arthur,  Knt.  [MidJlcfcxJ  Az.  a  bend  betw.  two 
lions  rampant  or,  langued  gu. 

ATHVVAT,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar. — Creft,  on  a  wreath  a 
horfe's  head  erm.   ifTuing  out  of  a  plume  of  feathers  gu. 

ATHOWE,  [Bryficy,  in  Norfolk]   Sa.  a  chev.  betw.    three 

carpenters  fqunres  ar. — Creft,  abirJ  ar.     Granted  1586. 
ATKINS,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  crofs  betw.  four  flcurs-de-lii 

fa.  four  ar. 

Atkins,  [Yelverton,  Norfolk]  .Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  unicorna 
heads  erafed  of  the  firft. — Creft,   a  dcmi-tiger  erm.    collared 
and  lined  or. 
ATKYNS,  Ar.  a  crofs  formee  az.  flory  or,  bctw.  four  mulletj 

A    T    K. 

ofthefecond. — Creft,  an  arm  embowed  in  atrnouf  proper, 
holdingiii  the  gauntl.tacrofs  formee  fitchee  az.  flory  or. 
Atkyns,  Sir  Robert,  Knt.  of  the  Bath,  [Totteridge  in  Hert- 
fordfhire,  and  Saperton  in  Gloucefterfh.]  Ar.  a  crofs  fa. 
atrelTureof  a  half  fleur-de-lis,  bet.  four  mullets  pierced  of  the 
fecond.^Creft,  two  greyhounds  heads  endorfed  ar.    and  fa, 

collared  and  ringed  counterchanged. 
Atkyns,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.    three  unicorns  heads  crafed  ar. 
Atkyns,  Sir    Richard,  [Hertfordfliire]     Az.  three   bars   ar.  in 

chief  three  bezants. — Creft,  a  ftork  ar.   wings  and  tail    fa. 

beaked  and  legged  gu.  preying  on  a  dragon  vert. 
Atkyns,  [London]    Ar.  a  crofs  betw.  four  mullets  pierced  fa. 
ATKINSON,  [Somerfetlhire]   Az.  a  crofs  voided,  betw.  four 

J  ions  rampant  or. — Crcll,  an  eagle  with  wings  expanded  ar. 

beaked  and  legged  gu. 
Atkinfon,    [London]    Gu.  an  eagle  difpl.  ar.  on  a   chief  or,    a 

rofe  betw.  two  martlets  az. — Creft,  an  eagle,  wings  expanded 

ar.  beaked  and  legged  gu. 
Atkinfon,   or  Atchhifon,  [Newark  and   Yorkfhire]    Erm.    on  a 

fefle  fa.  three  pheons  ar. — Creft,  a  pheon  or. 
Atkinfon,   [Cambridge]   Sa.    a  crofs  flory  ar.   betw.    four  efcal- 

Iop-(hells  or. — Creft,    a    fea-lion   fejant   ar.   holding  in    his 

dexter  paw  an  efcallop-fliell  or. — Segar,  1624. 
Atkinfon,    [Nottingham]  Ar.  an  eagle  difpl.  gu.   on  a  chief  az. 

three  bezants. — Creft,  a  demi-eagle,  wings  difpl.  or,  collared  fa. 
Atkinfon,    [Yorkfliire]   Erm.  a  fefle  betw.  three  pheons  fa. 
ATLEY,  orAxLEiGH,  Gu.  a  crofs  croflet  erm. 
Atley,  Ar.  a  feflTe  betw.  three  crefcents  fa. 
Atley,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.   armed  and  langued  gu. 
AtUy,  ox  Atlee,  [Suflex]   Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  tail  forked. 
ATLOE,  Per  pale  indented,  fa.  and  ar. 
ATLOW,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  carpenters  fquares  fa. 
Atlow,  Dr.  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  owls  az. 
ATTELEYS,  Gu.  a  crofs  croflet  erm. 
ATT    LOUNDE,    Ar.  two  chev.  humetty    fa.— Creft,    a 

hound  couchant  gardant  ar, 
ATMORE,  Ar.    two  bars    vert,  betw.   fix   martlets,  three, 

two,  and  one,  gu. 
ATSLEY,  Or,  onafeflTeaz.    three  lions  rampant  of  the  firft. 

— Creft,  a  leopard's  head  erafed  or,  fpotted  fa.  and  ducally 

gorged  or. 
ATSLOW,  [Downham,  in  Eflex]  Ar.  on   a  fefle  az.  three 

lions  rampant  gardant  or. 
ATSOE,  or  Atfoe,  Barry  wavy  of  fix  pieces,  or  and  gu. 
Atfoe,  Barry  wavy  of  fix  pieces,  ar.  and  gu.   three  (lirimps  or. 
Atfoe,  Barruly,  orandgu.  three  flirimps  of  the  fecond.     Ano- 
ther, the  fhrimps  of  the  firft. 
ATTON,  Or,  a  crofs  gu. 
Atton,  Or,  a  crofs  fa. 
Atton,  Gu.  a  crofs  pattee  ar. 
Atton,  Gu.  a  crofs  botonee  ar. 

Atton,  or  Attone,  [Weftmorland]   Gu.  a  crofs  farcelly  ar, 
Atton,  Gu.  a  ciofs  formee  flory  or. 
Atton,  Barry  of  fix,  az,  and  or,    on  a  canton  gu.   a  crofs 

patonce  ar. 
Atton,  Or,  a  bat  volant  gu. 
ATTYNGHAM,  Sa.  abendar, 
ATWATER,  Barry  wavy  of  fix,  ar.  and  gu.  three   crevices 

or,  two  and  one. 
Atwater,  Barry  wavy  of  fix,  ar.  and  gu.  three  dolphins  or. 
Atwater,  Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  rofes  or. 
Atwater,  Vert,  two  lions  fejant  with  two  bodies  and  one  head, 

within  abordure  engr.  ar. 
Atwater,  Vert,  a  lion  gardant  with  two  bodies  and  one  head  or, 

within  a  bordure  engr.  ar. 
ATWELL,  [Devonfhire]  Ar.  three  leopards  heads  az. 
Atwell,  [Devonfliire]  Ar.  a  pile  in  point  fa.  and  chev.   coun- 
terchanged.— Creft,  a  lion  rampant  erminois,  holding  in  his 

paws  an  annulet. — Pat.  1614. 
Atwell,  or  Ativill,  [Devonfhire]   Ar.  a  pilegu,  overall  a  chev. 

az.  within  a  bordure  engr.  or. 


ATWOOD,  [Bromfield,  in  Effex]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  mguly  zt. 

three  fleurs-de-lis  or. — -Creft,  on  a  branch  of  a  tree  trunked 

lying  fefleways  or,  a  fleur-de-lis  az.  betw.  two  fprigs  vert. 
Atwood,  [Glouceflerfliire]    Gu.    a   lion  rampant  gardant    ar, 

betw.  eight  acorns  flipped  or. 
Atwood,  Gu.  the  field  replenifhed  with  acorns  or,  a  lion  ram-» 

pant  ar.     Another,  the  field  fa. 
Atwood,  Gu.  a  lion  erm. 
Atwood,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  gardant  ar, 
Ativood,  Ar.  a  lion  r.impant  gu. 
Atwood,  Ar.    a  wolf  faliant  fa. 
Atwood,  Ar;  a  wolf  faliant  fa.  collared   of  the  firft,  within  a 

bordure  of  the  fecond, 
Atwood,  Ar.  a  wolf  faliant  fa.  within  a  bordure  engr.  of  the  fe- 
cond, charged  with  an  entoire  of  eight  bezants. 
Atwood,  Ar.  a  wolf  faliant  fa.  betw.   three  torteuxes,  within  a 

bordure  of  the  fecond. 
Atwood,  Gyronny  of  pieces,  ar.  and  or,  a  wolf  faliant  fa. 

Atwood,  [Broughton,  in  Salop]    Gu.  a   lion  rampant  double 

queued  ar. 
ATWORTH,  [Suffblk]  Ar.  a  grifiin  fegreant  parted  per  fefle, 

fa.  and  gu. 
Atworth,  Ar.  a  griffin  fegreant,  party  per  fefle,  az.  and  fa. 
A  VAN,  [Wales]  Erm.  on  a  bend  gu.   an  annulet  or. 
AUBEYNE,  The  fame  as  AWBYNE. 
AUBEMARLE,  The  fame  as  AWBEMARLE. 
AUBYGIN,  and  Aubigny,  The  fame  as  AWBIGNEY. 
AUBIN,  ST.  The  fame  as  AWBYNE. 
AUBYN,  ST.  [Alfoxton,  in  Somerfetfliire]  Erm.  on  a  bend 

fa.  three  plates. — Creft,  a  fquirrel  fejant   erm.  collared  and 

lined  or. 
AUBEMOND,  or  Aubemunde,  Erm.  a  chief  indented   az. 

replenifhed  with  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
AUBREY,  [Brecknockfliire]    Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles 

heads  erafed  or. — Creft,  an  eagle's  head  erafed  or. 
Aubrey,  Sir  John,  Knt.  and  Bart.    [Llantrithried,  in  Glamor- 

ganfhire]  The  fame. 
AUBERY,  Aubrey,  and  Auobrey,  [Herefordfhire]  Gu.  a 

feflie  engr.  ar. 
AUCHER,  [Borne,  in  Kent]  Erm.  on  a  chief  az,  three  lions 

rampant  or. — Creft,  a  bull's  head  erafed  gu. 
Auchcr,  or  Acher,  Sir  Anthony,     Knt.    and    Bart.     [Bifhopf- 

bourne,  in  Kent]    Erm.  on  a  chief  az.    three  lions  rampant 

or,  armed  and  langued  gu.    Another,  three  lions  ar. — Creft, 

a  bull's  head  erafed  gu. 
AWGER,  or  Acer,  [Kent  and  Gloucefterfhire]    Erm.  on  a 

chief   az.    a  lion  rampant  ar. — Creft,  a  bull's  head  erafed  gu. 

attired  ar. 
AUDYN,  [Dorchcfter]   Ar.  on  a  crofs  gu.  five  lioncels  faliant 

or,    a    mullet  for   difference    gu. — Creft,    a    lion   pafTant, 

crowned  or,  bearing  on  his  fhoulder  a  pafcal  banner  difveloped 

ar.  ftaff  and  crofs  gu.     The  lion  is  borne   by  fome  rampant 

per  pale,  or  and  ar.   holding  up  the  banner. 
AUDEBY,  or  Audebis,    Gu.  on  abend  ar.  three  martlets  fa. 

Another,  gu.  on  a  bend  or,  three  birds  fa.    See  AWDLEY, 
AUDLAY,  Gu.  a  fret  or,  within  a  bordure  gobbonated  gu. 

and  ar. 
AUDELEY,  Gu.  frettyor. 

[This  coat  of  arms  was  borne  by  Sir  James  Audeley  (fon  and 
heir  of  Nicholas  lord  Audeley)  one  of  the  knights  companions, 
of  the  moil  noble  order  of  the  garter,  to  king  Edward  Hi.'^ 

AVEN,  or  Avery,  [Gloucefterftiire]   Gu.  three  chev.  ar. 

AVELIN,  or  Evelin,  [Long-Ditton,  in  Surrey]  Az.  a  grif- 
fin paflant  or,  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  three  mullets  or. — 
Creft,  a  demi-hind  erm.  vulned  in  the  fhoulder  gu. — By 
grant  1572. 

AVELINE,  [Windfor  and  Frogmore,  in  Berks]  Per  pale, 
az.  and  gu.  three  eagles  difplayed  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  head 
erafed  ar.  holding  in  his  mouth  paleways,  a  fword  ar.  hilt 
and  pomel  or. 



AV£NANT,  [Woictaerflurc]   Erin,  on   a  pa!.-  gu.  a    crofe 

patc'c  cheeky  ar.   anJ    la.  flory   or,   on  a  chief  of  the  l^ift  a 
billet  witnin  a  mafcit,  bctw.  two  cfcalljp -.'hells  ar. 
AUJ3EMC)NT,   or  AuiJiMcvDE,   E:m.    on  a  pileaz.  thret 

fleurs-de-lis  or. 
AUBEMARLE,   Gu.  crufilly  or,  a  bend  lozcngy  crm. 
Aubcmark,   Gu.    three  fufiis  in  bend  errn.   voided  of  the  field, 

bctw.  fix  crofs  croflets  or. 
Jubtninrk,   Gu.   a  bend   lozengy  betw.    fix    crofs   croflets  or. 
AUBIN,  ST.    [Cornv.allj    Or,  on  a  crofs  fa   five  bezaiUb. — 

Creft,  on  a  rock  proper,  an  eagle  rifing  ar. 
AUBERY,  [SuflblkJ    Ar.    a   fulticr   az.    bctw.   four  jjriffins 

heads  eiafcd  ^u. 
AUCHER,  Auger,  or  Archer,  [Bourn,  in  IvcntJ  Erm.  on 

a  thief  az.  three  lions   rampant   or. — Licit,   a    bull's    head 

eral'ed  gu,  attired  or. 
AUDLBY,    Gu.  on  a  bend  or,   tlirec  martlets  fa. 
AUDLEY,   [VV^aldon  in  I'.liex]  >siuartcrly   j^er    pale  indented 

or  and  ai.  on    a  bend   of  the   iccoaU,   betw.  two   eagles  dif- 

played  or,  a  fret  bctw.  two  martlets  of  the  laft. — Creft,  on  a 
.  chapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm.  a  wivern  with  wings  endorfcd 

quarterly  or  and  az- 
Audley,  [Bccrccliurch,  in  Elllx]  Or,  on  a  fefTe  az.  bctw.  three 

conies  heads  couped  fa.  three  martlets  -c. 
Audlty^  Gu.  a  fictor. — Crell,   a  Saracen's  head  coupcj  proper, 

wrciithed  about  the  temples  ;ir.  and  purp. 
AudUj,  Gu.  a  fret  or,  within  a   border  countcr-compony  ar. 

and  vert. 
Audlif,  Gu.  a  fret  or,  within  abordure  ar. 
Judli-y,  Ar.  fix  bears  paws  crafcd   in   faltier,  four  in  chief,  and 

two  in  bafc. 
Judley,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  martlets  fa. 
4udleyi  Or,    a   fefl'e  cotifed   betw.   three   conies   fa. — Creft  a 

martlet  fa. — [Granted,  by  Camden,   1608.] 
AUDYN,  [Dorchefter]  Ar.  on  a  crofs   gu.  five  lions  rampant 

or. — Creft,  a  lion   paflant,  his  tail  extended  or,    bearing   a 

banner  ar.  charged  with  a  crofs  gu. 
AVELEIRS,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  three  incfcutcheons  gti.  two  and 

AVELINE,   [VVindfor,  and  Frogmore,  in  Berks]  Per  pale  az. 

and  gu.  three  eagles  difplaycd  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  cra- 
fcd ar.  in  his  mouth  a  fword  ar.   hilt  and  pomel  or. 
AVENAYNE,    Gu.  a  fefl'e  bctw.  fix  annulets  ar. 
AVENEL,  or  Avenett,    [Cambridge]  Ar.  a  fcfle  betw.  fix 

annulets  gu. 
AVENELL,  Or,  on  a  fcfiegu.  three  crofs  croflets  of  thefirft. 
AVENEY,  or  Avery,  [Glouccftcrfliire]  Gu.  three  chev.  ar. 
AVENSLY,  or  Anstey,  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  over  all  a 

bendlet  gu. 
Jvmjly,  The   fame,  with  the   bendlet  compony  ar.    and  gu. 
AVERANCE,   Gu.  crufilly  or,    a  bend  of  mafcles  erm. 
AVERINGE,  Ar.  a  crofs  gu.  within  a  bordurefa. — .Another, 

the  bordurc  engrailed. 
AVERY,    [Huwifh,  in   Somcrfctlhire,  and  Enfield,  in  Mid- 

dlefex]  Gu.  a  feflTc  betw.  three  bezants. — Creft,  two  lions 

gambs  or,  fupponing  a  bezant. 
Avery,  [Haddon,  in  Derby]  Ar,   fix  annulets  gu.  three,  two, 

and  one. 
AVERY,  or  Averey,  [Ti'lingly  in  Warwickfhire]  Erm.  on 

a  pale  engrailed  at.  three  lions  heads  couped  or. — Creft,  a 

leopard  couchant  ar.  bezantc'e,  ducally  gorged  or. 
AVESNESS,  Bendy  of  fix  ar.  andgu. 

A    W    Y 

AUFFERTON,  Az.  two  chev.  or. 

AUf  FRICK,  Gu.  three  leg*  armed  proper,  conjoined  iii  the 
centre  at  the  upper  piirt  of  th-  thi-hs,  fl;xcd  in  a  trian^ii:,- 
garniflicd  and  fpurred  or. — Creft,  two  arms  embowcd  and 
eie(5l  in  armoury  holding  in  their  hands  a  gem  ring,  ^11  proper. 

AUGll  ION,  [Hadlington,  in  LancaftiircJ  Sa.  tlircegar!.   or. 

AUKE,    Gu.  two  bars  ar.  in  chief  three  annulets  of  the  laft. 

AU.MERLE,  Gu.  ac:ofs  patonce  vairc. 

Aumerlt,  Gu    a  crofs  patonce  ar. 

AUNCLLL,  Erm.  on  a  fcffe  gu.  three  crofs  croflets  or. 

Aumell,   Gu.  a  bend  fufilly  ar. 

Aunul/,  Or,  a  bend  gu. 

AUNGELL,  or  Anoell,  Or,  a  felfc  lozengy  az.  over  all  a 
bendlet  gu. 

AUNGER,  Erm.  a  griffin  fegrcam  per  fefTe  or  and  az. Creft, 

an  cfi  arbuncle  or. 

AUNGER,  or  Anoer,  Erm.  on  a  chief  az.  three  mafcles  ar. 

AUREICH.ER,  Or,  in  the  dexter  chief  p»int  a  lion  pafiant, 
in  the  fiiiifter  chief  point  a  cinquefoil,  and  in  bafc  a  ciiiquu- 
foil,  all  fa. 

AUSUORNE,  Sa.  bi'.Ietty  or,  a  griffin  fegrcant  of  the  jaft. 

AUSTEN,  [Tynterucn  in  Kent,  and  Guildford  in  Surry] 
Az.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  birds  or. 

Aiijhn,  Gu.  a  faltier  engrailed  crm.  bctw.  four  plates. 

Aujien,  Or,  a  chev.  gu.  bctw.  three  lions  gambs  crafed  fa. 
armed  gu. — Creft,  on  a  mural  coronet  or,  a  ftag  fcjant  ar. 
attired  or. 

Aujiiti,   [Norfolk]  Az.  a  chev.  ar. 

AuJlen,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  lozenges  or,  each  charged 
with  a  crofs  croflct  fitchee  fa. 

Aujhn,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  bctw.  three  lions  gambs  bendy  and 
crafcd  fa.  three  crefceius  or. 

AUSTIN,  [W.ilpoole  in  Norfolk]  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  thrca 
long  crofTes  or. 

AUSTYN,  [Somcrfctftiirc]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  bet\v.  three 
lions  g.mbs  bent  and  crazed  of  the  fecond,  three  bezants. 

Aiijlyn,  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  birds  or,  beaked  .ind  legged  gu. 

Aiijlyn,  Ar.  on  a  fefl'e  betw.  two  chev.  fa.  three  crofs  croflets  or. 

AUSTILL,  Ar.  a  faltier  raguly  vert. 

AUSTREY,  [Sommerton  in  Huntingdonfliire,  and  of  York- 
fliire]  Barp,'  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  be- 
zants.— Creft,  an  oftrich's  headerafed  ar.  betw.  two  oftrichca 
wings  gu.  in  his  beak  a  horfe-fhoe 

Aujltty,  [Hartington,  in  BedforJfhire]  Thefamearms. — Crcf', 
a  demi-oftrich  ar.   wings  gu. 

AUTINGHAM,  or  Antinciiam,  Sa.  abend  ar. 

AUTREY,  [Hampfhirc]  Az.  a  fefTe  fufilly  ar.  in  chief  a  label 
of  five  points  or. 

AUTREYN,  [SulTex]  Az.  a  fefTe  fufilly  ar.  over  all  a  bend- 
let gu. 

AWEREY,  [Chadenwich,  and  Burton,  in  'Wiltfhire]  Bemly 
of  eight  erm.  and  gu. 

Aivbrey^  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles  heads  crafcd  or. — Creft, 
an  eagle's  head  crafcd  or. 

Aubrey.,  Gu.  a  fefTe  engrailed  crm. 

AWDREY,  [Oxford]  and  AWNDYE,  [D«von]  Ar.  ona 
bend  cotifed  az.  three  rofes  or. 

AWGH,  Per  cher.  ar.  and  gu.  three  fleurs-de-lis  counter- 

AWNSAM,   Ar.  on  a  canton  fa.  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 

AWNSER,  Ar.  three  taibots  heads  crafcd  gu. 

A\VYS,  Ar.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  fcxet  heads  couped  gn. 






,AA,   or  Bao,  [Bedfordftiirc]  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three 
mullets  ar.— Another,  the   mullets  pierced  with   fix 
^        ,11  points  ar. 

\B^a,  [Bedtbrdlhire]  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  plates. 
BAARE,  or  Bare,   Gu.  three  lions  ar. 
BABELAKK,  Ar.  on  a   chev.  between  three  crofs  croflets 

fitchcc  az.    five  annulets  of  the  firft.— Another,  bezants. 
BABEHAM,  or  BabeHaw,   [London]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw. 

three  wings  ar.  as  many  torteauxes,   each  charged  with  a 

pheon  or. 
BaiJiam,    Sa.  on   a   chev.    or,   betw.    three   wings    ar.    three 

torteauxes,  each  charged  with  an  eagle's  head  or. 
BABEPULL,   Ai.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crofs  croflets  or. 
BABER,  [Somerletfiiirc]  Ar.  on  a  fcflb  gu.  three  hawks  heads 

erafcd  of  the   firfh— Creft,  on   a  mount  vert,    a  cock  with 

wings  expanded  ar.  comb,  wattles,  and  legs,  gu. 
Baber^   [Middlefcx]  The  fame, 
BABINGTON,   Ar.    on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  ogreffcs,  as 

many  rofcs  of  the  field. 
Bubington^    [Dethickin,  Oxfordfhire,   and  of  Derbyfhirc]  Ar. 

ten  torteauxes,   four,  three,   two,   and  one,  in  chief  a  label 

of  three  points  az.— Creft,  a  demi-bat  difplaycd  gu.    alfo  a 

dragon's   head,   betw.    two  dragons   wings   gu.   out    of  his 

mouth  a  fcroll. 
Babington,  [Lodley  in    Leicefterfhire,  and  of  Dorfctfhirc    and 

StafFordfhire]    Ar.    ten   torteauxes,    four,   three,    two,    and 

BABTHORP,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  five  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field. 
Babthorp,   [Yorkfhire]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crefcents  erm. 
Babthorp,  [Yorkfi:iire]  Sa.   a   chev.    or,   betw.  three   crefcents 

erm. Creft,  a  cockatrice's  head  erafcd  ar.  beaked,  combed, 

and  wattled,  or. 
Babtharp,   Sa.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  crefcents  erm. 
Babthorp,  [Yorkfliirc]  Sa.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  crefcents  ar. 
Babthorp,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crefcents  ar. 
Babthop,   Gu.  a  fret  ar. 
BABWELL,  [Middlefex]  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az.   over  all  an 

eagle  difplayed  fa.  armed  or. — Another  adds  a  bend  gu. 
BACEY,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  plates. 
BACHELER,  [Berks]  Or,  a  fefle'  betw.   three   dragons  heads 

couped  fa. Creft,  a  dragon's  head  erafed  or,  vulned  in  the 

neck  gu. — 1606. 
Bacheler,  Ar.  a  bend  betw.  three  wings  az. — Another,   fa. 
BACKHOUSE,   [London,  and    Cumberland]    Per  fahicr  or 

and  az.  a  faltier  erm. 
Backhoufe,  [Swallowfield,   in  Berks]  Or,  a  faltier  erm. 
BACKHURST,  Az.  a  faltier  erm. 

BACKCOMBE,    [Devonfhire]  Ar.  three  bats  difplayed  fa. 
BACKS,    [Trumpington,  in  Cambridgefhire]  Erm.  on  a  bend 

gu.  three  eagles  difplayed  or. 
BACKWELL,    [Middlefex]   Paly  of   fix    ar.    and   az.    on  a 

chief  gu.  a  lion  paflTant  or. 
Backiuell,   [London]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  covered  cups  or. — 

Creft,   out  of  a  mural  crown  or,  a  demi-bull  fa. 
BACON,  [Gillingham  in  Norfolk,  and  Redgr.ive  in  Suffolk] 

Gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  two  mullets  fa. — Creft,  a  boar  paflant 

erm.  armed  and  hoofed  or. 
Bacon,   [Lounde  in  Lovingland,  in  Suffolk]  The  fame. 
Bacon,  [Heffet,   in  Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  feffe  engrailed  gu.  betw. 

three  efcutchcons  of  the  fecond,  three  mullets  ar.  pierced  fa. — 

Creft    a  talbot's  head  fa.   erafed  gu.   holding  in  his  mouth  a 

deer's  leg   or. 
Bacon,  [Yorkftiire]   Gu.   on  a  chief  ar.  two  mullets  with  fi.x 

points  fa.  pierced  or. 

Bacon,  Gu,  on  a  chev.  ar.  two  mullets  fa. 

Bacon,    [Suffolk]  Gu.  three  trefoils  pierced  ar.   two   and  one. 

Bacon,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  feffe  engrailed,  betw.  three  efcutcheons 
gu.  charged  with  as  many  mullets  or. 

Bacon,  Gu.  three  cinqueloils  pierced  ar. — Another,  erm. 

Bacon,  [Suffolk]  Az.  on  a  feffe  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or,  as 
many  griffins  hcids  erafed  of  the  field. 

Bacon,  [Harlftonc,  in  Norfolk]  Az.  a  fleur-de-lis  betw.  three 
boars  paffant  or. — Creft,  a  dcmi-boar  ereit  or,  armed  and 
briftled  az. 

Bacon,    [Norfolk]    Ai.  three  boars  paffant  or,    two  and    one. 

Bacon,    [Hampftiire]   Az.  three  boars  paffant  ar.  two  and  one. 

Bacon,   Az.  three  boars  heads  or. 

Bacon,  Gu.  a  crofs  engrailed  erm.  on  a  chief  vert,  two  mullets  or. 

Bacon,  Gu.  three  efcutcheons  ar. 

Bacon,  [Twyhoufe,  in  Som'erfctftiire]  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  thres 
round  buckles  gu. — Creft,  a  greyhound's  head  erafed  i'i, 
holding  in  his  mouth  a  ftag's  foot  or. 

BACONTHORPE,  Az.  three  griffins  heads  erafcd  or. 

Baconthorpe,   Ar.  a  crofs  engrailed  gu. 

BADCOCK,    [Effex]   Sa.  on  a  pale  ar.  three  cocks  gu. 

Badcck,  [St.  Winow  in  Cornwall]  Sa.  a  fefle  betw.  th  eecockc 

BADBY,  Ar.  a  faltier  engrailed  gu.  betw.  four  crows  proper. 

Badby,   [London,  1383]  Ar.  a  faltier  betw.  four  rooks  fa, 

Badby,  [North-Okende,  in  Effex]  Sa.  a  chev.  engrailed  erm. 
betw.  three  fwans  ar. 

Badby,   [Suffolk]  Sa.  a  chev.  engrailed  betw.  three  fwans  ar. 

BADD,  [Cames-Oyfelh,  in  HampfhireJ  Ar.  five  fleurs-de- 
lis  in  faltier  la. 

Badd,  [Farham,  in  Hampfhire]  Ar.  five  fleurs-de-lis  az,— 
Creft,  a  lion's  head  gardant  erafed  ar.  ducally  crowned  az. — 
[Her.  Off.  Hampjhlre,  C.  29.] 

BADELISMERE,  or  Badlismere,  Ar.  a  feffe  and  canton  gu, 

Badellfmere,  or  Badijleive-  [Yorkftiire]  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  two 
bars  gemellcs  g«. — Another  adds  a  label  of  three  points  az, 

B  ADEL,  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  betw.  three  efcallops  of  the 

BADEVVE,  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotlfcd  fa.  three  eagles  of  the  field. 
Another,  the  three  eagles  or. 

BADDIFORD,  [Dartmouth,  in  Devonfhire]  Erm.  on  a  bend, 
flory  counterflory  fa.  three  eagles  difplayed  or. — Creft,  an 
eagle's  head  or,  crowned  with  a  coronet  flory  fa.  betw.  tw» 
branches  of  lilies  ar.  ftalks  and  leaves  vert. 

BADFORD,  or  Badishford,  [Kent]  Az.  three  eagles  dif- 
played in  bend,  between  two  cotifes  ar. 

BADGER,  or  Bagehott,  [Cambridgefhire,  Gloucef- 
terfliire,  and  Leicefterftiire]  Er.m.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  eagles 
or. — Creft,  a  buck's  head  caboffed  fa.  betw.  the  attire  a  grey- 
hound current  ar.  collared  gu. 

BADHA.M,   Or,   on   a  crofs  gu.  five  mullets  of  the  firft. 

BADLOWE,  Party  per  chev.  erm.  and  fa.  two  greyhoundj 
in  full  courfe  ar.  within  a  bordurc  of  France. 

BADTHORPE,  Gu.  a  fret  ar.  a  canton  with  the  arms  of 

BAETT,  or  Batt,    Sa.  a  feffe  betw.  three  hands  erefl  or, 

BAFFORD,  [Yorkftiire]  Ar,  a  faltier  fa.— Another  adds  a 
label  of  three  points  gu. 

BAGG,  [Plymouth,  1607.]  Paly  and  bendy  of  fix,  counter- 
changed  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  chief  or,  three  cinquefoils  az. — 
Creft,  a  cinquefoil  az.  betw.  two  wings  endorfed,  the  dexter 
gu.  the  other  ar. 

BAGARET,   Erm.  on  a  bend  gu.   three  cfcallop-ftclls  or, 

BAGECROFT,  At,  a  feffe  gu.  betw.  three  eagles  difplayed  fa, 



iaguraft,    [Norfolk]  Ar.  a  lion  fa.  tail  forked. 
Bagccroft,  [Bcxwcll,  inNorfolk]  Ar.  a  lion  rampantfa.  armed  or. 
BAGLEY,  Ar.  on  a  fefie  bctw.  three  martlets  gu.  three  pKitcs. 
BAGtLEV,  orBAGLEY,    Or,  three  lozenges  az. 
BAGESOVEK,  [Shropfhire]    Gules,    a  kfle  between    three 

birds  ar. 
BAG  N  E,  or  Bague,  Sa,  a  faltieror,  betw.  four  fleurs-de-li&  ar. 
BAGNALL,    [Kent]  Barry  of  fix  or  and  f.i.  (another,  crni.) 

over  all  a   lion  rampant  az. — Creft,   a   dragon's  head  crafid 

gu.  gorged  with  two  bars  or. 
Bfgnall,  Barry  of  four  piecca  crm.  and  or,  over  all  a  lion 

pant  az. 
Bagmi/l,  [Staftordftire,   and  of  Wales]  Erin,  two  bars  or,  over 

all  a  lion  rampant  az. — Crtft,  an  anitlopc  fejant  ar.   billctty 

fa.  ducally  gorged,  lined,  amied,  and  tufted,  or. 
Bogiitill,  [Stafiordlhirc]  Sa.  an  inefculchcon  erin.  charged  with 

a  lion's  head  crafcd  vert,  within  an  orlc  of  eight  marilcts  or. 
Bii^iiall,  Sa.  an  inefcutcheon  within  an  orle  of  martlets  or. 
Bagmil/,   [Staffordfliirc]   Sa.  an  ir.cfcutchcon  crm.  charged  with 

a  leopard's  face  within  an  orlc  of  martlets  or, 
BAG  NOLL,  Erm.  an  inefcutchcon  la.  charged  with  a  leopard's 

face  ar. 
BAGOT,   [Blithficld,  in  Stafiordfliire]  Erm.  two  chcv.  az. — 

Crcft,   out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  goat's  head  ar.  attired  or. 
Bagot,   [Slaftbrdlhirc]  Ar.  two  chcv.  az. 
Bagot,  Ar.  a  chcv.  gu.  (another,  fa.)  bctw.  three  martlets  fa. 
Bagot,   Or,  on  a  crofs  gu.  five  tfcallops  ar. 
Bagot.,  Erm.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  fprcad  eagles  or. 
BACOTT,   The  fame. 
Bagit,    [Dublin]   Ar.   on   a  chcv.   gu.   bctw.    three    martlets 

fa.  as  many  mullets  or. — Crcft,  out  of  a   ducal  coronet    or, 

a  goat's  held  crm.  attired  or. — [Certified  March  6,    1689.] 
BAGET,  and  Bager,   [Cambridgcdiirc]  Sec  BADGER. 
BAGSHAW,  [South  Okenden,  in  Eflcx]  Or,  a  bug!e-horn 

vert,  ftringcd   gu.  bctw.   three  rofes   gu.  barbed   and  fecdcd 

proper. — Crcft,    a  bugle-horn  or. 
Bnffiaw,  [London"]  Or,  a  bugle-horn  h.  ftiingcd  vert,  bctw. 

three  rofes  gu.  barbed  and  fceded  proper. 
Bagjhaw,    [Delaridgc,   Dcrbyftiirc]  Ar.  a  bugle-horn  fa   betw. 

three  rofes  gu.    pierced  or. — Citi},  an   arm   coupcd   at    the 

elbow  and  erect  proper,  grafping  a  bugle-horn  la.  ftringed  vert. 
Fagjhaiu,  Ar.  a  bugle-horn  f;i.  ftringcd  vert. 
Bagjhaw,  Ar.  a  bugh-horn  fa.  ftringcd  vert,  bctw.  three  cinque- 
foils  gu. 
BAGWAY,  Ar.  three  efcutcheons  voided  gu.  two  and  one. 
BAGWORTH,  Ar.  a  chev.  ermines,  bctw.  three  boars  headi 

coupcd  fa. 
Bagworth,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  within  a  bordure  engrailed  fa. 
BAHON,  Az.  a  bend  ar.  cotifed  or. 
BAY,  Az.  two  bars  bctw.  fevcn  crofs  crollets,  three,  three, 

and  one,  or,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  gu. 
BAYDEN,  [Chefliire]  Vert,   a  crofs   patonce  or. — Another, 

the  crofs  moline. 
BAYCE,   [Bucks]  Ar.  on  a  chcv.  fa.  five  bezants. 
BAYFORD,  Sa.  a  fcfle   vaire  or  and  fa.  betw.  three  leopards 

heads  or. 
BAIGGENDENS,   Or,  on  a  pile  fa.  three  etoiles  of  the  field. 
BAYHOUSE,    [Lincolnihire]  Gu.  two  bars  ar.  in  chief  three 

efcallops  of  the  fecond. 
BAYLAND,  [Suffolk]  Az.  a  faltier  engrailed  or. 
BAYLDON,  [Bayldon,  in  Yorkfliire]  Ar.  a  fefll- betw.  three 

fleurs-de-lis  gu. — Another,  fa. 
BAYLER,  Gu.  three  piles  ar. 
BAYLEUL,Gu.  a  faltier  vaire. 
BAYLIS,  Or,  on  a  crofs  az.  five  etoiles  ar.  bctw.   four  erm. 

fpots  fa. — Creft,  a  demi-antclopc  proper,  go.-ged  witli  a  collar 

and  buckled  or. — [Granted  June  2,  1725.] 
BAYLY,  [Londen]  Gu.  a  felfc  vaire  betw.  two  mullets  ol  Six 

points  in  chief,  and  a  heart  in  bafe  ar. — Creft,  an  arm  cou- 
pcd at  the  tlbow  and  erecl,    habited  gu.  charged  with  a  fcfle 

vaire,  the  cuff  ar.  hold,  in  the  hand  prop. a  mullet  of  fix  pcinrsor. 


Bnylty,   [Middle-TemplcJ  Sa.  a  chev.  bctw.  ii..-cc  boi!/  hearts 

or. — Creft,  adcnii-liongard.or,hold. inaiipawabr  vert. 
Bayly,    Ar.  three  tortcauxcs  two  and  one. 
Buyly^Kr.    a  chev.   cimines,  bctw.  tht.emullctsgu. — Another, 

BAYLEY,   Ar.   three    torteittes,  two  and  one,   a  chief  g«.. 

- — Creft,   out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,    a  nag's  head  ar. 
Bayley,  [London]  Gu.  afi-nc-vaircjinchicf  a  bezant  charged  with 

an  anchor  fa.  bctw.  tv.'o  etoiles  gu.    in  bafe  thice  martlets  ar. 

— Lreft,   a  dexter   arm  cmbowed,    habited  az.  on  the  arm  a 

fefl'e  \airc,  the  hand  proper,  <upporting  a  ftaff  or. 
Boy/iy,  Ar.   a   fcllc  bctw.   three  martlets  gu.    char-'cd  with  as 

many  plates  (another,  bezants). — Crcft,   a  griffin  fejant  crni. 

wings  and  tore  legs  or. 
Bijy.y,    [BriftolJ    Or,   on  a  fefli;  engr.-.lkd,  bctw.    three   nags 

heads   craled   az.  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Creft,   a   goat'i 

head  az.  attired  and  bczanty  or. 
Biiyley,  A/,,  nine  etoiles   ar.  three,  three,  and  three. — Crcft,  a 

boar's  head  erafed  proper. 
Baili-y,  Erm.  three  bars  wavy  fa. 
BAYLIFF,   Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.   three  martlets  or,  betw.  as 

many  body  hearts  of  the  fecond. 
BAYLOFFE,    [Northumberland]  Ar.  an  orle  gu.  a  label  of 

three  points  (a. 
B.'\YLOLL,  or  Bayliol,  Ar.  an  orlc  gu. 
Buyhll,  or  Biiyliol,  Ar.  an  orle  vaire,  a  label  of  five  points  "m. 
Boyloll,  or  Bayleek,   Gu.    an  orle  .ir. 
Bi'yioll,  or  Btiyltck,    Ar.  an  orle  az. 
Bciyloll,  [Sco:l.ind]   Gu.    an  orle  erm. — .\nother   adds  a  label 

of  five  points  az. 
Boyloll,  Or,   an  orle  vaire. — Another  adds    a   hibcl    of  thrie 

points  gu. 
BAYMAN,  Gu.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  bulls  heads  ar. 
BAYiMY,  Ar.  three  fleurs-de-lis  fa. 

BAYMYN,  Erm.    on    a  chief  indented  fa.  three  flcuri  de- 
lis ar. 
BAYMOND,    Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  az. 
CA Y.MONT,    [DtvonftiireJ  Barry  of  fix  vaire  and  gu. 
BAYNAR,  Sa.  a  chev.  or. 

BAYNARD,  Ar.  achev.  fa.  on  achief  gu.  three  annulets  or. 
Baynard,    [Blagdon,    in  Soinerfctfliire]  Sa.   a    fcfTc   betw.  two 

chev.  or. — Crcft,  a  dcmi-unicorn  rampant  or,  armed  proper, 

crined   fa. — Supporters,   tv.o  unicorns  or,  armed  and  hooted 

proper,  crined  fa. 
Baynard,   or    Baynysrd,    [Suffolk]    Ar.    a    chev.    betw.   three 

birds  fa. 
Baynard,   [Norfolk]  Sa.   a    fefte  betw.  two  chev.   or,  chari^eJ 

with  three  martlets  of  the  field. 
Bayni.rd,  Gu.   three  chcv.  erm.— Another  adds    a    label     of 

three  points  or. 
Bayna'd,   Or,  a  fcflc  between  two  chev.  fa. 
Bay>u:rd,  [Stukey,  in  Norfolk]  Sa.  on  a  fclTe  bctw.  two  chev.  or, 

three  birds  fa.   beaked  and  legged  gu. — Creft,  a  bear's  paw 

erafed  fa.  charged  with  a  martlet   or. 
BAYNBRY,  [Yorkftiire]  Az.  two  pole-axes  c«ij||ihcadcd  ar. 

on  a  chief  or,  two  mullets  of  the  field,  pierced  gu. 
BAYNBRIDGE,  Az.  two  halberds  in  pa!e  or. 
Baynbridg,-,  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  crofics  fcrmce  of  the  field. 
B.A.INBRIGG,  or   Bambridge,  [Lciccfterihire]   Ar.  a  chev. 

embattled  betw.    three  battle-axes    fa. — Crcft,  on    a  mount 

vert,  a  goat  fa.  collared  ar. 

BAYNES,*'[Chefliire]    Az.  on  a   chcv.  embattled  or,  betw. 

three  maitlctsir.  as  many  cinquefoiis  gu. — Another,  the  cin- 

quefoils   fa. 

Baynt,    [Lancafliire]  Vert,  on   a   chcv.    embattled  or,    bctw. 

three  martlets  ar.  as  many  cinquefoiis  gu. — Creft,  anetoiJe  or-,    [London]  Per  bend  or  and  az.  three  roundles  in  pale, 

Baynes,   [Cumberland,    and  of  ElTex]  Sa.  a  ftiin-bone  in  pale, 
furmountcd  by  another  in  crofs  ar. — Creft,  an  arm  coj^ed 
Tcftcd  V.   holding  in  the  hunJ  proper,  a  Jaw  bone  ar. 



Baynn,  [Chcfliire]  Az.  a  cbev.  embattled  or,  betv/ecn  three 
martlets  ar. 


BAYNFiELD,  [DevonCiire]  Or,  on  abend  gu.  three  mul- 
lets ar. 

BAYNHAM,  Sa.  three  mullets  ar. 

Baynhfim,  [Kent,  and  Gloucefterlhire]  Gu.  a  chev.  betw, 
three  bulls  heads  cabofieJ  ar.  armed  er. — Crefl,  a  bull's  head 
coupej  at  the  neck  or. 

Biiynham,  [Hercfordfhire]  Vert,  a  crofs  molinc  betw.  four 
crofs  croflets  fitchce  or. 

Baynham,   Gu.  three  chev.  erm. 

Baynharrif  [Gloucefterfliire]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  bctw.  three  bulls 
heads  caboffed  ar.  an  etoile  fa. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coro- 
net gu.  a  bull's  head  ar. — 1631. 

BAYNINGE,  [London]  Or,  two  bars  fa.  each  charged  with 
as  many  efcallop-ftiells  of  the  field. 

BAYNTON,    [Wiltfliire]  Sa.  a  bend  lozengy   ar.— Crcft,    a 
'      griffin's  head  erafed  fa. 

Baynton,  Ar.  on  a  fefle  betw.  three  crefcents  gu.  a  lion  paflant 
of  the  field. 

BAYON,  [Chcfhirc]  Erm.  two  bars  wavy  gu.  in  chief  three 
boars  heads  couped  fa. 

BAYONS,  or  Bayos,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  gu.  on  a  chief  of 
the  fecond  an  cfcallop-flicU  of  the  firft. — Another,  three 
efcallop-fliclis  or. 

Mayans,  [Lincolnlhirc,  and  EflbxJ  Ar.  three  lions  rampant 
purp.  two  and  one. 

BAYOUSE,  [Lincolnfliirc]  Gu.  two  bars  ar.  in  chief  three 
efcallop-fliells  of  the  fecond. 

Bayoufe,   Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  gu. 

BAYRE,  Gu.   three  bars  gobonated  ar.  and  fa. 

BAYRFORD,  Ar.  a  bear  falient  fa.  muzzled,  collared,  and 
chained,  or. 

BAYU,  [Chefliire]  Az.  on  a  chev.  embattled  or,  three  cinque- 
foils  gu.  betw.  as  many  martlets  ar. 


BAKEPUCE,  or  Bakepure,  Az.  a  fefle  vaire  or  and  gu. 
betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  of  the  fecond. 

Bahpuce,  [Rutlandfhire]  Gu.  two  bars  ar.  in  chief  three 
horfe-fiioes  of  the  fecond. 

BAKER,  [Sifinghurft,  in  Kent]  Az.  three  fwans  heads  erafed 
ar.  beaked  gu. — Creft,  a  naked  right  arm  proper,  holding  a 
fwan's  head  erafed  ar.  beaked  gu. 

Baker,  [Wells,  in  Somerfetjhire]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  gu.  three 
falcons  heads  erafed  of  the  field. 

Bake;-,  [Kent]  Az.  a  fefle  or,  betw.  three  fwans  heads  erafed 
of  the  fecond,  ducally  gorged  or,  charged  with  as  many  cin- 
quefoils  gu. — Crcft,  an  arm  embowed  habited,  with  green 
leaves,  in  the  hand  proper  a  fwan's  head  erafed  or. 

Baker,  [London,  and  Worcefterfhire]  Erm.  a  icRe  engrailed 
betw.  three  horfes  heads  couped  fa. — Crcft,  a  hand  ifluing 
out  of  the  clouds  proper,  holding  a  crofs  calvary  fa.  Over 
it  this  motto  on  a  fcroll — Nemo  fine  Cruce  bcatus. 

Baker,  alias  Lloyd,  [Terington,  in  Norfolk]  Or,  •n  a  fefle 
wavy  az.  betw.  three  efcallops  fa.  as  many  birds  ar. 

Baker,  [City  of  London]  Ar.  a  fakier  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the 
fecond  five  efcallop-fliclls  erm.  three  and  two. — Creft,  on  a 
mount  vert,  a  tower  ar.  betw.  two  laurel  branches  vert. — 
[Granted  1702.] 

Baker,  [Callis]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  nebulee  fa.  a  tower  triple-towered 
of  the  firft,  betw.  three  keys  of  the  fecond. 

Baker,  [Monckwick,  in  Eflex]  Barry  of  ten,  or  and  fa. 
a  bend  gu. 

Baker,  Erm.  on  a  chief  vert,  two  boars  heads  couped  or.— 
Creft,  a  boar's  head  couped  or. 

Baker,  [Mayfield,  in  SuflTex]  Ar.  a  tower  betw.  three  keys 
ere£l  fa. — Creft,  on  a  tower  fa.  an  arm  embowed  in  mail 
proper,  holding  in  the  band  apiece  of  plats  iran  »z. 

B     A     L 

Baker,  [SuiTex,  and  Kent]   Ar.  a  tower  bet  v.';    three  keys  erec^:. 

az. — Creft,  a  mulk  rofe-braiich  with  buds,  A:c.  all  proper. — . 

Another,  the  rofct  ar.  fecdcd  or. 
Baker,    [Northumberland]    Ar.   three   bears    heads  erafed    fa. 

muzzled  or,   in  chief  three  torteauxcs. 
Bakn-y  [Walton,   in   Noriulk]   Or,  on  a  fcfli  engrailed  betw. 

three  cinquefoils  fa.  as  many  fwans  heads  eraft:d  of  the  firO. — ■' 

Creft,   on   a   chapeau   az.     turned   up   crni.    a   ftag's    head 

c.ibofled  or. 
Bakir,    Gu.  on  a  crofs  patee  or,   five  annulets  fa. 
Baker,   Gu,  a  goat  paflant  ar. 
Baker,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  faltier  engrailed  fa.  five  e.'callops  of 

the  firft,  a   chief   of  the   fecond,    char^^ed  with  a  lion   paf- 

fant  ar. 
Laker,  [Shrewfbury]     Sa.     a    gri.^n    fegrr-ant    erm.    ducally 

goiged  or,  beaked  and    inembertd  gu.     Another  bears    the  . 

griffin  regardant. — Crcft,  cut  ot  a  ducal  coronet  an  cuibowed 

right  arm  vtfted  or,    aud  gauntlet  cf  the   iame,   holding    a 

brunea   tdting-fpcar  In  bend  or,  without  bur    or   vamplate, 

Ci,fil;;d  with   a   garland   vert. 
Buk.r,   [Clicfter]  .•a.  a  griffin  fegreant  erm.  armed  or.— Creft, 

the    fame   as  Baker  of    bhrewfbury,  only  the    tilting-fpcar 

entire,  and  on  the  fhaft  a  ring  or. 
Baker,   [London,  and  of  Worcefterfhire]   Or,  a  greyhound  in 

full   courfe   betw.  two   bars  fa. — Creft,  a  cockatrice   erm. 

combed  and  wattled  gu. 
Baker,  [Radiiorihire]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  fa.  three  e.'cailop-lhells  of 

the  firft,  in  chief  nine  ears  of  wheat  in  three  bunches,  each 

bunch  tv/o  faltier-ways,  and  one  in   pale,   gu.  in  bafe  three 

fwans  heads  erafed  gu.  ducally  gorged  or. — Creft,  a   hawk's 

head  ar.  betw.  gu,  holding  in  his  beak  three  cars 

of  v/heat  gu. 
Baker,  Ar.  on  a  feflTe  engrailed    fa.   fimbriated  or,   betv/.    two 

greyhounds  current  of  the  fecond,  three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the 

third. — Creft,  a  greyhound's  head  erafed  ar.  gorged  with  a 

fcfiTc  engr-.iled  fa.  fimbriated  or,  charged  with  three  flcurs-dc- 

lis  of  tne  laft. 
Baker,   [Lincoln,  and  of  Smallborough   in  Norfolk]  Lozengy* 

or  and  az.  on   a  chief  gu.  three   lions  rampant  or. — Creft, 

a  demi-unicorn  erafed  ar.  armed  and  maned  or. 
BAKISLEY,   Ar.  three  crofs  croflets  fitchde  fa. 
BAKSTER,  or  Baxter,  Ar.  a  bat  difpiayed  fa. 
BAKETT,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw,   three  mullets  fa.  an  eagle 

difplayed  or. 
BALAM,      [Walftoken    in   Marfland,    of  Bewford-hall    in' 

Norfolk,  ajid  of  Baiton  in  SuirolkJ  Sa.  on  a  ti.fle  betw.  three 

etoiles  ar.   as  many  pellets. — C:eft,  out  of  a  coronet  or,  a 

demi-cock  gu.  wings  difplayed,  combed  and  wattled  or. — 

Another  Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  gu.  collared  and  lined  or, 

charged  on  the  neck  with  a  cinquefoil  ar. 
BALDBERNY,  [Scotland]  Vert,  a  bar  counter-comi»onee  ar.. 

and    az.    betw.   three  cuirafles   (i.  e.   breaft-plates)    of  the 

fecond,    on  a  chief  ar.   as  many  buckles  of  the  third. 
BALDEN,  [Elfington,  in  Norfolk]  Per  lefi^e  indented  gu.  and 

vert,  three  fwans  clofe  ar.   beaked  or. 
Balden^  Ar.  a  crofs  betw.  four  martlets  vert. 
BALDESTON,  [Lancaftiire]  Ar.  a  mafcle  fa.  betw.   three 

BALDERSTON,  [Lancafhire]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  purp. 
BALDERO,  or  Baldew,  Per  pale   or   and  az.  a    fakier 

BALDINGTON,  Ar.  on  a  chev.   fa.  an  ogrefs  betw.  two 

rofes  of  the  field. 
Bald'mgton,   Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  pellets,   three  rofes 

of  the  field. 
BALDRICK,  Per  pale  ar.  and  az.  a  faltier  counterchanged. 
BALDOCK,    [Caulefton,  in   Norfolk]    Cheeky   or  and    gu. 
en  »  fefle  az.  three  efcallop-fliells  ar. 


B     A     L 

BALDREY,  S».  a  chev.   engrailed,   betw.  three  grifEns  fe- 
.    gmntertn.  as  many  martlets  gu. 

BALDRY,   [Lorjdon]  Sa.    two  chev.  or,   bctw.   three  mart- 
lets gu. 
BALDRIKGTON,    Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu. 
BALDWIN,   [la'iop]  Per  pale  ar.    and   fa.   a   lion   rampant 


Baldwin,  Ar.  fix    oak-leaves  in    three  pairs,  two  pair    in  chief 

and  one  in   bafe  vert,  ftalks  fa.    their   points  downwardb. — 

Creft,   a  fquirrel  fcjant  or. 

Baldwin,   [Didlcbcry  in  Salop,   and  of  WarwicJcfliirc]   Ar.    a 

fal:icr  fa. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  cockatrice  ar.  wattled, 

combed,  and  beaked,  or,  ducally  gorged  and  lined  of  the  lalh 

Baldwin,  Ar.    a  chev.  timinei,  bctw.  three  h.ifle-fprigs  vert. — 

Creft,   a  fquirrel  ftjant  or,  holding  a  halle-fprig  vert. 
Baldwin,   [Huntingdon]  Party  per  p.ilcuz.  and  or,  a  flcur-dc-lis 

betw.  tlirce  crefcents  countcrchanged. 
BALE,   [CarlctOii-Curlew,  in    Lcicefterfhire]    Per    pale   vert 
and  gu.  an  eagle  difplayeJ  ar. — Creft,   a  demi-lioa    gu.  fuf- 
taining  a  broken  fpcar  or. 
BALES,  [VVilby,  in  Suffolk]  Or,   a  lion  paflant   bctw.   three 
croffcs  lormee  fa. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  lion  U-jant  erm. 
Bald,  [Norton,  in  NorthamptonfliireJ    Gu.  a  fede  betw.   three 
crolfcs  patce  (itched  in  the  feet  or ;  a  crefcent  for  diftcrencc. — 
Creft,  a  lion  fcjant  gu.  laying  his  paw  on  a  crofs  patce  fitchcd 
in  the  foot  or. 
BALESMORE,   Az.  a  lion  rampant  within  a  bordurc  or. 
BALGOILL,   [Lord  Erdcfwick,  temp.  W.  Conq.J  Erril,  an 

incfcutchcon  gu. 
BALETON,   Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three  fleurs-dc-I is  fa. 
BALL,  [Scotto,  in  Norfolk]  Ar.  a  lion  paflant  fa. — Creft,   a 

demi-lion  rampant  garJanr  (a. 
Ball,   [Lincoln's-Inn,  London]  Az.  on  a  crofs  pierced  of  the 
field  or,  fourgallthraps  of  the  firft. — Creft,  agullthrap  az.  the 
upward  point  bloody. 
BjH,  [Northampton]  Ar.  a  lion  paflant  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the 
fecond   three  mullets  of  the  firft. — Creft,   out  of  the  clouds 
proper,  a  dcmi-lion  rampant  fa.  powdered   with  etoiles  ar. 
holding  a  globe  or. — [Granted,   1613.] 
Ball,   or  Balli,  Or,  a   feffe  w.-ivy  az,  bctw.  two  lions  paflant 

gardant  fa. 
Ball,   Ar.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  fire-balls  fa.  fired  prope.'. — Creft, 

an  arm  cre<Sl  or,  in  the  hand  a  fire-ball,  all  proper. 
Ball,  [DcvonftiireJ   Gu.   a    chev.    ar.  betw.    three    fire-balU 

Ball,  [Chcftiire]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant   fa.  holding  in  his  dexter 
foot  a  fire-ball  proper. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  a  hand 
and  arm  embowed  in  mail,  grafping  a  fire-ball,   all  proper. 
Ball,  [Lancafliirc]  Gu.  a  leg  in   pale  coupcd  at  the  middle  of 
the  thigh  in  chief,  and  erafed  at  the  ancle  ar.  pierced  through 
the  calf  of  the  leg  with  a  knifc-bladc  crooked  at  the  point  ar, 
—Creft,  a  turtle-dove  proper. 
BALLARD,    Sa.    a  griffin  fcgrcant  erm.   armed  and    gorged 

with  a  crown  or. — Another,  without  the  crown. 
Ballard,  or  Ballord,  [Herefordfliire,  1557.]  Sa.  a  grifiin  paflant 
erm.  ducally  gorged  or. — Creft,  a  demi-griffin  erm.  fupport- 
ing  a  broken  tilting-fpear  proper. 
Ballard,  Vert,  a  mullet  or,    betw.  three  trefoils  ar. 
BALLETT,   [Hattfield,  in   Eflcx]    Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa. 
on  a  chief  gu,  three  clnquefoils  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural 
coronet  or,   a  dcmi-cagle  difplayed   fa. 
BALLLAWLE,  Sa.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  fwords  ar. 
BALMES,  [Lindley,  in  Yorkftilrc]  Gu.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 

a  chief  vairc. 
BALNER,  Vairc,  three  chev.  g'l. 

BALLOW,  [Wcftminfter,  in  the  county  of  Middlefcx]  Az. 
an  etoile  of  eight  points  or,  betw.  three  keys  ercifl  ar. 
—Creft,  two  arms  cmbovvcd,  habited  fa.  cufts  turned  up 


ar,  the  hands  conjoined  proper,  holding   an  etoile  of  eigh* 

points  or. — [Granted  to  Henry  fiallow,  July  8,   1709.] 
BALTHOkP,  Sa.  five  pLtes  betw.  two  chev'.  ar.  in  cl.ieJ  tliree 

lozcD^cs  of  the  fecond. 
BALTHORPE,    Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  five  fleur»-dc-lii  o(  the 

Biilihirpr,  Gu.  a  fret  ar.  on  a  canton  barry  of  iweirc  pieces  ar. 

and  gu.  an  orle  of  martlets  fa. 
BALTREY,   Quarterly  ar.   and  erm.  in  the  dcxterchicf,  and 

finiftcr  bafe,   a  ;;oat's  head  erafed  fa. 
BA.MBURG,    [Yorkftiire]  Ar.  a  pheon  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the 

fecond  a  lion  paflant  of  the  firft. — Creft,  a  flcull-cap  ar.    Thii 

family  had  a  grant  of  another  Creft,  j6o2,  viz.  on  a  wreaili 

a  wolfs  head  erafed  vert  bezantce. 
BAMBROUGH,  [Rcdieftiam,  in  SufTolk]  The  fame. 
BARMHROUGH,   [Yorkftiire]   The  fame. 
BAMBROVVE,  [Yorkftiire,  and  of  Suffolk]  Sa  on  a  fefc  or, 

bctw.   three  pheons  ar.  three  fleurs-de-lis  gu. 
BAMLNT,  Ar.  a  chief  indented  fa. 
BA.VIET,  or  Banet,  Gu.  a  bordurc  fa.  berintcc. 
BAMPFIELD,  Ar.  a  crofs  moline  fa. 
Bampjield,  [Poltmore,   in  Devonftlirej  Ar.  on  a  bend  pu.  tlirrc 

mullets  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  fa.  ducally  crowned 

BA.MFEHjD,  Or.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  mullets  ar.  in  chief  an 

annulet  fa. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  fa.  ducal'y  crowned 

gu.  charged  on  the  neck  with  an  inni'letor. 
B.\.VII'"IELD,  or  Bau.m:  I£LD,  [Cornwall]  Vert,  on  a  benJ  or, 

three  mullets  gu. 
Biimfield,  or  EawmtjitlJ,    [Dcvonftiire]    Vert,  on    a   bend  tu. 

three  mullets  pierced  ;ir. 
Banifield,  or  Bmcmefitld,   Paly  of  fix  or  and  vert,   a  bend  eu. 
Biimfitld,  or   BaxLvcjitld,    Or,   on  a  chief  gu.  three  treioils 

flipped  of  the  fiith 
BAMFORD,    [Bamforcl,  in  DcrbyCiirc]  Ar.  a  {^i^n  wavy  gii. 
B.AMME,  Erm.  on  a  cmef  indented  fa.   three  crof^  croflct*  ,ir. 

— Another,  two. 
BAN,  or  Banne,  £rm.  a  chief  indented  fa. 
BAN.VNT,   Erm.  two  bars  gu, 
BANARD,   Sa.  a  fefle  bctw.  two  chev.  ar. 
Banard,  or  Banyard,  [Stakcy,  in  Norfolk]  Sa.  on  afeflcbctw. 

two  chev.  or,  three  martlets  of  the  firft. — Creft,  on  a  lion's 

gamb  erafed  fa.  a  martlet  or. 
BANBURGHE,  Ar.  ona  fefie  fa.  a  lion  pafl"ant  of  the  field. 
BANBURY,  Ar.  a  crofs  formcc   betw.   four   mullets  of  fix 

points  pierced  gu, 
Banbury,  or  Bar.dbur;,   [O.\i'ordftiire]  Ar.   a  crofs  betw.  fo\;i 

mullets  pierced  gu. 
BANCROFT,  [London,  1604.]  Or,  on  abend  bctw.  fix  crofs 

croflets  az.  three  g.irbs  or. — Creft,  a  girb  betw.  two  wiivt 

expanded  or, 
Bancroft,  Or,   on  a   chev.    engrailed  betw.  three  crofics  p^tee 

fitchee  fa.  two  lions  rampant,  regardant,  combatant,  ar. 
B.'^ND,  [ElTex]  Gu.  three  eagles  or. 
Band,   Gu.  three  eagles  difplayed  or,  armed  it. 
Band,  Gu.  three  eagles  legs  alaquife  or. 
Band,  Gu.  three  wings  or. 
Band,   [Eifex]  Cheeky  ar.  and  fa.  on  a  fifli  gu.  three  trefoil* 

flipped  of  the  firft. 
BANENT,  Or,  a  lion  fa,  tall  forked  ;  ove.-  all,  a  bend  gobo- 

BANESTER,  [Wcftmorland]  Gu.  three  chev.  i.-. 
Banejhr,  [Lancafhire]  Ar.  three  chev.  gu. 
Ban.jhr,  [Chcftiire]  Ar.  a  crofs  farcclly  fa. — Another,  moline. 
Banejler,  [Lancaftlire]  Ar.  acrofs  patonce  ^another,  patce)  fa. — 

Creft,  a  peacock  in  his  pride,  body  and  wings  or,  tail  proper, 
Banejhr,  [Lancaihire]  Ar.  a  crof:  fa. 
Bartf/ler,  Ar.  a  crofs  flory  fa. 

3  F  Bantjier, 


Banepri  [Prefect]  Ar.  a  crofs  patonce  fa.  in  the  dexter  chief 
point  a  flefli-pot  of  the  fecond. 

Banejler,  [Yorkfhire]  Ar.  two  doffers  joinant  in  felTe  betw. 
four  fleurs-de-lis  fa. 

Banejhr,  [Derwyn]  Sa.  two  doffers  joinant  in  fefie  ar.  in  chief 
three  fleurs-de-lis  or. 

Banejhr,  Or,   a  crofs  patonce  fa.— Creft,  a  peacock  proper. 

Banejhr,  [Leiceflerfhirc,  and  StafFordfhire]  Ar.  a  crofs  patonce 
fa.  within  a  bordure  gu.  bezantee.— Creft,  a  peacock  pro- 
per, fitting  gorged  with  a  c»llar  gu.  charged  with  three 

BANFORD,  or  Baumford,  [Donyngton,  in  Lincolnfliire] 
Ar.  a  feffe  engrailed  gu. 

BANGARE,  Ar.  a  feffe  dauncettee  betw.  three  efcallops  gu. 

BANGOR,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  leopards  heads  or,  a 
chief  erm. — [1451-] 

BANGTON,  Gu.  three  crofs  croflets  fitchee  or,  a  chief  of 

the  fecond. 
BANGELEY,  Or,  three  lozenges  az. 
BANHAM,  Az.  a  bend  ar.  cotifed  or. 
BANKE,  Gu.  two  lions  gamba  erafed  or,  fupporting  a  crefcent 

in  chief  ar. 
Banke,  or  Band,   [Yorklhire]  Sa.  a  crofs  or,  betw.  four  fleurs- 
de-lis  ar.— Creft,  on  the  flump  of  a  tree  couped,  a  ftork  clofe, 
all  proper. 
Banke,  Sa.     a  crofs   engrailed    or,   betw.     four    fleurs-de-lis 
ar.— Creft,    a  griffin  fegreant  implumed  ar.    holding  a  crofs 
formee  fitchee  gu. 
BANKS,    [Aylesford,   in  Kent]  Sa.  on  a  crofs  betw.   four 
fleurs-de-lis   ar.   five  pheons    az. — Creft,   a   dragon's   head 
erafed  ar. 
Banh,   [Yorkfhire]    Sa.   a    crofs  betw.  four    fleurs-de-lis    or. 
Another,  ar.— Creft,  an  eagle's  head  couped  ar.     Another 
Creft,   a  dragos  rampant  ar.  on  a  mount  vert,    fupporting  a 
crofs   pattc    or. 
Banks,  [London]  Sa.  on  a  crofs  or,  betw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
five  pellets. — Creft,  an  armed  arm  ar.  garnifned  or,  out  of 
the  clouds  proper,  his  hand  holding  a  falchion  ar.  hilt  and 
pomel  or,  on  the  falchion  a  chaplet  vert. 
BANNER,    [City  of  London]    Party   per  pale  erm.   and   or, 
a  fleur-de-lis  counterchanged,  on  a  canton  az.  a  lion  paffant 

ai-_ Creft,  an  armed  arm  embowed,    holdmg  in  the  hand 

proper,  a  banner  gu.  charged  with  a  fleur-de-lis  or,   fringed 
andftaffed  ar-.— [Granted  1700.] 
BANNERTON,   [Kenton,  in  Salop]  Or,  a  feffe  betw.  three 

lions   rampant  gu. 
BANNESTON,  Az.  a  feffe  dauncettee  erm.  betw.  three  crofs 

croflets  fitchee  or. 

BANNING,    [London,    1588.]    An     two   bars    fable,    each 

charged  with   as   many    efcallop-ftlells    or. — Creft,    on    a 

mount  vert,  an  oftrich  ar.  holding  in  his  mouth  a  key  or. 

Banning,  Erm.  on  a  chief  indented  fa.  two  true-lovers  knots  ar. 

BANPREY,  [Wcele,  in  Norfolk]  Vert,  a  lion  rampant  or, 

tail  forked,  oppreffcd  with  a  bend  gu. 
BANT    Ar.  on  a  chief  indented  fa.  a  plate  betw.  two  bezants. 
BAPS,  Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  gu. 
BAPTISTA,   [Caftile]  Erm.  a  lion  iffuant  or,  cut  of  a  tower 

az. Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  dragon's  head  vert, 

in  flames  of  fire  proper. 

BAPTIST  BROWNE,  [Italy]  Or,  a  bull  paffant  gu.  attired 

or.— Creft,  a  dragon's  head  betw.  a  pair  of  wings  fa.  gorged 

with  a  bar  gcmcUes  or,  dexter  ear    gu.  the  finifter  ar.  the 

wings  purfled  or. 

BARBAM,  Ar.  three  bears  paffant  fa.  muz.  or,  two  and  one. 

BARBAN,  or   Barbon,   Ar.  on   a  feffe   gu.  three  leopards 

faces  of  the  field. — Another,  the  feffe  humettee. 
BARBE,  or  Barbey,  Barry  of  fix  gu.  and  erm. 
BARBEY,  orBARREY,  Gu.  three  bars    gobonated  ar.  and  fa. 
BARBELTON,  or  Barbleton,   Lozengy    or  and  azi 
BARBER,  [Eaft-Smithfield]  Sa.  a  feffe  or,  fretty  gu.  betw 
three  bulls  heads  trunked  ar.  armed  or. 


Barber,  Ar.  two  chevrons,  betw.  three  ficurs-de-iis'gu.  witliift 
a   bordure   of  the  laft. — Creft,  out  oi    a  ducal    coronet  a 
bull's   head  gu. 
Barber,  or   Barbery,    [Suffolk]   Or,   on   two   chcv.   gu.   three 
fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field. 

Barber,  [Suffolk]  Or,  two  chev.  betw.  three  flenrs-de  lis  o-u . 

Creft,   oat  of  a  ducal  coronet  gu.  a  bull's  head  ar. 
Barber,   [Hertforufhire]  Or,  two  chcv.  betw.  three  fieurr-de-lis 
gu. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  bull's  head  per  pale 
ar.  and  gu. 
BARBY,  [Ireland]  Or,   a  lion  rampant  gu.  opprcffed  with  a 

feffe  of  the  field. 

Barby,    [NorthampLonftiire,   and     Devonfhire]    Ar.    a    chev. 

betw.  three  garbs  fa. — Creft,   an  heraldic  tiger  ar,    attired 

with  four  horns  turned  round  like  rams  horns  or. 

BARBON,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  engrailed  gu.  three  leopards  he.ids  or. 

BARBOUR,    [Staffordfhire]  Gu;    three  mullets   ar.  within  a 

bordure  ermi 
Barbour,  The  fame,  adding  a  canton  or. 

BARBOR,  Barry  of  ten  01   and    az.  on  a  f?Iticr  or,   a  fleur- 
de-lis  az. — Creft,  on  a  ftaff  raguly   fefleways,  an  eagle  dif- 
played  with  two   heads  az.    the   heads  ducally  crowned  or* 
the  infide  of  the  wings  and  the  legs  or. 
BARCLEY,  orBARKELE,    [Devonfliire]  Ar.  a  trevct  fa.- 
BARCLAY,   Az,  a  bend  erm.  betw.  fix  faltiers  ar.   all  with- 
in a  bordure  of  the  fecond. 
BARD,  [North-Kelfey,  in  Lincolnfhire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw. 

eight  martlets  fa.  five  plates. 
Bard,  Ar,  three  lions  rampant  gu. 

Bard,    [Caversfield,  in  Bucks]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  ten  mnrf- 
lets  ar.  five  plates. — Creft,    a  lion's   gamb   couped  and  creel 
or,  grafping  a  horfe's  leg  eiafed  ft. 
BARDEN,   Ar.  three  fwortls  conjoined  in  point  t^u. 
BARDESEY,  or  Bardsey,  or  Bardesley,   [Lancnfliirs] 
Ar.  two  bars  gu.  on  a   canton    of  the    fecond  a  maunch  of 
the  firft. 
BARDESTON,  Gu.  a  faltier  engrailed  ar. 
BARDEVILE,  or  Barde:<ill,  [MiJdlefex]  Ar.  acrofi  b-u. 
BARDIS,  [Oxforufhire]  Ar.  a  tiger  paJlant  regardant,  gazinn- 

in  a  mirrour,  all  proper. 
BARDNEY,  Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  az.  beaked  and  legged  gu. 
BARDOLPH,  [Nonf^olkjOu.  three  cinquefoils ar.  twoandone. 
Bardolph,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  three  cinquefoils  or,   two   and  one. 
Bardolph,  [HertfoHfhire]  Or,  three  cinquefoils  az.  two  and  one. 
Bardolph,   Ar.  three  cinqueroils  az.  two  and  one. 
Bardolph,  [London]  Az.  a  mafcle  betw.  three  cinquefoils  or.^- 
Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  gu.  a  dragon's  head  betwj  tw» 
wings  gu.  each  charged  with  a  mafcle  or. 
Bardolph,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  an  eagle  ayrant  or. 
Bardolph,    [Devonfliire]    Quarterly    gu.    and    ar.    in  the   firft 
quarter,  an  eagle   dilplayed  or,   over  all  an  inefcutdheon  az. 
charged  with  three  cinquefoils  pierced  of  the  third. 
BARDOLPHE,   [Norfolk,  and  of  Worcefterfliirej  Az.  thfee 

cinquefoils  pierced  or,  two  and  one. 
Bardelphes  or  Barduljf,  [Bedfordfhire]    Ar.    a  chev.    ermines, 

betw.  three  croffes  formee  fitchee  fa. — Another,  gu. 
BARDWELL,  or  Bardwellyn,    Gu.  three  bars  gemellet 

or,  a  quarter  erm. — Another,  a  canton  ar. 
Bardweil,  Ar.  a  heart  fa.  attired  or. 
Bardwell,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  a  goat  falicnt  ar.  attired  or. 
Bardiuell,  Gu.  a  goat  paffant  ar.  attired  or. 
BARE,  Ai.  three  dolphins  haurient  or. 
Bare,  Gu.  three  lions  rampant  ar.  two  and  one. 
Bare,   [Ireland]    Barry  of    fix    ar.  and  gu. — ^Cleft,    a   wolf'r 

head  fa. 
BARRY,    [Oxfordfliire]   Per  pale  az.   and  gu.  two  lions  paf- 
fant gardant  in  pale  or. 
BARENTYNE,  or  Barantyke,    [Bucks,  and  of  Oxford-, 
(hire]  Sable,   (another,  azu.'e,)  three  eagles  dilplayed  argent, 
armed  or. 



BAREWASHE,   [Kent]  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or,  till  forked. 

BARFORD,  or  Berford,  [RutlandOiireJ  Ar.  ftmce  de 
croflets  three  fleurs-de-lis  fa. — Creft,  a  bjarpaflant  fa. 

BARFOOT,  or  Berford,  Ar.  a  chcv.  gu.  bctv.-.  three 

BARGRAVE,  [Kent,  1611.J  Or,  on  a  pale  gu.  a  fword  ar. 
hilt  or,  a  chief  az.  charged  with  three  beziints. — Creft,  on 
a  mount  vert,  a  pheon  gu.  bctw.  two  laurel-branches  of  the 

bARHAM,  Gu.  a  fclTe  betw.  fix  martlets  or. 

Btirham,  Ar.  on  a  fcfTc  gu.  bctw.  three  bears  paflant  fa.  muz- 
zled or,  a  fleur-de-lis  betw.  two  martlets  of  the  third. — Creft, 
a  ftork  among  bull-ruflics,    all  proper. 

BARINGHAM,  Per  pale  indented  ar.  and  fj. 

Baringham,  Gu.  a  maunch  crm. 

BARKDERY,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  bctw.  three  crofs  croflets  or. 

BARKE,   Az.   a  chev.  betw.  three  crefcents  or. 

Barkt,  Or,  three  larks  proper,  two  and  one. 

BERKELEY,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  ten  erodes  formee  ar. — 
Creft,   a  mitre  gu.   charged  with  the  arms. 

BARKELEY,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  bctw.  ten  crolTes  formJc  with- 
in a  bordurc  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  as  before. 

Barkeley,  [GloucefterftiircJ  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  ten  crofTcs  for- 
me'c  ar.  lour,  three,   two,  and  one. 

Barkelty,  [Glouccfterlhire]  Gu.  a  chcv.  betw.   three  rofes  ar. 

Barkdy,  [HampftjireJ  Gu.  crululy  formtc  a  chev.  within  a  bor- 
durc ar. 

Barklty,   Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  croftcs  formee  gu. 

Barkelty,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  croflcs  formee  of  the 
fecond. — Another,   thecroflesor. 

Barkilcy,  Gu.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  crofs  croflets  ar. 

Barktley,  or  Barklty,  [LeicefterQiire]  Gu.  a  chcv.  bctw.  ten 
rofes  ar.  barbed  or. 

Barkiify,  Ar.  a  trefoil  flipped  fa. 

Barkelty,  Sa.  two  bars  vairc  ar»  and  vert. 

Barkflcy,  [Okenbury,  in  Cornwall]  Sa.  a  fefTecrm.  betw.  three 
cinquefoils  ar. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  flag  lodo-ed 

Barkcky,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar. 

Barkcuy,  [Wymundham,  in  Norfolk]  Gu.  a  chev.  bctw.  icn 
cinquefoils  ar.   four,  two,   one,  two,  and  one. 

Barkelty,  Quarterly   indented  ar.  and  az.  a  bend  gu. 

Barklty,    Quarterly  indented  or   and  az.  a  bend  gu. 

Barklty,  Cheeky  gu.  and  erm.  on  a  bend  az.  three  billets  or. 

Barkelty,  [Coberly,  in  Glouceftcrfhire]  Ar.  a  fcfle  betw.  three 
martlets  fa, 

BARKER,  [Grimfton-hall,  in  Suffolk]  Per  feffe  nebuk'e  or 
and  az.  three  martlets  counterchanged. 

Barker,  [Hambleton,  in  RutlandOiire]  Per  fefic  nebulee  fa. 
and  or,  three  martlets  counterchanged. 

Barktr,G3incc  King  of  Arms  [Newbury]  Ar.  three  bears  heads 
erafed  gu.  muzzled  or,  in  chief  as  many  tortcauxes. — Creft, 
A  bear's  head  erafed  per  pale  or  and  az.  muzzled  or,  betw. 
two  wings,  the  dexter  az.  the  other  or. 

Barktr,  [Bockenhall,  in  EflTcx]  Erm.  on  a  feffe  fa.  three  fleurs- 
de-lis  or. — Creft,  an  oftrich's  head  erafed  or,  holding  in  his 
mouth  a  horfe-ftioe  ar. . 

Barktr,  [Efll'x]   Per  chcv.    nebulee  or  and  fa.  a  lion  rampant 

Barktr,  Printer   to  Qiicen   Elizabeth,    [Chelfum,   in  Bucks] 
Or,  a  fefle  indented  az.  charged  with  three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the 
field.    Another,  the  fcflc  vert. — Creft,   a  turtle-dove  proper, 
in  his  beak   a  role  gu.  ftalkcd  and  leaved  vert. 
Barktr,  Gu.  on  a  crofs  pitee  or,  five  annulets  (2. 
Barktr,    [Billcfden,   in  Suffolk]  Gu.  a  fefle  cheeky  or  and  az. 

betw.  fix  annulets  of  the  fecond. 
Barker,  [Salop]  Az.  five   efcallops  In  crofs  or — Creft,   on  a 

rock  ar.  a  hawk  clofe  or. 
Barker,   [Kent,  Middlcfcx,  and  Suflex]  Barry  of  ten  or  and 


fa.  over  all  a  bend  gu. — Creft,   out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or' 

an  eagle  difplayed  ar.  beal:ed  and  legged  gu. 
Barker,  Per  fcflc  or  and  fa.  a  lion  rampant  counterchanged. 
Barker,  [Hurft  in  Bcrkfliire,  and  of  Warwii-kCiire]  Per  chcv. 

engrailed    or  and   fa.   a  lion   rampant    countercbin''ed. 

Creft,  a  naked  boy  proper,  holding  an  arrow. 
Barker,   Or,   a  lion  rampant  fa. 
Barker,  [Berks]  Per  ch.v.  engrailed   or  and  fa.  a  lion  rampant 

counterchanged. — Creft,  a  demi-moor  proper;  i:i  his  dtxirr 

hand  an  arrow  or,   feathered  and  headed  ar.    on  hit  finift:r 

arm  a  (hield  or,   on  his  ftiouldcr  a  fafti  gu. 
Barktr,  Ar.  three  larkt  proper. 
Barker,  [Ipfwich,  in  Suffolk]  Per  fefle  nebulee  az.  and  fa.  three 

martlets  or,    a  canton  crm. — Creft,   a  greyhound*   ar. 

gorged  with  a  collar  and  ring;   to  the  laft  a  line  or,  the  line 

held  from  him  with  his  dexter   foot. — Another  Creft,  a  bear 

fejant  or,  colLnred  fa. 
Barktr,  [Suffolk]  Or,   a  bend  betw.  fix  billets  t\ 
Barker,    [Norfolk]  Or,  a  chev.  az.  frctty  of  the  firft,  betw. 

three  hurts  on  a  chief  fj.    a   hound    paffant  ar.    bciw.  two 

mullets  of  the  field. 
liarkir;  Ar.  three  bi-ars  heads  erafed  fa.  muzzled  or,  a  chief  pu. 

— Creft,  a  bear's  head  erafed  fa.   muzzled  or. 
Barktr,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  three  bears  heads  erafed  fa.  in   chief 

three  torteauxcs. 
Barktr,    [Shropfhire]  Per  fa'tier  erm.  snd  az.  on  a  borJu.v  "u. 

eight  annulets  or. 
BARKE.MAN,   [London,    1611.]  Palyof  fi-car.  and  gu.   » 

chev.  or. — Creft,  two  arms  embowed  in  armour  or,  holdinT 

in  their   hands  proper,  a   bundle  of  arrows  ar.  tied   v.ith  a 

ftring  gu. 
BARKESWORTH,  Cheeky  .-.r.  and  g-i.  on  a  bend  2-.  th.-ce 

lions  of  the  firft. 
Barkf.virth,  Cheeky  or  and  gu.    on   a   bend    az.   three  lions 

I'ampant  ar.     Another,    three  lions  rampant  gardant  ar. 
Barkfiicrll:,   Cheeky  or   and  gu.  a  bend  az. 
Barkfivorth,  [Thermanby,  Yorkfl:ireJ  Ar.  a  faltier  fa.  over  all 

a  li'.bel  of  three  points  gu. 
BARKHAM,  [London]  Ar.  three  pales  gu.  overall  a  chcv. 

Barkthiri,  [Soutli-Acrc,   in    No.'folk]    Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  gu, 

a  chev.  or. 
BarUhim,   [Waynflcte,  in  Lincolnfljire]  The  fame. 
IjARKYN,   Ar;  a  fword  in  bend  gu.  betw.  two  cutifes  daun- 

cettec  fa. 
BARKSTEADE,  Ermine,  on  a  chief  fable,  three  ducai  coro- 
nets or. 
BARKSTON,  [Yorkfliire]   Ar.  a   fcffe  double  coti.''ed   gu. 

betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  az. 
BARLACE,   Barlacey,   or  Barlow,  Gu.  three  piles  ar. 
BARLAUN'CHE,  or  Barlew,  or  Barlow,   [Lancaihire] 

Sa.    an   eagle  difpliyed  ar.   armed  or,  perched  on   a  ragged 

ftaff  of  the  fecond. 
BARLAY,   [Barley,  and    Bransficid-Woodhoufe,  in   Derby- 

Ciire]  Gu.  on    a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles   difplayed   ar.   as 

many  crofs  croflets  of  the  firft. 
B.-^RLEY,  Ar.  three   bars  wavy  fj.  a  chief  per  pale  erm.    and 

gu. — Creft,     a  demi-ftag    per  pale,   ....  and 

and  charged  with  three  bars  w.ivy  counterchanged. 
Barlty,   [Effex]  Erm.  three  bends  fa. 

Barley,  Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  fa.  on  a   chief  gu.  a  fleur- 
de-lis  or,   a  quarter  in    the   chief  crm. — .\no:hcr,   without 
the  fleur-de-lis. 
Barley,  Erm.   three     bars    wavy   fj. — Creft,    j    boar's    head 

eraledor,  dlfcharglng  from  his  mouth  aqu'trc'cii  az. 
Barley,  [DerbyfliireJ  Ar.  three  hounds  fa.  a  chief  parry  per  pile 

erm.  andgu. 
Barley,  [Dcrbyfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  garbs  or. 
Barley,  Gu.  on   a  chev.  betw.  nine   croft    croflets  fitchec  ar. 
three  fieurs-de-lis  of  the  fi.ld. 



BARLET,  Quarterly    indented    ar.    and   gu.    foul   crcfcents 

BARLIFF,  Bariff,  or  Beriff,  [Lincolnflilre,  and  North- 

amptonfliire]  See  BARRIFF. 
BARLOW,    [Bramfield,    in  Chcfhire]  Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar. 

and  fa.  on  a  chief  gu.  flory  or,  a  canton  enn. 
BARLO,  Erm.  three  bars  dauncettee  gu. 

Bark,   [ElTex]  Ertn.  three  bars  wavy  fa. 

BARLOWE,  [Slebege,  in  Pembrokefliire]  Ar.  on  a  chcv.  en- 
grailed betw.  three  crofs  croflets  fitched  fa.  two  lions  paffant 
and  counter-paffant  of  thefirfl. — Crelt,  ademi-lion  ar.  hold- 
ing a  crofs  croflet  fitched  fa. 

Barlottghe,  or  Barkwe,  [LancafliireJ  Sa.  an  eagle  difplayej 
with  two  necks  ar.  armed  or. 

BARLOW,  [Sheffield]  Sa.  two  bars  erm.  on  a  chief  indent- 
ed party  per  pale  or  and  ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  fa.— Creft, 
on  a  wreath,  a  Mercury's  cap  or,  wings  ar.  thereon  an  eagle's 
head  erafed  proper,  gorged  with  a  collar  erm. — [Granted 

BARNABY,  Erm.  a  fcffe  gu. 

Barnaby,  or  Barnarfy,  Quarterly  ar.  and  gu.  a  crofs  coun- 

Barnaby,  Party  per  feffe  nebulee  or  and  fa.  three  boars  heads 
couped  countcrchanged. — Crefl,  a  boar's  head  erafed  party  per 
feffe  nebulee  fa.  and  or. 

Barnaby,  Party  per  pale  wavy  ar.  and  vert,  three  boars  heads 

Barnaby,  [Yorkftiire]  Or,  on  a  lion  rampant  fa.  three  efcallop_ 
fhells  ar.  within  an  orle  of  mullets  az. 

Barnaby,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  gu.  five  crcfcents  of  the  field,   on  a 
.      chief  az.  three  bezants. 

Barnaby,  [Salop]  Or,  on  a  lion  rampant  fa.  three  efcallop- 
fhells  ar. — Creft,  a  leopard  couchant  fa. 

Barnaby,  [  Worcefterfliire]  Ar.  a  lion  paiTant  gardant  fa.  betw. 
three  efcallop-fliells  of  the  fccond. 

Barnaby,  [Colchefter,  in  Effex]  Ar.  on  a  feffe  flory  and  counter- 
flory  vert,  betw.  three  b  jars  heads  couped  fa.  two  trefoils 
flipped  erminois. — Creft,  a  demi-greyhound  gu.  collared  and 
rinped  ar.  holding  a  branch  of  laurel  vert. 

BARNBY,  [Towthorp,  in  Yorkfliire]  Ar,  a  chcv.  betvir, 
three  bears  heads  couped  fa.  muzzled  or. 

BARNACK,  Ar.  a  bend  gu. 

Barnack,   [Northamptonftiire]  Ar.  a  horfe-barnacle  fa. 

Barnack,  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three  hoife-barnacles  gu. 

£fl)-«c^,f,  See  BERN  AKE. 

BARNARD,  [Lincoln]  Ar.  abend  fufilly  purp.  betw.  fix  fleurs- 
de-lis  az. — Creft,  a  dragon's  head  erafed  ar.  collared  and 
lined  or,  gorged  with  three  bars  gu* 

Barnard,  [Kent]   Vert,  on  a  chief  gu.  two  mullets  or 

Barnard,  [Effex]  Az.  oh  a  feffe  ar.  three  dolphins  within  a 
bordure  engrailed  gu. 

Barnard,  [Kent]  Vert,  on   a  crofs  fa.  five  mullets  or. 

Barnard,  Vairfi,  on  a  chief  gu<  two  mullets  pierced  or. 

Barnard,   [Hampfnire]  Sa.  two  greyhounds  endorfed  ar. 

Barnard,  Sa.  two  greyhounds  endorfed  ar.  betw.  as  many 
bucks  heads  caboffed  or. 

Barnard,  [Cambridgeftiire,  and  Norfolk]  Ar.  a  bear  ram- 
pant fa.  muzzled  or. — Crefl;,  a  demi-bear  ereft  fa.  muz- 
zled or. 

Barnard,  [Somerfetftiire,  and  Gloucefterfhire]  Erfti,  on  abend 
gu.  three  cinquefoils  or. 

Barnard,  [Yorkfhire,  and  Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three 
efcallop-fhell  of  the  field ;  in  the  fmifter  corngr,  in  an  annu- 
let, a  mullet. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  ar.  charged  on  the  fhoul- 
der  with  a  mullet,  within  an  annulet,  holding  in  his  paws  a 
fnakc  entwined  az. 

Barnard,  Gu.  three  lions  rampant  or,  two  and  onc< 

Barnard,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  efcallops  ©f  the 
firft Creft,  an  efcallop-fliell  ar. 


Barnard,  Az.  a  feffe  within  a  bordure  engrailed  or. 

BARNARDISTON,  [Keddington,  in  Suffolk]  Az.  a  feffe 
dauncettee  erm.  betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  ar. — Creft,  an  afs's 
head  ar. 

Barnardljlon,   [Brightwell-Hall,  in  Suffolk]    The  fame. 

Barnardijhn,  [Great-Cotes,  in  Lincolnfliire]  The  fame,  with 
due  difference. — Creft,   a  ftork  or,  among  ruflies  proper. 

BARNAVEILE,  Gu.  a  croft  or. 

BARNE,  [London]  Az.  three  leopards  paffant  or.  Another, 

Barne,  [Effex]  Az.  two  lions  paffant  ar. 

Barm,  [London]  Az.  two  lions  paffant  gardant  in  pale  ar. 

BARNEBY,  [Herefordfliire]  Ar.  a  lion  paffant  gardant  gu. 
betw.  three  efcallop-fhclis  az. 

BARNEY,  [Park-Hall,  in  Norfolk]  Per  pale  gu.  and  az.  i 
crofs  engrailed  erm. — Creft,  a  plume  of  feathers  of  two  rows, 
in  the  bottom  four,  in  the  top  three,  az.  and  gu. 

Barney,  [Norfolk]  Party  per  pale  az.  and  gu.  a  crofs  engrailed 

Barney,  or  Berney,  [Norfolk]  Quarterly  az.  and  gu,  a  crofs 
erm. — Creft,  a  garb  or. 

Barney,  [Kent]  Erm.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  lions  rampant  gar- 
dant or. 

Barney,  Az.  two  leopards  ar.   langued  and  armed  gu. 

Barnei,  [Kent]  Az.   three  leopards  faces  ar. 

BARNES,  or  Bernes,  [Cambridgc-fhire]  Sa.  two  embattled 
or,  in  chief  three  bezants. — Creft,  a  leopard  paflani  ar.  fpot- 
ted  fa.  collared  and  lined  or. 

BARNEYS,  Az.  three  lions  heads  ar. 

Barneys,  Az.  thr^e  greyhounds  paffant  ar.  collared  or. 

BARNERLY,  Q^iartcrly  ar,  and  gu.  a  crofs  quarterly  coun- 

BARNERS,  Qiiarterly  or  and  vert. 

BARNES,  Az.  on  a  bend  ar.  betw.  two  etoiles  or,  a  bear 
paffant  fa.  etoiled  or,  feizing  a  man  proper ;  on  a  diicf  ar. 
three  rofes  gu.  radicated  or. 

Barnes,  [London,  1614,]  Az.  two  lions  paffant  gardant  ar.— 
Creft,  out  of  clouds  proper,  iffuing  rays  paleways  or,  an 
arm  erect,  habited  or,  holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a  broken 
fword  ar.  hilt  or. 

Bfirnes,  Az.  three  leopards  heads  ar. — Creft,  on  a  motint  vert, 
a  falcon  with  v/ings  expanded  ar.  ducally  gorged,  beaked, 
and  legged,  or. 

Barnes,  [1584.]  Quarterly  or  and  vert,  on  a  feffe  fa.  three 
etoiles  of    the  firft. — Creft,  an  etoile  pierced  or. 

Barnes,  Quarterly  az.  and  gu.  a  crofs  erm. 

Barnes,  [Surry,  and  Effex]  Quarterly  or  and  vert,  in  the  firft 
quarter  a  crefcent  gu. 

Barnes,  [London]  Quarterly  az.  and  gu.  a  crofs  betw.  four 
crofs  croflets  or. 

Barnes,  [Berkfhire]  Ar.  two  bars  betw.  fix  mafcles,  three, 
two,  and  one,  fa. — Creft,  a  demi-uniccrn  erm.  attired,  col- 
lared, and  lined,  or. 

Barnes,  Az.  on  a  feffe  betw.  three  fheldrakcs  ar.  as  many 
rofes  gu. 

Barnes,  Ar.  two  bars  crenelle  fa.  in  chief  three  pellets. 

Barnes,  Paly  of  fix  erm.  and  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  lion  paffant 
or. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  or, 

BARNESDALE,  [1604.]  Per  faltier  ar.  and  or,  four  eagles 
difplayed  fa. — Creft,  a  crane's  head  ar.  beaked  gu.  iffuing  out 
of  rays  or. 

BARNESLY,  [Staffordfhire]  Sa.  a  crofs  betw.  four  rofes  ar. 
a  mullet  for  difference  gu. — Creft,  an  old  nian's  head  cou- 
ped at  the  breaft,  full  faced  proper,  charged  with  a  mullet 
for  difference. — [Granted  1597.] 
BARNSLEY,  Gu.  a  crofs  betw.  four  rofes  or,  leaved  vert. 
— Creft,  a  dragon  p.iffant  ar.  charged  on  the  breaft  with 
a  rofe  gu, 



RARNi:STON,    A/,  afcnedaunmit.- nr. 

Hr.rnfjhn,   Ar.  a  fclle  diiuntcttcc   erm.  bitw.   fix    cfofs   crodcts 

fitclii-c  fa.    AnotluT,  crolTcs  formcc  fitth»:>>  fa. 
Bnrni-Jhii,  [Suffolk]  Az.  a  fcfll- d.iunccttct-  crm.  b-lw.  fix  croflcs 

puce  fuclics  ar.     Anotlu-r,    crofs  croflutj  fitchco  ar. 
RARNETT,  Sa.  afalticror. 
liinnef.    Or,  a    falticr  fa.    in  chief  a   leopard's  head   o(  the 

fccond.     Another,  the  field  ar. 
Bariutt,  Gu.  in  chief  a  lion  paflant  gardant  or. 
BAUNKV'EL'I",   Ar.    a  field  and  river    proper,   on  the   fi-ld 

a  buck  gu.   drinkin;;  in  the  river. — Crell,  »  demi-buck  gii. 
BARNKWEIJ,,    [NorthairptonOiireJ   Per  pale  fa.  and  a/,,  a 
fcd'c  daunccttcc  or,   bttw.  three  crols  crofleis  fitchcc    of  the 
Biirmutll,   [Ireland]   .\z.  a  faltier  engrailed,  bctw.   four  crcf- 

cents  ar. 
Barneuell,   [Eflex]   Az.  a  falticr  engrailed  or,   betw.  four  cref- 

ccnts  ar. 
Bi-riir.vell.,  or  BarnawelU,  [Stamford,  in  Lintolnfhirc,  and  of 
Crancdey,  in  Northaniptonniirc,  1560.]  Gu.  a  faltier  em- 
battled, betw.  four  crefcenfs  ar. — Crcft,  a  bear's  head  crafed 
ar.  gorged  with  a  collar,  embattled  gu.  charged  with  three 
bezants  :  in  the  front  of  the  collar,  a  double  ring  or.  Ano- 
ther bears  a  wolf's  colI.''.rcd  as  before. 
UARNWFLL,  [Suffolk]   Party  per  pale  fa.  and  az.  a   feflTc 

daunccttcc  ar. 
Bumii'fH,  [Ireland]  Ar.  a  falticr  gu.  bctw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  fa. 
Ba-m'.'fll,  [Ireland]  Or,  a  faltier  engrailed  gu.  bctw.  four  fleurs- 
de-lis  fa. 
BAKNP'ir.LD,   [Newport,  in  Salop,  and  of  DcvonftiircJ  Or, 
on  a  bend  gu.  throe  mullets  ar.    an  a'lnulet  for  diU'creiicc   fa. 
— Crcft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  fa.  ducally  crowned  gu. 
JlARNHAM,  Ar.  a  crofs  engrailed,  bef.v.  four  crcfcents  gu. 
Barnkim,  [Kciv]  Sa.  a  crofs  engrailed,   betw.  four  crcfcents  ar. 
— Creft,  a   dragon's  head  ar.   pellettce,  betw.   two  dragons 
wings  fa.  bezantec. 
Binnham,  Gu.  a  millrind  in  bend,  bctw.  two  martlets  ar. 
BARNHOWSE,   [Dcvonflliie]  Ar.  two  wings    inverted  and 

conjoined  gu. 
Barnihciifc,  Or,  two  wings  inverted   and   conjoined  gu.  a  crcf- 

cent  for  diflerenie. — [Her.  Off.   E£cx,  C.  21.  j 
BARNINGHAM,    Party  per  pale  or  and  fa.,  Party  per  pale  indented  ar.  and  fa. 
BAROBY,    Sa.   two  fwords  in  falticr  ar.  hiltcd   and   pomclcd 

or,  bctw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  lalK 
BARON,    [Bradwell  and   Skirnby,    in   Effex]    Gu.   a    chev. 

crm.  between  three  garbs  or. — Ci;cft,  a  garb  vert,  cared  or. 
Baton,   Ar.  tlircc  ctoilcs  gu.  two   and  one,  within    a   boidurc 

engrailed  fa. 
Baron,    Ar.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  body  hearts  fa. 
Baron,  Gu.  frtttyar.  on  a  chev.  az.  three  garbs  or. 
Baron,   Ar,  twobars  bctw.  fix  mafcles  fa.  three,  two,  and  one. 
Baron,  Frm.  three  bends  gu.  a  label  of  as  many  points  az. 
Baron,    [London]    Az.  two  lions  paflant  gardant,  in  pale  ar. 
Baron,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  betw.  nine  mafcles  of  the  fccond,  three, 
three,  and   three. — Creft,  a   demi-unicorn   crm.   armed   fa. 
crincd,  collared,  and  chained  or. 
Baron,  [London  and  Effex]    Sa.    in  chief  two  ctoilcs,    in   bafc 

a  martlet  ar.  within  a  bordure  engrailed  or. 
Barron,    Erm.    three  bendlcts    gu.   over  all   a  label   of  three 

points  ar. 
Barron,   Gu.  on  a  chev.  nr.  betw.  three  garbs  or,  a  fret  .iz. 
BARRAM,  [Kent]    Or,  three  bears  paffant  fa.  mu/.zledgu. 
BARRE,  or  Barry,  Ar.  a   fcffc  gu.  bctw.  fix   fleurs-de-lis 

Barri,  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  fa.  four  bars  gu. 
Barn,  Gu.  three  bars  gobonatcd  ar.  and  fa. 
BARREY,  [Ireland]    Barry  of  fix  pieces  ar.  and  gu. 

B     A     R 

Barri,  or  Barrty,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  tliiec  bear;  heads  couprj 
fa.  muzzled  and  collared  or. 

Barri,  or  H-JTrry,  Gu.  a  bend  v.iirc  bctw.  fix  cfcnilups  ar. 
BARRKLL,  [Pvochefter,  in  Kent]  Erm.  on   a  thief  a  a.  three 
talbois  heads  erafed  ar. 

Barrel,  [Hcrcfordfiiirr]  Erm.  on  a  chief  .;z.  one  talbot's  head 
in  the  dexter  point,  couped  ar.  and  cared  "u. — Crcll,  a  tal- 
bot's head  couped  ar.  cared  rr". 

Biirrel,   [Rochcfter,  in  Kent]  Eim.  on  a  chief  fa.  three  talbors 

heads  erafed  of  the  firft. 
BARRETT,  [Bclhoufc  in   Aveley,  in  Effex]  Barrv  of  four 
pieces  ar.  and  ju.  coiinterchangrd  per  pale. — Creft,  a  hydia 
with  feven  heads,   wint^s  cndorfcd  vert,  fcaled  or. 

Barren,  [Perry-Court,  in  the  parifti  of  Prefton,  in  Kent]  Ar. 
a  feffe  daunccttcc  gu.  in  chief  three  mullets  fa, 

Barrett,  [Lea,  in  Kent]  Or,  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three 
mullets  of  the  fccond,  aii  many  lions  paffant  gardant  of 
the  field. 

Barrett,  [Shortncy,  in  Nottinjhamfliirc]  Gu.  on  a  feffe  cotiftd, 
betw.  three  fpears  heads  ar.  as  many  mullets  of  the  firft. 
— Creft,  a  nag's  head  crafed  per  pale  gu.  and  az.  gorged 
with  two  bars  ar. 

Barret  I,  [Loni^on,  i383.]Gu.  a  chief  indented  ar.  a  bordure  az. 

Barrett,    Gu.  on  a  faltier  or,  five  fwans  fa. 

Biirrett,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  betw.  three  Iczcn^e 
buckles,  the     tongues  fcffeways  gu.  an  annulet  or. 

Barrett,    Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  a  feffe  counterchanged. 

Barrett,  [Effex]  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  four  bars  counter- 
changed.  Another,  (of  Ireland)  twelve.  Another,  (of  Kent) 

Barrett,  [Hercfordfliirc]  Gu.  on  a  chief  indented  ar,  three 
efcallop-lhells  of  the  field.  Another,  the  efcaliop-flieils  fa. 
— Creft,  a  lion  rampant  or,  holding  bctw.  his  foie  feet  in 
efcallop-fhell  fa. 

Barrett,  Gu.  on  a  chief  indented  ar.  three  martlets   fa. 

Barrett,   Or,  on  a  chief  indented  ar.  three  efcallop-fhcll:  fa. 

Barrett,  Ar.  a  feffe  fa.  in  chief  three  mullets  of  the  fccond. 

Barrett,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  feffe  bctw.  three  mullets  fa. 

Barrett,    Az.  a  fcffc  daunccttcc  or,  in  chief  three  mullets  ar. 

Barrett,  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three  ctoilcs  gu. 

Barrett,  [Dorfctfhirc]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  hawks  head* 
crafed  or. 

Barrett,  [Suffolk]  Ar,  a  bend  az.  betw.  three  fquare  buckles 
gu. — Crcft,  a  helmet  ar.  garnifhed  and  plumed  with  fea- 
thers or.  Another  Creft,  a  demi-grcj-hound  ar.  collared  and 
lined  fa. 

Barrett,  Per  feffe  indented  ar.  and  gu.   within  a  bordure  az. 

ZJ<;rr^«,  [Warwick]  Or,  a  chev.  engrailed  gu.  betw.  three  bears 
heads  fa.  muzzled  or. — Creft,  a  griffin  fegrcant  regardant  gu. 
wings  elevated  or. 

Barrett,  [Cambridge]  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  b»tw.  three  bears 
paflant  fa.  muzzled  or. — Creft,  a  griffin  I'cgreant  regardant 
or ;   beak,  legs,  and  wings,  gu. 

Barrett,  [Caftle  Barrett,  in  the  counry  of  Corke]  Party  per 
pale  ar.  and  gu.  three  bars  countercharged ;  on  a  canton  of  the 
fccond,  a  rofe  crowned  or. — Creft,  a  heart  or,  betw.  two 
wings  az.  fcniec  of  ctoilcs. — [Ccrti.led    Aug.  22,  1689.  j 

BARRY,  Az.  two  lions  paffant  or. 

Barry,  Az.  two  lions  paffant  gardant  or. 

Barry,  [Dcvonfhirc]  Gu.  three  bars  voided  ar. 

Barry,    [Devonfhlrc]   Gu.  three  barschecky  ar.  and iz. 

Barry,  Ar.  three  bars  gu. 

Barry,  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  gu. — Crcft,   a  wolfs  head  erafed  fa. 

Barry,  A:,  three  bars  embattled  gu. 

BARRYE,  [Devonfhircj  Ar.  two  bars,  and  in  chief  a  cref- 
ccnt  gu. — Crcft,  a  wolf's  head  fa.  ch:;rgcd  with  a  crcfcent  or. 

BARRINGTON,    [Barrington-hall,    in    Effex]    Ar.   three 

chev.   gu.    a  label  of  as  many  points  sz.  (another,  erm.) — 

3G  Creft, 


CrcJ^,   a  Capuchin  friar  afFronte  proper,  coupcd   below    the 

(lioulders,  habited  paly  of  fix  ar.  and  gu.  on  his  head  a  cap  or. 

Another,   the  cap  hanging  down  behind,  and  ftriped  as  the 

Barrington,    [Efiex]  Ar-.  three  chev.  gu. 
Barringim,  [Somerfetfeire]   Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  flory  or. 
BARRINGSTON,  Or,  a  crofe  crollet  purp.  on  a  chief  of  the 

fecond,    a  lion  paflant  gardant  of  the  firft. 
Bei'ringfion,  Sa.  fix  eagles  difplaycd  ar.  three,  two,  and  one. 
BARRIFF, [Northamptonftiire]  Vert, on  achcv.  engrailed  ar. 

bctw.    three  trefoils  flipped  pean,  as  many  lions  rampant  fa. 

Creft,   on  a  mount  vert,    a  beaver   paflant  proper,   gorged 

with   a  plain  collar  and  ring  or.     Another,  the  field  az. 
BARONBY,  or   Barroughbv,  Az.    a   chev.    betw.  three 

boars  heads  couped or,  (another,  ar.) 
BARONSDALE,  [London]  Per  faltier  or  and  ar.   four  eagles 

difplayed  az. — Crcft,   out  of  an  antique  crown  or,  a  ftork's 

hcadar.  beaked  gu. 
BARROWE,  Ar.    on   a  chev.   betw.  three   crofs   croflcts    fa. 

two  lions  paffant  and  counter-paffant  ar. — Creft,  ademi-lion 

rampant  ar.  holding  a  crofs  croflet  fitchee  fa, 
BARROW,  Lozengy  or  and  az.   a  griffin  falient  erm. 
Barroiu,  and  Bayoby,  [Cambridge]    Sa.   two  fwords  in   faltier 

ar.    hilt  and  pomel  or,  betw.   four  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  laft. — 

Creft,  a  fquirrel  fejant  gu.  charged  with  a  chev.  or,  cracking 

nuts  proper. 
Barrotu,  Cheeky  az.  and  or,  an  eagle  difplayed  ar. 
Barrovj,  [Kent]  Sa.  a  fefle  erm.  bctw.  two  fleurs-de-lis  in  chief, 

and  a  hind  trippant  in  bafe  or. 
Barrow,  Sa.  a  hind's  head  couped  ar. 
Barrotu,  [Suffolk]  Sa.   two  fwords  in  faltier  ar.  hilts  and   po- 

mels  or,  between  four  fleurs-de-lis  within  a  bordure   of  the 

third.    (Another,  the  bordure  ar.) — Creft,  a  hind's  head  ar. 
Barrow,   Sa.  two  fwords  in  faltier  ar.   between  four   fleurs-de- 
lis  or. 
Barrow,  [Winthorpe,  in  Norfolk]    Sa.  two  fwords   in  faltier, 

betw.  four   fleurs-de-lis  or,   within  a  bordure  gobonated  az. 

and  ar.    Another,  ar.  and  purp. 
Barrow,    [Shipdenham,    in  Norfolk]  Sa.   two  fwords  in  faltier 

ar.  betw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  or,    within  a  bordure  gobonated 

or  and  gu. 
Barrow,    [Petterfpury,    in    Northamptonftiire]    Ar.  three  tor- 

teauxes,  each  charged  with  a  fleur-de-lis  or,  on  a   chief  az. 

a  bugle-horn  or,  betw.  two  pheons  ar. — Creft,  a  dcmi  boar 

rampant  or,   charged  with   three  billets,   betw.  two  bendlets 

Barroiu,  Gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  three  lions  heads  erafed  fa. — Creft, 

an  oftrich'shead  erafed  ar.  holding  in  his  mouth  a  key  or. 
BAROWE,   Ar.  apheonfa. 
BARSHAM,  [Norfolk]  Party  per  p.ile  gules  and  argent,  a 

chief  or. 
Barjham,    [Colkirk    in    Norfolk]    Per   pale   or    and    gu.    a 

chief  or. 

Barjham,  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  a  chief  or. 

BARSTON,  [Norfolk]    Quarterly     ar.   and  fa.    over  all    aji 
eacrle  difplayed  gu. 

Bar/ton,  Ar.  three  fpiked  clubs  fa.  two  and  one. 

BARTEROWE,  Quarterly  ar.  and  fa.  in  the  fecond  and  third, 
a  tower  triple-towered  ar. 

BARTLET,   Sa.   on   a  chev.  flory  countcrflory,  betw.    three 
doves  ar.  as  many  trefoils  flipped  proper. 

Bartlet,  [London]  Azure,  a  cheveron  flory,  between  three 
doves  ar.  charged  with  as  many  trefoils  flipped  vert,  pierced 
or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  twodemi-dragons  with- 
out wings  vert,  tied  back  to  back  with  a  cord  az.  iflTulng  from 
the  middle  of  the  coronet,  pafling  under  their  throats,  and 
meeting  above  their  heads  in  two  bows. 
Bartlet,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  martlets  fa. 
Bartlet,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  Cornifh  choughs 


Barthf,  [Glouceftej-fhire]  Quarterly  per  fclTe  indented  ar. 
and  gu.   four  crefcents  counterchanged. 

Bartlet,  Q^iarterly  per  pale  indented  ai .  and  gu.  a  crefcent 

BARTLETT,  [Stopham,  in  Sulfex]  Sa.  three  falconers 
finifter  gloves  pendant  ar.  and  tafTeiled  or. — Crcft,  a  fwaii 
ar.  couched  with  her  wings  expanded  in  dorfo. — [Granted 
to  Walter  Bartlett,  Efq;  November  27,   1616.] 

BARTLEME,  Or,  a  chev.  party  per  chev.  engrailed  ar.  and 
gu.  betw.  three  lions  rampant  fa. 

BARTON,  Erm.  on  a  canton  fa.  an  owl  ar. — Another,  the 
canton  gu.  the  owl  or. 

Barton,  [Bucks]  Ar.  a  chief  erm.  on  a  canton  gu.  an  owl  ot 
the  field. 

Barton,  Erm.  on  a  canton  gu.  a  martlet  or. 

Barton,  [Didlefton,  in  Salop]  Ar.  abend  double  cotifed  fa. 

Barton,   Az.  two  bars  ar.  a  chief  erm. 

Barton,   Party  per  fefle  erm.  and  ar.  on  a  canton  gu.  an  owl  or. 

Barton,  [Chefhire]  Ar.  three  bears  heads  couped  gu. 

Barton,  [Barton,  in  Lancafhire]  Ar.  three  boars  heads  couped 
(another,  erafed)  gu. — Creft,   a  boar's  head  couped  gu. 

i?(7?i:a«,  [Barton,  in  Lancaftiire]  Ar.  three  boars  heads  couped 

Barton,  [Swethills,  in  Lancaftiire]  Az.  a  fclTe  or,  betw.  three 
bucks  heads  caboflcd  or.  Another,  the  bucks  hc.ids  ar. — Creft, 
an  acorn  or,  leaved  vert. 

Barton,  [Kent]  Az.  a  fefle  betw.  three  bucks  heads  couped 
erm. — Creft,  an  owl  proper. 

Barton,  [Wherby,  in  Yorklhii-eJ  Erm.  on  a  fcfle  gu.  three 
annulets  or. 

Barton,    [Lancaftiire]  Erm.  a  fefTe  engrailed  gu. 

Barton,  Az.  a  feflTe  betw.  three  fquirreis  heads  or. 

Barton,  [Newton,  in  Yorkftiire]  Ar.  on  a  ftffe  betw.  fix  fleurs" 
de  lis  fa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  firft. 

BARTHOLEMEW,  or  Bartolomew,  Or,  three  goats 
heads  erafed  fa. — Creft,  a  demi-goat  ar.  gorged  with  a  chap- 
let  of  laufcls  vert. 

Barthotemnv,  Ar.  a  cheveron  engrailed,  between  three  lions  ram- 
pant fa. 

BARTRAM,  [Cumberland]  Gu.  an  orle  or. — Another  adds 
a  label  of  three  points  of  the  fecond. 

Bartram,    [  Stafiordfliire]  Az.  an  orle  or. 

Bai  train,  [Northumberland]  Gu.  crufuly  an  orle  ar. 

Bartram,  Or,   a  lion  paflant  vert. 

Bartram,  Az.  an  eagle  difplayed  or. 

BARUNE,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  human,   or  body  hearts  fa. 

BAR  WAY,   Ar.  a  barnacle  in  bend  fa. 

BARWELL,  Ar.  three  martlets  fa.  betw.  two  bars  gu. 

Barivell,  Erm.  on  a  chief  az.  a  talbot's  head  couped  ar.  col- 
lared gu. 

Barivt-U,    Gu.  a  goat  climant  ar.  attired  or. 

BARWICK,  [Northumberland]  Or,  three  bears  heads  erafed 
fa.  muzzled  ar. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  ftao-  or,  at- 
tired fa. 

Barwick,  [Sutton,  in  Yorkfhire]  Ar.  three  bears  heads  couped 
fa.   muzzled  gu.  two  and  one. 

Bariu:ci,  Az.  a  crofs  or,double  engrailed,    voided  of   the  field. 

Banvick,  [Wefthorp,  in  Suff"oIk]  Ar.  three  bears  heads  erafed 
az.    rnuzzled  or,   two  and  one. 

BARWICKE,  [Efl'ex,  1592.]  Ar.  three  bears  heads 
erafed  fa.  muzzled  or,  two  and  one. — Crcft,  an  efcar- 
buncle  ;  the  centre  az.  the   rays    ar. 

B.ARWIS,  [Ifelekirk,  in  Cumberland]  Ar.  achcv.  betw.  three 
bears  heads   couped    fa.   muzzled  or. 

BARWORTH,  Ar.  a  faltier  fa. 

BARZEY,  [Shrewftjury]  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  on  acan^on  of  the 
laft,  a  maunch  or. — Creft,  a  fquirrel  fejant  proper,  cracking 
a  nut  or. 

BASENTYNE,  Az.  three  fleurs-dc-lls  ar. 
Bafcntynt,  Gu.  a  fefle  dauncettee  ar. 


B     A     S 

BASFORD,  [Grange,  Dcrbyfhirc]  Az.  three  ca£!:s  difplayed, 

bctw.  two  bL-ndlets  ar. 
BASHE,  [Hcrtfordfliirc]  Per  chev.  ar.  and  gu.  in  chief  two 
moor-hens  fa.  combed  and  legged  gu.  in  bafc  a  faltier  ar. 
— Crcft,  a  griffin  fcgrcant,  per  pale  ar.  and  fa.  collared  with 
a  plain  collar  counte£clianij,ed,  holding  in  his  be.ik  a  broken 
fpcar  .... 
Bajhty  Per  chev.  ar.  and  li,  three    towers   triple-towered  coun- 

Bajhe,   fllcrcfordfhirr]  Pcrchcv.  or  and  gu.  two  martlets  in  chief 

of  thefccond,  and  a  crofs  in  bafe  ol  the  firft. 
BASHINGS,  Az.  a  crofs  voided  or,  and  a  bend  of  the  fecond. 
BASIRE,  or  Easier,  Gu.  three  bars  wavy  ar.  in  chief  a  mullet 

of  fix  points  of  the  fecond. 
BASVN,  orBAsiNGK,  Sa.  an  inefcutcheon  crin. 
BASINGWERKE,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  engrailed  vert,  five  mullets  or. 
BASKER,  Or,  a  crofs  gu.  bc7..>ntee. 

BASKERVILE,  [Chefliire]  Ar.  three  hurts,  two  and  one. 
Bajitrvsle,  fGIouccfterfliirc]  Ar.  on  achev.  az.  (another,  gu.) 

bctw.  three  hurts  as  many  crofs  croflets  or. 
BttfkcrviU,  [Glouceftcrfhirc,  and  Hertfordftiirc]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu. 

bctw.  three  tortcauxes. 
Bjjkenlli,  [ Hereford ih ire]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  hurts. 
— Creft,  a  \'.i-i!f's  head  cr.ifed  ar.   holding    in  his  mouth  in 
arrow,  the  feathers  upwards.     Another,  a    lion's  head,  run 
through  the  mouth  with  a  fpear. — Another  crert,  a  garb  of 
rofemary  proper. 
Bi^JkirviU,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  hurts,  as  many  mul- 
lets or. 
BASKET,  A?,,  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  leopards  heads  or. — 

Creft,  a  demi-lion  or. 
Bajktt,  Az.  a  chev.  erm.  bctw.  three  dolphins  heads  or. 
BASNETT,  Ar.   a    chev.    gu.    bctw.    three    helmets  clofe, 
proper. — Creft,  an  arm  embowed   in   armour  proper,  hold- 
ing a  cutlafs. 
BASSNET,  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  helmets  clofe,  or. 
BASPOOLE,  [Beftnn,   in   Norfolk]   Ar.    a    chev.   embattled 
bctw.  three  lions  rampant  fa. — C.'-eft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet 
or,  a  ftag's  head  erm.    attired   or,  wreathed   about  the  neck 
ar.  and  fa.  and  tied  behind  with  two  bows. 
BASQUER,  [Ifle  of  Wight,  in  Hampfliire]  Party  per  bend  or 
and  ar.  a   lion  rampant  :.z.    on   a   chief  gu.  a  crofs   patec 
fitchce,  bctw.  two  etoilcs  of  the  fecond. 
BASSACK,  [Stepney,  in   Middlefex]  Az.    three  piles  wavv, 
in  point  or,  on  a  chief  of  the  firft,  as    many  mafcles  of  the 
BASSER,  Erm.  on  a  chief  indented   .  .   .  two  mullets  .... 
BASSE,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  plates. — Creft,  a  demi- 
lion  gu.   laying  his  paw  on  an  oval  fhield,  in  cartouch  or, 
charged  \,vith  a  fleur-de-lis  .iz. 
fiASSETT",  Paly  of  eight  or  and  gu.  a  canton  vert. 
Bajfett,  [DevonftiircJ  Paly  of  eight  or  and  gu.  a  canton  vairc. 
BaJJett,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  gu.  a  bordure  az.  bezante'e. 
Btijptt,  [Glouceftcrfhire]   Erm.  on  a  chief  indented  gu.   three 

etoiles  or. — Another,  cfcallops  or. 
BaJJett,  [Gloucefterfhire]    Ar.  on   a  chief  indented   gu.  three 

mullets  or. — Another,  cfcallops  or. 
Bajptt,  [Northumberland]  Or,  three  piles  gu.  (another,  pales) 

within  a  bordure  az.   bezante'e. 
Baffttt,  [StafTordftiire]  Or,  three  piles  gu.  a  canton  vaire. 
Bi'ffitt,  Or,  three  piles  gu.  on  a  canton  fa.  a  lion  rampant  ar. 
Bajfetty    [Warwickfhire]  Or,  three  piles  in  point  gu.  a  canton 

erm. — Creft,   a  boar's  head  ar.  couped  gu. 
Bajjet,  Or,  three  piles  meeting  in  the  bafe  of  the  inefcutcheon 

fa.  a  canton  erm. — Another,  vaire. 
Baffett,  [Langlcy,  in  Dcrbylhire]  Or,  three  piles,  meeting 
in  the  bafe  of  the  cfcutchcon  gu.  a  canton  ar.  charged  with 
a  griffin  fegreant  fa. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a 
boar's  head  gu. 
Bajfett,  The  fame,  the  canton  being;;;d  with  two  liois 
pafl'aiit  gu. 


Bajfett,    Or,  three  piles,   meeting  in  the  bafe  of  the  efiu'Jiear 

fa.   within  a  bordure  az.   bczantcc, 
BaJJetl,    The  fame,  adding  over  ill  a  bend  az. 
BaJJelt,   Or,  three  pales  gu. 
Bajjrtt,  Or,  three  pales  gu.  a  canton  erm. 
BitJ/ett,  [Leiccftcrfliirc]  Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  gu. 
Htijj'/tt,   Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  gu.  a  canton  of  the  fecond. 
BiiJJeli,  I5.irruly  ar.  and  gu. 

Bajftt,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  three  bars  dauncettec  gu. 
BoJJ'elt,   Biirry  of  fix  az.  ajid  ar.  on  a  chief  of  the  feconj,  three 

chaplets  of  the  firft. 
Biijjllt,  [Cornwall]  Barry  wavy  of  fix  or  and  gu. 
Bajfett,  [Cornwall]  Barry  wavy  of  fix  or  and  az. 
Biijfett,  [Wombcrly,   in   I)e\onlhire]  Or,  three  bjrs  wavy  gu. 
— Creft,  an  unicorn's  head  ar.  charged  with  tv/o  bai>  d*uu- 
cctte-c  gu. 
Biijfett,  Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  fa. 
Bajfett,  Sa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
Bajfett,  [Somerfelfhire]  Erm.  a  canton  gu. 
Bajfett,  [Wales]  Ar.    a  chev.  bctw.  three  bugle-horns  ftrin^ed 

Bajfett,  [EfTex]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  bu^le-horns  fa.   five 

crofs  croflets  cf  the  field. 
Bajfett,  Bendy  gu.  and  or,  a  canton  erm. 
Bajfett,   Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  efcallop-fliells  fa. 
BASING,   [London,  1214.]  Or,  fix  eagles  difplaycd  fa.  thrT. 

two,  and  one,  a  canton  erm. 
Bajmg,    [Kent]   Az.    a  crofs  crufuly,  voided  or,  a  bend  "u. 
BASSINGES,  Az.  a  crofs  engrailed  or,  over  all  abcndgu. 
B^ijfinge!,  Az.  a  crofs  moline  quarterly,    pierced  or. 
Bajfmgei,  Gu,  an  inefcutcheon  ar.  within  an  orle  of  cinqiiefoi!^ 

pierced  of  t!:e  fecund. 
BASSiNGI'ORNE,  Gyronr.y  of  fixtcen  pieces  ar.  and  gu. 
Baffinghorne,    [Cambridgefhirc]   Gyronny  c!"  twelve  gi;.    a{;d 

Bafftngbome,  Gyronny  of  eight  ar.  and  gu. 
Bajpngborne,  Gyronny  of  eight  ar.  and  az. 
Bajfmghorne,  Gyronny  of  eight  vaire  and  gu. 
Bafftngborne,  Gyronny  of  eight  or  and  az. 
Bafftngbome,  Gyronny  of  eight  gu.  and  vairc. 
Bajfmgborne,  [Hcrtlordfhirc]  Gyronny  of  ei^ht  or  and  "u. 
Bafjir.gborne,  Gyronny  of  twelve  vairc  and  gu. 
Bafftngborne,  Gyronny  of  twelve  ar.  and  gu. 
Bafftngborne,   [Lincolnfhire]  Gyronny  of  twelve  or  and  az. 
Bafftngborne,  Gyronny  of  twelve  gu.  and  vert. 
Bafftngborne,  Gyronny  of  twelve  vaire  or  and  gu. 
BASSINGDON,  Erm.  on  a  faltier  engniiled  az.  five  fleurj- 

de-lis  or. 
BASSINGWEEKE,  or  Bassiscwerks,    [Chclhircj  Ar.  a 

crofs  engrailed  vert. 
BASTARD,   [Adington,   in  Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend,  betw. 
three  fleurs-de-lis  fa.  as  majiy  boars  heads  couped  or. — Creft, 
an  elephant's   head,  party  per  chev.  or   and  fa.  CiKd  of  the 
BAISTARD,  Or,  a  chev.  az. 

BASTEED,   Ar.  two  burs  az.  in  chief  three  chaplcti  o-u. 
BASTOYLE,    [EfTex]  Or,  a  crofs  fa.  charged  wuh  five  mul- 
lets of  the  field. 
E.\STON,    Ar.  three  bats  wings  fa.  two  and  one. 
B.ATBERGE,  Sa.    fifteen   bezanu,    five,    four,  three,    tw« 

and  one. 
BATEMAN,    [How-Hall,    in    Norfolk]    Or,   three   etoiles 

ilTuant  out  of  as  many  crefccnts  gu. 
Batcman,  [Norfolk]  Sa.  a  crefcent  within  a  Uordure  engrailed 

Bateman,  [London]  Or,  on  a  fcfle  fa.   betw.  three  Mufcovy 
ducks  proper,  a  rofe  of  the  firft. — Creft,  a  .\Iufcovy  duck's 
head  couped,  betw.  two  wings   expanded  proper. 
Baienen,  [Suffolk]  Sa.  three  crefccnts,  two  and  one,  erm.  with- 
ia  a  bordure  engrailed  »r. — .Another,  or., 


Biitoum,  Sa.  an  orlc  engrailed  .ir.  bctw.  three  crcftcntb  cim, 
Batcman,  [Efl'exJ  Sa.  fix  lions  couchant  coward  ar.  three,  two, 

and  one. 
Batcman,  Sa.  fix  lions  couchant  or,  three,  two,  and  one. 
Butcman,  [Effcx]  Az.  on  a   che\-.    embattled    or,  bctw.    thrCe 

martlets  ar.  a  crefcent  for  difference. 
LdUman^  Or,  on  a  chev.  betw.  three   cfcallops  gu.   an  oftrich 

feather  ar. 
BaUman,    [White    Cbapcl,  Middlcfe-;]   Az.  a    ftfie    nebulc'c, 
betw.   three  crefcents,    each  having  an   etoile  ifluing  from 
betw.   their   horns  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  crown  ar.  an 
eatrle  rifing  with  a  fmall  garland  in  his  beak  proper. 
Bateman,    Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  plates. 
B«te«:rm,   The  fame,  within  a  bordure  gu. 
Bateman,   Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  hurts  within  a  bordure  gu. 
Bateman,  Or,  three  etoiles  gu.  two  and  one,  the  one  in  bnfe,  tf- 
fuant  out  of  a  crefcent  of  the  fccond, — Creft,  an    increlcent 
ar.  betw.  two  wings,  the  dexter  ar.  the  finiftergu. 
BATF.LL,  Gu.  a  griffin  fegreant  or. 
EATTELL,  Gm.  a   griffin  fegreant  ar.   armed  az.  within  a 

bordure  engrailed  or. 
BATERED,  Or,  a  chev,  az. 
BATERELL,  Chequyor  and  gu.  a  chev.  az. 
BATERTON,  or  Becktrton,    Ar.   on  a  chev.   fa.   three 

broad  arrow-heads  of  the  field. 
BAT,  or  Batt,    [BerkOiire,    and   Yorklhirc]      Sa.     a    feffc 
crif^railed  ar.  betw.  three  dexter-hands  couped  at  the   wrill 


BATSON,  alias  Davis,  Ar.  three  bats  wings  crcft  fa.  two 
and  one,  on  a  chief  gu.  a  lion  paifant  gardant  ar.— Creft,  a 
b»t's  wine  ereift  ar. — [Granted,  December  24,  1 702,  to 
Captain  Thomas  Batfon,  who,  by  his  will,  conveyed  the 
eftatc  and  arms  to  William  Davis,  a  fon,  by  a  niece  of  the 
faid  Captain  Thomas  Batfon,  on  condition  he  fliould  bear 
both  his  name  and  arms.] 

BATE,  [Yorkfliire,  1565.]  Sa.  a  felTe  engrailed  ar.  betw.  three 
dexter  hanJs  couped  bendways  or. — Creft,  a  flag's  head  ar. 
attired  or,  erafed  gu.  vulned  through  the  neck  with  an  arrow 
or,  feathered  and  headed  ar. 

Bate,  Sa.  a  feflc  ar.  betw.  two  dexter  hands  or. 

Bate,  Sa.  a  fcfie  bctw.  three  dexter  hands  ar. 

Bate,  Sa.  a  feflebetw.  three  dexter  hands  couped  bendways  ar. 

BATES,  Sa.  a  fcffe  betw.  two  dexter  hands  couped  or. 

Bates,  [Mumby,  in  Yorkfliire]  Sa.  a  fefle  engrailed  bctw.  three 
dexter  hands  couped  ar. 

Bates,  [Norfolk]  Sa.  on  a  fefle  ar.  betw.  three  dexter  hands 
couped  bendways  or,  five  mullets  of  the  field. 

Bates,  [Lincolnfliire]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  betw.  three  cinqucfoils  gu. 
as  many  fleurs-de-lis  erni. 

BATH,  [Ireland]  Gu.  acrofs  betw.  four  lions  rampant  ar. 

Bath    Or,   a  chev.  engrailed  betw.  three  wolves  heads  erafed  fa. 

Bath,  or  Bathe,  [Ireland]  Gu.  a  crofs  bctw.  four  lions  ram- 
pant gardant  ar. — Another,  paffant  gardant  ar. 

BATHURST,  [London]  Sa.  two  bars  erm.  in  chief  three 
erodes  formce  or. — Creft,  a  dexter  arm  embowcd,  habited  in 
mail,   holding  in  the  hand  proper,    a  club  with  fpikev  or. 

BathurJ},  [Hampfliire]  The  fame. 

Bathurjl,   [Kent]   The  fame. 

Bathurjl,  [Ifle  of  Wight]  The  fame,  with  an  annulet  on  the 
fefle,  and  one  on  the  arm,  or. 

Bathurji,  [Glouccfterfiiire]  Az.  two  bars,  in  chief  three  crofles 
formee  or. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  horfe  proper. 

BATTIE,  [Wadworth,  in  Yorkftiire]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw. 
three  goats  ar.  each  goat  charged  with  two  pellets  or,  on  a 
chief  of  the  laft,  a  demi-woodman  with  a  club  ereflproper, 
between  two  cinquefoils  gu. — Creft,  a  ftork,  with  a  lifti  in 
his  beak,  all  proper. 

BATY,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bulls  paffant  ar.  charged  with 
two  pellets  purp.  on  a  chief  or,  a  demi-woodman  with  a  club, 
betw.  two  cinquefoils  gu. 


A     X 

ar.  c-.f'f.d  or,  bctv.'.  f  > 

B.-VTAjAY,  A'.  '  n  a  bend 

pant  of  tliv  tliird  three  torteanxes. 
ByVTiSCOMBE,  Ar.  achev.  betw.  three  bats -difp'. ivrd  fa. 
Rz^TT,  Ar.  a  crofs  engrailed,  betw.  fcir  bats  difpia-x-J  la. 
Batt-,   [Kcnfington,   in   the  county  of  Middkfex]    S,i.  :i   fcfie 
crm.   bctw.   three  dexter  hands  crejl  ar. — Creft,  a  denii-lioii 
or,  out'oe  de  fang,    holding  betv/.  his  paws,  a  niarJhui's  f.aif 
palew3y:;or,  tipped  at  the  ends  fa.    [Granted  June  21,  171,".] 
BATOWER,   Erm.  a  falticr  engrailed  gu. 
BATTERSBY,   [,605.]  Or.  a   fajtier   paly  of  twelve  piercs 
"  erm.    and   gu.   a  crefcent    in    chief  fa. — Creft,  a    ram   paf- 
fant erm.  armed  and  unguled  or. 
BATTEFORD,  or  Batesfokd,    Ar.    two  crefcents  gu.   a 

cmton  fa. 
EA'i'YFORD,  [Suffolk]   Ar.  on  a  chev.    betw.  three  croflint 

botonee  fa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
BATTISHILL,  [Devonfliire]  Az.  acrofs  croflet   in    faltief 

or,    betv,'.  four  owls  ar.  beaked  and  legged  or. 
BAVENT,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  within'a  bordure  (ano- 
ther, in^railed)  fa.  charged  with  an  entoire  of  bezants. 
Eftvent,  At.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  crowned  or. — Another  adds  ca 

the  fliouldcr  afteur-de-li."-  or. 
Bavc-'i',  Ar.  a  chief  indented  Ci. 
Bavciit,   Or,  a  lion  rnmpajit  ia.  double  queued,  o\cr  all  a  bend 

t-obonatcd  ar.  and  gu. 
RAVESOR,   Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  tall  forked. 
BAUMFORD,  [Donington,  in  Lincolr.lhireJ  Ar.  a  feffc  en- 
grailed gu. 
BAUGH,   [GloucefterJ  Gu.   a  fcffe  vairc  betw.  three  mullets 

ar. — Creft,   out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,    a  .•albot  fejaiit  la. 
BAW,   or  Bawood,    Ar.    on    a  bend   bctw.   cotiies  J;i.  three 

eagles  difplayed  or. 
BAWDBY,    Ar.  a  faltier  bctw.  four  rooks  fa. 
BAWDE,  [Currlngham  in  Elfex,  and  Bedfordfhire]  Gu>  th.-'ee 
chev.  ar. — Creft,    a  Satan's  head  in  profile  fa.  with  wings  tu 
the    fide  of   the   head    or,    the  tongue  hanging  out  of  his 
mouth  gu. 
Bawde,   [Lincolnflilre]    Gu.  two  chev.  ar. 
B/iwcle,   [Lancafliirc]  Gu.  three  chev.  twoar.  and  one  or. 
Bawde,    [Effex]  Gu.  three  eagles  difplayed  or. 
Eawde,  [Eflex]  Gu.  three  eagles  legs    erafed,   talons    in  chief 

or,  tv.'o  and  one. 
Boiude,  Ciu.  three  lions  rampant  ar. 
Bjivde,   Gu.  three  wings  or,    two  and  one. 
BAWDINGTON,    [Gloucefter]   Ar.  on  a  feffc  engrailed  gu. 
betw.  three  birds  volant  az.    as  many  bezants,   each  charged 
w  ith  a  lion's  head  erafed  fa, 
BAWDRICK,    [Nottingham]   Sa.  a  chev.  ar.  furmounted  by 

another  gu. 
B.'VWDRIP,   Gu.  three  fwans  ar.   two  and  one. 
BAWDWYN,    Or,  afeffe  betw.  three  water-bou^ets  gu. 
Bawdwyn,    Az.  a  ftar  of  fixteen  points  or. 
BAWINGHAM,    [Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  cotifed   az. 

three  efcallops  of  the  field. 
BAWTRE,    [Cambridge]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  lions 
heads  erafed  gu.  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  firft. — Creft,  a 
lion's  head  erafed  gu. 
BAWNE,  Erm.  on  a  chief  indented  ar.  two  trefoils  flipped  fa. 
Bawne,  Or,  acrofs  az. 

BAXMONT,   [Devonfliire]   Barryof  fix,  vairc  and  gu. 
BAXTED,  [Effex]  Qiiarterly  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  bend  i'^.  three 

eagles  difplayed  or. 
BAXTER,  [Northumberland]    Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.   four  eagles 

difplayed  vert. 
Baxter,   [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  on   a  bend  az.    three   etoiles  of  the 

field.      Another,  or. 
Baxttr,  Erm.  on  achev.  gu.  three  bezants. 
Baxter,  [Norfolk]   Ar.  on  a  pale  fa.    three  bezants  within  a 

bordure  of  the  fecond. — Another,  the  bordure  engrailed. 
Baxter,   [Stannovv,  in  Norfolk]   Gu.  a  wivcrn  paffant  or,   with 


B     A     X 

wing*  expanded,  tail  nowcd,  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond  three 

fpears^heads  ax. — Creft,  a  lion's  gamb  crafcd  or,  holding  a 

fpear  fa.  headed  ar.  near  the  head  two  firings  and  tallcls  or. 
Baxitr,  Az.   a  crofs  betw.  four  lions  fejant  gardaat  or. 
Baxter,  [Cromer,  in  Norfolk]   Quarterly   d.    and  gu.    three 

bucks  heads  couped  ut  the  neck  or, 
Baxter,  Ar.  four  windmiil*fails  conjoined  in  falticr  fa. 
Baxter,  Vert,  three  fquirrcls  fejant  ar. 
BEACON,    or   Becon,  Qiiarterly  or    and    fa.   four  leopard* 

heads  countcrchangcd. 
BEACHCROFT,  Bendy  of  fi.K  ar.  and  gu.  three  ftags  heads 

cabofled  or. — Crcft,   a  bcach-trec   proper,  behind   fix  park- 
pales  or. — [Granted,  November   12,  1717.] 
BEAGHAN,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  within  a  bordurc  fa.  bczantce. — 

Creft,  a  pellet  betw.  two  wings  ar. 
BEAKE,    [DorfetfhireJ   Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  fa.  on  a 

canton  of  the  fecond  a  leopard's  head  or. — Crcft,  an  oftrich's 

head  ar.   in  the  a  horfc-ftjoe  or. 
Beake,  [Maidftone,  in  Kent]  Gu.  a  crofs  flory  erm. 
BEALE,  Sa.  on  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  griffins  heads  erafcd  ar. 

as  manyetoiles  gu. 
Beale,  [HerefordQiire,   and    Northamptonfliire]    Ar,   a    chev. 

betw.  three  phcons  fa.  the  two  in  chief  lying  fefleways,  point 

to  point. 
BeaU,  [London]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  griffins  heads  erafed 

ar.  three  etoiles  gu. — Crcft,  a  unicorn's  head  erafed  or,  femec 

d'ctoiles  gu. — [Her.  Offi.   London,  C.  24.] 
Beale,   [Sauthampton]    Ar.   three  tortcauxes,    two    and   one. 
BEALEW,  or  Belew,   [Yorkftiirc]  Sa.  a  fret  or. 
BEALL,  Sa.  a  chev.    betw.    tnree    wolves    heads  erafed   or, 

charged  with  as  many  cinquefoils  of  the  field. 
BEAILSFORD,  Or,  a  cinquefoil  fa.  pierced  of  the  field. 
BEANLEY,  or   Beawley,  Or,  a   chev.    gu.    betw.  three 

BEANBRAS,  or  Beaubras,  Barruly  or  and  az, 
BEANBULK,  Or,  on   a  felTc   fa.  three   bezants.     Another, 

the  field  ar. 
BEANCASTLE,  Sa.  a  fcffe  ar. 
BEANEVEILL,  or  Beavill,  Az.  a  chief  or. 
BEANVILL,  Az.  a  chief  ar. 
Beanvill,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  pierced  ar. 
BEANFORD,  or  Beauford,   [LancaftiireJ  Per  pale  ar.  and 

az.  on  a  bend  gu.  a  lion  paftant  gardant  or.     Another,  three 

BEANSHOf,  [EfTex]   Ar.   three  crofs  croflets    in  fcfic  betw. 

two  bars  gemelles  fa.  within  abordure  of  the  fecond. 
BEARD,  Ar.  three  men's  heads  couped  proper. 
Beard,  [Beard-Hall,   in   Derbyihirc]    Az.  a  chev.    ar.  betw. 

three  trefoils  flipped  or. 
Beard,  Ar.  three  men's  heads  couped  fa.  within  a  bordure  az. 
Beard,  [Northkells,   and  of  Hurft  Pcrpoint,  in  Lincolnfhirc] 

Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  ten  martlets  ar.  five  ogrcffes. 
Beard,  [Aberton  and   Cowfold,  in  SulTcx]  Erm.  on  a  quarter 

fa.  a  faltier  or,  charged  with   five   fleurs-de-lis  gu. — Creft, 

on  a  chapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm.  a  tiger  couchant  or,  tufted, 

maned,  and  armed,  fn. 
BEARE,  or  Beere,   [Kent,  1586.]  Ar.  a  bear  rampant  fa. 

and  canton  gu. — Crcft,  on  a  garb   lying  fefleways  or,  a  ra- 
ven fa. 
Beare,  Ar.  a  bear  in  pale  falicnt  fa.  armed  gu.  a  canton  erm. 
Brare,  Ar.  a  bear  falrcnt  fa. 
BEARSLEY,  Or,  a  bend  betw.  fix  martlets  fa. 
BEARECROFT,  [Worcefter]  Ar.  on  a  chev three 

mullets  fa. 
iiarcroft,   [Worcefter]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  bears  beadt 

erafed  ar.  three  fwans  clofe  of  the  firft. 
Bearcrcfi,  \x.  three  bears  paftant  fa.  muzzled  or. 
BEASLEY,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  plates. 
BEAST,  Gu.  three  bars  gemelles  or. 
BEATHALL,  Ar.  three  boari head* couped  ^.  vithinabo^- 

B     E     A 

BEAU,  Mafonry  »r.  a  chief  az.  charged  with  a  demi-Ii«« 
ifluant  of  the  field. 

BEAUCHAMPE,  Ar.  on  a  chief  indented  fa.  three  mullet* 
of  the  field. 

Beauchumpe,  Barry  of  fix  pieces  ar.  and  az. 

Beauchampe,  [EffcxJ  Gu.  a  fcfte  betw.  fix  trefoils  flapped  or. 

Beaucbampe,  Gu.  a  fefle  or,  in  chief  three  mullein  of  the 

Beauchampe,  [Hoult,  in  Efl"cxJ  Gu.  a  fcfl"c  betw.  fix  billets  or. 
— Creft,  a  fwan'i  head  and  neck  ar.  beaked  gu.  betw,  a  pair 
of  wings  fa. 

Beauchampe,  [Glouceftcrfliire,  and  W'arwitULircj  Gm.  a  fcCe 
betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  or. 

Beauchampe,  The  fame,   within  a  bordurc  of  the  fecond. 

Beauihampe,  [GloutelUrfliirej  Gu.  a  fclle  betw.  fix  manlets 

Beauchampe,  [Gloucefter]  The  fame,  within  a  bordure  ar. 

Beauchampe,  Gu.  a  fefle  or,  betw.  fix  bezants. 

Beauchampe,  [Worcefter]  Gu.  a  fcfli:  or. 

Beauchampe,  Quarterly  or  and  gu.  a  bend  fa. 

Bcauihampe,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  heads  erafed  ar. 
crowned  or. 

Beauchampe,  [Eflcx]  Or,  a  lion  palFant  gardant  fa.  crowned 

Bi-auchamp,  [EflTex]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  crowned  gu.  Ano- 
ther, the  field  or. 

Beauchamp,  [Eflcx]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  fa,  crowned  of  the 

Beauchampe,   [Somerfctfliire]  Gu.  a  bend  vaire. 

Beauchampe  Vaire. 

Beauchamp,  [Bucks]  Vaire,  a  label  of  three  points  within  a  bor- 
dure gu. 

Beauchamp,  [Bedfordfliire]  Gu.  a  fret  ar. 

Beauchamp,  [Bedfordftjire]  Gu.  frctty  ar. 

Beauchamp,  Gu.  billetty  a  feflfc  or. 

Beauchamp,  [Pow7cke,  in  Gloucefterfhirc]  Gu.  a  fcfli  betw. 
fix  billets  or,  a  canton  erm. — Creft,  a  tiger  pafl'ant  or  vul- 
ned  in  the  (houlder  gu. 

BEAUCHATT,  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  betw.  three  cars 
heads  gardant  gu. — Creft,  a  cat's  head  erafed  gatdant  gu. 

BEAUCLER,  [Suffolk]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  gorged  v.-ith 
a  crown  ar. 

BEAUCLERK,  Quarterly,  firft  and  fourth  France  and  En-^- 
land  quarterly  ;  ."ccond,  Scotland  ;  third,  Ireland  ;  over  all  a 
finifter  baton  gu.  charged  with  three  rofes  ar.  feeded  and 
barbed  proper. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm.  a 
lion  paftant  gardant  or,  ducally  crowned  party  per  pale 
ar.  and  gu.  and  gorged  with  a  collar  gu.  charged  with 
three  rofes  ar. 

BEAUCRAY,   Ar.  three  lions  heads  erafed  fa. 

BEAUFAIS,  Gu  a  falticr  betw.  four  crofs  croflets  fitchee 

BEAUFELDE,  Gu.  a  fleur-dc-lig  e.^m. 

BEAUFEY,  Ar.  a  chev.    betw.   three  cxoflcs  formec  fa. 

BEAUFOE,  or  Beaufe,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  croflck  formce 

BEAUFITZ,  or  Beavij,  Quarterly,  per  feflV  indented  ar. 
and  az. 

BEAUFORD,  Ar.  a  fefle  engrailed  gu. 

Bcaufard,  or  Beaufort,  Quarterly,  France  and  England  with- 
in a  bordure  gobonated  ar.  and  az. — Creft,  a  portcullis  or, 
nailed  az.  chains  of  the  firft. 

BEAUFREE,  or  Beawpree,  [Norfolk]  Vert,  a  Hon  ramp- 
ant  or,   and  bend  gu. 

BEAUMARIS,   Or,   on  a  fefle  a?,   a  crefcent  ar. 

BEAUMES,  [Huntingdonfl)irc]Az.  fix  garbs  or. 

BEAVILL,  [Huntingdonfliire]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  mul- 
lets pierced  ar. 

BEAVIS,  [Devonfhire]  Az.  three  clofe  helmets,  twro  and 
one,  ar.   garnifiied  or. — Crcft,  a  pheon  ar. 


ij    ^    A 

iJEAUMOND,  Az.  femec  of  fleurs-de-lis,  a  lion  rampant  or. 

BEAUMONT,  Lozengy  or  and  az.within  a  bordure  gu.  platte. 

Bsauinont,  Gu.  a  cinquefoil  erm. 

Beaumont,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  a  bend  gobonated  ar.  and  gu. 
Another,  erm.  and  gu. 

Beaumont,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu. 

Beaumont,  The  famei  with  a  label  of  three  points  az.  each  char- 
ged with  two  bezants. 

Beaumont,  [Whitley-hall,  in  Yorkfhire]  Gu.  a  lion  rampant, 
within  an  orle  of  crefcents  ar. 

Beaumont,    Az.  a  lidn  rampant  or,  armed  of  the  field. 

Beaumont,  [Lactttct,  and  of  Beaumont-hall  in  Suffolk]  Az.  a 
lion  rampant,  betw.  ten  fleurs-de-lis  or,  armed  and  langued 
gu. Crcft,  an  elephant  ar.  furmountcd  with  a  tower  triple- 
towered  ar.  garnifhed  or.   Another  Crefl-,  a  lion  palTant  or. 

Beaumotit,   Gu.  three  bars  ar. 

Beaummt,    [Devonfhire]  Barry  of  fix   pieces  vaire  and  gu,— 
Creft,  ahern,   or  ftork,   with  wings  expanded,  ar. 
B  eaumont,  [Devonfhire]  Barry  of  fix  pieces  vaire,  az.  and  gu. 

Beaumont,  [Yorkfhire]  Barry  of  fix  pieces  erm.   and  gu. 

Beaumont,  [Grace-Dieu,  in  Leicefterihire]  Az.  a  lion  rampant, 
betw.  eight  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Crefl,  on  a  chapeau  az.  charg- 
ed with  three  fleurs-de-lis  in  fefTe  or,  turned  up  erm.  a  lion 
pafTant  or. 

Beaumont,  [Stoughton  Grange^  in  Leiccflerfhire]  The  fame. 

BEAUVOIR,  [London]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  cinqueforls 
gu, — Crcft,  a  demi-dragon,  with  wings  endorfed  proper. 

BEAUPREE,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  a  fefTe  betw.  two  crofs  crof- 
lets  or. 

Beaupree,  Vert,  a  lion  rampant  or,  over  all  a  baton  az. 

BEAUPENY,  [Somerfetfhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa,  in  chief  two 
crofTes  formee,   and  in  bafe   a  faltier  of  the  fecond. 

BEAWFICE,  Az.  three  clofe  helmets  or,  two  and  one.  Ano- 
ther, ar. 

Beawfice,  Az.  three  crofTes  farcelly  ar. 

Beavjfice,  At.  afefTcjbetw.  three  lozenges  az. 

BEAWFOY,  Erm.  on  abend  az.  three  cinquefoils  pierced  or. 

Beawfoy,  or  Beaufy,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles  difplayed  gu. 

BEAWFORD,  [VVarwickfhircJ  Ar,  on  a  bend  fa.  three 
cinquefoils  of  the  field, 

EEAWFRENS,  Paly  of  fixer  and  gu. 

BEAWFRET,  Az.  three  head-pieces  reverfsd  ar.  two  and 

BEAWLOT,   Ar.  on  abend  fa.   three  buckles  of  the  field. 

BE  AWPELL,  Gu.  a  bend  vaire,  cotifed  ar. 

Beawpell,  Gu,   a  bend  vaire,  betw.  fix  efcallops  or. 

Beaivpell,  Gu.  a  bend  vaire, 

BEAWSHIN,  Paly  wavy  of  fix,  ar.  and  fa.  on  a  chief  of 
the  lafl,  three  crefcents  of  the  firfl. 

BEAWSON,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  crofTes  formee  or. 

BEAWSTED,  Gu.  a  goat  falient  ar.  armed  or. 

BEBINGTON,  [Bebington,  in  Chefhire]  Sa.  three'  flags 
heads  cabofled  ar. — Creft,  out  of  a  coronet,  a  demi-eagle  dif- 
played fa.  bezantee. 

BEBERBORT,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  a  cher.  gu.  betw.  three  tor- 

BECARDE,  Ar.  three  cufhions  gu.  tafTelled  or. 

BECHE,  Gu.  three  lions  pafTant  ar.  billetty  fa. 

Beche,  Gu.  three  lions  pafTant  ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  as  many  bucks 
heads  caboflfed  or, 

Beche,  [Berkfhire]  Ar,  on  a  bend  gu.  three  bucks  ke.ids  ca- 
bofTcd  on 

Beche,  Vaire  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  firfl,  a  martlet  fa. 

Beche,  Vaire  ar.  and  gu.  abend  fa, 

Beche,  Az.  three  ftiovelers  or,  membered  gu,  two  and  one. 

Beche,  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  lions  heads  couped  orj  in  chief 
a  martlet  fa. 

BECHER,  Sa.  frettyor, 

Becher,  Sa.  a  fret  or,  and  label  «f  three  points  gu. 

B     E     C 

Ztiheri  cr  Beach,   [Kent  and  Bedfordfhirc]    Vaire  ar.  and   gu. 

on    a  canton   or,   a  buck's    head  cabofTed  fa. — Creft,   out 

of  a  ducal  coronet   or,  a  demi-lion  ar.     Another  Cieft,   a- 

demi-lion  ar.  enfiled  round  the  body  with  a  ducal  coronet  or. 
Becher,  [Kent]  Vaire  on  a  canton  or,  a  buck's  head  caboiTed  fa. 
BECHETON,  Az.  three  irons,  or  digging  fpadcs,  or,  tv/o  and 

BECHORN,  Az.  a  chief  indented  ar. 
BECK,  [Beck,  in  Lincolnfhire]    SceBEKE. 
Beck,  [Yorkfhire]  Gu.  a  crofs  farcelly  erm. 
Beck,  Gu.  a  crofs  erm. 
Beck,  Gn.  a  crofs  patonce  ar. 
Beck,   Quarterlv  of  four,  firfl  or,  a  raven  fa.   fecond  a.-.d  third 

fa     a  mullet  of  fix  points  or,    fourth  a  dolphin   hauricnt  ar, 

— Crefl,  a  raven  proper,  betw.  two  wings  or. 
BECKARD,  Or,  a  faltier  gu.  betw.  four  eagles  difplayed  vert. 
Beckard,  [Cambndgefhire]    Ar.    a  crofs  gu.  betw.   four  ca^lca 

difplayed  az. 
BECKERING,  Chequy  ar.   and  gu.  on  a  chev.  fa.   three 

efcallops  or. 
Beckering,  [Yorkfhire]    Chequy  argent  and  gules,  a  bend  fable. 

Another  az. 
Becktring,    Lozengy   orandgU. 

Beckering,    or  Bekering,  Quarterly  ar.   and  gu.  abend  fa. 
BECKETT,   [Wiltfhire]  Or,  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions 

heads  erafed  gu.  a  fleur-de-lis  betw.  two  annulets  or, 
Beckett,  Ar.  three  Cornifh  choughs  fa.  beaked  and  legged  gu. 
Becket,  [Courthither,  in  Cornwall]  Sa.  a  fefTe  betw.  three  boars 

heads  couped  or,  and  twelve  crofs  croflets    of  the  fecond. — ■ 

Crefl,  a  Cornifh  chough   fa.   wings   expandicd,  beaked  and 

legged  gu.  ducally  gorged  or. 
Becket,    [Cornwall]   Gu.  a  fefle  erm.  betw.  three  boars  heads 

couped  or. 
Becket,   Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  betw.  three  pheons  fa. 
Becket,   [Norfolk]  Ar.  on   a  chief  gu.  three  cinquefoils  of  the 

field.    Another,  rofes  ar.  barbed  vert. 
Becket,   Erm.  a  chief  paly  az.  and  ar. 
Becket,  [Ireland]  Party  per  chev.  or  and  gu.  three   lions  heads 

erafed  counterchanged. — Crefl,  a  Cornifh  chough  (by    fomc 

called  a  bcckit)  proper. — [Granted   April,  1667.] 
BECKFORD,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  trefoils  flipped  vert. 
Beckford,    [London]  Per  pale  gu.  and  az.   on  a  chev.  ar.  betw. 

three  martlets  or,  an  eagle  dilplayed  fa. — Creft,  a  flork's  heaJ 

erafed,  in  the  mouth  a  fifh,    all  proper. 
BECKING,   Quarterly  or  and  gu,  a  bend  fa. 
BECKHAM,   Chequy  or  and  fa.   a  fefle  erm. — Crcft,  a  horfu's 

head  ar.   pierced  through  the  neck  with  a  broken  tilting-fpear 

or,   and  holding   in  his  mouth   the  top    of  the  fpear  env- 

brued  gu. 
Beckham,  [Leicefterfhirc]  Chequy  or  and  az.  a  fret  erm» 
Beckham,  ox  Bechorn,  Az.  a  chief  indented  ar. 
BECKINGHAM,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bucks  faces  gu. 
Beckingham,  [Berkfhire  and  ElTex]  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  on  a  cantoa 

of  the  fecond,   a  cinquefoil  of  the  firft. 
Beckingham,   [Noe,   in  Norfolk]    Ar.  a  felTa  crenellee,  betw. 

three  efcallop-fhells  fa. — Creft,  a   demi-grifHn  ar.    legs  and 

beak  fa.  wings  endorfed  gu.  holding  in  his  dexter  claw  a  cut- 

lafs  ar.  hiked  or. 
Beckingham,    [Tolfhunt-Beckingham,    in   ElTex]   Sa.   a    felTe 

crenellee,  erm.  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  ar. — Creft,  a  demi- 

griffin  fa.  holding  in  his  dexter  claw   a  cutlafs  ar.  hilt  and 

pomel  or. 
BECKLEY,  or  Bickley,  [Devonfhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed 

betw.  three  martlets  fa.  alfo  ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  betw.  three 

birds  fa. 
BECKSWELLjOr  Bekyswell,  alias  Shordich,  [Bekyswell 

in  Norfolk]  Quarterly  ar.  and  erm.  a   bend   az.  over   all   a 

crofs  gu.   a  crefcent  for  difference. 
BECKTO"LLj  Erm.- a  chief  paly  fa.  and  or. 


B     E     C 

Etcit}ft,  Erm.  on  a  diief  fa.  four  pales  or. 

BtCKVVELL,  or  Bekewell,   Ar.  on  a  chief  fa.   three  boars 

heads  or, 
Bic/:nt-/l,  Paly  c^fix  ar.  and  gu.   on  a  chief  of  the  fccond,  a  lion 

pailant  gardant  or. 
BeckweU,  Ar.  three  eagles difplaycd  fa. 

BtCKWlTH,  [YorkOiire]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  frctty  or,   bctw. 

three  hinds  heads  crufed  of  the  (ccond,  on  a  chict  engrailed  gu. 

a  faltier  engrailed  bctiv.  two  rofes  or,  and  on  the  chief,  joined 

tothe  dc  xti,  and  fmifter  fides,  ademy  fleur-de-lis palewaysor. 

— Crcft,  a  Hag's  head  quarterly  per  ftftc   indented  or  and  az. 

BECKVVITH,  or  Beckw^rth,    [Yorklhirt]   Sa.   a  chcv. 

betw.  three  ^iifEns   heads  cialcd  or,    a  boar's  head  coupcd, 

betw.  two  pheons  gu. 

Beciwith,    [Alborouyh,  in  Yorlcfliire]   Ar.  a  chev,  bctw.  three 

hinds  heads  gu. — Crcft,   a  flag's  head  coupcd  f.i.     Another, 

(of  Durham)  proper, 

Btck-L-ith,   [Clynton,   in  Yorlcfliire]   Or,  on  a   fcITc  az.   three 

fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field. 
BECON,  The  lame  as  BEACON. 

JBhCONSALL,  Sa.   (hre.-  crefcents   ilTuant,  as    many  mul- 
lets ar, 
Bicmfoll,    [Beconfall,    in  Lancafhirc]  Sa.  a  crofs  formec  ar.  on 

the  fmifter  quarter,  an  cfcallop  (hell  or. 
BEDELL,  [Rumford,  in  EffexJ  Sa.  on  a  fclTc,  bctw.  three 
faltiers  ar.  an  efcallop-fhcll  bctw.  two  mullets  az.  Another, 
three  mullets  gu.  on  the  telib. — Crclt,  an  arm  couped  at  the 
elbow,  and  ereft  in  armour  proper,  grafping  a  cutlafs  on  the 
Btdell,    [Dorfctfhire  and  Huntingdonfhire]  Sa.  on  a  fcflc  betw. 

three  faltiers  ar.    a  covered  cup,  betw.  two  mullets  az. 
Btdell,    [Huntingdonfliircj   Gu.   a  chcv.  engrailed  betw.  three 

efcallop-fliells  ar. 
BidiU,  [Hamerton,    in   Huntingdonftiirc]  The  fame. — Creft, 
out  of    a  palifado  crown  az.   a  buck's    head  or,   attired  of 
Bedill,      Gules,    a    chcveron    between    three    efcallop-fhells 
ar. — Creft,    out  of    a  palifada   crown,  a  buck's  or, 
attired  az. 
BEDEVVELL,     or    Bedwell,    Gyronny    of    four,    erm. 

Jozengy  or  and  gu. 
BEDFORD,   Quarterly  or  and  gu.    a  bend   of  the   fecond. 

Another,  the  bend  fa. 
Btdford,  Quarterly  ar.  and  gu.  abend  engrailed  of  the  fccond. 
Bedford,  Ar.  a  lion's  gamb  couped,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  \i. 
Bedford,  [Henloc,  in  Bcdfordfliirc,]  Ar.  three  lions  gambs  coup- 
cd and  ereft,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  fa. — Creft,  a  dcmi- 
lion  fa.  ducally  crowned  or,  holding  betw.  his  feet  a  fphcrcor, 
Btdford,  Per  pale  az.  and  gu,  a  bend  or. — Creft,  a  hand  proper, 

holding  a  fphere  erect  or. 
BEDINGFIELD,   [Oxborough  and  Beckhall,  in  Norfolk] 
Erm.  an  eagle  difplaycd  gu.  armed  cr. — Crcft,  a  demi-eaglc, 
with  wings  expanded  or.     Another  Creft,  an  eagle  difplaycd 
BEDLE,  [London]  Gu.  on   a  chev.  bctw.  three  efcallops  ar. 
a  fleur-de-lis  of  the  firft,  all  within  a  bordure  of  the  fccond. 
— Creft,  aftag'Shcad  erafedor,  attiredandJucally  gorged  gu. 
BEDOLfE,  or  Bedell,   [Staffbrdftiirc,  andBedolph's-Hall, 
in  Eflex]  Ar.    (another,  or)  a   fefle    rompcc,   betw,   three 
crofs   croflets  fi.chee  fa. — Crcft,  on   a  wreath,  an  arm  cm- 
bowed,  habited  a/,  in  the  hand  proper,   a  fword  ar.  hilt  and 
pomel  or,    pierced  into  the  fide  of  a  fquirrel  fcjant  regardant 
or  ;  the  fide  of  the  fquirrel  guttee  de  fang. 
BEDO,   .\r.  a  chcv,  engrailed,  bctw.  three  mullets  fa. 
BFDON,  or  Bf  DO,  [Putney,  in  Surry]  Ar.  three   boars  headf 
■oupedfa.  two  and  one. — Crcft,    a  boar's  head  couped   and 
erect  gu. 
3£DULEY,  [.jtartbrdftiire]    Az.    a    bend,    bctw.    fix    crofs 

croflets  or. 
PF.E,  fBafT.ngi'olce,  in  Sta.Tordfliirc]   Az.  a  chev.  bctw.  thra: 


bees  volant  or.— Crcft,  a  dragon's  head  gu.   pierced  throvg'i 
with  an  arrow  ar. 
Bit,  [Horflow,  in  Lincolnfliire]   Quarte.-ly  or  and   gu.  on    a 

bend  fa.    three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
Bei,    f Bafingllokt,   in    Hampftiire]     Qiiarterly    or     and    az. 

on  a  bend  of  the  fecond,  three  flcuri-de-lis  of  the  firft. 
lii-e,  Gil.  t'lrcc  bars  gemelles  or. 
BF^ESLEY,    Ar.  three  torteauxes  and  achiefgu. 
BEIS'J",    [Salop,    1586.]    Gu.   tlucc  bundles  of  arrows    or, 
feathered  and  headed  ar.  tied  in  the  middle  with  a  ftring  ar. 
three   in  each  bundle  ;  viz.     two    in   faltier,   one   in    pjlc, 
points  downwards. — Crcft,  a  finiftcrarm  couped  above  the  el- 
bow, habited  fa.  cuff'ar.  hand  proper,  holding  a  itringed  bow 
BEES  TON,    Vert,  a  lion  rampant  or,  betw.  eight  flcuri-de-lis 

of  the  fccond. 
Bifjltn,  Vert,  a  lion  rampant  ar.  crowned  and  armed  gu, 
Bee/hn,  Vert,  a  lion  rampant  ar.  crowned  or. 
Betjhn,   Ar.  a  bend  fa.  bctw.  fix  bees  of  the  fccond. 
BESTON,  [Becfton,  in  Yorkft.L-e]  Sa.  a  bend  bctw.  fix  crofs 

croflets  fitched  or. 
Btjion,  Sa.  fcmec  dc  crofs  croflets  or,  on  abcndgu.  three  cajoles 

difplaycd  or. 
BEFILS,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  plates. 
BEGARD,  orBEONARD,  [Norfolk]  Or,  on  a  erofi  gu.   fi-e 

cfcallops  ar. 
BEGFYN,  Quarterly   per  fcfTc  indented   gu.   ind  or,   on  the 

firft  quarter  a  lion  paflant  ar. 
BEGYRLE,  Az.  afefle,  betw.  three  boars  heads  or. 
BEISIN,  Quarterly  per  feftc  indented  gu.  and   or,  in  the  fi  ift 

quarter  a  lion  paflant  gardant  ar. 
BEYFRAND,  Sa.  fix  martlets  ar.  three,  two,  and  one. 
BEYFORD,  Ar.  three  mullets  gu. 
BE YLEY,  Ar.  three  torteauxcs,  two  and  one. 
BF^YM  AN,    Or,  on  a  crols  fa.  five  bulls  head.  ar. 
BEYNCLLRE,   [Suffolk]    Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.    collared 

ar.     Another,  tail  forked, 
BEYNHAM,  [Herefordftiire,  1588;]  Vert,  a  crofs  moline or.— 

Crcft,  a  beaver  proper. — SecBAYNHAM. 
BEYNTON,  Sa.  a  bend  fufilly  ar.— See  BA  YNTON. 
Beyr.ten,  Az.  fix  cfcallop-fticllsor,  three,  two,  and  one. 
BEYSIS,  or  Bestis,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  within  a  bordure 

f.\.  bezantee. 
BEKE,  or    Beck,  [Berklhire,    and  of  Beck  in  Linrolnfliire] 
Or,  two  bars   daunccttce  fa.  on  a  chief  az.  three  atinuletsar. 
— Creft,  a  peacock's  head  crafcd  or,  gorged  with   two     bars 
daunccttce   fa.    betw.      two  wings   az.     each  charged  with 
three  bezants  paleways.      Another  Crcft,  a  hare's  head. 
Beit;  Gu.  a  crofs  moline  ar. 
Bete,  Gu.a  crofs  erm, 

Bete,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  a  crofs  moline  ar.  betw.  four  wolves  heads 
erafedor.    Another,  nags   heads  or. — Creft,  a  dragon's  head 
erafed  or,  collared  vairc. 
BEEKE,  Gu.  a  crofs  moline  voided  ar. — Crcft,  out  of  a  djcal 

coronet  gu.    two  bulls  horns  erm. 
BEKERTON,  Ar.   a  chev.  fa,  betw.  three phcons  of  the  fi-;ld. 
BEKET,  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  heads  crafcd  gu. 
BELCHER,  [Northampton]  Per  chev.  indented  az.  and  or,  in 
chief  two  martlets  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  dcmi-hawk    or, 
with  wings  expanded  fa. 
BelJier,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  gu.  on  a  chev,  ar.  three  martlets  fa. 
Belcher,  [StaflFordOxire,  and  of  Gilft>oroughin  Nottinghamfhire] 
Or,  three  pales  gu.  a  chief  vaire. — Creft,  a  greyhound's  head 
erm.  gorged  with  a  collar  gu.  rimed  and  ringed  or. 
BELESEY,  or  Belester,   Sa.    a  faltier  or,  a  label  of  three 

points  gu. 
BELBIN,  Sa.  on  a  crofs  ar.  five  lions  rampant  of  the  firft. 
BELEW,  or  Bellew,    [De\onftiire]  Sa.    frett)- or. — Crcft, 
an  arm  embowcd  habited  vert,  the  hand  proper,  grafping   a 
bell  or,  round  the  wrifta  ruSFar. 



BcUw,   [Lanc»ftiire]  Sa.  fretty  or,  on  a  chcv.  az.  three  lions 

heads  erafed  of  the  fecond. 
Belew,  [Warwickfhire]    Az.   three   eagles  difplayed   in    bend 

bctw.  two  cotifes  ar. 
Belew,  Ei-rn.  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  mullets  ar. 
BELLFORD,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  rofes  gu.  feeded 

or,   baibed  vert,  a  wolfs  head  erafed  or. 
BELGRAVE,  [North-Kilworth,  andof  Belgrave,in  Leicefter- 
fhire]  Gu.   a  chev.  erm.   betw.   three  mafcles   ar. — Creft, 
a   ram's  head  ar. 
Belgrave,    [Leiceflerftiire]  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.   three  maf- 
cles erm. 
Belgrave,  Erm.  three  fufils  in  fefle  voided  of  the  field  gu. 
Belgrave,  [Leirefterlhire]  Gu.   a   chev.    betw.    three    mafcles 

pierced  erm. 
BELFIELD,  [London,  and  Hertford]  Erm.  a  mullet  gu.  on 
a  chief  of  the  bft  a  label  of  five  points  ar.— Creft,  a  demi- 
tiger  ar.  armed  and  tufted  or,  pierced  through  the  body  with 
the  broken  ftafF  of  a  flag,  the  flag  hanging  betw.  his  fore 
legs  party  per  fefle  wavy  ar.  and  az. 
Belfeild,  [Clegge,  in  Lancaftiire]  Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  label 

of  five  points  ar. 
B'ELHOUSE,  [Stanway,  in  EflTcx]  Ar.  three  lions  rampant  gu. 
Belhoufe,  [Aveley,  in  Eflex]  Ar.  three  lions  rampant  gu.  two 
and  one,  betw.  three  crofa  croflets  fitchce  of  the  laft,  one  and 
Belhoufe,   Or,  a  faltier  lozengy  gu.  and  vaire. 
Belhoufe,  Or,  a  faltier  gu. 
Belhoufe,  Or,  a  faltier  lozengy  gu.  and  ar. 
Belhoufe,  Gu.  a  faltier  voided  or,  betw.  four  lozenges  vaire. 
Belhoufe,  [Eflex]  Erm.  three  lions  rampant  gu. 
Belhoufe,  [EflTex]  Ar.  three  lions  rampant  gu.   within  a  bordurc 

engrailed  fa. 
BELIALD,    [Thorpe,  in  Northamptonfhire]  Per  chev.   ar. 

and  gu.  billetty  counterchanged. 
BELYNE,  Ar.  alion  paffant  betw.  three  bulls  heads  couped  gu. 
BELYN,  [Chefhire]  Ar.  on  a   crofs  fa.  five  lions  rampant  of 
the  field. — Crefl:,   an  unicorn's   head   erafed  ar.    armed  or, 
and  charged  on  the  neck  with  four  bars  gu, 
BELYRE,  Vair6  or  and  gu. 

BELISMO,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  within  a  bordure  or.     Ano- 
ther, the  lion's  tail  forked. 
BELKE,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.   three  leopards  heads  ar. 
BELKING,  Az.   three   eagles  difplayed  in   bend  betw.    two 

bendlets  ar. 
BELKNAPPE,    [Warwickfhire]  Az.    three  eagles  in  bend 

betw.  two  cotifes  ar. 
BELL,  [EflTex]  Erm.  on  a  chief  fa.  an  efcallop-fliell  betw.  two 

bells  ar. — Creft,  a  talbot  paffant  erm. 
Bell,  Az.  a  feffe  erminois  cotifed  or,  in  chief  two  martlets  of 

the  laft. — Creft,  on  a  rock  proper,   a  martlet  erminois. 
Bell,  Sa.  a  feffe  erm.  betw.  three  church-bells  ar. 
Bell,  Sa.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  church-bells  ar. — Creft,  a 

hawk  with  wings  expanded  proper,  belled  or. 
Bell,   [VVeftmorland,  and  Cumberland]  Sa.  a  chev.  bet^.  three 

church-bells  ar. 

Bell,  [Northumberland]  Gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  three  church-bells  fa. 

Bell,  [Bucks,  and  Berks]  Sa.  three   church-bells   ar.    two  and 

one,  and  three  etoiles  or,  one  and  two. — Creft,  a  hawk  with 

'  wings  expanded  ar.  beaked  and   belled  or,  with   firings  flo- 

tant  from  the  bells  gu. 
Bell,    [Effex]  Erm.  on  a  chief  fa.  three  church-bells  ar. 
Bell,  [Yorkfliire]    Sa.  on  a  chev.   betw.   three    church-belli 

•  ar.  as  many  lions  heads  couped  gu. 
Bell,  [Gloucefterfliire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  hawks  bills 
gu.  two  bars  gemelles  of  the  firft,  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond  a 
■hawk's  leure,  betw.  two  martlets  of  the  field. — Creft,  an  arm 
embowed  veftcd  gu.  holding  in  the  hand  proper  a  battle-axe, 
ftaff  gu.  head  ar. 
Bell,  Sa.  a  fefle  erm.  betw.  three  mafcles  ar. 
Bell,  [Baughton,  in  Suffolk]    Ar.  on  a  chev.   engrailed  pr, 


betw.  three  talbots  heads  erafed  gu.  as  many  trefoils  fllppc4 

Bell,  Parted  per  chev.  gu.  and  or,  a  crcfci-nt  counterchanged. 
Bell,  [London]  Az.  on    a  chev.   ar.   betw.   three  lions   hcacW 
erafed  or,  gorged   with  a  collar  of  the   firft'i  charged   with 
three  bezants,  as  many  church-bells  of  the  field,  orn..i.-iaia-d 
of  the  third. 
Bell,  [Scotland]  Az.    three   bells  or,  two  and  one. — Creft,   a 

bell  or. 
BELLABER,  Az.  a  bend  double  cotifed  ar.  betw.  fix  martlets  or. 
BELLAY,  [Paxton  Magna,  in   HuntingdonftiireJ  Ar.    three 

pellets,  a  chief  engrailed  fa. 
BELLOM,  Ballam,    Bellome,  or    Bellam,    Sa.    on    a 
feffe  betw.   three  etoiles  ar.   three   pellets. — Creft,  out   of  a 
ducal  coronet  or,  a  cock's  head  betw.  two  wings  gu.  combed 
and  wattled  or. 
BELLAMY,  [Middlefex]  Az.  on  a   bend  betw.  two  cotifes 

or,  three  crefcents  gu.     Another  bears  the  field  vert. 
Bellarm,  Sa.   on  a  feffe  or,   cotifed    ar.    three   crefcents  az,- — 
Creft,  an  arm  couped,  habited  fa.  cuffed   ar.   holding  in  the 
hand  proper  a  fceptre  or,  on  the  top  a  crefcent  ar. 
BELLARNEYS,  Per  pale  gu.   antl  az.  a  lion  rampant  ar, 

crowned  or. 
BPXLASIS,  [Yorkftiire]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  fleurs- 
de-lis   az. — Creft,    a  lion  couchant   gardant   az.     Another 
Creft,  a  ftag's   head  erafed  proper,  in    his    mouth   an  oak- 
branch  fruded  proper. 
BELLELY,  Ar.  a  bull  paffant  fa. 
BELLER,  [Nottingliamftiire]   Per   pale   gu.    and  fa.    a   liom 

rampant  ar.  crowned  or, 
BELLERBY,  Or,  a  faltier  betw.  four  eagles  difplayed  gu. 
BELLERS,  Per  pale  indented  gu.  and  az.  a  lion  rampant  ar. 
BELLESBY,  [Lincolnfliire]  Ar.  a  chev.   betw.   three  demi- 

lozenges  fa. 
Bellefliy,  Sa.  a  crofs  or. 

BELETT,  Sa.  an  eagle  difplayed  or,  on  a  chief  gu.  three  be- 
BELLET,   Ar.  a  feffe  gu.  in  chief  a  greyhound  of  the  fecond. 

Another,  the  greyhound  purp.  collared  gu. 
Belief,   [Chefliire]  Ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  cinquefoils  oftha 

field. — Creft,  a  fox's  head  erafed  fa. 
BELLETT,  [Norfolk,  and  of  Wilts]  Ar.  on  a  chief  fa.  thras 
cinquefoils  of  the  field. — Creft,  an  arm  couped  at  the  eibow 
and   ereft,    in  armour   proper,  holding   in    the   gauntlet  a 
baton  or,  tipped  at  each  end  fa. 
BELLOT,    [Moreton  in  Cheftiire]  The  fame. 
BELLEW,  [Cheftiire]  Erm.  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  efcallops  ar. 
BELLINGFORD,  [Blackford,  in  Norfolk]  Sa.  two  halberts 

in  faltier  ar. 
BELLINGAY,  Ar.   a  rofe  within  an  orle  of  crofs  croflea 

fitchee  gu. 
BELLINGHAM,  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  quarter  aa. 

a  lion  paffant  or. 
Bellingham,  [Suffex,  and  of  Brumby  in  Lincolnfliire]  Ar.  three 
bugle-horns  fa.  garniflied  or. — Creft,  a  ftag's  head  ar.  attirei 
or,  gorged  with'  a  chaplet  vert. 
Bellingham,  [Cumberland]  Ar.  three  bugle-horns  fa.  garnifhei 

or. — Creft,  a  ftags's  head  erafed  az.  attired  or. 
Bellingham,  [Lincolnfliire,  and   Yorkfliire]    Or,  a  bugle-hor^ 

fa.  garniflied  ar. 
Bellingham,  [L\nco\n{K\tii']  Sa.  three  bugle-horns  ar.  twoandone. 
Bellingham,  Or,  a  crown  fa.  garniflied  or. 
Bellingham,  Ar.  three  crowns  fa.  garniflied  or. 
Bellingham,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bucks  heads  gu.  attired  or. 
Bellingham,  Ar.  three  bends  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond  a  lion 

rampant  of  the  firft. 
Bellingham,    Ar.  a  faltier  engrailed  fa.  betw.  four  rofes  gu. 
Bellingham,   [Ireland]  Sa.  three  bugle-horns  ar.  ftringed  or.— 
Creft,  a  ftag's  head  erafed  fa.  charged  with  a  fleur-de-lis  or, 
attired  of  the  laft.     [Granted,  December  20,   1662.] 



Billingham,  [Orfton  St.  George,  in  Wilts]  Ar.  on  a  pile  of-, 
bctw.  two  bugle-horns  fa.  ftringed  or,  two  bears  heads 
couped  in  chief  fa.  and  ifi  bafe  a  rofc  gu.  (talked  and  lea- 
ved vert. — Creft,  a  dcrtii-buck  ....  fupportiiig  a  banner  of 
the  arms. 

BLLLISTON,  [Devonfliirc,  and  Chcdiire]  Or,  on  abend 
gu.  three  crofTes  inolinc  ar. 

Belli/Ion,   Or,  on  a  bend  gu.  fix  anchors  in  crofs  ar. 

BELLOW,  [Lincolnfhirc]  Sa.  a  fret  or,  on  a  chief  az.  three 
lions  heads  erafed  or. 

Bc/lowe,[Dcvonih\Tc]  Sa.  a  fret  or,  and  label  of  three  points  gu. 

Bellow,  ThcfameasBELKWE. 

BELLOWES,  [Lancalhirc]  Sa.  frotty  or,  on  a  chcv.  az. 
three  lions  heads  trjfed  or. 

BELMER,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  tail  forked,  collared  ar. 

BELSCOT,  Az.  frcttyor,  within  a  bordurc  engrailed  of  the 

BELSHAM,  Sa.  a  crefccnt  ar. 

BELSON,  Per  pale  gu.  and  fa.  on  a  chcv.  or,  bctw.  thr;c 
greyhounds  heads  erafed  ar.  collared  or,  as  many  hurts. 

Bel/on,  Per  palegu.  and  fa.  on  a  chev.  engrailed,  betw.  three 
greyhounds  heads  erafed  ar.  collared  gu.  as  many  hurts. 

Bdfon,  Sa.  a  chcv.  bctw.  three  greyhounds  hc.ids  craled  erm. 

BELSTED,  [Norfolk]  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  fa.  a  quarter  or. 

Beljlcd,  Barry  of  fix  ar.   and  fa.  a  canton  per  pale  or  and  ar. 

Beljled,  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  fa.  a  quarter  per  pale  or  and  fa. 

BELTOFT,  [Lincolnfliire]  Ar.  a  fret  and  chief  az. 

Bilt'>ft,  Ar.  a  fret  az.  on  a  chief  of  the  laft  three  pheons  or. 

Beltofty  Ar.  fretty  and  a  chief  vert. 

Beltoft,  Ar.  fretty  engrailed  a  chief  az. 

Btltoft,  Ar.  a  chief  az. 

Beltoft,  Or,  a  chief  az. 

BELTON,  Gu.  a  chev.  bctw.  fix  martlets  ar. 

BELVALE,  Ar.  fifteen  billets  fa.  five,  four,  thrcc^  two,  and 
,  one. 

Bilvak,  Or,  ten  billets  fa.  four,  three,  two,  and  one. 

Belvak,  Ar.  a  helmet  fa. 

BELWEL,  Paly  of  eight  ar.  and  az.  a  chi-f  gu. 

BELWOOD,  Gu.  three  caltraps  ar.  two  and  one. 

BEMELER,  [Suffolk]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  collared  ar. 

Betneler,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  double  queued  gu. 

BEN,  [Surrey]  Ar.  a  feflc  dauncettee  gu. 

BENN,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu. 

^enn,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  within  a  bordurc  fa.  bezantee. 

Benn,  Ar.  a  feile  dauncettee,   betw.  three  lion*  rampant  "u. 

BENNE,  Ar.  a  feflc  dauncettee  gu.  betw.  three  dragons  head* 
erafed  vert. 

BENBURY,  or  Bendbury,  [London]  Ar.  en  a  feflc  gu. 
a  rofe   bctw.   two  crofs  croflets  fitches  of  the  firft. 

Benbury,  or  Bcndbury,  Ar.  on  a  fcile,  bctw.  two  rofes  gu. 
barbed  vert,  two  crofs  croflets  fitchee  ar. 

BENBOW,  [Newport,  in  Salop]  Sa.  two  ftrung  bows  en- 
dorfed  in  pale  or,  garnifhcd  gu.  betw.  two  bundles  of  arrows 
in  fcffc,  three  in  each,  or,  barbed  and  headed  ar.  and  tied  up 
gu.— Creft:,  an  harpy  clofc  or,  Lee  proper,  her  head  wreathed 
with  a  chaplet  of  flowers  gu. 

BENCE,  [Alborough,  Benhall,  ani  Ringsfield,  in  Suffolk] 
Ar.  on  a  crofs  betw.  four  frets  gu.  a  tower  of  the  field. — 
Creft,   a  tower  or,  charged  with  a  fret  gu. 

BENCHER,  Or,   a  lion  rampant  gardant  gu.  collared  ar. 

BENCLEDER,  or  Benvcler,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  tail 
forked,  collared  ar.     Another,  or. 

BENDISH,  [Steeple  Bamftead  in  Effex]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw. 
three  rams  heads  erafed  az. — Creft,  out  of  an  earl's  coronet 
or,  a  talbot's  head  of  the  firft. 

Bendijhy  [Cambridge]  Sable,  a  chevron,  or,  between  three 
garbs  ar. 

Bendijh,  Or.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  goats  heads  erafed  az. 

Btndijh,  [Effex]  Or,  on  a  chcv.  fa.  betw.  three  goats  heads 
erafed  az.  as  many  efcallop-fhells  aj. 


Bendijhy    Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  ravens  heads  erafed  fj. 

Bendljh,  [CambridglhireJ  Sable,  a  crofs  between  fourlioni  ram-' 
pant  or. 

Bendijhy  [Effex]  Ar.  a  chev.  oppreffed  by  a  feffe  gu.  betw 
fix  efcallop-fhells  fa. 

BENDALL,  [.Middlcfex]  Bendy  wavy  of  fix  erm.  and  ai 
on  a  canton  gu.  an  etoilc  or. — Creft,  a  dcmi-lion  with  tw« 
tails  az.  holding  an  anchor  proper.      [Granted  1692-3.] 

BENDLOWES,  [Eflcx]  Quarterly  indented  gu.  and  or  ;   oa 

a  bend  of  the  fecond   a  cinqucfoil  betw.  two  martlets  az. 

Creft,  a  centaur  with  his  bow  and  arrow,  all  or. 

BENDON,  Ar.   three  rofes  fa. 

BENDTELLY,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  annulets  or. 

BEN,  or  Benn,  [Recorder  of  London,  and  of  Newport 
Cranley  in  Surry]  Ar.  a  fcflc  dauncettee  gu.  bctw.  three  hon» 
rampant  fa. — Crelt,  a  tiger  paffant  ar.  ducally  gor^'cd  or. 

BENE,  Ar.  three  demi-lionsrampaiit  gu. 

Bene,  Ar.  on  a  bend  counter-embattled  az.  betw.  three  ftif- 
rups  fa.  three  rofes  ar.  on  a  chief  az.  three  bucks  heads  ca- 
boffed  or. — Creft,    a  buck's  head  erafed  per   pale,  embattled 

holding  in  his  mouth  a  rofc  flipped  proper,  flowered 

with  three  rofes  ar. 

BENERESTON,  Az.  billctttJeor,  a  crofs  molinc  ar. 

BENEVILE,  Ar.  on  thfcc  pallets  fa.  as  many  bends  of  the 

BENEVILL,  [Devonfliirc]  Ar.  three  ogreffes,  two  and  One, 
each  charged  with  a  bendlet  of  the  field. -J  -1  ^  <~>  ^  .-^j- 

Bcncvilly  Az.  a  chief  or.  "  '^'^  -*  '  O 

BENFiClLL,  Ar.  a  bull  pafiint  gu. 

BENFLET,  Per  pale  or  and  gu.  three  bends  fa. 

BENGER,  [Ivent]  Or,  a  crofs  vert,  over  all  2  bcnJIct  gu. 
— Creft,  a  cockatrice  per  pale  or  and  vert,  with  wings  ex- 
panded counterchanged. 

BENHALL,  Ar.  a  crofs  farcelly  gu.  and  a  bend  az. 

BENNALL,  Gu.  a  crofs  farcelly  ar.  and  a  bend  az. 

Bcnnally  Sa.  a  bend  ar.  bctw.  two  cotifes  wavy  of  the  lift. 


BENY,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  goats  heads  erafed  fa. 

Bcr.yy  [Cumberland]  Az.  a  crofs  betw.  four  lions  rampant  or. 

BENYON,  [Suflcx]  Vaire  ar.  and  fa.  on  a  chief  or,  three 
mullets  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  on  amount  vert,  a  i^riffin 
fcjant  ar. 

Betiyin,    [Salop]  The  fame,   with  a  canton  az. 

BENYNGTON,  Per  pale  or  and  fa.  (another  ar.  )  a  crofs 
engrailed  counterchanged. 

Benyngtoriy  Sa.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  lions  heads  erafed  or. 

Beiiyngtiny  [Benyngton  in  Lincolnfliire]  Gu.  a  lion  rampant 
or,   collared  ar. 

Benyngton,   Sa.  three  greyhounds  in  full  courfc  ar.  colla.'ed  or. 

Benlngton,  [Effex]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  efcallop-fliellj  gu. 
as  many  leopards  faces  or. 

BENNEYS,  or  Bennovs,  Az.  three  oat-flieaves  or. 

BENNETT,  alias  PiTE,  [Pitehoufe,  in  Wilt^]  Qiiarterlv 
ar.  and  or,  over  all  an  eagle  difplaycd  gu. — Crclt,  on  a 
wilk's  flicll  or,  a  bird  fa.  beaked  and  legjjej  gu. 

Bennet,  [Steeple  Afliton,  in  the  county  of  Wilts]  Party  per 
feffe  crenellee  gu.  and  ar.  a  pale,  and  three  demi-lions  ram- 
pant counterchanged,  crowned  or. — Creft,  a  d^mi-lion 
rampant  ar.  crowned  or,  fupporting  a  tower  proper. 
[Granted  1700.] 

Bennet,  Gu.  a  bezant  betw.  three  dcmi-lion^  rampant  ar. 
— Creft,  a  double  fcaling-ladder  or.  AnpthcijfC'crt,  out 
of  a  mural  coronet  or,  a  lion's  head  -v.  charged  with  a 

Btnnetty    [Dublin]  Quarterly,    firft   and    fourth   ar.   two    bar* 

gu.    within   a   bordure  engrailed    fa.  fecond  and    third   az. 

three  plates. — Creft,  an  arm  couped  at  the  elbow,   holding 

in  the  h.-»nd  a  thiftic   flipped,  all  proper. 

Btnriet,  [.Abingdon,  in  Berkfliire]  Ar.  a   cj!!  riffjnt  {jl.   armed 




Bennet,  Gu.  three  dertii-lions  pafT.uU  in  pale  sr,  crowned  or. 
Bennet,   [Loiiiion]  Gu.  a  bezant  betw.   three  tleaai-lions  ram- 
pant ar. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  or,  a  lion's  head  ou. 
charged  with  a  bezant. 
Betviet,  [Newcaftle,  in  Northumberland]    Az.   on  a   felTe    or, 
betw.  three  demi-lions  rampant  ar.   a  cannon  difmounted  ia. 
betw.  two  ogreffes  per  pale  or  and  gu. 
Bennet.,  [Labenham,   in  Leicefterlhire]    Or,  on  a  bend   betw. 
f,     fix  boars  heads  az.    a  demi-lion  betw.  two  fleurs-de-lis  of  the 
Bennet,    [Somerfetfhire]  Qual-terly  ar.   and    fa.  a  fefie  per  pale 
gu.  and  or,   within  a  bordure  az.  charged  with  an  entoyre  of 
Bennet,    [Norfolk]     Erm.    an    inefcutchepn    gu.  over  all    a 
bend  engrailed  fa. — Crell,  two  dolphins  entwined,  erect  on 
'      their  tails  faltierways,  one  or,   the  other  ar.,  [Boflon,   in   Lincolnfliire]  Gu.    on    a  bend  ar.    three 

towers  triple-towered  fa. 
Bennet,  [London]    Gu.   a  chev.  betw.  three  demi-lions  ar. — 

Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,   a  martin  proper. 
Bennet,  [Devon,  and  of  Shropfliire]   Per   bend  dauncettee  ar. 

and  fa.  a  bend  betw.  two  martlets  counterchanged. 
Bennet,  Sa.  a  chev.  erminois  betw.   nine  ears  of  wheat,  tied  in 

three  parcels,  or. — Creft,  a  fhip  in  full  fail. 
BENSON,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  croffes  formee  or. 
Betifon,  Ar.  on  a  chev.   betw.   three  goats  paffant  fa.  as  many 

efcallop-fhells  of  the  field. 
Benfon,  Ar.  on  a  chev.   betw.  three  goats  heads  erafed  fa.  three 

efcallop-fhells  ar. 
BENSTED,  Ar.  on  a  feffc  fa.  a  faltier  betw.  two  martlets  or. 
Benjled,  Btnft,  or  Benfc,    Gu.  three  bars  gemellcs  or. 
Benjhd,  Ar.  three  bars  cotifed  gu. 
Benjied,  Gu.  three  bars  voided  ar. 

BENT,  Az.  on   a  fefle    or,    between   fix  bezants,   three  tor- 
teauxcs, — Creft,   a  demi-lion  az.  holding  betw.  his  paws  a 
BENTALL,   [Bentall,  in  Salop]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  double 
queued  az.  ducally  crowned  gu. — Creft,  on  a  ducal  coronet 
or,  a  leopard  ar.  fpoUed  fa. 
BENTINCK,    Az.  a  crofs  moline   ar. — Creft,    out  of  a  mar- 
quis's coronet  or,   pearled  proper,  two  arms  embowcd  vefteJ 
gu.  with  gloves  or,  holding  each  an  oftrich  feather  ar. 
BENTHAM,  Quarterly  ar.  and  gu.  a  crofs  patonce  counter- 
changed;  in  the  firft  and  fourth  quarters,  a  rofe  gu.  barbtd 
vert;  in  the  fecond  and  third   quarters,  a  ftar  of  thirty-two 
points  or. 
BEN  FLEY,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  a  canton  of  the  fecond. 
Bentley,  Ar.  three  bends  fa. 
Bentley,  Or,  three  bends  fa. 
Bentley,  Sa.  three  bends  ar. 
Bentley,  [Horfley,  in   Dcrbylhirc]  Or,  three  bends  and  a  crot 

CToflet  fa. 
Bentley,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  martlets  fa. 
Bentley,  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three  garbs  fa. 
Bentley,  [Brentwood,  ii;  Effex]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  wolves 

paflant  or. — Creft,  a  wolf  rampant  erm.  ducally  collared  or. 
BENTLET,   Per  pale  or  and  gu,  three  bends  fa. 
BENTON,    Or,  a  lion  rampant  az.  fretty  ar. 
Bentm,  Sa.  five  fufils  in  bend  ar.     [See  BAYNTON.] 
Benton,  Sa.  fix  fufils  in  feffe  ar. 
Benton,  Az.  a  bend  ar. 

Benton,  Sa.  abendar,  , 

BENVILLE,    [Huntingdonfhire]    Sa.    a  chev.    betw.   three 

mullets  pierced  ar. 
Benvill,  Gu.  three  lozenges  ar.  on  each  a  bendlet  fa. 
Benvill,  Az.  a  chief  or. 

Benvill,   Ar.   a  bend  or,  betw.  three  ogreffes. 
BEOPELL,  or  Berpell,   [Cornwall]    Gu,    a   bend    vairc 
betw.  fix  efcallops  ar. 

B     E     R 

BER3LAKES,  or  Berblok-F,  Ar.  four  ftaves  ragulcd  in 
fahier  gu.  within  a  bordure  az. 

BERCHE,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles  heads  erafed  ar.    , 

BERCHEM,  [Brabant]  Ar.  three  pales  gu. 

BERCHETT,  or  Berkett,  Sa.  a  felil-  dauncettee,  betw, 
three  eagles  difplaycd  or. 

BERD,  Ar;  on  a  bend  fa.  three  taws  of  the  field. 

BERDESEY,  Berdsey,  and  Berdesley,  Ar.  two  bars 
gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond  a  maunch  of  the  field. 

BLRDESTON,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  a  faltier  engrailed  or.  Ano- 
ther, ar. 

BERE,  [Kent,  and  of  Okenham,  in  Berkftiire]  Ar.  a  bear  fa. 
and  a  canton  gu. — Creft,  on  a  garb  lying  barways  or,  a 
bird  fa.  Another  creft,  a  tiger  fe^ant  az.  bczantce,  maned 
and  tufted  or. 

Bere,  Per  pale  fa.   and  ar,  three  bears  counterchanged. 

Bere,  Az,  crufilly   ar,  three  boars  heads  couped  of  the  laft. 

Bere,  [Huncham,  in  Devonfhire]  Ar.  three  bears  heads  couped 
fa.  muzzled  or. — Creft,  a  bear's  head  erafed  fa.  muzzled 

Bere,  [Frankmarfh,  in  Devonfliire]  Ar.  three  bears  heads  erafed 
fa.    muzzled  or. 

BEREFORD,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.   three  ogreflcs. 

Bereford,  [Rutlandfliire]  Ar.  crufilly  fitchee,  three  fleurs-de-lis 
fa.     Another,  fix  crofs  croflets  fitchee. 

Bereford,  [Staftcrdfhire]  Or,  three  fleurs-de-lis  fa. 

BEREGNEY,  Gu.   a  feffe  betw.   fix  crofs  croflets  erm. 

BERELAND,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bears  heads  erafed 
ar.  muzzled  fa. 

BERENDEN,  Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  rofes  fa. 

BERENGER,  Quarterly  or  and  az.  on  a  bendgu,  three  fleurs- 
de-lis. — Creft,  on  a  mount  a  tree  vert. 

Berenger,  Or,    a  crofs  az.  over  all   a  bend  gu. 

BERESFORD,    Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.   guttee  de  fang. 

Bereford,  [Beresford,  in  Staffordftiire]  Ar.  three  bears  rampant 
fa.  muzzled,  lined,  and  ringed  or. 

Bereford,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  bear  eredt  fa.  chained  and  muzzled 

Beresford,  [Bently,  in  Derbyfhire]  Ar.  a  bear  falient  fa.  armed 
gu.  muzzled,  collared,  and  chained  or. — Creft,  the  fame  as  ths 

Bereford,  [Kent]  Ar.  three  fleurs  de-lis  betw.  eight  crofs 
croflets  fitchee  fa. — Creft,  a  dragon's  head  erafed  az.  pierce4 
through  the  neck  with  a  broken  fpear  or,  and  holding  a 
piece  of  the  fatne  in   his  mouth,  headed   ar. 

BERESTED,  or  Beresets,  Ar.  three  bears  heads  erafed 
fa.    muzzled  gu. 

BEREVV,  or  Berson,  Ar.  three  bears  heads  couped  fa.  muz- 
zled or. 

BEREWASHE,   Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or. 

BERFORD,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  erm. 

Berford,   Sa.  a  bend  mafculy  ar. 

BERGAIGNE,  [France]  Gu.  a  lion  rampant,  holding  in  his 
dexter  foot  a  fword  erect  ar. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  holding  a 
fword  ar.     [Granted  Feb.  lo,    1631.  J 

BERHAM,  [Kent]  Ar.  three  bears  paffant  fa.  armed  gu. 
muzzled  or,  two  and  one. 

Berham,  [Lancafhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  boars  paffant 

BERHOME,  Ar.  a  chief  indented  az.  over  all  a  bend  gu. 

BERY,  Sa.    a  chev.    ar.  betw.  three  annulets  gobony  ar.  and 

Bery,   Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  hats  ar. 

Bery,  [Norfolk]  Per  chev.  fa.  and  erm.  in  chief  two  lions  ram- 
pant or. 
Bery,  Ar.  a  crofs  betw.  four  martlets  gu. 
Bery,   [Devonfliire]  Ar.    a  crofs  betw.    four  martlets  within  a 

bordure  fa. 
Bery,    [Utterby,   in  I.incolnfhire]   ^'ert,  a  crofs  croflet  or, 



B     E     R 

Bfyy,  Q^iarterly  gu.  und  erm. 
Bery,  Quarterly  erm.  and  az. 
£jry,  The  lame,  adding,  in  the  finiftcr  chief  and  dexter  bafe, 

two  falcons  volant  or. 
Bfiy,   [Colton,    in   DevonfiiircJ    Erm.    on   a   bend  az.  three 

fleurs-de-lis  or. 
Bt-ry,    [Collaton,   in  DevonfliircJ   The  fame,   the  bend  being 

Btry,    [Worlingham,   in   Sudollc]  Erm.  on   a  bend  engrailed 

az.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or,  each  charged  with  an  annulet  fa. 
Bery,    Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  lions  heads  crafed  or. 
Bery,  [DcvonfhireJ  Ar.  two  bars  gu. 
Bery,    [DevonfliircJ  Or,  three  bars  gu. 
Bery,    [Bury,    in  Dcvoiifnire]    Gu.   three  bars  or. — Crcft,   a 

griffin's  head  erafed  party  per  pale  daunccttce  ar.  and  gu. 
Bery,  Or,  two  bars  and  a  chief  gu. 
Bery,  [Devonfliire]  Ar.  three  bars  gu.   in  chief  a  crcfccnt  d. 

charged  with  another  or. 
Bery,  Barry  of  fix  gu.  and  or. 
Bery,  Barry  of  fix  or  and  gu. 

Bery,    hrm.  on  a  chief  indented  fa.  two  lions  rampant  or. 
BERY,  orBARRV,  [VVinftot,  and  Bendon,  in  Devon]   Barry 

of  fix   ar.    and  gu. — Creft,  a  wolfs  head  eraled  fa. 
BERRYMAN,  [Devon]  Ar.   a  chev.    bctw.  three  horfes  paf- 

fant  fa. —  Crcft,  a  horfe's  head  erafed  fa. 
BERIFFE,  [Colciiefter,  in  ElTex]  Ar.  on   a   fclTc  gu.  betw. 
fix  trefoils  flipped  vert,  a  lion  palfant  or,— Crcrt,  out  of  a  mu- 
ral coronet  gu.  adcmi-lion  rampant  or,  ducally  crowned  gu. 
holding  in  his  dexter  foot  a  treloil  fljpped  vert- 
Beriffe,  Az.  on  a  chev.  engrailed  ar.  bnv/.  thie;  lions  rampant 

of  the  fecond,  three  trefoils  flipped  fa. 
Beriffe,   [Efl"ex]  Az.  on  a  chev.  engrailed  ar.   betw.  three  tre- 
foils flipped  erm.   as  many  lions  rampant  fa. — Creft^  in  grafs 
vert,   a  beaver  paflant  proper,  collared  or. 
BERINDON,    or  Beringdon',    Vert,    a  chev.    erm.   bctw. 

three  griffins  heads  erafed  ar. 
BERING,  Cheeky  ar.  and  gu.  a  bend  cheeky  az.  and  or. 
BERINGER,   [Bui.kinghamlhirc]  Or,  a  crofs  vert,  on  a  bend 
gu.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Creft,  aftcm  of  a  holly-tree  raguled 
an-l  trunked  jacent,  fprouting  out  a  branch  in   pale,    leaved 
and  frucled,  all  proper. — Her.  Off.  Bucks,  C.  26. 
Berlngcr,  [Hampfliire]  Ar.  a  crofs   vert,    on  a  bend   gu.  three 

fleurs-de-lis  or. 
Beringer,  Or,  a  crofs  vert,  and  bend  gu. 
BERINGHAM,  Party  per  pale  indented  ar.  and  az.  two  fpear- 

hcads  countc.'changed. 
Ber'wgham,  Per  pale  indented  ar.  and  gu. 
Beringham,    Az.  a  bend  engrailed  or.     Another,  ar. 
Beringham,  [Worceftcr]    Az.  a  bend    or,   and   label   of  three 

points  gu. 
BERINGS,   Lozcngy  gu.  and  or. 

BERING  TON,  Per  pale  ar.  and  fa.  a  crofs  engrailed  counter- 
Berington,  Ar.  a  lion   rampant  gu.  ducally  crowned  or,  within 
a  bordure  engrailed  az.  bczantce. — Crcfl,   a  lion  .... 
crowned  .... 
Berington,  [Staffbrdfliirc]  Az.  three  greyhounds  current  in  pale 

ar.  collared  gu.    • 
Bi'-ingt^n,  [Salop]  The  fame,  within  a  bordurt  gu. 
BERISTON,  Sa.  fu  martlets  o  . 
BERJUGDEN,  Vert,  a  chev.  erm.  bctw.  three  griffins  heads 

erafed  or.     See  BERINGDON. 
BERKEKy^.AD,  Gu.  three  ducal  crowp":  or,  on  a  chief  of  the 

fecond  as  many  laurclf-lcavcs  proper. 
BERKHEAD,  [Crcftwhate,  in  Cumberland]  Sa.  a  chev.  ar. 
btiw.  three  garbs  or. — Creft,    a  goat's  head  erafed  party  per 
fcftc  or  and  gu.  attired  fa. 
Berkkcad,  or  Berker.head,  Sa.  three  garbs  or,  within  a  bordure 

ar.     Another,  the  bordure  or. 
BJiRKYN,  Ar.  a  fcITc  az.  and  label  of  tkrce  pointj  gu. 

13     E     R 

BERKLEY,   Ar.  two  lions  paflant  or. 

BERKRALL,    or   Berkrolls,    [Gloucctter]  Az.   a  che» 

betw.  three  crcfcents  or. 
BKRKWELI-,   Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  th.-ec  eagles  difpbyed  fa. 
BERLEY,  [Ireland]  A/,,  achcv.  bctw.  thfce leopards  face»or. 
BLRLINGE,    Erm.   on  a  crofs  gu.   five  fliuri-dc-lii  of  the 

BERLINGHAM,  Or,  on  a  crofj  gu.  five  aeujs-dc-Iis  of  the 

Birlingham,   [Eftcx]  Gu.   three  bears  ar. 

BERMY,  [Lincolnftiire]  Ar.  three  bends  gu.  a  chief  of  the  laft. 
BERMINGHAM,    [Warwicltlhirc]    Per   pale    indented   ar. 

and  fa. 
Benninghjm,    Per  pale  indented  fa.  and  ar. 
Bermiy.ghtim,  Per  pale  indented  or  and  gu.  a  chief  az. 
Bermingbam,    Per  pah  indented   or    and  gu.   within  a   bordure 

vert  platee. 
Bermingham,  Gu.   a  millrind  in  bend,   betw.   two   martlets  ar. 

Another,   the  field  fa. 
BERMLKY,  or  Ber.mely,  Or,  three  bars  and  two  pales  fa- 
BERNAKE,  Erm.  a  feflc  gu. 
Bermike,  [Leiccftcr]  Ar.  three horfe-barnaclcs  fa. 
BKRNACKE,   Ar.  a  feflc  and  barnacle  fa. 
BERNARD,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  efcallops  of  the  firft. 
Bernard,   Az.  three  figures  of  7  or,  two  and  one. 
BERNAS,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  feffc  embattled    and  countcr-em- 

b.ittled  wicliin  a  bordure  d. 
BERNBREY,  [Worceftcr]  Ar.   a  lion  paffjnt  gardant   bc'.w. 

three  cfcallop-fhcUs  fa. 
BERNEY,   [Norfolk]    Q^iartcrly  gu.  and  az.  over  all  a  crof» 

engrailed  erm. 
Berney,  Ar.  a  feffc  az.  betw.  three  efcutcheons  vert. 
Bcrmy,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  thrcj  dexter  hands  couped  h. 
Bcrncy,  Az.  a  crofs  cngraik  J  erm.  in   the  Cril  quarter  a  cref- 

fcnt  ar. 
BERNETiS,  Qiiarterly  vert  and  or,   in  the  centre  a  mullet  (*.. 

a  label  for  difference. 

Berncri,   [Tharfieid,  in   Hertford]    Qi^iarterly  or   and   vert. — 

Creft,    a    monkey   proper,    environed   about  the   lo-ns    and 

lined  or. 

BERNESTON,  Gu.  a  crofs  moline  or,    a  mullet  pierced  ar. 

BERNEWELL,  or    Bernwell,   [Ireland]  Erm.  a  bordur* 

engrailed  gu. 
BERNHAM,  or  Berktham,    [Norfolk]  Sa.    a  crofs  betw 

four  crefcents  ar. 
BERNINGHAM,  [Norfolk]   Ar.  on  abend  gu.  cotifed  az. 

three  cfcallop-fticUs  or. 
Berningham,  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  cotifed  fa.   three  efcallop-ftjells 

BERNS,  [Soham,  in  Cambridge]  Ar.  two  bars  embattled  fa. 
in  chief  three  pellets. — Creft,    an   ounce    ar.  collared   and 
chained  or.     [An  ounce  is  like  a  leopard,  but  not  fpotted.] 
BERNTRES,   Quarterly  or  and  vert. 
BEROMY,    [Cumberland]  Mafculy  ar.  and  fa. 
BERON,   and  Berrn,    [Lincolnfliire]  Ar.  three  bends  gu. 
Bersii,  Ar.  a  bend  double  cotifed    on  the  chief  fide  gu. 
BERRY,  or  Bury,   [De\onfliirc]  O.',  three  bars  gu.— Crcit, 

a  griffin's  head  erafed  party  per  pale  indented  ar.  and  gu. 
BERONDON,  Ar.  three  rofes  fa. 
Berondon,  [Northumberland]  Sa.  three  rofes  ar. 
Bercndsn,    [Staffordftiirc]  Gu.  on  abend  ar.  three  cinqucfoils 

BERONDOWNE,  [Northumberland]  Gu.  three  rofes  ar. 
Bercndo-xne,  [Cumberland]  Gu.  a  bend  bctw.  three  rofes  ar. 

fceded  fa. 
BEROWE,   or  BEREWE,    [Glouceftcr]    Ar.   three  bears 
heads  couped  at  the  neck  fa.  muzzled  or,  a  chief  az. — Crcft, 
a  fca-horfe's  head  erafed  fa.  bezantee,  maned  and  finned  or. 
BERS\V.\TER,  or  Bers.aster,  Ar.  three  bears  heads  fin- 
giant  fa.  two  and  one. 


B     E     R 

Berfwater,   Ar.  three  boars  heads  erafed  gu.  tv/o  and  one. 

BERSHAM,  Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  croffes  tormee  fa. 

BERSiS,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  within  a  bordure  fa.  be- 

BERTIE,  Ar.  three  battering  rams  baiways  proper,  headed 
az.  armed  and  garniflied  or.— Creft,  a  Saracen's  head  pro- 
per, ducally  crowned  or. 

BERTLEYS,  [Chefliire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  crofs 
croflets  fitched  az.  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field.— Creft, 
a  lion  rampant  az.  holding  a  tree  erafed  at  th-e  root  proper. 

BERTOUT,  Or,  three  pales  gu-.  on  a  canton  fa.  a  lion  pal- 
fan  tar. 


BERVEN,  or  Berwen,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  within  a 
bordure  engrailed  of  the  fecond. 

BERVERS,  [ElTex]  Ar.  two  bars  embattled  counter-ombattled 

BERWELL,  Az.    a    bend  or,    bctw.    three    mullets   of   the 


BERWICK,  [Lancafhlre,  and  Durham]  Ar.  three  bears 
heads  erafed  fa.  muzzled  gu.     See  BARWICK. 

Berwick,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  bear's  head  erafed  gu.  muzzled  or. 

BERROYS,  or  Berrois,  Ar.  a  bend  az.  cotifed  gu. 

BESAYNT,  or  Besanit,  Qiiarterly,  per  feffe  indented  gu. 
and  or,  in  the  chief  quarter  a  leopard  ar. 

BASEBROKE,  Az.  in  fefle  three  mullets  betw.  two  bars  or. 

BESHE,  Or,  four  bends  az.  a  canton  erm. 


BESILL,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  plates. 

BESILLS,  Erm.  three  annulets  gu.  two  and  one. 

Befdh,  [Yorklhire]   Ar.   three  annulets  within  a  bordure  gu. 

Bcfdlsy  [Worceftcr]  Az.  ten  bezants,  four,  three,  two,  and 

Bcfdh,  Ar.  three  torteauxes,  two  and  one.  ^ 

Bcfilht  Erm.  three  torteauxes,  two  and  one. 

Befi'ls,  Ar.  three  torteauxes,  two  and  one,  within  a  bordure  git. 

BESYN,  Quarterly  engrailed  gu.  and  or,  in  the  firft  quarter 
a  lion  paflant  ar. 

BESINGTON,  Az.  a  quatrcfoil  ar. 

B'-fwgton,  Az.  a  cinquefoil  ar.     Another,  or. 

BESLEY,  Qijarterly  or  and  fa.  a  bend  gu. 

BESELEY,  [Lancafter,  and  York]  Ar.  three  torteauxes  and 
a  chief  gu. 

Ecfeley,  Ar.  three  torteauxes,  two  and  one. 

BESOM,  or  Besym,  [Cumberland]  Lozengy  fa.  and  ar. 
Another,  ar.  and  fa. 

Bcfom,  Or,  a  crofs  lozengy  ar.     Another  az.  and  another  fa. 

BESSET,  [Worcefter]  Az.  bezantee. 

BEST,  [London,  and  Kent]  Party  per  chev.  nebulee  ermine 
and  ermines,  three  flags  heads  erafed  or. — Creft,  out  of  a 
ducal  coronet  gu.  a  demi-peacock  with  wings  difplayed  or, 
holding  in  his  beak  a  fnake  proper,  entwined  round  his 

Beji,  Sa.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  on  a  bordure  or,  eight  cinquefoils 

Bejl,  [Kent]  Sa,  a  cinquefoil  betw.  eight  crofs  croflets  or. — 
Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet,  an  oftrich's  head  betw.  two 
wings  ar.  in  his  beak  a  crofs  croflet  or. 

BESTE,  [Middleton-Quernhow,  in  Richmond,  in  Yorkfhire] 
Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  nine  arrows  or,  three,  three,  and  three, 
each  parcel  two  in  faltier,  one  in  pale,  barbed  and  banded 
of  the  fecond. — Creft,  an  archer's  arm  embowed  gu.  holding 
a  bow  in  pale,  and  refting  on  the  wreath  proper,  ftrung  ar. 

BESSYNG,  [StafFordftiire]  Az.  three  reftsor. 

BESTED,  Gyronny  of  eight  pieces  fa.  and  erm. 

BESTNEY,  [Hertfordfhire]   Party   per  pale  fa.    and   gu.  a 
lion  rampant  gardant  ar.  crowned  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  du- 
cal coronet  a  demi-griffin  ar. 
BESTON,   Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.    betw.    fix   crofs  croflets   er, 
thres  eagles  difplayed  gu. 

B     E     T 

BKSTLAND,  Gu.  nine  arrows,  three,  three,  and  thrrt, 
i.  e.  each  parcel  two  in  faltier  and  one  in  pale  or,  feathered 
or,  barbed  ar.  a  chief  dauncettee  erm. 

BESTORIKE,  Ar.  on  a  faltier  gu.  five  etoilcs  or. 

BESTROW,  or  Bestroe,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  betw.  two  fleurs- 
de-lis  of  the  fecond,  three  boars  heads  couped  or. — ^Creft,  an 
elephant's  head  erafed  party  per  chev.  or  and  fa.  armed  of 
the  fecond. 

BESWICK,  Gu.  three  plates. 

Bffw'ickt  [Kent]  Gu.  fix  bezants,  three,  two,  one;  on  a 
chief  az.  a  lion  paflant  or. 

Bsfwick,  [Kent]  Gu.  fix  bezants,  three,  two  and  one;  on  a 
chief  or,  a  Uon  paflant  az.  armed  and  laiigutd  of  the 

Befwick,  Gu.  ten  bezants,  four,  three,  two,  and  one  ;  on  a 
chief  ar.  a  lion  paflant  gardant  az. 

Bcfivicky  [London]  Gu.  ten  bezants,  four,  three,  two,  and 
one  ;  on  a  chief  or,  a  lion  paflant  fa. — Crefl,  a  demi-lion  or, 
holding  a  bezant.  Another,  (Befwick,  of  Befwick,  in 
Kent)  the  lion  proper  and  double  queued. 

BESWYCKE,  [London,  and  Kent]  Gu.  three  bezants  .ind 
a  chief  or. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  or,  holding  betw.  his  paws 
a  bezant. 

BETAYNE,    Gu.  a  faltier  betw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  or. 

BETALL,  Or,  a  fefle  gu.  betw.  three  torteauxes. 

BETAVILLE,  [London,   1283.]  Purp.  a  griflin  fejant  or, 

BETELEY,  Gu.  a  feflTc  ar.  betw.  three  plates. 

BETENHAM,  or  Betnam,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  faltier  engrailed 
betw.  four  bears  heads  fa.  muzzled  or. — Creft,  a  bear's 
head  erafed  fa.  muzzled  and  billettee  or. 

Betcnha?n,  Ar.  on  a  faltier  engrailed  fa.  a  plate  betw.  four 
bears  heads  erafed  of  the  fecond,  muzzled  gu. 

BETENSON,  [Kent]  Or,  a  fefle  gu.  within  a  bordure  en- 
grailed az. 

BETEWELL,  Per  faltier  erm.  and  lozengy  or  and  az.  per 
pale  counterchanged. 

Betewdl,  Gyronny  of  eight  erm.  and  bendy  lozengy  or  and  gu. 

BETERLEY,  Ar.  a  fefle  gu.  in  chief  three  torteauxes. 

BETFIELD,  [Glege,  in  Lancafhire]  Per  felFe  gu.  and  erm. 
a  label  of  five  points  ar. 

BETHELL,  [Hereford,  and  York]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw. 
three  boars  heads  couped  fa.  an  etoile  or.— Creft,  an  eagle's 
head  couped,  betw.  a  pair  of  wings  difplayed  az.  charged 
on  the  neck  with  an  etoile  or. 

Bethcll,  ot  Bytbell,  [VVinchefter]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three 
boars  heads  couped  fa.  a  crefcent  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal 
coronet  or,  a  boar's  head  and  neck  ar.  Another  creft,  on  a 
ducal  coronet  or,  a  boar's  head  couped  fa. 

BETHAM,  [Lancafhire]   Or,  a  chief  indented  az.  and   bend 

Bctham,  [Bucks]  Erm.    a  chev.    betw.    three  boars  paflant  fa. 

armed  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  an  elephant's 

head  ar. 
BETON,  or  Betton,   [Great  Barwick,  in   Shropfhire]  Ar. 

two  pales  fa.  each  charged  with  three  crofs  croflets  fitchee  qt. 
Beton,  Ar.   a  felFe  gu.  in  chief  a  lion  pafTant  fa. 
Beton,  Az.  a  bend  betw.  fix  mullets  or,   pierced  gu. 
Bfton,  Ar.  a  bend  lozengy  fa.     Another  adds   a  label  of  three 

points  gu. 
Beton,  or  Betune,  Or,   a   lion  rampant  fa.     Another    adds   a 

label  of  five  points  gu. 
BETSHORNE,  Ar.  on  a  faltier  engrailed  gu.  five  etoiles  or. 
BETSIDE,  or  Bested,  [Devonfhirc]  Az.  three  lozenges  in 

fefle  ar.  betw.  as  manv  bucks  heads  or. 
BETTES,  Sa,  on  a  bend  ar.  three  cinquefoils  gu.  all  within 

a  bordure  engrailed  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal    coronet  or, 

a  buck's  head  gu.  attired  or,  gorged  with  a  collar  ar.  charged 

with  three  cinquefoils  gu. 
Btttes,  [Norfolk]  Sa.   a  bend   betw.   two   cotifcs  ar.    charged 

with  three  cinquefoils  gu. 


Bettes,  [Norfolk]  Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.  cotlfcJ  or,  three  cirtquefoils 

pierced  gu. 
EETTS,  Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  cinquefoils  gir. 
BETTESWORTH,  [Tyning,  in  SulTex]  At.,  a  lion  ram- 
pant per  fefle  or  and  ar. — Creft,  on  a  (lump  of  a  tree  vert, 
a  lion  fejant  per  feife  or  and  ar.  holding   in   his  de.^ter  paW 
a  battle  nxe  gu.   headed  ar. 
BETRAY,  Erm.  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  efcallop-fliells  or. 
Betray,  Sa.    fretty  or. — Creft,  an  arm  embowed,    habited  i^u. 

cuffar.   holding  in  the  hand  proper  a  torteaux. 
BETUNE,  Or,   a  lion  fa.  a  label  of  five  points  gu. 
Bdunc,  Ar.  a  fefle  gu.   and  in  chief  a  lion  pad'ant  fa. 
Betunes,   [Shropfhirc]  See  BETTON. 
BETTVVELL,  Ar.  a  fclTc  betw.  three  eagles  difplaycd  fa. 
BEVELL,  Or,  two  chev.  and  a  canton  gu. 
B.:vcll,  [Huntingdon]  Gu.  a  cliev.  or,  betw.  three  bezants. 
REVEILLE,   [Huntingdonfhire]  Erm.  a  bull  paflant  gu. 
BEVILLE,  Bevan,  or  Bevin,  [Cornwall]   Ar.    a  bull  paf-  gu. — Creft,  a  griffin  pafl'int  or. 
BEVER,  Az.  a  Catharine-wheel  or. 
BEVERCOT,  Quarterly  ar.  and  az.  a  crofs  coiintcrchangeJ. 

Another,  a  labei  of  three  points  gu. 
BEVERCOURT,  Ar.   a  crofs  patonce  (another  flory)  az. 
BEVtRIDGE,    [Kent,   Chichcfter,    and  Normandy]  Vert, 
in  point  barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.   and  az.  two  beavers  rampant 
combatant  or. — Creft,  out   of  a   ducal  coronet  or,   a   demi- 
beaver  proper. 
Beveridgc,  Per  pale  gu.  and  vert,  a  lion  rampant  ar. 
BEVERLEY,  [Yorkfhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  betw.   two  unicorns 

heads  erafed  az.  three  fufils  oi  the  field. 
Beverley,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.   three  ogrefles. 
Beverley,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  torteauxes. 
Beverley,  [Yorkfhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond 

three  bulls  heads  cabofled  of  the  furt. 
Bevirley,  Gu.  three  bars  erm. 
Beverley,  Or,  two  bars  fa.  in  chief  as  many  pales  of  the  fecond, 

an  inefcutcheon  gu. 
Beverley,  Or,  an  inefcutcheon   and  three   bars  (j..   in  chief  fix 

pallets  of  the  fecond. 
Beverley,  Per  bend  finifter  indented  fa.  and  or,  in  chief  a  crofs 

farcelly  of  the  fecond. 
Beverley,  [Bedfordfhire]   Ar 

leopards  heads  fa. 
Beverley,  [Yorkfhire]    Erm. 

Beverley,  Quarterly  ar.  and  gu.  a  rofe  countcrchanged,  barbed 

Beverley,  Sa.  on  a  chev.  betvv.  three  wolves  head  erafed  ar.  three 
pellets. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  wolf  paffhnt  ar.  pierced 
through  the  neck  with  an  arrow  proper. 
BEVEREHAM,  [Ireland]    Gu.  on  a  bend  betw.    two  lions 
rampant  ar.   three  pellets, — Creft,  out  of  a   coronet  or,  an 
armed  arm,  holding  a  fword  proper. 
BEVERSHAM,  [Holbrook-Hall,  in  Suffolk]    Gu.  a  fer-de- 

moulin  pierced,  betw.  two  martlets  ar. 
BEVERSTONE,   Ar.  on  a  faltier  gu.  five  etoilcs  or. 
BEUFLET,  Per  pale  or  and  gu.  three  bends  fa. 
BEVILE,  Gu.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  bezants. 
Bevile,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  pierced  ar. 
Bevile,  Erm.  a  bull  palTant  gu.  armed  and  unguled  or, 
Bevile,  [Suffolk]   Quarterly  or  and  fa. 
BEULEY,  Erm.  on  a  canton  gu.  an  orle  ar. 
BEURLE,  Or,  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  bezants. 
BEW,  Ar.  two  lions   palTant  gardant  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the 

fecond  three  covered  cups  or. 
BEWEHAM,  or  Bewcmam,    Gu.  fretty  ar. 
Beiuehom,  Sa.  a  chev.  or,  betw.   three  lions  heads  erafed  ar. 
BEWFICE,  Qiiarterly  indented  ar.  and  az. 
Bnvfiee,  Az.  three  helmets  ar. 
BEWETj  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  dcmi-lions  rampant  ar. 


fefle  dauncettee,    bi 

rofe   gu.    barbed    and    fecded 

B     I     D 

BEVVFOY,  Ar.   a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  eagles  difplaycd  vert.' 
BEWFORT,  Per  felTe  ar.  and  gu.  in  chief  three  torteauxes, 

in  bale  a  plate. 
BEWIKE,  Per  bend  or  and  gu.  billettee,  and  three  boars  heads 

BEWLEY,  Or,  three  bars  fa.  in  chief  two  pales  of  the  fecond, 

an  efcutcheon  gu. 
BnuUy,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  choughs  heads  (another,  hawks) 

erafed  fa.  beaked  gu. 
Bewley,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles  heads  erafed  fi. 
BeuUy,  [Suffolk]  Gu.  a  fcfic  betw.   three  rofcs  ar. — Creft,  an 
ibex's  head  or,  ilTuingout  of  the  center  of  a  rofe  gu.   barbed 
Bcvjley,  [London,  1245.]  Quarterly  ar.  and  gu.  a  crofs  counter- 
BEVVPELL,  [Cornwall]  Gu.  abend  vairc,  cotifed  ar.  betw. 

fix  efcallops  of  the  fecond. 
Bcu'pell,  Gu.  a  bend  vaire,  betw.  three  eagles  difplayed  ar. 

BEWRIS,  Erm.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  two  lions  pafTant  oardant  or. 
BEWRYE,  [Collaton,  in  Devonfhire]  Erm.    on   a  bend  en- 
grailed az.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
BEWSON,  Ar.   on  a  ch'ev.   betw.  three  go.its  heads  fa.  as 

many  efcallop-fhells  of  the  field. 
BEXHULL,  or  Bexull,  Or,    a  lion  rampant  az.  fretty  ar. 
BEXVVELL,  Ar.  fix  annulets  fa.  three,  two,  and  one.     Ano- 
ther,   with  a  bordure  engrailed  gu. 
Bexwell,    Ar.    fix   ogrelTes,    three,  two,    and  one.      Another 

adds  a  bordure  engrailed  gu. 
BYAM,    [Selworth,  in  Somerfctfhire]  Vert,  two  branches  of 
laurel  in  faltier,  betw.  four  pheons  or. — Creft,  a  wolfpafFant 
or,  collared  and  lined  vert. 
BIANFRONS,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  gu. 
BIBELLES,  or  Bibles,  and  Bibbesworth,  [Hertfordfhire] 

Az.  three  eagles  difplayed  or. 
BIBLESWORTH,  [Herefordftiire]   Az.  fix  eagles  difplayed 

Btbl:fwor{h,  Az.  fix  nails  or. 

BICHE,  [Berkfnire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  bucks  heads  or. 
Biihe,  Vaire  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond  a  garb  or. 
BICKERING,  Chequyar.  and  gu. 
BICKLEY,  [Chidall,  in  Suflex]  Or,  a  chev.  crenellce,  betw. 

three  griffins  heads  erafed  fa. 
Elck'ey,  [Attleborough,  in  Norfolk]  Ar.  a  chev.   counter-em- 
battled, betw.    three    griffins  heads  erafed  fa.   each  charced 
with  a  plate. 
BICKER STAFFE,  [Kent,  and  Lancafhire]  Sa.  a  crofs  crof- 

let  ar. 
BICKERSTATH,  [Bickerftath,  in  Lancafhire]  Ar.  on  a  crofs 

patonce  fa.   five  mullets  or. 
E'lckerjlath,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  patonce  az.  five  mullets  or. 
BICKSBERY,  Ar.  a  fefib  cotifed  fa. 

BICKERTON,  [Eflex,  and  of  Beeby  in  Leicefterfiiire] 
Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  pheons  of  the  field. — Creft,  a  mart- 
let or. 
BICKLIFE,  [London]  Ar.  a  chev.  counter-embattled  betw. 
three  griffins  heads  erafed  fa, — Creft,  a  hind's  head  proper, 
collared  ar. 
BICKTON,   [Cornwall]   Az.  a  fefle  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis 

in  chief,  and  as  many  annulets  in  bafe  or. 
BICKWITH,   [Yorkfhire]    Ar.    a  chev.    betw.    three   hinds 

heads  couped  gu.     [See  BECKWITH.] 
BIDALL,  Ar.  a  crofs  fa.   in  the  chief  quarter  an  annulet  of 

the  fecond. 
BYDE,  [Ware-Park,  in  Hertfordfliire]  Or,  on  a  pile  en- 
grailed az.  three  anchors  of  the  field. — Creft,  an  arm  erect 
proper,  habited  az.  cufF  ar.  holding  an  anchor  fa.  the  fluke 
BIDEFORD,  or  BiDFORP,  Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  a 
chief  or. 


B     Y     i) 

BYDGOODE,  Ar.  three  mullets  fa.   betw.   two  loends  eh- 

grailcd  gu. 
Bl  DGOOD,  [Exeter,  in  Devonfliire]  Ar.  on  a  chief  engrailed 

az.  a  tortoife  or. — Creft,  a  dexter  hand  in  armour  or,  erect, 

holding  an  adder  proper.—  Granted  by  Thomas  St.  George, 

BYDEWELL,  or  Bidwell,  Gyronny  of  four  or  and  gu. 

four  roundles  charged  with   as  many  martlets,  all  counter- 
BIDULPH,  [Eaft-Greenwich,  in  Kent]    Vert,  an  eagle  dif- 

played  ar.— Creft,  a  wolf  falientar.  vulnedon  the  fliouldergu. 
Bidulph,  [Bidulph,  in  StafFordfnire]  Vert,  an  eagle  difplayed  ar. 

—Creft,  a  wolf  fejant  regardant  ar.  (another  cr)  vulned  on 

the  fnoulder  gu. 
BIDLAKE,  [Bidlake,  in  Somerfetfliirc]  Gu.  a  feffe  ar.  betw. 

three  birds  of  the  fecond. 
BYE,  Az.  three  bees  volant  en  arriere. 
Bye,  Az.  three  bees  or,  two  and  one. 

Bye,  Quarterly  or  and  az.  on  a  bend  of  the  fecond,  three  fleurs- 
de-lis  of  the  firft. 
BYER,  [Northampton]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  pheons 

of  the  fecond,  a  griffin's  head  erafed  betw.  two  mullets  fa. — 

Creft,  a  griffin's  head  party  per  pale  gu.  and  az.  charged  on 

the  neck  with  a  pheon  ar. 
BYES,  and  Bynes,  Az.  a  falcon  volant  or. 
BYERLEY,  [York]  Or,  a  crofs  croflet  gu. — Creft,  two  lions 

gambs  proper,  holding  a  crofs  croflet  or.- 
BYEST,    [Shtopfhire]    Gu.    three  bundles   of  arrows,  each 

number  three  tied  together  or,  feathered  ar. 
BYFCELEY,  Quarterly  or  and  fa.  a  bend  gu. 
BYFEILD,   Sa.  five  bezants  in  faltier. 

BYFIELD,  [London]  Sa.  five  bezants  in  fakier,  a  chi'cf  or. 
Byfidd,  [London]  Az.  five  bezants  in  faltier,  a  chief  or. 
Byfield,  Ar.  on  a  fefle  engrailed,  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  fa. 

as  many  annulets  of  the  field. 
BYFLEET,  [Cambridgefhire]  Az.  two  fwords  in  faltier   ar. 

betw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Creft,  a  Saracen'5  head  proper, 

full  faced,  bound  round  the  temples  with  a  ribbon  ar.   tied 

in  a  bow-knot  on  the  finifter  fide. 
BYFFORD,   [Hereford]  Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  az.  and  chief 

or. — Creft,  a  lion's  gamb  creft  or,  grafping  an  eagle's  leg 

erafed  at  the  thigh  fa. 
Byford,  or  Bayford,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  bay-leaves  vert. 

— Creft,    an  owl  ar. 
BYGBERY,   [Devonfliire]  Az.  an  eagle  ayrant  or,  armed  gu. 
Bigbery,  [Devonfliire]  Az.   an  eagle   difplayed  or,  armed    gu. 

Another,  ar. 
BIGG,  Ar.  a  feffe  az.    betw.  three  martlets   fa. 
BIGGES,  [Stragglethorp,  in  Lincolnfliire]  Gu.  a  felTe  erm. 

betw.  three  talbots  paflant  ar.  each  having   in  his  mouth  a 

bird-bolt  or. 
BIGGS,   [London]   Per  pale  erm.  and  az.  a  lion  paflant  gu. 

crowned  or,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  of  the  third,  charged 

with  eight  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  leopard'sface 

gu.     Another  creft,  a  lamb  couchant  ar. 
BIGGER,    Ar.    a     bend     raguly,    betw.    two  mullets  az. — 

Creft,  a  pelican's  head  and  neck,  vulningher  breaft  proper. 
BYGOD,  orBvGODE,   [Seakelthorp,  in   Yorkfliire]   Or,  on 
a  crofs  gu.  five  efcallop-Qiellls  ar. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  ar. 
and  charged  with  two  bars  az.  turned  up  gu.   a  dolphin  em- 
bowed,  and  devouring  the  cap  or. 
BYGOT,  Per  pale  or  and  vert,  a   lion  rampant  gu. — Creft, 

feven  arrows  or,  fix  in  faltier,  and  one  in  pale. 
Bygot,  Or,  on  a  crofs  engrailed  gu.  five  efcallops  of  the  firft. 
Bygod,  or   Bygot,  Ar.  a  crofs  engrailed  fa.    charged  with  five 

efcallop-fliells  of  the  field 
BIGOT,  Or,  a  crofs  farcelly  gu. 

Bigot,  Per  pale  vert  and  or,  a  crofs  moline  fa.     Another,  gu. 
BIGHTON,  [Derbyfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  b':tw.  two  ftags 

heads  cabofiTed  fa.   a  greyhound  current  ar. 
BYGONDS,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  two  crefcents  of  the  field. 

B     Y     N 

Bygonds,  Ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  crefcents  or. 
BIGWARE,  Or,  a  fefle  gu.  betw.  three  lozenges  az.     Ano- 
ther, fix. 
BIGWOOD,  Ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  (another  twoj  crefcents 

of  the  field. 
Bigiuood,  Ar.  on  a  chief  fa.  two  crefcents  or. 
BILLCLIFFE,  [Turganby,  in  Kent]  Az.  a  bend  nebulceor, 
betw.  fix  fleurs-de-lis  ar. — Creft,  a  naked  arm  proper,  couped 
at  the  elbow  and  erefty  holding  a  battle-axe  proper. 
BYKELEY,  [Devonfliire]   Ar.  a  chev,  engrailed  betw.  three 

martlets  fa. 
Byketey,  Ar,  a  chev.  engrailed  fa.  betw.  three  ducal  coronets  of 

the  fecond. 
BYLE,  [Clymflands,  in  Cornwall]    Az.  three  grifHns  heads 

erafed  ar.  beaked  or. 
BILLEDGE,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw  three  holly-leaves  vert. 
BYKENOR,  or  BiCKNOR,  Ar.  achiefaz. 
BYKENNORE,    [Kent]   Ar.  a  fefl"e  az.   betw.  three  lions 

rampant  of  the  field. 
BILL,  Ar.  a  ftork  proper,  holding  in  his  dexter  foot  an  antient 
battle-axe  or  bill,  handle   gu.  top   az. — Creft,    a  ftork's  head 
erafed  proper. 
BYLESDON,  Az.  two  bars  gemelles,  and  a  bend  gu. 
ByUJdan,  [London]   Az.  two  bendlets  or. 
BILDYNE,  [Suff'olk]  Per    fefle  indented  gu.   and  ve/t,  three 

ducks  ar, 
BILLKSBY,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  ftone-bills  fa. 
BILESBY,  [Bylcfl)y,  in  Lini-olnfliire]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three 

demi-lozengcs  couped  per  pale  fa. 
BILLESLEY,  Ar.  a  bull  pairant  gu. 
BILESTON,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  martlets  of  the  field. 
BILLET,  Ar.  a  fefle  gu.  in  chief  a   greyhound  purp.     Ano- 
ther,  (Norfolk)  fa. 
Billet,  Bellet,  or  Btllot,  [Norfolk,  and  of  Devonfliire]  Ar.   en 
a  chief  gu.    three    cinquefoils   of  the   field. — Creft,    a  hand 
and  arm  couped  at  the  elbow  in  armour  proper,  in  the  gant- 
let a  batton  or, 
BILLERS,  Per  pale  gu.  and  fa.  a  lion  rampant  ar.   crowneii 

EILLINGDON,   or  Billington,  Ar.  on  a  faltier  engrailed 

fa.  (another  az.)  five  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
BILLINGE,  [Billinge,  in  Lancaihirc]  Ar.  a  crofs  (another^ 

voided)  betw.  four  crofs  croflcts  fitchce  gu. 
BILLINGS,    [Bedfordfliire]   Gu.    a    crofs   betw.   four   crofs 

croflcts  fitchee  ar. 
Billing,  [Dedington,  in  Oxfordfliire]  Ar.  a  crofs  voided, betw. 

twelve  crofs  croflets  fitchee  gu. 
Billing,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  goats  ar.  attired  or. 
BILLINGFORD,   [Suff'olk,  and  Norfolk]  Sa.    two  bills  en- 

dorfed  in  faltier  ar. 
BILLINGHURST,-  [Newport,  in  the  Ifle  of  Wight]  Az. 
three   eagles  difplayed  or,  betw.  nine  crofs  croflets  fitchee  ar. 
BILLINGSLEY,   [London]  Gu.   a  fleur-de-lis  or,,  a  canton 
of  the  fecond. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  leopard  couchant 
or,  fpotted  fa. 
BiUingJley,   [Salop]  Ar.  a   crofs    fa.    voided  of  the  field,  live 
etoiles  in  crofs  betw.  four   lions   rampant  of  the  fecond.— 
Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  leopard  couchant  or,  fpotted  la, 
BYLNEY,   [Norfolk]  Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  vert,  armed  gu. 
BiLSDON,   [London]  Az.  a  bend  voided  or. 
BILSON,  Gu.  a   rofe   ar.   and  pomegranate  or,  conjoined  in 

pale,  leaved  vert,  feeded  or. 
Bilfon,  [Hants]  Gu.  adoublerofe,  the  infide  one  gu.  the  other 
ar.  and  a   pomegranate  or,  feeded  proper,  both  ftalked  and 
leaved  vert,  and  conjoined  in  pale — Creft,  a  bugle-horn  or, 
ftringed  ar,  and  taflilled  or. 
Bilfm,  [Hampfhire]   Ar.  a  pomegranate  flipped  proper. 
BILTON,  Paly  of  four  or  and  gu.  a  bend  fa. 
BYNCHESTER,  Gu.,  a  fefle  embattled  and  counter-embattlei 

BYNCHWORTH,  Gu.  five  lozenjes  in  crofs  or. 


B     Y     N 

BYNDE,  [SufTex]  Ar.  two  bars  gu. 

Bynde,  [Suflex]  Or,  two  bars  gu.  each  charged  with  three 
martlets  or. 

BINDLOSSE,  [Berwick  in  Lancafhire,  and  of  Weftmor- 
land]  Quarterly  per  fcfTc  indented  or  and  gu.  on  a  bend  a/,, 
a  cinquefoil  betw.  two  martlets  or. — Crcft,  a  dcmi-horfe 
ar.  ducally  gorged  az. 

BYNEY,  [Cambridgefhire]  Az.  a  crofs  betw.  four  lions  ram- 
pant or. 

BYNES.     See  BYES, 

BINGE,  Quarterly  fa.  and  or,  four  lions  rampant  counter- 

Blng,  [Kent]  Quarterly  fa.  and  or,  in  the  chief  dexter  quarter 
a  lion  lampant  gardant  of  the  iirft. 

Binge,  [Kent]  Quarterly  fa.  and  ar.  in  the  firft  quarter  a  lion 
rampant  of  the  fecond. — Crcft,  an  antelope  erm.  attired  or. 

Bynge,  Ar.  on  a  feflc  or,  three  torteauxcs,  in  chief  a  buck  cur- 
rent fa.  in  bafe  as  many  butterflies  az. 

BYNGESMEAD,  Barry  of  fix  or  and  az.  on  a  bend  ar. 
threi;  efcallop-ftiells  gu. 

BINGHAM,  [Bingham-Melcombe,  in  Dorfctfliirc]  Az.  a 
bend  cotifed  betw.  fix  croffes  formee  or, — Creft,  an  arm 
couped  at  the  elbow  ereiSl,  habited  az,  charged  on  the  flteve 
■with  a  crofs  formee  ar.  cufF  ar.  in  the  hand  proper,  a 
branch  of  laurels  vert.  Another  Crcft,  on  a  rock  prdper, 
an  eagle  rifing  or. 

Bingham,  Or,  a  fefTe  gu.  betw.  three  water-bougets  fa. 

Bingham,  [Kent]   Or,  on  a  fefle  gu.    three  water-bougets  ar. 

Bingham,  Per  pale  ar.  and  fa,  over  all  a  lion  rampant  or, 
armed  gu. 

Bingham,  [Hertfordfliire]  Vert,  a  crofs  molinc  or, 

BINGLEY,  [Yorkihire]  Ar.  three  trefoils  in  bend  fa.  betw. 
two  cotifes  gu. — Creft,  a  bear's  head  crafcd  ar,  muzzled  and 
collared  gu.   ftudded  and  ringed  cr. 

Binglty,  [Flintfhire  and  Middlefex,  1605.]  Ar.  two  bars  fa. 
on  a  canton  of  the  fecond  a  pheon  of  the  i:rft. — Creft,  a 
pheon  ar.  betw.  two  wings  or;  behind  the  phcon  and  wings 
a  pellet. 

Binglty,  [Nottingham]  Ar.  t"^'o  bar?  fa.  on  n.  rnnton  of  the 
fecond  a  crofs  formee  ar.  charged  with  an  annulet  gu. — 
Creft,  on  a  pellet  a  crcfs  formee  ar,  charged  with  an  annulet 
gu.  betw.  two  wings  or. 

BINGVVARE,  Or,  a  fefTe  gu.  betw.    fix  lozenges  az. 

BYNLEY,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  a  canton  of  the  fecond. 

Bynky,  Ar.  two  bars  az.  a  canton  cf  the  fecond. 

B  YNTWORTH,  Az.  five  lions  rampant  in  faltlcr  or. 

Bypttvorth,  Gu.  five  lions  in  crofs  or. 

BYOWCH,  [Yorkfbire]  Ar.  achev.  betw.  three  horfcs  heads 
couped  gu. 

BIPONT,  Gu.  ten  annulets  or,  four,  three,  two,  and  one. 

BIRBECK,  Ar.  a  fcffe  chequy  or  and  fa.  betw.  three  lions 
heads  crafcd  gu. 

BIRCH,  Az.  three  fleurs-de-lis  and  a  canton  ar. 

Birch,  [Lancaftcr,  and  Salop]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets 
fa. — Creft,  a  demi-bird  with  wings  difplayed  fa. 

BYRCH,   [Staffordftiire]  Ar.  three  az. 

Byrch,  [Efl'ex]  Gu.  on  a  chev,  betw.  three  griffins  heads 
erafed  ar.  three  lozenges  az.  a  chief  embattled  of  the  fecond, 
charged  with  three  birch-branches  vert. — Creft,  a  fquirrel 
fcjant,  bendy  wavy  of  fix  or  and  az.  holding  a  birch-branch 
vert.     Another  Creft,  on  a  mount  a  tree  vert. 

Byrch,  [Bedfordflbire]  The  fame.^Crcft,  a  hare  current  fa. 
collared  or. 

BYRCHE,  Or,  a  chev.  wavy  betw.  three  fpread  eagles  az. 

Byrchc,  Az.   a  lion  rampant  ar.  armed  gu. 

Byrche,    Ar.  on  a  fefi"e  dauncettee  fa.  three  bezants. 

BIRCHENSHAW,    or  Birkf.sshaw,    [L.incafter]    Ar.   a 

fefle  cotifed  gu.  in  chief  three  mullets  of  the  laft. 
BYRCHET,   or  BiRKET,  [Kent,  and  of  Rye  in  Suflex]  Sa. 
a  fefll;  dauncettee,  betw.  three  eagles  difplayed  or. 

B     I     R 

Byrchct,  [Kent]    Or,    on  a   chev.  indented   fa.  three   eaglets 

difplayed  of  the  field. 
BIRCHILL,  [Birchill,    in   Chefhire]   Ar.  on  a  chev.   betw. 

three  crofs  croflets   fitchee  fa.  as   many  fleurs-dc-lis   of  the 

field. — Creft,  a  lion  rampant  az.  fupporting  a  tree  vert, 
BIRD,   [Dcrbyfhire]   Gu.  a   chev.  embattled  ar. — Creft,  on 

a  mount  vert,  a  ftump  of  a  tree  couped  and  erafed;  thereon 

a  falcon  volant,  all  proper. 
Bird,  [Hreadftreet  in   London,   and  of  Coventry    in    War- 

wickfliirc]   Ar.  a  crofs  moline  vert,  betw.  four  martlets  gu. 

a  chief  dove-tailed  az. — Creft,  a  greyhound's    head  vert, 

erafed  gu.  gorged  with  a  dove-tail  collar  or. 
Bird,  [Weftminfter,  defcended    from  Salop]  Az.  a  lion   paf- 

fant  gardant  and  ducally  crowned  or,  betw.  three  turtle-doves 

rowfant  ar.  each  holding  ifi  his  beak  a  trefoil  flipped  or. — 

Crcft,  a  ring-dove  proper,    refting  his  right  foot  on  a  rofe 

or.     [Granted  Sept.  16,  1723. J 
Bird,    [1606.]  Quarterly  ar.    and   fa.  in  the   firft    quarter  an 

eagle  difplayed  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  on  a  dolphin  proper, 

an  eagle  or,  wings  expanded. 
BYRD,    or   Byre,    [Northamptonfliire]     Sa.    on   a  chev. 

betw.  three  pheons  ar.  a  wolf's  head  erafed  betw.  two  mul- 
lets of  the  field, 
BYRDE,  [Staffordftiire]  Ar  a  crofs  moline,  betw.  four  mart- 
lets gu.  a  canton  az. 
Byrde,   Ar.  an  eagle   difplayed  fa. — Creft,  on  a  dolphin  em- 
bowed  proper,  an  eagle  with  wings  endorfed  or.     Another, 

the  field  per  pale  or  and  ar. 
Byrde,   [Lincolnfhire]   Ar.    on  a  chev.    engrailed   gu.  betw. 

three  lions  rampant  fa.  as  many  fleurs-dc-lis  or. — Creft,  a 

demi-lion  fa.   guttee  dc  fang. 
Byrde,  [Roydon,  in  Kent]   Vert,  three  ftags   heads   cabofTed 

or,   a  canton  erm. — Creft,   a  ftag's  head   cabolTed  ar.  betw. 

the  attire  or,  a  bird  of  the  laft. 
BIRDMANSTON,    Ar.    feven  mafcles    conjsinsd,    three, 

three,  and  one,  fa. 
BIRHORNSTON,    Ar.  three  bears  heads  couped,  betw.   fix 

crofs  croflets  fitchee  gu. 
BIRKBY,  or  BucKBY,  Or,  three  garbs  fa.  two  and  one. — 

Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm.  a  garb  or,  banded  ar. 
BIRKEN,  [YorkftiireJ    Ar.   a    feffc  az.  and   a  label  of  three 

points  gu. 
BIRKET,  [Chefliirc]  Sa.  three  garbs  or,  within  a  bordure  ar. 

pellettee.,  Sa.  three  garbs  or,  wiihin  a  bordure  ar. 
Birket,  Sa   three  garbs  within  a  bordure  engrailed  or. 
BIRKBEKE,    [Weftmorland]  Ar.   a   felTe  chequy  or  and  fa. 

betw.    two  lions  heads  erafed   in    chief,  and   a  boar's    head 

erafed  in  bafe  gu. — Creft,  a  nut-branch  vert,  fruclcd  or, 
BIRKBECK,  [Cumberland]  Ar,  a  felFc  counter-compony  or 

and  az.   betw.  three  lions  heads  erafed  gu. 
BY'RKETTON,  or  Byrkton,  Gu.  three  bars  erm. 
BIRKYN,  Ar.  a  I'efTc  gu.  in  chief  a  label  of  five  points  of  the 

BIRKEHOVER,  [Lancaftcr]  Sa.  three  garbs  or,  within  a 

bordure  engrailed  of  the  laft. 
BYRKEN,  or  Byrkis,    Ar.  a   feflTe  az. — Another  adds   a 

label  of  three  points  gu. 
BIRLE,  [EfFex,  1578.  J  Ar.  three  torteauxcs  and  achiefenn. 
Creft,  an  arm  couped  at  the  Ihoulder  fclTeways,  holding   in 
the  hand  proper,   a  crofs  formee  fitched  or,    habited  ar.  cmS 
fa.  on  the  arm  three  torteauxcs. 
B1RLANGH.\M,  Or,  a  fefTe  gu.  betw,  three  torteauxcs. 
BIRLINGHAM,  Or,  ona  crofsgu.  fivefieurs-de-lis  of  the  field. 
Birlirgham,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  purp.  (another  gu.)  five  fieurs- de- 
lis or. 
BIRMINGHAM,  [Norfolk]  Ar.   on   a  bend  gu.  cotifed  fa. 

three  efcallop-fticUs  or. 
Birmingham,  Per   pale  indented    ar.    and   az.  two  fpear-heads 


B     I     R 

Birmingham,  Az.  a  bend  lozcngy  or. 

BRIN,  [Tiillyore,  in  the  county  of  Klldare]  Ar.  guttce  de 
fano-,  a  lion  paflant  gardant  gu. — Crell.  a  dexter  hand 
coupcd  gu.     [Granted  July  21,   1663.] 

BYRNE,  [Dublin]  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  dexter  hands 
couped  at  the  wrifts  ar. — Creft,  a  mermaid  proper,  charged 
with  fire  efcallop-fhells  or;  in  the  dexter  hand  a  mirror,  in 
the  other  a  dart.     [Granted  June  10,   1664.] 

BIRNGHAM,  or  Biringham,  Az.  five  fufils  in  bend  or. 

BYRNANDE,  [Yorkfllire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  efcallop- 
fhells  of  the  field. 

BIRNELL,  [Oxfordfhirc]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  guttc'e  or. 

Biniell-,  [Lincoinfhire]  Ar.  alion  rampant  az. 

BIRNINGHAM,  Az.  a  bend  engrailed  ar. — Another  adds 
a  label  of  three  points  gu. 

Eirnini'hiiw,  Az.   a  bend  engrailed  or;  a  label  of  three   points 

BYROM,  Bendy  of  fix  ar.  and  gu. 
Byrsm,  Bendy  of  fix  ar.  and  gu.  a  bbel  of  fix  points  az. 
Byrot/2,  [London]  Ar.  a  chev.  ermines,  betw.   three   urchins 

BYRON,  Ar.  three  bendlcts   inhanced    gu. — Creft,  a  mer- 
maid ;   in  her   dexter  hand  a  mirror,  in  the  other  a  comb ; 

all  proper. 
Byron,   [Byron,  in  Lancaftiire]  Ar.  three  porcupines  fa. 
BYRONE,  Ar.  three  bends  gu. 

BIRTE,   [Devonfhire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  bugle- 
horns  ftrirtged  fa.  three  crofs  croflets  fitched  ar. 
BIRT,  Ar.  two  chev.  paly  of  fix  or  and  az. 
BYRTON,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  gu.    a  bend  fa.  guttce  ar. 
Byrton,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  gu.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  watcr-bou- 

gets  ar.  if 

Byrton,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  in  chief  two  crofs  croflets  of  the  laft. 
BYRTWYSELL,  [Amccte-Hall,  Lancafhire]  Sa.  a  chev. 

erm.  betw.  three  weefels  pafTant  ar. — Creft,  a  dolphin  proper. 
BISCLEY,  Quarterly  or  and  fa. 
BYSETT,  Az.  bezantee. 
BISHER,  Vaire  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  canton  or,   a  buck's  head 

caboiled  fa. 
BYSHE,  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  rofes  gu.     Another,  three 

bezants. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu.    turned  up  erm.  a  demi- 

lion  or. 
BISHOP,  or  BissHOPP,   [Parham,   in  Suficx]   Ar.  on  a  bend 

cotifed  gu.  three  bezants. — Creft,  on  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a 

griffin  fejant  ar.  refting  his  dexter  claw  on  an  efcutcheon  ar. 
Bifnop,  [Dorfet&ire,  and  Somerfetfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed 

gu.  three  bezant's. — Creft,  an  eagle's  head  eiafed  party  per 

fefle  or  and  gu.  beaked  of  the  laft.      [Granted  1627.] 
Bijhop,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  gu.  three  bezants. 
Bijhop,  [Evefliam,    in    Worcefterftiire]    Ar.   on   a  bend   gu. 

cotifed  fa.   three  bezants. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  crown  ar. 

a  r^riffin's  head  fa.  beaked  or.    [Granted  to  Edward  Bifiiopp, 

of  the  Middle  Temple,  Efq;  in  Nov.  1628.  J 
BISHOPTON,    [Warwickfhire]    Az.    three   bee-hives  ar.  a 

canton  erm, 
Bijhopton,   Az.  three  fpindles  of  fi!k  or,   a  canton  erm. 
Bijhopton,  [Warwickfliire]  Bendy  of  fix   ar.  and  fa.    a  canton 

B'lfhopion,   Bendy  of  ten  or  and  fa. 
Bijhopton,  or  Bijhopjhne,    [Warwickfhire]  Az.  three  bends  or, 

a  canton  erm. 
Bijhopton,  [Warwickfhire]  Az.  three  bulls  paflant  or,  a  canton 

erm.     Another,  the  bulls  ar. 
BISHTON,   Per  pale  ar.  and   gu.  two  lions  combatant  coun- 

BISHWORTH,  [Yorkfllire]  Ar.  a  crofs  croflet  fa. 
BISKBERY,  Ar.  a  fefte  fa.  double  cotifed  of  the  fecond. 
BISKELL,  Quarterly  or  and  gu.  ovrr  all  a  bend  gu. 
BISLEY,  or  BisTLEY,  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  fa.  betw.  three 

Cornifh  choughs  proper. 

B     L     A 

BTSPHAM,   [Lancafliire]  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  heads 

erafed   ar.  on  a  canton  or,  a  rofc  of  the  f;nt,  barbed  and 

feeded  of  the  fecoftd. 
EISSE,  [Ireland]  Sa.  three  efcallop-fiuUs  in  pale  ar.  a  canton 

erm.  and  crefcent  for  difFerence  or. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert, 

two   fnakes  or,  interlaced,  refp-£ling  each  other,  proper. 

[Granted  May  25,   1637.] 
BISS,  Perfaltiercr  and  az.    in  chief  and  in  b:'.fe  a   rofe  gu. 

leaved  and  ftalked  vert,  in  fefle  two  fleurs-do-Iis  or. — Creft, 

an  eagle  preying  on  a  partridge,  all   proper. 
Bifs,  [Somerfetfhire]    Sa.   three  efcallop-fhells    in   pale  ar.-— 

Creft,    two   ferpents   entwined  faltiervv'ays  looking  at  each 

BISSELL,  Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  efcallop-fiiells  fa.— Creft, 

ademi-eagle  with  wings  difplaycd  fa,  charged  on  the  neck 

with  an  efcallop-fliell  or. 
BISSELBY,  [Berkftiire]  Gu.  a  chevron   ar.    between  three 

croiTes  or. 
BISSET,  [Worceftcr]    Az.    ten  bezants,  four,  three,  two, 

and  one. 
Bifet,  Az.  one  bezant. 

Bijfet,   [Worccfter]  Az.  three  bezants,  two  and  one. 
Biff'd,   or  Bijp.dc,  Gyronny  of  eight  pieces  fa.  and  erm. 
BiJJd,  Gyronny  of  ten  fa.  and  erm. 
Bijfet,    [Yorkfhire]    Ar.    three    torteauxes,  two   and    one;    a 

chief  gu. 
BJJJit,  Az.  on  a  bend  or,  three  efcallop-fliells  gu. 
Bijfet,  Az.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  mullets  gu. — CtcA,  out  of  a 

ftump    of  a    tree   eradicated    and  erafed,    a   fingle   branch 

BISSHE,   [Efl"ex]    Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  rofes   gu.— Creft,, 

a  hind  tripping  ar. 
BITTERLEY,  [Cowdrey,  in  Sulfex]  Or,    a  feflb   gu.    in 

chief  three  torteauxes. 
Bitterlcy,  Or,  on  a  fefle  gu.  three  cinquefoils  of  the  field. 
Bitterley,  Or,  a   fefle   gu.    in   chief  three    cinquefoils  of  the 

BYTTON,  Gu.  a  faltier  betw.  four  fieurs-de-lis  or. 
Byttsn,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  gu.   on  a  bend  fa.   three  water-bou» 

gets  ar. 
Bytton,    [Dorfetfhire]   Erra.  a  fefle  gu, 

BLABEY,   or  Blaey,  Paly  of  fix  pieces  or  and  az.  a  can- 
ton gu. 
BLABLEY,  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az.   a  canton  gu. 
BLACKALL,   [Devon,    1599.]  Paly  of  fix  or  and  fa.    on 

a  chief  gu.  three  bezants. — Creft,   a  tiger's  head  erafed  ar. 

ifiliing  out  of  rays  or. 
BLACKBORNE,  or  Blakeborne,    [Yorkfllire]    Ar.    on 

a  pale  fa.  three  antelopes  heads  erafed  of  the  field,  attired  or. 
Blackborne,  Ar.  on  a  pale  fa.  three  goats  heads  erafed  or. 
Blackhorne,  Ar.   a  bend  fa. 
Blackborne,   [Lancaftiire,    and   Yorkfllire]    Ar.    a   fefle    wavy 

betw.  three  mullets  fa. 
Blackborne,  Ar.  a  feiTe  nebuiee  betw.  three  mullets  (i. 
Blackhorne,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  chequy  ar.  and  fa. 
BLACKDEN,  or   Blakden,    Az.  three  cinquefoils   ar.  a 

chief  indented  gu. 
Blackden,  or  Blakenden,  [Devon]    Az.    three   trefoils    flipped 

ar.    two  and  one  ;  on  a  chief  indented  gu.   as  many  annulets 

BLACKE,  [Suffolk,  and   Eflex]  Gu.  a  pale  fa.  on  a  bend 

or,  three  martlets  of  the  fecond. 
BLACKENHAiM,  or  Blakenham,  [Suffolk]    Az.  crufuly 

two  bars  or. 
BLACKENSOP,  or  Blankensop,  [Northumberland]  Ar.  a 

feffe  betw.  three  garbs  fa. 
BLACKER,    [Buckingham,  in   Old   Sarum]    Ar.   a    chev. 

ermines,  betw.  three  Moors  heads  couped  and  fide-faced  fa. 
BLACKERBY,  [Suffolk]  Gyronny  of  eight  pieces  ar.  and 



B     L     A 

fiLACKET,  [Newcaftlc,  in  Northumberland,  and  of  Cal- 
vciley,  in  Yorkfhirc]  Ar.  on  achcv.  bctw.  three  mullets  fa. 
:;3  many  efcallop-ihclls  of  the  field. — Crelt,  a  falcon's  head 
erafcd  proper. — See  BLAKET. 

BLACKFORD,  or  Blakford,  Gu.  three  bars  or. 

Blackford,  or  BlachforJ,  []3orchefter,  and  of  London]  Barry 
wavy  of  fix  gu.  and  or,  on  a  chief  of  the  laft  three  pheons 
az.  a  mullet  for  difference. — Crcft,  a  demi-fwan  fprin^ing 
ar.   guttee  fa. 

BLACKLEY,  or  Blakley,  [Blackley-hall,  in  Lancafhirt] 
Gu.  a  chev.  vairc,  betw.  three  crofs  crodets  fitched  or. — 
Crcfl,  a  dragon's  head  vert,  ducally  gorged  or. 

BLACKLEGG,  Sa.  two  bars  or. 

BLACKLER,  [London]  Paly  of  fix  fa.  and  or;  on  a 
chief  of   the  firft,  three  bezants. 

BLACKMANE,  Erm.  three  lions  rampant,  within  a  bor- 
durc  or. 

BLACKMISTER,   Sa.  a  fret  ar. 

BLACKMORE,  Or,  a  fefi'e  fa.  bctw.  three  Moors  heads 
erafcd  proper. 

Blackmore,  [Dcvonfhire]  Or,  on  a  fefic,  betw.  three  Moors 
heads  fide-f.iced,  couped  fa.  three  crefcents  ar. — Creft,  a 
Moor's  head  fide-faced,  erafed  at  the  neck  la.  round  his  neck 
a  chaplct  of  rofcs  or,  le.ived  vert. 

Blackmore,  [London]  Or,  a  chev.  embattled,  betw.  three 
Moors  heads  couped  fa. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  or, 
a  dexterarm  in  armour  proper,  purfled  or.     [Granted  1706.] 

Blackmore,  Ar.  a  fefle  dauncettee,  betw.  three  Moors  heads  fide- 
faced  and  couped  fa. — Creft,  out  of  .a  mural  coronetj  an  arm 
cmbowed  and  ere£l  in  armour  proper,  garnilhtfd  or. 

BLACKNEY,  [Norfolk]  Sa.  a  chev.  erm,  betw.  three  leo- 
pards heads  or. 

BLAKENEY,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  bctw.  three  leopards  heads  Ci. 

BLACKNfELL,  [VVarwickfhire,  and  of  Berkftiire]  Per  bend 
or  (another  ar.)  and  az.  an  eagle  difplaved  counterchanged. — 
Creft,  an  arm  embowed,  veftcd  gu.  cuffed  ar.  holding  in  the 
hand  proper,  four  feathers  per  pale  ar.  and  gu. 

BLACKSTOCK,  Ar.  three  ftarved  branches  flipped  fa.  two 
and  one. 

BL.'VCKSTONE,  or  Blakeston,  [Gibfidc,  in  Durham] 
Ar.    two  bars  gu.  in  chief   three  cocks  of  the  fecond. 

BLAKIS  rON,  [London]  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  in  chief  three 
cocks  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  cock  or. 

BLAKSTON,  Barry  of  four  ar.  and  gu.  in  chief  three  cocks 
of  the  fecond. 

BLACKVVELL,  or  Blackwall,  [Blackwell,  in  Derb; - 
Ihire]  Ar.  a  greyhound  in  full  courfe  fa.  collared  chequy 
or  and  2;u.  and  ringed  or  ;  on  a  chief  dauncettee  of  the  fecond 
three  bezants. — Creft,  two  arms  embowed,  habited  in  mail 
proper,  hands  ar.  holding  betw.  them,  by  the  nofe  and  car, 
a  crrevhound's  head  couped  fa.  collared  chequy  or  and  gu. 
Another  Creft,  a  griffin's  head  erafed  fa.  beaked  and  eared 
or  charged  on  the  neck  with  a  bar  gcmelle  ar.  and  a  tre- 
foil flipped  erm. 

Blackiuell,  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  lion  paffant 
gardant  or. 

Blackwell,  [Sproufton-hall,  in  Norfolk]  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az. 
on  a  chief  <TU.  a  lion  paifant  gardant  or;  all   within    a  bor- 
dure  erm. — Creft,  a  fwan's  heud  and   neck  erafed  ar.  du- 
cally gorged  or. 
BLADES,    Sa.  three  crefcents  ar.  two  and  one. 
Blades,  [York]  Vert,  a   faltier  bctw.  four  pheons  ar. — Creft, 

a  talbot's  head  erafed  fa. 
BLADLOW,  Per  chev.   fa.   and  erm.   two  greyhounds  coun- 
BLADMOST,   Ar.   afretgu. 

BLADWELL,    [Suffolk]  Per   pale   ar.   and  gu.    a  lion  ram- 
pant fa. — Creft,   adcmi-lion  per  pale  indented  ar.  and  gu. 
BLAEN,  Vaire,  a  crefcent  gu. 

B     L     A 

BLAGDON,  [Dcvonfhiic]  Az.  three  trefoils  flipped  ar.  dn  a 
chief  indented  or,  two  annulets  gu. 
BLAGE,  or  BIAKE,  [Kent,   and  Northamptonfhire]  Ar.   a 

chev.   betw.  thrc.- garbs  fa. 
BLAGE,    Sa.   a    chev.   erm.   between  three    mullets  or. — 
Creft,    on   a   broken  tilting-fpear  or,   a    lion  pa.Tant   ar. 
crowned  or. 
Blage,    Ar.    a  pile  iftuing  out  of  the  chief  az.   charged  v.-ith 
three  martlets  or. — Creft,    ona  chapcau  gu.    turned  up  erni. 
a  martlet  ar. 
BLAGGE,  [Kent]    Ar.  two  bends  engrailed  fa.  a  batton  qu. 
BLAGH,  Ar.   two  bends  engrailed  gu. 

BLAGRAVE,    [BuUnafh-court,    in    Berkfhirc]    Or,   on    a 

bend    fa.    three    legs    in     armour,     couped    at    the    thi»lit 

and  erafed  at  the  ankle  proper. — Creft,   an  oak-tree  crafej 


Blagrave,   Or,  on  a  bend   fa.   three  fliambroughs  ar. — CrclT:, 

a  falcon  proper. 
BLAYNE,   [Berkfhire]  Gu.  achev.  or,  arid  chief  erm. 
BLAYNEY,   Gu.   a  lion  rampant  regardant  or,  a  crefcent 
for  difference. — Creft,  an  erm.  paffant  ar. 

BLAKE,  [\Viltfhire]    Ar.   a   chev.   betw.    three  garbs    fa. 

Creft,    on  a  chapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm.  a  martlet  ar. 
Blake,  Sa.   a  chev.    betw.  three  garbs  ar. 
Blake,  [Suft'ulk]  Ar.  a  fret  gu. — Crcil,  a  mountain-cat  paffant 

gardant  proper. 
Blake,    Ar.    a  chev.  gu.   betw.    three   torteauxes. — Creft,    a 
bear's  head  fa.   gorged  with  a  collar  ar.  holding  in  his  mouth 
a  lion's  gamb  erafed  or. 
Blake,  Per  chev.  az.  and  ar.    in  chief  two   cii.quefoils  of   the 

fecond,  and  in  bafe  a  bat  difplayed  of   the   firft. 
Biake,  [Swafham,    in  Norfolk]  Erm.  on  a  pile  engrailed   fa. 
bezantee,  betw.  two  lions  paws  ercdl  and  erafed  gu.    a  mul- 
let ar.  over  all  a  bend  vert. 
Bhikc,    [Wi.Tibe.'am,  in  Norfolk]  Erm.  a  pile  battclly  counter- 
battelly  fa.  bezantee,  betw.  two  liens  paws  ercdt  and  erafe.i 
gu.   over  all  a  bend  vert. 
Blake,  [Effex]  Ar.  a  pale  fa.  over  all  a  bend  gu.  charged  with 
three  martlets  or. — Creft,   a  dragon's  head  erafed  ar.   pel- 
BLAKINGHAM,  [Suff"olk]   Az.    two  bars  or,  bctw.   fcven 

crofs  croflets  of  the  fecond. 
BLAKER,   [Salifbury]  Or,  a  chev.  pean,  betw.  three  men's 
heads  fide-faced,  couped  proper,  crined  fa. — Creft,  a   demi- 
horfe  fa.  ducally  gorged  or.     [1613.] 
Bhikcr,    [Portflade,   in  Sufl"ex]   Ar.   a  chev.  ermines,   betw. 

three  Moors  heads  fide-faced,  couped  proper,  crined  or. 

Creft,  an  horfe's  head  fa.  bridled  and  maned  or.     [Granted 
BLAKET,  [Gloucefterfhirc]  Az.  a  bend,    betw.  three  crofs 

croflets   (another,  fix)  fitchec  or. 
Blakct,   [Gloucefterfliirej    Az.  a  bend  cotifed,  betw.  fix  crof* 

croflets  fitchee  or. 
Blakct,  [Bucks]  Gu.  a  chev.  vert. 
Blakct,  [Bucks]  Gu.  a  chev.  vaire. 
Blakct,  Or,    on  a  chev.   betw.  three  mullets  fa.  as  manv  eaWes 

difplayed  of  the  field.     SeeBLACKET. 
BLAKNYS,  [Norfolk]  The  fame  as  BLAKINGHAM. 
BLAMESTER,   Ar.  a  fret  gu. 
BLAMONSTER,   Ar.   frcttygu. 
BLAMORE,    Ar.  a  lion  rampant,  wrthin  an  orle  ?u. 
Blamore,    Ar.   a  lion  rampant,    within  a  bordure  gu. 
Blarmre,  Or,  on  a  feffe  gu.  betw.  three  Moors  heads  fide-faced 

and  erafed  fa.   three  crefcents  of  the  firft. 
BLANCHARD,    [Wikftiire,   and  of   Somerfetfliire]  Gu.  a 
chev.    or,  in   chief  two  bezants,    in   bafe  a  griffin's  head 
erafed  of  the  fecond. 
BLANCHARDEN,    [Kent]  Az.  a  feffe  nebule'e   and  en- 
grailed ar.  betw.  three  lions  heads  erafed  or,  collared  gu. — 
3L  Creft, 

B     L     A 

Crcft,  a  cock's  leg  gu.  armed  with  a  cock's  fpur,  the  col- 
lar or,  the  fpur  fa.  and  erafed  at  the  thigh,  from  which  iflue 
four  oftriches  feathers,  two  and  two,  couiitcrchanged,  or 
and  az. 

BLANCHMINSTER,  Bendy  of  fix  gu.  and  vert,  a  chev.  erm. 

BLANCKFRONT,  or  Blarnekfront,  Erm.  an  inef- 
cutcheon  ar. 

Blanckfront,  Az.  two  bars  or,  an  inefcutcheon  ar.  on  a  chief  of 
the  firft  two  pallets,  betw.  as  many  gyronnies  of  the  fecond. 

BLAND,  [Kippax-park,  in  Yorkfhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa. 
three  pheons  of  the  field — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or, 
a  lion's  head  proper. 

Bland,   Lozengy  or  and  fa. 

Bland,  Sa.  three  pales  engrailed  or. 

Bland,  [Yorkfhire,  and  London]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three 
pheons  or. 

Bland,  Ar.  three  ewers  (or  pots)  gu.  two  and  one. 

Bland,   Gu.   three  ewers  (or  pots)  ar.  two  and  one. 

BLANDSON,  Per  pale  gu.  and  az.  three  annulets  or,  two 
and  one  ;  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  fretty  fa. 

BLANDVILE,   Or,  three  garbs  az. 

BLANEY,  [Herefordiliire]  Gu.  a  lion  regardant  or. — Creft, 
a  fox  palTant  ar. 

Blarney,  [Montgomeryfliire]  Parted  per  pale  or  and  gu.  two 
lions  endorfed  counterchanged. 

Blayncy,  [London]  Sa.  a  trefoil  or,  betw.  three  horfcs  heads 
erafed  ar. — ^Creft,  a  horfe's  head  couped  ai'.  in  complete 
armour  proper,    bridle  az. 

BLANK,  [London]  Per  fefle  a  pale  counterchanged  fa.  and 
erm.  three  demi-lions  rampant  or. — Creft,  a  dragon's  head 
erafed  vert,  collared  and  chained  ar.  holding  in  his  mouth  a 
fire-brand  proper. 

BLANKELE,  or  Elankell,  Barry  of  fix  gu.  and  ar.  as 
many  ogreftes,   three,"  two,  and  one. 

BLANKENSOP,  [Cumberland]  Gu.  an  annulet  or,  within  a 
bordure  engrailed  fa. 

Blanienfop,  [Cumberland]  Gu.  fix  annulets  or,  three,  two, 
and  one,   within  a  bordure  engrailed  ar. 

BLANNESTER,  Gu.  a  lion  ramjwnt  ar.  billetty  fa.  a  label 
gobonated  az.  and  vert. 

BLANSON,  Gyronny  of  four  gu.  and  az.  four  annulets  or  ; 
on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,   a  fret  vert. 

BLANTON,  [Lancaftiire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  lions 
rampant  (another,  regardant)  of  the  field. 

BLARE,  Sa.  three  crefcents  ar. 

Blare,   Sa.   crufuly,    three  crefcents  ar. 


BLARNE,   Vaire,  acrefcent  gu. 

BLECHENDEN,  [Kent]  Az.  afefi^e  crenellce  ar.  (another, 
the  fefle  erm.)  betw.  three  lions  heads  erafed  or,  collared  gu. 

BLEDLOW,  [London]  Per  chev.  az.  and  erm.  in  chief  two 
foxes  falient  ar.  within  a  bordure  of  the  firft,  charged  with 
eight  fleurs-de-lis  or. 

BLENEY,  or  Blawney,  [Herefordfhire]  Gu.  a  chev.  or, 
and  chief  erm. 

BLENMAN,  [Crofcombe  in  Somerfetfhire]  Party  per  chev. 
invefted  az.  and  ar.  in  chief  three  lozenges  of  the  fecond,  in 
bafe  a  bee  volant  proper. — Creft,  a  dexter  arm  couped  at 
the  elbow,  habited  fa.  ruffled  ar.  and  adorned  with,  a  dia- 
mond button  at  the  wrift,  holding  in  the  hand  a  parchment 
roll  proper.—  [Granted  1739.] 

BLENCKO,  [Suflex]  Az.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  chaplets  vert. 

BLENCKOW,orBLiNCOE,  [Nortbamptonfhire]  Gu.  a  can- 
ton ar. — Creft,  a  fword  in  pale  ar.  hilt  in  chief  or,  enfiled 
with  a  human  heart  gu.  all  betw.  two  wings  expanded  ar. 

BLESBY,    or   Blebie,     [Bleft)ie,    in  Lincolnfliire]   Ar.  a 

fefle  engrailed,  betw.  three  mullets  fa. 
BLESSET,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  feflTe  dsun- 
cettee  ar. — Creft,  an  eagle  difplayed  proper. 

B     L     I 

BLESSONE,  Sa.  a  bend  betw.  fix  crofs   croflcts  fitchcd  or, 

— Creft,  a  martlet  ar.  or  rulfet  colour. 
BLETON,  Az.  on  a  bend  ar.    three  crofles  formeo  gu. 
BLETSHO,   [Winington,   in  Bedfordfliire]   Or,   on  a  bend 

fa.    betw.  three  efcallop-fhells   az.   as  many  garbs    or,    all 

within  a   bordure  gu. — Creft,   a  wolf's   head  or,    femee  de 

hurts,  and  gorged  with  a  mural  collar  az, 
BLEVERHASSET,    or  Blenerhasset,    [Lowdham,    in 

Suffolk]   Gu.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  dolphins  naiant,  em- 
bowed    ar. — Creft,  a  fox  fejant  gu. 
BhverhaJJet,   Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  dolphins  ar. 
Bleverha£et,    [Efiex]  Gu.  a  chev.    betw.  three  dolphins  erm* 
Blcverhajpt,    [Frenes  and  Wilton,   in  Norfolk]  Gu.   a  chev. 

erm.  betw.  three  dolphins  or. — Creft,  ayvolf  fejant  gu. 
BLEVILL,    [France]  Ar.  three  lozenges  in  fefle  az.  two  and 

one,  a  label  of  five  points  gu. 
BLEWET,    Or,  fix  eagles  difplayed  gu. 
Blewet,     [Grenham,   in     Somerfctfliire]    Ar.  a  chev.   betw. 

three  eagles  difplayed  vert. 
Blewet,    [Gloucefterfhire]   The  fame. 
Blewet,  Or,  on  a  chief  gu.  three  plates. 
Blewet,  [Lincolnfliire]    Ar.  a  fefle  gu.  in  chief  three  lozenges 

of  the  fecond.  Another,  the  lozenges  fa. 
Bkivet,  Gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  three  lozenges  fa. 
Blevjet,  [Devonftiire]    Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles  difplayed 

vert,  armed   gu. — Creft,   a  fquirrel  or,    collared  and   lined 

gu.   holding  in  his  feet  an  acorn  or,  leaved  vert. 
Bleivett,  [Cornwall]    The  fame  arms  and  creft,  with  a  crefcent 

on  each  for  difference. 
BLYKE,  [Salop,  Hcrcfordfliire,  and  London]   Sa.    a  chev. 

betw.  three  leopards  heads   ar. 
BLINCKARNE,  or  Blincarne,  [Kent]  Gu.   on  a  crofs 

engrailed  voided  or,  a  crown   imperial  of  the  laft Creft, 

a  demi-lion  holding  a  crofs  engrailed  gu. 
BLINCOE,    Sa.    a   fword  in  pale,  point  through  a    heart 

BLYMHALL,  Erm.   three  mafcles  in  fefle  gu. 
BLISS,   Gu.   abend  vaire,  betw.  two  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
BLISSE,  or  Blyse,  Ar.   on  a  bend  cotifed  az.  three  garbs 

BLITHE,  [London,  1575.]  Erm.   on  a  fefle  gu.  three  lions 

rampant  or. — Creft,   a  lion  fejant  gu. — Her.  Off.  London, 

Blithe,     [London]    Or,     a     chev.     betw.    three    lions     fa. — 

Creft,  on  a  tower  ar.  a  lion  of  the  firft. 
BLYTHE,   [Lincolnfliire]  Or,    a  lion  rampant  gu. 
BIythe,   Ar.  on  a  feffe  fa.    three  efcallop-fhells  or. 
5/7</;c,  [Lincolnfliire]   Ar.  achev.   betw.  three  lions  fa. 
BIythe,  [Yorkftiire]    Erm.  three  bucks  gu.  attired  or,    a  chief 

az. — Creft,  a  buck's  head  erafed  and  attired  or,  collared  az. 
BIythe,  Erm.  three  bucks  tripping  gu.   attired  or. 
BIythe,  [Derbyftiire]  Erm.  three   roe-bucks  tripping  proper. — . 

Creft,  on  a  wreath,  a  ftag's  head  erafed  gu.    attired  or,  gor- 
ged with  a  chaplet  vert,   and  alfoa  wreath  erm.  andgu. 
BIythe,  [Lincolnfliire]    Az.  on  a  feffe  ar.   a  buck  in  full  courfe 

BIythe,   Per  feffe  ar.  and  az,  three  crefcents  of  the  fecond. 
BIythe,    [Yorkftiire]    Ar,   a  hart    trippant  gu. — Creft,    in   a 

wreath  erm.   and  gu.   a  roe-buck's  head  erafed  gu.  attired 

or,  gorged  with  a  chaplet  vert. 
BIythe,   Ar.   three  goats  paffant  gu.  two  and  one  j    a  chief  az. 
BIythe,  [Bodmyn,    in   Cornwall]    Az.   a  griffin  fegreant   or, 

betw.   three  crefcents  ar. — Creft,  a  griffin's  head  erafed  or. 

Another  Creft,  an  arm  embowed  and  eredl,  habited  per  pale 

or  and  az.  cuff  ar.  holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a  battle-a,xe, 

ftaft'  az.  headed  ar. 
BLYTHFIELD,   Per  feffe  indented  or  and  fa.  a  chief  gn. 
Blythfield,  Per   feffe   ar.   and  az.  three  piles  counterchanged. 
BLITHMAN,  [London]   Vert,  on  a  feffe,  betw.  three  bears 

falient  ar.  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field. 


B     L     I 

BLITUN,  Gu.  on  a  fefTe  az.  three  lioncels  pafTaiit  or,  bctw. 
eight  billets,   four,   three,  and  one,  of  the  third. 

B[-OCKR  Y,    Ar.  on  a  crols  a/.,  five  rofcs  or. 


BLO'  iD,  Or,  three  bucks  lodged  proper. — Creft,  a  buck's 
head  crafcd  prope:,  attired  or,  holding  in  his  mouth  an 
arrow  or. 

BLOE,  Gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  three  lozenges  fa. 

BLOER,  [London]  Ar.  a  chev.  vertj  betw.  three  pomeis. 
— Creft,  a  cubit  arm  vefted  vert,  holding  in  the  liand 
proper,   a  pomci. 

BLOEN,  or  Bloyaw,  [Cornwall]  Sa.  a  falticr  engrailed  ar, 

BLOYNE,  Sa.  a  crofs  engrailed  ar. 

Bluync,   Ar.  a  faltier  fa.  betw.  four  tortcauxes. 

BLOYS,  [Grondefborough,  in  Suffolk]  Gu.  a  bend  vairc, 
betw.  two  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 

Bloys,  Gu.   a  canton  ar. 

Bloys,   Gu.  a  fagittaritsar.   his  bow  and  fliaft  fa. 

B/sy!,  [Ipfwich,  in  Suffolk]  Sa.  a  bend  vaire,  betw.  two  fleurs- 
de-lis  or. — Creft,  a  gauntlet  proper,  purfled  or,  holding  a 
fleur-de-lis  or. 

BLOME,  [Scvcnoke,  in  Kent]  Vert,  a  greyhound  current, 
in  bend  ar.  collared  gu.  ftuddcd  or. — Creft,  a  peacock's  tail 
crcci  or. 

Blome,   [Abergwilly,   in  Caermarthenfiii.-c]    The  fame. 

Bhir.e,   [Chobham,   in  Eflex]  The  fime. 

BLOMER,  or  Bloomer,  [of  London,  of  Hagthorp  in 
Glouceftcrftiire,  and  of  Warwick]  Gu.  an  inefcutcheon  ar. 
charged  with  a  lion  rampant  gu.  within  a  bordure  or.  Ano- 
ther, without  the  bordure  — Creft,  a  tiger  fcjant  vert,  du- 
cally  gorged,  lined,  tufFed,  and  crined,  or.  [Of  Glouceftcr, 
the  creft  gu.] 

BLOMET,  [Warwickfliire]  Gu.  a  feffe  orj  betw.  fix  mart- 
lets ar. 

BLONKENHAM,  Az.  crufuly  two  barsor. 

BLONVILL,  Ar.  three  lozenges  in  fcHe  gu.  bctw.  as  many 
cinquefoils  az. 

BLOSS,  [Ipfwich,  in  Suffolk]  Gu.  three  dragons  pafTant  in 
pile  erm.  a  crefcent  for  difference.     Her.  Off.  Suff-Jk,  H.  14 

BLOSSOAIE,    Gu.  three  lizards  erm.  two  and  one. 

5Mi/«£-,   Gu.  three  dragons  paffant    in  pale    erm. 

BLOUMFIELD,  [Eflex]  Ar,  three  lozenges  in  fcflc,  betw. 
as  many  cinquefoils  gu. 

BLUNDELL,  Quanerly  per  fcffe  indented  or  and  az.  a 
bend  gu. 

BLOUNDELL,  [London]  Per  pale  erm.  and  fa.  a  chev. 

BhunJill,   Per  pale  erm,  and  fa. 

Bloicnddl,  [Lancafliire]  Az.  eight  billets  or,  two,  three,  two, 
and  one ;   on   a   canton  or,  a  Cornifli  chough   proper. 

Blounddl,   [Carlington,  in  Bedfordfnire]  Az.  ten  billets  or,  four, 
three,  two,  and  one ;  on  a  canton  or,  a  Cornifti  chough  pro- 
per.— Creft,  a  fquirrel  fcjant    gu.   collared  or,    holdin"-    a 
nut  or. 
BloundiU,  [Croftjy,  in  Luncaftlrc]    Sa.    ten    billets   ar.   four, 

three,  two,   and  one. 
BloundiU,  [London,   and  of  Lancafter]    Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw. 
three  eagles  gu.   (another,  the  eagles  fa.)   a  crefcent  of  the 
BhundeU,  Ar.  a  chev.    bctw.  three  eagles  gu. 
BLUNDELL,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  eagles  difplayed  vert. 
BLUDDER,  orBLUTHER,    [London]    Or,    on   a  bend   az. 
three  cinquefoils  of  the  firft. — Creft,   a  lion's  head  crafcd, 
pierced  through  the  neck  with  a  broken  fpcar  ar. 
BLOUNT,  Two  coats  ;  (ift.)  ar.  a  caftle  az.  (2d.)  barry  ne- 
biilce  of  fix  pieces  or  and  fa. — Creft,  a  bull's  head  fa.  behind 
it  the  rays  of  the  fun  or. 
Blount,    [Tittonhangcr,  in  Hcrtfordftiirc]    Bar.'}-  ncbule'e  of 
eight  pieces  or  and  fa. 

B     O     C 

Bhur.t,   The  fame. — Creft,  a  fun  or,  charged  with  a  gaunt- 
let fa. 
Bhunt,   Barry  undy  of  fix  pieces  or  and  fa. 
Blount,  [Staftbrdftiire]  Barry  ncbulec  of  fix  pieces  or  and  f.'.. 

within  a  bordure  gobonated  of  the  fame. 
Blount,    [London,  and  Gloucefter]  Ar.  two  bars  az.   overall 

an  cfcarbuncle  of  eight  rays  or.— Creft,   a  fea-lion  erm.  du- 

cally  crowned  or. 
Blount,  Vaire  or  and  az, 

Blount,  or  Blunt,    Or,  a  tower  triple-towered  az. 
Blount,  Chcquy  ar.  and  gu.   a  bend  fa. 
Blount,    [Warwickfliire]    Gu.   a  ftfll-  or,   betw.  fix  marrletj 

Bhunt,  Gu.  a  fcflc  betw.  fix  martlets  ar. 
Bliunt,  Az..  a  faltier  cngtailed  or, 
Blount,  Quarterly  ar.  and  ^u. 
Blount,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu. 
Blount,  or  Blunt,  [Eftl-x]    Q,.artcrly  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  bend  fa. 

three  eagles  difplayed  or. 
BLUNTS,   orBLONTE,   Quarterly  ..r.  and  az.  on  a  bend 

fa.    three  eagles  difplayed  and  armed  of  the  firft. 
BLOUYLE,    [Suffolk]  Party    per  pale  ar.  and  gu.   a  lion 

rampant  counterchanged.— Creft,  a  demi-lion  rampant  party 

per  pale  indented  ar.  and  gu. 
BLOWER,    Or,   an  eagle  difplayed  with  two  heads  gu. 
Bhu/tr,   Or,   on  a  chev.  betw.  three  balls  vert,  a  crelccnt   or. 

— Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  or,  a  dcmi-eagle  difplayed 

vert,    wounded  in    the  breaft  with  an  arrow  or,   feathered 

BLOWSE,  Barry  raguly  of  fiSc  fa.  and  ar. 
BLUDWORTH,  [London]  Ar.  three   bars   fa.  in  chief  as 

many  tortcauxes  within  a  bordure  erm. 
BLUET,  [Holcolm-Regis,  Devon]  Or,  a  chev.   betw.  three 

eagles  vert,  armed  gu.— Creft,  a  fquirrel   fcjant  or,  collared 

and  lined,    and  cracking  a  nut. 
Bluet,    [Hampfliire]  Or,    an  eagle  difplayed    with  two  necks 

gu.   (another  az.)  armed  ar. 
BLUMHILL,   [Cheftiire]   Erm.  three  mafcles   in  feffe  <'u, 

two  and  one. 
BLUDER,    [Lincolnftiire,   and  of  Middlefex,   1604.J  Or    a 

pale  az.   bctw.  two   bucks   paffant  proper.— Creft,  a  lion's 

head  crafed  ar.    pierced   through  the  neck  with  the  blade  of 

a  fword  ar.    the  wound  gu. 
BLUNDEY,  or  Blomnile,  Lozengy  or  and  fa. 
BLUNDEN,   [Biftiop's-caftle,  in  Salop]   Ar.  a  lion  paffant 

fa.     Another,    paffant  gardant.— Creft,    a   dcmi-griffin  or 

gorged  with  a  fcffe  erm. 
BLONDE  VILL,   Az.  three  garbs  or,  two  and  one. 
BLUNDEVILL,  Quarterly  per  fcffe  indented  or  and  az.  a 

bend  gu. 
BLUNSTONE,  or  Blundestone,  [Suffolk]  Ar.   fix  crofs 

croflets  fitchee  fa.  three,  two,  and  one  ;  a  chief  vaire  ar.  and 

BLUWOTRH,   or  Blurproth,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  in  chief 

three  tortcauxes. 
BOATON,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  martlets  or. 
BOALER,  Gu.  a  feffe   quarterly  ar.  and  fa.   betw.  fix  crofs 

croflets  fitchee  ar. 
BOARD,    [Bordhill  in  Suffex,  and   of  LinfieM]  Per  feffe  gu, 

and   az.  an   efcutcheon   within   an  orle   of  martlets  ar.— 

Creft,   a  ftag  erm. 
BOBART,    [Brunfwick]    Ar.  an  oak-branch    flipped  \ert 

frucled  or. 
BOCKENHAM,  or  Bokesham,  Az.  a  crofi  patce  chequy 

or  and  az. 
BOCKHAM,  Chequy  or  and  fa.   a  feffe  erm. 
BOBKING,   Ar.    a  bend   ncbulJe,  betw.  ten   crofs  croflets 

BOCARS,    P.ily  of  fix  or  and  az.  a  fefll-  ar. 


B     O     C 

BCCKERELL,  or  Eokereli,  Sa.  two  bucks  pafiant  ar. 
the  field  bezante'c. 

COCKING,  Ar.  a  fefle  nebuk-s  fa.  betw.  three  crofs  crof- 
lets  gu. 

Backing,  [Bucknam-caftle,  in  SufFolk]  Ar.  a  felTe  wavy  betw. 
three  crols  croflets  fitchee  gu. 

Backing,  Ar.    afeffc  betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  gu. 

Becking,  Pm-ty  per  pale  ar.  and  fa.  a  fcfle  wavy  counterchanged. 

Boding,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  bend  engrailed  betw.  fix  crofs  crof- 
lets gu. 

Boding,    Ar.    a  bend  wavy  betw.  eight  crofs  croflets  gu. 

Backing,  or  Bokkinge,   Ar.   abend   betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  gu. 

BOCKINGHAM,  [SulToIk]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  on  a 
bend  az.    three  bezants. 

Bockingham,    Ar.    three  bendlets  in  cfeief  gu, 

Buckingham,  Gu.  a  crofs  botonee  or.  " 

BOCKWELL,  or  Bokewell,  Ar.  three  boars  heads  fa. 
two  and  one,   a  chief  of  the  fecond. 

BOCKLANDE,  Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  fa.  beaked  and 
legged  or. 

Bockland,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  fretty  or,  betw.  three  lions  ram- 
pant gu. — Creft,  a  hawk  clofe  regardant  ar.  beaked  and 
belled  or. 

BODE,  [Fcvcrfham,  in  Kent]  Sa.  two  chev.  betw.  three 
efcallop-fhelis  ar. — Crefl,  a  greyhound's  head  couped  ar. 
gorged  with  a  collar  and  ring  fa.  charged  with  three  efcal- 
lop-fhelis  ar. 

BODDIE,  or  Body,  [EfTex]  Ar.  on  a  fcfTe  az.  three  pelicans 
or,  vulning  their  breafls  gu.  on  a  canton  ar.  two  flaves 
raguly  in  faltier  gu.  a  ducal  coronet  or. — .Creft,  on  the  mid- 
dle of  a  ftaff  raguly  gu.   a  ducal  coronet  or. 

BODENHAM,  Az,  a  fefle  betw.  three  chefs-rooks '  or.— 
Creft,  a  dragon's  head  proper.  Another,  the  head  eralld 

Bodenham,   Ar.   on  a  crofs  gu.   five  mullets  or. 

BODERINGHAM,   or  Bodrington,  Ar.  three  bends  gu. 

Boderingham,  or  Bodrington,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  three  bends  o-u. 
within  a  bordure  engrailed  fa. 

BODHAM,  Ar.  a  bend  chcquy  or  and  az.  Another  adds  a 
bordure  engrailed  gu. 

Bodham,   Ar.  a  fefle  dauncette'e  fa.  on  each  point  a  bezant. 

BODYtlAM,  Ar.  on  a  bend  indented  az.  a  bendlet  or,  all 
within  a  bordure  gu. 

Bodyham,  Gyronny  of  eight  pieces  gu.  and  fa.  three  mandrakes 
ar.    Another,  or. 

Bodyham,    Gyronny  of  eight  gu.  and  fa. 

BODYAR,  [Cornwall]  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  cin- 
quefoils  or. 

BODINGTON,  Sa.  on  a  chief  ar.  a  demi-lion  rampant, 
betw.  fix  croflets  fitchee  gu. 

Bodington,   [Somerfet]  Sa.    three  bugle-horns  ftringed  ar. 

BODLEY,  [Stretham,  in  Surry]  Erm.  on  two  bars  fa. 
three  round  buckles  or,  two  and  one, —  Creft,  a  bull's 
head  or. 

BodLy,  Az.    a  fefl"e  ar.  fretted  of   the  field. 

Bodley,  Gu.  five  martlets  ar.  on  a  chief  indented  or,  three 
crowns  az. 

Bodley,  [Dunfcomb,  inDevonfhire]  Ar.  five  martlets  faltierwajfs 
fa.  on  a  chief  az.  three  ducal  crowns  or. — Creff,  on  a 
ball  (rather  clouds)  az.  encircled  with  rays  or,  a  ducal  co- 
ronet  of  the  fecond. 

BODOCKSHEAD,  [Devonftiire]  Sa.  three  lozenges  in  feffe 
ar.  as  many  ftags  head  cabofled  or. 

BOFFREY,  Ar.   a  chev.  betw.   three  annulets  fa. 

BOGG,  Or,  on  a  feflTe  fa.    three  water-bougets  ar. 

J^oggi  Ar.  a /ret  fa.    on  each  point  a  crofs  croflet  fitchee  ar. 

BOHUN,  [Lincoln]  Az.  on  a  bend  ar.  cotifed  or,  betw. 
fix  lions  rampant  or,  three  efcallop-fhelis  gu. — Creft,  out 
of  a  ducal  coronet  gu.  a  cap  ar.  betweeen  two  elephants 
tufks  or. 


Bohiin,  Or,   a  crofs  az. 

Bohun,  Az.  on  a  bend  ar.   cotifed  or,  betw.  fix  lions  rampant 

of  the  third,    there  mullets  gu. 
Bohun,  Az.   three  garbs  or. 
Bohun,  Az.    a  bend  ar.   cotifed  or. 
Bohun,  [TrelTingfield,  in  Suffolk]  Gu.  a  crcfcent  erm.  within 

an  orle   of  eight  martlets   or. — Creft,     on  a  chapeau,    a 

quatrefoil  pierced  erm.  in  the  centre  a   bezant. 
BOHEM,  [London]  Sa.  three  horfe-fhoes  ar.  two  and  one. — 

Creft,    a   horfe-fhoe  ar.    betw.  two  elephants  trunks   per 

fefle  ar.  and  fa. 
BOY,  Ar.  two  bars  and  a  canton  fa. 
Boys,  [Lincolnfhire]   Ar.   two  bars  and  a  canton  gu.  —  Creft^ 

a  ftag's  head  ar.  attired  gu.   betw.   the  attire  a  mound  or. 
BOYDE,  Az.  a  fefTe  chcquy  or  and  gu.  in  chief  three  mul- 
lets, in  bafe  a  crefcent  or. — Creft,  a  plume  of  three  fea- 
thers fa. 
BOYDELL,  Ar.   on  a  feflTe  az.  three  mullets  or,  pierced  fa. 
Boydell,   [Chefhire]    Ar.   three  torteauxes,  betw.  two  bendlets 

gu.  a  chief  fa. 
Boydell,    Ar.  on  a  feffe  engrailed  az.   three  mullets  of  the  field. 
Boydell,  Vert,   a  crofs  flory  (another  patee)  or. 
BOYCOAT,  or  Bodycoat,  Gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  three  fire- 
balls proper. — Creft,  an  arm  couped  at  the  elbow  in  armour, 

in  the  hand  a  fire-ball,   all  proper. 
BOYLAND,  [SufFolk]   Quarterly  j  firft,  az.  a  lion  rampant 

ar.  and  bend  gu.  fccondly,  fa.  an  eagle  difplayed  ar.  the  third 

as  the  fecond  ;  the  fourth  as  the  firft. 
Boyland,   [Norfolk]  Az.  a  faltier  engrailed  or. 
Boyland,   Gu.   three  faltorels  ar.  two  and  one. 
BOYLE,  [Middlefcx]  Party  per  bend  embattled  gu.   and  ar. 

—  Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  lion's  head  erafed  party 

per  pale,  embattled  ar.  and  gu. 
Boyle,  [Ireland]  Two  coats  quarterly  ;   firft,  or,  a  bend  voided 

az,   fecondly,  ar.  a  chough  proper  ;  the  third  as  the  fecond  ; 

the  fourth   as   the  firft. 
BOYLEY,    [Bucks]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.    within  a   bordure  of 

the  fecond  bezantee. 
BOYLSTON,   Gu.  fix  crofs  croflets  fitched  ar.    three,  two, 

and  one  ;  on  a  chief  or,   three  pellets. 
BOYiVlEN,  and  BoYNAM,   or  Bonham,  Or,   on  a  crofs  fa. 

five  bulls  heads  ar.     Another  adds,  on  a  chief  gu.  a  goat  ar. 
BOYNELL,   Gu.  four  bends  ar. 
Boyncll,   Or,   four  bends  fa. 

Boynell,  [Rutlandfhire]  Gu.  a  feffe  or,  betw.  three  faltorels  ar. 
BOYNLEY,  [Rutlandfliire]  Ar.  three  faltorels  gu. 
BOYNTON,  [Bramfton,  in  Yorkftiire]    Or,  a  feffe  betw. 

three  crefcents  gu. 
Boynton,    [Yorkfhire]  Gu.   a  feffe  betw.  three  crefcents  or. 
Boynton,   Or,   on  a  feffe  betw.  three  crefcents  gu.  a  lion  paf- 

fant  of  the  firft. 
Boynton,  or  Bonton,    Or,  a  lion  rampant  az. 
Boynton,  or  Bonyton,  [Suffolk]  Az.  fixefcallops  or,  three,  two, 

and  one. 
BOYTON,  [Suffex]  The  fame, 
Boyton,  Az.   an  efcallop  or. 
Boyton,  Az.    an  efcallop  ar. 

Boyton,    [Walden,  in  Effex]   Az.  on  a  feffe  dauncettee  (ano- 
ther the  feffe  wavy)  betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  fitchee  or,  three 

efcallops  gu. 
Boyton,    [Boyton-end,  in  Norfolk]    The    fame,  the  efcallops 

being  fa. 
Boyton,   Sa.   a  feffe  betw.   three  oftriches  ar.  membered  gu. 
BOYPSTED,  [Effex]  Qi.arterly  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  bend  fa. 

four  bezants. 
BOYSILL,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  engrailed,  betw.    three  cinquefoils 

fa.  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
BOYS,    [Kent]   Or,   a  griflin  fegreant  fa.  within  a  bordure 

gu- — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  az.  turned  up  erm.  a  demi-lion  ar. 

crowned  or. 


BoySp  [Frcdvillin  Nonington,   in  Kent]  Or,  a  griflin  fcgrennt 
per  fefle  az.   and  fa.  within  a  bordurc  gu, — Crcft,  a  dcmi- 
lion  ar.  ducally  crowned  or. 
Bt.ys,  [Botflianger,  in  Kent]  The  fame. 
Boys,  [Hawkherflr,  in  Kent]  The  fame. 

Biiyi,  [Kent]  Orj  a  griffin  fegrcant  per  feflTe  az.   and  Ta.  within 
a  bordure  gu.   charged  with  crofTes  formee,  intermixed  with 
acorns  of  the  field. 
Boys,  or  Bcyas,    [London]  Paly  of  fix    or  and    gu.  on  a  chief 

of  the  fecond,  three  cfc.dlops  of  the  firft. 
Beys,  [Lincolnfliirc]  Ar.  two  bars  and  a  canton  fa. 
Boyt,  [Lincolr.fhirc]  Ar.  two  bars  and  a  canton  gu. 
Biys,  [Lincoln/hire]  Or,  two  bars  and  a  canton  gu. 
Boys,  [Hoi'ton,  in  Norfolk]    Ar.    two  bars  and  a   canton   gu. 
over  all  a  bend  fa. — Crcft,  an  owl  ar.  ducally  crowned  or, 
fitting  in  a  holly-bufh  vert. 
B}ys,  Ar.  on   a  mount   in  bafe  vert,    the  body  of  a   tree  fa. 
branched  and  leaved   proper,  betw.  two  lions  rampant  com- 
batant gu. 
B:ys,  [Buckinghamfliire]  Ar.  a  cliev.    within  a  bordure  fa.  be- 

Boys,  [Buckinghamfiilre]  Ar.  on   a  chev.  fa.  five  bezants. 
Biys,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  acorns  gu. 
Boys,   [Suffolk]  Erm.  a  crofs  fa. 
Boys,  Sa.  guttee  d'eau. 
Biys,  [Soraerfetfhire]    Ar.   on   a  chev.   gu.    betw.    three  trees 

erafed  vert,  three  bezants. 
BOYVELL,  or  Bovwell,  Gu.  a  fefle  or,  betw.  three  fal- 

ticrs  ar. 
BOYVILL,  Q'larterly  or  and  fa. 
B^yv'iH,  [Suffolk]  Q^iarterly  or  and  fa.   in  the  firft  quarter   a 

lion  pafiant  gu. 
EOYVILLE,  Gu.  four  bcndlets  ar. 
BOYVILLE    DE,  Az.   an    eagle  difplayed  with  two  heads 

or. — Creft,  a  demi-cagle  difplaved  with  two  heads  or. 
BOYWARKE,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  collared  ar. 
BOKEFIELD,  az.  a  crofs  chequy  ar.  and  gu. 
BOKELAND,    Gu.   two   lions  rampant    ar.    a    canton  or, 

frctty  fa. 
BOKELL,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bucks  pafTant  or. 
BOKELTON,   [Kent]  Barry  of  ten  gu.  and  or. 
BOKINGE,   [Boking  in  Suffolk]   Ar.   a  fefie  wavy,  between 
three  croffes  potent,  fitched  gu, — Crcft,  a  man's  head  coupL-d 
at  the  flioulders  ar.  hair  vert. 
BOKENHAM^  Ar.  a  fret  az. 

Boker.ham,  Ar.  a  fret    az.  betw.    four  crcfcents  of  the  ftcond. 
BOKEMYNSTER,  Ar.  flory,  a  lion  rampant  fa. 

BOOKER,   [London,  dcfcended  from  Woodhoufe,  in  Not- 
tinghamfliire]    Or,  an  eagle  difplayed  vert,  ducally  crown- 
ed of  the    firft,   beaked  and  membercd   gu.    within    a  bor- 
dure az.  charged  with  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Her.  Off.  Lo7i. 
BOKENTON,  or  Bokington,  Gu.  three  cocks  ar. 
BOKLE,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  buckles  ar. 
BOKSYED,  Sa.  on  a  chief  vert,  a  buck's  head  cabofled  ar. 
BOLAND,  [Dcvonfnire]  Az.  three  bird-bolts  or. 
BOLBECK,  Vert,  a  lion  rampant  ar. 
BOLD,  Ar.  two  chev.  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond,  a  crofs 

patonce  or. 
Boldf  or  Bolae,  Qliarterly  ar,  and  fa.    in  the  firft  three   chev. 
gu,    in  the    fecond   a  crofs   ar.     third   as   fecond,  fourth 
as  firft. 
Bold,  [Bold,  in  Lancaftiire]  Ar.  a  griffin  fegrcant  fa.  beaked 
and  legged  or. — Creft,  a  griffin  fegreant  fa.  beaked  and  leg- 
ged or ;  alfo,  out  of  a  ducal   coronet   gu.  a  demi-eagle   la. 
wings  or, 
BOLETLEY,   [Cornwall]  Sa.  a  goat  falient  ar.  attired  or. 
BOLDISGATE,    Gu.  two  lions  paliant  garJunt  ar.   crown- 
ed or. 
BOLDORNE,  or  Bcldrom,    Per  pale  or  and  az.  a  faltier 

B     O     L 

countcrchanged. — Crcft,   a  greyhound  current  gu.  colLir- 
cd  or. 
BOLECHE,  BoLocH,  or  Boleich,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw 

three  torteauxes,    as  many  bezants. 
BOLDROVVE,  [Suffblk]  Per  pale  ar.  and  az.a  faltier  coun- 
tcrchanged ;  on  a  chief  ar.  three  leopards  heads  erafed  az. 
—Crcft,  a  lion's  ganib  ar.  grafping  a  faltier  az. 
BOLHALTH,  Sa.  a  chev.  ar.  and  canton  erni. 
Botbalth,  Sa.  a  chev.  and  canton  eim. 
Bolhidth,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  and  canton  erm.  • 

BOLINGS,  or  BoLLiNGS,    Sj.    an  inefcutchcon  within  an 

orle  of  eight  martlets  ar. 
BOLKING,  Ar.  a  fefle  wavy  between  fix  crofs  croflets  gu. 
BOLLEYN,  Or  fictty  fa.   on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  three 

plates.     SceBL'LLEYN. 
BOLLES,  [Scampton,  in   Lincolnftiirc]  Az.  three  cups  or 

out  of  each  a  boar's  head  ereft  ar. 
Bolles,  [Middlefex]  The  fame.     See  BOV/LES. 
BOLLYS,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betv.-  three  mullets  fa.  on  a  chief 
of  the  fecond  a  lion's  head  erafed,  between  two  lozcni-es  or. 
BOLLINGBROKE,   Az.a  fefle  betw.  threelions  rampant  or. 
Billingl'roh;  Az.  a  fefle  ar.  between  three  lions  rampant  or. 
Bollhigbroke,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  pillars  or. 
BOLLINGFORD,  Sa.  two  fwords  in  fakier  ar. 
BOLYTENT,  Or,  a  faltier  engrailed  fa. 
Bolytent,  The  fame,  adding   a  label  of  three  points  gu. 
BOLLORD,  or  BoLLouRE,  Sa.  a  hornet  ar. 
BOLOWRE,  Sa.  a  harveft-fly  in  pale  volant  en  arricre  ar. 
BCLMER,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  billettv  or. 
BOLNEY,  Gu.  two  mullets  in  chief  and  a  crcfcent  in  bafe  or, 
Bolney,     [SuflTex  and  BerkfliireJ  Or,  in  chief  two  mullets,   ia 
bafe  a  crefccnt,  gu. — Creft,  a  fkeleton's  head  couped  at  the 
fhoulders   proper,    holding   in    his  mouth   a   fiic-brand   or, 
flammant   at  both  ends  proper. 
B'.'ncy,  [Suffolk]   Ar.  a  crefccnt  and  two  mullets  in  chief  gu. 
Bohity,  Qiiarterly  ar.  and  gu. ; 
BOLOUR,  Ar.  three  butterflies  in  pale  fa. 
BOLRON,    Ar.    a  bend  between  five  lozenges    and  thr.-e 

hammers  fable. 
BAron,  [Chcfliire]  Ar.  a  bend   fup.lly  betv/.  three  hammers  fi. 
Bolron,  Ar.   a   bend  between  three   lozenges  in  chief,  and  as 

many  mattocks  in  bafe,  fa. 
BOLT,  or  BouLT,  Or,  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  crofs  croflets 

fitchee  gu.  a  lion  pafliuu  gardant  of  the  field. 
BOLTER,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  dead  men's  fculls  of  the 

Bolter,  Vert,  a  bend  betw.  two  bird-bolts  bendways  or,  point 

EOLTESfiAM,  [Northumberland]  Gu.  three  bird-belts  ar. 

two  and  one. 
BOLTON,  Sa.  a   h.iwk  ar.    belled   or.— Creft,  a  hawk  ar. 

billed  or. 
Bolton,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  three  door-bolts  gu.  tv.o  and  one. 
Bolton,  Az.  three  bird-bolts  or. 
Bolton,  Ar.  a  fefi"e  fa.  betw,  three  pellets. 
Bolton,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu. 
Bolton,    [Yorkfliire  and  Lancafhirc]  Ar.  on  a  cher.  zu.  three 

lions  paflant  gardant  or.     Another,  ar. 
Bolton,  Or,  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  lions  paifant  gardant  ar. 
BolfjH,  or  Botilton,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  a  lion's  head  or. 
Bolton,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  az.  fretty  of  the  field 
Bolton,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  leopards  heads  of  the  field. 
Bolton,  or  Bo:dton,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  leopards  or.     Ano- 
ther, of  the  field. 
Boulton,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  3  leopard's  face  of  the  field. 
Bculton,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  on  a  bend  engrailed  ar.  three  leopards 

faces  of  the  field. 

Boulton,    [Yorkfliire  and   Noriblk]  Ar.  on   a  bend   engraikd 

gu.  three  leopards  faces  of  the  field. — Crcd,  on  aholly-bufli 

vert,  frucled  gu.  a  hawk  rifing  proper. 

Bolton,  [Sufix)lk,  1615]  Quarterly  ;  firft  and  fourth  fa.  a  falcon 

3  M  clo.« 


flofe  ar;  beaked  and  belled  or;  fecond  arid  third  gu,   three 
wolves  heads  erafed  or,    a  trefoil   flipped  ia    the  centre. — 
Creft  a  falcon  clofe  ar.   charged  on  the  breaft  with  a  trefoil 
flipped  vert,  beaked  and  belled  or. 
BONEHAM,  or  Bonham,  Sa.  a  chev.  wavy,  betw.   three  crofs 

crodcts  fitchee  ar. 
BOMEON,    Ar.  on  a  fclTc,  betw.  three  crefcents  gu.  a  lion 

pafTant  of  the  fecond. 
Bomeon,  Sa.  a  feffe  fufilly  ar. 
Bomeon,  Sa.  a  bend  fufiUy  ar. 

BOMSTED,  or  Bonysted,  [Effex]  Az,  a  feffe  betw.  two 
chev.  or. 

BON,  [Effex]  Erm.  a  chief  indented  fa. 

BON  AM,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  croffes  fitchee  ar. 

Bonam,  [Kampfhire]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  wavy,  betw.  three  croffes 
formee  fitchee  ar.  a  crefcent  of  the  field. 

BONAVILE,  or  Bonvile,  Or,  a  bend  fable. 

BONBRUT,  [France]  Per  faltier  or  and  fa. 

Bonbrut,  Purp.  a  faltier  or. 

BOND,  [Peckham,  in  Surry]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  be- 
zants.— Creft.  a  dcmi-pegafus  az.  femee  of  etoilcs  or. 

Bond,  [London]  Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  on  a  chief 
fa.  two  leopards  paflant  of  the  firft,  between  as  many  an- 
chors or. 

BONDE,  [Coventry,  in  Warwickfliire]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw. 
three  hurts  charged  with  as  many  etoilcs  or;  on  a  chief  gu. 
three  cinquefoils  of  the  field. 

Bonde,  [Dorchefter]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa,  charged  with  three  be- 
zants. — Creft,  a  lion  fejant  ar.  Another  Creft,  a  demi- 
pegafus  az.  winged  and  guttce  d'or. 

Bonde,  Ar.  two  bendlets  fa.  in  the  finiftcr  chief  point  a  crofs 
crollet  of  the  fecond. 

Bonde,  Sa.  a  feffe  or. 

BONDLER,  Ar.  two  Cornifh  choughs  in  pale  proper. 

BONE,  or  BouN',  Ar.   on  a  bend  az.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. 

Bone,  or  Bonn,  [Norfolk]  Or,  a  crofs  az. 

BONEFAT,  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  Catharine-wheels  or. 

BONERY,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  rocks  of  the  field. 

BONETT,  or  Bonott,  Chequy  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  chief  az. 
two  mullets  with  fix  points  pierced  of  the  firft. 

BONEVILLE,  or  Bonvile,  [Devonfhire]  Or,  on  a  bend 
fa.  three  mullets  ar.  pierced  of  the  fecond. 

Bonevllle,  or  Bonvtlk,  [Devonftiire]  Sa.  fix  mullets  in  pile, 
three,  two,  and  one,  ar.  pierced  gu. 

BONDIVILE,  or  Bonvile,  [Sponton,  in  Yorkftiire]  Sa. 
fix  mullets  pierced  ar.  three,  two,  and  one.  Another,  (of 
Devonftiire)  without  piercing. 

Bonvile,  Sa.  fix  mullets,  three,  two,  and  one,  or. 

Bonvile,  [Devonftiire]  Or,  on  a  bend  fa.  three  mullets  ar. 
Another,  or. 

Bonvile,  Or,  a  bend  fa. 

Bonvile,  Ar.  a  chief  or. 

BONFIELD,  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  pears  or. 

BONEFIELD,    Az.  a  chev.  guttee  d'or. 

BONFOY,  or  Bunfoy,  [Heafe,  in  Middlefex]  Az.  on  a 
crofs  ar.  a  human  heart  gu. — Creft,  an  arm  couped  and  erect, 
in  armour  proper,  holding  in  the  gauntlet  a  crofs  of  Calvary  gu. 

BONGAM,  Az.  three  garbs  or. 

BONGEY,  [London,  1239.]  Az.  a  lion  paffant  or,  betw. 
three  bezants. 

BONGHEON,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  croffes  botonce  fit- 
chee fa. 

BONGHERON,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  martlets  of  the 

BONGILLON,  Quarterly  or  .ind  gu.  in  the  firft  a  bend  fa. 
in  the  fecond  three  bezants ;  third  as  fecond,  fourth  as  firft. 

BONHAM,  [Wiltfliire]  Gu.  a  feffe  wavy,  betw.  three 
croffes  formee,  fitched  ar.  Another,  (of  Effex)  fitched  in  the 

BONYSTED,  [Effex]  The  fame  as  BOMSTED. 

B     O     R 

BON  YF ACE,  Ar.  a  fret  engrailed  fa. 

BONIVILLERS,  [France]    Sa.    a  bend  betw.  ten  billets  ar, 

BONN,  or  BouN,  [Northamptonftiire]  Az.  on  a  bend  ar. 

three  mullets  gu.  pierced  of  the  fecond. 
BONNELL,  [Norfolk]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  betw.  eight  crofs 
croflets  az. — Creft,  a  lion   rampant  or,  holding    betw.  his 
fore  feet  a  crofs  croflet  az. 

Bonnell,  [London]  Ar.  a  crofs  gu.  quarterly  pierced  ;  nine 
croffes,  three,  three,  and  three,  counterchanged. — Creft, 
a  demi-lion  erafed  or,  pellettee,  his  tail  forked  and  inter- 
laced, fupporting  in  his  two  feet  a  fpear  of  the  third. — 
Granted  1 691,  by  Thomas  St.  George. 

BONNER,  Quarterly  gu.  and  fa.  a  crofs  patee  quarterly 
counterchanged  erm.  and  or  ;  on  a  chief  of  the  laft,  a  denii- 
rofe  ftreaming  with  rays,  betw.  two  pelicans  vulning  them- 
felves  of  the  firft. 

Bonner,  Erm.  a  chief  indented  fa. 

Bonner,  or  Rydell,  [Oxford,  1574.]  Paly  of  fix  or  and  gu.  on 
a  chief  az.  three  lions  rampant  or. — Creft,  a  talbot's  head  ar. 
collar  az.  ftudded,  edged,  and  ringed,  or. 

Bonner,  [Somerfet]  Gu.  a  crefcent  erm.  within  an  orle  of 
martlets  or. 

BONTEVILLEN,  [Northumberland]  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three 
crefcents  gu. 

BONUS,  or  BoNEST,  [London]  Vert,  two  bars  gemelles, 
three  rofes  ar. — Creft,  a  talbot's  head  couped  ar. 

BON  WICK,  [Surry]  Chequy  or  and  fa.  on  a  chief  gu.  two 
etoiles  or,  a  crefcent  for  difference. — Creft,  a  lion's  head 
erafed  gu.  charged  with  an  etoile  or,  and  a  crefcent  for  dif-^ 

BOADE,  Sa.  two  chev.  betw.  fix  efcallop-fhells  ar.  two,  three, 
and  one. — Creft,  a  ram's  head  fa.  gorged  with  a  feffe  indent- 
ed fa.  charged  with  three  efcallops  ar. 

BOODE,  [Effex]  Sa.  two  chev.  betw.  twelve  efcailop-fliells 
ar.  fix,  three,  and  three. 

BOOTH,  Ar.  three  boars  heads  erafed  and  erect  fa.  armed 
or,  one  and  two. — Creft,  a  lion  paffant  ar. 

Booth,  [Derbyfliire]  The  fame,  with  a  mullet  for  difference 
gu. — Creft,  a  demi  St.  Catharine  proper,  couped  at  the 
knees,  habited  ar.  crowned  or;  in  her  dexter  hand  a  Ca- 
tharine wheel,  in  the  finiftcr  a  fword,   the  point  downward. 

Booth,  [Berks]   The  fame. — Creft,  a  porcupine's  head  erafed. 

Booth,  fChefhire]  The  fame. — Creft,  on  a  wreath,  a  chaplct 
vert  ;  thereon  a  lion  paffant  ar. 

Booth,  or  Bowth,  [Killingham,  in  LIncolnfliire]  The  fame. 

Booth,  Ar.  three  boars  heads  couped  fa. — Creft,  a  boar's  head 
couped  fa. — Granted  by  Segar. 

Booth,  [London]  The  fame. 

Booth,  A  r.  betw.  three  boars  heads  erafed  and  ereiS  fa.  a  tun  gu. 

Booth,  [Chefhire]  Az.  three  boars  heads  couped  ar.  armed  or, 
the  middlemoft  on  a  fword  of  the  fecond,  pomel  and  hilt  of 
the  third. — Creft,  a  lion  paffant  ar. 

Booth,  Sa.  a  cockatrice  ar.' 

Booth,  Ar.  three  horfe-flioes  and  fix  crofs  croflets  fitchee  fa. 

Bfoth,  Barry  of  fix  az.  and  ar.  a  bend  gobonated  or  and  gu. 

BOOTHBY,  [ Bradley- Aflie,  in  Derbyfliire]  Ar.  on  a  canton 
fa.  a  lion's  gamb  ere£t  and  erafed  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  gamb 
erect  and  erafed  or. 

BORASTON,  [Worcefter,  and  Hertford,  1606.]  Quarter- 
ly ar.  and  fa.  on  a  bend  cotiled  gu.  three  croffes  formee  fitn- 
chee  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  fa.  a  griffin's  head 
or,  gorged  with  a  feffe  betw.  two  gemelles  gu. 

BOOTY,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  lion's  head  erafed  fa.— Creft,  on 
a  mount  vert,  a  hand  proper,  couped  at  the  wrift,  holding  a 
fword  ar.  hiked  or. — Granted  Jan.  3,   130c. 

BORDELEYS,  or  Bordeloys,  [Cambridgefliire]  Erm.  on  a 
chief  gu.   a  lion  paifant  gardant  or. 

BOORDE,  or  Bourde,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw. 
three  lions  rampant  fa. 

BORE,  Az.   three  boars  heads  or,  two  and  one. 


4  B     O     R 

BOOR,  or  Boun,  Gu.  a  boar  pafTant  ar. 
BOREFEILD,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  bctw.  three  p-IIcti; 
BORELEY,  or  Borreley,  V'crt,  three  boars  heads  coupcd 

ar.    two  and  one. 
BORELL,  or  Burrell,    [Hercfordfhirc,    and  of   Broome- 
Park,  near  Alnwick,  in  Northumberland]   Ar.  a  falticr  gu. 

betw.  four  leaves  vert ;  on   a  chief  az.  a  lion's  head  crafed, 

betw.  two  battle-axes  or. 
BOREVVASHE,  [Ireland]   Gu.  a    lion  or,   armed   az.  tall 

BORFORD,  Erm.  on  a  canton  fa.  a  cinquefoil  or. 
lUrJhd,  [StafFordfliire]  Or,  a  fleur-ilc-lis  (a. 
BORGAT,  BuRGAT,  or  Borgace,  [Suffolk]   Paly   of  fix 

ar.  and  fa.     Another,  or  and  fa. 
BORGE,  or  Borges,  [Suffolk]   Lozcngy  gu.  and  vaire. 
BORGES,  [Kent]  Ar.  a    fed'c  chcquy  or   and  gu.  in   chief 

three  crofs  croftets  fitchee  of  the  third. 
BORGHILL,  [Salop]    Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az.   a  bend  gu. 
BORGHULL,  [Ireland]   Paly  of  fix  ar.    and  fa.    on  a  bend 

gu.  three  efcallop-fliells  or. 
BURGILLON,  Qiiartcrlyor  and  gu.  on  the  fecond  and  third 

quarters  an  annulet  of  the  firft ;  over  all  a  bend  fa. 
BORGILON,  or   BouRGiLON,    [VVorcefter]    Quartcily   or 

and  gu.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  annulets  of  the  lirll. 
BORGULION,  Quarterly  or  and  gu.  on  the  fecond  and  third 

quarters  (each)  three  annulets  ar.  a  bend  fa. 
BORGILLONE,  [Norfolk]  Quarterly  or  and  gu.   a  bend 

fa.  in  the  fecond  and  third  quarters  a  roundel  pierced  ar. 
BORGITON,  Quarterly  or    and  gu.  on  a  bend  fa.  a  mullet 

or,  pierced  fa. 
BORGON,  Az.  a  talbot  paffant    ar.  in  chief  a    mullet  or, 

pierced  fa. 
Bii-roii,  [Dcvonfhire]  The  fame. 

BORHONT,  [HampfliireJ  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  fix  martlets  gu. 
Borhont,  or    Borham,  Or,  three   boais   heads  coupcd    fa.   two 

;ind  one. 
BORKAWELL,  or  Borkavell,  Ar.  a  fret  az. 
EORKNOGE,  Ar.  a  bend  engrailed,  betw.  three  crofs  crof- 

lets  fitchee  gu. 
BORLEY,  [Eficx]   Erm.   three  talbots  pafl'int   fa.   two  and 

BORLEMAT,  Gu.  an  inefcutcheon  bitw.  three  martlets  ar. 
BORLASE,  [Bockmer,  in   Bucks]  The  fame  as  the  follow- 
ing.— Creft,  a  wolf  paffant  regardant  ar.  flruck  in  the  fhould- 

er  with  an  arrow  or,  which  he  holds  in  his  mouth. 
BORLACE,  [Treluddro,  in   Cornwall]    Erm.  en  a  bend  fa. 

two  hands  and  arms  iffuing  out  of  the  clouds  at  the  elbows, 

all    proper,  sending   a  horfe-flioe   or. — Creft,  a  boar's  head 

couped  at    the  neck,  bendy  of  four   or    and    fa.  cared  gu. 

betw.  two  rofes  gu.  ftalked  and  leaved  vert. 
EORMAN,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  horfc;  p.iffant  fa. 
Bonitan,  [Devonfliire    and    Somerfetfhiie]   Erm.    on    a   bend 

cotifed  fa.  three  boars  heads  couped  or. — Creft,  a  bull's  head 

erafcd  or,  attired  fa. 
Bsntian,  Gu.  a  chev.   fa.   betw.  three  lions  heads  erafed  ar. 
BORMINGHALL,  Sa.  thiec  butterflies  ar.— Creft,  a  wolfs 

head  gu. 
BORNE,  Gu.  a  Hon  or,    within  a  bordure   engrailed    of  the 

Bsrne,  Ar.  a  chev.   gu.  betw.   three  lions  rampant  fa.   a  chief 

Borne,  [London  and  Berkfiiire]    Ar.  a  chev.  betw  three  lions 

rampant  gu.  a  chief  erm. 
Borne,  [VVorceftcrfliireJ  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  betw.   three  lions 

rampant  fa.  as  many  mafcles  or. 
Borne,  [Kent]  Erm.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  lions  regardant  or. 
Berne,  Erm.  a  bend  az. 
Bornt,  [Kent]  Erm.  on  a  bend  az.   three  lions  pafliint  gardant 

or. — Creft,  a  lion  fejant  or,  collared   az.   refting  his  dexter 
paw  on  a  pellet. 


Borne,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or. 

Botne,  Az.   fix  legs  couped  per  thigh  ar.  three,  two,  and  onf. 

Another  adds  a  bordure  engrailed  or. 
BOORNE,  Ar.  a  chev.  chcquy  or  and  gu.  betw.  three  lions 

rampant  fa. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  a's  head  ar. 
BORNEHAM,  Or,  amzunchaz. 
BORON,  Or,  a  bull  paffant  gu. 
BOR(;UGir,   [Ireland]  Or,  a  crofs  gu.     Another  adds  a  lion 

paffant  of  the  fecond. 
Boroti^h,  [Borough,  in  Leiccfterfliire]  Gu.  the  ftcm  and  trunk 

of  a  tree  eradicated,  as  alfo  coupcd  in    pale;  fprouting  out 

two  branches  ar. 
Borough,  [Devonfliire]   Ar.  on  a  fcffe  dauncetttc  f.<.  three  be- 
zants.    Another,  the  feflc  plain. 
Borough,  Ar.    (another  az.)   a   chev.   fa.    voided  erm.   bctWi 

three  chaplets  gu. 
Borough,  Per  chev,  ar.   and  erm.   two   chev.  fa.   betw.  three 

chaplets  gu. 
Borough,  [Shipdenham,  in  Norfolk]    Gu.   two  fwords  in  fal- 

tier  ar.  hilts  and  pomels  or,  betw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  of  the 

third,  within  a  bordure  gobonated  ar.  and  purp. 
Borough,  The  fame,  without  the  bordure. 
Borough,  Quarterly  or  and  az.  a  bend  gu. 
Borough,  [Norham  in  Devon,  and  of  Kent]  Az.  a  bend  wavy 

ar.    betw.  two   fleurs-de-lis    erm.    (another,  or.) — Creft,  a. 

pair  of  wings  in  dorfo  erm. 
Borough,  [Liiicolnfliire]  Ar.  on  a   faltler  fa.  five  fwans  of  tlie 

field. — Creft,  a  fwan's  head  and  neck  ar.   beaked  gu. 
Borough,  [Sandwich,  in  Kent]  Or,  on  a  crofs  gu.  five  mullets 

pierced    or. — Creft,    a     dove    ftanding     on    a    fnake,    all 

BOROWE,    Ar.    a  chev.  erm.  fimbriated   fa.    betw.    three 

chaplets  of  flowers  gu. 
EURROUGH,  [Lincolnfliirc]  Az.  three  fleurs-de-lis  erm. 
BORRETT,    [The   Inner-Temple,    and  of  Weftmorland] 

Ermines,   three   boars  heads  eredl  and  erafed  or. — Creft,  a 

boar's  head  and   neck  erafed,  of  a  fandy   colour,  briftled  cr 

laying  hold  of  a  broken    fpcar,  which  is   thruft  throuoh  b;« 

neck,  or. 
BORROW,   [Town    of  Derby]    Ar.    on   a  mount   in  bafc, 

the  trunk  of  an  oak-tree  ;  fprouting  out  two  branches  propcr-- 

with   the  ftiield  of  Pallas  hanging  thereon  or,  fattened  by  a 

belt  gu. — Creft,  an  eagle  regardant,  with   wings  expanded, 

ftanding  on  a  mount  proper,    fupporting  with  his  dexter  foot 

the  like  fliield  as  in  the  arms. — Granted  1702. 
BORS,  or  BoKSEY,  Barry  of  fix  or  and   fa.  an   inefcutcheon 

BORSE,   or  BoRSEY,   Erm.  two  bars  and  a  ccnton  o-u. 
BORSONT,   [Hampftiire]  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  fix  martlets  gu. 
BORSTING,  Qj^iarterly   ar.  and  gu.   on  a   bend    az.  thiee 

lions  heads  erafed  or. 
BORTRAM,  Gu.  a  fefle  or. 
BORTRAUX,  Or,  a  lion  vert. 
BORTON,  [Stapleford]  Ar.  on  chev.  engrailed  betw.  three 

boars  headi  couped  fa.  a  plate. — Creft,  a  boar's  head  coupcd 

or,  in  his  mcuth  a  branch  of  laurel  vert,  ereft. 
BOSARDE,  Ar.  a  felfe  betw.  three  bugle-horns  unftrung  fa. 
BOSCOAN,  Vert,  a  bull  ar.    attired  and   unguled  or,  on  a 

chief  ejni.  arofegu. 
BOSC(\WEN,  [Cornwall]  Erm.  a  rofe  gu.  barbed  vert. — The 

original  Creft,  a  falcon  clofe  proper.     The  family  have  fincc 

born  a  boar  paffant  gu.  armed  and  membered  or,  which  is  the 

creft  of  Albalanda. 
BOSCHALL,  or  Bosthall,  Sa.    a    chev.  ar.    and  canron 

erm.      Another,  the  canton  ar. 
BOSEVILE,  Ar.  afcffelozengygu. 
BOSFORD,  or  Besfcrd,  Gu.  a  ftfle  betw.  fix  pears  or. 
BOSHEY,    Erm.   on   a  chief  embattled   gu.  three  leopards 
faces  or.^ 


Bop,ry,  Per  felTe  embattled  ar.  and  erm.  in  chief  three  leopards 

faces  gu. 

BOSGR  AVE,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  engrailed  fa.  a  griffin  fegreant  of 
the  firlt.— Creft,  a  boar-s  head  erafed  ar.  betw.  two  oak- 
branches  vert,  frufted  or. 

BOSLEY,  [StafFordfliire]  Ar.  on  a  feffe  engrailed,  betw. 
three  cinquefoils  fa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field. 

BOSLINTHORP,  or  Boselingthor!',  [Lincolnfniie]  Ar. 
a  chev.  gu.  and  chief  indented  fa. 

BOSOME  orBossuM,  Ar.  three  bird-bolts  gu.  two  and  one, 

feathered  and  headed   or. 
Bofome,  [Cornwall]   Az.    three  bird-bolts  ar.  t.vo  and  one. 
Bofime^  [Norfolk]  Gu.  three  bird-bolts  ar.   two  and  one, 
Bofome,  Sa.  two  bird-bolts  in  faltier  ar. 
Bofome,  Ar.  three  arrows  blunted  gu, 
Bofome,  Ar.  three  bezomes  gu.  two  and  one. 
BOSOUNj  Ar.  three  torteauxes. 

BOSUM,     [Windley,    in   Norfolk]    Ar.  three  boars  heads 
couped  az.— Creft,  a  talbot's  head  erafed  ar.  eared  and  du- 
cally  crowned  or. 
BOSSARD,  Az.  three  covered  cups  ar.  two  and   one.     See 

BOSSU,  Gu.  a  cinquefoil  erm. 

BOSTOCK,  [Salop]  Sa.  a  helmet  ar.— Creft,  a  martlet  ar. 
Bojhck,   [Chcfliire]    Sa.    a  fefle   humetty  ar.     Another  adds  a 
label  of  five  points  of  the  fecond.— Creft,  on  a  ftump  of  a 
tree  eradicated  ar.  a  bear's  head  erafed  fa.  muzzled  or.  Ano- 
ther Creft,  an  antelope  or. 
Bojhck,  [Abingdon,  in   BerkOiire]  Qiiarterly  fa.  a  helmet  ar. 
fecond,  fii.  a  fefle  humetty  ar.— Creft,  an   antelope  ar.    at- 
tired or. 
BOSTON,  Vert,  a  lion  rampant  ar.  crowned  or. 
BOSTREY,    Q^iarterly   ar.  and   gu.  on    a    bend    fa.   three 

BOSVILL,  [St.iffordfliire]    Ar.    five  fufils   in     fefTe   gu.    in 

chief  three  bears  heads  erafed  fa.  muzzled  of  the  field. 
Eofvill,  [Wormfworth,  in  Yorkfhire]    Ar.   five  fufils  in  fefle 

gu.  in  chief  three  mullets  fa.  a  crefcent  for  difference. 
BOSVILE,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  mullets  or. 
Bofvilc,  Ar.  on  a  chev,  az.  three  mullets  or. 
BOSvVELL,    [Yorkfhire  and  Kent]  Ar.  five  lozenges  in  feite 
o-u.  and  in  chief  three  bears   heads  erafed  fa.  muzzled  or. — 
Creft,  a  lion's  head  .... 
Bofwell,  Ar.  five  fufils  in  feffc  gu.  in  chief  three  griffins  heads 

erafed  fa. 
Bofivell,  [Yorkftiire]  Ar.  five  fufils  in  fefi"e,  and  three  bears 
heads  in  chief,  erafed  fa.— Creft,  out  of  a  wood  proper,  a  bull 
paffant  ar. 
Bofwell,   [Kent]  Ar.  five  fufils  in  fefle  gu. 
Bofwell,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  five  fufils  in  fefl'e  gu.  each  charged 
with  a  martlet  or;   in  chief  three  bears  heads  erafed  fa.  muz- 
zled of  the  field. 
Bofwell,  Ar.  a  feffe  engrailed  gu.    in  chief  three  mullets  fa. 
BOSWORTH,  Gu.  a  crofs  vaire,  betw.  four  annulets  ar. 
Bofivorth,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  collared  ar. 
BOTATORT,  [Norfolk]  Or,  a  faltier  engrailed  fa.     Ano- 
ther, with  a  label  of  three  points  gu. 
Botatort,  Erm.  a  faltier  engrailed  gu. 
Botatort,  or  Botetourt,  Or,  three  bends  az.  a  canton  ar. 
BOTELAN,  or  Boteland,  Gu.  two  bars  erm. 
BOTELFORD  [Suffolk]   Gu.  three  horfes  heads  couped  in 

pale  ar.  betw.  two  flaunches  erm. 
BOTELLE,  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three  efcallops  fa. 
BOTELER,  [Teflon,  in  Kent]  Ar.  on  a  chief  fa.  three  co- 
vered cups  or. 
Boteler,  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three  efcallops  fa. 
Botelsr,  [Bedfordfhire]   Gu.  a  feffe  countercompony,   (another 
chequy)  ar.  and  fa.  between  fix  croffes   formee  fitchee  or. 
Another  (of  Gloucefter)  the  croffes  argent. 

B     O     T  ^ 

Boteler,   [Shropftiire]  Gu.  a  feffe  chequy  argent  and  fa.  betw. 

ten  crofs  crollets  or.     Another,  fix. 
Boteler,  Gu.  a  feffe  chequy  ar.  and  fa.  in  chief  tv/o  mullets  of 

the  fecond. 
Boteler,  Gu.  a   feffe  chequy  ar.   and  fa.  between  three  croffes 

flurtee  ar. 
Boteler,  Gu.    a    feffe   chequy    or  and    az.    between   fix    crof» 

croflets  ar. 
Boteler,  [Effex]   Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  lozenges  erm. 
Boteler,  [Lancafhire]  Gu.  a  bend  betw.  three  covered  cups    or. 
Boteler,  [Suffolk]    Ar.    three    covered    cups   in    bend,     betw. 

two  cotifes  fa. 
Boteler,  or  Butler,  [Lancafhire]    Az.   a  bend   betw.    fix  cups 

covered  or.     Another,  ar. 
Boteler,  Gu.  a  feffe  betw.  three  covered  cups  ar. 
Boteler,  [London]  Az.  a  chev.  ar.betw.  three  ftanding  cups  or. 
Boteler,  Az.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  martlets  gu. 
Boteler,  Gu.   two  bars  erm. 

Boteler,  [Kent]  Or,  three  efcutcheons  fa.  on  each  a  covered  cup 
or. — Creft,  a  covered  cup  or,  betw.  a  pair  of  wings  in- 
dorfed  ;  the  dexter  ar.  thefinifter  az. 
Boteler,  [Woodhall,  in  Hertfordfhire]  Gu.  a  feffe  chequy  or  and 
fa.  betw.  fix  croffes  patee  ar. — Creft,  an  arm  em.bcwed  in 
armour,  holding  a  fword  proper. 
BOTERELL,  [Cornwall]  Chequy  or  and  gu.  on  a  chev.  az. 

three  horfe-flioes  of  the  firft. 
Boterel,  Gu.  feven  bezants  on  a  canton  ar.  a  cinquefoil  fa. 
BOTTRELL,  [Effex]  Chequy  or  and  gu.  a  chev.  az. 
Botterell,  or  Botriell,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  and  chief  gu. 
Botrcll,  [Salop]  Chequy  or  and  gu.  on  a  chev.  cf  the    fecond, 

three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  firft. 
BOTTRY,    [Suffolk]   Az.    on    a  chev.    betw.   three  cro.'s 

croflets  fitchcd  or,  th.'ee  boars  heads  couped  gu. 
BOTERFORD,    [DevonfliireJ  Ar.   (another  or)  on  a   bend 

fa.   three  butterflies   of  the   field. 
Boterford,  [Devonfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.   three  vvater-bougcts 

of  the  field. 
BOTERKER,  The  fame  as  the  firft  BOTELER. 
BOTE  VILE,  alias  Thykne,  [Salop]  Barry  of  ten  or  and  fa. 

— Creft,  a  rein-deer  or. 
BOTERWIKE,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  butterflies  or. 
Boterwike,  Ar.  on  a  bend  vert,   three  butterflies  of  the  field. 
Boterivike,  Ar.  on  a  bend   vert,  three  water-bougets  of    the 

Boterivike,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  butterflies  or. 
BOTESGIST,  or  Botscist,    Gu.   two    lions    paffant  ar, 

crowned  or. 
BOTFITT,  Sa.  on  a  feffe  vert,  three  lozenges  between  as 

many  harts  heads  couped  at  the  fhoulder  ar. 
BOTP'UST,  [Suffolk]    Ar.    a   lion  rampant   fa.      Another 

adds  a  label  of  three  points  az. 
BOTHELL,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  (another  two)  blue- 
bottles proper,  ftalked  vert. 
Bothell,  or  Botell,  [Effex]   Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  combs  ar. 
Bothell,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.   betw.  three  garbs  az. 
Bothell,  Ar.  three  towers  triple-towered  az. 
BOTHNELL,  Or,   on  a  bend  fa.  three  mullets  ar. 
BOTINGHAM,   [Cornwall]  Ar.  three  bends  gu. 
BOTLESHAM,  [Northumberland]  Gu.  three  bolts  in  pale  ar. 
BOTOCKSHED,  or  Boteshed.    See  BRODOCKSHAW. 
BOTREUX,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  a  griffin  fegreant  gu.  armed  az. 
Botreux,  Chequy  or  and  gu.  a  bend  vaire. 
Botreiix,    Chequy  or  and  gu.   a  bend  vert. 
Botreux,  or  Botreaulx,  [Dcvonfiiire]  Chequy   or  and  gu.  on 

a  chev.  az.  three  horfe-fhoes  ar. 
Botreux,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  vert. 
Botreux,  Paly  wavy  of  fix  pieces  or  and  gu. 
Butreeiux,   [Cockermouth,    in   Cumberland]    Ar.  tjiree  toads 
ercft  fa.  two  and  cue. 


fe     O     T 

FOTT,    [StalToiafliire]  Or,  a  chcv.  crm.   tctw.   three    ir'ul- 

Icts  fa.  pierced  of  the  field. 
BOORNE,  Ar.   a  chev.  cctifcJ  gu.  bctw.   three  lions  ram- 
pant fa. 
Boornc,  [Devonfliire]  Ar.  a  ffdc  az.   bctw.  two  lions   pa  (Tant 

gardant  gu. 
BOUCHE,  Or,  on  a  crofs  fa.  five  cfcallop-fliells  ar.— Crcft, 
a   Saracen's   head    Coiipcd    at  tiie   (houlderi  and    fuU-f.ictd 
pro'pcr,  wreathed  round  the  temples  ar.  and  fa. 
rOUCnlHR,  [Eficx]  Sa.  thrcclions  paflantor. 
Bv!chur,    Ar.    on   a   mount    a    tree,  on    the   top    an    owl 
proper,   in  chief  two   mullets  gu. — Crcfl,   an  owl   proper. 
BOVELL,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant   within  a  bordurc  cngraik-d  fa. 
EOUGE,   [Thurcafton,  in   Leiccfterfhire]  Or,  on  a  fcfll- fa. 

three  watcr-bougets  ar. — Creft,  a  bat  difpbycd  ar. 
EOUGHE,  [QlouccfterJ  Gu.  a  fcde  vairc,  betw.  three  mul- 
lets ar. 
EOUGHAN,  [Lincolnfliirc;]  Az.   on  a   bcnJ   ar.  cotifcd  or, 

three  torteauxcs. 
i30UGHEY,  [Cotton,  in  Scaffjrdfhi re]  A r.  three  flags  heads 

cabofl'cd  fa. 
EOUGHTON,  [Lawford,  in  Warwickfliire]  Sa.  three  crcf- 

cents  or. — Crcl!-,  a  lion's  head  coupcd  or. 
EQ::^!:to:t,  Ar.  on  a  chcv.  betw.  three   croficts  fiichec  fa.  as 

many  bucks  heads  caboired  or: 
Boiighlon,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.   charged  with    three  bucks  heads  ca- 

bofled  or;  on  a  chief  gu.  a  goat  trippant  of  the  field. 
Biiighttn,  [Warwickfhirc]  Gu.  on   a  fcfle,    betw.  three  goats 

heads  erafcd  ar.  attired  or,  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  az. 
Boughton,  [Kent]  Gu;  a  kifc  betw.  three  goats  heads  crafed  ar. 

attired  or. 
Boughtm,  [Kent]    Ar.  a    fefil-   dauncettee,  bctw.    three   crofs 

croflets  fa. 
Boughton,  Ar.  a  chev.  couped  (another,  indented)  betw.  three 

crofles  botonee  fitchee  fa. 
Boughton,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.   on  a  bend  fa.  three  martlets  of  the 

Boughicrt,  [Eflex,   1595.]  Ar.  a    chev.    ermines,    betw.    three 

croffcf  pomel  fitchee  fa. 
BOVY,   [Warwickfhirc]  Vert,  three  bows  ftrung  ar. 
Bivry,  [  Wordon- Abbey  in  Bedfordfhire,   and  Stowe  in    Cam- 
bridgcfhire]   Vert,  two    bows   bent   paleways    in  feffc,    and 
three  arrows  conjoined  in  bafe,  one  in  pale,  and  two  in  fal- 
tier,  and  a  chief  embattled,  all  ar. — Creft,  a  lion's  paw   croft 
and    erafed,   party    per  fefie   or  and  gu.  holding  a   bow  of 
the  fecond,  ftringed  of  the  firft.     Granted  1712. 
BOVILE,  Quarterly  or  and  fa. 

Bovih;    Or,    a  chev.    gu.    betw.    nine   (another,    three)    tor- 
Bovilc,     Ar.  a  chief  or. 

Jbr.vili',  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fi.     Another  adds  a   bordure  en- 
grailed of  the  fecond. 
EOULD,  [Lancafliire]  Ar.  a  chcv.  opprefTed  by  a  bend  ;   on  a 

canton  gu.  a  crofs  patec  or. 
Biulilf,  [Bould,  in   Lancafliire]    Ar.    a    griffin    pafTant    fii. — 
Crcfl^,  out  of  a  ducal   coronet  or,  a  griffin's  head  fa.  beaked 
gu.  betw.  two  wings  or. 
Build,  [Lancafliire]  Ar.   a  griffin  fegrcant  fa.   within   a  bor- 
durc gu. 
Boulil,  [Chcfhire]  Ar.  a  griffin  fcgreant  fa. 
BOULSTED,    or   BouLsTRED,    [Devonfliire]    See  BUL- 

BOULTON,  [Burfton,  in  Norfolk]  Gu.  on  a  bend  engrailed 

ar.  three  leopards  faces  of  the  field. 
Bou'.ton.     See   BOLTON. 
BOWLETON,  [Norfolk]  Erm.  a  falticr  gu. 

B     O     U 

BOUM,  or  BowNE,  Or,  a  crofs  az. 

BOUME,    Sa.   a    chcv.   per    pale  ar.   and  or,    bctw.    three 

griffins  heads  erafcd  ar. 
BOUNCETER,  Em.  a  falticr  engrailed  gu.     Another  adjj 

a  label  of  three  pnints  vert. 
Biiincettr,  Erm.  on  a  f.dticr  engrailed  gu.  a  mulht  t. 
BQURCHER,    [Worccflcr]    Sa.   a   chev.   erm.  betw.  three 
leopards  or.- — Crcfl-,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  greyhound  ar.  du- 
cally  gorged  and  liticd  or.     Granted  i  587. 
BOURCHIER,  [Eflex  and  London]  Sa.   a  chcv.  erm.  betw. 
three  leopards    pafl'ant  or. — Crcfl,  a  greyhound   fejant    ar. 
ducally  gorged  or. 
B;iirc/jiiT,  Ar.  a  crofs   engrailed  gu.   betw.  four  watrr.  bougcts 
fa. — Creft,  an    old  man's  head  fide-faced  proper,  coupcd  at 
at  the  fiioulders,  habited  vert,  collared  or  ;  on  his  head  a  du- 
cal coronet  or,  out  of  wliich  a  long  cap    hai-'giiig  forwarif 
gu.  taflclled  or. 
Boiinhitr,   [ICcnt]   Ar.  a  crofr,  engrailed  gu.  bctw.  four  watcr- 
bougcts   fa.  v.'ithin  a  bordure  gobonatcd  or  and  gu.  charged 
with  fcvcn  bezants.     Another,  without. 
Boiirchicr,  [1610.]  Sa.  three  leopards  paflant  in  pa!c  or,  fpottcd 

fa. — Crclt,  a  grevhound  f.diento'r. 
Bcurchicr,  [London]   Sa.  a  chev.  erm.  bctv,'.  three  v.-olvcs  or, 
Boun/jicr,  [Eflex]    Sa.    three  leopards   palTant  in   pale    or;  a 

crefccnt  for  difterencc. 
Binrcbier,  Sa.  three  leopards  paflant  in  pale  or,    fpottcd  fa.— 

Crcfl,  a  greyhound  falient  or. 
EOURDMANj  Sa,  on  a  bend  cotifcd  ar.  three  mafcles  of  the 

BOURGHDON,  Ar.  three  cinqucfoils  fa.  two  and  one. 
BOURGES,   [Somerfeifliire]  A.r.  a  felTc  az.  fretty  or,  in  chief 
three  mafcles  of  the  third,  all  within  a  bordure  az.  bezantec. 
— Crefl^,  a  camel's  head  erafcd    proper   bezantec.     Granted 
BOURGHOPE,  The  Cime  as  BURHOP. 
Biufi^h'-.pc,  [Ireland]  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  fa.  on  a  bendgu.  three 

efca'.lops  of  the  firfl. 
BOURGYLOUNE,  Q_'arterly  or  and  gu.    a  bend  fa.  in  the 

fecond  and  third  quarter  a  plate  pierced. 
BOURLYNET,  Gu,  three  inefcutchcons  ar.  each  chareed 

with  as  many  martlets  fa.     Another,  one  martlet  U. 
Boiirtyntt,  [Tournay]    Gu.  an  incfcutchcon  betw.  three  mart- 
lets ar.    Another,  or. 
BOURNE,  [Wells,  in  Somerfetflii.-e]  Ar.  a  chev.  ju.  betw, 
three  lions  rampant  fa.  a  chief  ermines. — Creft,  a  demi-ti^er 
ar.    mancd,  tufted,   and  armed  fa.   gorged   with  a  collar  er- 
Bourne,  Erm.  a  bend  az, 

Bnirne,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  lions  rampant  cr. 
Bciinie,  [Yorkfhirej  Ar.   a  chev.   gu.  bctw,  three  lions  ram- 
pant fa. 
Bourne,  [London,   1570.]  Az.  two  lions  pafliint  in  pale  ar. 
Bourne,  [London]    Ar.  on  a  chev.  engrailed  gu.  betw,   three 
lions  rampant  fa.  three  mafcles  or. — Creft,  an  arm  creel  if- 
fuing  out  of  clouds  proper,  vefted  or,  cutF  ar.  in  the  hand 
proper,  a  pheon  fa.  held  by  the  point. 
Bourne,  Gu.  a  crefccnt  erm. 

Bourne,  [Chcfterton,   in  Oxfordfliire]  Ar.  On  a  mount  \crt, 
ftanding  on  four  bars  wavy  in  bafe   ar.  and  az.  a  tower  tri- 
ple-towered gu.  on  a  chief  az.  a  fun  betw.  tvvo  etoiles  or. — 
Creft,    a  pegafus   current,  with  wings    indorfed    gu.   femce 
d'etoiles  or,  holding  in  his  mouth   a  rofe  gu.  /talked  and 
leaved  vert,  fccdcd  or. 
BOURNELL,  Barry  of  fix  az.  and  ar.  a  bend  gu. 
BOURTETORT,   [Norfolk]  The  fame  .as  BOTATORT. 
BOUTETORETT,    or  Boutetort,   [Norfolk]    Erm,   a 
faltier  engr-tiled  gu. 


B     O     U 

RDUTVILLEN,  [Cumberland]   Ar.  a  crefcent  gu. 
BOUVERIE,   DE    [Brabant]  Gu.  a  bend  valrc  (the  antlenC 

arms  of  Bouverie). 
Bouverle,  Des,  Party  per  fefTc  or  and  ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  with 
two  heads  fa.— Creft,  a  demi-eagle  difplayed  with  two  heads 
fa.    gorged   with  a  ducal  coronet  or,    and  charged  on  the 
breaft  with  a  crofs  crodct  ar. 
Bouverle,  Party   per   fefiTe  or  and   ar.    an  eagle  difplayed  with 
two  heads  fa.  charged  on  the  breaft  with  the  antient  arms  of 
Bouverie,  viz.  gu.  a  bend  vaire.    [Granted  by  Sign  Manual, 
BOWCHER,  [Lincolnfhlrc]  Sa.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  himps 
,   ar.  fire  proper. 
BOWZE,  or  BouzE,  Ar.  on  an  inefcutcheon,  within  anorle 

of  martlets  gu.  a  crefcent  of  the  field. 
BO  WATER,  [London]  Ar.    on  an  Inefcutcheon   fa.  betw. 
eight  martlets   gu.  a  crefcent  ar.— Creft,  out  of  ';he  clouds 
a  rainbow,  all  proper. — Her.  Off.  Land.  C.  24. 
BOWDITCH,  [Bowditch,   in  Dorfetftiire]    Ar.  a  feffc  wavy 
betw.   three  bows    paleways  gu. — Creft,    feven  arrows  or, 
barbed  and  feathered  ar.  fix  in  faltier,  and  one  in  pale. 
BOWDEN,  or  BoDON,    [Marburg,  in  Chefhire]  Quarterly 
fa.  and  or,  in  the  chief  dexter  quarter  a  lion  paflant  of  the 
BOVVDON,  Quarterly   fa.  and  or,  in  the  firft  quarter  a  liou 

pafiant  gardant  ar. 
Bowdon,    Qiiarterly    fa.   and    ar.   in    the    firft  quarter    a  lion 

paflant  gardant  of  the  fecond. 
BOWDLESS,  [Shroplhire]  Ar.  two  ravens  in  pale  fa. 
EOWELL,  Quarterly  ar.  and  fa. 
Boiudl,  [Ruftiall,  in  Staffordftiire]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant,  within 

a  bordure  engrailed  fa. 
Boicell,  [Berry-court,  in  Hampfhire]  Per  fefle  ar.  and  gu.   a 
lion  rampant  within  a  bordure,  all  counterchangcd. — Creft, 
a  lion's  head  erafed,  barry  of  fix  ar.  and  gu. 
BOWEN,  [Oxfordfliire]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  within  an  orle 
of  rofes  or. — Creft,  an  arm  couped  at  the  elbow  and  ereft, 
habited  fa.  cufF  erm.  holding  in  his  hand  proper,  a  chaplet  of 
laurel  vert. 
Boi'Jen,  [Kettlehill  and  Swanfey,   in  Glamorganfhire]  Az.   a 

flag  ar.  with  an  arrow  ftuck  in  the  back  and  attired  or. 
Bowen,  Ar.  a  flag  fcjant  gu.  attired  or,  in  his  mouth  a  trefoil 

flipped  proper. 
BOWER,  or  BooF.R,    [London]  Barry  of  fix  or  and  fa.  fix 
efcutcheons    crm.    three,    two,    and    one. — Creft,  a  wolf's 
head  erafed  erm. 
Bower,  or  Bonrc,  Sa.  a  erofs  patce  ar 
Bower,    Sa.    a    cinquefoil  erm.   in  chief    three  talbots    he.ids 

erafed  or, 
Boiver,   [Dorfetfliire   and  Wiltfhire]    Az.  on  a  faltier  or,  five 

trefoils  flipped  vert. 
BOWERS,   [Effex]  Erm.  on  a  chief  indented  fa.  three  (ano- 
ther, two}  lions  rampant  or. 
Bowers,  Erm.  a  bend  gu. 

Bowers,  [Bifliop  of  Chichefter]  Per  pale  az.  and  gu.  a  dove  ar. 

beaked  and  membered  or;  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond  two  lions 

paflant  fa. — Creft,  a  lion  paflant  az.  collared  and  chained  or, 

holding  in  his  dexter  paw  a  bow  bent  or,  ftringed  ar. 

EOWERT,  or  BowET,  Sa.  a  crofs  flory  ar. 

BOWERTON,  Or,  on   a  crofs  az.   five  fleurs-de-lis  of  the 

BOWERMAN,   [Wiltftiire  and  Devonfliire]   Erm.  on  abend 
cotifcd  fa.   three  boars   heads   couped  or. — Creft,    a   goat's 
head    erafed    or,    the    horns    twlfted    or   and     fa.       Ano- 
ther Creft,  a   bull's    head   erafed   or,  the   horns    twiftcd  or 
and  fa. 
BOWES,  [Yorkfliire  and  Durham]    Erm.  three  long-bows 
,  bent  in   pale  gu.  ftringed   or. — Creft,  five  arrows,,  four  in 


faltier  and  one  in  pale  or,  feathered  and  headed  ar.  tied  in 
the  middle  with  a  firing  az. 
Bowes,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.   three  griffins  heads  craR'd  of   the 

BOWS,    [London]     Erm.     three     bows    bent    in    fefie   gu. 
ftringed  fa.  on  a  chief  az.    a  fv.'an  proper,  betv/.   two  leo- 
pards heads  or. 
BOWET,    or   Bewet,   [Yorkfliire]     Ar.    three     rein-deers 
heads  cabofled   fa.  two  and  one. — Creft,  on   a  chapeau  gu. 

turned  up  erm.  a  leopard  ar.  ducally  gorged  or. 
BOWGMEN,   or  BowHEYK,  Sa.  three  garbs  or,  tv.-o   and 

BOWHAN,  Az.  on  a  bend   ar.    betw.   three  lions  or,    a  lo- 
zenge  gu. 
BOWLAND,  [London  and  Effex]  Sa.  an  eagle  difplayed  ar. 

beaked  and  legged  gu. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  a  hand 

and  arm  couped  at  the  elbow,  in  armo\ir  or,  holding  a  fword 

ar.    hilt  and  pomel  or.     Another  Creft,  the  hand  grafping  a 

laurel-branch  vert,    with  the  fword. 
Beivland,  [London]    Sa.   two   flaunchcs  or,   three  eagles   dif- 
played counterchangcd. 
Bowhwd,  [London]  Sa.   two    flaunchcs   ar.    three    eagles    in 

fjfie  counterchanged,  betw.    four  ogreflcs'(or   torteauxcs) 

each  charged  with  a  crofs  patee  fitchee  or. 
BOWLE,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bitterns  heads  erafed  fa. 
BOWLER,  [Bowler,  in  Wiltfliire]  Ar.  two  birds  in  pale  fa. 

beaked  and  legged  gu. 
Boivlcr,  Ar.  two  bends  gu.  a  chief  fa. 
Bowler,  Ar.  on  a  feflTe  chequy  or  and   gu.  betw.  three  crofs 

croflets  fa.  three  annulets. — Creft,  a  boar's  head  couped  at 

the  neck  per  pale  az.  and  gu.  bezantee. 
Boivler,  Gu.   a  fefle  chequy  or  and  fa.   betw.   cro.Tss  patce  of 

the  fecond. 
BOWLES,  or  BowLDES,  [Hercfordfiiire  and  Hcrtfordftiire] 

Ar.  on  a  chev.  between  three  boars  heads  fa.  armed  or,  three 

cfcallop-fliells  of  the  third. 
Bowles,  [London]  Az.  three  cups  or;  out  of  each  a  boar's  head 

ereft  ar. — Creft,  a  buck's  head  ar.    attired  or. — He.'.  Ofl". 

M.  S.  Vine.  No.  154. 
Bozvles,  [Hertfordfhire]    Ar.  u   chev.   bcrw.   three  boars  heads 

fa.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond  three  efcallop-ftiells  or,  v/ithin  a 

bordure  vert    (another  az.)    bezantee. — Creft,  on  a  ducal 

coronet,  a  boar's  head  ar.  betw.  two  wings  gu.  in  his  mouth 

a  bezant. 
Bowles,    [Goftjerkirk,    in    Lincolnfhire]    Az.   three    ftanding 

bowls  ar.  out  of  each  a  boar's  head  or. — Creft,  a  dcmi-boar 

az.  armed,  hoofed,  and  bridled  or,  pierced  through  the  cheft 

with  an  arrow  or,  headed    ar. 
Bowles,  [London]  Sa.  within  three  ft.Tnding  cups  or,    as  many 

boars  heads  ar. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  griffin's 

head  fa.  beaked  or,  betw.  two  wings  of  the  laft. 
Bcwles,    [Hertfordfhire  and    Herefordfhire]    Ar.    on   a    chtv. 

betw.  three  boars  heads  fa.  as  many  efcallop-fliells   or,  within 

a  bordure  vert,  bezantee. — Creft,  on  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a. 

boar's  head  couped  fa.  betw.  two  wings  gu.  billstty  or. 
Bowles,  Ar.  on  a   chev.   betw.  three  boars  heads  gu.  as  many 

efcallop-fhells  or,  within  a  bordure  of  the  fecond  bezantee. 
Bowles,  Bolles,  or  Boohs,  [Suffolk  and  StaffordftiircJ  Ar.  a  chev. 

gu.  betw.   three  mullets  fii.  on  a  chief  of  the  tliird,  a  lion's 

head  erafed  and  two  lozenges  or. 
Bowles,  Gu.   two  wings  difplayed  or. 
BOWNE,  or  Bowyn,  Az.  a  crofs  or. 
Bowne,  Gu.  a  crefcent  erm.  within  an  orle  of  martlets  or. 
Boiune,  Gu.  three  crefcents  ar. 
BOWNES,  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three  fufils  az. 
BOWRE,  [Dunhead  St.  Andrew's,  Dorfetfhire]    Sa.   three 

talbots  heads  erafed  in  chief  ar. — Creft,  a  talbot's  head  fa. 
BOWRING,  Per  pale  az.  and  fa.   three  chev.  or. 
BOWRMELL,  Esrry  of  fixaz.  and  ar.  a  bend  gu. 



£OWSER,   [Kent]    Ar.   a  crofs    engrailed     gu.    betw.   four 

water-boiigets  fa.  within  a  bordurc  counterchangcd  or  and  gu. 
BOWSSAR,   [Giouccftcr,   1606.]    Erm.   a    crofs  chequy  or 

and  gu.   betw.    four    vvatcr-bougets  of  the   third. — Creft,  a 

dtmi-talbot   gu.     gorged    with    a    collar   chequy  or  and  az. 

charged  on  the  body  with  three  guttes   d'or. 
BOWMAN,  [Hethlcton,  in  Dorfetfliire]  Or,  a  chev.    betw. 

three  bows  bent   in   pale    gu. — Creft,  on   a  ftafF  ragulcd, 

coupcd,  and  erect  ar.  a  quiver    (or  cafe)  of  arrows  gu.  the 

heads  ar.  buckled  on  the  ftafF  with  a  belt  fa. 
Bowman,  [VVeflingfet,  in    Korfollc]  Ar.  three    bird-bolts  gu. 

headed  or,  and  feathered  of  the  firft,  two  and  one. — Crcft, 

a  fword  ereit  ar.  hilt  and  pomel  or ;  on  each  fide  of  the  blade, 

a  demi-annulet  indented  on  the  out'.'ide  or,  the  half  on   tiic 

dexter  fide  near  the  point,  the  other  near  the  hilt. 
BOWYER,   [Camberwell,  in  Surry]  Or.   a   bend   vaire  co- 

tifed  fa. — Creft,  on  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  tiger  fcjant  ar. 
Boivyer,   [Charlwood    in  Surry,  and    of  London]   The   fame. 

— Creft,  an  arm  coupcd  at  the  elbow  and  crc£f,  habited  gu. 

charged  with  three  bends  and  cuffed  or,  holding  in  the  hand 

proper,  a  dragon's  hesd  erafed. 
Bouyfr,  [London]  Or,  a  bend   vaire   cotifed   fa, — Creft,    an 

eagle  with  wings  endorfed  or,  beak  and  legs  fa. 
Bowyer,  [Suffex  and  Lincolnfhire]  Or,  a  bend  vairJcotiftJ  fj. 

Creft,  a  demi-man  fhooting  an  arrow  from  a  bow.    Another 

Creft,  on  a  tower  gu.  a  demi-dragon  or. 
Bowyer,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  betw.  three  crofs  croflets  gu.  on  a 

canton  az.  a   garb   or. — Creft,   on  a  mount  vert,  a  tower 

triple-towered  gu.  thereon  a  demi-dragon  or. 
Bouycr,  [Kniperfley  inStaffordfliire]  Ar.   a  lion  rampant  betw. 

three  crofs  croflets  fitchec  gu.    Another,  the  lion  fa. — Creft, 

out  of  a  tower  gu.  a  demi-dragon  rampant  or. 
Bowyer,  [Denham,    in    Bucks]    Or,  a  bend    vaire  betw.  two 

cotifts  gu. — Creft,  a  falcon  rifing  proper,  belled  or. 
Bowyer,  [Leighthorne,  in  SulTex]   The  fame. 
Boxvycr,  Az.  on  a  faltier  or,  five  trefoils  flipped  vert. 
Bowyer,  Az.  on  a  faltier  engrailed  ar.  five  trefoils  flipped  vert. 
BOX,   [Oxfordfhire]   Az.  a   lion  palTant  betw.  three  grifllns 

heads  crafcd  or. — Creft,  an  arm  couped  at  the   elbow,  lying 

fefleways,  habited  gu.  cuff  ar.   holding  creft,  in   the  hand 

proper,  a  branch  of  box  vert ;  at  the  elbow  another  branch 

of  box  eredl  vert. 
Box,  [London]   Az.  a   lion  pafiant  gardant   ar.  betw.   three 

griffins  heads  erafed  or. — Creft,  a  demi-griffin   or,  winged 

ar.  holding  in  his  claws  a  fire-ball  proper. 
BoK,   [Suffex]  Or,  a  bend  az.  betw.  fix  lions  rampant  gu. 
Box,  Gu.  a  bend  ar.  betw.  fix  lions  rampant  or. 
Bex,  Or,  fix  lions  rampant  gu.  three,  two,  and  one  ;  over  all 

a  bend  ar. 
BOXHULL,  or  BoxMELL,  [Sufllx]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  az. 

fretty  ar. 
BOXSTED,  Gyronny   of  eight  ar.  and  gu.  a  bend  fa.  bc- 

Boxfu-d,  [Efllx]   Qiiartcrly  ar.   and  gu.  on  a  bend   fa.    three 

eagles  difplayed  or. 
Boxjied,  Qiiartcrlv  ar.  and  gu.  on  abend  fa.  five  bezants. 
BOXWORTH,   [Cambridgefhire]   Gu.    a   lion  rampant  or, 

collared  of  the  field. 
Boxworth,  [Cambridgefhire]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gardant  gu. 

collared  ar. 
BOXWREY,  The  fame. 

BRABANT,  Ar.  on  a  fcfl'c  humetty  gu.  three  rofcs  ar. 
Brabartt,  Ar.   on  a  fefle  humetty  gu.   three  rofes  or,  over  all  a 

bend  fa. 
Brabant,  Ar.    a  fefiTe  humetty  gu.  in  chief  three  leopards  faces 

of  the  fecond. 
Brabant,  Ar.  on  a  fefTe  humetty  gu.  a  leopard's  head  or. 
5rfli«n/,  [Devonlhire]    Ar.    on   a   fefle    gu.   three    leop.irds 
faces  or. 


BRABON,  or  Brauournf,  [London  and  Dcvonniire]  Ar. 
on  a  fells  humetty  gu.  three  leopards  faces  or. — Creft,  a 
nicwed  li.iwk  proper,  armed  az.  jcflTed  and  belled  or.  Her. 
Oft.   Li>:don,  C.  24. 

BRABAZON,  [Leicefter]  Gu.  on  a  bend  or,  three  mart- 
lets (a. — Cicft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  falcon  volant  or. 

Brabazon,  or  Hrabafjon,  Gu.  on  a  bend  or,  three  Coniiih 
choughs  proper. 

JJrabazon,  Gu.  on  abend  or,  three  mullets  az. 

BRABOUCil,  or  Bruboulh,  Or,  billetty,  a  lion  ram- 
pant fa. 

BRACE,  Sa.  a  bend  ar.  betw.  tlircc  dexter  hands  ccupej 

Brace,  [VVorcefter]  Sa.  a  bend  betw.  two  hands  and  arms 
couped  at  the  elbows  ar.  habited  in  mail  proper. — Creft,  an 
arm  tmbowed,  habited  in  mail,  holding  in  the  hand,  ail 
proper,  a  fwerd  ar.  hilt  or. 

BRACEY,  Sa.   a  bend  betw.  two  drxtcr  hands  ar. 

BRACEURIDGE,  Ar.  a  fefle  gu.  cotifed  wavy  fa. 

Bracebrid^e,  Vaire  ar.   and  fa.  a  bend  gu. 

Biacebn'd^e,  [Suffolk]  Vaire  ar.  and  fa.  a  fefle  gu, — Creft,  on 
a  mount  vert,  a  wolf  pafl'ant  ar. 

BRACEBURY,  Or,  acrofsaz. 

BRACLIFKE,  or  E:i£ARCLiFF£,  Ar.  three  crofs  croflets  (1. 
a  chief  indented  gu. 

BRACY,  Gu.  a  fefle  ar.  in  chief  two  mullets  with  fix 
points  or. 

Bracy,  Gu.  a  fcffe  or,    in  ch'ef  two  mullets  pierced  ar. 

Bracy,   Quarterly  ind-nted  fa.  and  ar, 

Bracy,  Qiiartcrly  per  feffe  indented  ar.  and  fa.  on. the  fecond 
quarter  a  fwan  proper. 

BRACKLEY,  or  Braklev,  Chequy  erm.  and  gu.  on  a 
bend  .'.z.  three  mullets  or. 

BRACfiTOM,  Az.  three  mullets  or,  a  chief  indented  erm. 

BRAD,  [VVronglc,  in  I^incolnfhire]  Gu.  three  garbs  ar. 
within  a  bordure  engrailed  of  the  fecond. 

BRADBY,  Ar.  a  faltier  betw.  four  millrinds  fa. 

Bradby,  Ar.  a  faltier  engrailed  betw,  four  martlets  fa.  Ano- 
ther, the  faltier  gu. 

BRADBORNE,  or  Br.-kdburne,  [Derbyftiire]  Ar.  three 
pales  az.  a  chief  gu. 

Bradburne,  [Bradburne,  and  of  London]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu. 
three  mullets  or. — Creft,  a  pine-tree  vert,    fruclcj  proper. 

BRADBOURNE,  Ar.  three  pales  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  as 
many  crofs  croflets  fitchee  or. 

Bradbourne,  [Derbyftiire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  cotifed  fa.  three 
mullets  pierced  or. 

BRADBRIDG,  Az.  a  phcon  ar. — Creft,  a  leopard's  head 
erafed  ar.  pelletry,  ducally  gorged  or,  betw.  two  fpe.irs 
proper,   headed  ar. 

BRADBURY,  [Derbyftiire  and  London]  .'^a.  a  chev.  erm. 
betw.  three  buckles  ar.  a  fleur-de-lis  or  for  difference. 

Bradbury,  [Eflex  and  Suffolk]  Sa.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three 
round  buckles  ar.  the  tongues  hanging  down. 

BRADDOCKE,  [Abbafton,  in  Warwickfliire]  Ar.  a  grey- 
hound current,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  fa. 

BR  ADDOCK,  Sa.  a  bend  engrailed  ar.  in  the  finiftcr  chief  an 
eagle  difplayed  or. 

BRADDON,  S.i.  a  bend  fufilly  ar. 

BRADELLER,  Or,  a  feffe  gu.  betw.   three  buckles   vert. 

BRADENHAM,  [Kent]  Az.  a  fefle  or,  betw.  three  chefs- 
rooks  ar. 

BRADENS,  or  Braddene,  [Rutb.ndftiire]  Sa.  a  bend  en- 
grailed ar. 

BR  ADESLEY,  Per  pale  or  and  fa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  efcal- 
lop-ftiells,  all  counterchangcd. 

Bradtjliy,   Az.  a  chev.  between  three  martlets  or. 

BRADESTON,  or  Br.\d£Tcv,  Ar.  on  a  canton  gu.  a 
crofs  or. 



Bradcjloii,   Gu.   five  lozenges  in    puie   ar. 
Bradejht:,   A'',  five  fufils  in  pale  gu. 
BniflrJIoii,   Ar.  five  fiifils   in  bend  gu. 

BRADFIELD,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  a  crofs  clicquy  or  .-.nd  as. 
bctw.   four  mullets  of  the  fecond. 

Eitidjidd,    Ar.  on  a  bend  s./,.  three  fleurs-dc-Iis  or. 

ERADFORD,  Gj.  a  lion  rampant  crm. 

Bradford,  [Dcvonfliire  and  CheihircJ  Sa.  a  crofs  engrailed  ar. 

Bradford.,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  on  a  fclle  fa.  three  flags  heads 
erafed  or. 

Bradford.,  Or.  on  a  fefTe  fa.   three  goats  heads  erafed  or. 

Bradford,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  a  wolf's  head  erafed  bctw.  thrre 
bugle- horns  fa. — Creft,  a  peacock's  head  proper  ;  in  his 
mouth   a   fnake  entwined  round  his  neck  vert. 

Bradford,  [YorkihircJ  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bugle- 
horns   fa. 

Bradford,    Ar.   a  crofs  gu.  betw.  four  mullets  az. 

ERaDGES,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  fefTe  chequy  or  and  gu.  in  chief 
three  crofles  botonce  of  the  third. 

BRADHULL,  [Brockhull,  Lancafliire]  Ar.  a  crofs  lozcngy 
vertj  over  all  a  bend  goboneeerm.  and  az. — Crefi,  a  badger 
paffant  or. 

BRADY,  [Cambridgefliire]  Az.  two  bars  or. — Crcft:,  en  a 
mount  vert,  a  griffin  fejant  or,  beaked  gu. 

Brady,  Az.  two  bars  or,  in  chief  three  lions  rampant  of  the 
feeond. — Greft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  griffin  fejant  or,  bc-iked 
fa.  fupporting  with  his  dexter  claw  an  efcutcheon  ar. 

BRADLEY,  Sa.  a  fefl't:  engrailed  betw.  three  crofTss  formcc 
fitchee  ar.  all  within  a  bordure  engrailed  of  the  laft. 

Bradley,  or  Braddcy,  Gu.  a  chcv.  ar.  bctw.  three  boars  heads 
coupcd  or. 

Bradley,  [Warwickfltire]  Ar.  a  fefTe  humctty  and  engrailed, 
betw.  three  croiTes  formee  fitchee  fa. 

Bradley,  Gu-  a  chev.  betw.    three  boars  heads  or. 

Bradley,  Qiiarterly   or  and  az.  three  buckles  gu. 

Bradley,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa. 

Bradley,  [Bethom,  In  Lancafliire]  Sa.  a  fefTe  engrailed,  and  in 
chief  a  mullet  betw.  two  crofTes  formee  fitchee  ar. 

Bradley,  Or,  a  felTe  vert,  betw.  three  round  buckles  gu. 

Bradley,  [Worcefterfliirc]  Ar.  a  fL-fTe  gu.  betw.  three  round 
buckles  vert. 

ER ADMAN,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crofs  croflcts  patee 
fitche'e  fa. 

BR.ADNOX,  Ar.  two  chev.  gu.  on  a  chief  of  the  lafc  three 
cinquefoils  of  the  firft. 

BRADSEY,  [Yorkfhire]  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  on  a  canton  of 
the  fecond  a  maunch  of  the  firfl. 

Bradfcy,  or  Bradfay,  Per  fefTe  ar.  and  fa.  a  pale  betw.  four 
bears  heads  erafed  and  muzzled,  all  counterchanged. 

BRADS  TON,  Ar.  a  pile  gules. 

Bradjlon,  Ar.  on  a  canton  gu.  a  cinquefoil  pierced   or. 

Bradjion,  [Winterbone,  in  Gloucefterfhire]  Ar.  on  a  canton 
n-u.  a  rofe  or,  barbed  proper. — Crefl,  out  of  a  ducal  coro- 
net or,  a  boar's  head  fa. 

Bradjbn,  Ar.  a  pale  fufilly  fli. 

Bradflon,  m Bradejhn,  Or,  (another  ar.)  a  chcv.  betw.  three 
boars  heads  couped  fa. 

BRADSHAIGH,  [Haigh,  in  Lancafliire]  Ar.  two  bendlets 
fa.  betw.  three  martlets  of  the  fecond. — .Crefl,  on  amount 
vert,  a  flag  at  gaze  proper,  under  a  vine  vert,  frufted  gu. 

BRADSHAW,  [Chefliire]  Argent,  two  bars  fable,  a  cref- 
cent  gu. 

Bradjhaw,  [Chefhirc]  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  a  crefcent  for  dif- 

Bradfmw,  Az.  two  bars  ar.  on  a  chief  or,  a  fleur-de-lis  bctw. 
two  rofes  gu. 

Bradjhaw,  [Chefliire]   Sa.  three  bends  and  as  many  birds  ar. 

Bradjhatv,  Sa.  two  bends  betw.  three  hawks  bells  ar. 

Bradjhaw,  [Lancafliire  and  Leiccfler]  Ar,  two  bends  fa.  bctw. 


as  many  martlets  of  the  fecond. — Cref},  on  a  mount,  a  ftf^ 
ffanding  under  a  vine,  all  proper. 
BrndJIiaw,  [Kent  and  Lancafhire]  Ar,  two  bends  fa. 
Bradjhaw,    Erm.   on   a  chief  az.   three  ducipcrs,  or  caps  of 

Bradjhcin;    [Shropfhirc]    Sa.  tv.'o  bcndhts  raguly,   betw.   two 

hawks   ar.   belled  of  the  fecond ;  on  a   chief  ar.   a  pale  az. 

betw.  two  fieurs-de-lis  fa.  on   the  pale  a  crofs  patonce  ar. — 

Creft,  a  wolf's  head  erafed  ar.  collared  and  lined. 
Bradfl.'ow,  [Buckinghamfhirc,    1506.]  Az.  two  bars  gu.  betw. 

nine  lions  paflant  gardant  or. 
BRADWARDEN,  Barry  of  fix  fa.  and  erm. 
Bradiuarden,  Barry  of  fix  ermines  and  ermine. 
Braehvarelyn,  Barry  of  fix  fa.  and  erm.  guttee  d'or. 
BRADWELL,  [Chefliire]  Az.  two  bars  ar.  in  chief  as  many 

plates. — Crefl,  a  rock  proper. 
BR  AFIELD,  Gu.  three   efcailop-fhells  az,  betw.  two  bends 

Brafe.'d,  Az,  a  crofs  chequy  ar.  and  gu. 
BRAGDON,  or  Bracden',  [London]  Ar.  a  lion  paiTant  az. 

betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  gu. 
BR  AGE,  [London  and  EiTcx]    Or,   a   chev.  betw  three  bulh 

fa. — Crefl,  out   of  a   ducal   coronet   party  per  pale  ar.    and 

or,  a  bull's  head  ia.  atlired  or. 
BRAGG,  [Somerfetfhirej  Ar.   a  chev.  vert,  betw.  three  buli^ 

paaantgu. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  ar.  collared  vaire  or 

and    az.    [1626].     Another  Crcft,  a  bull  pafTant  gu. 
BR  AH  AM,  [WindforJ    Sa.  a   crofs  flory  ar.— Creft,  fourof- 

triches  feathers  fa.  enfiled  with  a  ducal  coronet  or. 
Bruhinn,  [Buckinghamfhirc]    Gu.  en  a  chev.   ar.  bctv.'.   three 

talhots  heads  erafed  or,   as  many  m'jUcts  la. 
Brahani,  [New  Wind  for,  in  Bcrklhire]  Sa.  a  crofs  patonce  or. 

— C."cfl,  in  a  ducal  coronet  or,   a  plume  of  feathers  fa. 
Braham,   [Braham,  in  Cumberland]   Gu.  a  chcv.   betw.  three 

fifhes  ereft  ar. 
BRAY,   [SufTcx  and  Bedfordfliire]  Ar.  a  chcv.   betw.   three 

eagles  (another  ravens)    legs   erafed  alaquife  fa.   armed  gu. 

— Crefl,  a  lion  paflant  gardant  or,  betw.  two  wings  endorfed 

vaire  or  and  az. 
Bray,  [Northumberland]  Vaire,  three  bends  gu. 
B.ay,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  parrots   legs-  erafed  fa.  within   a 

bordure  engrailed  gu. 
Bray,     Ar.  a  chev.  betw.    three    parrots    (or   popinjays)    fa. 

within  a  bordure  engrailed  gu. 
Bray,  Ar.   a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  ogrefTes,  within  a  bordure 

engrailed  gu. 
Bray,  Ar.  a  chev.   betw.   tv/o  pots   fa.  within   a    bordure  en- 
grailed gu. 
Bray,  [Northumberland]   Gu.  three  bends  vaire. 
Bray,    Quarterly  ar.  and  az. 
Bray,    [Oxfordfhire]    Qviarterly  ar.  and    az.  on   a  bend   gu, 

three  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
Bray,  Erm.  a  crofs  formee  gu. 
BRAYE,    [Cornwall]    Ar.   three  pine-trees    erafed    proper, 

frucled    or. — Creft,  out  of    a  ducal  coronet  az.  a   griffin's 

head  erm. 
Braye,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  grifHiis  heads  erafed  gu.  an 

cfcallop-fhell  or. — Crefl,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  plume 

of  five  feathers,  three  ar.  two  az.  on  the  top  of  the  plume  a 

griffin's  head   gu. 
BRAYBECK,  Gu.  fix  fufils  in  bend  or. 
Brayhcck,  Gu.  fix  fufils  in  bend  or,  a  label  of  five  points  az. 

Another  ar. 
BRAYBROKE,  [SufFolk]  Ar.  fcven  mafcles  az.  three,  three, 

and  one  ;    betw.  the  firft  and   fecond  rows  tvi-o  rofes  gu.-^ 

Creft,  a  maiden's  head  proper,   hair  or,  v.-ith  a  garland  of 

violets  and  leaves  round  her  head. 
Braylrokc,  [Buckinghamfliirc]    Ar.    k\m    mafcles    conjunfi-, 

three,  three,  and  one,  ga. 



BRAYFIELD,    [Noriolk]   A^urc,    a  crofs    chcquy   argent 

and  gu. 
BRAYLDOCKE,  Ar.   fevcn   mafclcs  pierced,   three,  three, 

and  one,  within  a  bordure  gu. 
BRAYLEFE,  Ar.  a  cinqucfoil   pierced  fa. 
BRAYLFORD,  Ar.   two  bends  az.  on  a  canton  fa.  a  chefs- 
rook  or. 
Braylaf^rdc,    or  BiaylforJ,    [Dcrbyfhirc]     Or,     a    cinqucfoil 

Braylford,   Ar.  two  bars    d.  on   a  canton   of   the    fecoml,    a 

cliefs-rook  or. 
Brciylford,  Qiiartcriy  per  fclTe  indented  or  and  az. 
Braylford,  Ar.  five  mafclcs  in  falticr  fa. 
BRAYLIE,  or  Brulve,  Ermine,  on    a   bend   gules,  three 

chev.  or. 
BRAYLSTON,  Sa.  fix  mullets  or,  three,  two,  and  one. 
BR.'VY.ME,   Ar.  on  a  pale  gu.  three  leopards  heads  of  the 

BRAYNE,  ,[GIouceftcr{hirc]  Az.  on  a  fefil-,  bctw.  three  bu- 
gle-horns ftringed  ar.  a  hemp-hackle  gu. 
Braym,  Az.  a  crofs  molinc  or. 
Bitiyrif,  Sa.  a  crofs  moiine  or. 

BRAITHVVAIT,     [Caltrick     in    Richmondfliire,    in     the 
North  riding  of  Yorkfliirc]  Gu.   on  a  chcv.  ar.  three  crofs 
croflets  fitchee  fa. — Creft,  a  greyhound  couchant  ar. 
BRAYTOFT,  [Lincolnfiiirc]   Ar.   a  leopard  rampant  gar- 
.    dant  az, 
Braytcft,  Ari   a  lion  rampant,  within  an  orle  of  crofs  croflets 

fitchee  az.  , 

Braytoft,  [Linco'nfhire]  Az.criifuly,  (another,  crolTjs  botonce) 
a  lion   rampant  ar. — Creft,   a  demi-lion   rampant   gu.   cru- 
fuly  ar. 
BrayUft^  [Braytoft,  in  Lincolnfiiirc]   Per  pale  ar.  and  az.  two 

lions  rampant  counterchanged. 
Breytofty  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  az.  armed  gu. 
BRAYTON,  Ae.  two  chev.  betw.  as  many  mullets  or. 
Braytcn,  Az.  two  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  ar. 
BRAKELEY,  Sa.  two  bars  vaire  ar.  and  vert. 
BRAKENBURY,   [Durham]   Ar.  three  chevroncls  braced  in 
bafe  fable. — Creft,  a  lion    couchant   gardant  la.    under   an 
oak-tree  vert; 
Brakenbury,  [Durham]  Or;  fretty  fa. 
Brakenlnry,  [Kent]    Or,  fretty  fa.    on  a  canton  gu.  a  bird  of 

the  firft. 
BRAKENTRE,  [Sopcrfeiftiire]    Erm.  a  crofs  engrailed  fa. 

charged  with  five  mullets  ar. 
ERAKYN,   [Cambridgefiiire]  Gu.  a  ki^e  chequy  ?.r.  and  az. 
betw.  three  lozenges  or,  each  charged  with  a  martlet  of  the 
Brakyn,  Az.  three  mullets  or,  two  and  one  ;  a  chief  indented 

Brakyn,  [Cheftcrton,  in  Cambrldgcftiire]    Ar   five  martlets  in 
crofs    fable. — Creft,    a    hawk's  head   erafed  argent,   ducal'y 
gorged  or. 
BRAMARS,   orBRAMARASSE,  Or,  a  fefTc  az. 
BR  AMBER  r,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  rakes  of  the  field. 
BR  AM  BUD,  Ar.  three  annulets  and  a  canton  az. 
BRAMES    [Kent]     Sa.    on    a   Chief    ar.    a   demilion    ram- 
pant gu. 
BRAJMFORD,    [Lincolnfiiirc    and    Yorkfliirc]    Ar.    a    feiFc 

BRAMHALL,  [Cheftcr  and  London]  Sa.  a  lion  rampant   or, 
armed  and  langucd  gu. — Creft,  a  li;>n  palfantor,  differenced 
on  the  ftioulder  with  a  crcfcent  upon  a  crefcent. — Confirmed 
Kov.  31,  1628. 
BRAMPTON,  Azure,  two    lio:  s    paftant   or,   armed    and 

langued  gu. 
Bramptsn,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or. 


Brampti)!,  [Norfolk  and  Suffolk]   Gu.  a  lion  rampant  with 

two  tails  erm. 
Brampton,  Or,  two  lions  paflant  gu.  armed  and  langucd  az. 
Brampton,  [Attleborough,  in  Norfolk]  Gu.on  a  fefl'c  ar.  amu!- 
let  fa.  in  chief  three  plates. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  corone*: 
a  talbot's  head  gu.  cared  ar. 
Brampton,  Gu.  on  a  fefle  ar.  three  annulets  fa.  in   chief  thicc 

Brampton,  [Letton,   in  Norfolk]  Gu.   a  felTe  ar.  in  chief  thrcs 

Brampton^  Ar.  a  falticr  bctw.  four  crofs  croflets  fa. 
Brampton,  I\.t.  a  bend  daunccttcc  az. 
Brampton,  [London]  Az.  three  round  buckles  or. 
Brampton,  [Brampton,   in  Norfolk]  Gu.   a  falticr  bctw.   four 
crofs  croflets  fitchee  ar. — Creft,  on  a  tiger  ar.  a  naked  man 
aftride  proper,    wreathed    about   the    temples   ar.    and   gu. 
Another  creft,  a  lion  rampant  or,      SceBliO.MPTON. 
BRAMSHOW,  Or,  two  bars  and  a  canton  gu. 
KRAMSON,   or  Br.\nson,   Gyronny  of  fix  ar.  and  az. 
BRAMbTON,    [Screens,  in  Roxwe!!,  in  EffcxJ   Or,  on  a 
fefie  fa.  three  plates. — Creft,  a  lion  fejant  or,  gorged  with  a 
c  liar  fa.  charged  with  three  plates. 
Bramjlon,  [ VVoodham-Walter,  in  Elfex]   The  fame. 
Drawjlon,   Az.  three  crofies   patoncc  ar. 
BRAMTOT,   Per  pale  gu.  and  fa.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  within 

an  orle  of  crofs  croflets  fitchee  or. 
BRANCEY,    Barry  of  twelve  ar.  and  az. 
BRANCH,  Gu.  a  leopard's  head  jcilant  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
Branch,  or  ■  Branche,  Ermine,  a    fict  gules.     Another     erm. 

fretty  gu. 
BRANCHE,    Ar.   a  lion  rahipant  gu.    armed  az.  oopreficj 

with  a  bend  fa. 
BRAND,  [Gray's  Inn,  1616.]  Az.  two  fwords  in  faltier  ar. 

hiked  in    bafe   or,    a  bordure  engrailed   of  the  fccond. 

Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  Jt  leopard's  (or  lion's)  head 
gardant  ar.  femes  of  roundels  of  various  colours. 
Brand,  [Moulfcy,  in  Surry,    1591.]   Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three 
dexter  hands  couped  at  the  wrift  fa. — Creft,   out  of  a  ducal 
coronet  or,  a  cockatrice's  head  gu.  betw.  two  wint^s  prooer. 
Brand,  Vert,  a  griflin  pafFantand  a  chief  or. 
BRANDELYNG,   or  Brandling,  [Newcr.ftle,  in  North- 
umberland]   (lu.  a   crofs  p.itonce  ar.  in  the  chief  point  an 
cfcallop-ftiell  of  the  fccond. — Creft,  a  ftump  of  an  csk-trce 
couped  and  erafed  ;   from  the  top  ifluing  flames  of  fire,    from 
the  fiiilfter  a  fprig  with  one  acorn  and  leaves,  all  proper. 
BRANDON,  .\r.  two  bars  gu.  a  lion  rampant  double-queued 
or,  pcllc;ce. — Creft,   a  lion's  head  erafed  ar.   charged  with 
two  bars  gu.  on  each  three  bezants. 
Brandon,  [Suffolk]  Sa.  two  lions  gambs  per  Llticr  erafed,  betw. 

as  many  lions  heads  erafed  ar. 
Brandon  [London]   Orj  four  pallet?  gu.  on  a  canton   fa.  a  lion 

rampant  or. 
Brandsii,  Barry  of  ten  pieces  ar.  and  gu.  a  lion  rampant  or, 

ducally   crowned  per  pale  of  the    firft  and  fecond. 
Brand:?:,  Barry   of    twelve  pieces    ar.   and    gu.   a    lion  ram- 
pant or. 
B'andjn,  Ar.  four  bars  gu.  a  licm  rampant  cr,  duc<.'.iy  crowncii 
per  pale  of  the  fccond  and  third. 

BRANDRETH,  [Wecford,  in  Stafford/hire]  Sa.  a  crcfs 
of  five  maltles  or. — Creft,  a  iamb  couchant  ar. — By  parent, 
Nov.  10,  1623, 

ER.VNGOR,  Gu.  an  angel  ft.inding  direil,  with  I  is  hands 
conjoined  and  elevated  on  his  brcaft,  h:;b;ted  in  a  long  robe 
girt  ar.  his  wings  difplayed  or. 

BRANHOP,  "I  he  lame  L  BRANGHOPE. 

BRANKFREY,  or  Branktrey,  [1-ffcx]  .Ar.  on  a 
engrailed  f.i.  fivectolles  or. 

BR.\NS0N,  or  Bral'-.sos,  Per  p:.le  and  per  chev.  counter- 
changed  ar.   anJ  az. 

3O  BRAN-i, 


Brans,  Barruly  of  twelve  pieces  or  and  az. 

BR  ANDSBY,  Sa.  a  faltier  ar.  betw.  four  mullets  or. 

BRANSBY,  or  Brasley,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.   three 

fwans  necks  eraled  fa. 
BRANSPATH,  or  Eramspath,  Ar.  three  bars  and  a  canton 

BRANTESLEY,   or  Brantsley,  Ar.  on  a  bend  engrailed 

gu.   three  lions  rampant  or. 
BRANTHWAITE,  or   Braithwaite,    [London,  1582.] 

Or,    two  bends   engrailed   fa.— Crelt,  on  a  rock  proper,    an 

eagle  rifing  ar. 
BRASBRIDGE,    [Warwickfhire]   Vaire  ar.    and   fa.  a  fefle 

gu. — Crefl,  a  ftaff  raguly  ar. 
Brajhrige,   [Lincolnfbire]    Vaire,  a  feflegu; 
BRATHWAYTEi  [Weftmorland,    5591.]  Gu.  on  a  chev. 

ar.  three  crofs  croflets  fttched  fa.— C reft,   a  greyhound  cou- 

chant  ar.    collared   and   lined   gu.   the  collar    ftudded    and 

ringed  or. 
BRASHAM,  Or,  on  a  chief  az.  a  lion  paflant  gardant  of  the 

BRASETT,   Qtiarterly  per  fefle  indented  fa.  and  ar.  in  the 

firft  quarter  a  ftorlc  or. 
BRASYE,  [Cornwall]  Quarterly  indented  ar,  and  fa.     Ano- 
ther, fa.  and  ar. 
BRASSY,  Ar.  on  a  chief  gu.   two  mullets  of  the  field. 
BASIER,   [Londonderry]   Quarterly  per  feffe  indented  or  and 

fa.    four    cinquefoils   counterchanged. — Crclt,  a  demi-lion 

rampant,    party   per   pale,  or   and   fa. — Granted   May    24, 

BRATT,   [StafFordfhire]    Ar.  on  a  chev.  az.  three  bezants. 
BRATTON,   Sa.  a  lion,  rampant  ar. 
BRAWNE,  Ar.  three  bars  fa.   on  a  canton   gu.  a  faltier   of 

the  field. 
Bratvne,   [Surrey,   1604.]   Ar.  three  bars  fa.  on  a  canton  or, 

a  dragon's  head  erafed  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural 

coronet  or,  a  dragon's  head  fa. 
BRAVEING,   [Wilts]    Gu.  two   bends    wavy,  one  ar.    the 

other    or. — Creft,   a  dcmi-talbot   gu.    guttee   d'or,  ducally 

crowned  ar. 
BREAKE,  Gu.   a  dragon  volant  ar. 
BREAME,   [London]   Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  talSots 

heads   erafed  or,  as  many  mullets    fa. — Creft,   a  hand  and 

arm  couped  at  the  elbow,    ereft,  habited  bendy  of  fix  or  and 

az.  cuff  or,   the  hand  grafping  a  fifh,  all  proper. — Motto, 

God  is  my  defender. 
BREBROKE,   Ar.   fcven  mafeles  gu.  three,  three,  and  one, 

betw.  twelve  rofes  fa. 
BRECHE,   Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  fa. 
BRECKDON,  Gu,  five  fufils  in  bend  ar. 
BRECKNOCK,  [Wales]  Ban-uly  of  twelve  pieces  ar.  and 

gu.  an  orle  of  ten  martlets  fa. 
Byecknock,   Barruly  of  ten  pieces  ar.  and  gu.  an  orle  of  eight 

martlets  fa. 
Brecknock,  or  Brecknoy,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  (another, 

bears)  gambs  erafed  fa. 
BREDGATE,  or  Bredgatt,   [Kent]  Ar.  a  bend  az.  frctty 

of  the  field,  betw.  two  lions  paflant  gardant  gu. 
BREDHAM,  [Kent]  Ar.  two  bendlets  fa. 
Bredham,    [Kent]    Ar.  a  bend  fa. 
BREDINGHURST,    [Surrey]    Az.    on  a  fefl^e  indented  ar. 

three  martlets  gu. 
BREDLESHAW,  [Yorkftiire]  Ar.   two  bars  voided  az.  in 

chief  three  mullets  gu. 
BREDMAN,  [Bedfordfliire]   Ar.  on  a  crofs  fa.  five  lozenges 

BREDNELL,    [London]  Ar.   on   a  chev.   gu.  betw.  three 

didappers  az.  a  crefcent  or,  charged  with  a  mullet  fa. 
BREEDON,  [Croton,  Northamptonfliire]  Gu.  «  lioij  ram- 

B    R    :G 

pant  ar.  betw.  eight  nails  or. — Creft-,   a  demi-lion  ar.  hold- 
ing a  crofs  patee  fitchce  gu. 
BREDWELL,   [Suffolk]   Gu.   a  goat  faliffnt  ar,  attired  or. 
Bredwell,    [Siiftblk]    Ar.  on  a   bend  engrailed  fa.  three    goats 

heads  couped  of  the  field,  attired  Or, 
BREUSE,  Az,  crufuly  or,  a  lion  of  the  laft,  on  his  (houlder 

a  fleur-de-lis  gu. 
BREYLEY,  Ar.  a  crofs  gu. 
BREKIN,  [Cumberland]    Gu.    a   feffe   chequy  ar.    and   aZ, 

betw.  thre^  lozenges  ar.   each  charged   with  a  martlet  gu. 
BREMBER,   [London]  Ar.  three   annulets   (another,  two) 

and  a  canton  az. 
Brejnber,   [London]   Az.  three  annulets  ar.  on  a  canton  of  the 

laft,   a  mullet  gu. 
BREMOND,  Ar.   a  lion  rampant  az. 
BREMSHOT,  [Hampftiire]  Ar,  on  a  feffe  gH.  a  crefcent  ot 

the  firft,-  and  canton  of  the  fpcond. 
BREN,  Ar.  a  chev.   betw.  three  dexter  hands  couped  at  the 

wrift  fa. 
BRENCHESLEY,  or  Brenchley.  Az.  a  crofs  patonce  or. 

Another,  the  crofs  engrailed. 
BRENDE,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  chev.    betw.  three  finlfter 

hands  couped   fa.  as  many  fpear-heads   of  the  field. — Cie{k, 

a  lion  rampant  gardant  ar. 
Brende,  [Suffolk]    The  fame. — Creft,   the   fori  part  of  a  lioa 

gn,  blended  to  the  hind  part  of  a  dragon  fejant  vert. 
BRENDFYERD,  Sa.    three  antelopes  heads  couped  ar,  at- 
tired or, 
BRENDFYLD,   Az.  a  crofs  chequy  ar,  and  gu.  betw.   four 

mullets  or. 
BRENERS,  Or,  t-ft'o  bars  gu.  over  all  a  lion  rampant  of  the 

BRENHAM,    Sa.    a   cr6fs    ar.    betw.    four   crefccnts  of  the 

BREN  LEY,   Gu,  a  grlftin  fegreant  or. 
BRENNE,    Ar,    a    feffe   dauncettee,   betv.',    three   leopards 

faces  fa, 
BRENT,  [Kent]   Gu,  a  wivern  fegreant,  the    tail  nowed  ar. 
Brent,     [Kent,    Somerfet,     and   Gloucefter]    Gu.    a    wiverif 

paffant  ar, — Creft,  a  dragon's  head  betw.   two  wings  ex- 
panded ar. 
Brent,   [Kent]  Gu.  a  cpckatrice  fallent  or. 
Brent,  [Do-rfetibife]   Gu.  feven  griffins  fegreant  ar. 
Brent,  [Oxford,  Pat.  1613.]  Gu.  a  wivern  ar.  charged  on  th«i 

breaft  with  three  fpots   of  erm.  one   and  two. — Creft  a  wi- 

vern's  head  betw,    two  wivern's  wings  ar.  charged   on   ths 

breaft  as  the  arms. 
BRENTYNE,  Az.   three  eagles  difplayed  ar.  armed  or,  two 

and  one. 
BRENTISLEY,   or  Brentsiey,  Ar.  on  a  bend  cngrailej 

gu.  three  lions  rampant  of  the  field. 
BRENTON,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond,  a 

crofs  of  the  firft. 
Brcnton,   [Hertfordfhire]    Ar.    a  chev.  gu.  betw.   three  mart- 
lets fa. 
BREREGHLY,  Ar,  a  crofs  botonee  gu. 
BREREHOUGH,    Ar.  a   crofs    potence    gu,    betw,    three 

BRERES,   [Chorley,  in  Lancafhire]  Erm.   on  a  canton  az.  3. 

falcon  volant  or, — Creft,  a  nag's  head  erminois. 
BRERELEY,  Ar.  a  crofs  potence  (another  patee)  gu. 
BREARLEY,  [London]  Ar,   a  crofs  potent  gu.  in  the  dc.x^ 
ter  point  a  fleur-de-lis  of  the  fecond, — Creft,    a  crofs  potent 
fitched  gu,  betw,  two  wings  ar. 
BRERETO,  Az.  a  crofs  engrailed  ar. 

BRERETON,  [Chefliire]    Ar.  two  bars  fa.  a  crefcejit  gu. 
charged  with  a  mullet  or. — Creft,  a  hear's  head  and  neck 
erafed  fa.   muzzled  gu,  the  muzzle  ftudded  or. 
Br.'retjr,  [Burras,  in  Denbighfliire]  Ar.  two  bars  fa. 


B     R     E 

Brtretcn,  Ar.  betw.  two  bars  fa.  a  crofs  patonce  of  the  feconil, 

charged  with  five  bezants. — Croft,  on  a  chapeau  az.  turned 

up  erin.  a  dragon  with  wings  expanded  gu. 
^reretin,  [Stafiordfliire  and  Chefliirc]     Tlic  fame. 
Breretoti,  Quarterly  ar  and  fa.    in  the  firft,  two  bars  fa.  in  the 

fecond  as  many  banners  ar. 
Brercton,  Ar.  three  eagles  difplaycd  gu. 
Brereton,  [Devonfhire]  Ar.  frctty  gu.  en  a   chief  or,  crufuly 

gu.  a  lion  rampant  of  the  fecond. 
BRERWOOD,  Erm.  two  pales  vairJ ;  on  a  chief  ar.  a  tor- 

teaux  betw.  two  garbs  gu. 
Brerzvoody  or  Brierwood,   [Chcfter]    Erm.   two  pales  vaire    or 

and  az.  on  a  chief  az.  a  bezant  betw.  two  garbs  or^ — Creft, 

two  fwords  in  falticr  gu.   pomels  and  hilts  or,  cnfilcd  with  an 

earl's  coronet  proper. 
BRESSEY,  Qiiarterly  per  feffe  dauncettec,  fa.  and  ar.  in  tlie 

fit  ft  qu.irter  a  tcale  ar. — Creft,  on  a  mount,  a  te:ilc  :ir. 
BRESSY,  Quarterly  fa.  and  ar.  in  the  firft  quarter   a  teaic  of 

the  fecond. 
BREST,  [Kent]  Sa.  a  cinquefoil  betw.  an  ork  of  crofs  crof- 

lets  or. 
BRETARGH,    [Brctargh,    in   Lancafliirc]  Ar.  a  fret  gu. 

on  a  chief  or,  a  lion  pafiant  of  the  fecond. 
Bntar^b,  Ar.   a  fret  gu.    on    a  chief  or,  a  lion  pafTunt  betw. 

two  ciofs  croflets  fa. 
BRETAIGNE,  Chequy  or  and  az.  a  canton  erm.  within    ?. 

bordure  gu.  charged  with   eight  lions  paffant  gardant  or. 
BRETAYNE,  Erm.    a  canton  chequy  or  and  az.  within  a 

bordure  gu.   charged  with   eight  lions  paftant  gardant  or. 
ERETINGHAM,  Erm.  a  pile  az. 
BRETTY,  Chequy  ar.  and  az. 
BRETEWELL,  Gu.  fix  crofs  crollcts  fitchce  ar.  three,  t-.vo, 

and   one. 
BRETON,  [Efiex]  Az.  two  chev.  or,  on  the  firft  a  mullet 

fa, — Creft,  on  a  lion's  gamb  az.  a  chev.  or,  charged  with  a 

mullet  fa. 
Bntc;:,    [London,    StatTordftiire,    and    LeicefterfhireJ    Az:    a 

bend  betw.  fix  mullets    pierced  cr. — Creft,  a   lien's    gamb 

erafcd  az.  charged  with  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  billets  ar. 
Bretoyi,  [Haxfted,  in  Efiex]   Az.   two  chev.   or,  in   cliiL-f  as 

many  mullets  of  the   fecond.     Another^   the  mullets  with 

fix  points. 
Breton,  Or,  frctty  fa.  a  chief  of  the  fecond. 
Breton,  Az.  abend  or,  betw.  fix  efcallop-fliclls  ar. 
Breton,  Az.  a  bend  ar.  frctty  gu.  betw.  fix  mullets  or. 
Breton,  Az.  a  bend  betw.   fix  martlets  or. 

Breton,  [Norfolk  and  Lincolnfhire]  Az.  a  bend  betw.  fix  mul- 
lets or.     Another,  ar. 
Breton,  [EfTex]  Az.  two  chev.  or. 
Breton,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  door-ftaplcs  gu. 
Briton,  Az.  a  tun  in  fefte  ar.  over  it  a  fcroll    of  the  ftcond, 

infcribed  BR.E.      [Temp.  Hen.  II.] 
Breton,  Or,  a  crofs  croilet  az. 
Breton,  [Norfolk]    Qiiarterly  ar.  and  gu     in  the  firft  quarter 

a  mullet  fa.  (another,  the  mullet  gu.) — Creft,  a  demi-talbot 

gu.  eared  or,  collared  and  lined  cf  the  fecond,  holding  in  his 

feet  the  line  coiled  up. 
Breton,  Qiiarterly  fa.  and  ar.  on  the  fiift,  a  lion  pafEint  gar-. 

dant  or. 
Breton^  Qiiarterly  ar.  and  fa.   two  lions,  and  as  many  mullets, 

Brelon,  Qiuirterly  ar.  and  fa.  on  the  firft,  a  lion  rampant  of  the 

Breton,  [Suffolk  and  EfTex]  Quarterly  or  and  gu.  a  bordure  az. 
Breton,  [Wichingham,    in  Norfolk]   Quarterly  per   fefte  in- 
dented ar.  and  gu.     A  mullet  for  difference. 
Breton,  Ar.  a  lion  paflant  fa. 
Breton,  ox  Bretton,  [Northamptonfliire]   Ar.  a  fefic  dauncett<'e 

gu.  in  chief  three  boars  heads  couped  fa. — Creft,  on  a  mu- 
ral coronet  gu.  a  boar's  head  couped  fa. 

B     R     E 

Breton,   or  Bretton,    Ar.   a  fefe  daunceltee    gu.    betw.   tiirdC 

boars  heads   couped  fa. 
BRETORON,  Az.  on  a  bend,  betw.  fix  mullets  or,  a  boar'j 

gamb  couped  at  the  knee  fa. 
BRETT,  Az.  flory  ar.  a  lion  rampant  regardant  of  the  fecond, 

on  his  fliouldcr  a  mullet;  over  al!  a  bend  gu. 
Brett,  [Kent  and  DevonfliircJ  Or,  a  lion  rampant  within  an 

or!e  of  crofs  croflets  fitche'c  gu.— Creft,  a  lion  p..flant  gu. 
i?>Y//,Ar.  crufuly  fitchtcgu.  a  lion  rampant  of  the  fecond  (on 

his  fliouldcran  etoile)  armed  and  langued  or. 
Brat,  [London]   Ar.  crufuly  fitchce  gu.    a   lion   rampant  oi 

the  fecond. 
Brett,  [SomcrfctftiireJ   Ar.    a   lion  rampant  betw.    nine  crofs 

croflets  fitchee  gu, 
Brett,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  charged  on  the  fhouldcr  with   a 

trefoil    flipped   or,  betw.  eight  (another,  ten]    crofs  crollcts 

fitchce  of  the  fecond. 
Brett,  [Kent]    Or,  a  lion  rampant  gardant  betw.   five  crofs 

croflets  fitchce  gu. 
Erctt,  Gu.  in  chief  a  lion  paflant  gardant  (another,  rampant  j 

another,  regardant)  or. 
Enit,  [Devonlliire]  Ar.  frettygu.  on  a  chief  or,  fcmcc  of  rrcfs 

croflets  fitchce  of  the  fecond,  and  a  lion  rampSnt  of  the  laft. 
Brett,  Gu.    a  bend  betv.-een  fix  martlets  or. 
Brett,  Ar.  a  bend  gu.  billetty  of  the  field. 
Brett,  [Leiceftcrftiire]  Gu.  a  fefie  dauncettce  ar.  betw.  tv/clvt 

billets  or. 
Brett,  [Leiceftcrfliire]  Gu.  a  fciTe  dauncettec,  betw.  ei-ht  bil- 
lets, four  and  four,  or. 
Erett,  [Staftbrdlhire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  az.  three  bezants. — Creft, 

a  lion's  gamb  eredt  and  erafed  ar.   grafping  a  wolf's   head 

erafcd  proper.     Another,  a  dragon's  vert. 
Brett,  [Leiceftcrfliire and  Glouccfterfhire]  Gu.  a fefTc dauncettec 

betv.'.  ten    bezants. —  Creft,  on  a   tower   ar.  a  man's   head 

Brett,   [Wapinthorne,  in  Efiex]  Gu.  a  fefl'e  dauncettec  betw. 

ten  billets  cr,    four  in  chief,  three,  two,  and  one,  in  bafe, 
Brett,  Sa.  a  fefl"c  ar.  betw.  three  efcallop-fhellsor. 
Brett,  Party  per  chev.   embattled  or  and   gu.  three  cinoucfoili 

Brett,  Or,  three  piles  a^. 
Brett,  Gu.  a  griffin  fegreant  ar. 
iiM//,  [Kent]   Az.  fivecinquefoils  in  f.iltier  ar. — Creft,  a  "rif- 

fiii's  liead  betw.  two  wings  expanded  az.  beaked  or. 
BUETOSTE,     Az.  a  lion  rampant  fans  tail,  within  an  or!e 

of  croffcs  moline  ar. 
BREVI I  ER,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  quarter  pierced  az.  four  fleur;-dc- 

lis  or. 
BREWAS,  Or,  two  chev.  gu.  within  a  bordure  engrailed  az, 
BREWERCOTT,  Ar.  a  crcfs  patonce  vert,   over  all  a  label 

of  three  points  gu. 
BREWER,  [Kent]  Gu.  two  bends  wavy  or,  a  canfon  vaire. — 

Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet,  a  hand  and  arm  couped  at  the 

elbow,  habited  gu.  billetty  or,  holding  in  the.  hand  proper, 

a  battle-axe  ar. 
Bteiver,  [Devonfliirc]  Gu.  two  bends  wavy  or. 
Brewer,  [London  and  Somerfetfhire]  Gu.  two  bends  wavv  or, 

a   chief  vaire,    a  martlet    for   difference. — Creft,    a     fjren 

charged  with  a  martlet  for   difference;  her  human  part  pro- 
per, her  tail  fcaled  or  and  gu.  divided  by  parallel  lines  wavv. 

—Her.  Off".  Lon.  C.  24. 
BREWN,  Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed   fa. 

BREWNE,  [South-Okenden,inEfi'cx]  Az.  a  crofs  moline  or. 
BREWSW.'XRD,  Sa.  three  antelopes    heads  couped  or. 
BREWSIEKE,  [Middlcfcx]  Sa.  three  antelopes  heads  erafcd 

ar.  armed  or. 
BREWS,   or  liREWis,  Ar.  a  crofs  mafculy  gu. 
BREWSE,  Az.  a  crofs  engrailed  or. 
Breiife,  Az.  crufuly,  and  a  lionrampp.nt  crowned  or. 


B     R     E 

By(wfi:,  [Suffolk]    Ar.    femee  of  croflets,    and  a  lion  rampant 

gu.  crowned  or. 
.^rcivfi,   [Wagford,   in  Bucks]  Az,  fcmec    of  croflets,   a  lion 
rampant  or. 

Brewfe,  [Norfolk]  Erm.  (another,  ar.)  a  lion  rampant  gu. 
tail  forked. 

Brewfc,  Az.   a  lion  rampant  or. 

Brewfc,  Gu.  a  faltier  ar. 

Brnvfe,  [Huntingdonihire]  Az.  a  faltier  and  chief  or.  See 

Erewfe,  Gu.  a  faltier  engrailed  ar.  and  chief  indented  per 
feffe  of  the  firft  and  fecond. 

Brnvfe,  or  and  az.  an  incfcutchcon  ar.  charged  with 
a  bend  gu. 

Bn'wfe,  Ar.  an  inefcutcheon,  within  a  double  trelfure  flory 
eounter-flory  gu. 

Bnivfe,  Or,  a  fclie  and  chief  gu. 

Bi-eivfe,   Quarterly  indented  fa.   and  ar. 

BREWSTER,  Sa.   a  chcv.  erm.  bctw.  three  etsiles  ar, 

Bmv/ler,  [Northampton]  Az.  achev.  erm.  betw.  three  etoiles 
ar. — Creft,  a  leopard's  head  erafed  fa.  (another,  az.)  bc- 

BRYAN,  Or,  three  piles  meeting  near  in  the  bafe  of  the 
efcutcheon  az. 

Bryan,  Ar.  three  piles  wavy  vert,  within  a  bordure  az. 
an  annulet  or. 

Bryan,  The  fame,  the  bordure  being  charged  with  mullets. 

Bryan,  Ar.  three  piles  vert. 

Biyan,  [VVrotham,  in  Kent]  Or,  three  piles,  az.  a  canton 
erm. — Creft,    on   a  garb  lying  feffeways,  a  bird 

Bryan,   [Gloucefter,  and  Devonfhire]   Or,  three  piles  az. 

Bryan,.  [tJcdfordfhire]  Or,  three  piles  meeting  near  in  the 
bafe  vert,   within  a  bordure  az.  bezantee. 

Bryan,  [Bolingbrokc,  in  Lincolnfhire]  Or,  three  piles  meet- 
ing near  in  the  bafe  az.  within  a  bordure  engrailed  erm. 
— Creft,  a  greyhound  current  regardant  erm.  cellared  or. 

Bryan,  [Ireland]  Ar.  three  piles  gu. 

Bryan,  Or,  two  lions  rampant  endorfed  gu. 

Bryan,  Errn.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  crowned  or,  within  a  bor- 
dure fa.  bezantee. 

Bryan,  [Chefiiire  and  Cornwall]  Erm.  a  lion  rampant  gu. 
over  all  a  bend  fa.  bez^mtee. 

Bryan,  [Torven,  in  Chefter]   Sa.  an  eagle  difplayed  ar. 

Bryan,  Az.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  crcfccnts  gu.  in  chief  a  dol- 
phin ar. 

BRYANSON,  Gyronny  of  eight  az.  and  or.  Another,  az. 
and  ar. 

BRICHER,  [Effex]  Or,  a  faltier  betw.  four  lions  ram- 
pant fa. 

BRICKED,  [Chefliire]  Sa.  three  garbs  or,  within  a  bordure 
ar.     Another,   the  bordure  or. 

ERIKET,  [Lancafliire]  Sa.  three  garbs  within  a  bordure  en- 
grailed or.     Another,   the  bordure  ar. 

BRICKET,  or  Bryket,  [Chefhire]  Sa.  three  garbs  or, 
within  a  bordure  engrailed  ar. 

BRICE,  [Somerfetfhire]  Sa.  a  grifBn  paffant  or. — Creft,  a 
lion's  head  erafed  erm.  pierced  through  with  an  arrow  or, 
feathered  and  headed  ar. 

Brice,  [Lancafhire,  and  London,  1456.]  Ar.  fretty  gu.  over 
all  a  crofs  of  the  firft,  all  within  a  bordure  fa,  charged- 
with  eight  cinquefoils  ar. 

BRICKLEY,  Ar.  achev.  betw.  three  martlets  fa.  a  chief  en- 
grailed vert. 

BR1CK.LETON,  Ar.  on  achev.  bctw.  three  leopards  heads  fa. 
as  many  mullets  or. 

BRICUS,  Sa.  three  garbs  or,  en  a  chief  of  the  fecond  a  tal- 
bot's  head  erafed  betw.  two  billets  gu. 

BRIDDE,  Ar,  a  crofs  formee  (another,  flory)  betw.  foar 
martlets  gu. 

V»     R     1 

Bs'idde,  The,  adding  a  canton  az. 

BRIDGE,  [Boftjury,  in  Hcreford-fliire]  Ar.  achicf  gu.  ov«J 
all  a  bend  engrailed  fa.  charged  in  the  dexter  point  with  a 
chaplct  or. — Creft,'  two  wings  indorfed  ar.  on  each  a  chev,' 
engrailed  fa.  charged  with  a  chaplet  or. 

£'/7a^;v,  [Lancafhire]  Ar.  a  bend  fa.  and  a  chief  of  the  fecond. 

BRIDGER,  or  Bricer,  [Gloucefterfhirj,  and  Combe  in 
Sufil-x]  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  fa.  (another,  az.)  betw.  three 
fca-crabs  gu. 

Briil^er,  or  Briber,  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  betw.  three  fea- 
crab;;  gu. 

BRIDGEN,  Az.  a  bri-dgl  of  three  arches,  embattled  at  top,  in 
ftfle  ar.  mafoned  fa.  betw.  three  (ea-lions  paflant  or. — Cteft, 
a  demi-mariner  proper,  habited  in  brown  ;  round  the  wailt 
a  fafti,  and  on  his  head  a  cap,  gu.  in  his  dexter  hand 
a  fphere  held  out  or,  his  fmifter  arm  rcfting  on  an  an- 
chor   of  the  laft. 

BRIDGES,  Erm.  a  crofs  pean. 

Bridges,  [Chillingford  and  Badow,  in  Efex]  Ar.  three  ef- 
cutcheons  gu.  each  charged  with  a  bend  vaire  ar.  and  fa, 
betw.  two  rofes  or. — Creft,  a  bear  paflant  ar.  pierced 
through  the  neck  with  a  broken  fpear  or,  headed  ar.  and 
cmbrucd  gu.     Granted  1562. 

Briilfes,  [Gloucefterfhire]  Ar.  on  a  erofs  fa.  a  leopard's  head 
or. — Creft,  a  man's  head  proper,  fide-faced,  coup.d  below 
t!ie  flioulder,  vefted  paly  of  fix,  all  ar.  fcmee  of  tor- 
tcau.'ces,  and  wreath  round  the  temples  ar.  and  az. 

Bruises,   Az.  fretty  ar.  a  chief  or. 

Bridges,  [Kent]  Az.  three  water-bougets '  cr,  within  a  bor- 
dure erm. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  Moor's  hcmi^ 
fide-faced  proper. 

Bridges,  Gu.  three  bars  gemellcs  or,  a  canton  az. 

BRIDGMAN,  [Caftle-Bromwich,  in  Warwickfiiire]  Sa, 
ten  plates,  four,  three,  two,  and  one ;  on  a  chief  ar.  a 
lion  paflant  ermines. — Creft,  a  dcmi-lion  rampant  ar.  hold- 
ing betw,  his  paws  a  garland  of  laurel  proper. 

Brid^eman,  [Salop]  Sa.  ten  plates;  on  a  chief  ar.  a  lion  paffant 
ermines. — -Creft,  a   fox  fejant  proper. 

Bridgnian,  Az.  ten  bezants;  on  a  chief  ar.  a  lion  paflant  fa. 

BRIDGEWATER,  Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  fa.  on  a  chief 
az.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Creft,-  a  demi-fl:ag  or,  at- 
tired fa. 

Bridgevsiitcr,    Sa    an  cngle  difplayed   ar.  a  chief  Of  the  laft. 

BRIDLED,  [Devonftiire]  Ar.  a  b.ndle  or. 

BRIDLEHALL,  or  Bridleshaw,  [Lincolnfhire  and  Lan- 
cafhire] Ar.  two  bars  gemclles,  az.  in  chief  three  mullets  gu. 

BRIDMANSTON,  [DorfetfliireJ  Ar.  ky^n  lozenges  fa^ 
three,   three,  and  one. 

BRIDON,  [St.  Edmund's  Bury,  Suff'olk]  Ar.  three  hawks 
heads  erafed  fa.  two  and  one;  a  bordure  engrailed  az.  be-^ 
zantee. — Creft,  a  hawk's  head  erafed  fa.  charged  with  three 
bezants,   one  and  two. 

BRIERLEY,  [London]  Ar.  a  crofs  potent  gu.  in  the  dcx- 
ser  corner  a  fleur-de-lis  or. — Creft,  a  crofs  potent  fitchcii 
gu.  betw.  two  wings  ar.     Granted   1625. 

BRIERLY,  Ar.  a  crofs  croflet  gu. 

Brier ly,  Ar.  a  crofs  croAct  fa. 

BRIERS,  [Bedfo-rdfhire]  Az.  achev.  flory  and  counterflor* 
erm,  betw.  three  mullets  pierced  ar. — Creft.  a  demi-lcopard 
rampant  gardant,  and  erafed  az.  gorged'  with  a  collar  ar.' 
charged  with  three  mullets  pierced  gu. 

BRIGFORD,  Gu.  two  bars  betw.  three  martlets  or.  Ano- 
ther, the  martlets  ar. 

BRYGGE,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  three  bars  gemelles  or,  a  can- 
ton fa. 

BRIGGS,  [Salop]  The  fame  coat,  with  the  canton 
charged  with  a  crefcent;  which  canton  was-  altered  ro  a. 
caji'.on  ermines,-    16S2. 


15     R     I 

^"iih  [London  and  Shropfhire]  Or,  three  inefcutclicons  gu. 
each  charged  with  a  bend  vaire. — Creft,  on  a  ftump  of  a  tree 
erafed  and  couped  or,  fprouting  two  new  branches  vert  ;  a 
pelican  or,    vulning  her  brcaft  gu.     . 

^'''gS^->  [Haughton,  in  Shropfliire]  Gu.  three  bars  gemelles  or, 
on  a  canton  fa.  a  crefcent  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  an  arm 
embowcd,  covered  with  leaves  vert,  holding  in  the  hand 
proper,  a  bow  gul  flrung  fa.  and  an  arrow  ar. 

Brig^s,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  on  an  inefcutcheon  gu.  abend  vaire, 
betw.  two  cinquefoils  or,  within  a  bordurc  engrailed  ais. 

Br'iggs,   Ar.  three  owls  fa. 

Briggs,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  two  bars  voided  or,  a  canton  erm. 

Briggs,  Quarterly  or  and  gu.  a  canton  fa 

BRIGGLS,  [Weftmoreland]  Ar.  a  fleur-de-lis  betw.  three 
inefcutchcons  gu.  each  charged  with  a  bend  of  the  field,^ 
Creft,  a  fox  proper. 

ERYGGS,  Ar.  three  bars  and  a  canton  gu. 

BRIGHAM,  [Yorkfliirej  Ar.  a  faltier  engrailed  vert.  Ano- 
ther, the  faltier  fa. 

Brigham,  [Cumberland]  Ar.  a  flcur-dc-lis  (another,  three) 
within  an  orle  of  martlets  fa. 

Brigham,  [Yorkfhirc]  Ar,  a  feffe  fa.  betw.  three  trefoils  flip- 
ped gu. 

BRIGHOUSE,  [Lincolnfhire]  Sa.  on  a  feRe  betw.  three 
lions  rampant  or,  as  many  crefcents  of  the  field. — Creft, 
out  of  a  mural  coronet  or,  a  tiger's  head  ar. 

BRIGHT,  [Badfworth,  in  Yorkftiire]  Per  pale  az.  and  gu. 
abend  betw.  two  mullets  or. 

Bright,  Per  pale  gu.  and  az.  a  bend  betw.  two  mullets  in 
pale  ar. 

Bright,  [Suffolk]  Sa.  a  fefle  ar.  betw.  three  efcallop-fliells  or. 
— Creft,  a  dragon's  head  gu.  vomiting  flames  of  fire  pro- 
per, collared  and  lined  or.     Granted  1615. 

Bright,  Az.  three  mullets  pierced  and  a  chief  indented  or. — • 
Creft,  a  demi-griifin  holding  in  his  dexter  claw  a  mul- 
let fa. 

ERIGHTBRIDGE,  [BuckinghamOiire]  Sa.  on  a  bend  or, 
betw.  two  cinquefoils  ar.  three  beais  heads  erafed  fa.  muz- 
zled or. 

BRIGHTELY,  Ar.  a  chev.  indented  gu. 

BRIGHTLY,  or  Brigley,  [Devonftiire]  Ar.  a  chief  In- 
dented gu. 

BRIGHTMAN,  or  Briztman,  [Paris-Garden,  in  Surry] 
Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  rampant  ar.  (another,  or.) — 
Creft,  a  dexter  arm  embowed  in  armour  proper,  gatniftied 
or,  holding  in  the  gauntlet  a  fword  ar.  hiked  or,  tied  round 
the  arm  with  a  fafh  or  and  purp.  the  arm  ifliiing  out  of 
rays  or. 

BRIGHTMERE,  or  Brichtmore,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw. 
three  fwans  heads  erafed  ar.     Another,  the  heads  couped. 

BRIGHTRIDGE,  [Oxford]  Sa.  on  a  bend,  betw.  two 
cinquefoils  or,  three  bears  heads  erafed  of  the  firft,  muzzled 
ar.  a  crefcent  for  difference. 

BRIGHTRIXTON,  or  Britixton,  Ar.  three  boars  heads 
betw.  fevcncrofs  croflets  fitchee  gu. — Her.  Off.  Ejjex,  C.  21. 

BRIGHTWALTON,  Sa.  a  bend  ar.  betw.  three  crofs  crof- 
lets fitchee  gu. 

BRIGRAKE,  Ar.  three  griiEns  in  fe/Te  gu. 

BRIKES,  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  ravens  heads  erafed  fa. 

BRIKET,  Ar.  three  talbots  heads  erafed  gu.  two  and  one  j  on 
a  chief  fa.  as  many  garbs  or. 

BRIM,  Gu.  a  fefie  or,  betw.  fix  martlets  ar. 

BRYME,  [Cumberland]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  guttee  de 

BRYMES,  Sa.  three  garbs  or,  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  a 
greyhound's  head  erafed  betw.  two  billets  gu. 

BRIMFIELD,  or  Brimfold,  Gu.  three  lions  pafTant  ar. 

BRY.MSHAWE,  Ar.  a  griffin  falient  fa. 

BRYiMSTONE,  Ar.  on  a  felTe  fa.  three  mullets  or. 

B     R     I 

BRYN,  Gu.  femte  of  nails  or,  a  lion  rampant  nr, 

Bryn,  Ar.  an  eagle  difpl.iyed  fa. 

BRYNE,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or,  billetty  gu. 

BRIND,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  hands  couped  and  bend - 

ways  finiftcr  fa.  three  fpear-heads  of  the  firft. 
BRINLEY,  Erm.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  chev,  or. 
BRINDESLEY,  Brinsley,    or  Brindsley,  Per  chev.  or 

and   fa.  three  cfcallop-fhells  countcrchangcd. 
BRINGBORNE,   [Fenftiav/,  in  Kent]   Sa.  a  pile  or,  over 

all  a  fcfle  counterchangcd.— Creft,  on  a  wolf's   head  erafed 

fa.  a  pile  or. 
BRINGHAM,  [DevonfliiK]   Ar.  a  pile  fa.  over  all  a  chev. 

Bringham,  Az.  a  bend  engrailed  or. 
Bringham,  Az.  a  bend  lozcngy  or. 
Bringham,  Or,  on  a  fcflc  gu.  three  watcr-boufet">  ar. 
BRINGHURST,     [Leiccfterftiire]    Az.    tJo  bars  erm.    in 

chief    three    efcallop-fhclls  or. — Creft,    an   arm  cmbowed» 

habited  in  mail  ar.  holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a  fpiked  club 

fa.   fpikcs  or. 
BRINGHOKE,   [Tcrrington,    in  Norfolk]  Paly  of  fouraz. 

and  gu.   over  all    a  fcflc  dauncetlec  betw.  three  bulls  heads 

erafed  or. 
BRINKESBORNE,    [Berkfhire]    Gu.  a  griffin  fegrcant  or, 

over  all  a  bend  erm.  a  chief  chequy  or  and  gu. 
BRINKHURST,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  ducally  crowned  or 

holding  in  each  forefoot  a  bezant. — Creft,  ademi-lion   as 

the  arms. 
BRINKLOW,  or   Brjnclow,   Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.   barry 

of  four,  each  charged  with  a  leopard's  face  and  fleur-de-lis 

all    countercharged.     Creft,   a  denii-lion  or,   fupportino-   a 

flaming  fword   gu.    hilted  or. 
BRYNSE,   Gu,  in  chief  a  lion  paflant  gardant  erm. 
BRINTON,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  martlets  fa. 
Brinton,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  tail  forked. 
BRYONYON,  Gyronny  of  ten  pieces  ar.  and  az. 
BRISBONE,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  martlets  or. 
BRYSE,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  fwans  clofe  ar. 
BRISKOO,  or  Brisco,  [Crofton,  in  Cumberland]  Ar.  thretf 

greyhounds  current  in  pale  la, — Creft,  a  greyhound  current 

fa.  feizing  a  hare  proper. 
BRISLAY,  Or,  on  a  feflTe  engrailed  gu.  three  crofTes  formee 

ar.  charged  each  with  five  pellets  betw.  three  cock  pheafants 

of  the  firft,    crefted  and  jelloped  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a 

cock   phcafant   proper,    ftanding   among   fmall   flowers   az. 

leaved  vert. 
BRISTOW,    [Hcrtfordftilre]  Erm,  on  a  fefle  cotifcd  fa.  three 

crefcents  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  crefcent  or,  a  demi-eagle  dif- 

played  az. 
BRITAYNE,  Chequy   or  and   az.   a  tower  triple-towerej 

erm.  port  difplayed  fa.  within    a  bordure  gu,  charged  with 

eight  leopards  paffant  of  the  firft. 
Brytayne,  Chequy  or   and  az.  a  canton  erm.  within  a  bordure 

gu,  charged  with  eight  lions  paflant  gardant  of  the  firft. 
BRITBY,  Gu,  a  fefle  betw,  ten  billets  .... 
BRITON,   or  Britton,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  gu.  a  bend  fa, 

guttee  de  I'eau. 
Britton,    Quarterly   per  fefTe  indented   ar.  and   fa.    in  the  firft 

quarter  a  mullet  fa. 
BRITT,  or  Britiza,  [Dcvonfhire]  Sa.  a  feflTe  ar.  (another, 

or)  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  or. 
BRITU,  [Devonftiire]    The  fame. 
BRIGHTWELL,  or  Britwell,  [Bucks]  Ar.  on  a  crofs  fa. 

five  lozenges  or, 
BRITWELL,  [Brit-vell,  in  Bucks]  Gu,  a  feflb  nebule'e  or, 
BRITWESILL,  Sa,  a   feflTe  erm,  betw,   three  weefels  cur- 
rent ar, — Creft,  a  filmon  naiant  proper.     Another,  a  tur- 

bot  ar, 
BRIXTON,  [Dcvonlhiie  and  Cornwall]  Erm.  on  a  canton 

3P  fe 

B     R     O 

fa.  a  horfe's  head  couped  ar.  with  bit  and  reins   gu.     Ano- 
ther, bridled  (a.  bofles  or. 
BROADOKE,  [Suffolk]    Or,  on  a  bend  engrailed  erm.  two 

ercfcents  gu. 
BRODOCKSHAW,  Sa.  three  lozenges  in  feffe  betw.  three 

flags  heads  caboflbd  ar. — Creft,  a  flag's  head  ar, 
BROADSPEARE,  [Wales]  Ar.   on  a  crofs  gu.  five   mul- 
lets or. 
BROATHUM,   Az.  a  crofs  engrailed  or. 
BRODHURST,  [Staffordftiire]   Az.  eight   ftaves  fretty  and 

raguly  or. 
BROC,  Ar.  a  badger  paffant  fa. 
BROCHWELL,  [Wales]   Sa.    three  nags  heads   erafed  ar. 

two  and  one. 
BROCK,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  engrailed,  betw.  three  boars  heads 

couped  fa.  an  annulet  or. 
BROCKAS,  [Hampftiire]  Sa.  a  lion  rampant  or. 
Brockas,  o\  Brokas,  [Hampfhire]  Sa.  a  lion  rampant  gardant  or. 
Brockas,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  fa.   tail  forked. 
Brockas,  Or,   a  lion  rampant  gardant  fa.  tall  forked, 
BROCKDON,  [Brockdon,    in  Devoir]    Per  chev.   ar.    and 

gu.  a  chev.    betw.   three  lions  rampant  counterchanged. — 

Creft,  a  flag's  head  erafed  per  chev.  ar.  and  gu.  attired  or. 
BROCKE,  Gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  a  lion  paffant,  (another,  paf- 

fant  gardant)    of  the  field. 
Brockc,  Gu.  on  a  lozenge  or,  a  chev.  az. 
BROCKET,  [Brocket-Hall,  in  Hertfordfhire]  Or,  a  crofs 

patonce   fa. — Creft,    a  flag  lodged   fa.  ducally   gorged  and 

lined  or. 
Brocket,  Or,  a  crofs  engrailed  fa. — Creft,  a  brocket,  or  young 

deer,   lodged  proper. 
Brocket,  or  Brockhlll,  [Kent]  Gu.    a  crofs  betw.  twelve  crofs 

crollets  fitchee  or. — Creft,  on   a  mount  vert,  a  badger  or 

brock  fi. 
BROCKHILL,  Gu.  a  crofs  betw.  twelve  crofs  crollets  ar. 
BrockblU,    or    BrockhuU,  [Aldington,  in    Kent]  Gu.   a  crofs 

engrailed  ar.  betw.  twelve  crofs  croflets  or.     Another,   the 

crofs  croflets  fitchee  ar. 
BROCKILL,  or  Bockhill,  Gu.   a  crofs  engrailed  ar, 
BROCKHOLE,    [Lancafliire]    Ar.    a    chev.    betw.    three 

brocks,  or  badgers,  fa. 
Brockole,  ox'  Brockholcy    [Brockole,   In   Lancafhire]   Ar.  three 

badgers  fa. 
BROCKMAN,  [Richbrow,   in  Kent]  Or,   a  crofs  formce 

fitchee  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,   three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the 

firft. — Creft,  on  a  fword  ered  ar.  hilt  and  pomel  or,  a  flag's 

head  cabofled  proper,  attired  or;  the  blade  through  the  head, 

and  bloody  at  the  point. 
Brockman,   [Kent]  Parted  per  bend  embattled  ar.  and  fa.  two 

martlets  counterchanged. 
BROCKMAN,  Per  fefle  indented  or  and  az.  three  martlets 

EROKEMAN,  [Kent]  Per   bend  ar.  and  fa.  a  bend  raguly 

betw.  two  martlets,    all  counterchanged. 
Brockton,  Vert,  a  griffin  fegreant  or. 
Brocton,  Vert,  a  griffin  fegreant,  within  a  bordure  or. 
Brocton,  [Salop]   Ar.  on  a  faltier  engrailed  gu.  five  fleurs-de- 
lis  or. 
ERODBRIGGE,  [Suflex]  Az.  a  broad-arrow  head  ar.  the 

top  of  the  middle  part  or. 
BRODBRIGE,   Az.  a  feffe  dauncettc'e  ar. 
BRODLES,  Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  lion  rampant  or. 
BRODNAX,  [Kent  and    Chefliire]    Or,   two  chev.  gu.  on 

a  chief  of  the  fecond,  three  cinquefoils  ar. — Creft,  out  of 

a  mural  coronet,  a  demi-eagle  or,  wings  gu.  gorged  with 

a  collar  of  the  fecond,  charged  with  three  cinquefoils  ar. 
BRODRICK,  [Wandfworth,  in  Surrey]  Ar.  on  a  chief  vert, 

two  fpears  heads  of  the  field,   embrued  gu. — Creft,  a  fpear's 

head  ar.  embrued  gu. 
BROGRAVE,  [Hamels,  in  Hertfoidfhire]    Ar.  three  lions 

B     R     O 

paflant  gardant  in  pale,  gu, — Creft,  an  eagle  dlfplayed  with 

two  heads,  erm.  each  head  ducally  crowned  or. 
Brogravc,  The  fame. 

BROYNE,  [Kent]  Az.  a  crofs  farcelly  or. 
Brcyne,  Ar.   an  eagle  difplayed  fa. 
BROY,  Erm,  a  lion  rampant  purp.  crowned  or. 
BROKELSBEY,    [Lincolnfliire]   Gu.  three  birds  or  ;  on  a 

chief  of  the  fecond,  three  crofs  croflets  gu. — Creft,  a  brock 

BROOKHURST,  Sa.  a  lion  rampant  gardant  or. 
BROKELEY,  Lozengy  or  and  gu.  a  chief  az. 
BROKLEY,  [London]  Lozengy  or  and  gu.  a  chief  ar. 
BROKER,  [Okely,   in  Northamptonfliire]  Or,  on  a  feffe  aZ. 

three  efcallops  of  the  firft. — ^Creft,  a  demi  fea-horfe  or. 
Broker,    [Kent]     Gu.     on    a  chev.    ar.    three    talbots     paf- 

fant  fi. 
BROKESBY,  Ar.  two  bars  nebulee  fa.  on  a  canton  gu.  a 

mullet  or. 
Brokcfiy,  Sa.  two  bars  nebulee  ar.  a  canton  gu. 
Broke/by,  [Melton-Mowbray,  in  Leicefterfhire]    Barry  nebulee 

of  fix  ar.  and  fa.  a  canton  gu. — Creft,  a  boar's  head  couped  gu. 
Brokejhy,  [Sholcy,    in   Leicefterftiire]    Ar.   two   bars  ntbule'c 

fa.  a  canton  gu. 
BROOKESBY,  Barry  nebulee  of  fix  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  canton 

of  the  fecond,  a  mallet  or. — Creft,  a  boar's  head  couped  gu. 

briftled  or. 
BROOKSBANK,  [Eland,    in     the   parifh   of    Halifax,    in 

Yorkfliire]  Az.  two  bars  ,wavy  ar.  within  a   bordure  or.— . 

Creft,  a  hart's  head  couped  proper,  attired  or,  gorged  with 

two  bars  wavy  az.     Granted  1703. 
BROKESHORNE,  Gu.  fix  eagles  difplayed,  three,  two,  and 

one,  ar. 
BROKET,   Or,  on  a  pile  az.  a  griffin  paffant  ar. 
BROKEHOLE,  or  Brokhole,   Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  twelve 

crofs  croflets  gu. 
Brokhole,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  wolves  heads  erafed  fa. 
BROKEWITT,  The  fame  as  BROCKET,  of  Kent. 
EROLHOLE,  Vaird,  abend  gu. 
BROMAGE,  [Worcefterftiire]   Gu.   a  chev.  embattled  or, 

betw.    three  helmets   proper. — Creft,  out  of  a  coronet,  an 

armed  arm,    holding  in  the  gauntlet  a  fword,  all  proper. 
BROME,  [Halton,  in  Oxfordftiire]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three 

bunches  of  broom-plants  vert,  feeded  or,  all  within  a  bordure 

of  the    fecond. — Creft,  an  arm   couped    at  the  elbow    and 

ereft,  vefted  bendy  wavy  of  fix   or  and  gu.  holding  in  the 

hand  proper,  a  bunch  of  broom-plants  vert,  feeded  or. 
Brome,  [Norfolk]  Ar.   a  chief  indented  gu. 
Brome,  [Brome-Hall,  in  Suffolk]   Erm.  a  chief  indented  gu. 
Brome,   Per  feffe  indented  erm.  and  gu. 
Brome,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  beefoms  gu. 
BROOME,  Az.  a  finifter   hand  erect  in  pale,  and  couped  at 

the  wrift  ar.  a  crefcent  for  difference. — Creft,  an  arm  vefted 

gu.   turned  up  ar.  holding  in    the   hand    proper,  a  flip   of 

broom  vert,  flowered  or, 
Broome,  [Aftiford  in  Kent,   and  of  Broome  in  Salop]  The 

fame  arms  and  creft,  without  the  crefcent. 
BROMEHALL,  Ar.   a  chev.    betw.    three  crofs  croflets  fit- 
chee fa.     Another,  three  croffes  formee  fitched  at  the  foot, 
BROMFALING,  Ar.  a  horfe  ftanding  fa. 
BROMFLET,  or  Bronslet,  [Lancafliire]  Gu.  three  lions 

paffant  gardant  in  pale  ar. 
BROMFLETE,   Sa.  a  bend  flory  counterflory  or. 
BROMFIELD,'[?taffordfliire,  defcended  out  of  V/ales]  Az. 

a  lion  paffant  gardant  or. — Creft  a  lion  paffant  gardant  or, 

gorged  with  a  wreath  or  and  az.     Her.  Off.  London,  C.  24. 
Bronifield,  [Lincolnfliire]  Gu.  three  lions  paffant  gardant  ar. 
Bromjicld,  [Kent]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  broom  fprigs  vert; 

on  a  canton  or,  a  fpear's  head  az.  embrued  gu. — Creft,  a 

demi-tigcr  az.  armed  aftd  tufted  or,  holding  erect  a   broken 

fword  ar.  hiked  or, 


B    R     0 

BROMESWICKE,  or  Bromswev,    Gu.    two  lions  'paf- 
fiiiit  or. 

BROMESTALKE,    Gu.  a  chief  ar.  over  all  an  cfcarbun- 
cic  or. 

BRO.VIHALL,    Erm.    on    a   chief  az.   a    dcnii-lion    ram- 
pant or. 
Brorahall,   [Levington,  in  Bedfordfhirc]  Sa.  a  lion  rampant  or. 
— Crcft,  a  deml-lion  or,  holding  bctw.  his  feet  a  crofs  crof- 
•   let  fitchccfa. 
Bromhr.U,  Az.  a   lion  rampant  or,    tail  forked.     Sec    BRAM- 

BROMHILL,    Or,  two  bends  az.  on  a  chief  of   the  laft, 
.   two  martlets  of  the  firft. 

BROMLEY,    [  Shropfhire]   Parted  per  fcfTc  daunccttec  quar- 
terly gu.  and  or.— *Crc(l,  a  pheafant  proper. 
Bron'.hy,    [Shropfliirc]   Qiiarlcrly   per   fcfle   indented  gu.  and 
or.     Another,  or  and  gu. — Crcft,   a  cock  pheafant  proper 
fitting.     Another  Creft,  a  lion's  gamb  ereft  ar. 
Bnrn.'ry,  [Chefliire,   StafFordftiire,  and  Yorkftiire]  Qiiartcrly 
per  felle  indented  gu.  and  or,  an  inefcutchcon  ar.  charged 
with  a  griffin  fegreant  v£rt. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet 
or,  a  demi-lion  ar.  fupporting  a  banner  gu.  charged  with  a 
lion  paillmt  or,  ftaft'  of  the  laft. 
Brcxcl-y,    [Horfchcath,  in  CambridgcJhire]  Qiiartcrly  per  pale 
dove-tail  gu-  and  or. — Creft,  on  a  wreath  a  demi-lion  ram- 
pant fa.  ilVu'lng  out  of  a  mural  crown  or,  holdiiij  a  ftandard 
vert>  charged  with  a  griffin  paflant  of  the  fecond. 
Bromh-y,  Sa.  three  wool-combs  ar. 
Brcmlcy,  Ar.  a  chev.  within  a  bordurc  az.  bczantJe, 
BromL'y,  Gu.  a  griffin  or. 

Bromley.,  Erm.  three  inefcutcheons  fa.  two  and  one. 
Brcmhy,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  five  bezants  within  a  bordurc  en- 
grailed of  the  fecond.     Another,  Hi. 
BROMPTON,  Gu.  on  a  falticr,  bctw.  four  crofs  crollets  fit- 

chcd  ar.  a  tortcaux. — Crcft,  a  lion   rampant  or. 
Branpton,  [Norfolk]    Az.  a  I'on  rampant  erm. 
Byo^:pton,  Or,  on  a  bend  fa.  bctw.  two  lions  paflant  "u.  three 

efcallop-fnells  ar. 
Brcr:pf:r:,  Or,   a  chev.  vert,   betw.  three  griffins  paflant  -^u. 

armed  of  the  fecond. 
BROMSKALL,  Or,   a   chev.  gu.  on  a  canton  fa.    a  man's 

head  full-faced,  crowned  or. 
EROMSOP,  or  Bronghope,    [Buckinghamfnire  and  Berk- 

lliire]   Ar.  on  a  chev.  az.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
BROUGHOPE.     The  fame. 

BROMEWICH,    or    Bromwich,    [Gloucefterfliire,    Here- 
fordshire, and  Hertfordfliire]  Ar.  (another,  or)  a  lion  ram- 
pant  fa.  guttce   d'or.— Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a 
unicorn's  head  fa. 
BROMWICH,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  towers  triple-tower- 
ed fa. 
BrcmziUk,    Ar.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  hawks  leurcs  fa. 
Bromiiid',   Ar. -three  hawks  leures  fa. 
BROMVVYCK,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  fa. 
BRONA,   Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  ducal  coronets  or. 
BRON,  or  Brond,  Qiiartcrly  ar.  and  (a.   four  leopards  heads 

Brond,  Qiiarteily  or  and  fa.  on  the  firft  quarter  a  leopard's 

face  of  the  fecond. 
Eroiid,  Qiiartcrly  or  and  h.  on  the   fecond  quarter  a  leopard's 

head  of  the  firft. 
BrcrJ,     [Boxford,  in  Suffolk]    Ar.   on  a  fefla  bctw.   three 
cinquefoils  pierced  fa.   as  many  antelopes  heads  erafed    or. 
Another,   the  heads  ar. 
BrmfyOrBroundf,  [London,  1204,  and  Suffolk,    a  Pat.  1612.] 
Vert,  a  griffin  paffant  and  chief  or.— Creft,  ademi-gnffin  or, 
holding  a  battle-axe  embowed,  handle  gu.  head  ar. 
BRONY,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  chief  indented  gu. 

B     R     O 

ERONEX,  [Kent]  Or,  two  chev.  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the 

fecond   five  plates. 
BRONKBY,    [Lancafter]   Az.   a   crofs  moline    betw,  four 

martlets  ar. 
BRONKER,  [Wiltfhire]  Ar.  fi.x  pellets,  two,  two,  and  two; 
on  a  chief  crcnelliic  fa.  a  lozenge  of  the  field,  charged  with 

a  crofs   formce  az.— Creft,  a    cubit    arm  creA,    vcftcd  fa. 

cuffed  ar.  grafping  in  the  hand  proper,  a  lozenge  fa. 
Bronker,  or  Bi ounhr,  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  gu.  .  .  .  fleurs-dc-Iis 

Bronker,     [Kent  and  Middlefex]  Barry  of  eight  or  and  az. 

an  oric  of  martlets  of  the  firft.— Creff,  a  talbot  paffant  gu. 

under  his  dexter  paw  a  garland  of  flowers  proper. 
BRONNSE,    [Glouceftcrftiire]  Or,    crufuly  fa.  a  lion  ram- 
pant of  the  fecond. 
BRONTON,   Ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  efcallop-fhells  or. 
Brontcn,  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  martlets  or. 
BROOK  BANK,  Ar.  a  fcffe  wavy  az.  within  a  bordurc  fa. 
BROOK,  [Norton,  in  Chcftiire]    Or,  a  crofs  engrailed  party 

per  pale  fa.  and  gu.— Creft,  a  badger  paflant  proper. 
BROOKE,    [Newton,   or  Netton,  in   Suffolk]    Gu.  on    a 

chevron  ar.    a    lion  rampant  fa.    crowned    or,  armed  and 

langucd  gu.— Creft,  on  achapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm.  a  wing 

gu.  charged  with   a  chev.   ar.    thereon   a  lion  rampant  fa. 

crowned  or. 
Brooke,  [Kent]   The  fame. 
Broeie,  Or,  a  crofs  engrailed  per  pale  gu.  and  fa.  on  a  chief  gu. 

a  lion  paflant  gardant  or. 
Brooke,  Gu.  on  2  chev.  or,  three  lions  rampant  fa. 
Brooke,  Party  per  bend  ar.  and  fa.  three  cinquefoils  counter- 
Brooke,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  a  hawk's  Icure  or. 
Brooke,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  in  chief  a  lion  rampant  crowned  or. 
Brooke,  Ar.  three  gauntlets  gu. 
Brooke,  [Suffolk]  Per  bend  fa.  and  ar.  three  eagles  difplayed 

Brooke,  [Gattesford,  in  Yorkfliire]   Ar.  a  crofs  engrailed  per 

pale  gu.   and   fa.  a  crefcent  for  difference.— Creft,  a  fword 
.  erea  ar.  hilt  or  ;  thereon  two  ferpents  entwined,  and  refpcit- 

ing  each   other,  proper  ;  round  the  hillt,  on  a  fcroll,  this 

motto,  jEJ}.  necas  tu. 
Brooke,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  per  pale  gu.  and  fa.  an  inefcutchcon  of 

the  firft. 
Brooke,  Sa,  a  crofs  engrailed  or. 
Brooke,  [Buckinghamfliire,   1605.]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  a  leure 

lined  and  ringed  ar.  a  chief  of  the  fecond.— Creft,  a  leure 

with  the  line  formed  into  a  bow-knot,  betw.  two  win<rs    all 

Brooke,  [Naaon,    in  Suffolk]  Or,   a   crofs   raguly  per  pale 

gu.  and  fa. 

Brooke,  [Callis]  Ar.  on  a  crofs  engrailed  per  pale  gu.  and  az. 
five  bezants. 

Brooke,  [Staffordftiire]  Chequy  ar.  and  fa.-^Creft,  a  crane 
or  ftork,   or. 

Brc'Ae,  [Buckinghamfliire]  Or,  on  a  fcffe  engrailed  az.  three 
efcallop-fliells  of  the  field. 

Brooke,  [Shropftiire]  Chequy  ar.  and  fa.— Creft,  on  a  mount 
vert,  a  brock  paffant  proper. 

Brooke,  Chequy  ar.  and  fa.  on  a  chief  or,  a  flag  paffant 

Brooke,  Chequy  ar.  and  fab.  on  a  chief  or,  a  brock  paffant 
proper. — Creft,  a  ftork  or. 

Brooke,  Chequy   ar.    and  fa.    a  chief  or. 

Brooke,  [Wefton,  in  Buckinghamfliire]  Or,  on  a  fcffe  en- 
grailed az.  three  efcallop-fliells  of  the  field.— Creft,  out  of 
a  coronet  or,  fix  oftriches  feathers  in  a  plume,  one  or,  the 
other  fa.  counterchanged. 

Brooke^  Chequy  or  and  gu,  a  chief  az, 


B     R     O 

Brooh,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  dauncettee  fa.  three  bezants. 

Brooh,  Gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  a  lion  paflant  gardant  of  the  firft. 
Creft,  a  demi-lion  gu.  holding  in  his  two  paws,  a  broad- 
arrow  or,  feathered  and  headed  ar. 

Brooke,  [Hampfliire]  Chequy  or  and  vert,  on  a  bend  gu.  a 
lion  pafTant  of  the  firft.— Creft,  a  lion  rampant  or. 

BROTE,   Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.  fix  mullets  of  the  fecond. 

BROTHERS,  Per  pale  gu.  and  fa.  on  a  feffe  or,  bctw.  three 
griffins  heads  ar.  guttee  de  larmes,  as  many  lozenges  erm. 
Another,  or. 

BROTHERTON,  Gu.  three  lions  paflant  gardant  or,  a  la- 
bel of  five  points  ar.     Another,  three  points. 

BROUGH,  Az.  flory  and  fretty  or. 

Broitgh,  [LincolnOiireJ  Az.  three  fleurs-de-lis  erm.  within  a 
bordure  or. 

BROUGHAM,  [Wales]  Ar.  a  cock  gu. 

BROUGHTON,  [Wickhingham,  in  Berkfliire]  Or,  on  a 
fefle  az.  three  efcallop-fliells  ar. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  co- 
ronet or,  a  boar's  head  fa.  briftled  or,  gorged  with  a  collar 
az.  charged  with  three  efcallops  ar. 

Browhton ,  [Broughton,  in  Staffordfnire]  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  on 
a  canton  of  the  fecond,  a  crofs  of  the  firft. — Creft,  a  fea- 
dog's  head  gu. 

Broughton,    [Lancafhire]  Ar.  two  bars  and  a  canton  gu. 

Broughton,  Ar.  two  bars  gu,  on  a  canton  of  the  field,  a  crofs 
engrailed  fa. 

Broughton,   Az.  a  crofs  engrailed  ar. 

B'-oughton,  Ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  efcallop-fliells  of  the  field. 

Browrhton,   [Eflex]  Ar.  a  chev.  between  three  mullets  gu. 

Broifhton,  [Henley,  in  Shropftiire]  Ar.  two  barsgu.  on  a  can- 
ton of  the  firft,  a  faltier  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  talbot 
pafilint  gu. 

Broughton,  [Shropftiire]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  owls  ar. 

Browhton,  [Shropftiire]  Sa.  three  owls  ar. — Creft,  an  owl  ar. 
charo-ed  on  the  breaft  with  three  fnakes  in  fret  vert. 

Browhton,  [Somerfetfliire]  Sa.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  bucks 
heads  caboficd  ar. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  fpanicl  dog 

Broughton,  [Devonfliire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  between  three  crofs 
pomels  fa.  as  many  bucks  heads  cabofll'd  or  ;  on  a  chief  of 
the  fecond,  a  goat  paflant  of  the  firft. 

Broughton,  or  Braivton,  Sa.  guttee  de  fang,  a  buck's  head  ca- 
bofled  ar. 

BROWKER,  [London  and  Southwark]  Barry  of  eight  or 
and  fa.  cio-ht  martlets  of  the  firft,  three,  two,  two,  and  one. 
Creft,  a  talbot  paflant  gu.  fupporting  with  his  dexter  foot, 
a  chaplct  vert. 

BROUNCKER,  [Ireland]  Ar.  fix  pellets,  a  chief  embat- 
tled fa. 

Brounckcr,  [Rombold-Week  in  Suffex,  and  of  Brokedifh  in 
Norfolk]    The  fame,  with  due  diflerence. 

B ROUSE,  Az.  three  garbs  or,  banded  gu. 

BROW,  Ar.  on'a  chev.  gu.  three  rofes  of  the  field. 

Brow,  or  Browe,  [Hertfordfliire]  Gu,  on  a  chev.  ar.  three 
rofes  of  the  field. 

BROWEST,   Sa.  a  lion  paffant  regardant  or. 

BROWET,   [Herefordftiire]   Ar.  a  crofs  botonee  fitchee  fa. 

BRO  WGHE,  Per  feffe  ar.  and  vert,  a  pale  counterchanged  ; 
three  conies  iffuant  out  of  their  burrows,  of  the  firft. 

BROVVGHILL,  or  Brughall,  [Ireland]  Paly  of  fix  ar, 
and  fa.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  efcallop-fhells  or. 

BROWNE,  [Cowdrey,  in  Suflex]  Sa.  three  lions  paffant  in 
bend,  betw.  two  double  cotifcs  ar. — Creft,  an  eagle  difplay- 
ed  vert.  Alfo  another  Creft,  a  flag  proper,  attired  and  du- 
cally  gorged  and   lined  or. 

Browne,   Az,  a  lion  rampant  ar.  guttee  de  fang.     Another,  the 

lion  or, 
Browne,   [Lincolnfliire]  Ar.  two  lions  paffant  fa. 
Browne,  [Derbyfliire]   Sa.  three  lions  paffant  in  bend,  betw. 
two  cotifes  ar.  in  chief  a  trefoil  flipped  erm, 


Browne,  [Derbyfliire]   Sa.  betw.  two  cotifes  a  lion  paffant  ar. 

in  the  finifter  chief,    a  trefoil  flipped  erm, 
Browne,  [Kent]   Sa.  betw.  two  bendlets  engrailed,  three  lions 

paffant  ar. 
Browne,    [Yorkftiire]   Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  fa,  three  ^lions 

rampant  of  the  field. 
Browne,   [Effex]  Ar.  a  chev.   cotifed  gu.  betw.   three  lions 

rampant  fa. 
Brow?ie,  [Chefliire]    Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  and  bend  gobo- 

nated  gu.  and  ar. 
Brotvne,   [Kent]  Sa.  three  lions  paffant  in  bend  betw.  two  co- 
tifes ar.    in  chief  a  griffin's  head  erafed  of  the  fecond. 
Browne,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  gambs  ereft  and  erafed, 

within  a  bordure  engrailed    ar.    on   a   chief  of  the   laft, 

an  eagle  difplayed  fa.    Another,  not  engrailed. — Creft,    a 

lion's  gamb   erafed  and  ereft  gu.  holding  a  wing  ar. 
Browne,  [Devonfliire]   Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  gambs, 

erecl  and  erafed,  within  a  bordure  ar, 
Browne,  [Effexj  Gu.   a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  gambs  erect 

and  erafed  ar.   a  chief,  and  bordure  of  the  fecond. 
Browne,  [Effex]  Gu.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  lions  gambs 

erafed  ar. 
Bmune,   [Effex]    Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  gambs  ere£t 

and  erafed  ar.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond  an  eagle  difplayed  fa. 

armed   and  crowned    or. — Creft,  an   eagle  difplayed  with 

two  heads  fa. 
Browne,  [Croft,  in  Lincolnfliire]   Ar.   three  martlets  in  pale 

fa.  betw.  two  flaunchcs  of  the  fecond,  each  charged  with  a 

lion  paffant  of  the  field. 
Browne,  [Lancafliire]  Ar.   on  a  bend  double  cotifed  fa.  three 

fpread  eagles  of  the  field. — Creft,  an  eagle  difplayed  ar.  on 

the  wings  two  bars  fa. 
Browne,   [Chefliire]    Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  fa. 
Browne,    [Iflington]    Or,  a  chev.  engrailed   barry  wavy    of 

eight  ar.  and  az.  betw.  three  cranes  of  the  laft. — Creft,   a 

crane  az.  beaked  and  legged  or,  the  crown  of  the  head  gu, 

in  the  beak  an  ear  of  wheat  or. 
Browne,  [Ireland]    Or,  an  eagle  difplayed  fa. 
Browne,   [Ireland]  Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  fa.  armed  gu. 
Browne,  [Buckinghamfliire]  Sa.    a  chev.  betw.  three  cranes 

ar. — Creft,   a  tiger  az.  maned,  tufted,  and  armed,  or. 
Browne,  Or,   on   a  chev.   betw.   three  cranes  az.  a  bezant.—. 

Creft,  a  crane's  head  and  neck  erafed  az.  ducally  gorged  or, 

holding  in  the  beak  a  bezant, 
Browne,  [Staffordftiire]  Or,  on  a  chev.  gu,  betw.  three  cranes 

az.  as  many  trefoils  flipped  ar. 
Browne,   Ar.   a  chev.   betw.  three  cranes  gu, 
Browne,    [Godmanftow,  in  Dorfetfliire]    Ar.   on  a  chev.   fa. 

betw.  three  cranes  az.  as  many  efcallop-fliells  or. — Creft,  on 

a  mount  vert,  a  hare  current  ar. 
Browne,  [Brenchley,  in  Kent]   Gu.    a  griffin  paffant  or,  a 

chief  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  vulture  proper,  wings  indorfed, 

difpluming  a  mallard's  wings.     Granted  Dec.  7,  1626. 
Browne,  [Kent  and  London]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  demi- 

griffins   erafed   gu.    as  many  towers  triple-towered  of  the 

Browne,   [London]    Az.  a  griffin  paffant  or,  a  chief  indented 

per  feffe  or  and  erm, 
Browne,  [London]  Gu.  a  griffin  paffant  or,  a  chief  indented. 

per  feffe  erm.  and  or. 
Browne,  [Middlefex]  Ar.  three  bucks  trippant  proper. 
Browne,  Per  bend  lozenay,  counterchanged  ar.  and  fa. 
Browne,  [London  and  Herefordfliire]   Parted  per  pale  ar.  and 

or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  efcallop-fliells  gu. 
Broivne,  [Newark,  in  Nottinghamfliire]    Parted  per  pale  gu. 

and  fa.   three  leopards  heads  or  ;  on  a  chev.  engrailed  ar.  z% 

many  efcallop-fliells  az. 
Browne,  [Leyfon,  in  Suffolk]  Per  bend  ar,  and  fa.  three  maf- 

cles  in  bend  counterchanged. — Creft,   a  demi-ftork,    with 

wings  expanded  proper,  the  neck  nowed, 


B     R     O 

Browne,  Parted  per  pale  gu.  and  fa.  three  leopards  heads  or. 
Broivne,   [Nouiiighamfhirc]   Per  p.ilc  gu.  and  or,   on  a  chcv. 
engrailed,  per  pale  ar.  and  az.  three  efcallop-fliells  betw.  as 
many  leopards   heads,  all  counterchanged. 
Browiu;  [Wtftminftcr]  Gu.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  flcurs-dc-lis 
or. — Crcft,    a  demi-lion  gu.  holding    in   his  dexter    puw   a 
fleur-dc  lis  or. 
Browne,  Gu.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  lion's  gambs  ar.  within  a  bor- 
dure  ermine. — Crcft,    a  bear's  paw    couped  and   crcil  or, 
grafping  a  falchion  ar. 
BroiVT.c,  [Walcot,  in  Northamptonfliirc]  Az.  a  chcv.  or,  betw. 

three  crcallop-fhells  of  the  fecond. 
Broium,   [Ilorton  Kenby,   in  Kent]   Az.  a  chcv.  betw.  three 

efcallop  (hells  or. 
Browne,    [London]  Gu.  a  chev.  betw  three  cfcallop-flieils or. 
Browne,    [Kent]   Ar.  on   a  fcflc  embattled  counter-embattled 

fa.  three  efcallop-fhells  of  the  field. 
Browne,  [Kent]   Per  pale  indented  ar.  and  or,    a  chcv.  betw. 

three  efcallop-fliells   gu. 
Broivnc,  [Kent]  Az.   a  chcv.    betw.    three  efcallop-fiiclls  or, 

within  a  bordure  engrailed  of  the  fecond. 
Bro'wnc,   [Devoiifhirc]    Gu.  a   chev.   erm.    cotifed  or,  betw. 
three  efcallop-fliells  of  the   third. — Crcft,    a  dcmi-man  fa. 
wreathed  about  the  temples  ....  holding  in  his  dexter  hand 
a  hammer  or. 
Brown:,  Quarterly  or  and  fa,  a  leopard's  face  of  the  laft. 
Bromine,  [London]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  leopards  heads 
cabofled    ar.  as   many  efcallop-fiiells   az. — Crcft,    a     cubit 
arm    vefted     gu.    turned    up     ah    holding     in    his    hand 
proper,    a  fword  ercit  ar.    hiked  or,  enfikd  with  a  leopard's 
head  ar.     Granted  Feb.  28,    16 15. 
Browne,  Qiiarterly  gu.  and  az.  a  leopard's  f.;cc  or. 
Browne,  [Warwickfhire]   Ar.  on  a  bend,  bcf.v.  twocotifcs  az. 

three  water-bougets  or. 

Brotvr.e,  [1614.]   Erm.  on  a  fefle  crenellee  fa.  three  efcallop- 

ftells  ar. — Crcft,    out   of    a    mural    ciown    gu.    a  ftork's 

head  erm. 

Browne,  [London]  Sa.  a  chev.  embattled  betw.  three  fwans  ar. 

Browne,  At.  on  a  chev.  betw.   three  mullets  pierced  fa.   three 

,  efcallop-fliells  of  the  firft. — Crcft,  a  demi-grifF.a  vert,  wings 

elevated  or. 
Browne,    [Norfoll:]    Ar.  two  pellets  in  bend  betw.   as   many 

bendlets  fa. 
Broivne,    [Brynfop,   ip  Lancafliire]   Ar.  two  bends   fa.  in  bafe 

an  ogrefle. 
Browne,  Ar.  two  bends  fa.  betw.  two  mullets  of  the  laft. — • 
Crcft,  a  lion  fcjant  fa.   refting  his  dexter  pav/  on  a  ftiield  ar. 
charged  with  a  mullet   fa. 
Browne,  [0.\fordfliire]     Ar.   a   chev.   engrailed    betw.   three 

brooms  fa. 
Breivne,  [Leifton,  in  SufFolkJ  Party  per  bend  fa.  and  ar.  three 
mafcles  pierced  and  counterchanged.     Another,    the   maf- 
cles  not  pierced. — Creft,    a  ftork's  head,  the  neck  novved 
betw.  two  wings  expanded  az.    Another,  ar. 
Broivne,  [Suffolk]  Sa.  three  mallets  ar.  two  and  one. 
Browne,  Or,  a  chev.  engrailed  barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  az, 
Brozine,  The  fame,  adding  three  cranes  az. 
Browne,  [Bromhall,  in  Norfolk]    Erm.  a  chief  indented  gu. 
Brozcne,  Erm.  a  chief  indented  per  pale  gu.  and  or, 
Browiie,  Ermines,  on  a  chief  ir.  three  torteauxes, 
Browne,   Sa.  a  bend  erm.  on  ?.  chief  ar.    three  torteauxes. 
Broivne,  [Harwood,  in  Herefordfliire]   Ar.   on  a  chev,   hetw, 
three  mullets  pierced    fa.   three  efcallop-fliells  of  the  fiift. 
Creft,  a  demi-grifHn  vert,  winged  and  legged  or. 
Browne,    [Marfli,    in  Dcrhyftiire]    Ar.   on  a  chev.  gu.   three 
rofes  of  the  field. — Creft,  a  lion  rampant  ar.  ducally  crowned 
«r,  fupporting  a  tiUing-fpear  proper,  headed  ar. 

B     R     U 

Browne,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  frclty  or,  betw.   three  rofcs  gu.  flipped 

Browne,    [Canterbury^  in    Ktnt]  Sa.    three   tigers   paftant   in 

bend  betw.  two  double   cotifes  ar. 
Browne,  [Willow,  in  L.iceftcrfliirc]  Or,  a  fuliicr  engrailed  az, 

betw,  four  butterflies  gu. 
Browne,  Gu.  on  a  chcv.  ar.  betw.  three  cinqiicfoils  erm.  three 
hurts. — Creft,  an  eagle's  head  crafed  ar.    in   hib   mouth  an 
arrow  proper. 
Browne,  [London]  Ar.  two  cliev.  (a.  in  chief  an  annulet  of  the 

Browne,  [London]   Ar.  two  chev,  fa,  on  a  canton  erm.  an  an- 
nulet of  the  fecond. 
Browne,  [Norfolk]   Per  chev.  or  and  az.   in  chief  three  etoilcs 
of  the  laft,   in  bafe  a  cockatrice  (another,  a  dragon)  of  the 
Browne,    [Devonfliire]    Ar.    on   a  chev.   betw.  three    finifter 

hands   couped  fa.    as  many  fpear-hdds  of  the  field. 
Broivne,  Gu,  a  faltier  vairc  betw.  four  caltraps  or, 
Brovjne,   Erm.  two  bars  fa.  on  a  chief  of  tlie  laft,  three  caltraps 
or- — Crcft,  an  arm  couped  at  the  elbow  and  crc£t,  vefted  az. 
culTed  erm.  holding  in  ihc  hand   proper,  a  cahrap  or. 
Browne,   [Efll-x]   Ar.  a  crofs  farcelly. 
Broivne,  [Deptford,   in  Kent]    Or,   a  chief  fable. 
Brown,  Ar.  a    fefle  bei\v.   three  mallets  (a. — Crcft,  a  ftork's 

head  couped  at  the  neck,  nowed  proper,  betw,  two  wings  ar 
Broune,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  embattled  and  counter-embattled  fa. 
three  efcallop-fliells  of  the  firft,  on  a  canton  quarterly  gu, 
and  az.  a  leopard's  head  or. — Crcft,  a  ftork's  head,  holding 
in  his  beak  an  acoin  flipped  vert,  fruded  or,  between  two 
wings  expanded  az.  each  charged  with  an  efcallop-flieJl  or. 
BROWNELL,    [Derby,   1682.]  Erm.  on  a  chev.  cotifed  fa, 

three  efcallop-fhells  ar. 
BROVVNESHIN,  Ar.  a  chcv.  betw,  three  bulls  heads  coup- 
ed fa. 
BROWNING,  Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  az. 
Browning,    The   fame,  adding  an. orlc  of  martlets  fa. 
Broivning,  [Cambridgcfliirc]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or,  bilJetty  gu. 
Browning,  Az.  three  bars  wavy  ar. 
BROWNLOW,    [Bdton  in  Lincolnfliire,  and  of  L'.ndon] 

Or,    an    inefcutcheon  within  an  orle  of  martlets  fa. Crcft 

on  a  chapeau  gu.  turned   up  erm.  a  greyhound  paifant  or, 
collared  gu. 
BRO  WTE,  Sa,  two  bars  erm.  betw.  fix  cinquefoiis  ar.  three, 

two,    and  one. 
BROXBORNE,  Gu.  fix  eoglcs  dlfplaycd  with  two  necks  or, 

three,  two,  and  one,  armed  ar. 
BROXHOL.ME,  [Lincolnfliirc]  .\t.  on    a   chev.  az.   betw, 
three    boars  heads   couped    of    the  fecond,    five    bezants.^- 
Creft,  a   bear  ftanding  againft  an  elm-tree,  all   proper. 
BRUBOUCI-IE,  Or,  fe.mec  of  billets,  a  lion  fa. 
BRUCE,  Or,  a  faltier  and  a  chief  gu.  on  a  canton  ar.  a  lion 

rampant  az. — Creft,    a  lion  paftant  az. 
Bruce,  Gu.  a  faltier  and  chief  or. 
Bruce,   Vaire  erm,  and  gu.   three  bars  azure. 
BRUCHESLEY,  Gu.  three  crofits  engrailed  ar, 
BRUDENELL,     [Stanton  VVyvile  in  LeicefterOiirf,  and   of 
Northamptonfhirc]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw,  three  morions  (or 
fteel  caps)  az.   The  points  of  the  caps  to   the  dexter  fide. — 
This  family  has   three  Crefts.    i.    An   arm  embowed,    co- 
vered with  leaves  vert,  in   the  hand    proper,   a  fpiked  club 
or,  flung  to  the  arm  with  a  line  or.     2.  A  talbot  ar.  ducally 
gorged  gu.     3.  A  fea-horfe  ar. 
Brudcnelt,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  chaplcts  az, 
Brudencll,  Ar,  a  bend  cotifed  or,  betw,  fix  croIRs  fitchee  fa. 
Brudencll,   Ar.  a  bend   cotifed    gu,    betw.   fix    crofs    crofleta 

fitchee  fa. 
BRUEN,    Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  fa.  armed  gu. 
BRUER,  [Kent]  Gu.  two  bends  wavy  or,  a  canton  vaire, 
J  Q,  Brutr, 

B     R     U 

Bnier,  [Dtvonfhite]   Gu.   two  bends  wavy,  the  upper  one  ar. 

the  other  or. 
BRUERS,  Or,  a  lion  gu.  tail  forked. 

BRUGES,  or  Braces,  [London,  by  patent  1612.]  Ar.  on 
a  crofs  eemines,  a  leopard's  head  or. — Creft,  on  an  anchor 
or,  a  fcroll  with  this  motto.  Mi  hi  caelum  partus. 
Bruges,  [Sudley  Caflle,  in  Gloucefterftiire]  Ar.  on  a  crofs  fa. 
a  leopard's  head  or. — Creft,  a  Saracen's  head  in  profile, 
couped  at  the  flioulders  proper,  habited  ar.  powdered  with 
torteauxes  and  wreathed  about  the  temples  ar.  and  fa. 
BRUGGFORD,  Gu.  three  falcons  in  feffe  ar.  membered  or. 

Granted   Aug.  29,   I4I5. 
BRUYIN,   QiKirterly  gu.  and  az.  four  etolles  or. 
Bruyin,  Az.    a  lion  rampant  ar.  billetty  gu. 
Briiyin,  [Effex  and  Surry]  Az.  a  crofs  farcclly  (or  moline)  or. 

^Creft,  a  goat  ar.  attired  or. 
BRUYN,  Az.  a  crofs  engrailed  or. 
Briyn,  [Shropftiire]   Ar.  an  eagle  difplaycd  fa.  charged  on  the 

breaft  with  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 
BRULEY,  or  Bruly,  Erm.  on  a  bend  gu.  three   chevro- 

nels  or. 
BRUMBERT,  Ar.  on  a  t-.nd  fa.  three  rakes  of  the  field. 
BRUMFIELD,   Or,  on  a  bend  gu.  three  mullets  ar. 
BRU.MSTED,  Ar.  on  a  bend  betw.  two  crofTes  formee  fitchec 
'Tu.    three  mullets   of  the  field.— Creft,    a  demi-griffin   ar. 
wings  expanded  or,  holding  in  his  dexter  claw  a  crofs  formee 
fitchee  gu. 
BRUNSWICK,  [Dukedom]  Gu.  two  lions  pafiantgardant  or. 
BRUN,  [Kent]    Az.  amillrind  or. 
BRUNFOLD,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu. 

BRUNSELL,  [Bingham,    in  Nottinghamfiiire]   Or,   a   fcffe 

counter-embattled    betw.  three    rofes   gu. — Creft,    a  lion's 

gamb   erafed   and  ered  or,    holding  a  rofc  ar.   ftalked   and 

leaved   vert. 

BR.UN1NGE,    [Derbyftiire]    Gu.  two  bends  wavy  ar. 

ERUNING,  or  Bruen,  [Wiltfhire]   Gu.  two   bends  wavy, 

the  upper  one  ar.  the  other  or. — Creft,   a  demi-lion  double- 

oueued  gu.  guttee  de  I'eau,  ducally  crowned  of  the  fecond, 

BRUSARD,   or    Browsserd,    Sa.   three    antelopes   heads 

couped   ar.  ar.Tied  or. 
BRUSE,   Az.    a  lion  rampant  betw.  ten   crofs  croflets  or. — 

Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  gu.    a  lion's  head  or. 
Brufe,  [Kent]   Ar.  a  lion  rampant  az. 

Brufe,    [Norfolk]    Ar.   a   lion   rampant,   tail  knotted,    betw. 
ten    crofs  croflets  gu. — Creft,    a   Saracen's   head  fide-faced 
proper,  wreathed  about  the  temples  ar.   and  gu. 
BRUSELL,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  az.  oppreffed  with  two  bend- 
lets    gu. 
BRUTE,   or  Brut,  Chequy  fa.  and  ar.   a  bend  gu. 
BRUTON,  or  Brutyn,  [Exeter]  Per  palegu.  and  az.  a  fefle 

betw.  two  chev.   ar.     Another,  az.  and  gu. 
Bruton,  Quarterly  or  and  gu.  within  a  bordure  engrailed  az. 
Brum,   Or,  three  eagles  difplayed  gu.  armed  az. 
BUBAND,   Sa.  a  fleur-de-lis  ar. 
Bubaud,   Sa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 

BUBB,  [Carlifle]   Per  pale  or  and  erm.  on  a  bend  gu.  three 
unicorns  heads  erafed  ar.  crined   and  attired  or. — Creft,  on 
a  mount  vert,  a  unicorn  fejant  ar.  crined  and  armed  or,  re- 
pofino-  his  dexter  foot  on  a  {hield  per  pale  or  and  erm. 
BUCEY,  Or,  three  water-bougets  az. 
BUCHAM,    Chequy  or  and  az.   a  fefte  erm. 
BUCHE,    [Wiltfhire]  Ar.  three  boars  heads  fa.  on  a  feffe  gu. 

a  fleur-de-lis   betw.  two  eagles  difplayed  or. 
BUCHER,    [Middlefex]  Sa.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  talbots 

paflant  or. 
BUCK,   [Lincolnfliire]  Lozengy,  bendy  of  eight  pieces  or 
and   az.  a  canton  erm.  and  bordure  gu. — Creft,  a  portcullis 
az.    garniftied  and  chamed  or. 
Buck,  [Hanby  Grange,    in  Lincolnfliire,  1592.]    Lozengy, 


bendy  of  eight  pieces  or  and  az.  a  canton  erm.  (anotiier, 
without  the  canton.) — Creft,  a  Saracen's  head  in  profile  pro- 
per, with  a  cap  or,  wreathed  about  the  temples  or  and  az.  tWQ 
bars  gemelles  round  the  neck  or,  thefhoulders  habited  az. 
Bucke,  [Kent]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  cotifed  wavy  fa.  three  mul- 
lets or. — Creft,  an  arm  embowed  in  armour  proper,  gar- 
niflied  or,  holding  a  cutlafs  ar.  hiked  or. 
Bucke,    [Kent]  Ar.  on  a  bend    az.   cotifed   wavy    fa.  three 

martlets  or. 
Buck,     [Worcefterlhire]    Per  feffe  nebulee  ar.    and   fa.   three 
bucks  attires  fixed  to  the  fcalp,  all  counterchanged. — Creft, 
a  buck's  attire  fixed  to  the  fcalp  fa. 
Buck,  [Hampftiire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  bucks  heads 
erafed  gu.  attired  or,  as  many  mullets  of  the  laft ;  on  a  chief 
or,   a  rofe  gu.  betw.  two  trefoils  flipped  vert. —  Creft,  a  dex- 
ter arm  in  armour  proper,  garnifhed  and  embowed  or,  hold- 
ing in  his  hand  proper,  a  broad  fcymiter  ar.  hiked  or. 
Bucke,  [Cambridge]  Vert,  a  bend  betw.  two  bucks  trippant  erm, 

— Creft,  a  buck  at  gaze  erm.  ftanding  againft  a  tree  vert. 
Buck,    [Wift)ich,    in  Cambridgefliire]    Gu.   a   feffe  counter- 
compony  or  and  az.  betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  ar.  placed  faltier- 
Buck,     [Gloucefterfhire]     Per   feffe  wavy    ar.    and   fa.    three 
bucks  attires  fixed  to  the   fcalp,  counterchanged. — Creft,  a 
buck's  attire  ar.  fixed  to  the  fcalp  or. 
BUCKBOND,  Sa.  three  eagles  difplayed  or. 
BUCKERIDGE.  Or,  two  pales  fa.  betw.  five  crofs  croflets 

fitchee  of  the  fecond. — Creft,   a  ftag  current  proper. 
BUCKET,    Or,  three   piles  meeting  in  bafe  gu.     Another 

adds   a  bordure  az. 
Bucket,  Ar.  a  chev.  az.  betw.  three  lions  heads  erafed  gu. 
Bucket,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  heads  erafed  gu. 
BUCKFIELD,  or  Buckfeld,  Gu.  a  fleur-de-lis  erm. 
BUCKFOULD,    Per  chev.  ar.  and  fa.   three    bucks   heads 
counterchanged,   attired  or. — Creft,  a  buck  proper,  attired 
or,  in  a  field  vert,   paled  all  round  or. 
BUCKHULL,   or  Buckshall,   [Sufiex]  Or,   a  lion  ram- 
pant az.  fretty  argent. 
BUCKING,  [Effex]  Ar.  a  feffe  raguly  betw.  fix  crofs  crof- 
lets gu. 
BUCKINGHAM,  [London]  Erm.  on  a  bend  wavy  az.  betw, 
two  lions  rampant  gu.    three  bezants. — Creft,   on  a  chapeau 
az.  turned  up  erm.  ademi-fwan,  the  wings  expanded  proper, 
membered  or,   gorged  with  a  ducal  coronet  gu.     Granted 
Dec.  15,  1708. 
Buckinghmn,   Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu. 
BUCKLAND,  Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  fa.    legged  or. 
Buck/and,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  gu.  a  dolphin  embowed  of  the  field. 

Another,  the  dolphin  erm. 
Bud/and,  [Somerfetftiire]   Per  feffe  wavy  ar.  and  gu.  two  co- 
tifes  and  three  bucks  paffant  counterchanged,  two  and  one, 
attired  or. 
Buckland,  or  Buckle,  [Somerfctfhi.'-e]  Gu.  three  lions  rampant  ar. 
on  a   canton  fa.  a  fret  or. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu.  turned 
up  erm.  a  talbot  fejant  or. 
BUCKLE,  [London]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  buckles  ar. 
Buckle,  [  Warwickftiire]  Ar.  a  feffe  vaire  or  and  az.  betw.  three 

doves  proper,  bearing  in  their  beaks  a  branch  vert. 
Buckle,  or  Bucke!,    [London]    Sa.   a  chev.   betw.   three   bulls 
heads   couped  ar. — Creft,    out  of  a  ducal  coronet,  a  bull's 
head  ar. 
Buckle,    [London]    Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  chaplets  ar. — Creft, 

out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,    a  demi-leopard  ar. 
BUCKLEY,  [Kent]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bucks  heads  ca- 

boffed   ar. 
Buckley,  Sa.  achev.  betw.  three  bucks  paffant  ar. 
Buckley,  [Chefliire]  Sa.  heads  a  chev.  betw.  three  bulls  caboffed 
ar.    Another,  the  heads  couped, 



Buckky,   Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  bulls  heads  cabofTeJ  ar. 

three  mullets  gu. 
Buckley,    or  Biickhy,  Ar.   on  a   chief  daunccttce  gu.  a  bezant 

betw.  two  lions  heads  cabofled  or. 
Buckley,    Lozengy,  or  and  fa.     . 
LUCKLER,  orBucLER,  [Dorfctniire]  Sa.  on  a  fe/Te  betw. 

three  dr.'.gons  heads  erafed  or,  as  many  etoilcs  of  the  field. — 
Creft,  a  dragon's  head  trafed  fa.  charged   with   two  bars   or, 

betw.  three  bezants,  two  and  one.    Another  crcft,  a  dragon's 

head  erafed  fa.  guttee  d'or. 
BUCKMATE,  Gu.  a  crefcent  betw.  three  mullets  or. 
BUCKMASTER,    [  Northamptonfliirc,     Devonftiirc,    and 

Lincolnfhirc]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  betw.  fcvcn   fleurs-de-lis, 

two,  two,  two,  and  one,  fa. — Creft,  a  dcmi-lion  fa.  holding 

in  his  dexter  paw  a  fleur-de-lis   or,  and  charged  on   the 

fhouldcr  with  three  annulets  conjoined  or. 
EUCKMINSTER,  [Northampton/hire]  Ar.   femee  d'etoilcs 

fa.  a  lion  rampant  of  the  laft. — Creft,  a  dcmi-lion  double 

queued  fa.  holding  a  battle-axe  or,  headed  ar. 
BUCKNALL,  Ar.  two  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  bucks  heads  ca- 

boffcd  fa. — Crcft,  a  buck's  head  cabofled  fa, 
BUCKSIDE,    Sa.  two  bucks  paflant  ar.  attired  or. 
BUCKSIED.   Sa.  bczantec,  two  bucks  paflant  ar. 
EUCKTON,  [Yorkfhirej  Ar.  three  bars  fa.  on  a  canton  of 

the  fecond,  a  crefcent  of  the  firft. 
Buckion,   Sa.  a  hart's  head  couped  ar.  a  chief  vert. 
Buckion,  Sa.  three  bars  gcmelles  and  a  canton  ar. 
Buckton,  Sa.  on  a  chief  vert,  a  buck's  head  cabofied  ar. 
Biickt'.n,  Sa.  on  a  chief  vert,  three  bucks  heads  caboficd  ar. 
Buckton,  [Bcllingholm,  in  Nortliumbcrland]  Ar.  a  goat  falicnt 

fa.  and  chief  vert. — Creft,   a  goat's  head  erafed,   per   fcile 

indented  ar.  and  fa.   attired  or. 
BUCKWELL,     [London]  Sa.  bezantee,  two  bucks  in  full 

courfe,    in  pale  ar.  attired  or. 
EUCKWORTH,    [Weft-Sheen,  in  Surry]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw. 

three  crofs  croflets   fitchee  ar. — Creft,   a  man's  head   armed 

with  a  helmet,  the  beaver  open,    all  proper.     Another  creft, 

a  demi-lion  holding  a  crofs  croflet  fitchee. 
Buckworth,    [London  and   Hertford ftiire]    Ar.  two  chevronels 

betw.  three  bucks  heuds  cabofled  fa. 
BUDNELL,    Ar.  a  bend   or,  cotifed  gu.    betw.  fix  crofles 

of  the  fecond. 
EUDOXHED,    or  Budorshide,    [Bodick,    in    Cornwall] 

Sa.  three  lozenges  in  fefle,  betw.  three  ftags  heads  cabofled 

ar. — Creft,  a  flag's  head  erafed  ar. 
BUENBY,  Ar.  two  bars  ;   in  chief  a  lion  paflant  gu. 
EULKYN,  or  Hinge,  [Otham,  in  Kent]  Or,  a  chev.  betw. 

three  clofe  helmets  az.     Certified  April  3,   1644. 
BUGGE,  [Harlow,  in  EflTex]  Az.  three  water-bougets  or, 

within  a  bordure  erm. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or, 

a  Moor's  head  fide-faced  fa.  wreath  or  and  az. 
Burg,  Az.  three  water-bougets  or,  two  and  one. 
Bugg,  Ar.  on  a  fret  fa.  five  crofs  croflets  fitchee  of  the  field. 
Bugg,  [Nottinghamfliire]   Or,  on  a  fefle  fa.  three  water-  bou- 

gets  ar. 
B-.igge,    Az.    three  water-bougets  or,  two  and  one ;  within  a 

bordure    ar.  gutte  de  poix. 
BUGGINE,  [London  and  Kent]   Sa.  a  cockatrice  difplayed 

ar.  crefted,  mcmbercd,  and  jelloped,  gu.    Another,  crowned, 

crefted,  and  jelloped,  or. 
Btiggine,   Az.  an  antelope  paflant  ar.  attired,   tufted,    and  un- 

guled,  fa. — Creft,  an  antelope  fejant  ar.  armed,  tufted,  and 

unguled,  fa. 
BUKEYL,  orBuKELEEL,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  az.  frett)'ar. 
EUKELL,  Ar.   two  lions  rampant  gu.  a  quarter  fa,  charged 

with  a  fret  or. 
BUKESHILL,  [Suflex]    The  fame. 

B     U     L 

EUKEN,  Ar.  a  fcflc  az.  a  label  of  three  points  gu. 
BUKENHAM,  or  Bokenham,   [Norfolk]  Ar.  a  lion  ram^ 

pantgu.  over  all  a  bend  az.  chai-ged  with  three  bezants. 
BUKETON,  or  Buckton,  [Yorkfliire]  Sa.  eight  bars  ge- 

melles  and  a  canton  ar. 
BukeUn,  or  Buckton,  Sa.  three  bars  gcmelles  ar.  on  a  canton 

of  the  fecond,    a  crefcent  of  the  firft. 
Buketon,  or  Buckton,  Ar.  a  goat  falient  fa.  and  chief  vert. 
BUKETOOTH,  or  Bucktooth,  Lozengy,  or  and  fa. 
BULBECK,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  vert. 

Bulhi:ck,[Y.Kcy.']  Vert,  a  lion  rampant  ar,  armed  and  langued  gu. 
BuWcck,  Vert,  a  lion  rampant  ar.  vulned  on  the  ftiouldci  gu. 
Bidbeck,  Az.  three   bars  wavy  ar. 
BULKALEEL,  Or,  alien  rampant  az.  tail  forked. 
BULKELEY,  [Chcfliirc]  The  fame  as  BUCKLEY  of  the 

faid  county. 
Bulkclcy,  [Chefhire]    Sa.   a  chev.  betw.  three  bulls  heads   ca- 
bofled ar. — Crcft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  bull's  head  ar. 
armed  or. 
Bulkeley,  [Ireland]    Sa.   a  chev.  betw.   three  bucks  heads   ca- 
bofled ar. 
EULKLEY,   [Staflordfliire]  Sa.  three  chevronels  ar.  betw. 

as  many  goats  heads  erafed  of  the  laft. 
Biilkley,  [Wihfliire]  Sa.  three  bulls  heads  cabofled  ar, — Crcft, 

a  bull's  head  erafed  per  pale  ar.  and  fa. 
Bulkley,    Sa.  three  bulls  heads  couped  or. 
BULL,  Ar.  three  Saracens  heads  in  profile  couped  proper,  with 

wreaths  about  their  heads  ar.  and  az. 
BiiH,  [London]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar,   betw,  three  bulls  heads 
couped  of  the  fecond,  as  many  rofcs    of  the  firft. — Creft, 
on  a  wreath,  a  cloud  proper  ;   thereon  a  celeftial  fphere   az. 
replcniftied  with  the  circles   or,  and  beautified  with  the  zo- 
diack  infcribed   with  the    figns    Aries,    Taurus,  Gemini, 
Cancer.     Motto,  Sol.  Mi.  Re.  Fa. 
Bull,  Or,    three  bulls  heads  cabofled  gu. 
Bull,  [Yorkfliire,  London,    and  Hockwold  in  Norfolk]  Az. 
three  bulls  heads  erafed  ar.   attired  or,  betw.  as  many   an- 
nulets in  fefle  of  the  laft. — Crefi,  a  bull's   head  erafed  fa. 
charged  with  fix  annulets  or,  one,  two,    and  three. 
Bull,    [London]   Ar.  on  a  canton  fa.  a  lion's  head  erafed  or. — 

Crcft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  fa.   ducally  crowned  or. 
BULLBROOKE,   [Drinkfon,  in  Suffolk]  Sa.  a  fefie  wavy 

betw.  two  helmets  ar. 
BULLEYNE,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  bulls  heads  couped  fa. 
BULLEN,    [Stickford,   in  Lincolnfliire]   Ar.   fretty  fa.  on  a 

chief  of  the  fecond  three  plates. 
BULLER,    [Cornwall  and   Somerfctfliire]   Sa,  on  a  crofs  ar. 
pierced  of  the  field,  four  eagles  of  the  firft. — Cr^ft,  a  Moor's 
head  full-faced  couped  proper,  wreathed  about  the  temples  ar. 
and  az.     Another  creft,  an  old  man's  head  full-faced  proper. 
BULLING,   Sa.  an  incfcutcheon  within  an  orle  of  martlets  ar. 
BULLINGHAM,  [Lincolnfliire]   Az.  an  eagle  difplayed  ar. 
in  his  beak  a  fprig  vert ;  on  a  chief  or,  a  rofe  between  two 
crofs  croflets  gu. 
BULLIVANT,  Erm.  a  tower  fa.  on  a  chief  gu,  three  fleurs- 
de-lis  or. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  or,    charged  on  the  {boulder 
with  a  fleur-de-lis  vert ;  and  holding  in  his  gambs  a  tower  fa. 
BULLOCE,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw,  three  bulls  heads  cabofl"- 

ed  or. 
BULLOCK,  orBuLLOKE,  [Eflex]   Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three 
bulls  heads  cabofled   ar.  armed  or. — Creft,   five   battle-axes, 
ftaves  or,  heads  fa.  tied  with  a  line  and  bow-knot  gu.    Ano- 
ther creft,  five  bills  az.  tied  together  or. 
Bulhck,   Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  label  of  five  points  or. — Creft, 
feven  arrows,  fix  in  faltier  and  one  in  bafe,  gu.  feathered  and 
headed  ar.  enfiled  with  a  mural  crown  of  the  laft. 
Bullock,    [London,  i6cc.]  Per  chev.  gu.  and  erm.  in  chief  two 
bulls  heads  cabofled  ar. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  bee-hive 
or,  thereon  a  bee  difplayed  proper. 


B     U     L 

BULMER,   [Norfolk]   Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.   cotlfed  erm.  three 

•    elcallop-fhells  gu.     Another,    fa. 

Bulmer,  Ar.  billetty  gu.  a  lion  rampant  of  the  laft. 

Btdmer,  [EfTex  and  Yorkfhire]  Gu.  billetty  or,  a  lion  rampant 
of  the  laft. — Creft,  a  bull  palTant  gu.  armed  and  unguled  or. 

BULIMORE,  Erm.  a  lion  rampant  fa. — Creft,  a  demi-lion 
rampant  fa. 

BULSTRODE,  [Buckinghamftire  and  Bedfordfliire]  Sa.  a 
fl:ag's  head  cabofled  ar.  in  his  mouth  fefleways  an  arrow  of 
the  laft  ;  on  the  fcalp,  betw.  the  attire,  a  crofs  formee  fitchee 
or. — Creft,  a  bull  s  head  and  neck  betw.  two  wings  ex- 
panded gu.   attired  ar.     Another,  the  wings  ar. 

BULWER,  alias  Dalling,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar. 
betw.  three  birds  regardant  or,  as  many  cinquefoils  fa. 

BUMSTED,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend,  betw.  two  crofles 
forme'e  fitchee  gu.  three  mullets  pierced  of  the  firft. 

BUNBURY,  [Bunbury  and  Stanny,  in  Cheftiire]  Ar.  on  a 
bend  fa.  three  chefs-rooks  of  the  firft. — Creft,  two  fwords 
in  faltier  ar.  hiked  or,  pierced  through  a  leopard's  head  of 
the  laft. 

BAUNBURY,  [Buubcry]  Ar.  a  crofs  potent  betw.  four  mul- 
lets pierced  gu. 

BUNCE,  [Kent  and  London]  Az.  on  a  fclTe  betw.  three 
boars  ar.  as  many  eagles  of  the  field. — Creft,  a  demi-bo.r 
az.  pierced  through  the  brcaft  with  a  broken  fpear  gu. 
headed  ar.' 

BUN E VILE,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  mullets  of  the 

BUNFORD,  Qiiartcrly  gu.  and  erm.  a  bend  or. — •Creft,  out 
of  a  ducal  coronet,  a  demi-lion  gu. 

BUNGEY,  [Kent,  and  Darking  in  Surry,  1588.]  Az  a 
lion  paflant  or,  betw.  three  bezants. — Creft,  an  eagle  with 
wings  endorfed  ar.  ftanding  on  a  laurel-branch  vert,  frucl- 
ed  or. 

BUNINGHILL,   Sa.  three  gad-bees  volant  en  arricrc  ar. 

BUNNEY,  or  Bi'NNV,  [Yorkfhire,  and  Ryton  in  Durham] 
Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  goats  heads  erafcd  fa. — Creft,  a 
goat's  head  erafed  fa.  attired  or,  on  one  of  the  horns  two 
annulets  conjoined  or. 

BUNTINGE,    Ar.  a  chev.  purp.  betw.  three  buntings  az. 

Bimtingc,  [Norfolk]  Or,  an  efcallop-fhell  fa.  on  a  chief  wavy 
of  the  fccond,   three  dolphins   embowed  of  the  firft. 

BUNTON,    Sa.  three  hounds   paflant  ar. 

BUNWORTH,  Erm.  on  a  bend  cotifcd  fa.  three  church- 
bells  ar. 

BURBYCHE,  [Middlefex  and  Hertford]  Sa.  a  chev.  engrailed 
or,  guttee  de  fang,  betw.  three  boars  heads  couped  ar. — 
Creft,  a  boar's  head  and  neck  erafed  ar.  briftlcd  or,  between 
two  acorn   branches,    leaved  vert,  fruifled  or. 

BURCHE,  Quarterly  or  and  az. 

Burche,  or  Burjhe,  [Dcvonfliire]  Sa.  a  fefl'e  betw.  three  birch- 
leaves  ar. 

BURCETUR,  Ar.    three  bears  heads  erafed  fa. 

BURCHAR,  [London  and  Eftcx]  Sa.  a  chev.  erm.  betw. 
three  leopards  paflant  or. — Creft,  a  greyhound  fcjant  ar. 
ducally  gorged   or. 

BURD,    or  Byrde,  [Londcn]   Ar.  on   a   fefTe,  betw.   three 

martlets     gu.    a   rofe    betw.    two   fleurs-de-lis   or. ^Creft, 

an  eagle's  head   erafed,  bendy   of  eight  ar.  and    fa.    ducally 
gorged   or. 

BURDEAUX,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  in  chief  three  annulets  of 
the  fecond. 

Burdeaux,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  gu.  a  chief  erm. 

BURDELOYS,  [Norfolk  and  Cambridgefhire]  Erm.  a  chief 

BURDEN,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  bezants.  Another,  five 

Burden,  Az.  three  pilgrims  ftaves  or  ;  the  field  crufuly  of  the 


Burden,    [Gofberkirk,   in  Lincolnfhire]    Ar.   three  pllj^rirr.i 

ftaves  in  fefTe  gu.  pomelled  or. 
BURDETT,    [Burthwait,    in  Yorkfhire]  Paly  of  fix  picce« 

ar.   and  fa.  on  a   bend  gu.  three  martlets  or. — Creft,   on   a 

tower  proper,    a  martlet  rifing  or. 
Burdett,     [Yorkfhire  and  Warwickfhire]     Az.   two   bars  or, 

each  charged  with  three  martlets  gu. — Creft,  a  lion's   head 

erafed  fa. 
Burdett,    [Bramfcott,  in  Warwickfhire]    Az.    two  bars  or. — 

Creft,   a  lion's  head  erafed  fa  — N.B.  This  family  antiently 

charged  the  bars  with  fix  martlets  gu. 
.Burdett,  Az.  two  bars  ar.    Another,  (of  Leicefterfhire)  charged 

with  three  martlets  gu. 
Burdett,  [Rowell]   Ar.   on   a  bend   gu.   three  martlets  of  the 

Burdett,  Or,  two  bars  az. 
BURDON,   [Nottinghamftiire  and  Cumberland]  Az.    three 

palmers  ftaves  or. 
Burton,  Az.  three  cornets  in  pale  or,  betw.  four  crofs  croflets 

fitchee  ar. 
Burdon,  or  Bourdon,  Az.    three  hautboys  and    as   many  crofs 

croflets  or. 
BURDUS,   [Middlefex]    Sa.  two  bars  betw.  three  annulets  in 

chief,    and   a  fleur-de-lis   in  bafe,  or. — Creft,    an  elephant 

erm.  ftanding  on  a  mount  vert,  and  refting  hinifclf  under  a 

tree  proper.  Granted  Aug.  8,  1720. 
BURELL,   [Cornw.all]    Barruly    ar.    and   fa.  on   a  chief  gu. 

three  leopards  faces  or. 
EURES,  or  Bowers,  [Norfolk  and  Suffolk]  Per  chev.  in- 
dented fa.  and  erm.  in  chief  two  lions  rampant  or. 
Bures,  [Somerfctfhire]   Erm.  on  a  chief  indented  az.  two  lions 

rampant  or. 
BURFIELD,    Paly  of   fix   ar.    and   fa.      Another    adds  a 

bend  gu. 
BURGATT,  [Suffblk]  The  fame. 
Burgntt,  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az. 

BURGATE,  Ar.   a  chev.  betw.  three  boars  heads  couped  gu. 
BURGAYNE,  Gu.  on   a  ftflb,    betw.   fix  crofs  croflets  ar. 

a  crofs  crodet  of  the  firft. 
BURGAVENNY,  Gu.  a  faltier  ar. 
BURGIS,  Ar.  a  fefTe  lozengy  or  and  az.  betw.  three  mafcles 

of  the  third,  a  bordure  of  the  laft,  bezantee. — Creft    a  ca- 
mel's head  proper. 
BURGES,   [Crendon,  in  Lincolnfhire]    Ar.   a  fcffc  chequy 

or  and  fa.  in  chief  three  crofTcs  flory  of  the  laft. — Creft    on 

a  mural  crown   chequy  or  and  fa.    a   round  buckle  or    the 

tongue  erect  in  pale.  Granted  1631. 
Burges,  Quarterly  or  and  az.  a  bend  gu. 
Burges,  Vert,  a  fefTe  or,  fretty  gu.  betw.  three  doves  ar.  mem- 

bered  of  the  third. 
Bruges,    [Weft-Ham,  in  EfTex]    Ar.  on  a  crofs  fa.  a  leopard'* 

face  or. — Creft,  a  Saracen's  head  fide-faced  proper,  wreathed 

about  the  temples  ar.  and  fa.  habited  over  the  ihoulder  ar.  in 

flripes  paleways,  thereon  torteauxes. 
Burges,  Lozengy  gu.  and  vaire, 
BURGH,  Az.  three  fieurs-de-Iis  erm.     Another,  Gu.  three 

fleurs-de-lis  erm. 
Burgh,  [StaiFordlhire]   Ar.  on  a  faltier  fa.  five  fvvans  proper. 
Burgh,  Or,  a  crofs  patee  gu. 
Burgh,    Or,  on  a  crofs  gu.   five  mullets  ar. 
Burgh,  Ar.  on  a  fefTe  fa.  three  bezants. 
Burgh,  Or,  three  bucks  heads  caboffed  fa.  attired  ar. 
BURGHDON,  Ar.  three  cinquefoils  fa.  two  and  one. 
BURGHILL,  [Yorkfhire]  Az.  a  chev.  a.-,  betw.  three  mart- 
lets or. 
BurgehUl,  Ar.   a  bend  gu.  over  all  four  pales  fa.     Another, 

Bitrghill,   [Ireland]    Paly  of  fix  ar»  and  fa. 

B     U     Tx. 

Biirghill,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  az.  over  all  a  fi/lc  gii. 

Burghitl,  I'aly  of  fix  ar.  and  fa.  on  a  bcndgu.  a  Saxon  crown  or. 

— Crcft,  a  lion's  head  ar.  crowned  with  a  Saxon  crown  or, 
Biirrhill,  [LitchficlJ]    Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  f.i.  on  a  bend  gu.  a 

mitre  or. 
Burghlll,  [Bungay,  in  Suffolk]  Paly  of  fix  ar,  and  fa.  over  all 

a  bend  gu. — CrefV,  a  lion's  head  erafcd  ar. 
BURGHULL,  [Ireland]  Paly  of  fix  or  and  fa. 
BurgbuU,  [[rclaiul]  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  fa.  on  a  bend  gu.  three 

cfcaliops  of  the  firft. 
BURGHWELL,  Ar.  on   a  bend   gu.  three  martlets  or,  all 

\Vithin   a  bordurc  of.  the  fecor.d. 
BURGHT,  Ar.  on  a  falticr  {.\.   three  bars  wavy  or. 
BURGILTON,  [Norfolk]    Q^iarterly  or  and  gu.  on   a  bend 

fa.  two  plates. 
BURGO;     Sec  BURGES. 
BURGOIGNE,    [Cambridgcfhire   and  Devonfliire]    Az.   a 

hound  pafiant  ar. — Crt.ft,  an  antelope  fejant  ar.  attired,  tuft- 
ed, and  mancd,  fa. 
BURGOINE,  [Bedfordlhirc]   Gu.  a  chev.   bctw.  three  t;il- 

bots  pafiant  ar.  on  a    chief  embattled  of  the  fecond,  three 

martlets  az. — Creft,  a  talbot  fejantor,  cared  fa.  collared  gu. 
BURGOaT,     or.  BuRCOYNE,   [Oxfordfhire]    Az.    a    hound 

current  pafTant  ar. 
BURGULION,  or  BuRGorJVoN',  Quarterly    or  and  gu.    a 

bend  fii.  in  the  fecond  and  third  quarters  three  annulets  ar. 
Biirgonycii,  Qiiarterly  or  and  gu.  on  a  bend  fa.  a  mullet  ar. 
BURHOPE,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  aZ.  three  flcUrs-de-lis  or. 
BURY,  [Devonfhire]  Barry  of  eight  gu.  and  ar. 
Bury,   [Exeter]  Erm.  on  abend  az.  a  bezant  bctw.  two  flciirs- 

de-lis    or. — Creft,    a  tiger's    head  erafcd   erm.    ciincd    fa. 

gorged  with  a  collar  az.  charged  with  a  bezant  bctw.  two 

fleurs-de-lis  or.     Granted  1708. 
Bury,  Vert,  a  crofs  potent  or. 
BURYE,  [Warwickfliire]   Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  fquir- 

rels  cratking  nuts  proper. 
Biiryf,  [Bedford,  1566.]  Sa.  a  cliev.  engrailed  or,   bctw.  three 

plates,  each  charged  with  a  crols    patee  gu. 
Burye,  [Suffolk]    Erm.  on  a  bend  engrailed  gu.   three  fleurs- 
de-lis  or,  each  charged  with   three    pellets. 
Burye,  [Devonfhire]  Erm.  on  a  bend  engrailed  az.  three  ileurs- 

de-lis  or. 
BURK,  Quarterly  or  and  fa. 
BURKE,  Quarterly  or  and  az. 
Burke,   [Ireland]   Ar.   a  crofs  gu.   in  the  fird   quarter   a  lion 

rampant  fa. — Crefc,  a  cat  fejant  proper. 
EURKTON,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  three  bars  voided  fa. 
Burkton,  [Brome  in   Suffolk]   Ar.  three  bars   voided    fa.  on   a 

canton  of  the  firft,  a  crefcent  gu. 
BURLZ,  [Suffolk,   1597.]    Az.  a  chev.  betw.   three  fpears- 

heads  broke  from  the  ftaff  or. — Creft,  a  fquirrel  fejant  fup- 

porting  a  ragged  ftaff  or. 
BURLEY,    [VViltfliire  and  Leiccftcrlhire]  Vert,   three  boars 

heads  couped   ar.   armed   or. — Crell,    a   dcmi-boar   proper, 

armed,  hoofed  and  briftled  or,  and  gorged  with  a  chain  of  the 

laft,   fupporting  a  thiftle  proper. 
Barley,  Q^iartcrly  ar.  and  fa. 
Burlty,  Per  fcffe  embattled   la.   and   ar.  three  launces  countcr- 

Burley,  Ar.  three  tiltlng-fpears  in  pale  fa.   embrued  gu.  a  chief 

of  the  fecond. 
Burley,  Gu.  two  bars  gobonatcd  ar.  and  az. 
Burlry,  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  over  all  three  bars  gu. 
Burley,  Or,  three  bars  fa.   a  chief  paly  erm.  and  gu. 
Burley,  [Shropfliirc]  Paly  of  fix  fa.  and  or  ;  on  a  chief  of  the 

fecond,  two  pallets  of  the  firft  ;  an  inefcutcheon  barry  of  fix 

gu.  and  erm. 


Burley,   Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  debniifed  with  a  fefil-  chequv  or 

and  az. 
BURf-YN,  Sa.  two  chev.  ar. 

BURLYNET,  Gu.  three  cicutchcons  ar.  on  each  as  many 
martlets  fa. 

BURNAM,   [Lincolnfliirc]   Or,  a  maunch  vert. 

Burnam,  Gu.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  lior.s  heads  erafcd  ar. 

Burnam,  Ar.  a  bend  fa.  betw.  two  crofs  croficts  of  the  fecond. 

BURNAVILL,  Gu.  a  rofc  or. 

BURNAWIICE,  Gu.  a  crofs  formee  or. 

BURNABY,  [Watford,  in  Middlefcx]  A r.  two  bars  gu.  iit 
chief  a  lion  paffant  gardant  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  dcmi- 
man  fa.  in  his  dexter  hand  a  bunch  of  colombinc-flowcrs 
proper  ;  round  his  nerk  a  rope  or,  with  tiie  end  han-^ing 
down  on   the  finifter  fide. 

BURNBY,  A;-,  two  b.irs  gu.  a  lion  paffant  gardant  of  the 

Burnhy,  or  Burnehy,  [Devonfliirc]  Az.  two  b.irs  crcnellce  erm. 

BURNELL,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  crowned  or,  langued  and 
armed  gu.  within  a  bordure  az. 

Burnell,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  crowned  or,  dcbruifed  by  a 
baton  gu.  all  within  a  bordure  az. — Crcft,  a  lien's  <rjmb 
crafed  fa.  grafping  a  bunch  of  rofcs  gu.  ftalked  and  leaved 

Burnell,  [Ireland  and  Effcx]  Ar.  a  lion  fa.  over  ;'l!  a  bend  tru. 
charged  with  three  efcallop-fhcils  or.    Another,  of  tiic  field. 

Burnell,  [Ireland  and  Effex]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  over  all  jt 
baton  gu. 

Burnell,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betv.-.  three  Cornifti  choughs  proper. 

Burnell,  Ar.  a  bend  crencllee  fa.  betw.  fix  ojrcffis. 

Burnell,  [London]  Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  cfcallop-fhcL's  of 
the  firft. — Crcft,  a  greyhound  fejant  ar. 

Burnell,  [Norfolk]  Party  per  feffe  ....  and  ....  in  chief,  a 
fhip  with  three  mafts  flirouded  ....   her  fails  trufted  up,  and 

hoifted   to   the  main    top    ....   in    bafe  a  fyren   proper. 

Creft,  a   tower  ....   flammant  proper. 

BURNET,  [Northumberland]  Or,  in  chief  three  holly- 
leaves  vert,  in  bafe  three  bugle-horns  ftringed  fa.  Another, 
with  one  bugle-horn  ftringed  in  bafe. — Crcft,  a  holly-bu/h 
vert,   fruclcd  gu. 

Burnet,  The  fame  arms. — Creft,  a  dexter  hand  iffuing  out  ofa 
cloud,  grafping  a  piuning-knife  vvidiin  a  vine  fruJted,  all 

BURNEVILE,  [Suffolk]  Gu.  a  falticr  engrailed  ar.  betw. 
four  cinquefoils  or. 

BURNHAM,  [Suffolk]  Sa.  a  crofs  betw.  four  crefcents  ar. 

Btiniham,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  heads  crafed  or. — 
Crcft,  a  leopard's  head  erafed  proper. 

Burnham,  Gu.  three  leopards  hcadj  in  bend  or,  betw.  two 
lions  heads  erafed   ar. 

Burr.ham,   The   fame,  within  a  bordure  gobonatcd  ar.  and  az, 


BURNSHED,  or  Buknishide,  Ar.  three  bendlets  gu.  on  a 
canton  of  the  fecond,  a  lion  paffant  of  the  firft.  Another 
on  the  canton  a  lion  rampant. 

BURRELL,  [Beckenham,  in  Kent]  Vert,  three  efcutche- 
ons  r.r.  each  with  a  bordure  engrailed  or. — Creft,  an  arm  em- 
bowed  proper,  holding  a  branch  of  laurel  vert. 

Burrell,  [Northumberland]  Sa.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  mul- 
lets  ar. 

ButTell,  Barry  of  fix  ir.  and  fa.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  IcoparJs 
heads    or. 

BURRY,   Qiiarterly  erm.  and  gu.     See   BERRY. 

BURRIDGE,  [Tiverton,  in  DovonfhireJ  Az.  three  dolphins 
naiant  embowcd  ar.  on  a  chief  or,  three  rudders  fa. — Creft,  a  proper,  his  waiftcoat  gu.  cap  az.  neckcloth  ar. 
fupporting  a  rudder  fa. — Granted  .March  8,    1700. 

BURROUGH,   [Suffolk]    Ar.  two  chev.   vert,   betw.    thr.-e 
chaplcts    or. 
3  K  '        Burri-^!; 


Surroti^h,  Az.  three  fleurs-de-lis  erm.— Creft,   an  eagle  with 

wings  expanded  erm. 
BURROWES,  Or,  oh  acrofs  gu.  five  mullets  ar.  on  a  canton 
gu.    a  lion   pafEint  of   the   firft.— Crelt,   a  lion   fejant    ar. 
ducally  crowned  or. 
BURROWE,    or  Borough,   [Suffolk]  Or,  on  a  crofs  gu. 

five   mullets  ar. 
BURRI3H,  Per  fefle  gu.  and  ar.  over  all  a  lion  rampant  dou- 
ble queued  or.— Creft,   out   of  a  tower  party   per   pale  ar. 
and  gu,  a  demi-llon  rampant  double  queued  or. 
BURSHELL,     [Devonftiire]   Ar,   a  chev.   gu.   betw.  three 

water-bougets  fa. 
BURSTED,   Gu.  on  a  feffe  betw.  fix  annulets  ar.  three'mul- 

lets  fa. 
BURSTON,    [Norfollc]   Quarterly  ar.  and  fa.  a  baton  in 

bend    gu. 
BurJ/on,  [Kent]  Quarterly  gu.  and   ar.   on  a   bend  gu.   three 

lions  heads   erafed  of  the  firft. 
BURTHOGGE,    [Devonfhire]   Ar.  two  bars  gemelles  az. 
on   a  chief  fa.   a  wolf  paffant  or.— Creft,    on  a  wreath   a 
demi-wolf  or,  gorged  with  a  bar  gemel  az.     Granted  April 
6,   1687. 
BURTON,  [Effex,  1570.]  Qiiarterly  gu.  and  ar.  four  efcal- 
lop-ftiells  counterchanged. — Creft,  a   falcon  volant  or,    on 
the  top  of  a  ruined  caftle  ar. 
Burton,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  gu.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  trefoils  ar. 
Burton,    Sa.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three   owls  ar.  crowned  or. — ■ 

Creft,   an  owl  ar.  crowned  or. 
Burton,   [Kenfley,  in  Yorldhire]    Sa.  three  owls  ar. 
Burton,    [Shropftiire]   Quarterly  az.  and  gu.  a  crofs  engrailed 

or,  betw.  four  rofes  ar. 
Burton,  Az.  a  crofs  engrailed  or,  betw.  four  rofes  ar.  barbed  vert. 
Burton,  [Shroplhire]  Purp.  acrofs  engrailed  or,  betw.  four  rofes 
ar.  barbed  vert ;  a  crcfcent  for  difference. — Creft,  a  gauntlet 
Burton,    [Chefliire]  Or,  on  a  crofs  pierced  az.  four  fleurs-de- 
lis  of  the  field. 
Burton,  [  Derby fliire]   Ar.  a   chev.  betw.   three    boars  heads 

couped  fa.   armed  or. — Creft,   a  tower  triple-towered  ar. 
Burton,  Sa.  a  feffe  nebulee  betw.  three  cinquefoils  ar. 
Burton,  [Leicefterflrire  and  Coventry,  1682.J  Az.  a  feffe  betw. 
three  talbots   heads  erafed  or. — Creft,   on  a  mount  vert,   a 
beacon  ar.  fired  proper. 
Burton,  [London]  Az.  a  crefccnt  ar.  within  an  orle  of  mul- 
lets pierced  or. 
Burton,  [Lindley,  in  Leicefterfliire]   Sa.  three  bars  and  a  can- 
ton  ar. 
Burton,  [Ireland]   Ar.  on  a  chief  indented  fa.  three  efcallop- 

fhells  of  the  field. 
Burton,    [Yorkfliirc]   Or,  a  bend  wavy  fa. — Creft,    an  arm 
ereft  couped  at  the  elbow,  habited  party  per  pale  ar.  and  gu. 
cuffed  of  the  firft  ;  in   the  hand  proper,   a  walking-ftatf  of 
the  fecond,  headed,  rimmed,  and  ferriled,  or. 
Burton,  [Oxfordfliirc]    Or,  a  bend  az. 

Burton,  Paly  of  fix  or   and  gu.  on  a  bend  fa,  three  boars  paf- 
fant ar. 
Burton,  Az.  a  feffe  engrailed  erm.  betw.  three  talbots  heads 

erafed  or. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  fire-beacon  proper. 
Burton,  [Kynfley,  in  Yorkfliire]  Ar.  a  bend  wavy  fa. 
Burton,  Ar.  two  bars  voided  gu.  over  all  a  bend  fa. 
Burton,  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  erm.   on  a  bend  gu.  three  efcal- 

lops  or. 
Burton,  Barry  of  ten  ar.  and  gu.   over  all  a  bend  fa. 
Burton,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  croffes  botonee  gu. 
Burton,  Gu.  a  chev,  betw.  three  boars  heads  couped  or. 
Burton,  [Chefhire]    Or,   four  fleurs-de-lis   in  crofs  gu. 
Burton,  [Yorkfhire]   Per  pale  az.  and  purp.  a  crofs  engrailed 

or,  betw.  four  rofes  ar. — Creft,  a  gauntlet  ar. 
Burton,  Sa.  three  hounds  paffant  ar. 


Burton,  Zi..  three  greyhourids  current  or. 

Burton,   Erm.  a  feffe  fa.  a  chief  chequy  or  and  fa. 

Burton,  [Devonftiire]   Per  pale  gu.  and  az.  a  feffe  betv/.  two 

chevronds   ar. 
Burton,  [Derbyfiiire,    1646.]    At.  a  crefcent  within    an   orle 
of  etoiles  ar.  all  within  a  bordure  or. — Creft,   on  a  ducal 
coronet  of,  a  wivern  with  wings  cndorfed  az.   collared  or. 
Burton,  [Derbyfhire]     The  fame  arms,   without  the  bordure  ; 

and  the  fame  creft. 
BURWASH,  [Kent]   Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or,  tail  forked. 
BURWASHE,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  tail  forked. 
BURWELL,  Paly  of  fix  ar.   and  fa.  on  a  bend  or,   a  teak's 

head  erafed  az. 

Burwell,  [Woodbridge,    in  Suffolk]  Or,  a  chev.  erm.  betw. 

three  bur- leaves  proper  ;    a  crefcent  for  difference. — Creft,  a 

lion's  gamb  eredtand  erafed  or,  grafping  three  bur-leaves  vert, 

Burwell,  [Wrigley,  in  Effcx]  Sa.   on  a  chev.  engrailed,  betw. 

three  towers  triple-towered  ar.  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  gu. 
BURWETON,   Ar.  three  cinquefoils  fa.  two  and  one. 
BUSBY,   [  Addington  ]    Or,   three  arrows  fa.    headed   and 
barbed  ar.  on  a  chief  fa.  three  mullets  or. — Creft,  a  ftag'3 
head  ar.  erafed  gu.  pierced  through  the  back  of  the  neck 
with  an  arrow,  as  in  the  arms. 
Bnjby,  Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.  betw.   fix  bezants  three  fleurs-de- 
lis  az, 
BUSBRIDGE,   [Echingham,   in  Suffex]   Erm.  fix   rofes  gu, 
three,  two,  and  one, — Creft,  an  arm  eredt,  in  mail,  holding 
in  the  hand  proper,  a  cutlafs, 
BUSBURY,  or  BusHBORNE,   Ar.  on  a  feffe  cotifed  fa.  three 

efcallops-ftiells  of  the  field. 
BUSHBURY,   Ar.  a  feffe  cotifed  fa.  in  chief  three  efcallops 

of  the  fecond. 
BUSHBY,  [Cumberland]  Vaire,  on  a  feffe  gu.  five  cloves  ar, 
BUSHAM,    [Baraby,   in  Lincolnftiire]    Ar.    three  bird-bolts 

gu.  headed  and  feathered  or. 

BUSHE,    [Wiltftire]  Az.   a  wolf  rampant  ar.  collared  and 

chained  or,   in  chief  three  croffes  patee  fitched  ar. — Creft,  a 

goat's  head  ar.  attired  fa.  charged  on  the  neck  with  a  crefcent. 

Bupe,  or   Bu£e,   [Heather,    in  Lincolnftiire]    Ar.   three  bar* 

fa. — Creft,  a  dragon,   fans  legs  and  vt-ings,  paly  wavy  0/  ten 

ar.  and  fa. 

Bujlie,  [Wiltfliire]   Ar.  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  baars  paflant  fa, 

a  fleur-de-lis  between  two  eagles  difplayed  or. 
BuJJmell,   Ar.  five  fufils  in  feffe  gu.  in  chief  three  mullets  fa. 
BUSHORNE,   Ar.  on  a  feffe  cotifed  fa.  three  efcallops  or. 
BUSHRUDD,  [Dorfet]  Ar.  a  feffe  gu.  betw.  three  battle-axes 
fa. — Creft,  a  tiger's  head  ar.  crined  and  tufted  fa,  collared  gu, 
BUSSARD,  Az.  three  covered  cups  ar. 
BUSIARD,   [Suftblk]   Or,  an  eagle  difplayed  gu.  within   an 

orle  of  torteauxes. 
BURWICKE,  Per  bend  finifter  ar.  and  gu.  a  martlet  coun- 
BUSKYN,  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  ftags  heads  couped  or. 
BUSSEY,  Barry  of  fix  pieces  ar  and  fa.     Another,  ar.  three 

bars  fa. 
BUSSY,  Or,   three  water-bougets  az. 

BUSSELL,    [Warwickfliire]   Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  water- 
bougets  fa. — Creft,  a  cherubim's  head  betw.  two  wino^s 
BUSSETT,  Ar.  three  bugle-horns  vert. 
Bujfctt,  Ar.  three  bugle-horns  fa. 
BUSSETTS,  orBusTEs,  Az.  a  bend  ar. 
BUSSWE,  [Leicefterftiire]   Gu.  a  cinquefoil  erm. 
BUSTARD,  [Devonftiire]   Ar.   on  a  feffe  gu.   betw.   three 

ogreffes,  as  many  buftards  or. 
Bufard,  [Onfett,  in  EffexJ    The  fame,    with   a  bordure   en- 
grailed fa.     Another,  with  the  bordure  engrailed  az, 
Bujiard,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  gu.  betw.  three  pellets,  as  many  buf- 
tards or. — Creft,  a  buftard's   head  ar.  betw.   two  wings  gu. 
Betw.  the  neck  and  wings  two  ears  of  wheat  ereft  or. 




betv.',   three 

BUTERET,   or  BuTERLYi;,   Or,  a  fclTc 

BUTLER,    [Dunboync,    in    Ireland]  Or,  a  chief  indented 
az.  overall  three  crcallop-fhells  in  bend  counterchangcd. — 
Creft,    on   a   plume  of  festiicrs  or  and  vert,    an  eagle  ri- 
fing  i.r. 
Butler,  Az.  a  bend  cotifcd  betw.  fix  covered  cups  or. — Crcft, 
a  covered  cup -or,  banded  round  fa.  and  a  ball  on  the  top, 
of  the  fecond. 
Butler,  Or,    a  chief  indented  az. 

Butler,   [Beaufley,  in  Lanca(hire]  Az.   a   bend  betw.  fix  cups 
covered  or. — Crcft,  a   unicorn   falicnt  ar.   armed  or,     tied 
round  the  neck  with  a  fafli  of  the  laft. 
Butler,  Gu.   a  fefle  chequy  ar.  and  fa.  betw.  fix  crofils  furmce 

fitched  at  the  foot  ar. 

Butler,  [Bramficld,   in  Hcrtfordfhire]   Ar.  a  fword  in  bend  fa. 

Butler,  [Middlefex]   Az.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  cups  covered 

or. — Crcft,    a  grey-hound   fejant  or.  collared  gu.  the  collar 

ringed  or. 

Butler,  [Chcfliire  and  Lancafhirc]  The  fame. — Crcft,  a  horfc 

paflant  or,   pellettee,  and  bridled   fa. 
Butler,  or  Boteler,   [Kent]    Sa.  three  cups  covered  or,  within 
a  bordure  of  the  laft. — Creft,  a  covered  cup  or,  betw.  two 
wings,    the  dexter  or,   the  other  az. 
Butler,  Ar.  on  a  chief  indented  fa.  three  covered  cup»  or. 
Butler,  [Wales]  Az.  on  a  felle  ar.  betw.  three  covered  cups  or, 

a  Cornifli  chough  proper.     Another,  three. 
Butler,  [Suflex]    Ar.    three  covered   cups  in  bend   f.i.  betw. 

two  cotifes  gu. 
Butler,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  bend   fa.   cotifcd  gu.   betw.   three  co- 
vered cups  of  the  fecond. 
Butler,   [Cotes,  in   Lincolnftiire]    Or,   on    a  chev.  fa.   betw. 
three  demi-lions  paffant  gardant  gu.  crowned  of  the  firfi:  ; 
three  covered  cups  or. 
Butler,  Az.  three  covered  cups  or., 

Butler,  [Kent]  Gyronny  of  eight  fa.  and  ar.  a  covered  cup  or, 
betw.  three  talbots  heads  erafed  and  counterchangcd  of  the 
field,  collared  of  the  third. 
Butler,  Sa.  crufuly  ar.  in  chief  two  cinquefoils  erm.  in  bafc  a 

covered  cup  or. 
Butler,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  in  chief  three  buckles  az. 
Butler,  [Ireland]   Or,    on  a  chief  dauncettee  three  efcallop- 
fhells   ar. — Creft,  on  a  row  cf  five   leaves  vert,  a  demi- 
eagle  difpiayed. 
Butler,  [London]   Ar.  on  a  fefTe   chequy  gu.   and   ar.  bctvv. 

fix  crofles  botonee  fa.  three  annulets  or. 
Butler,  or  Botoler,[E&x]   Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  chevroncli 

Butler,  [Suffcx]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  jrimblcts  az.  armed  or. 
Butler,  [SomerfetfliireJ  Ar.  three  boars  palTint  in  pale  {ji. 
Butler,   Sa.  three  covered  pots  with  handles  ar. 
Butler,  Gu.  crufuly  patee   ar.  a  fefle  of  the  laft. 
Butter,    Gu.  a  crofs  mafculy  ar. 
Butler,  Gu.  a  fefle  counter-compony  ar.  and  fa.  betw.  fix  crofles 

formce  fitchce  of  the  fecond. 
Butler,  Ar.   a  fclTc   coanter-company  or  and  fa.  in  chief  two 

mullets  gu. 
Butler,  [Bramfield,  in  Hertford/hire]   Gu.  a  fefle  chequy  ar. 

and  az.  betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  or. 
Botteler,    or    Butler,    [  Cambridgeftiirc,     1575.  ]     Ar.    three 
covered  cups  in  bend  betw.  two  cotiits  engrailed  fa. — Crcft, 
a    cockatrice's  head  and  wings,  head  vert,  and  ducally  gor- 
ged, combed,  and  wattled,  or  ;  the  wings  ar. 
Butler,    [1606  ]  Ar.  three  covered  cups   fa.  betw.  nine  crofs 

B     U     X 

croflets   fitchce  gu. — Crcft,  an  arm  cmbowcd<   habited  az. 
cuft'ar.    holding  in  the  hand  a  bunch  of  grapes  proper, 
Butler,    Gu.  a  fefle  chequy  ar,  and  fa. 
Butler,  Gu.  three  bends  ar. 

Butler,   or  Boteler,    [Tefton,  in  Kent]  Ar.  oh  a  chief  fa.  three 
covered  cups  or. — Creft,  two  eagles  with  wings  endorfcd  ar. 
fupporting  a  vine  frufted  proper. 
BUTNOR,  Or,  on  a  chev.   betw.    three  lions   heads  crafcd 

gu.  as  many  bezants. 
BUTLE,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  combs  ar. 
BUTRINGHAM,  Ar.  three  btnds  fa. 

BUTTERFIELD,  [Hcrtfordftiin]  Gu.  a  griffin  pafl-..nt   ar. 
Another,  or. — Crcft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet   or,    a   demi- 
dragon  with  wings  expanded    ar. 
BUT  TERKIELD,  Or,  on  a  bend  az.  three  bees  volant  ar. 
BUTTERY,  [Northamptonftiirc]   Sa.  a  lion  rampant  or,  a 
chief  of  the   fecond. — Creft,   a  tiger  pafllint  ar.   tufted  and 
mancd  or,  fupporting  with  the  dexter  foot  an  efcutcheon. 
Buttery,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  on  a  chief  crencUec  gu.  three 

lozenges  or. 
BUTTERWIKE,  Ar.  on  abend  az.  three  butterflies  or. 
BUTTOL,   Or,   an  incfcutcheon  az. 

BUTTON,  [Alton,  in  WiltftiircJ   Erm.  a  fcfl"c  gu.— Ccft, 
on  each   fide  of  a   chapeau  gu.  turned   up  erm,  a  horn  or, 
waved  like  that  of  an  ox. 
Button,   Or,  on   a    feftc  engrailed  between  three   cro.'s  cro.lets 

vert,  a  Catharine-wheel  betw.  two  horfc-flioes  ar. 
Button,   [Glamorganfhiie]    Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  tons  fu. 

Button,  [Wiltftiire]    Az.  three  lions  rampant  or,  a  cjiicf  ar. 

Crcft,   a  wivcrn  crcft  on  the  tail  fa. 
Button,  or  Budden,  Erm.    a  fefle  gu.    betw.    three   crofles  bo- 
tonee   az. — Crcft,   a   bull's   head    proper,    char«cd   on   the 
ftiouluer  with  a  crofs  botonee  or.     Granted  Dec.  10,  1600. 
BUTTORT,  Or,  a  faltier   engrailed  fa.     Another,  the  fal- 

ticr  plain. 
BUTTRY,    [Suffolk]  Az.  on  a   chev.    betw.  three  croflLs 

patee   fitchee  or,  as  many  boars  heads   couped  gu. 
Buttry,  Az.  on   a   chev.  betw.  three  crofs  croflets  fitchce  ::u. 

as  many  boars  heads  couped  or. 
BUTTS,  [Norfolk]    Az.  on  a  chev.   betw.  three  mullets  or 

as  many  lozenges  gu. 
Butts,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  etoiles  or,  as 
many  lozenges  of  the  field. — Creft,  a  horfe's  head  ar.  on  the 
head  a  plume  of  three  feathers  or  and  ar.  the  face  and 
mane  covered  with  armour  or,  bridle  of  the  laft. 
Butts,  [Norfolk]  Az.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  etoiles  or  as 
many  lozenges  gu.  on  a  fin ifter  quarter,  per  pale  ar.  and  az. 

two    lions   gambs   erafed  in    faltier  of  the  third. Crcft,   a 

horfe's  head  forrel,    mane  plaited   ar.  and  or,   on  the  head  a 
fkull-plate,  with  two  feathers  or  and  az. 
Butts,  Sa.  a  crofs  or,  (another,  ar.)  betw.  four  plates. 
Butts,  [Dorking,   in  Surry]  Ar.  a  faltier  engrailed  gu.  betw. 
four  ermine  fpots  fa.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  fifties  hauricnt  ar.— 
Crefti,  a  naked  arm,  couped  at  the  elbow  and  ereft,  proper, 
grafping   a  fifh  ar. 
BUTVILLAIN,  or  Bontvillain',  [Northamptonniirc  and 

Northumberland]  Ar.  three  crcfcents  "-ii. 
BUTVILLAN,  Sa.  two  chev.  ar. 
BUXTON,    Ar.  a  lion  rampant,  the  tail  elevated,  and  turned 

over  the  head,  fa. 
Buxtm.  [Tibenham  in  Nor.o'k,  and  of  Derbyftiirc]  Sa.  two 
bars  ar.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond,   a  buck  of  the  firft,  at- 
tired or. — Creft,  a  pelican  or,  with  win^s  expanded,  vuln- 
in?  his  brcaft  gu. 



C     A     L 


CABELL,  Vert,  a  fefle  gu.  fretty  ar. 
Cabell,  Vert,  fretty  ar.  a  fefle  or. 
Cabell,  [Devonlliire]    Vert,  fretty  ar.  a  fefle  gu. 

CABER,    Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  mullets  of  the  field. 

CABORNE,  Sa.  a  chev.  ar.  voided  gu.  betw.  three  lo- 
zenges of  the  fecond,  each  charged  with  a  Cornifli  chough 

CABOURNE,  or  Cabron,  [Thrafthorp,  in  Liricolnfliire]  Sa. 
two  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  lozenges  of  the  fecond,  each  char- 
ged with  a  martlet  fa.— Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a 
lozenge  ar.  charged  with  a  martlet  fa. 

Cabron,  Party  per  fefle  ar.  and  fa.  fix  crofl'es  botonee  counter- 

CACEIL,  Ar.  three  bars  fa.  in  chief  as  many  martlets  of  the 

C  ACEYLL,  Ar.  on  three  bars  fa.  as  many  martlets  of  the  firft. 

CADE,  Ar.  on  a  fefle  az.  betw.  two  lions  paflant  gardant  gu. 
each  charged  on  the  fhoulder  with  a  bezant,  a  tower  triple- 
towered  betw.  two  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Creft:,  a  demi-lion  ram- 
pant gu.  charged  on  the  fhoulder  with  a  bezant,  holding  in 
the  dexter  gamb  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 

Cade,  [Rumford,  in  Efl'ex]  Ar.  a  pile  of  three  points  engrail- 
ed fa. 

Cade,  [Greenwich,  in  Kent]  Erm.  three  piles  iflTuing  out  of 
a  chief  engrailed  fa. 

Cade,  [Derbyfhire]  Ar.  a  fefl'e  az.  betw.  two  lions  palTant 
gardant  gu. — Crefl:,  a  demi-lion  rampant  gu. 

CADMER,   Az.  an  eagle  difplayed  with  two  heads  ar. 

CADLMAN,  [Norfolk  and  London]  Az.  two  bars  dauncettce 
erm.  betw.  fix  fleurs-de-lis,  three,  two,  and  one,  or. — Crefl:,  a 
rock  proper,  furmounted  with  a  fleur-de-lis  or.    Granted  1633. 

CADMAN,   Or,   three  colombine-buds  vert. 

CADYE,  or  Kadye,  [Gloucefterfhire]  Ar.  three  piles  en- 
grailed gu.  all  meeting  in  the  bafe  point. — Creft,  on  amount 
vert,  a  cockatrice  ar.  combed  and  wattled  gu.  ducally  gorged 
and  chained   or. 

CADICOTT,  [Eaft  Whiteway,  in  Dorfetftiire]  Az.  three 
arrows  or. 

CAGAN,  [Devonfhire]  Ar.  fevcn  lozenges  gu.  three,  three, 
and  one. 

CAGE,  [Kent]  Per  pale  gu.  and  az.  a  faltier  or. — Creft,  a 
ftao-  paflTant  erm.  attired  or,  charged  on  the  ftioulder  with 
an  annulet  gu. 

Cage,  [Lougftow,  in  Cambridgefliire]  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  a 
faltier  or,  on  a  quarter  ar.  three  bulls  heads  couped  at  the 
neck  fa. 

CAHURTA,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  in  chief  a  demi-griffin  ifluant 
of  the  laft. — Creft,  a  flag  erm.  attired  or. 

CAYERLEON,  Sa.  a  plate  betw.  three  towers  triple-tower- 
ed ar. 

CAYLIFF,  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crefcents  or. 

CAYLY,  or  Cayle,  [Norfolk]  Chcquy  ar.  and  fa.  a  fefle  erm. 

Cayle,  or  Keyle,  [Cornwall]  Qiiarterly  embattled  ar.  and  fa. 

Cayly,    Gu.   four  bends  ar. 

Cayly,    [Norfolk]   Chequy  or  and  gu.  a  bend  erm. 

CALLEYS,  Sa.  two  bars  erm.  in  chief  three  annulets  or. 

CAYLNE,  or  Calle,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  gu.  betw. 
two   chev.   of  the  fecond,  three  efcallop-fhells  of  the  firft. 

CAYLWAY,  [Hampfliire]    Ar.  on  tv/o  glafiers  fnippers  in 

faltier  fa.  four  pears  or.  Another  adds  a  borduie  engrail- 
ed gu. 

CAYMESLEY,   Chequy  ar.  and  fa.  a  canton  erm. 

CAYMYS,   [Devonfliire]  Gu.  a  crofs  erm. 

CAYNE,   Az  an  eagle  difplayed  ar. 

CAYSTERTON,  Or,  four  lozenges  gu.  on  each  an  annu^ 
let  of  the  field. 

CALCARNE,  Or,  on  a  fefle  engrailed  fa.  betw.  three  Cor- 
nifli choughs  proper,  a  garb  betw.  two  crofs  croflets  fitchcc 
of  the  field. 

CALCOTT,  Sa.  a  Hiltier  engrailed  betw.  four  crofs  crof- 
lets  or. 

CALCRAFT,   Ar.  three  lions  paflant  gardant  in  pale  fa. 

CALDECOT,   Party  per  pale  or  and  az.  a  chev.  gu. 

Caldccot,  [Suflcx,  Cambridgefliire,  and  Norfolk]  Per  pale  of 
and  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  leopards  faces  or. — Her.  Off. 
SkJ.  C.  27. 

Caldecot,  [Norfolk]  Per  pale  az.  and  gu.  on  a  chief  of  the 
fecond,  three  leopards  faces  or. 

Caldeeot,    Per  pale  or  and  az.  a  chief  gu. 

Caldecot,  [Norfolk]  Per  pale  or  and  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  three 
lozenges  erm.  ' 

Caldecot,  or  Calcot,  [Willfcott,  in  Oxfordftiire]  Per  pale  or 
and  gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  three  fliovelers  fa. — Creft,  a  demi- 
tigcr  or,  tufted,  maned,  and  attired  with  two  fl:rait  horns,  fa. 

Caldccot,  Ar.  a  fefle  crenellee  gu.  betw.  three  ravens  fa. 

Caldccot,    Ar.  a  fefle  crenell.-e  betv/.  three  birds  gu. 

CALDWELL,  [Staff"ordfhire]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  dauncettce  az. 
three  fifties  heads  (i.  e.  lings  heads)  erafed  or, 

Caldivcll,  Ar.  on  a  feflTe  dauncettee  d.  three  lions  heads 
erafed  or. 

Caldiuell,  [Worcefterfliire  and  London]  Az.  a  crofs  formec 
fitchee  betw.  ten  etoiles  or. — Creft,  a  cock's  head  betw.  two 
wings  expanded  ar.  combed  and  wattled  gu.  holding  in  his 
mouth  a  crofs  formee  fitchee  or.  Another,  (of  Leicefter- 
fhire)   the  head  or,  the  wings  fa. 

CALEBOT,  [Norfolk]  Az.  a  faltier  betw.  four  crofl'es  for- 
mee or. 

Calebot,  [Norfolk]  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crofies  or. — Creft, 
a  greyhound  current  az.  collared  and  ringed  or. 

CALANDRINE,  Az.  a  faltier  or,  in  chief  an  eagle  difplayed 
ar. — Creft,  a  demi-eagle  difplayed  ar.  in  his  beak  a  fcroll, 
with  this  motto,  Surfum. 

CALFE,  Ar.  three  calves  paflant  gu. 

CALFIELD,   Or,  three  towers  triple-towered  gu. 

CALFTS,  Ar.  three  cinquefoils  gu.  between  fix  crofs  crof- 
Icts  fa. 

CALYWORTH,   Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  caflles  fa. 

CALLARD,  or  Calliard,  [Norfolk]  Gyronny  of  fix  or 
and  fa.  three  negroes  heads  couped  proper. — Creft,  a  demi- 
lion  fa.  fupporting  a  double  fcalijig-ladder  or.  Another, 
the  held  ar.  and  fa. 

Callard,  Gyronny  of  fix  ar.  a.nd  la. 

CALLEY,  Caley,  or  Caylley,  [Bardrope  in  Wiltfhi.'e, 
and  of  Brumpton  in  Yorkfliire]  Qu.irterly  ar.  and  fa.  on 
a  bend  gu.  three  mullets  of  the  firft. — Creft,  9  demi-lion 
rampant  ar.  charged  with  a  bend  gU.  thereon  three  mullets 
ar.  holding   a  battle-axe,   handle  gu.  head  ar. 

CALLILING,  or  Caylinc,  Gyronny  of  eight  fa.  and  erm. 


C     A     L 

CALIMIE,  Erm.  a  felTc  cotiftd  fa.  all  within  a  borJuic  az. 
CALLIS,   Gu.  three  towers  ar.  two  and  one  ;  on  each  a  dcmi- 

lion  rampant  or. 
Ca/lis,    Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  cinquefoils  or. 
CALLORE,  Per  pale  indented  or  and  gu.  a  bull  pallant  coun- 

Callore,  7'he  fame,  within  a   bordure  fa.  bezantje. 
CALLOVV,    Ar.  on  a  chcv.  betw.  three  leopards  heads  fa.  as 

many  annulets  of  the  field. 
CALLREY,  or  Calney,  Or,  a  felTe  betw.    two  chev.   fa. 

Another,  the  field  ar. 
CALMADY,    [Devonfhire]  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  pears  or. 

— Creft,   a  pcgafus  current  or. 
CALSTON,  Ar.   a  bar  gu.   in   chief,  two  lions  rampant   of 

the  laft. 
Caljhn,  Az..  three  mullets  or,  within  a  bordure  ar. 
CALTES,  [Lincolniliire]  Ar    three  rofes  in  feffe  gu.  betw. 

fix  crofs  crodets  fa. 

CALTHORP,  [Norfolk]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or,  a  baton  erm. 

Calthorp,  or  Catthrop,   [Suffolk  and  Norfolk]   Chequy  or  and 

az.  a  felfe  erm. — Creft,  a   boar's   head  and  neck  az.  armed 

and  briftled  or. 

Calthrop,   [Kent]  Chequy   ar.  and  az.  a  crofs  of  the   fecond, 

fretty  of  the  firft. 
Calthrop,  [Calthorp-hall,  in  Norfolk]  Chequy  or  and  az.  a  ici'ii: 
erm. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  hawk  clofe  ar.  beaked  and 
belled  or. 
Calthrop,  or  Cart/iorp,   Or,  a  bend  az. 
Ccilthrop,   [Orthonby,  in  Norfolk]   Erm.   a  maunch  gu. 
CALTOFT,   [Eftex  and  Lincolnftiire]   Ar.  three  cinquefoils 

gu.  on  each  five  bezants. 
Cahoft.,   or   Caltijl,   Ar.    an   inefcutcheon    within    an  oric    of 

cinquefoils  fa.     Another,  of  martlets  fa. 
Cahoft,    Sa.  crufuly  ar.   three  cinquefoils  of  the  laft. 
Caltoft,   [Lincolnftiire]    Gu.  three  rofes  ar. 
CALTON,  [Catfworth,  in  Huntingdonfhire]  Az.  a  lion  ram- 
pant regardant  ar.   crowned  or. — Creft,   a  talbot  paflant   ar, 
collared  and  lined  or. 
Cahon,   [Babram,    in  Cambridgefhire]   Az.  a   bend   engrailed 
■  betw.  three  tons  or,  on  each  an  owl   ar. — Creft,  a  boar  paf- 

fant  ar. 
Cclton,  [London,  and  of  Milton  in  Berkftiire]  Sa.  a  faltier  en- 
grailed betw.  four  crofs  crofletsor.   Another,  thecroifesfitchec. 
CALAMOUNT,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  fleurs- 
de-lis  gu. 
CALVELEY,    or  Caverelee,  [Chefljire]  Ar.  a  fefle  gu. 

betw.  three  calves  fa. 
CALVERLEY,    [Devonfhire]  Ar.  on  a  felTe  gu.  three  calves 

pafTant  or. 
Calverhy,  Sa.  an  inefcutcheon  within  an  orle  of  fterlings  ar. 
Ci<!virli)\     [Calverley,    in    Yorkfhire]    Sa.    an    inefcutcheon 
within    an  orle  of  owls  ar. — Creft,  an   owl  ar.     Another 
creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  calf's  head  ere£l:  ar. 
Calverley,  Ar.  an  inefcutcheon  within  an  orle  of  owls   fa. 
CALVERT,  [Lancafhire]   Sa.  on  an  inefcutcheon  within  an 
orle  of  owls  ar.  three  guttes  fa. — Creft,  an  owl  ar.  guttee 
fa.     Another,  the  inefcutcheon  guttee  fa. 
Calvert,  Paly  of  fix  or  and  fa.  a  bend  counterchanged. — Creft, 
out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  two  pennons,  the  dexter  or,  the 
other  fa.  ftaves  gu. 
CALWODLEY,    or  Cadwoodley,  [Devonfliire]  Az.   a 

pair  of  wings  difplayed  ar.  on  a  felTe  gu.  three  bezants. 
CAM,  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az. 
CAMAYLE,   Gu.  three  lozenges  ar.  two  and  one. 
CAMARTHEN,  or  Carmarthen,    [Kent]   Az.  a   fefTe 

betw.  three  bears  gambs  erafed  or,  armed  gu. 
C.WIBEERES,  or  Chambers,  [Weftmorland]  Vert,  a  crofs 

erm.  on  a  chief  or,    a  fnake  nowed  proper, 
CAMBELL,  Gyroniiy  of  eight  or  and  fa. 


Camhell,  [Clayhall,  in  EfFex]  Sa.  on  a  fcftl-  betw.  three  lions 

heads  erafed  or,  as  many  ogrcfies. 
CAAIBER,  [Tilbury,  in  Eiiex]  Sa.  three  bends  ragu'y  ar.  on 
a  chief  of  the  firft,  three  Saxon   crowns  of  the   fecond.— 
Creft,  a  Saxon  crown  per  pale  fa.  and  ar.   betw.  two  win<rs 

expanded  counterchanged. 
CAMBERTON,    or  Cambreton,    Sa.    three   helmets  or, 

two  and  one. 
CAMBORNE,  .ilias  Paynter,  [Cornwall]  Az.  three  dice 

ar.  each  charged  with  an  annulet  At.— Creft,  three  broken 

fpears  or,  tied   together,  two  in  faltier,  one  in  pale,   with  a 

ftring  gu, 
CAMBREY,  Ar.  three  boars  heads  couped  fa.    two  and  one. 
CAMBRIDGE,  or  Camdrige,  Party  per  pale  ar.  and  fa.  a 

faltier  engrailed  counterchanged. 
Cambridge,  Sa.  two  bars  humctty  ar. 

Cambridge,  [London]  Az.  a  crofs  patee  betw.  four  fwans  ar. 
Cambridge,  Ar.  on  a  pile  gu.  betw.  fix  crofTes  formec  fitthce  fa. 

a  crofs  patoncc  ar. 
CAMBRUEN,  Gu.  a  f^iltier  vaire'. 
CAMDEN,  Clareucieux,  Az.  a  feffe  engrailed  betw.  fix  crofs 

croflets  fitchec  or. 
Camden,   Ar.  a  fefic  gu.  betw.  three  torteauxcs. 
Camden,  Ar,  a  feffe  engrailed  betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  fitchec  fa. 

— Creft,    on   a  triangle  or,  fix  etoiles  "u. 
CAMEYS,  Ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  plates.     Another,  three 

Camrys,  or  Camys,  Vaire,  two  bars  gu. 
CAMEL,  Sa.  a  camel  paffant  ar. 
Camel,  Az.  a  camel  ar. 
Camel,  or  Cannyll,  Az.  a  falcon  volant  or. 
CAMEREY,  Or,  a  bend  betw.  three  boars  heads  coupcd  fa. 

armed  or. 
CAMERY,  Or,  a  bend  fa.  cotifed  ar.  betw.  two   boars  heads 

couped  of  the  fecond. 
CAMFIELD,  or  Camfyld,  [Norfolk]  Ar.   a  fret  engrail- 
ed fa. 
Cornfield,   Ar.  fretty  fa. 
Camfield,   Ar.  a   fret   engrailed   fa.  on    a  canton  of  the  laft,  a 

leure  of  the  firft. 
CAMOCK,  [Walden,  in  EfTcx]  Qi.arterly  or  and  gu.  a  crofs 

CAMOYS,  Or,  on  a  chief  gu.  three  bezants. 
Ceimoys,   [Somerfctftiire]   The  fame,  with  due  difference. 
Camoys,  or  Camays,  Or,  a  fret  gu.   on  a  chief  of  the  fecond, 

three  bezants. 
CAMPAIN,  Ar.  a  felTe  fa. 

CAMPE,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  grifnns  heads  ercfed  ar. 
CAMPERNEY,  or  Campney,  Ar.  a  bend  mafculy  gu. 
CAMPION,   [London]  Az.  fretty  of  eight  pieces  erm.  on  a 

canton  or,  a  fleur-de-lis  gu. 
Campion,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  an  eagle  difplayed  or.— 

Creft,  a  turkey  in  pride  proper,  comb  and  wattles  gu. 
Campion,    [Witham   in  Eflex,    and   of  London]   Ar,  a  chev. 

betw.  three  talbots  heads   erafed  fa. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal 

coronet  or,  a  talbot's  head  fa. 
CAMIELE,  [Staffordfliire]   Az.  three  lions  pafTant  ar. 
CAMVILE,  Az.  three  lions  pafTant  ar, 
Camvile,  Az.  three  lions  rampant  ar. 
CANN,    [Cornwall]  Gu.  a  crofs  ar. 
CAN,  [Compton  Greenfield,   in  Gloucefterfhire]  Az.  fretty 

ar.  on  a  fefTe  gu.  three   leopards  heads  caboffed   or. Creft 

out  of  a  mural  coronet  or,  a  plume  of  five  oftriches  fea- 
thers ar. 
CANDALL,   Or,  a  crofs  vert. 
CANDELER,  Ar.  three  pellets  in  bend  cotifed  fa.  betw.  two 

Candeler,  [Hampfhire]   Chequy  or  and  gu.  on  a  bend  engrailed 

fa.  three  lions  pafTant  gardant  or. 
CANDISHE,  Sa,  three  bucks  heads  ar.  attired  or. 

3  S  Caniijht, 


Caiidlfie,  [Suffolk.]    Sa.   a   chev.  or,   bctw.   three  cups  unco^ 

vered   ar. 
Candific,  [Suffolk]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  ftanding  dillies  ar. 
Cdndtflie,   Gu.  three  piles  wavy   ar. 

Candijhe,  Sa.  three  crofs  croflets  or.  Another,  thecroflets  fitchee. 

Cand'ifje,   [Chefhire]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  tail   forked. 

CANDISH,   [Suffolk]    Ar.    three  piles  wavy,  two  from  the 

chief,  and  one  rifing  from  the  bafehctw.  them,  gu. — Creft,  an 

oftrich's  head  az.  gorged  with  a   collar  fa.  rimmed  or,   and 

charged  with  three  bezants. 

C.A.NBROKE,    Ar.    a  chev.   bttw,  three    boars   heads  coup- 

ed  gu. 
CAN  BROOK,    Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  fifhes  heads  coup- 

ed    gu. 
CANDRAY,  Ar.   a  feffe  gu.    in  chief  three  torteauxes. 
CANDREY,    Gu.  ten  billets  or,  four,  three,  two,   and  one. 
CANEY,    Az.  three  lions  paffant  in  pale  ar. 
CANES,   Or,   on  a  chief  gu.  two  plates. 
CANHANSER,  Sa.  an  eagle's  leg  in  pale  etafed  alaquife  ar. 
CAN  HEY,   Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  magpies   proper. 
CANHAM,  Gu.   a   crofs  lozengy  erm.  betw.  four  pelicans 

heads  erafed   or. 
CANY,    Vaire,   three  bars  gu. 

CANNING,  Ar.  three  Moors  heads  fide- faced,  couped  at  the 
neck  proper,  wreathed  about  the  temples  or  and  az. — Creft, 
a  demi-lion  rampant  erm.  fupporting  a  battle-axe  proper. 
CANYS,  [DevonfliireJ  Gu.  a  Crofs  erm. 
CANKEPENE,  Gu.  fix  plates,    three,  two,  and  one. 
CANN,   Gu.  a  crofs  engrailed  or. 

CANNOCK,   [Lincolnlhire]  Erm.  a  fret  gu.  on  achief  of  the 
fecond,  three  annulets  ar. — Creft,  a  demi-buck  couped  ar. 
attired    and    ducally   gorged    or,     one    foot  rcfting  on  the 
CANSEY,   Sa.  a  chev.  betw.   three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
CANSHAM,  Ar.  a  faltier  fa. 

CANSTON,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  crofs  croflets  fitchee  or. 
CANSURE,    Az.  an  eagle  difplayed  barry  of  eight  ar.  and  gu. 
CANTEBIRS,  Gu.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
CANTELO,   or  Cantelup,  Az.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
CANTELOVV,     [Herefordftiire]    Gu.    a    feflTe   vaire,     betw. 

three  leopards  heads  jeflant  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
Catitclovj,   Erm.    on  a  chev.  gu.   three    leopards   heads  jeflant 

fleurs-de-lis  or. 
Cantelow,  [Shropfliire]  Gu.    a   bend  ar.  betw.  three  fleurs-de- 
lis  or. 
Cantclow,   [Ireland]    Ar.   three  wolves  heads    couped   fa.   two 

and  one. 
Cmitelow,  Erm.  a  chev.  gu, 

Caritdow,  [ShropOiire]  Gu.  a  bend  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
CANTELUPE,    [Staffbrdfliire]  Gu.  three  leopards  heads  jef- 

fant  de-lis  or. 
Cantehipc,  Az.  three  leopards  heads  jeflant  de-lis  or. 
Canteloiv,   or  Canulupe,   Az.   a  bend  erm.  betw.  thiee  leopards 

heads  or,  jeffant  de-lis  gu. 
CAN  THEN,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  pheons  ar. 
CANTHORP,    Or,  a  feflTe  betw.    three  efcallop-fliclls   gu. 

Another,    the  field  ar. 
Canthorp,    Ar.  a  fefle  betw.  three  etoiles  fa. 
CANTILION,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  betw.  twoarrows  or, 

feathered  and  barbed  of  the  fecond. 
CANTOKE,  Gu.  a  crofs  fiory  ar.  bctw.  four  rofcs  or. 
CANTON,  [Ireland]    Or,  on  a  chief  az.    a    lion  pafl^ant  of 

the  field,  armed  gu. 
Canton,  [Leicefterfhire]  Barry  of  four  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  chief  of 

the  fecond,  three  mullets  of  the  firft. 
Canton,  Gu.  two  bars,  and  in  chief  three  mullets,  ar. 
Cmiton,   [Kent]    Ar.  a  lion  paflknt  in  fefll:  fa.  betw.  three  dol- 
phins gu. 
CANTRILL,  [Bury,  in  Suff^olk]   Ar.    a  pelican  in  her  piety 
in  her  neft  fa.— Cieft,  a  tower  ar.  j  ort  !a. 


CANTWELL,  [Ireland]  Gu.  a  canton  erm.  charged  with  fix 

annulets  or. 
Cantwell,  [Ireland]  Gu.  five  annulets  and  a  cantori  erm. 
Cantivell,  Gu.  fix  annulets  or,   three,  two,  and  one. 
Cantwell,   Gu.  fix  annulets  ar.  three,   two,  and  one. 
CAPELEN,  or  Chaplain,  [Hampfliire]  Erm.  on  a  chief 
dauncettec  az.  three  griffins  heads  erafed  or.— Creft,  a  grif- 
fin's head  erafed  ar.  ducally  gorged   or. 
CAPELL,  [Cafliiobery,  in  Hertfordfliire]  Gu.  a  lion  rampant 

betw.  three  crofs  croflets  fitchee  or Creft,    a  demi-lion  or, 

holding  a    crofs   croflet  fitched  gu. 
Capell,  Gu.  crufuly,  a  lion  rampant  or. 
Capcll,  Vert,    fretty  ar. 
Capell,   Vert,    fretty  ar.  a  fe.Te  or. 

Capell,  [How  Capell,  in  Herefordftiire]  Chequy  or  and  az.  oo 
a  fefle  gu.  three  mafcles  ar.— Creft,  a  plume  of  three  oftriches 
feathers,  two  ar.   one  gu. 
Capell,   Sa.  three  plates   in  bend  betw.  two  cotifes  or. 
Capell,  Sa.  on  a  bend  betw.  two  cotifes  or,  three  pellets. 
Capell,    [Herefordftiire]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  torteauxes. 
Capell,  [Herefordftiire]    Gu.   a  crofs  ar.   betw.  four  lozenges 

CAPENHURST,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  cocks  ar. 
Capenhurji,  h'C.  three  capons  fa. 
CAPPER,  Or,  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  rofes  ar.  a  canton  of  the 

CAPPS,   [.Martham,  in  Norfolk]  Az.  on  a  felTe  betw.  three 
antelopes  paffknt  or,   as  many  efcallops  gu.— Creft,  a  demi- 
antelope  fejant  or. 
Capps,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  trefoils  flipped  fa.  an  cfcallop  ' 

of  the  firft. 
Capps,  [Kent]  The  fame,  without  theefcallop. 
CAPS,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  a  chev,  fa.  betw.  three  Moors  heads 

CARANT,   orCARANTE,    [Efl"ex  and  Wiltfliire]  Ar.  on  a 

torteaux,  three  chevronels  az. 
Carant,  [Eflbx]  Ar.  three  hurts,  each   charged  with  as   many 

chevronels  gu. 
CARBEW,   [Norfolk]  Gu.  a  crofs  ar.  within  a  boidureor. 
CARBILL,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  bctw.   three  crowns  fa.  as  many 

etoiles  or. 
CARBONELL,    Gu.  a  crofs  within  a  bcrdure   engrailed  or. 
Carbonell,    [Norfolk]  Gu.    a  crofs    ar.  within   a    bordure  en- 
grailed  or. 
Carbonell,   [SufFolkJ    Gu.  a  crofs  ar.  fretted  fa. 
Carbonell,  Sa.  three  fwords  in  pale,  two  points  downwards,  and 

one  upwards,  ar.  pomeled  or. 
Carbonell,  [London,  and  Caen  in  Normandy]  Per  fefl'e  gu.  and 
az.  three  plates  ar.— Creft,  a  demi-lion   az.   crowned  "gu.  on 
the  ftioulder  three  plates  .  .  .       Granted  1694. 
CARCEY,    Vaire,  three  bars  gu. 
CARDEGAN,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  boars  heads  couped  fa. 

langued  gu.  within  a  bordure  erm. 
CARDEILL,  Or,  a  crofs  formee  gu. 
CARDELYON,  or  Cardelon,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu    betw.  three 

crofs  croflets  fitchee  fa. 
CARDIFFE,  [Ireland]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  door-ftaples  fa. 
Card'ife,  Az.  a  fefle  betw.  fix  martlets  or. 
Card'iffe,  At.,  a  fefle  or,   betw.  fix  martlets  ar. 
CARDIGAN,   or    Cardigan,  [Wales]  Quarterly  ar.  and 
erm.  a  bend  gu. 

CARDIMEW,   or  Cardindew,  Ar.  on   achief  fa.  a  lion 

paflTant  or.     Another,  ar. 
CARDINALL,  [Hadley,  in  Suff^olk]   Sa.  a  feflb  betw.  three 

door-hinges  ar. 

Cardinall,  [Eftbx]    Sa.  a  feftb  engrailed  betw.  three  door-hingjs 

ar. — Creft,  a  dromedary. 
CARDINGTON,    Sa.  three  wool-combs  or. 
CARDMAKER,   or  Cardemaker,  [Eft-ex]    Per  feflb  gu 

and  ar.  a  pale  counterchanged,    three  greyhounds  heads  of 

the  fecond,  collaxed  of  the  fixli. 



CARDOS,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  az.  three  eagles  difplaycdor. 
CARELL,    Sa.   three   bends    ar.    in    chiet"   a    caftle    of   the 

Car,-!!.     Sec  CARREL L. 

CAREM,  Gil.  a  chev.  between  three  efcallops  ar. 

CAREW,  [Dcvonfliirc  and  Cornwall]  Or,  three  lions  paf- 

fant  in  pale  fa.  armed  and  langucd  gu. — Crcfl,  on  a  wreath  a 

main-mad,   the   round-top   furrounded   with  fpcars,    and  a 

dcmi-lion  iffuant  from  the  centre  fa. 

Carcvj,  [Surry  and    Kent]   Ar.  three   lions  paflant  in  pale  fa. 

armed  and  langucd  gu. 
Carcw,   [Kent]    The  fame,  within  a  bordure  chcquy  or  and  d. 

Another,    the  bordure  gobony. 
C^rew,   Gu.  on  a  chev.    betw.  three  cinqutfoils  or,  as  many 

etoilcs  of  rile  firft. 
CAREY,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  heads  erafed  or  ;  on 
a  chief  per  fcflenebulcci\r.  and  az.  a  pale  of  the  laft,  charged 
with  a  pelican  clofe  of  the  third,  vulning  her  breaft  of  the 
field. — Crcft,  a  wolf  paiTint  regardant  per  p.ile  ar.  and  gu. 
holding  in  his  mouth  a  rofe-branch  flowered  of  the  fecond, 
leaved  and  rt.ilkcd  vert. 
Carey,  Ar.  on   a  bend  fa.  three  rofcs  of  the  field. — Crcft,  a 

fvvan  ar.  wings  endorfed. 
CARV,  [Wilcot  in  Oxfordfliire,  and  of  Somerfctfliirc]  The 

fame,  v;ith  due  difference. 
CARYP'ITT,  Gu.  a  bend  ar.  betw.  fix  bezants. 
CARIGS,  Ar.  abendaz.  betw.  three  choughs  proper. 
6V/nV;,  Ar.  a  bend  gu.  betw.  three  magpies  proper. 
CARYCOES,  The  fame. 
CARKEREDGE,  [Godmaaam,  in   Ki:nt]    Ar.   on    a   fc/Te 

engrailed  fa.  three  quatrefoils  or. 
CARKII.E,    [London]  Sa.  a  bend  invciEled  betw.  two  cotifcs 

or ;  over  all  a  label  of  three  points  ar. 
CARLE,  Az.  three  pomegranates  or,  feeded  gu. 
CARLFE,   [Kent]    Or,  a   fefle  betw.  three  horfes  current  fa. 

■ — Creft,  a  ram   ar.  attired  or,  in  flames  of  fire  proper. 
CARLIFE,  [London]   Or,   on  a  crofs  engrailed  betw.    four 
roks  gu.   five  martlets   of    the  firft. — Creft,  a  martlet   or, 
holding  in  his   beak  a   fprig  of  two    rofes   gu.    leaved  and 
f.alked  vert. 
CARLELL,  or  Carlyle,  [StafTordfhire]   Or,  a  crofs  formee 

CARLILL,  [Kent  and  Cumberland]  Or,  a  crofs  fiory  gu. 
• — Creft,  a  dexter  arm  cmbov.'cd,  in  armour  or,  garnifhed  gu. 
holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a  baton  or. 
CarlUl,  [Cumberland  and  Weftmorland]  Or,  a  crofs  flory  gu. 
in  the  dexter  chief  a  rofe  of  the  laft. — Creft,  an  arm  era- 
bowed  in  armour,  holding  in  the  hand,  all  proper,  a  fpear  ar. 
Ccflj'.c,  or  CciliU,   [Northumberland]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw. 

three  Cornifh  choughs  proper,  as  many  etoilcs  or. 
CarHUy  [London,   1383.]    Or,  on  a  crofs  engrailed  gu.  betv.'. 
two  rtfes  dexter  bendvvays,  and  two  griffins  heads  erafed  fi- 
nifter  bendways  of  the  fccond,  five  martlets  of  the  firft. 
CARLESSE,  Ar.  on  abend  fa.  three  cinquefoils  pierced  or. 
CARLESTON,  Or,  on  a  chev.  vert,  three  eagles  difplayed  of 

the  field. 
CARLOWE,  [Wales]  Az.  three  fpcars  in  bend  or,  headed  ar. 
CAR.LOS,  Or,  on  a  mount  in  bafe,    an  oak-tree  vert;    over 
all,  on  a  felTe  gu.  three  regal   crowns  or. — Creft,   a  fword 
ar.  hilt  and  pomel   or,  and  a  fceptre  or  in  faltier,   enfiled 
with  a  civic  crown   vert.     Motto,  Subditus  jxdelis  Regis,  et 
Sitlus  Rerni. 
CARLETON,    [Surry,    Linton   in   Cambridgefliire,  and  of 
London]    Ar.  on  a  bend   fa.  three  mafcles  of  the  field. — 
Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  unicorn's  head  fa.  the 
horn  tvvifted  or  and  fa. 
CARLTON,   Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  az.  three  lozenges  of  the 

Carltsn,  [Catltcc  Hall,  in  Cumberland  J  Erm.  on  a  bend  fa,  three 


phconsar.— Creft,  an  arm  cmbowed  proper,  holding  an  ar- 
Carlton,  or   ^lar/tcn,  Ar.  a  lion  pafTant  gu.     Sec  CHARL- 
CARLUYAKE,   or  Carluvn ake,  [Cornwall]    Sa.    three 

boar.i  headi  in  fclTe  betw.  fix  crofs  croflcts  fitchec  or. 
CAR.MALT,  [Laurigg  in  Cumberland]  Vert,  a  dragon  fejant, 
with  his  wings  expanded,  betw.  three  efcallop-friells  or. — 
Creft,  a  dr.igon's  head    erafed   party   per  pale  vert  and  or, 
gorged  with  a  collar  charged  with  three  efcallop-ftiells  coun- 
terchangcJ.     Granted  1740. 
CARMARTHEN,  or  Carmarden,   [Chiftlhurft  in  Kent, 
and  of  London]  Az.  a  fcflc   betw.  three   lions  gambs  erect 
and  erafed  or. — Crcft,  a  lion's  gamb  erccl  and  erafed  or. 
CARMYNALL,  Az.  abend  or. 
CARMYNOW,  or  Carminaw,  [Cornwall]    Az.   a  bend 

or,  a  chief  of  the  laft, 
Carmynow,    or    Carmenni',  [Devonfiiire,  and  Tretongallon  in 
Cornwall]  Az.  a  bend  or,  (another,  ar.)  in  chief  a  lambeaux 
of  three  points  gu. — Creft,   a  dolphin  embowed  or. 
CVRNABY,    Ar.  two  bars  az.  in  chief  three  hurts. 
CARNE,  [Nafti  and  Wenny,   in  Giamorganfhirc]  Gu.  a  pe- 
lican in  her  njft,    with  wings  difplayed,   feeding  her  young 
or,  vulned  proper. 
CARNEY,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bugle-horns  ftringed  fa. 
CARNELL,  Ar.  three  bends  fa.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond,  a 

caftle  of  the  firft. 
Carnell,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  three   bends  wavy  fa.  on  a  canton  of 
the  laft,  a  tower  triplc-tov/ered  of  the  firft. — Creft,  an  arm 
cmbowed  in  armour,   holding   a  fword,  all  proper. 
CARNERD,  [Suffolk]  Az.  a  fcfll-  betw.  two  chev.  or. 
CARNON,    Per  pale   ar.  and  gu.  four  piles  wavy,  conjoined 

in  bafc,  counterchanged. 
CARNUS,  [Aftwitt,  in  Weftmorland]  Q.iarterly  ar.  and  fa. 

on  a  bend  gu.  three  martlets  of  the  firft. 
Camus,   Sa.   a  chev.   engrailed  betw.  three  eagles  difplavcd  ar. 

on  a  chief  or,  a  lion  paflant  of  the  field. 
CAROONE,  [Surrey]  Ar.  a  finifter  bend  az.  femc'e  of  fleurs- 
de-lis  in  dexter  bendways  or. 
CARONGES,   Bendy  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  two  leopards  or. 
CARPENDER,    [London]    Az.  two  bars  or,   in  chief  three 
crofs  croflets   of  the  fccond. — Crcft,  a  flag's  head  ar.   with 
two  wings   endorfed  az. 
CARPENTER,  [Somerfctfliirc]   Vert,    an  cfcallop-fliell  ar. 
betw.  two  pales  or. — Creft,  a  fnail  paflant  proper,  the  fliell 
on  his  back  ar.     Granted  16&3. 
Carpenter,    [London,   Herefordftiire,    and   Kent]    Palv  of  fix 
pieces  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  chev.  az.    three  crofs  croflets    or. — 
Creft,    a  fphere  or,  in  a  frame  {3.. 
Carpenter,  [Surry]   Ar.   a  greyhound  paflant   and  chief  fa.— 

Creft,   a  greyhound's  head  erafed  per  feffe   fa  and  ar. 
Carpenter,  [Barbadoes]    Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  che\'.  fa, 
three  plates  each,  charged  with  a  crofs  patee  gu. — Creft,  a 

demi-lion  rampant  gu.  ducally  crowned  or,  collared   fa. 

Motto,  Audaces  Fortuna  jwcat.     Granted  in    Ireland,  June 
10,  1647. 
Carpenter,  The  fame  arms. — Creft,  a  church  proper.     Granted 

Carpenter,  Per  pale  indented  .iz.  and  fa.    three  eagles  difplayed 
or,  two  and  one. — Creft,  a  falcon  with  wings  expanded  ar. 
beaked,   legged,    and   belled,   or. 
CARR,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  charged  with  three  mullets  of  the 

field;  in  the  chief  quarter  a  lion  paflant  or. 
Carr,    [Sleaford  in  Lincolnfhirc,   and  of  Lancafliire]  Gu.  on 
a  chev.  or,  three  etoilcs  fa. — Crcft,  a  ftag's  head  ar.  charged 
with  two  bars  gemelles  gu.  attired  or. 
Carr,   Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  etoilcs  fa. — Creft,  a  ftag's  head 

erafed  proper.     Another,  couped. 
Carr,  [Scotland]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  mullets  fa. 
Carr,  qt  Carre,   [York  and  Briftol]  The  fame. 



Can;  [Tewkfbury,  in  Gloucefterftiire]  Ar.  on  a  bend,  betw. 
three  Cornlfh  choughs  fa.  three  leopards  heads  of  the  field, 

Carr,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  rofes  of  the  field. 

Can,  [Briftol]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  etoiles  fa.  in  chief  a 
martlet  or,  charged  with  a  crefcent  fa. — Creft,  a  flag's  head 
ar.  attired  or,  gorged  with  two  bars  gu.  betw.  the  bars  a 
martlet  as  in  the  arms. 

CARRELL,  [Warnham,  in  SuiTex]  Ar.  three  bars  fa.  in 
chief  three  martlets  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert, 
an  ibex  ar.  maned  and  horned  or.  A  tiger  fejant  vert,  maned 
and  tufted  or. 

Carrell,  [Harting,  in  Suffex]  Ar.  three  bars  and  as  many  mart- 
lets in  chief  fa.— Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  ftag  lodged  re- 
gardant ar.    attired  or. 

Currell,   [London]  Gu.  fix  martlets,    three,  two,  and  one,  ar. 

Carrell,  or  Carril,  [SufTex  and  Kent]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  a 
rofe  betw.  two  griffins  heads  or,  within  a  bordurc  engrail- 
ed az. 

Carrell,   The  fame,  without  the  bordure. 

Carrell,  Bendy  ar.  and  fa.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond,  a  caftleof 
the  firft. 

Carrell,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  crofs  engrailed  gu.  betw.  two 
rofes,  one  in  the  dexter  chief  point,  and  one  in  the  bafe  fi- 
nifter  point,  and  two  griffins  heads  erafed  in  the  other 
points  gu.  five  martlets  or. 

Carrell,  Or,  a  crofs  patonce  gu. 

Carrell,  Per  bend  ar.  and  fa.  on  a  canton  gu.  a  lion  rampant 
gardant  or,  with  a  bordure  counterchanged  of  the  field. 

GARRETT,  or  Caret,  Or,  on  a  chief  indented  fa.  three 
rofes  ar. 

CARRICK,  [Gloucefterftiire]  Or,  a  fcfte  dauncettee  betw. 
three  talbots  paflant  fa. — Creft,  an  oftrich  ar.  beaked  and 
legged  or,  holding  in  his  mouth  a  broken  fpear  of  the 
laft,  headed  of  the  firft. 

Carriqiie,  Sa.  three  cinquefoils  or.    KARRICK,   The  fame. 

Carrick,   Sa.  three  rofes  ar.  leaved  vert. 

CARRIDGE  [London]  Sa.  on  a  pile  ar.  a  fpear-hook  of  the 

CARYER,  Az.  a  pelican  vulningherfelfgu.  betw.  eight  fleurs- 
de-lis  ar. — Creft,  a  dove,  wings  elevated  ar.  mcmbered  gu. 
bearing  an  olive-branch  proper,  all  within  a  circle  of  glory 
rayonne  or. 

CARRIER,  [Wirkfworth,  in  Derbyfliire]  Sa.  a  bend  betw. 
three  fpcars  heads  ar. 

CARRINGTON,  [Warwickftiire]  Ar.  a  crofs  gu.  betw. 
four  peacocks  az. — Creft,  a  peacock's  head  erafed  proper, 
ducally  gorged  or. 

Carrwgton,  [Sponton,  in  Yorkfliire]  Gu.  a  iai^e  betw.  three 
cart-wheels  or. 

Carrlngton,  Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  lozenges  of  the  field. — 
Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  an  unicorn's  head  fa, 

Carrington,  [Cheftiire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  lozenges  of  the 

CARSACKE,  or  Carselacke,  Ar.  a  bull's  head  erafed  fa. 

CARSEY,  [Dykelborough,  in  Norfolk]  Gu.  a  bend  engrailed 
ar.  betw.  fix  bezants. — Creft,  a  hand  and  arm  couped  at  the 
elbow  and  ereiSl,  vefted  az.  puffed  and  cuffed  ar.  holding  in 
the  hand  a  bunch  of  gillyflowers,  all  proper. 

Carfey,    [Lincolnftiire]    Per  faltier  az.  and  or,  a  fefle  gu. 

CARSET,  [Devonftiire]  Gu.  abend  or,  betw.  fix  bezants. 

CARSIST,  Gu.  a  bend  ar.  betw.  three  bezants. 

CARSTAKE,  [Devonftiire]  Ar.  a  mullet  betw.  three  trefoils 
flipped  vert. 

CARSWELL,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  voided  of  the  field. 

Carfwell,  [Stafibrdfhire]  Sa.  three  bars  gemellcs  ar. 

Carfivell,  Or,  fretty  gu.  a  fefl"e  erm. 

Carfwell,  Az.  fretty  ar.  a  fefTe  gu. 

CARESWELL,  Ar.  two  bars  gemellesfa.  Another,  three  bars. 


CART,    Ar.    a  flag's   head  cabofTcd  ;  betw,  the  home  an 

etoile  gu. 
Cart,  Sa.  a  ftag's  head  cabofTcd  or ;  an  etoile  for  difference. 
Cart,  Ar.  a  faltier  gu.  betw.  four  palm-trees   erafed  vert. 
CARTARIKE,  Ar.  on  a  fefle  engrailed  fa.  three  rofes  of  the 

CARTER,  [Yorkfliire]  Sa.  a  talbot  pafTant  or,  in  chief  three 

buckles  ar. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  ar,  a  demi-mon- 

key  proper. 
Carter,  [St.  Cullumbe,    in   Cornwall]   Az.  two  lions  rampant 

combatant  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  or. 
Carter,  [London]    Sa.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  fifhes  hauri- 

ent  ar. 
Carter,  [London]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.   three  cart-wheels  vert. 

— Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  greyhound  fejant  ar.  fuftaining 

a  fhield  ar.  charged  with  a  cart-wheel  vert.      Granted  1612, 
Carter,    [Maffington,  in  Northamptonfhire]  Gu.  a  crofs  flory 

or,  on  a  chief  az.  three  round  buckles  of  the  fecond, — Creft, 

a  talbot's  head  ar. 
CARTERET,  [Hawnes,  in  Bedfordfliire]  Gu.  four  fufils  in 

feflTe  ar, — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  fquirrel  fejant  proper, 
CARTILES,  [Northumberland]  Or,   on  a  chev.  fa.  betw. 

three  Cornifh  choughs  proper,  as  many  etoiles  of  the  field. 
CART  WRIGHT,  Ar.  on  a  fefle  az.  two  Catharine-wheels 

of  the  firft. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  ar.  charged  on  the  neck 

with  a  Catharine-wheel  fa. 
Cartivright,  Ar.  on  a  feflTe  engrailed  fa.  three  rofes  of  the  field. 
Cartwright,  [London,  and  of  Wafhborne  in  Glouccficrfhire] 

Or,  on  a  fefTe  embattled  betw.  three  cart-wheels  fa,  an  etoile 

of  the  field  ;  a  martlet  for  difference. — Creft,  a  griffin's  head 

erafed  or,    pierced  through  with  a  lance  broken  in  the  mid- 
dle, vulned  gu. 
Cartwright,  [London]   Or,  a  fefle  embattled  betw.  three  Ca- 
tharine-wheels fa. — Creft,  a  griffin's  head  erafed  or,  pierced 

through  with  a  fword  ar.  hilt  of  the  firft. 
Cartwright,  [Nottinghamfhire]  Erm.   a  fefTe  fa,  betw,  three 

fire-balls  of  the  fecond,    ifTuing   flames  proper. — Creft,   a 

wolf's  head  erafed  or,  pierced  through  the  neck  with  a  fword- 

blade  ar.  broken  off  at  the  hilt, 
CARVELL,  Quarterly  or  and  vert,  on  the  firft  and  fourth  a 

tower  triple-towered  fa, 
CARVILE,  [Benvick  upon  Tweed]  Ar,  three  bends   fa.  and 

(for  fervices  in  Scotland)  on  a  canton  vert,  a  caftle  ar.  on  fire 

proper.  The  motto.    Sola  Virtus  triumphal. — Creft,   an  arm 

embowed,  in  armour  proper,  garnifhed  or,  holding  in  the  hand 

proper,  a  fword  ar.  hilt  and   pomel  or. 
CARUS,  [Kendall,  in  WeftmorlandJ  Az,  on  a  chev,  betw, 

nine  cinquefoils  ar.  three  mullets  gu. — Creft,  an  eagle  with 

wings  expanded  fa.   beaked  and  legged  or,   charged  on  the 

breaft  with  a  cinquefoil  ar. 
CARVENY,    [Warwickftiire]   Gu.  a  fefl"e  erm.  betw.  two 

chev.  or. 
CARVER,   Ar,  on  a  chev.  fa.  a  fleur-de-lis  or, — Creft,  out 

of   a   ducal    coronet  or,    a   Saracen's  head  couped  at  the 

fhoulders    proper, 
CARWARDINE,    [Carwardine,    in  Herefordfhire]    Sa,  a 

hand-bow  in  bend,   betw,  two  pheons   ar. — Creft,  a  wolf 

paflfant  ar,  in  his  mouth  an  arrow  fa,  embrued  gu. 
CARWELL,  or  Carvelt,    Gu.   a  chev.  or,    betw.   three 

leopards  heads  ar.     Another,  or, 
Carwell,  Sa,  three  chev.  ar. 

Carwell,   [Norfolk]  Ar.  a  fefle  betw,  three  fleurs-de-lis  gu. 
CAR  WITH  AM,  Ar,  a  fleur-de-lis  gu. 
Carwitliam,    [Parflon,    in  Devonfhire]  The  fame,  within  a 

bordure  engrailed  of  the  fecond. 



CASBET,  orCASBOT,  Or,  a  fret  gu.  (another,  within  a  bor- 

dure   engrailcil  laj  on  a  canton  of  the  fccond,  a   lion  pal- 

fant  or. 
CASEBORNE,   Sa.  two  chcv.  bctw.  three  martlets  or. 
CASHALL,  C'he(|uy  or  and  gu.  a  chief  trni. 
CASHIRE,  [Norfolk;]    Gu.  achcv.  engrailed  crm.  on  a  chief 

or,  three  fleurs-de-lis  fa. 
CAPHINE,  [Croan,  in  Qiiecn's  County,  Ireland]  Or,  three 

piles  gu.  on  a  chief  of  the  fccond,  a  lion  paflant  ar. — Creft, 

an  arm  holding  a  fword  in  an  oak-bu(h,  all  proper.     Granted 

in  Ireland,  July  26,   1628. 
CASLYVVORTH,  or  CastelLvn,   Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.  three 

c.-iftles  fa. 
CASSAT,  Az.  a  caftle  or. 
CASSY,  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  rofcs  or. 
CaJJy,  01  CrJTe,  [Glouccllerfhirc]  Ar.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  hawks 

heads  erafcd  gu. 
CWSYE,  [Worccfterfhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.   three  buckles 

Cri/ye,   Az.  a  chcv.  ar.  betw.  three  bitterns  heads  crafed  or. 
CASON,  [Staple  Mordcn  in  Cambridgefliire,  and  of  Hertford- 

fhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  bctw.  three  horfes  heads  erafed  gu. — 

Crcft,  a  cubit  arm,  vefted    purp.   cuffed   ar.   in  the  hand   a 

firelock,   all  proper. 
CASSILL,  Gu.  a  lozenge  flory  at  the  points  or. 
CASNETO,   [Covenby]    Az.    femec  d'etoiles  or,    two  lions 

paflant  in  pale  of  the  fccond. 
CASTLEFORD,  Ar.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  caftles  gu. 
Cojlkford,   [VVypcrfhall,   in  Yorkfliire]  Per  fefle  fa.  and  barry 

wavy  of  eight  ar.  and  uz.  over  all  a  fquare  calllc  towered  at 

each  corner  ar. 
CAS  I'ELYN,  Sa.  a  crofs  engrailed  ar. 
Ciif.clyn,   The  fame,  within  a  bordure  or,  charged  with  eight 

towers  gu. 
CASTELIOT,  Az.  on  achcv.  betw.  three  lozenges  or,  two 

mullets  pierced  gu. 
CASTELL,  [Ravington,  in  Norfolk]  Ar.   three  towers  gu. — 

Creft-,  a  dragon's  head  couped  at  the  neck  gu. 
Cajldl,  Az.  en  a  bend  ar.  three  caftles  fa. 

CaJleU,  [Eaft  Hatley,  in   Cambridgefliire]   Az.  on  a  bend  ar. 
three  towers  triple-towered  fa.  purfled  or. — Creft,  a  tower  tri- 
ple-towered fa.  purfled  or. 
Cajlell,  Gu.  three  caftles  ar. 
Cajlcll,    [  Cumberland    and    Devonfhire  ]    Ar.     three    caftles 


CaJhU,  [Warwickftiire]  Gu.  three  caftles  or. 

Cajiell,  [Berkftiire]  Gu.  two  bars  ar.  on  a  quarter  of  the  fecond, 
a  caftle  fa. 

CaJleU,  Gu.  three  bars  vai.'-e.     Another,  two  bars. 

Cajlfll.,    Vaire,  three  bars  gu. 

Caf.cll,  [Cambridgefliire]  Ar.  three  towers  triple-towered  gu. 
two  and  one. — Creft,  a  tower  ar.  flammant  on  the  top  proper. 

Cajlcll.,  [Ireland]  Or,  on  a  pale  fa.  betw.  fix  ogrefles,  a  tower 
triple-towered  ar. — Creft,  on  a  tower  triple-towered  ar. 
an  arm  armed  and  ereil,  in  the  band  an  ogrefs,  all  proper. 

CASTELLER,  or  Castler,  Ar.  a  fefle  engrailed  betw. 
three  Catharine-wheels  fa. 

CASTER,  [Norfolk]    Ar.  three  bars  gemelles  gu. 

Cajler,  Sa.  an  eagle  difplayed  ar.  Charged  with  three  bars  ge- 
melles gu. 

CaJlcr,  Sa.  an  eagle  difplayed  ar.  over  all  four  bars  gu. 

Caflcr,  [Norfolk]  Sa.  an  eagle  difplayed  barry  of  fix  ar. 
and  gu. 

Cajier,    [Norfolk]    Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles  difplay- 
ed ar. 
Cafter,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  buckles  or. 
Cj/hr,  Sa.  a  lion  ^ampa.^t  barry  of  eight  ar.  and  gu. 


CASTILION,  Gu.   two  towers  triple-towered   dexter  bend- 
ways,  and  two  lions  rampant  fmifter  bendways,  or. 
CaJilHon,  [Italy]    Gu.  out  of  a  tower  ar,  a  demi-lion  rampant 

or,  a  canton  of  the  fecond. 
CijflUioii,    [Bcnhall  Vallencc,  in   Bcrkftiirc]  Gu.  a  lion  ram- 
pant ?j.  a  caftle  in  the  dexter   point  or. 
CASTERTON,  Ar.    four  lozenges  gu.  each  charged  with  an 

annulet  or. 
CASTLELOCK,  [Feverflinm,  in  Kent]   Gu.  femec de  crofs 
croflcts  or,   a  caftle  ar.  mafoned   fa. — Creft,  out  of  a  mur;;l 
crown  ar.  a  dcmi-griflin  fegreant,  fes  ailes  or,  holding  in  his 
talon  a  crofs  crollct  iitched  ofthclaft. 
CASTLEHILL,  Az.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  lozenges  or,  as 

many  mullets  gu. 
CASTLECOMB,  Per  pale  fa.  and  az.  on  a  faltier,  betw.  three 
towers   ar.   towered  with  one    tower  on  the  finiftcr  corner, 
and  burfting  with  flames  proper,  on  the  dexter  fide,   one 
in  chief,  two  in  fefle,  and  two   tilting-fpears  in  faltier  or, 
headed  ar.  in   bafe ;    five  moorcocki  fa.    combed    and  wat- 
tled gu. — Crcft,  an  arm   embowed  at  the  elbow,  in  armour 
garniflied  or,  holding  in  the  hand  a  piftol,  all  proper. 
CASTLEMAN,  Az.  on  a  mount  vert,  a  tower  or. 
CASTLELINE,  Gu.  on  a  faltier  engrailed  or,  five  torteauxcs, 

a  chief  erm. 
CASTLETON,or  Casteltok,  [Suffolk]  Az.  on  a  bend  or, 

three  lampreys  of  the  field. 
Cajlktoii,  [Suffolk,  Surr)',  and  Lincolnfliire]  Az.  on  a  bend  or, 
three  adders  nowed  vert. — Crcft,  a  dragon's  head  betw.  two 
dragons  wings  expanded  gu. 
CASTLYN,  Az.  on  a  bend  or.  three  caftles  fa. 
CtijUyn,  Gu.  on  a  bend  or,  three  caftles  fa. 
Ccjllyn,  Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  caftles  of  the  field. 
CASTON,  [Suff"olk  and  Cambridgefliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa. 

three  crofs  croflets  fitchee  of  the  field. 
Cajlon,  Az.   a  fefle  wavy  erm.    betw.  three  crcfil-s  formce  fit- 
chee  or. 
Cajlon,  Az.  a  feffe  ncbulee  erm.  bctw.  three  crofles  formce  or. 
Cajlon,  Gu.  three  eagles  difplayed  ar.  two  and  one. 
Cajlon,    [Norfolk]  Gu.  a  chev.  bctw.    three  eagles   difplayed 

Cajlon,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  wolves  heads  crafed  gu. 
CATCHER,  Per  fefle  fa.  and  gu.  an  eagle  difplayed  crm.  du- 
cally  gorged  or. — Creft,    out  of  a  ducal  coronet,  a  demi- 
Icopard  ar.  collared  and   lined  or. 
Catcher,  [Lincolnfhire]  Az.  a  chcv.  bctw.  fix  cfcallops  ar.  in 

chief  three  and  two,  in  bafe  one. 
CATEGNY,  Gu.  three  garbs  ar, 

CASWELL,    [Hampton  Court  and  London]  Ar.  three  bars 
gemelles  fa. — Creft,  a  dexter  arm  couped  at  the  flioulder,  ia 
mail,  holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a  crofs  croflet  fitched  or, 
CATENHAM,  Gu.  three  bars  dauncettee  erm. 
CATENYS,  or  Catnes,  Sa.  two  bars  or,  on  a  chief  of  the 

fecond,  an  eagle  difplayed  of  the  firft. 
CATOR,    Erm.  on    a  pile  gu.  a  liori  paflant    gardant  or. 
— Creft,    a  lion's   head  erafed  or,    collared  with  a  bargemel 
CATER,    [Leicefterfliire,  Bcrkfhire,    and  Hunf'ngdonfhireJ 
Sa;  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  falmons  haurient  ar. — Creft,  a 
demi-griffin  ar.  beaked  and  legged  gu. 
Cater,  [London]  Sa.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  pikes  ar. — Creftj 

a  demi-griffin  gu. 
Cater,    [Uffington,    in   Bcrkfhire]    Erm.   on  a  pile  gu.  a  lion 
pafTant  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed,  barn'  of  fix  or  and  az. 
CATERALL,  [Weft  Witton,  in  Yorkfliire]  Az.  three  maf- 

clcs  or,  over  all  a  bend  gu. 
Catcrall,  [Lancalhire]  Az.  three  mafcles  or. — Creft,  a  cat  paf- 
ant  or.     Another  creft,  a  cat  paflant  gardant  proper. 

3  T^  Cat ei  alii 


Caterall,    [Lancafhirc]   Ar.  a  griffin  fegreant  gu.   beaked  and 

legged  or. 
Caterall,  or  CathcraU,  [LancaJhire  and  Chefhire]  Az.  three  lo- 
zen2;es  or,  two  and  one. — Creft,  a  cat  pal^mt  gardant  proper. 
Catcrail,  Az.  a  lion  palTant  betw.  three  mafcles  or. — Creft,  on 

a  chapeau  az.  turned  up  erm.  a  cat  pafiant  proper. 
Cnterall,  fMitton]   Erm.  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  annulets  ar. 
CATESBY,   [Whifton,  in  Northamptonftiire]  Ar.  two  lions 
paiTant  gardant  fa.   crowned   or. — Creft,   a  leopard   pafTant 
gardant  ar.  pellettce.     Another,  a  lion   pafTant  gardant  fa. 
crowned  or. 
CATISBY,  [Warwickfliire]  The  fame,  adding  a  bordure  en- 
grailed gu. 
Catcjhy,  [Haudmead,  in  Buckinghamfliire]  Ar.  two  lions  paf- 

fant  fa.  crowned  or. — Creft,  a  lion  paffant  fa.  crowned  or. 
CATESBURY,   [Leicefterfhire]   Gu.  a  feffe  vaire  or  and  az. 

betw.  three  goats  heads  ar. 
Catejbury,  [Hertfordfhire]  Gu.  a  feffe  vaire,  or  and  az. 
CATESHALL,  Az.  on  achev.  betw.  three  lozenges  or,  as 

many  mullets  gu. 
CATH£RIKE,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  cats  paffant  fa. 
CATHERYKE,  or  Catryke,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  cats  ar. 
Catryke,  or  Cateryke,  [Stanwigg,  in  YorkfliireJ  Ar.  on  a  fefle 

engrailed  fa.  three  quatrefoils  or. 
CATHERNES,  or  Catherines,  [Warwickfhire  and  Mid- 
dlcfex]   Or,  on  a  pale  az.  an  eagle  difplayed  of  the  field. — 
Creft,  a  griffin  or,  pellettee  fa. 
(^^XLIN,    [Kent]   Parted  per  chev.  or  and  az.  three  lions 
pafl'ant  gardant  in  pale   counterchanged. — Creft,   a  lion  fe- 
jant  gardant  or,  betw.  two  wings  endorfed,   barry  of  fix  or 
and  az. 
Catlin,  [Bedfordftiire,   and  of  Rand  in  Northamptonftiire]    Per 
chev.  az.  and  or,  three  lions  paffant  gardant  in  pale  counter- 
changed,  a  chief  ar. — Creft,  a  leopard's  head  coupcd  at  the 
neck  and  regardant  ar.  ducally  collared  and  lined  or. 
CATLYNE,  Per  pale  az.  and  or,  three  lions  pafl'ant  gardant 

counterchanged,  within  a  bordure  ar. 
CATT,  Ar.  thiee  cats  paffant  fa. 
Catt,  Ar.  two  cats  paffant  gu. 

CATTLE,  [Lancaftiire]   Gu.  three  efcallop-fliells  or,   two 
and  one  ;  on  a  chief  ar.  a  wolf  paffant  fa. — Creft,   a  wolf's 
head  az. 
CATTON,  Gu.  two  cats  paffant  ar. 
Cation,  Sa.   a  bend  or,  betw.  three  owls  ar.   membered  of  the 

Cation,  Az.  a  bend  engrailed  or,    betw.  three  tuns  lying  feffe- 

wavs  of  the  laft,  on  each  an  owl  ar. 
CATTYFFE,   or  Catife,    Az.   a  chev.  betw.  three  cref- 

fcents  or. 
CATZIUS,  Ar.  arofegu.  feeded  or,  barbed  vert. — Creft,  an 

etoile  or,  within  a  garland  of  laurel  vert. 
CATWORTH,  [London]  Erm.  three  piles  fa.  on  a  canton 

ar.  a  fleur-de-lis  az. 
CAVE,  [Stamford  in  Lincolnfliire,   and  of  Buggrave  in  Lei- 

cefterftiire]  Az.  fretty  ar.— Creft,  a  greyhound  current  ar. 
Cave,  [Leicefterlhire]  Az.  fretty  of  eight  pieces  ar.  on  a  feffe 
or,  a  greyhound  in  full  courfe  fa.  within  a  bordure  of  the 
third,  pellettee. — Creft,    out    of  a    flower   ar.    ftalked  and 
leaved  vert,  a  greyhound's  head  per  pale  erm.   and  ermines. 
Cave,  [Northamptonftiire]   The  fame,  without  a  bordure. 
Cave,  [Yorkftiire]  Az.  fretty  ar.  a  feffe  gu. 
Cave,   Barry  of  fix  or  and  az.  on  a  bend  engrailed  fa.  cotifed 

gu.  three  efcallop-ftiells  of  the  firft. 
CAVEL,  or  LocAVEL,  Gu.  three  rolls  of  parchment  proper. 

Another,  fails. — Creft,  an  unicorn  fejant  ar. 
CAVELL,  [Cornwall  and  Kent]  Erm.  a  calf  paffant  gu. 
CAVENDISHE,  Sa.  three  flags  heads  caboffed  ar.  attired  or. 
. — Creft,  a  fnake  novved  proper. 

C     E     L 

Cavendijh,  Ar.  three  piles  wavy  gu.      See  CANDISH. 
CAVERSHAM,  or  Caureham,  Ai.  a  faltier  fa. 
CAVERWELL,  Az.   fretty  ar.  a  fefle  gu. 
CAViLL,  Ar.  a  feffe  engrailed  flory  on  each  fide  gu. 
CAULCOT,  or  Caulcote,  Ar.  a  fefie  fa.  fretty  or,  betw. 

three  cinquefoils  pierced  gu. 
CAULX,   [Northamptonfhire]    Party  per  chev.  or  and  gu, 

three  human  hearts  counterchanged. 
CAUNDIS,  Or,  a  lion  gu.  tail  forked.     Another,  the  lion 

CAUNDREY,  Gu.  ten  billets,    four,  three,  two,  and  one, 

CAUSTON,  [Caufton,  in  Effex]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three 
wolves  heads  erafed  gu. — Creft,    a  cubit  arm  ereiS,  habited 
gu.  charged  with  two  bends  wavy  fa.  cuff  ar.  holding  in  the 
hand  proper,  a  round  buckle  or. 
Caujion,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  crofs  crollets  fitchee  of  the 

Caujion,  Bendy  of  fix  ar.  and  fa. 

Caufton,  [Oxfted,  in  Surry]   Per  pale  gu.   and  az.  a  leopard 

rampant  with  a  lion's  tail   ar.  collared  per  pale  az.  and  gu. 

— Creft,  a  demi-leopard   ar.  with  a  lion's   tail  collared  per 

pale  az.  and  gu. 

CAWDRY,  Ar.  a  feffe  gu.  in  chief  three  torteauxes. 

CAWLE,  [iBuckton,  in  Norfolk]   Ar.  on  a  feffe   betw.  two 

chev.  gu;  three  efcallop-fliells  of  the   field. 
CAWLEY,  [Staffordfhire]  Gu.  three  bends  engrailed  or. 
CAWNE,  Gu.  a  crofs  engrailed  or. 
CAWNTON,  [Kent]  The  fame  as  CANTON. 
CAWTHORNE,  Ar,  a  chev.  betw.  three  ravens  fa.— Creft, 

a  raven. 
Cawthorne,  [Yorkfhire]  Ar.  on  a  faltier  fa.  five  croffcs  potence 
or. — Creft,  an  arm  embowed  proper,  holding  a  crofs  pa- 
tonce  or. 
CAWPNY,  Or,  a  bend  mafculy  gu. 

CAWSON,  [London]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  betw.  three  tre- 
foils flipped  ar. — Creft,  out  of  a   ducal  coronet  or,  an  uni- 
corn's head  ar.  ducally  gorged,  lined,  and  ringed,  fa. 
CAWOOD,  [Cawoodhall,  in  Lincolnfhirej  Ar.  on  a  bend 

vert,  three  acorns  or. 
Cawood,  Ar.  three  bends   fa. 
CAWOD,    Chequy  ar.  and  fa.  a  chief  or. 
CAWOODLEY,    [Cawoodley,    in  Devonfliire]    Az.    two 
wings  conjoined  ar.  over  all,  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  bezants.— 
Creft,  a  hawk's  leg  az.  belled  or,  joined  to  the  knee  ia 
chief  a  wing  or. 
CECILL,   Barry  of  ten  ar.  and  az.  fix  efcutcheons   fa.  each 
charged  with  a  lion  rampant  of  the  firft. — Creft,  on  a  cha- 
peau gu.  turned  up  erm.  a  garb  or,   fupported  by  two  lions, 
the  dexter  ar.   the  finifter  az. 
Cecil!,  [Norfolk]  The  fame,  with  due  difference. 
Cccill,  Sa.  three  bends  ar. 

Cecil!,  or  CeJfeU,  Sa.  three  chev.   ar.     Another,  two  chev. 
CEIFERWAST,  Ar.  three  bars  gemellcs  az. 
CEILY,  or  Cely,    Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  eagles  dif- 
played fa.  as  many  annulets  or. 
CEINDALL,  or  Ceudall,  Ar.  a  crofs  vert. 
CEELY,    [St.  Ive's,  in   Cornwall]  Az.   a  chev.   or,  betw. 

three  mullets  ar. — Creft,  a  tiger  fejant   ar. 
Cccly,  [Effex]  Sa.  a  lion  rampant  or,  betw.  two  flaunches  ar. 
CELY,  [Effex]   Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  or. 
Ccly,  [Barking,  in  Effex]  Az.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  bucks 

trippant  ar.  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field. 
Cely,  or  Ceily,    [Havering,  in  Effex]  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or, 

betw.  two  flaunches  and  a  guffet  in  bafe  erm. 
CELLARD,  [Kent]  The  fame  as  CALLARD,  and  COL- 


C     E     L 

CELSON,  Sa.  on  a  pale  bctw.  two  pallets  or,  three  cfcut- 
chcons  gu. 

CERONEN,  Gu.  fretty  ar. 

Ci*;SAR,  [Benington  Place  in  Hcrtfordlhirc,  and  of  Hun- 
tingcloiifhire]  Gu.  three  rofcs  ar.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  as 
manyrofcs  of  the  firft. — Crcft,  on  a  wreath  the  fca  vert, 
thereon  a  dolphin  embowcd  proper. 

CERVINGTON,  [DevonfliircJ  Krm.  on  a  chcv.  az.  three 
bucks  heads  cahod'cd  or. — Crcft,  a  tun  (or  barrel)  or,  out  of 
the  bung-hole  five  rofcs  ofthelaft,  ftalked  and  leaved  vert. 

CESYR,    Ar.  on  a  bend  purpurc,   three  leopards  hcids  or. 

CESTH.'VM,  or  Cesthin,  Az.  an  eagle  difplaycd  or,  arm- 
ed ar. 

CEWER,  [Surry]  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  in  chief  two  fleurs-de-lis, 
and  ill  bafc  a  rofe  of  the  fecond. 

CHABNOR,  [iMouflcy,  in  Hcrtfordfliire]  Chequy  ar.  and  gu. 
on  a  chief  az.  three  cinquefoils  or. — Crcft,  a  phcon  ir. 

Chabnor,  [Herefordlhirc]  Gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  three  martlets  fa. 
— Creft,  a  pheon  or. 

CHABO  r,  [Krance]  Or,  three  chabots  gu.  two  and  one. — 
[There  is  a  fea-fifh  called  a  chabot.] 

CHACK,  Gu.  fix  crofTcs  patee,  three,  two,  and  one,  ar.  on 
a  canton  az.  a  lion  pafTant  or. 

Chace,  [Chcfliam,  in  Buckinghamfhire]  Gu.  four  crofTes  flory, 
two  and  two,  ar.   on  a  canton  or,  a  lion  paflant  pz. 

Chace,  Gu.  four  crofles  potence  ar.  two  and  two  ;  on  a  canton 
az.  a  lion  paflant  or. — Crcft,  a  lion  rampant  or,  holding 
betw.  his  feet  a  crofs  potence  gu. 

CHACKERS,   Quarterly  or  and  purp. 

CHADER,  Ar.  three  fleurs  de-lis  gu. 

CHAiJERTON,  [Yorkfhire  and  L-incaftiire]  Gu.  a  crofs 
potence  or. 

Cliuderton,  [Lancafnire]  Ar.  a  griffin  fegreant  gu. 

Chaderton,  [Lancafhire]  The  fame,  with  a  bordure  fa.  platee. 

CHADWELL,  Ar.  a  feffe  dauncettee  az.  a  crefccnt  gu.  for 

Chad-well,  Or,  a  fcfle  lozengy  az.  in  chief  a  mullet  gu. 

CHADWICK,  [Nottinghamfiiire  and  StafFordAire]  Gu. 
an  inefcutcheon  within  an  orle  of  martlets  ar. — Ciell,  a  lily 
ar.  ftalked  and  leaved  vert. 

Cbadwuk,  or  Chadock,  [CornwallJ  Gu.  on  an  inefcutcheon 
within  an  orle  of  martlets  ar.   a  crofs  of  the  firft. 

Chadwick,  [Cornwall]  Gu.  an  orle  of  martlets  or,  on  a  can- 
ton ar.  an  inefcutcheon  of  the  firft. 

CHADIOKE,  Gu.  an  inefcutcheon  within  two  orles  ar. 

CHADWORTH,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  trefoils 
flipped  of  the  field. 

Chiidworth,  Or,  a  fefTe  betw.  three  martlets  fa. 

CHAFFE,  Az.  a  fefTe  lozengy  ar. 

CH.\FFIN,  or  Saffin,  [Somerfetfhire]  Az.  three  etoiles  of 
eight  points,  each  ifTuing  from  a  crefcent  or. — Crcft,  on  a 
mural  crown,  a  mullet  of  eight  plain  rays  or. 

Chaffin,   [Chetle,  in  Dorfetfhire]  Gu.  a  talbot  pafTant  or. 

Chaffin,  [Warminfter,  in  Wiltfliire]  Gu.  a  talbot  pafTant  or, 
a  chief  erm. 

CHALLENGE,  [Gloucefterfhire]  Az.  on  a  bend  or,  three 
cinquefoils  of  the  firft. — Creft,  an  eagle's  head  fa. 

CHALENERS,   [Yorkfliire]   Az.  three  mafcles  or,  a  chief 

indented  gu. 
CH.ALLESTON,  Ar.  a  chev.  vaire  betw,  three  eagles  dif- 

played   vert. 
CHALLERS,  Ar.  a  fefTe  betw.  two  chev.  fa. 

CHALONS,  Or,  two  bars  gu.  betw.  nine  martlets  of  the  fe- 
cond ;  three,  three,    and  three. 

CHALLONS,  [Devonfliire]  Gu.  two  bars  bctw.  eight  mart- 
lets,   three,  two,  and  three,  ar. 

iCHALKHILL,  [Middlefcx]  Chevrony  of  fix  gu.  andar. 

Crcft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,   a  horfe's  head  ermines, 
maned  or.     Another,  gu.  three  chev.  ar. 

C     H     A 

CHALONER,  [YorldhircJ  Ar.   three   mafcles   or,    a  chief 

indemcd  gu. 
Chakner,  [Linficld,  in  SufTcx]    Az.  a  chev.    ar.   bctw.   three 

mafcles  or. 
Chaloner,  [Fulham,  in  Middlefcx]  Gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  two  mul- 
lets fa.  a  label  az. 
Chaloner,  [Goft)orough,  In  Yorkfliire]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three 

cherubims  or. — Crcft,  a  demi  fea-wolf  rampant  or. 
Chaloner,  [Buckinghamfhire]   Ar.   a  crofs  potence  ra^uled  fa. 

betw.  four  Cornifh  choughs  proper. 
Chaloner,  [Canibridgcftiirc]  Ar.  a  ftlTe  bctw.  three  annulets  g'j. 
CHALTON,  [London]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  crowned  or. 
CHA.M,    Barry  of  fix  az.  and  nr. 
CH.'\MBER,  Erm.  a  fefli:  chequy  or  and  az. 
Chamler,  [Dcrbyfhire]  Ar.  a  fefTe   chequy   or  and  az.  bctw. 

three  lions  heads  erafcd  fa. 
Chamber,  The  fame.  With  a  bordure  gu.  charged  with  cfcal- 

lop-fhells  ar. 
Chamber,    Or,  a  crofs  bctw.  four  martlets  vert. 
Chamber,  Q^iarterly  ar.  and  az.  a  chcv.  countcrchanr^ed. 
Chamber,  Ar.  a  chev.  erm.   fimbriated  fa.  between  three  cham- 
ber pieces  of  the  hft,   fired    proper. — Creft,   a   demi-e.T»le 
difplayed  per  pale  fa.  and  ar.  counterchanged,  the  heads  im- 
perially crowned  or. 
Chamber,  Ar.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  cinquefoils  gu. 
Chamber,  [Wolfticaftle  in  Cornwall,  Hacton  in  EfTex,  and  of 

Middlefcx]   Ar.  a  chev.  az.  betw.  three  trefoils  gu. Crcft, 

a  bear  paflant  fa.'muzzled,  lined,  and  collared,  or. 
Chamber,  Gu.  a  chcv.  betw.   three  cinquefoils  or. — Crefl,  out 
of  a  chaplet  of  rofes  gu.    leaved  vert,   a  greyhound's  head 
ar.  round  the  neck  a  belt  az.  buckled  and  ftudded  or;  from 
the  belt  in  front  a  chain  and  ring  or. 
Chamber,    [Warwickfhire]   Or,  three  tigers  heads  erafed  fa. 
CHAMBERLAYNE,  [Lancaf.^ire]  Sa.  a  ftag's  head  cabofT- 

ed,  within  an  orle  of  efcallop-fhells  ar. 
CHAMBLAYNE,  or  Chambers,  [Stratton  Awdley,  in  Ox- 
fordfhire]  Az.  an  armed  arm,  couped  at  the  fhoulder  in  fefTe 
or,  in  the  hand  proper,  arofcgu.  leaved  and  ftalked  vciu 
^Creft,  a  greyhound's  head  erafed  ar.  round  his  neck  a  belt 
az.  buckled  or. 
CHAMBERLAINE,  Gu.  a  chcv.  bctw.  three  efcallop-flicIU 

or,  a  label  of  three  points  ar. 
Chamherlaine,    [Pricftbury   in    Gloucefterfhire,   Wickham  in 
Oxfordfhire,  and   of  Thoroldby  in  Yorkdire]   Gu.  an  ef- 
cutcheon  ar.  within  an  orle  of  mullets  or. — Crcft,  out  of  a 
ducal  coronet  or,  an  afs's  head  ar. 
Chatnberlayne,   [Lincolnfhire]  Gu.   a  fefTe  injrailed   ar.  betw. 

three  efcallop-fhells  or. 
Cbamberlayn,  Gu.  three  efcallops  or. 
Chamberlayn,  [Lincolnfhire]  Gu.  a  fefle  bctw.  three  cfcallop- 

ftiells  or. 
Chamberlayn,  Gu.  a  fefTe  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  ar. 
Chamberlayn,  [Sherborne,  in  Oxfordfhire]  Gu.   a  chev.  betw. 
three  efcallop-fliells  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or, 
an  afb's  head  ar. 
Cbamberlayn,  [Yorkfhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  cotifed  betw.  three  ef- 
callop-fhells fa. 
Chamberlayn,  Az.  a  chcv.  cotifed  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  or. 
Chamberlayn,   [London]  Sa.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  mullets  erm. 
Chamberlayn,     [Suffolk,    Norfolk,  and  Cambridgefhire]    Or, 
fretty  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,    three  bezants — Creft, 
an  afs's  head  erafed  ar.  ducally  gorged  or. 
Chamberlayn,  [Cambridgefhire]  Ar.  fretty  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the 

fecond,   three  plates. 
Chamberlayn,  Ar.   fretty  fa.  on  a  chief  of   the  fecond,    three 

chefs-rocks  of  the  field. 
Chamberlayn,  Or,  an  eagle  difplayed  vert,  armed  of  the  laft. 
Chamberlayn,  Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  gu. 
Chamberlayn,  Gu.  an  eagle  difplayed  ar, 


C     H     A 

Cham''nlayn.  Gu.   two  key.  in  faltier  or. 

Chamherlayn,  Ar.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  lavens  (another,  eagles) 
legs  erafed  fa-. 

Chamherlnpi,  Or,  on  a  bend  gu.    three  lozenges   vaire. 

Cbamberkyn^  [London]  Gu.  an  efcutcheon  ar.  within  an  orle 
of  cinquefoils  or.— Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  gu.  a  demi- 
lion  rampant  or,  holding  in  his  dexter  foot  a  key  ar. 

Chamherlayn,  Erm.  on  a  chief  indented  az.  two  cronells  or. 

Cbmnbcrlayn,  [Yorkfhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  cinque- 
foils fa. 

Ckamberlayn,  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  leopards  faces  gu. 

CHAMBERLIN,  [London]  Erm.  on  a  pale  ....  three  leo- 
pards faces  ....  — Creft,  out  of  a  Saxon  coronet  ....  an 
oftrich  with  wings  endorfed  ....   in  his  mouth  a  key  .  .  . 

CHAMBERNON,  [Devonfliire]  Gu.  crufuly  or,  a  faltier 

CHAMBERS,  Sa.  a  crofs  couped  erm.  betw.  four  martlets 
rifing  or. — Creft,  on  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  demi-eagle  dif- 
played  gu.  wings  or. 

Chambers,  [London]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  trefoils  flip- 
ped gu. 

Chambers,  [London]  Erm.  three  copper  cakes  proper,  on  a 
chief  gu.  a  chamber  or, — Creft,  within  a  mountain  vert,  a 
man  working  in  a  copper-mine,  holding  in  his  hands  a  pick- 
axe elevated  proper ;  his  cap,  ihirt,  drawers,  and  hofe,  ar. 
his  flioes  fa.  the  planet  Venus  rifing  behind  the  mountain  or. 
Granted  1723. 

Chambers,  [Derby]  Erm.  three  quadrants  gu.  on  a  chief  of 
the   fecond   a  chamber  or. 

Chambers,  Ar.  three  chev.  fa. 

Chambers,  [Boxley,  in  Yorkfhire]  Ar.  a  fefTc  betw.  three 
fquirrcls  fcjant  fa. 

Chambers,  [Wiltfliire]  Sa.  a  crofs  voided  erm.  betw.  four  mart- 
lets or. 

Chambers,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  furmounted  of  another  erm.  betw. 
three  chambers  placed  tranfverfe  of  the  efcutcheon  of  the  fe- 
cond,  fired  proper. — Creft,  an  afs's  head  erafed  ar. 

Chambers,  [London,  and  Barkway  in  Hertfordfhire]  Ar.  a  chev. 
az.  betw.  three  trefoils  flipped  gu. — Creft,  a  bear  paflTant 
proper,  muzzled,  collared,  and  chained  or. 

CHAMCOMBE,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  az.  five  mullets  of  the 

CHAMERSLAY,  Gu.  a  bend  betw.  fix  efcallop-fhells  or. 

CHAMES,  Gu.  a  chief  indented  erm. 

CHAMON,  or  Chamond,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  within  a 
bordure  gobonated  ar.  and  or. 

Chamond,  or  Chawnond,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three 
fleurs-de-lis  gu. 

Chamond,  Ar.  a  chcv.  battelly,  betw.  three  ravens  legs  erafed  fa. 

Chamond,   [Somerfetfliire]  Paly  of  fix  ar.   and  az.  a  fefle  gu. 

CHANENET,  Chaven,  Chavenot,  The  fame. 

CHAMONDBY,  [Wiltfliire]  Or,  on  a  crofs  vert,  five  mul- 
lets of  the  field. 

CHAMPE,  Ar.  a  feflTc  betw.  three  mafcles  gu. — Creft,  a  flag 

CHA^4PAIGNE,  or  Champicne,  Erm.  a  bend  az.  and 
chief  gu. 

CHAMPANTY,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or,  holding  in  the  dex- 
ter paw  a  hind's  leg  erafed  at  the  firft  joint  ar. 

CHAMPA YNE,  Ar.  three  bars  nebulee  gu.  Another,  barry 
nebulee  of  fix  ar.  and  gu. 

Champayne,   [Kent]  Ar.  three  hounds  pafllint  gu. 

CHAMFER,  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  a  bend  counterchanged. 

CHAMPEYON,  Ar.  a  fword  in  pale  fa.  within  an  orle  of 
trefoils  flipped  ermines. 

CHAMPERNON,  [Devonfliire]  Gu.  biUetty  or,  a  faltier 

ChampernoKj  Gu.  a  faltier  vaire,  betw.  four  croflis  patee  fitche'e 

C     H     A 

or.  Another,  twelve  crofl"es  formce  fitchce  or.  Another, 
twelve  crofles  botonee  or. 

CHAMPION,  [London]  Or,  on  a  feffe  gu.  an  eagle  dif- 
pliiyed  of  the  firft,  betw.  three  trefoils  flipped  pean,  within 
a  bordure  engrailed  az.  charged  with  eight  bezants  — Creft, 
an  arm  ere£t,  veiled  ar.  cuffed  gu.  holding  in  the  hand  pro- 
per,  a  chaplet  vert. 

Champion,  [Effex]   Sa.  three  trefoils  flipped  ar. 

Champion,  [Bcrkftiire  and  Effex]  Ar.  three  trefoils  flipped  fa. 
— Creft,  an  arm  cmbowed  and  ereft  in  armour  proper,  gar- 
nifhed  or,  holding  in  the  gantlet  a  chaplet  of  laurel  vert. 

Champion,  [Combwell  in  Kent,  and  of  Suffex]  Ar.  on  a  chief 
gu.  an  eagle  difplayed  or. — Creft,  a  turkey-cock  proper. 

Champion,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  efcallop-fliells  az. 

CHAMPNEY,  Ar.  three  bars  wavy  gu.  Another,  the  bars 

Champncy,  [Kent]    Ar.    three  bars   nebulee  gu. 

Champney,  Sa.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  croffes  voided  of  the 

Champney,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  croffes  engrailed  erm. 

Cha/npney,  [London]  Sa.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  crofles  patee 
engrailed  erm. 

Champney,  [London]  Sa.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  croffes  erm, 

Champney,  Ar.  a  feiFe  fa. 

Champney,  [Devonfliire]    Ar.  two  fufils  in  pale  gu. 

Champnty,  [Devonfhire]  Ar.  two  lozenges  in  feffegu. 

Champney,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or. 

Champney,  [Barnftaple,  in  Devonfnire]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu. 
within  a  bordure  engrailed  fa. 

CHAMPNEYS,  [Kent]  Per  pale  ar.  and  fa.  a  lion  rampant 
gardant  gu.  and  or. 

Champneys,  [Puddle  Town,  in  Dorfetfliire]  Per  pale  ar. 
and  fa,  a  lion  rampant  gardant  gu.  within  a  bordure 
engrailed  counterchanged. — Crcfts  :  firft,  a  demi-man  fide- 
faced  proper,  wreathed  about  the  head  or,  vefted  or  gar- 
niflied  at  the  fhoulder,  &c.  gu.  holding  in  the  dexter  hand  a 
diamond-ring;  fecond,  on  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  fword  ercdl 
gu.  betw.  two  wings  expanded  ar. 

Champneys,  [Orchardly,  in  Somerfetfliire]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant 
within  a  bordure  engrailed  fa.— Creft,  a  demi-Moor  full- 
faced  proper,  holding  in  the  dexter  hand  a  diamond-ring 

CHANARD,  Barry  of  fix  or  and  gu. 

CHANCEY,  or  Chauncey,  [Sabridgeworth,  in  Hertford- 
fhire] Gu.  a  crofs  patonce  ar.  on  a  chief  az.  a  lion  paffant 
or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  griffin's  head  gu. 
charged  with  a  pale  az.  betw.  two  wings  difplayed  of  the 
laft,  the  inward  part  of  the  wings  gu. 

Chanccy,  Ar.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  annulets  gu. 

Chancey,  [Edgcott,  in  Northamptonfhire]  Or,  three  (another, 
fourj  chev.  engrailed  gu. — Creft,  an  arm  ereft,  vefted  ar. 
enfiled  with  a  ducal  coronet  or,  holding  in  the  hand  proper, 
a  battle-axe,  ftaffgu.  headed  ar.     Granted  Nov.  23,  1546. 

Chancey,  Chauncey,  or  Chameny,  [Northumberland]  Or,  a 
chev.  engrailed  gu. 

Chancey,  or  Channfy,  [Effex]  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles 
difplayed  gu. 

Chancey,  [Lincolnfhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  within  a  bordure  fa. 

Chancey,  [Porton  in  Norfolk,  and  of  Effex]  Gu.  a  crofs  bo- 
tonee or,  on  a  chief  az.  a  lion  paffant  of  the  fecond. — 
Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  griffin's  head  and  wings 
endorfed  bendy  gu.  and  az.  beaked  or. 

CHANSEY,    Barry  of  twelve  ar.    and  fa.   a  lion  rampant 

CHAUNCEY,  Az.  three  wolves  paffant  in  pale  betw.  two 
flaunches  or,  each  charged  with  an  anchor  fa. 


c    n    A 

CHANDLER,  [London]  Ar.  two  bcndlcts  fa.  bctw.  five  pcl- 

]i.ts  ill  faltier. — Creft,  a  bull's  head  fa.  attired  ar. 
ChiuuUer^  or  Chaundkr,  Az.  a  chcv.  ar.  bctw.  three  mafcles  or. 
Chaundltr,  Chequy   ar.  and  gu.  on   a  bend  engrailed  fa.   three 

lions  p^iirant  or. — Crcft,  a  pelican  in  her  piety  fa.  ntft  vert. 
CHANDOS,  Ar.  a  pile  gu. 
Chandos,  [Hcrtfordfhirc]  Or,  a  pile  gu. 
U.'jaiuhs,  or   Chai.djis,  Ar.   a   pile  gu.  in  chief   a  label  of  five 

points  az. 
Ch.7>tdss,  [Cambridgcfhire]   Erm.  a  pile  gu. 
Chandoys,  [Chcfliirc]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  tail  forked. 
CHANCELLOUR,  Ar.  on  a  canton  fa.  a  faltier  of  the  field. 
CHANLEYS,  Erm.  on  a  felTcgu.  three  lozenges  of  the  field. 
CHANNELLEY,    [Buckinghamfliire]   Az.  a'^  fefTe  indented 

bctw.  three  martlets  or. 
CHANREY,  Ar.  guttdc  az.  a  crofs  engrailed  or: 
CHANRY,    Ar.   two  bars  gu. 

CKANTKELL,  [Devonfliire]  Ar.  three  hounds  pafi'ant  fa. 
ChmHrcU,  Ar.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  hounds  p.TfTant  fa. 
Chanln-'/,OT  ChaimtrcU,  [Woodlcy,  in  Berkfhirc]  Az.  a  pelican 

in  her  neft,   vulnini;;  hcrfclfar. 
Char.trtll,  [Ockingham]    Ar.  a  pelican   in   her   neft,  vulning 
herfclf  fa.  the  nelt  or. — Creft,  a  tower  ar.  in  the  gate  a  boar's 
head  fa. 
CHANWRIT,  Barry  of  ten  ar.  and  gu.  a  bordure  fa.  charged 

with  ten  martlets  of  the  firft. 
CHAPE,  or  Chappes,    [Norfolk]   Gu.  a  felTe  wsvy  bctw.' 

fix  biUcts  ar. 
Chaps,  Ar.  a    fefle  dauncettc'e  bctw.    three    crofs  croficts  fit-' 

cheo  gu. 
CHAPPELLEN,    Per  faltier  or  and  gu.  four  watcr-bougcts 

CH.APLIN,    or    Chapelin,     [London,    and    Stcncham    in 
Hampfliire]    Erm.    on    a    chief  indented    az.  three  gVifnhs 
heads   crafed  or. — Creft,   a    griffin's  head  crafed  ar.  ducally 
gorged  or.     Granted  1593. 
Chaplin,  Gu.  a  feflc  nebulee  or,  bet-.v.  fix  billets  ar. 
Chaplin,  [Wefton,  in   Northamptonfhire]  Gu.  three  covered 

cups  betw.  eight  crofs  croflets  fitchee  ar. 
CHAPMAN,  [London  and  Yorkfliire]  Per  chev.  ar.  and  gw. 
a  crefcent  counterchanged. — Creft,  a  buck's  head  per  chcv. 
ar.  and  gu;     Another  creft  to  the  Chapmans  of  Cornwall,' 
viz.   an  arm  embowed,    habited  in  mail  proper,  cufFed  ar. 
holding   in    the    hand    proper,    a   broken  tilting-fpear   or, 
enfiled  with  a  chaplet,  vert. 
Chapman,   The  fame,  adding  a  canton  cru. 
Chapman,  [Yorkfhire]   The  fame,  adding  a  bordure  gu. 
Chapman,  Per  chev.  ar.  and  gu.  in  chief  three  leopards  of  the 

fecond,   in  bafe  a  crefcent  or. 
Chapman,  Per  chev.  ar.  and  gu.  in  chief  three  dcmi-lions  <»u.  in 

bafc  a  crefcent  ar. 
Chapman,  [London]  Vert,   five  plates  in  faltier. 
Chapman,  [C;imbridge(hirfc]    Per   chev.  ar.  aiidgu.  a  crefcent 
coui.terchanged ;  on  a  chief  of  the  fdcbnd,  an  unicorn's  head 
coupcd,   betw.   two  leopards  faces  or.— Crcft,  a  falcon  ar. 
beaked  and   legged  gu.   fupporting  a  garb  or. 
Chapman,  [Ide  of  Ely]  The  fame  arms.— Crcft,  an   unicorn's 

head  iffuant  from  a   crefcent. 
Chapman,  [Rainthorp-hall,  in  Norfolk]  Per  chev.  ar.  and  gu. 
a  crefcent  bctw.  two  leopards  faces  in  pale  counterchangcd  ; 
on   a  canton  or,    three   trefoils   gu.  all   within   a  bor°dure 
gu.  and  or,   charged  with  bezants  and  torteauxes. 
Chapman,  Per  chev.  ar.   and  gu.  in   chief  a  leopard's  head  of 
the  fecond;  on  a  canton  or,  three  trefoils  flipped  per  pale 
gu.  and  az.  all  within  a  bordure  gobonated  ar.  and  az. 
Chapman,  Per  fefle  ar.  and  gu.  a  mafcle  counterchanged. 
Chapman,  [Lincoln]   Per  chev.   ar.  and  az.   a  crefcent  bet^v. 
two  leopards  heads  in  pale  counterchangcd.— Creft,  a  fleur- 

C     H     A 

de-lis  or^  betw.   two  olive-branches  vert.     Granted  March 

6,   1704. 
CHAPPELL,  [London]  Or,  an  anchor  fa. — Crcft,  an  arn\ 

vcfted  ....  h'jlding  a  viper  proper,  pafling  through  a  cup  of 

an  orbicular  figure.— Her.  Off.  Mfs.  rmuni.  No.  154. 
Chappcll,  Ori  on  r.n  anchor  (i.  a  fleur-de-lis  ar.  fordiflercncc. 
CHAPELLi  [Cimbridgc]  Per  fcflc  ar.  and  vert,  a  chapel  gu. 

betw.  four  cfcallop-fliclis  counterchangcd. 
CHARBRONE,  Or,  on  a  chcv.  engrailed  betw.  three  eagles 

difplayed  gu.  as  many  plates. 
CUARD,  Qiiartcrly  or  andgu.  over  all  a  label  of  five  points 

CIL'\RDIN,  [Denley  Park,  in  Leicefterfliirc]  Ar.  a  chev.  az. 

in  thief  two  rofes  gu.  barbed  vtrt,  in  bafc  an  ea^lc  clofcaz. 
CHARCEDON,  Az.   a  chcv.  betw.   three  fwans  ar.  mcm- 

bered    gu. 
CHARELDON,  or  Charledon,  The  fame. 
CHARDELOW,    [Spratling,  in  Norfolk]  Ar.  a  chev.  bctw. 

three  crofs  croflets  fitchcc  .iz. 
CHARENT,  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  a  feflL  gu. 
CHARINGTON,  Gu.on  a  bend  fa.  cotifcd  or,  three  fwans 


CHARINGWORTH,  Vert,    on   a  chev.  ar.  three    plicon, 

CHARLEY,  or  Charnlev,  Az.  a  bend  betw.  three  hawks 

Icures  or. 
CHARLES,   [Stratford   in   Warwickfiilre,    and   of  N-orfolk] 

Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.  five  lozenges  in  fellc  of  the  field.     Ano- 
ther, the  lozenges  or. 
Charles,  [Norfolk]  Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  mafcles  (another, 

lozenges)  erm. 
Charla,  [London]  Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.  five  lozcnrcs  in  fclTc  of 

the  field. — Crcft,    a  demi-wolf  erm.   holding  an  halbcrt   ar. 

tafleled  or. 
Charles,  Gu.  a  chief  indented  erm. 
Charles,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  cinquefoils  or. 
Charles,  [Taviftock,  in  Devonfliire]  Erm.  (another,  ar.)  on  a 

chief  wavy  gu.  an  eagle  difplaycd  or.-^Creft,  a  dcmr-cagls 

with  two  heads  per  pale  or  and  erm. 
CHARLTON,  [Hefleyfidetn  Northumberland,  and  ofShrop- 

fhire]  Or,    a   lion  rampant   gu.— Creft,    two   lions   ganibs 

creiS  gu.  the  outward  edge  florv   or. 
Charlun,  [Shrewftjury]    The   fame  aims.- Creft,  a  leopard's 

head   or.     Another  creft,  a  lion's  face  gu.   charged   with  a 

crefcent  for  difference  ar. 
Charlton,  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  fix  fwans  ar.  membcred  ^u. 
Char/ton,  [Apeley,  in   Shropfiiire]   Az.  on  a  field  in  bafc  vert, 

a  lion  pailant  gardant  or. 
Charlton,  or  Charclton,    [Chelwefell,    in  Nottinghamfhire]  Az. 

on  a  chev.  or,  betw.   three  fwans  ar.  as  many  cinquefoils  -ru. 

—Creft,  a  fwan's  head  erafed  ar.  gorged  with  a  chaplet  vert. 
Charlton,  or  Carrington,   [Baldwin  Brightwcll,  in  Oxfordfhirc] 

Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  mafcles  of  the  field.- Creft,  out  of  a 

ducal  coronet  or,  an  unicorn's  head  fa.  crined   ar.  the  horn 

twifttd  ar.   and  fa. 
CHARLETON,  [Guifons,  in   Suffex]   Erm.  on  a  bend  fa. 

three   phcons  ar.— Crcft,   an  arm  embowed,  habited  to  the  ' 

elbow  gu.  cuffed   erm.  holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a  broad 

CHARLSTON,    [Effex]    Ar.  on  a  crpfs  vert,    five  eagles 

difplaycd   or. 
Charljhn,  Ar.  a  chev.   betw.  three  eagles  difplaycd  vert. 
Chart/Ion,  [Effcx]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  vert,  tlircc  eagles  difplayed 

ol   the  field. 
CHARNEY,  Gu.  three  inefcutcheons  ar.  ^.vo  and  one. 
Charney,  Gu.  three  cfcallop-fliells  ar.  two  and   one. 
CHARNELL,  [V/arwickfliire]  Gu.  a  feffe  betw.  two  chcv. 


3   ^  Charniuy^ 

C     H     A 

Charndl,  [  VVarwickfhire]  Gu.  a  fcfTe  erm.  betw.  two  chev.  or. 

ChaVnell,  [Warwickfhire]  Az.  a  crofs  engrailed  or. — Creft,  out 
of  a  ducal  coronet ademi-eagk  dilplayed  .  .  . 

ChttrneH,  [Ireland]  Az.  a  crofs  engrailed  ar. 

CHARNOCK,  [Hulcat,  in  Bedfordfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa. 
three  crofs  croflsts  of  the  field. 

Charnock,  [Charnock,  in  Lancafhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three 
croiTes  formee  flory  of  the  field. — Creft,   a  dove  proper. 

Charnock,  [Chefliirc]  Sa.  on   a  bend   ar.  three  crefcents  of  the 

CHARON,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  efcallop-fliells  ar. 

GHARONYS,  Or,  a  feffe  betw.  fix  annulets  gu. 

CHARTMAN,    Per  chev.    ar.   and  gu.    three   crofs  crollets 
counterchanged,  two  and  one. 

CHARTNEY,    Per  chev.  gu.    and   ar.   three  crofs   croflets 
counterchanged,   two  and  one. 

CHARTSEY,  [Kent]  Az.  a  bend  betw.  three  hawks  heads 
erafed  ar. 

CHASEY,  [Somerfetfhire]    Gu.    a  griffin   fegreant  or,  on   a 
chief  erm.  three  fufils  fa. 

CHASSENS,  or  ChanseN's,  Sa.  three  eagles  difplayed  or. 

Chtiffens,  Gu.  three  eagles  difp!ayed  ar. 

CHASTELYON,  Ar.  a  fefle  daunccttee,  points  flory,    fa. 

CHASTELON,  Ar.   a    fefle  dauncettee,    in  bafe  a  fleur-de- 
lis,  fa. 

Cha/Iekn,  Sa.   a  lion   paflant  ar.  crowned  or,  betw.  fix  crofs 
croflets  of  the  fecond. 

CHASTELPER,  Gu.  a  lion  paflTant  ar.  on  a  chief  fa.  a  tower 
triple-towered  or. 

CHASTYON,  Gu.  three  lozenges  in  fefle  erm. 

CHASTLEY,  Az.  a  feflb  or. 

CHASTELLAYNE,  [Eflbx]   The   fame. 

CHATER,  [Chafthall,  in  Yorkfliire]  Az.  a  chev.  erm.  betw. 
three  annulets  ar.  on  a  chief  or,  three  martlets  gu. 

Chatcr,  [Yorkfhire]  Per  bend  indented  az.  and  ar.  three  cinque- 
foils  counterchanged. 

CHATCHER,  or  Catcher.  [London]    See  CATCHER. 

CHATHAM,   [Lancafliire]    Sa.  a  crofs  flory  ar. 


Chaiterton,  [Cambridge]  Gu.  a  crofs  potent  or. — Creft,  ademi- 
griffin  gu.  beaked,  legged,  and  winged,  or. 

CHAUCER,  Parted  per  pale  ar.   and  gu.    a   bend   counter- 

Chaucer,  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu. 

Chaucer,  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  a  fefle  counterchanged. 

Chaucer,  [Suftblk]  Ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  lion  rampant  of  the 

CHAVENT,  Paly  of  fix  az.  and  ar.  a  fefle  or. 

CHAULX,  Gu.  a  crofs  patee  ar.  and  chief  az. 

CHAUN,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  two  chevronels  or. 

CHAURES,  Barry  of  ten  (another,  fixteen)  ar.  and  gu.  an 
orle  of  martlets  fa, 

CHAURY,  Gu.  three  pales  chequy  or  and  az.  on  a  chief  of 
the  fecond,  three  martlets  of  the  firft. 

CHAUSOILE,  Sa.  three  eagles  or. 

CHAWCERS,  Gules,  three  wheels  or. 

CHAWCOMBE,  [Wiltftiire]  Or,  on  a  crofs  vert,  five  mul- 
lets ar.     Another,  one  mullet. 

CHAWDREY,  Ar.  a  fefle  gu.  in  chief  three  torteauxes. 

CHAWELLS,  Az.  two  chev.  or. 

CHAWNEY,  [Yorkfhire]  Gu.  a  crofs  patonce  ar.  on  a  chief 
az.  a  lion  paffant  or. 

Chaiuney,  [London]   Or,  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  birds  az. 
membered  gu.  as  many  martlets  of  the  field. 

C^AWNING,  or  Chevening,  [Chevening,  in  Kent]  Vert, 

an   eagle  difplayed  ar.  beaked  and  membered  gu. 
'CHAWORTH,  The  fame  as  CHAURES. 

Chaiuorth,  Barry  of  eight  ar.  and  gu, 

Chaworth,  or  Chawers,  Az  two  chev,  ar.     Another,  or. 


Chaworth  or  Chavjcll,  [Nottinghamfhire]  Barry  of  ten  ar.  and 
gu.  three  martlets  fa.  two  and  one. 

Cimworth,  [SuflTolk]  Az.  one  (another  two,  another  three) 
chev.   or. 

CHAWriY,  or  Chawrey,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three 
birds  az.  as  many  annulets  or. 

Chaiury,  or  Chaurey,  Ar.  guttee  de  larmes,  two  bars  gu. 

CHAWRYN,  Paly  of  fix  gu.  and  compony  ar.  and  fa.  on  a 
chief  or,    three  martlets  gu. 


CHAWSY,  [Lincolnfliirc]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  within  a  bordure 
Li.  bezantee. 

CHEDER,  Sa.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  efcallops  ar. 

Chcder,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  martlets  ar. 

CHEDIOKE,  or  Chidioke,  [Wcftbury,  in  Wiltftiire]  Sa. 
on  a  chev,  betw.  three  talbots  heads  erafed  ar.  as  many  fleurs- 
de-lis  of  the  firft,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  of  the  fecond. 

Chedioke,  The  fame  as  CHADWICK,  of  Staff'ordlhire. 

CHEDLEWORTH,  [Devonfliire]  Or,  on  a  chev.  gu.  three 
martlets  ar. 

CHEDWORTH,  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  wolves  heads 
erafed  or. 

Chcd^iorth,  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  greyhounds  heads  erafed 

Chedworth,  Az.  a  chev,  or,  betw.  three  foxes  heads  erafed  of 
the  fecond, 

Chedworth,    [Devonfhire]   Gu.  a  chev.  betW.  three  martlets  ar. 

CHEEKE,  [SuiTolk]  Ar,  a  fefl'e  vaire  or  and  gu.  betw,  three 
water-bougets  az. 

Cheekc,  [Burton  in  Somerfetfliire,  and  of  Suffolk]  Erm.  on  a 
chief  fa,  three  lozenges  or. 

Chceke,    [Suffolk]  Or,  a  cock  gu. 

Checks,  Ar.  three  crefcents  gu. 

CHEERE,  [Weftminfter]  Qiiarterly  erminois  and  gu.  over 
all  a  label  of  five  points  az. — Creft,  a  talbot  paflant  az.  col- 
lared or. 

CHEFFIELD,  [Rutlandfliire]  Gu.  afeffe  betw.  fix  fleurs-ds- 
lis  or. 

Cheffcld,  Barry  nebulce  of  fix  ar  and  fa. 

CHEYNDUTE,  Gu.  a  lion  coward  ar,  femee  of  acorns 
flipped  or. 

CHEYN£,  Az.  a  crofs  flory  or. 

CHEIKE,  [EflTex]  Ar.  a  cock  gu.  armed,  crefted,  and  jel- 
loped,  fa. 

CHEYNEY,  [Kent,  and  Woodley  in  Berkfliire]  Erm.  on 
a  bend  fa.  three  martlets  or. — Creft,  a  bull's  fcalp  or,  the 
attire  ar. 

Cheyney,  [Bedfordfliire]  Sa.  fix  martlets,  three,  two,  and  one, 
or  i  a  canton  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  bull's  fcalp  fa.  attire  or. 

Cheney,  Ar.  a  bend  betv.'.  fix  martlets  fa. 

Cheyney,  [Buckinghamfliire]  Ar.  a  fcffe  gu.  in  chief  three  mart- 
lets of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  bear's  head  erafed  gu.  envi- 
roned round  the  neck  twice  with  a  chain,  pafling  alfo  through 
the  mouth   ar.  at  the  end  a  ring  or. 

Cheyney,  Gu.  three  pales  vaire  ;  on  a  chief  or,  three  martlets  of 
the  field. 

Cheney,  [Kent]  Az.  fix  lions  rampant  ar.  three  and  three;  a 
canton  erm. — Creft,  a  bull's  fcalp   ar.   attired   or. 

Cheyney,  [Bedfordfliire]  Az.  fix  lions  rampant  ar,  three  and 

Cheyney,  Gu.  a  fret  or,  a  label  of  three  points  erm. 

Cheyney,  Az.  a  feflTe  wavy  betw,  three  crefcents  or, 

Cheyney,  [Somerfetfliire]  Barry  wavy  az.  and  ar.  three  cref- 
cents or. 

Cheyney,  Quarterly  ar,  and  fa,  on  a  bend  gu.  three  lozenges  or. 
Another,  ar. 

Cheyney,  Gu.  four  lozenges  in  feffe  ar.  charged  with  as  many 
cinquefoils  fa, 

Cheyney,  Quarterly  fa,  and  ar.  a  bend  lozengy  or. 



C'n.-yr.ey,   f Cambridgcfhirc]  Qiiarterly  zx.   and   fj.  a   bend  lo- 
zcngygu.     Another,   five  lozenges   in    bend  gu. — Crcfl:,  a 
cap  or,  turned  up  az.  on  each  fide  a  feather  erect  proper. 
Cheyney,  Lozengy  ar.  and  az.  a  bend  gu.   frctty  or.      Another, 

or  and  az. 
Cheyncy,  [Wiltfliirc]  Gu.  a  fcfTc  lozengy  ar.  each  charged  with 

an  eicallop-fhell  f.i. 
Cheyney,  Qiiarterly  or  and  gu.  a  label  of  five  points  az. 
Chcyn.y,  or  Cheney,  [BuckinghamfliircJ    Chcquy  or  and  az.  a 

fefie  gu.  fretty  ar. 
Cheyney,  [Drayton,  in  Buckinghamfhire]   Chequy  or  and  az. 

a  bend  gu.  fretty  erm. 
Chcyniy,  or  Chaun.     See  CHAUN. 
Ch.yncy,  [Bcrkfliire]   Az.  a  hound  pafiant   betw.    three  cref- 

ccnts  or. 
CHEYNELL,  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az. 
Chcymll,  or  Chevlll,  Paly  of  eight  ar.   and  az.  on  a  chief  or, 

three  martlets  gu. 
CHKYRt,  or  Cheire,  Quarterly  or  and  gu.     Another  adds 

a  label  of  five  points  az. 
CIIELDON,  [Suffolk]    Az.  a  crnfs  or. 
CHELISWORTH,   Gu.   a  cha.  betw.  three  bucks  he.ids 

cabcfild  or. 
CHELLEY,  Ar.  abend  nebulce  cotifed  gu. 
Chc'Hiy,  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  gu.  a  bendlct  af  the  field. 
CHELTON,  Ar.  achev.  gu. 
CHEMORTON,  Or,  on  a  bend  gu.  three  goats  ar.  attired 

of  the  field. 
CHENDON,  or  Chenedon,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  fa.  crown- 
ed ar. 
CHENELL,  Paly  of  fix  ar.   and  az.  on  a  chief  or,    three 

m.irtlcts  gu. 
CHENYDOYT,  or  Cheyndutt,  [Buckinghamfliire]  Az. 

a  chcv.  or. 
CHEOKE,  or  Chook,  [Bcrkfliire]   Ar.  three  cinqucfoils  az. 

pierced  gu. 
CHEPSTOW,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu.   within  a  bordure  of 

the  fccond,  charged  with  eight  crofs  croflcts  or. 
CHERBOURNE,  Ar.   two  fwords  in  faitier  fa. 
CHERETSEY,  Az.  a  feflTe  betw.  three  eagles  heads  erafed  ar. 
CHERRY,   [London]  Ar.  a  fefie  engrailed  betw.  three  annu- 
lets gu. — Creft,  a  dcmi-lion  ar.  holding  out  in  his  paw  a  gem 

ring  or,  enrichcd-with  a  precious  ftone  proper,  the  collet   in 

pale. — Her.  Off.  Mfs.  Vincent,  No.  154. 
CHERYBROND,  Gu.  two  fwords  in  faltlcr  or. 
CHERITON,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  rams  heads  erafed  gu. 

attired  or. 
CHERTH,  Sa.   on  a  fefie  engrailed  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis 

ar.  as  many  efcallop-fliells  gu. 
CHERWOOD,  Erm.  three  pellets,  on  each  a  mullet  pierced 

Cherwood,  Erm.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  ogrefics  a  mullet  of 

fix  points  pierced  of  the  field. 
CHESBY,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  two  bends  gu.  a  canton  erm. 
CHESEDON,    [Dorfetfhire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three 

martlets  of  the  field,  an  eagle  difplayed  or. 
CHESDON,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  martlets  of  the  field. 
CHESELBORNE,    [Dorfetfliire]   Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three 

eagles  heads  erafed  or. 
CHESELDEN,  or  Chesselden,  Ar.  a  chev.  d.  betw.  three 

chifllls  of  the  fecond. 
CHESELDON,  Or,  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  martlets  ar. 
Chifildon,  or  ChcpUync,  [Clippifham,   in  Rudandlhire]    Ar.  a 

chev..  betw.   three  crofles  moline   gu. — Crcfl:,  a    talbot  ar. 

fpottej   fa.    collared   and    lined  or.      Another,    the    talbot 

CHESHAM,    [Lancafliire]  Vert,  on  an   inefcutcheon  ar.   a 

flag's  head  caboflTed  gu. — Creft,   a  falcon  with  wings  ex- 


pandcd  proper.   Another  creft,  out  cf  ducal  coronet,  a  lion'i 
gamb  ere(Sl  or. 

Chfjhatn,  Chequy  ar  and  vert,  on  a  canton  gu.  a  chefs-rook  of 
the  firft. 

CHESHIRE,  [Dublin]  Az.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  fufils  gu. 
betw.  two  arrows  of  the  fecond.— Creft,  a  leopard's  head  ai. 
jcfiant  three  roftJ  gu.  leaved  vert.  Granted  in  Ireland, 

CHESLIN,  [London]  Gu.  on  a  bend  embattled  ar.  three 
towers  tripie-towered  fa. — Creft,  a  tower  ar. 

Clhjlin,  [London]  "Ar.  on  a  bend  embattled  and  counter-em- 
battled gu.  three  towers  triple-towcrcd  of  the  field.— Creft, 
a  fleur-de-lis  per  pale  vert  and  az. 

CIIES-MAN,  [Middlcfex]  Per  fefib embattled  ar.  and  fa.  three 
mullets  couiitcrchanged. 

CHEESMAN,  [Kent]  Per  chcv.  embattled  fa.  and  ar.  three 
mullets  counterchanged,  ail  within  a  bordure  encrailcd  erai. 

CHESTELL,  Per  felTc  ar.  and  az.  a  caftle  gu.  and  four  ef- 
callop-fliclls  counterchanged. 

CHESTER,  [Chichley,  in  Buckinghamftiire]  Gu.  two  lions 
hind  feet,  ilfuingout  from  the  dexter  and  finifter  fides,  meet- 
ing in  fefl'e  or,  betw.  three  hawks  Icures  ar.— Creft,  a  lion's 
gamb  erafed  and  ered  gu.  holding  a  broken  fworj  ar.  hilt  or. 

ChjL'r,  [Gloucefterfliire]  Gu.  two  lions  gambs  per  chcv.  couped 
or,  betw.  three  hawks  Icures  ar. — Creft,   as  above. 

Chejlir,  [Upley,  in  Efl^ex]  Or,  on  afeffegu.  three  cutlaflbs  ar. 
pomelcd  of  the  field.- Creft,  a  cutlafs  ar.  hilt  and  pome! 
or,  environed  with  two  branches  of  laurel  vert, 

ChtJJcr,  [Blabie,  in  Leiceftcrfliire]  Erm.  on  a  chief  fj.  a  grif- 
fin piilfant  or,  armed  ar. — Creft,  a  dmgon  paflant  ar. 

CheJJtr,  [Chichley,  in  Buckinghamfljire]  Parted  per  pale  ar. 
and  fa.  achev.  betw.  three  rams  heads  erafed  and  attired  or; 
all  counterchanged,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  gu.  bezantce. 
— Creft,  a  ram's  head  erafed  ar.  armed  or. 

Chijler,  [Amcft)ury,  in  Gloucefterfhire]  Gu.  a  lion  paflant  erm. 
betw.  three  hawks  leures  ar. 

CHESTERFIELD,  Az.  a  fefie  dauncettee  or,  in  chief  three 
fleurs-de-lis  of  the  fecond. 

CHES  FERTON,  Ar.  a  pile  ix.  and  chev.  counterchanjed. 

CHESTON,  [Mydcthall,  in  Suffolk]  Gu.  three  bars  wavy, 
party  per  barry  wavy,  or  and  erm.  over  all  a  faitier  gu.— . 
Creft,  a  dexter  gauntlet  fefleways  proper,  holding  a  fworJ 
ereifl  ar.  hilt  or,  on  the  blade  a  man's  head  proper,  couped, 
ifi"uing  drops  of  blood  at  the  neck,  with  an  efcroll  behind 
the  fword  with  this  motto.   Ex  merito. 

CHESWORTH,  Per  pale  gu.  and  ar.  a  pale  engrailed  (ano- 
ther,  plain)  or. 

CHEY TOR,  or  Chetitor,  [Butterly,  in  Durham]  Per 
bend  dauncettee  ar.  and  az.  three  cinquefoils  counterchan- 
ged.— Creft,  a  flag's  head  erafed  lozengy  ar.  and  az.  the  dex- 
ter horn  ar.   the  finifter  az. 

CHETHAM,  [London]  Ar.achev.  gu.  betw.  three ffeawmsaz. 

CHETHUM,  [Suff'olk]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  fleagms 
fa. — Creft,  a  grifEn  paflant  regardant,  with  wings  endorfed, 
ar.  winged  or,  charged  on  the  ftioulder  with  a  crefcent  gu. 

Chetum,  [Clayton,  in  Lancafhire]  Ar.  a  griffin  fegreant  "u. 
within  a  bordure  fa.  bezantee. — Creft,  a  demi-griffin  "U. 
charged  with  a  crofs  potent  ar. 

CHETTLE,  [Suffolk]  Az.  a  hind  pafi^antar. 

ChettU,   Or,   three  fpiders  az. 

CHETMULL,  Per  chev.  or  and  az.  in  chief  three  mullets  of 
the  fecond,  in  bafe  a  garb  of  the  firft. 

CHETTLETON,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  five  bezants,  all  within 
a  bordure  engrailed  of  the  fecond. 

CHETWYN,  [Grendon,  in  Staffordfhire]  Ar.  on  a  crofs 
engrailed    fa.   five  mullets   of  the  field. 

Chftivyti,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  engrailed  fa.  five  mullets  or. 

CHETWYND,  [Ingentre,  in  Staffbrdfliire]  Az.  a  chev. 
betw.  three  mullets  or. — Creft,  a  goat's  head  erafeJ  ar.  at- 
tired or. 


C     II     E 

Cheiivyml,   [Rugeley,  in  Etaffbrdfliire]   Ths  fame. 

Chetwynde,  [Shropfliire]  The  fame,  the  mullets  being  pierced. 

CHETVVOOD,  [Buckinghamfliiie]  Q^^iarterly  ar.  and  gu. 
a  crofs  formee  counterchanged. — Crcft,  out  of  a  ducal  co- 
ronet or,  a  demi-lion  gu. 

Chetivood,  [Buckinghamfliire]   Ar.  a  crofs  formee  gu. 

CJietwood,  Quarterly  ar.  and  gu.  four  crofies  formee  counter- 
changed. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  demi-lion  ram- 
pant gu.  charged  on  the  fliouldsr  with  a  crefcent  or. 

CHEVALL,  [Herefordfliire  and  Hertfordfhire]  Az.  three 
horfes  heads  couped  ar.   bridled  gu. 

CHEEVELEY,  Gu.  a  cock  or. 

CHEVER,  or  Chener,  Gu.  three  bucks  ar. 

CHEVERCOT,  Sa.  on  abend  or,  three  bucks' trippant  gu. 

CHEVER  KLL,  [Wiltftiire]  Ar;  three  lions  paflant  fa.  '  Ano- 
ther, the  lions  rampant. 

Cheverell^  Ar.  on  a  faltier  az.  five  water-bougets  of  the  field. 

CHEVERYLL,  or  ChevEroyll,  Ar.  three  lions  pallant  fa. 

CHEVERON,  Gu.twochev.  erm. 

CHEVERSTON,  Or,  on  a  bend  gu.  three  water-bougets  ar. 

CHEW,  [London  and  Bedfordftiire]  Az.  a  Catharine- wheel 
or,  betw.' three  griffins  heads  erafed  ar. — Creft,  a  griffin  fe- 
iant  an  guttee  de  fans'*  beaked,  legged,  and  winged,  fa.  re- 
pofing  his  dexter  foot  oil  a  Catharine-wcel  gu.  Granted 
Sept.  15,  1703. 

CHIBNALL,  [Filmerfliam  in  Bedfordfhire,  of  Northampton, 
and  of  Attwood  in  Buckinghamihire]  Az.  two  lions  paifint 
gardant  or,  betw.  two  flaunches  erm. — Creft,  a  dragon's 
head  erafed  fa.  ducally  gorged  and  lined  or.  Another  cr*;ft, 
a  wolf's  head. 

CHICHE,  Az.  three  lions  r.impant  or.     Another,  ar. 

CHICHELEY,  [Wimplcy,  in  Cambridgefliire]  Or,  a  chev. 
betw.  three  clnquefoils  gu. — Crcft,  a  tiger  paifant  ar.  holding 
in  his  mouth  a  man's  leg  couped  at  the  thigh  proper,  the 
foot  downwards. 

Chicheky,  [Cambridgcfhire]  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  trefoils 
flipped  gu. 

Chuheley,  Or,  three  cinquefoils  gu. 

Chkheley,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  goats  heads  erafed  az.  attired 
or,  charged  with  as  many  lozenges  of  the  third  ;  on  a  chief 
fa.   a  lion  paffant  gardant  erm. 

CHICHESTER,  [Melbury  Ofmond,  in  Dorfetfhire]  Chequy 
or  and  gu.  a  chief  vaire. — Creft,  a  ftork,  with  wings  en- 
dorfed,  proper,  holding  in  his  beak  a  fnake  vert. 

Chichefler,   [Raleigh,    in  Devonfllire]   The  fame. 

Chiche/ler,  [Devonftiire]  Ar.  on  a  canton  ii.  a  ftanding  cup 
covered  of  the  field. 

CHIDCROFT,  Ar.  three  efcallop-fhells  gu. 

CHIDERLEGH,  [Cornwall  and  Devonftiire]  Or,  on  a  chev. 
az.  betw.  three  cormorants  heads  erafed  fa.  as  many  acorn^ 
flipped  or. 

CHIDLEY,  or  Chidelly,  [Devonfllire]  Erm.  three  lions 
rampant  gu.    two  and  one. 

CHILBORNE,  or  Chibbourne,  [Eflex]  Per  pale  ar.  and 
gu.  on  a  chev.  engrailed  betw.  three  gauntlets,  as  many 
cinqiiefoils,  all  counterchanged. — Creft,  a  hawk's  head 
erafed  az.  in  his  beak  a  ring  or,  to  which  hangs  a  fpur- 
rowel,  or  etoile,  or. 

CHILD,  [London,  and  Newton  in  Northamptonftiire]  Vert, 
two  bars  engrailed  ar.  betw.  three  leopards  heads  or. — 
Creft,  a  leopard's  head  or,  betw.  two  laurel-branches  proper. 

Child,  [Langley  Berry,  in  Hcrtforufiiire]  Az.  a  fefle  embattled 
erm. betw.  three  eagles  clofe  or. — Creft,  an  eagle,  with  winos 
expanded,  erm.  holding  in  his  beak  a  trefoil  flipped  vert. 

Child,  [London]  Gu.  a  chev.  engrailed  erm.  betw.  three  eagles 
clofe  ar.  each  gorged  with  a  ducal  coronet  or. — Creft,  on  a 
rock  proper,  an  eagle  rifing  with  wings  cndorfed  ar.  gorged 
with  a  ducal  coronet  or,  holding  in  his  beak  an  adder  proper. 
Granted  Jan,  28,  1700. 

Child,  [Wanftead,  in  Eflbx]  Gu.  a  chev.  engrailed  erm.  betw. 

C     II     I 

three  eagles  clofe  argent.     Another,    or. — Creft,  an  eagle 

with  wings  expanded  ar.    enveloped  round  the  neck  wi:h   a 

fnake  proper. 
Child,  [Worccfterfhire]   The  fame. 
Child,   [Sural,  in   the  Eaft-Indicj]   Vert,    two  bars  engrailed 

betw.  three  leopards  heads  or. — Crcft,  a  leopard's  head   or, 

betw.  two  laurel-branches  proper. 
CHILDROY,  Or,  on  a  bend  az.  three  martlets  of  the  field. 
CHILDBORNE,   [London]  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  chev. 

en<'tailed  az,  three  cinquefoils  erm.   betw.   three  gauntltts 

CHILTON,  Lozengy    or   and   az.   an    eagle  difplayed  erm. 

armed  of  the  firft. 
Chilton,    Ar.  a  chev.  vert. — Crcft,  a  boar's  head  couped  at  the 

neck  or ;  in  his  mouth  two  rofes,  one  ar.  the  other  gu.  leaved 

and  ftalkcd  vert. 
Chilton,  [Wye  in  Kent,  and  Cadiz  in  Spain]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu. 

within  a  bordure  gcbonalcd  or  and  az. — Creft,  a  griffin  paf7 

fant  fa.  bezantee. 
Chilton,  Az.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  mullets  within  a  bordure  fa. 
Chilton,  Az.  on  a  chev.   ar.   three  mullets  pierced  fa.  within  a 

bordure  ar. 
CHlLWOPs-TH,  Ar.a  .felTe  betw.  three  bucks  heads  couped  fa. 
Chihuorth,  or  Childivorth,  [Devunfliiie]  Or,  on  a  chev.  gu.  three 

martlets  ar. 
CHILVIICK,  [Ragdon,    in  Shropfhire]    Vert,    three   lions 

rampant  gardant  or. — Crcft,    a   lion  fejant  gardant  or,  fup- 

porting  with  his  dexter  foot  an  efcutelieon  vert. 
CHYNEDON,  Ar.  three  efca'Iop-fiiells  gu.  two  and  one. 
CHYNON,  Ar.  a  chev.  embattled  betw.  three  rav;ns  heads  fa, 
CHVNSTON,  or  Ch/neryston,  Or,  on  a  bend  gu.  threq 

goats  ar. 
CHiPMAN,  Sa.  two  lions  pafTant  and  countcr-paiTant,  betw. 

two  chev.  ar. 
'Chipman,  [Briftol]  Ar.  a   bend  betw.    fix   ctoilcs  gu. — Creft, 

a  leopard  fejant  ar.  murally  crowned  gu. 
CHIPENHAM,  Sa.   two   chev.   ar.   in  chief  as   many   lions 

combatant  or. 
CHIPMANDEN,  Gu.  a  chev.  vaire  betw.   three  efcallop- 

fliells  ar. 
CHIPMERDEN,  Or,,  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  colombines  az. 
CHIPNAM,  [Herefordfliire]  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  dolphins 

embowed  ar. 
CHIPPENHAM,  or   Chipman,    [Hertfordfliire]  Gu.  on  a 

chev.  betw.  three  dolphins  embowed  ar.  an   erm.  fpot  fa. — 

Creft,  a  triton  or  merman  proper,  habited  in  armour,  helmet 

or,   over  his  ftioulder  a  fafh  ar.  holding  in  his  dexter  hand  a 

pennon,  thereon  the  word  Ji:fus. 
Chippenham,  [Herefordfliire]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three 

dolphins   turned   round  with  their  tail   in  their   mouth   ar. 

an  erm.  fpot  fa. 
CHIPPENDALE,   [Leiccfterfhire]  Az.  two  lions  gambs  iflli- 

ing  out  of  the  bafe  of  the  efcutcheon,  and  forming  a  chev. 

ar.  betw.  the  gambs  a  fleur-de-lis  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  gamb. 

ereiSl  ar.  holding  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 
CHYRFOLD,  Ar.  abend  az.  betw.  two  cotifes  fa. 
CHISENHALL,  [Chifenhali,   in  LancafiiireJ  Ar.  three  crofs 

croflets  botonee,   within  a  bordure  engrailed    gu. — Creft,  a 

griffin   pafllmt  gu.  beaked  and  legged  ar.  collared  and  lined 

gu.  the  collar  charged  with  three  crofs  croflets  ar. 
CHISCOTT,  [Kent]    Per  pale   ar.  and  az.  a  caftle  gu. 
CHISHALL,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  engrailed  fa.  five  mullets. of  the 

CHISWELL,[London]  Ar.  two  bars  nebulee  gu.  over  all,  on' 

a  bend  engrailed  fa.  a  rofe  betw.  two  mullets  or. — Creft,  a 

dove  with  wings  difplayed  ar.    beaked  and  legged  gu.    ftand- 
ing on  a  bezant,   and    holding  in   the  beak  a  laurel-branch 

vert.     Granted  April  1:5,  17 14. 
CHISSELL,  or  Cf-iussell,  Ar.  three  bars  nebulee  gu.  on  a 

bend  fa.  three  mullets  or. — Creft,  three  Ghifltls  ar.  handles 

C     H     I 

Or,  viz.  two  in  faltirc,  tlie  handles  in  bafc;  one  in  pale,  the 
handle  in  chief. 
CHISHULL,  [EflexJ  Qiiartcrly  ar.  and    gu.  a  crofs  patcc 

CHYSUAL,  Ar.  a  crof:  crodet  fitchee  within  a  bordure  gu. 
CHITTINGK,  [SuftolkJQiiartcriyar.  andaz.  on  a  bend  gu. 
betw.  two  talbots  heads  crafcd  ar.  three  quatrefoils  of  the  fiift. 

Chiitinge,  Quarterly  ar.  and  az.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  quatrc- 
foilsof  the  firft. — Crcft,  a  talbot's  head  erafcd  ar. 

CHITTOKE,  [Suffolk]  Ar.a  bull  palTant  az.— Creft.a  demi- 
flag  proper,  attired  or. 

CHI  rTERCROFTE,  Ar.  a  bend  engrailed  gu. 

CHITTY,  [London]  Gu.  a  chev.  crm.  in  chief  three  talbots 
heads  erafed  or. — Creft,  a  talbot's  head  couped  or. 

CHYVER,  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  gu. 

CHITTOCK,  Ak.  a  bull  pafllmt  ar. 

CHIVERTON,  Ar.  on  a  mount  in  bafe  vert,  a  tower  triple- 
towered  fa. 

CHYUSVON,  Or,  a  bend  ar.  guttee  de  I'eau. 

CHOARE,  [Lincolnfhirc]  Barry  of  twelve  ar.  and  gu.  three 
martlets  fa. — Creft,  on  the  top  of  a  tower  ar.  port  fa.  a  row 
of  feathers  or. 

CHOKE,  Gu.  three  bars  wavy  within  a  bordure  ar. 

C/Wc,  [Avington,  in  Berkfhirc]  Ar.  three  cinquefoih  per  pale 
gu.  and  az. — Creft,  a  ftork's  head  proper,  beaked  <»u. 

Chsie,  [Abington]  Gu.  three  bars  wavy. — Creft,  out  of  a 
ducal  coronet  or,  a  demi-ftork  difplayed  ar.  beaked  wu. 

Choke,  Ar.   three  crefcents  gu.   two  and  one. 

CHOLMONDLEY,  [Whitby  in  Yorkfhire,  and  of  Surry] 
Gu.  in  chief  two  helmets  ar.  in  bafc  a  garb  or. — Creft,  a 
clemi-grifHn  fa.  beaked,  winged,  and  membered  or,  holdiii'j- 
betw.  his  claws  a  helmet  proper. 

Cholmcndhy,  [Vale  Royal,  in  Chefliirc]  The  fame,  with  due 

CholmondUy,  [Barnftsy,  and  Rokft)y,  in  Yorlcfliire]  Gu.  two 
helmets  in  chief  and  a  garb  in  bafe  or  ;  in  a  crcfcent  erm. 
a  fleur-de-lis   or,  for  difference.— Creft,  a  g.irb  or 

CHOLMLEY,  [Yorkfhirej  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.^bctw.  three  hel- 
mets of  the  fecond. 

Cholmley,  Gu.  a  crefcent  erm.  betw.  a  helmet  and  a  garb  in 
pale  or. 

Chclmky,  [Ryple,  in  Worcefterfhire]  Gu.  in  chief  two  helmets 
ar.  in  bafe  a  garb  or  ;  on  a  fleur-de-lis  or,  a  crcfcent  for  dif- 
ference.— Creft,  a  helmet  ar.     Granted  1590. 

CHOLMELEY,  [London]  Gu.  a  fword  in  fcffc  betw.  a  hel- 
met and  three  garbs  or. 

CHOLWILL,  or  Cholvile,  [Devonftiire]  Ar.  on  a  bend 
az.  three  arrows  or,  feathered  and  headed  ar.  their  heads  to- 
wards the  chief — Creft,  alinnet  proper.     Granted  1613. 

CHORLEY,  [Chorley,  in  Lancafhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw. 
three  bluebottles  flipped  proper. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu. 
turned  up  erm.    a  hawk's   head  erafed  ar. 

Chofky,  [Chelhire  andLancafhire]    Sa.  a  ftag  lodged  ar. 

Chorlr'v,  Ar.  three  trees  erafed  vert. 

CHOWNE,  [Fairland,  in  Kent]  Sa.  three  thatchers  hooks 
in  fefie  ar. — Creft,  a  gauntlet  ar.  holding  a  broad-arrow  fa. 
feathered  ar. 

CHQWGHTON,  [Kent]  Or,  three  fwords  in  fefle  az. 

CHRISTIE,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  wells  fa.  Another,  the 
wells  gu. — Creft,  a  phoenix's  head,  in  flames  of  tire  proper. 

CHREBREGOT,  [Tournay]  Or,  three  pales  gu. 

CHERBEOT,  [Tournay]  Per  pale  or  and  gu.  on  a  feffe  ar. 
three  efcallop-fhclls  az. 

CHRISTMAS,  [Lcndon]  Gu.  on  a  f.-ffe  raguly  ar.  three 
martlets  fa.  a  canton  erm. — Creft,  an  arm  embowed  proper, 
habited  or,  covered  with  leaves  vert,  fupporting  a  ftaff 
couped  and  raguly  ar. 

Chiijhiiai,  [Eflex]  Gu.  on  a  feffe  or,  bcnv.  three  conies  ar.  a 
crefcent  az.   betw.  two  martlets  fa. 

Chriflmas,  Gu.  on  a  feffe  betw.  three  conies  ar.  as  many  mul- 
lets fa. 

C     L     A 

OlUBRE,  [Dorfet]  Az.  a  crofs  or,  betw.  four  bezants.— 

Creft,  a  demi-lion  az.  holding  a  bezant. 
CHUDWORTH,  Or,  a  feffe  betw.  three  martlets  fj. 
CHUULEIGH,  [Afhton  in  Dcvonfliire,  and  of  Strode  in 
Dorfetftiire]  Erm.  three  lions  rampant  gu. — Creft,  a  favage 
man  proper,  fide-faced  ;  in  his  dexter  hand  a  ftaff,  clubbed 
and  fpiked  or,  with  a  bugle-horn  hung  over  his  left  fhoul- 
dcr,  and  wreathed  about  the  loins  and  temples,  vert. 

CHUN,  Vert,  on  a  chief  ar.  three  pales  gu. 

Chttn,  Vaire,  three  pales  gu. 

CHURCHAR,  [Slingfield,  in  Suffex]  Chequy  ar.  and  (f. 
on  a  bend  gu.  three  lions  heads  erafed  or.— Creft,  a  tiger  ar.  tufted  and  maned  or. 

CHURCHE,  [Eflex]  Ar.  on  a  feffe  engrailed  betw.  three 
greyhounds  heads  erafed  fa.  collared  or,  as  many  trefoils 
flipped  of  the  laft.— Creft,  a  dcmi-greyhound  fa.  gorged 
with  a  collar  or,  charged  with  three  lozenges  gu.  holdiii-r 
a  trefoil  or. 

Chm-chc,  [Betton,  in   Shropfnirc]   Ar.   on   a  chev.  gu.    betw. 

three  greyhounds  heads  erafed  d.  as  many  bezants. Creft 

a  greyhound's  head  erafed  crm.  collared  and  ringed  or. 

Chunhe,  [EarlcsColne,  in  Eflex]  Gu.  a  feffe  or,  in  chief  three 
gauntlets  proper. — Creft,  an  arm  erefV,  in  armour  proper, 
g.iniiflied  or,    holding  a  baton  of  the  laft. 

CHURCHILL,  Sa.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  on  a  canton  of  the  fe- 
cond,  a  crofs  gu. — Creft,  a  lion  couchant  "ardant  ar. 
holding  a  banner  of  the  laft,  charged  with  a  hand  erecfl  (ru 

Churchill,  [Chufchill,  of  Henbury  in  Dorfetfhire,  and  of  So- 
mcrfctftiirc]  Sa.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  debruifed  with  a  bendlct 
gu.— Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  demi-lion  rampant 

CHURCHMAN,  [Shropftiirc]  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  on  a  chief 
of  the  firft,  two  pales  of  the  fecond — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal 
coronet  or,  a  demi-lion  rampant  ar. 

Churchman,  [London]  Barry  of  four  pieces  fa.  and  ar.  on  a 
chief  of  the  fecond,  two  pales  of  the  firft. — Creft,  on  a  garb 
lying  feffeways  or,  acock  ar.  beaked, legged,  and  wattled,  gu. 

CHURLEY,   [Kent]  Paly  of  fix  or  and  az.  a  canton  erm. 

CHURLESSE,  The  fame  as  C.arlessf. 

CHUTE,  [Vine,  in  Hampfliire]  Gu.  three  fwords  extended 
barways,  the  points  towards  the  dexter  part  of  the  efcut- 
cheon  ar.  the  hilts  and  pomel  or. — Creft,  a  gauntlet  proper 
holding  a  broken  fword  ar.  hilt  and  pomel  or.  Motto 
Fortune  ite  Guerre. 

Chute,  [Hinckfell  Place,  in  Kent]  Gu.  fcmee  de  mullets  or 
three  fwords  barways  proper,  the  middlemoft  encountering 
the  other  two  ;  a  canton  per  feffe  ar.  and  vert,  thereon  a  lion 
of  England — Creft,  a  gauntlet  proper,  holding  a  broken 
fword  ar.   hilt  and  pomel  or. 

Chute,  or  Chovcte,  [Norfolk]     The   fame. 


CYFER,  or  Syfer,  Az.  three  bars  gemelles  ar.  a  chief  of 
the  fecond. 

CIKDELEES,  Per  pale  indented  ar.  and  gu. 

CIPRUS,  Barry  of  twelve  ar.  andaz.  overall  a  lion  rampant  "u. 

CIZELLEY,  [Barking,  in  Effex]  Az.  on  a  chev.  betw. 
three  ftags  trippant  ar.  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  firft. 

CLABROCK,  or  Cleybroke,  [Kent  and  Middlefex]  Ar. 
a  crofs  patee  gu. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  demi- 
oftrich  ar.  with  wings  difplayed  erm.  holding  in  his  mouth 
a  horfe-flioe  fa. 

CLAGETT,  [Kent  and  London]  Erm.  on  a  fefle  fa.  three 
pheons  or. — Creft,  an  eagle's  head  erafed  erm.  ducally 
crowned  or,   betw.  two  wings  fa. 

CLAYDON,  [Aflidowne  in  Effex,  and  of  London]  Ar.  a 
fcffc  daunccttee  fa.  betw.  three  cfcallop  (hells  gu. — Creft,  a 
demi-lion  rampant  az.  vulned  on  the  (houlder  gu.  murally 
crowned  ar.  holding  in  the  paws  a  crofs  flory  fitchce  gu. 

CLAYE,  orCiEV,  [Derbylhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  betw. 
three  trefoils  flipped   fa. 
3  X  C/ifyf, 

C     L     A 

Cltiye,  or  Cley^  [Tells,  in  Shropfliire]  Per  felTe  vert  and  fa.  a  lion 

rampant  erm.  betw.  three  efcallop-fliells  ar. — Creft,  a  lion's 

head  per  pale  vert  and  fa.  charged  with  an  efcallop-fhell  ar. 

CLAY,  [London]  Per  pale  vert  and  fa.  a  lion  rampant  erm. 

betw.  three  efcallop-fliclls  ar. — Creft   as   before. 
Cla-)^  Ar.  three  wolves  fa.  two  in  chief  combatant,  one  in  bafe 

CLAYLE,  Ar.  three  martlets  gu. 
CLAYPOLL,   Erm.  on  a  chief  or,   two  bends  az. 
CLEYPOOL,  or   Claypoole,  Or,   a  chev.  az.  betw.  three 

tortcauxes  within  a  bordure  engrailed  vert. 
CLAYTON,    [Marden,    in   Surry]    Ar.  a  crofs  fa.    betw. 
four  pellets  .  .  .  — Creft,  on  a  mural  crown  gu.  a  lion's  gamb 
ereil  ar.  grafping  a  pellet. 
Clayton,  Per  pale  az.  and  vert,  a  lion  rampant  or. 
Clayton,   Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  rofes  or. 

Clayton,  [Norfolk]   Ar.  a  crofs  engrailed  fa.  betw.   four  tor- 
teauxes. — Creft,  an  unicorn  couchantar.  maned,  armed,  and 
unguled,   or ;  under  the  dexter  foot  a  bezant. 
Clayton,  Chequy  gu.  and  or,  two  chev.  fa. 
Clayton,  Gu.  a  fefle  indented  ar.  betw.  three  owls  heads  erafed 

of  the  fecond. 
Clayton,   [StafFordfliire]  Ar.  on  abend  az.  three  annulets  or,  in 

chief  a  crofs  croflet  az, 
Clayton,  Ar.  a  bend  fa.  betw,  three  mullets  gu, 
Clayton,  ox  Cleyton,  [Sheffield]  Ar.  acrofjfa.  on  a  canton  gu. 

a  fleur-de-lis  ar. 
CLAMBERLOW,    Qiiarterly   gu.   and  or,    on  the    dexter 

quarter  four  lozenges  in  crofs  ar, 
CLAVIBOW,   [Somerfetfhire]   Paly  of  fix  or  and   az.   on  a 

fefle  gu.  three  mullets  with  fix  points  of  the  firft. 
Chvnboiv,  The  fame,   with    plain   mullets. 
CLAMOND,  [Lanfells,    in  Cornv/all]  Ar.   a  chev.    betw. 

three  fleurs-de-lis  gu. — Creft,   a   griffin  fejant  or. 
CLAND,  or  Clande,  [Eftex]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  ef- 

callop-ftieils    01". 
CLAPHAM,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  covered  cups  of  the  field. 
ClapLam,  [Yorkftiire  and  VVarwickfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa,  fix 

fleurs-de-lis  or,  two,  two,  and  two, 
Clapham,  [Yorkfliire]   Ar,  on  a  bend  az.   fix  fleurs-de  lis  or, 

two,  two,   and  two. 
Clapham,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  gimblets  fa. 
Clapham,  Ar.   a  chev.   betw.   nine  gimblets  fa. 
Clapham,  [London  and  Northamptonfliirc]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az. 
cotifedgu.  fix  fleurs-de-lis  or,  two,  two,  and  two. — Creft,  a  lion 
rampant  fa.  collared  ar.  holding  a  fvvord  of  the  laft,  hilt  or, 
CLARE,  Or,  three  chev.  gu. 

Clare,  [Dabiton,  in  Worcefterfhire]  Or,  three  chev.  gu.  within 
a  bordure  fa.     Another,  the  bordure  engrailed  az. — Creft,    a 
flag's  head  caboflTed  proper.,  [Shropfiiire]  Or,  three  chev.  ermines.     The  fame  creft. 
Clare,  Or,   a  quarter  gu . 
Clare,    Az.  a  bend  and  chief  indented  or. 
CLARELL,  [Yorkfhire]Gu.fix  martlets  ar.  three,  two,andone. 
CLARENDON,    Or,  on    a  bend    fa.    three  oftrich's   fea- 
thers ar.  pafling  through  as  many  fcrolls  of  the  field. 
CLARGEIS,    [Middlefex]  Barry  of  ten  pieces  ar.  and  az.  on 
a  canton  fa.  a  ram's  head  erafed  of  the  firft,  armed  with  four 
horns  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,   a  ram's  head 
as  in  the  arms. 
CLARKE,  [Dundon,  in  Buckinghamftiire]  Per  chev.  az.  and 
ar.  three  eagles  difplayed  counterchanged,  in  chief  a  leopard's 
face  or. — Creft,  a  goat  ar.  attired  or,  falient  againft  a  tree  vert. 
Clarke,  [Kettlefton,  in  Suffolk]  Ar.  a  chev.   betw.  three  grif- 
fins heads  erafed  fa,  on  a  chief  of  the  laft,  three  mafcles  of 
the  firft. — Creft,   an  elephant's    head    quarterly  gu.  and  or. 
Confirmed  June  20,  1559- 
Clarke,   [Ireland]    Ar.   on  a  bend  gu.  betw.  three  pellets,   as 
many  fwans  of  the  firft  ;  for  an  augmentation,  in  the  finif- 
ter  corner  of  the  field,  upon  a  canton  gu.  a  lion  paflfant  gard- 

C     L     A 

ant  or,    betw.    two  flafks  erm.     Granted  April  25,  1667. 
[Defcended  from  the  Clarkes  of  Warwickftiire.] 
Clarke,  [Ireland]   Erm.  on  a  fefle  betw.  three  griflSns  heads 
erafed    gu.    as  many    bezants.  —  Creft,     a   fea-horfe    vert. 
Granted  1648. 
Clarke,  [Berkfhire]   Ar.  on  a  fefle,  betw,  fix  Crofles  formee  fa. 
three  plates  ar.— Creft,   a  crofs   formee  or,  betw,  a  pair  of 
wings  difplayed  az. 
Clarke,   [Suffolk]  Gu,  an  inefcutcheon  betw,  four  lions  ram- 
pant ar. 
Clarke,  [Salford,  in  Warwickfliire]  Gu.  three  fwords  in  pale  ar, 
Clarke,   [Shrewft)ury]     Az.    three  efcallop-fhells    in   pale  or ; 
betw.  two  flaunches  erm.  on  a  chief  ar,  three  lions  rampaht 
gardantaz. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  demi-bull 
erm,  armed  or. 
Clarke,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  betw.  three  ogreflcs  as 

tnany  fwans'proper. 
Clarke,    [Northamptonftiire]  The  fame  arms. — Creft,  a  lark, 
with  wings  expanded,  proper,  holding  in  the  beak  an  ear  of 
wheat  c)r. 
Clarke,  [London]  Or,  on  a  bend  engrailed  az.  three  lozenge's 
of  the  firft. — Creft,   a  talbot's  head  or,  gorged  with  a  feile 
engrailed  az.  charged  with  three  lozenges  or. 
Clarke,   [Somerfall,    in  Derbyftiire]    Az.  three  efcallop-fhell* 
or,  betw.  two  flaunches  erm. — Creft,   in  a  gem-ring  or,  let 
with  a  diamond  fa.  a  pheon  ar, 
Clarke,   [London]  Sa.  on  a  pale  ar.  the  letter  Y  gu. — Creft,  on 
a  plate  ar.  the  letter  Y  gu.  over  it  a  fcroll  with  this  motto, 
Clarke,  [Oxfordftiire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  betw.  three  pellets  as 
many  fwans  proper;    rewarded  with  a  canton   finiftcr  az. 
thereon  a  demi-ram  mounting  ar.  armed  or,  betw.  two  fleurs- 
de-lis  of  the  laft  ;    over  all  a  dexter  baton  gu. — Creft,    a 
ram's  head  ar.  attired  or. 
Clarke,  [Gloucefterftiire  and  London,   1586.]  Or,  two  bars  az. 
in  chief  three  efcallop-fhells  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  out  of  a 
ducal  coronet   or,   a  demi-lion  proper. 
Clarke,  [Somerfetftiire  and  London]   Or,  two  bars  az.  in  chief 
three  efcallop-fhells  gu. — Creft,  an  arm  embowed,  in  armour 
proper,  holding  in  the  gauntlet  an  arrow  or,  headed  and  fea- 
thered ar. 
Clarke,  Barry  of  four  az.   and  or;  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond, 

three  efcallops  of  the  firft. 

Clarke,  [Middlefex]  Gu.  three  bars  vert,  in  chief  as  many  plates, 

Clarke,    [Weftmorland,   Yorkftiire,  and  Middlefex]   Or,  on  a 

bend  engrailed  az,    an    efcallop-fiiell    ar. — Creft,  a   demi- 

griffin,  wings  endor'fed,  or,  gorged  with  a  collar  engrailed  az. 

Clarke,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles  heads  erafed   fa.  on  a 

chief  of  the  fecond,   as  many  mafcles  of  the  firft. 
Clarke,  Or,  TL  crofs  raguly  betw.  four  trefoils  flipped  vert. — Creft, 
a  peacock's  head  erafed  proper,  in  his  beak  a  trefoil  flipped  vert. 
Clarke,   Quarterly  ar.  and  vert,  a  crofs  counterchanged. 
Clarke,  [London]  Per  feffe  ar.  and  gu.   a  pale  counterchan<Ted, 

three  greyhounds  heads  erafed  of  the  fecond. 
Clarke,  [Kent]   Sa,  two  pales  wavy  erm. 
Clarke,  [Bridgar,  in  Kent]  Erm.  three  pales  wavy  fa. — Creft, 

a  fleur-de-lis  per  pale  ar.  and  fa. 
Clarke,   [Yorkfliire]   Or,   a  bend  engrailed  az. 
Clarke,  [Ford   in    Kent,  and  of    Eflex]   Or,   on  a   bend  en- 
grailed az.  a  cinquefoil  of  the  firft. — Creft,   a  greyhound's 
head  couped  or,  charged  on  the  neck  with  a  cinquefoil  az. 
Clarke,  [Kent]  Erm.  on  a  fefle  gu.  three  bezants. 
Clarke,  [Lincoln]  Erm.  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  bezants ;  on  a  can- 
ton of  the  fecond,  a  flag's  head  cabofled  ar. — Creft,  a  finifter 
wing  or. 
Clarke,  Erm.  the  field  repleniflied  with  trefoils  flipped  fa.  afefle  gu. 
Clarke,  [London]    Ar.  on  a  bend  engrailed  az.  a  crofs  croflet 
fitchce  or. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  rampant  or,  holding  a  crofs 
croflet  fitched  az, 


C     L     A 

Vlarke,  [Yorkfliirc]  Ar.  on  a  bend  engrailed  az.  a  crofs  crofict 
or. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  or,  holding  in  the  dexter  paw  a  crofs 
croflet  fitchce  a-/,. 

Cliirke,  [YorkfliireJ  Ar.  on  a  clicv.  gu.  betw.  three  Wolves 
heads  erafcd  az.  three  rofi-o  of  the  firft  ;  on  a  canton  fa.  a 
lion's  head  erafed  or. 

Clarke,  [Sonicrfctlhirc]  Per  cliev.  or  and  gu.  three  lions  hcnds 
erafcd  countcrchanged. 

Clarke,  [HcrefordfhireJ  Ar.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  lions  rampant 
vert. — Creft,  a  lion  rampant  vert,  holding  a  pen  ar. — Her. 
Off.  Hcrefordjhire^  C.  25. 

Clarke,  [Kent,  Pat.  1621.]  Barry  of  four  vert  and  gu.  three 
plates. — Creft,  an  unicorn's  head  erafed  ar.  crincd  and  armed 
or,  gorged  with  a  collar  gu.   charged  with  three  plates. 

Clarke,  [Somcrfetdiirf]   Sa.  three  plates,   two  and  one. 

Clarke,  [Ipfwich,  in  Suffolk]  Or,  two  bars  az.  overall  a  nag's 
head  er.ifed  ar.  in  chief  three  efcallop-fliclls  gu. — Crcft,  a 
nag's  head  erafed  fa. 

Clarke,  [Ireland]  Gu.  afalticrbctw.  four  horfes  heads  couped  or. 

Clarke,  [Ipfwich,  in  Suffolk]  Krm.  on  a  bend  engrailed  h. 
three  conger-eels  heads  erafcd  ar.  collared  with  a  bar  gcmel 
gu. — Creft,  a  conger-eel's  head  erafed  and  erect  gu.  collared 
as  in  the  arms  or. 

Clarke,  Ar.  three  ogrcffcs,  two  and  one. 

'Clarke,  [Eaft  Bareholt,  in  Suffolk]  Or,  two  chcv.  gu.  a  can- 
ton of  the  laft,  charged  with  an  efcallop  or. 

Clarke,  [Werke,  in  Northumberland]  Ar.  on  a  chcv.  betw. 
three  dragons  heads  erafed  az.  as  many  rofcs  or. 

Chirke,  [Kent]  Gu.  on  a  feffe  engrailed  or,  betw.  three  cinque- 
foils  crm.  two  fwans  necks  erafed  fa,  beaked  gu.  on  their 
necks  three  guttes  d'arg.  feffeway. 

Clarke,  or  Clerkcs,  Sa.  three  tenter-hooks  ar. 

Clarke,  Or,  a  feffe  erm.  betw.  thl-ee  trefoils  flipped  vert — Creft, 
a  demi-lion  rampant  or, 

Clarke,  [Hampfhire]  Ar.  three  efcallops  in  pale  betw.  two 
flauhches  az.  guttle  d'or  ;  on  a  chief  of  thcfecond,  a  bull's 
head  couped  of  the  third,  betw.  two  martlets  of  the  firft. 

Clarke,  [Dublin,  in  Ireland]  Ar.  on  a  bend  engrailed  "u.  i. 
bezant  betw.  two  fwans  proper. -^Creft,  a  fwan  proper,  re- 
pofing  his  dexter  foot  on  an  ogreffci     Granted  Jan.  26,  1688. 

Clarke,  [Bedfordfliire]  Per  chev.  az.  and  ar.  in  chief  three 
leopards  heads  cr,  in  bafe  an  eagle  difplayed  gu. — Creft,  i 
goat  falient  ar.  attired  or,  againft  a  pine-tree  proper. 

Clarke^  Or,  three  efcallop-fliells  in  pale  az.  betw.  two  flaunches 
az.  guttee  d'or;  on  a  chief  az.  a  bull's  head  erafcd,  betw. 
two  pewitts  (or  doves)  or. — Creft,  a  demi-dragon,  fans 
win^s,   vert,  iiluing  from  flames  of  fire  proper,  collared  gu. 

CLARKSON,  [Kirton,  in  Nottinghamihire]  Ar.  on  a  bend 
cugrailed  fa.  three  annulets  or. 

CLARKESON,  [Nottinghamfliire]  Vert,  a  flag  trippant  or. 
Another,  proper. 

CLARKESONN,  Ar.  on  a  bend  betw.  two  trefoils  fa.  three 
lozenges  of  the  firft. — Creft,  on  a  wreath,  a  hand  and  arm, 
couped  below  the  elbow,  in  coat  of  mail  proper,  holding  in 
the  hand  erc£l  a  fword  ar.  hilt  and  pnmel  fa.  on  the  blade  a 
pennon  flotant  gu. 

CLAREUX,  [Croft,  inYorkfhire]  Az.  a  chev.  erm.  betw. 
three  annulets  ar.  on  a  chief  or,  three  martlets  gu. — Creft, 
a  chater  proper,  the  top  of  the  head  gu. 

CLARVAULX,  [Croft,  in  YorklhireJ  Or,  a  faltier  fa. 

CLASBY,   Gu.  a  feffe  betw,  three  rofcs  ar. 

ClaJIy,  Gu.  a  feffe  betw.  three  cinquefoils  ar, 

CLAUDE,  Barry  wavy  of  fix  or  and  az. 

CLAVER,  Quarterly  or  and  gu.  a  bend  engrailed  fa. 

Clover,  [Buckinghamfhire]  Sa.  a  bar  gemel  or,  betw.  three 
towers  triple-towered  ar. — Creft,  a  lion's  gamb  couped  and 
ere£t  or,  holding  a  key  fa. 

Clover,  Sa.  a  feffe  or,  betw.  three  towers  triple-towered  ar, 

CLAVERING,  [Effex]  Quarterly  or  and  gu,  on  a  bend  fa, 
three  mullets  ar. 


Clavering,  [Axwcll,  in  Durham]  Quarterly  or  and  gu.  a  bef.d 
fa. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  lion's  head  az, 

Clavering,  Quarterly  or  and  gu.  a  bend  fa.  and  a  label  of  five 
points  ar. 

CLAVESLEY,  [Somcrfetfhire]  Sa.  a  chev.  per  pale  ar.  and 
or,  bctv/.  three   bulls  heads  caboffed  ar.  armed  or. 

CLAXTON,  [Yorkftiirc,  Durham,  and  Norfolk]  Gu.  a 
chev.  betw.  three  hedgehogs  ar. 

Claxton,  [Chcftiire]  Gu.  a  chev.  engrailed  betw.  three  harts 
pallant  trippant  ar.  attired  or, 

Claxton,   Gu.  a  chev.  engrailed  betw.  three  bucks  or. 

Claxton,  [Suffolk]  Gu.  a  fcfie  ar.  betw.  two  hedgehogs  of  the 
fccond  ;  one  in  bafe,  and  one  in  the  dexter  quarter  in  chief; 
the  finillcr  quarter  barry  of  ten  ar.  and  az.  on  a  canton  gu, 
three  martlets  ar. — Creft,  a  hedgehog  fa.  bczante'e. 

CLEARE,  [Stoktfby,  in  Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  feffe  az.  three 
martlets  or. 

Cleare,  or  Clere,  Ar.  a  feffe  az.  in  the  dexter  point  a  lion  paf- 
fant  gu. 

Cleare,  or  Clere,  Ar.  a  feffe  az.  on  a  canton  gu.  a  lion  paffant 

Clere,  [Ormftiy,  in  Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  feffe  az.  three  ea- 
gles difplayed  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  plume 
of  oftrxhes  feathers  ar.  Another  creft,  the  fun  or,  betv/. 
two  wings  az.  on  each  a  crcfcent  of  the  firft. 

CLEAVER,  Or,  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  cords  erafed  at  each 
end,  and  tied  in  knots,  vert. — Creft,  ah  arm  erc£t,  couped  at 
the  elbow,  veftcd  ar.  holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a  chaplet 
of  thorns  vert. 

CLEBORNE,  [Kcllerby,  in  Yorkfnire]  A r,  three  chev.  in- 
terlaced in  bafe  fa,   a  chief  of  the  laft, 

CLEBURY,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  flags  fa. 

CLECE,  Az.  a  wolf  falient  ar. 

CLEDEROW,  Gu.  on  a  bend  or,  three  mullets  az. 

Clederaw,  Az.  on  a  bend,  betw.  three  martlets  or,  as  many 
martlets  of  the  field. 

CUderow,  [London]  "Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three 
eagles  difplayed  fa.  five  annulets  or. — Cielt,  out  of  a  tower 
ar.  a  demi-lion  fa. 

Clederoiu,  Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles  difplayed,  with  two 
necks,  ar.  five  annulets  gu. 

Gcderow,  Az.  (another,  gu.)   three  covered  cups  or, 

CLEG,  or  Glegg.     See  GLEGGE. 

CLEGAT,  [Kent]  Erm.  on  a  feffe  fa.  three  pheons  or.— 
Creft,  an  eagle's  head  erm.  ducally  crowned  and  beaked  or, 
betw.  two  wings  fa. 


CLEY,  or  Clay,  [Cryche,  in  Derbyfliire]  Ar.  a  chev,  en- 
grailed betw.  three  trefoils  fa. — Creft,  two  wings  expanded 
ar.  charged  with  trefoils  flipped  fa. 

CLEMENT,  [Kent]  Ar.  two  bends  wavy  fa.  on  a  chief  gu. 
three  leopards  faces  or. 

Clement,  Ar,  two  bends  wavy  fable  ;  on  a  chief  gules,  three 

Clement,  Gu.  three  garbs  ar, 

Clement,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  three  garbs  ar.  within  a  bordure  fa» 
bezantee. — Creft,  a  lion  paffant  ar.  guttee  de  fang. 

Clement,  [Kent]  Erm.  three  garbs  gu.  within  a  bordure  U.  be- 
zantee ;    a  canton  of  the  arms  of  Longvill. 

Clement,  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  a  feffe  gu. 

Clement,  Ar.  two  bends  wavy  fa.  betw.  two  leopards  faces  gu, 
within  a  bordure  of  the  third. 

CLEMHAM,  [Suffolk]  The  fame  as  GLENHAM, 

CLEMSBY,  [Leicefterfhire]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  purp.  crown- 
ed or. 

CLENT,  [Worcefterfhire]  Ar.  a  feffe  wa\'y,  betw.  three  lions 
gambs  erafed  and  bendways,  fa. — Creft,  two  lions  gambs 
ereft  fa.  holding  a  chaplet  vert,  flowered  or. 

CLENCH,  Az.  a  bend  vairc  double  cotifed  or. 

Clencht,  Gu.  a  bend  nebulce  ar,  cotifed  or. 



Clench,  [Harkfted,  in  SufFolk]  Gu.  fix  annulets  or,  conjoined 
in  pairs,  two  pair  in  chief,  ojie  pair  in  bale  ;  a  chief  of  the  fc- 
cofti.  Another,  without  the  chief. — Creft,  out  of  a  Saxon 
crown  or,  (on  the  verge  of  the  crown  the  motto,  Tiiv.  le 
Droit)  an  arm  ered,  couped  at  the  elbow,  vefted  gu.  cuffed 
ar.  holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a  club  vert,  fpiked  or. 
Clench,  or  Clynch,  [Bridgenorch  in  Shropfliire,  and  of  Ireland] 

Gu.  a  faitier  or,  an  annulet  in  chief  of  the  laft. 
CLENDON,Sa.  a  fefle  dauncettee,betw.  three  bugle-horns  or. 
CLENEDON,  The  fame, 

CLEPOLE,  [Norborough,  in  Northamptonfliire]  Or,  achcv. 
az.  betw.   three  hurts.— Creft,   a  fleur-de-lis  enfiled  with  a 
ducal  coronet  or. 
CLERE,   [Ormefby,  in  Norfolk]    See  CLEARE. 
Ckre,  Gu.  three  pears  or. 
Clere,  [Cornwall]  Per  pale  az.  and  or,  a  fun  (another,  three 

funs)  counterchanged. 
Clere,  Ar.  a  crofs  betw.  four  etoiles  gu. 
CLERKE,   Gu.  a  faitier  betw.  four  boars  heads  couped  or. 
Clcrke,  Qiiarterly  gu.  and  az.  in  the  firft  quarter  a  faitier  betw. 
four  boars  heads  or,  on  the  fecond  a   chev.  betw.   three  leo- 
pards heads  ar.  firft  as  fourth,  fecond  as  third. 
Gierke,  Erm.  a  felfe  gu.  betw.  ten  trefoils  flipped  fa. 
CLERMONT,    Gu.  the  field  repleniflied  with  trefoi's,  two 

dolphins  endorfed  ar. 
Clermont,  The  fame,  adding  a  label  of  five  points  az. 
Clermont,  Gu.  two  pikes  haurient  in   pale   betw.   nine  trefoils 

flipped  or. 
CLESBY,  [Yorkfliirc]  Gu.  a  felTe  ar.  in  chief  two  plates. 
Clejby,  [Yorkfhire]  Gu.  two  bends  ar.  a  canton  erm. 
Clejby,  [  Yorkftiire]  Ar.  three  bends  gu.  a  canton  erm. 
CLEVE,  or  Clive,  [Huxley,  in  Cheftiire]   Ar.  on  a  feflTe 
betw.  three  wolves  heads  erafed  fa.  three  mullets  or. — Creft, 
a  grifEn  paflant,  with  wings  endorfed,  ducally  gorged  or. 
Clevc,  or  Clive,  [Walford,  in  Shropfliire]  The  fame  arms. — 

Creft,  a  wolf's  head  erafed  per  pale  dauncettee  ar.  and  fa. 
CLYVE,  or  Clive,  [Stick,  in  Shropfliire]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  fa. 
three  mullets  or.— Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  griffin,  with 
win o^s  endorfed,  ar.  ducally  collared  gu. 
CLEVEDON,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  crowned  fa. 
Clcvedon,  [Eflex]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  az.  crowned  gu. 
CLEVEHOND,    or  Clenehond,    Per  chev.   engrailed  fa. 
and  erm. 
■  CLEVELAND,  Party  per  chev.  fa.  and  erm.  a  chev.  engrailed 
counterchanged.— Creft,  a  demi  old  man  proper,  habited  az. 
havinn-  on  a  cap  gu.  turned  up  with  a  hair-front,  holding  in 
his  dexter  hand  a  fpear  headed   ar.  on  the  top  of  which  is 
fixed  a  line  proper,  which  pafles  behind  him,  and  is  ebiledup 
in  his  finifter  hand. 
CLEVER,  or  Clevere,   Ar.  a  covered  cup  fa. 
Clever,  [Hertfordftsire,    1684.]  Or,  three  bars  az.  on  a  canton 

ar.    a  felfe   fa.  in  chief  three  mafcles  of  the  laft. 
CLEVELEY,  Ar.  two  chev.  fa  each  charged  with  five  horfe- 

nails  or. 
CLEW,  or  Clewe,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  nails  fa. 
CLYBERY,  Sa.  a  fefle  dauncettee,  in  chief  two  fleurs-de-lis 

ar.     Another,  three. 
CLYDEROYCE,  Or,  on  a  bend  az.  threemartlets  of  thefield. 
CLYDEROWE,  Gu.  on  a  bend  az.  three  martlets  or. 
Clyilerowe,  Or,  a  faitier  engrailed  gu. 

Clyderowe,  or  Cletherow,  Sa.  a  leopard's  head  or,  jefllint  a  fleur- 
de-lis  ar. 
Chderowe,  Ar.  three  covered  cups  fa.  within  a  bordure  engrail- 
ed of  the  fecond. 
CLIFFE,    [Shropfliire]    Ar.   on  a  fefle,    betw.  three  grifilns 

heads  erafed  fa.  as  many  mullets  of  the  field. 
Cliffe,  [Yorkftiire]   Ar.   a  chev.  betw.  three    popinjays  vert, 

membered  gu. 
Clife,  [Devonfliireand  Eflex]   Ar.  three  popinjays  vert,  two 
and  cnc 

C     L     I 

CLIFFORD,  [Chudleigh,  in   Devonfliire]  Chequy    or  and 

az.   a  fefle  gu. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a   wivern 
firing  gu. 
Clifford,  [Frampton,  in  Glouccftcrfliire]  Chequy  or  and  az. 

on  a  bendgu.  three  lioncels  rampant  of  the  firft. 
Clifford,  [Kent]  Chequy  or  and  az.  a  fefle  wavy  gu.  within 

a  bordure  of  the  laft. 
Clifford,  Chequy  or  and  az.  a  fefle  fa. 
Clifford,  [Kent]  Chequy  or  andaz.  a  fefle  and  bend  gu. 
Clifford,   Chequy  or  and  az.  on  a  fefle  ar.  three  bendlcts  gu. 
Clifford,  [Kent]  Chequy  or  and  az.   a   feflTe  gu.  within  a  bor« 

dure  engrailed  of  the  third,  bezantee. 
Clifford,  Chequy  or  and  az.   on  a   fefle  gu.  three  leopards  faces 

of  the  firft. 
Clifford,  [Herefordfliire]  Chequy  or  and  az.  en  a  fefle  gu.  thrqe 

cinquefoils  ar. 
C///fi?Y/,  Chequy  or  andaz.  onachiefgu.  three  leopards  facesar.   . 
Clifford,  [Somerfetfliire]  Chequy  or  andaz.  a  bend  gu. 
Clifford,  The  fame,  adding  on  the  bend  three  leopards  faces  or, 
Clifford,  Or,  (another,  ar.)  three  eagles  dilplayed  gu.  two  and 

one,  menbered  az. 
Clifford,  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  fa. 

CLIFTON,  [Clifton,  in  Nottinghamflilre]  Sa.  a  lion  ram- 
pant, langued  and  armed,  gu.  within  an  orle  of  cinq.uefoils  ar. 

— Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,   a  demi-peacock  per  pale 

ar.  and  fa.  with  wings  expanded,  counterchanged. 
Clifton,  Sa.   a  lion  rampant  ar.  langued  and   armed   gu.  within 

a   bordure  of  the   fecond,  charged  with  eight  trefoils  flipped 

of  the  fi;ld. 
Clifton,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  az.  armed  gu. 
Clifton,  [Yorkftiire]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  armed  gu.  within  an 

orle  of  eight  cinquefoils  of  the  fecond. 
Clifton,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  crowned  or. 
Clifton,  [Lancafhire    and  Yorkftiire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three 

mullets  of  thefirfti — Creft,  an  arm  embowed,  in  armour  pro- 
per, garniftied  or,  holding  in  the  gauntlet  a  fword  ar.  hilt  or. 
Clifton,   [Chefliire]  Az.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  mullets  pierced  gu. 
Clifton,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  cinquefoils  gu. 
Clifton,  The  fame,  within  a  bordure  gobonated  or  and  aj. 
Clifton,  [Norfolk]  Chequy  or  and  az.  a  bend  erm. 
Clifton,  [Norfolk]  Chequy  or  and  gu.  a  bend  erm. 
Clifton,   [Fakenham,    in  Norfolk]  Chequy  or  and  gu.   a  ben^ 

erm.  a  fleur-de-lis  fa.  for  difference. 
Clifton,  [Toftrey,  in  Norfolk]  Chequy  or  and  gu.  on  a  bend 

erm.  a  mullet  ia.   for  difference. 
Clifton,  Gu.  five  bendlets  ar. 
Clifton,  [London]  Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  mullets  gu.  in  thefinif- 

ter chief  afleur-de-lisor.    Her.  Off".  Hertf.  a.ndMiddlef.C.2S. 
CLYNAM,  Ar.  a  feflTe  gu.  betw.  three  eagles  difplayed  fa. 
CLYNBOW,  Per  pale  or  and  az.  a  fefl'e  gu. 
CLYNDE,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  fa.  armed  gu. 
CLYNDON,  Of,  on  a  bend  fa.  three  crefcents  ar. 
CLYNDUKE,  Az.  a  chev.  ar.  and  label  of  three  points  gu. 
CLYNEDON,  or  Clifton,  [Northamptonfliire]  Ar.  three 

efcallop-fliells  gu. 
CLYNKE,  Barruly  of  eight  gu.  and  ar. 
Clynke,  or  Cluyke,  Barruly  of  twelve  gu.  and   az.   a  cock  or, 

crefted  and  jelloped  of  the  firft. 
CLINTON,  Ar.  fix  crofs  croflets  fitchee  fa.  on  a  chief  az. 

two  mullets  or,  pierced  gu. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  gu. 

a  plume  of  five  oftrich's  feathers  ar.  banded  with  a  line  az. 
Clinton,  [WarwickDiire]   Paly  of  fix   or  and  az.  a  fefle  erm. 

and  canton  or, 
Clinton,   [Warwickftiire]  Ar.  on  a  chief  az.   two  mullets  or, 

pierced   gu. 
Clinton,  Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  mullets  pierced  gu. 
Clinton,  [Warwickftiire]  Ar.  on  a  chief  az.  two  fleurs-de-lis  or.^ 
CLYPLESBY,  or  Clypsbv,  [Norfolk]  Quarterly  ar.  and  fa. 

on  a  bend  gu.  three  mullets  af  tbe  firft.— Creft,  a  bull  paf- 

fant  fa.  platee. 


C     L     Y 

Clypjby^  or  Clypjlty,  [Norfolk]  Quarterly  ar.  and  fa.  on  a  bend 
gUt  three  mullets  pierced  or. 

CLY3SELL,  Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  lion  paflant  or. 

CLISSOLAS,  Or,  a  palegu.  bctvv.  two  lions  rampant  fh. 

CLISALD,  Barry  nebulcc  of  fix  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  bend  fa.  three 
efcallop-fhells  or. 

CLISDON,   Or,  a  lion  rampant  fa.  armed  and  crowned  gu. 

C/ij'ikn,   Ar.  three  e.igies  difplayed  gu.  two  and  one. 

CLIVE.     See   CLEVE. 

CLOBERY,  [Bradftom,  in  Dcvondiirc]  Ar.  a  chev.  bctw. 
three  bats  difplayed  fa. — Creft,  a  goat's  head  craled  fi.  at- 
tired or. 

CLOESHALL,  Gu.  nine  etoiles,  three,  three,  and  three,  or, 
betw.   two  bars  wavy  gcmcUes  of  the  field. 

CLOKE,  [Kent]  Parted  per  pale  az.  and  gu.  three  gri.Tins 
heads  crafcd  or. 

CLOPTON,  [Clopton,  in  Suffolk,  1586.]  Sa.  a  bend  erm. 
betw.  two  cotifcs  dauncette'c  or. — Creft,  a  wolf's  head  party 
per  pale  or  and  az. 

Clopton,  Sa.  a  bend  ar.  betw.  two  cotifes  daunccttee  or. 

Clapton,  Gu.  a  bead  or,  betw.  fix  pears  erecl  of  the  fecond, 
leaved  vert. 

Clopton,  or  Cbtlon,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.   fretty   or. 

Clopton,  [Warwickfhire]  Paly  of  fix  (another,  four)  or  and  az. 
a  lion  rampant  countcrchanged. 

Clopton,    Or,  a  chev.  az. 

Clopton,  [Somerfetfhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  tliree  eagles  dif- 
played az. 

CFopton,  [Hercfordfhire  and  Bedfordfliirc]  Gu.  a  fcfic  erm. 
betw.  fix  mafcles  or. 

CLOUGH,  [Thorp  Staplcton,  in  YorkfhireJ  Sa.  a  fefTe  hu- 
metty  erm.  betw.  three  leopards  heads  ar. — Creft,  a  derhi- 
lion  rampant  erm.  holdings  battle-axe,  handkdfa.  headed  ar. 

Clough,  [iMinfterly,  in  Yorkftiire]  Gu.  three  pinc-p.pples  ar. 
two  and  one  ;   a  martlet  for  difference. 

CLOTWORTHY,  [Clotworthy,  in  Dcvonfliire]  Az.  a 
chev.  erm.  betw.  three  chaplets  or. — Creft,  a  flag's  head 
erafed  fa.  attired  and  charged  on  the  neck  with  two  mul- 
lets in  pale  ar.  pierced  through  ths  neck  with  an  arrow  or, 
feather  and  head  ar.  vulned  ga. 

CLOVE,  [Wiltfoire]  Or,  a  camel  pafiant  betw.  three  cloves 
fa. — Creft,  a  camel's  head  coupcd   or. 

CLOVYLE,  or  Clonvyle,  [Weft  Hanfield,  in  ElTex]  Ar. 
two  (another,  three)  chev.  fa.  each  charged  with  five  nails 
or. — Creft,  an  oftrich  ar.  in  his  mouth  a  fcroll,  with  this 
motto,  All  is  in  God.  Another  creft,  a  dcmi-oftrich  ar. 
with  wings  expanded,   in  his   beak  ar.  a  nail  or. 

CLOWES,  [London]  Az.  on  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  unicorns 
heads  erafed  or,  as  many  crefcentsgu. 

Clo"Jues,  [London,  Warwickfllire,  and  StafForJfliire]  Az.  on 
a  chev.  betw.  three  unicorns  heads  erafed  or,  as  many  cref- 
cents  gu. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  vert,  ducally  crowned  or, 
holdin-T  a  battle-a.\e  or,  headed  ar.  Confirmed  Ocl.  28, 

CLOWFIELD,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  in  chief  three  cfcutcheons 
of  the  fecond. 

CLUED,  or  Clud,  [Shropfhire  and  Nottinghamfliire]  Ar. 
a  bend  betw.  four  cotifcs  fa. 

Clued,  [Orleton,  in  Shropfliire]  Erm.  a  fret  fa. — Creft,  an, 
eagle  with  wings  expanded  proper,  preying  on  a  coney  ar. 

CLUN,  or  Cloun,  Ar.  a  chief  az. 

Clun,  Az.  a  chief  ar. 

Clun,  Per  feflc  az.  and  ar. 

CLUTTON,  [Chcfliire]  Ar.  a  chev.  ermines,  cotifed  fa. 
betw.  three  annulets  gu. 

COATS,  or  Cotes,  [Yorkfhire  and  Shropfhire]  Quarterly, 
firft  and  fourth  erm.  fecond  and  third  paly  of  fix  ar.  .ind 
fa, — Creft,  a  cock  proper,  combed,  wattled,  and  legged,  or. 


COAKLEY,  Erm.  en  a  chief  fa.  a  lion's  head  erafed  be(w; 
two  eagles  difplayed  or. — Creft,  a  lion  paliaii:  or,  in  his  dex- 
ter paw  an  eagle's  leg  erafed  ou. 

CLUT'IERBUCK,  [Lippiat,  in  Glouccftcrftiirc]  Az.  a 
lion  rampant  ar.  in  thief  three  efcallop-fliells  ci  the  fe- 

COACH,  [London]'  Or,  a  fnake  curling  and  cre^  on  his 
tail  in  pale  fa.— Creft,  »ftag  fejantgu.  attired  or,  betw.  two 
laurel-branches  vert. 

COBB,  [Adderbury  in  Oxfoidfliire,  and  Sindringham  in 
Norfolk]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  dofphiris  embo.ved  nai- 
ant  ar.  a  chief  or. — Creft,  an  elephant  or. 

C'M,  [Oxford(hire]  Per  chev.  gu.  and  fa.  in  chief  twd 
fliovclers,  and  in  bafe  a  fiftj  naiant  ar. — Crift,  an  ele- 
phant paflant  or. 

CM,  or  Cobbis,  [Norfolk]  Per  chev.  gu.  and  fa.  in  chie.'two 
teals  ar.  in  bafe  a  fifli  cr. 

Cobb,  [Peterbridge,  in  Norfolk]  Per  chev.  gu.  and  fa.  two 
fwans  in  chief,  and  in  bafe  a  fifli  or. — Creft,  a  fwan's  head 
or,  holding  in  the  beak  a  fifli  ar. 

Cobbs,  Per  chev.  gu.  and   fa. 

Cobb,  [Aldington,  in  Kent]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  moor- 
cocks gu. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  demi-li:o- 
pard  rampant  proper. 

Cobb,  [Bedfordfhire]  Gu.  a  chev.  wavy,  betw.  three  fifli  nai- 
ant  ar.  on  a  chief  of  the  laft,  two  fliovtlers  fa.  beaked 
and  legged  or. 

COBBES,  [Bur)-,  in  Suffolk]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  cocks. 

COBBETT,  [Edmonton,  in  Middlefcx]  Ar.  a  chef,  humetty 
gu.  betw.  three  birds  (a.  in  their  beaks  a  fprig  of  laurel  .vert. 
— Creft,  a  bird  rifing  or,  pellettee,  in  his  bcik  a  laurel-fpri  >• 

COBBILLE,    Per  pale  indented  or  and  ar.  a  cher.  (tu. 

COBBYLL,  or  Cobhall,  [DevonftvireJ  Ar.  three  fleurs- 
de-lis,  two  and  one,  gU. 

COBIL\M,  [Kent]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  lions  rampant 

Cobhmn,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  rampant  or. 

Cobham,   Gu.  on  a  chev.  o.--,  three  etoiles  fa. 

CoLbam,   Gu.on  a  chev.  ar.  a  Hon  rampant  fa.  crowned  or. 

Cobbam,   [Kent]   Gu.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  etoiles  vert. 

Cobham,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  az.  three  mullets  or,  within  a  bor- 
dure  of  the  fecond. 

Cobbam,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  mullets  az. 

Cobbam,   [Kent]   Gu.  a  crofs  betw.  twelve  fleurs-de-lis  or. 

Cobbam,  Gu.  a  crofs  ar.  betw,  twelve  (another,  twenty)  crofs 
croflets  or. 

Cobham,    [Kent]   Gu.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  fleurs-de-lis  az. 

Cobham,  Erm.  three  crefcents  gu.  each  charged  with  a  be- 

Cobham,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  crefcents  of  the  field. 

Cobham,   Gu.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  cinquefoils  of  the  field. 

Csbham,   Erm.  three  cinquefoils  gu.  on  each  a  bezant. 

Cobham,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  cinquefoils  pierced  az. 

Cobham,  Gu.  a  crofs  ar. 

Cobham,   Gu.  on  a  chev.  or,   three  crofs  croflets  fa, 

Cobham,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  martlets  fa. 
Cobham,  Or,  four  piles  wavy  conjoined  in  bafe  gu. 

COBYN,  Vert,  a  griffin  fegreant  ar. 

Cobyn,  or  Coblyii,  Vert,  a  grifiin  fegreant  or. 
COBLEIGH,   [Devonfhirc]    Gyronny  of  eight  pieces  fa.  and 
gu.  on  abend  engrailed  or,    three  ogrefies,    betw.  two  fwans 
CobUi^h,  [Devonfhire]    Gyronny  of.  eight  d.   and  gu.  on   a 
bend  eiigr.ailcd  or,  three  hurts  betw.  two  fwans   holding  in 
their  beaks  a  crofs  croflct  fitchce  or.     Another,  ar. 
COBOLECHE,    or  CoEticn,  Gyronny  of  ci^^ht  gu.  and 
3  Y  fa. 

c    o    c 

fa.  on  a  bend  engrailed  or,  betw.  two  fwans  clofe  ar.  hold- 
ino-  in  their  beaks  a  crofs  crollet  fitchee  of  the  laft,  three 
hiTrts.— Creft,  a  cock's  head  crafed  gu.  combed,  wattled, 
and  guttee,   or,   holding  in  the  beak  two  leaves  ar. 

COCHE,  or  CocKEY,  Gu.  an  eagle  difplayed  barry  of  fix 
or  and  vert, 

Cochey,  Az.  on  a  fefle  betw.  three  bulls  heads  erafed  ar.  collar- 
ed or,   five  crofs  croilets  fitchee  fa. 

COCHER,  Barry  of  ten  ar.  and  fa.  over  all  a  lion  rampant 
or, — Creft,  a  lion  couchant  erm. 

COCHRAN,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  boars  heads  erafed 
az. — Creft,  a  horfe  paflant  ar, 

COCK,  or  KoKE,  [Broxbourne,  in  Hertfordfliire]  Quar- 
terly gu.  and  ar;— Creft,  an  oftrich,  holding  in  his  mouth 
a  horfe's  fhoe  ar. 

Cock     Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  wolves  heads  erafed  gu. 

Cock,  or  Cocks,  Gu.  three  cocks  ar.  two  and  one,  armed, 
crefted,  and  jelloped,  or. 

Cock,   or  Cocks,  Ar.  a  cock  gu.  armed,  crefted,  and  jelloped,  or. 

Cock,  or  Cocks,  [Bodmin,  in  Cornwall]  Lozengy  ar.  and  gu. 
on  a  feiTe  of  the  firft,  three  cocks  of  the  fecond. 

Cock,  Ar.  a  bend  az.  in  the  finifter  chief  an  oak-leaf  of  the 

COCKBURN,  Ar.  three  cocks  gu.— Creft,   a  cock  proper. 
COCKE,  or  Coke,   [Hampfliire]  Ar.  a  bend  wavy  fa.  betw. 
three  cocks  gu.  (another,  az.)  on  a  canton  barry  wavy  of  fix 
or  and  az.  a  fwan  proper. 
Cocke,  [Lancaftiire  and   Cornwall]    Ar.   a  chev.  engrailed  gu. 
betw.   three   eagles  heads  erafed  fa.  on  a  canton  az.  an  an- 
chor or. 

Cocke,    Ar.  on  a  chief  az.  two  rofes  of  the  field. 

Cocke,  [Hertfordfliire]  Party  per  fefle  gu.  and  ar, 

Cocke,    Quarterly  gu.  and  ar. 

COCKES  or  Cokes,  Per  chev.  ar.  and  gu.  three  cocks  heads 
erafed  counterchanged. 

Cockes,  or  Coke,  [Northey  in  Gloucefterfliire,  and  of  Hert- 
fordfliire] Gules,  fretty  ar.  on  a  fefle  fa.  three  cocks  of  the 
fecond . 

COCKS,  [Dumbleton  in  Gloucefterfliire,  and  of  Sufixjlk]  Sa. 
a  chev.  betw.  three  flags  attires  fixed  to  the  fcalps  ar. — 
Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  flag  lodged  ar.  attired  fa.  Ano- 
ther, the  ftag  regardant. 

Cocks,  [Caftle  Ditch,  in  Herefordfliirc]  The  fame,  with  due 

COKAYNE,  [Kufton,  in  Northamptonfliire]  Az.  three 
cocks  ar.    armed,  crefted,  and  jelloped,   proper. 

Cokayne,  [Dcrbyftiire,  Bcdfordfliire,  and  Yorkftiire]  Ar.  three 
cocks  gu.  armed,  crefted,  and  jelloped,  fa.  Another,  az, 
— Creft,  a  cock's  head  erafed  gu.    beaked  and  combed  fa. 

Cokayne,  Vert,  two  bars  or. 

Cokayne,  Per  pale  ar,  and  fa.  a  fefle  nebule'e  counterchanged. 

COCKAYWE,  [Dorfetfliire]  Bendy  of  fix  gu,  and  erm. 

COCKBRYER,  Ar.  three  cocks  gu. 

COCKER,  [Croft,  in  Lincolnftiire]  Ar.  four  bars  fa.  over 
all  a  lion  rampant  or. — Creft,  a  lion  couchant  gardant  erm. 

COCKERAM,  [Purbeck,  in  Dorfetfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa. 
three  leopards  heads  or. 

COCKERELL,  Or,  a  crofs  betw.  four  cocks  gu. 

Cockerell,  Ar.  on  a  fefle  fa,  three  lions  rampant  of  the  firft. 

Cockerel!,  Ar.  a  bend  betw.  fix  efcallop-fliells  fa. 

Cockerel!,  [Hampfliire  and  Guernfey]  Or,  a  leopard's  head  az. 
betw.  two  cocks  in  pale  gu.  betw,  as  many  flaunches,  each 
charged  with  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 

COCKERINGTON,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  fa.  a  mullet  or. 

COCKET,  [Hertfordfliire]  Ar.  on  a  fefl"e  betw.  three  etoiles 
fa,  a  demi-lion  rampant  betw.  two  fleurs-de-lis  .  ,  .  — Creft, 
the  fame  as  Cocket  of  Suft'olk. 

Cockct,  [Suffolk  and  Norfolk]  Per  bend  ar.  and  fa.  three  fieurs- 

C     O     E 

de-lis  counterchanged. — Creft,   a  man's  head  coupc-J  bcloW 
the  flioulders  and  fide-faced  proper,  habited   vert,  the  col- 
lar or,  on  his  head  a  cap  bendy  wavy  or  and  az.  turned  up 
indented  fa. 
COCKFIELD,  [Eflix]    Paly  of  four  or  and  az.  a  lion  ram- 
pant counterchanged. 
Cackfield,    [Kent]  Az.  a  crofs  betw.  four  cocks  or. 
COCKHAM,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  lozengy  or  and  az, 
COKEHAIVI,   Ar.  a  lion  rampant  chequy  az.    and  or,   (ano- 
ther, or   and  vert)  armed  gu. 
COCKINGTON,    Or,  a  chev.  az.  betw.  three  cocks  gu.  " 
COCKLE,  or  CoKYtL,   Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  ogrefles,  a 

chief  fa.     Another,  ar. 
COCKSEY,    [Worcefterfliire]    See   CQOKSEY, 
Cockfey,  [Ireland]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  rofes  or. 
Cockfey,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  cotlfed  dauncettee  gu.  three  cinque- 
foils  or. 
Cockfey,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa,  three  cinquefoils  of  the  field. 
Cockfey,  [Worcefterfliire]    Sa.  a  crofs  within  a  bordure  engrail- 
ed or. 
COCKSHALL,  Sa.  a  crofs  betw,  four  efcallop-fliells  ar. 
Cockjhall,  [Eflex]  Ar.  a  crofs  betw.  four  efcallop-fliells  fa. 
COCKSHUTT,    [Hertfordfliire]    Gu.    fix  guttes  ar.   three, 
two,  and  one  ;  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  a  griffin  fegreant  fa, 
— Creft,  ademi-griffin  ar.  collared  gu.  guttee  ar. 
Cockjhutt,     [Lancafliire  and  Shropfnire]   Gu.  guttee   ar.  on  a 

chief  or,  a  griffin  paflant  fa. — Creft,  a  denii-griffin  fa. 
COCKSON,   Per  pale   ar.  and   gu.  two  legs   couped  at    the 

thigh  counterchanged,  fpurs  or. 
COCKVVALD,  or  Cokerwald,    Or,  on   a  fefle  gu.  three 

lions  rampant  of  the  field. 
CODD,   or  CODDE,  [Ireland]  Ar.  a  chev.  az.  betw.  five  be- 
zants, two  and  three. 
Codd,  or  Codde,  [Ireland]    Ar.  a  fefle  fa.  betw.  five  pellets. 
Codd,  or  Codde,    [Cornwall]  Ar,  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  Cor- 

nifli  choughs  proper. 
Codd,  or  Codde,    [Ireland]   Or,  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  five  ogreffes, 

two  and  three. 
Codd,  or  Codde,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  cocks 

fa.  armed,  crefted,  and  jelloped,  of  the  fecond. 
Codd,   [Pelicans,  in  Kent]  Ar.  a  fefle  embattled  fa.  betw.  three 

CODNAM,  Erm.  an  eagle  difplayed  gu.  charged  oi;  the  breaft 

with  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 
CODENHAM,  Erm.  an  eagle  difplayed  gu.  beaked  and  leg- 
ged az,  in  chief  a  fleur-de-lis  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed 
or,  langued  az.  charged  on  the  neck  with  three  trefoils  flip- 
ped vert. 
CODON,   [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  and  in  bafe  a  crefcent  of 

the  laft;   on  a  chief  az.  three  bezants. 
CODERING,  Gu.  three  lions  rampant  ar.  crowned  or. 
CODFORD,   Ar.  on  a  chev.  az.  betw.  three  wings  gu.  five 

CODRINGTON,    [Dodington,  in  Gloucefterfliire]   Ar.   a 
fefle  embattled  and  counter-embattled  gu.   betw.  three  lions 
paflant  fa. — Creft,   a  dragon's   head   couped   gu.  betw.  two 
dragon's  wings  chequy  or.  and  az. 
Codririgton,  Gu.  a  crofs  lozengy  az.  and  or. 
Codrhigton,    [Codrington,  in  Gloucefterfliire]    Ar.  a  fefle  em- 
battled fa.  betw.  three  lions  paiTant  gu. — Creft,  out  of  a  du- 
cal coronet  or,  a  dragon's  head  gu.  betw,  two  dragon's  wings 
chequy  or  and  az. 
CODINTON,   Gu.  a  crofs  countercompony  or  and  az. 
Codinton,  Gu.  a  crofs  or,  fretty  az. 
CODLING,  Gu,  on  a  canton  ar.    a  bend  fa.   charged  with 

three  eagles  difplayed  or. 
COE,  or  Coo,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  three  piles  wavy  gu.    betw. 
twelve  martlets  fa, 


C     O     E 

Cje,  or  C33,  Vairc  ar.  andgu.  over  all  three  piles  coDiolneJ  in 

bafc  ar.    each  charged  with  a  bird  fa. 
Coe,  or  Ccc,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  three  piles  wavy  gu. 
COETON,  [Cocton,  in  Shropfhirc]  Ar.  a  fcflc  engrailed  fa. 

betw.  three  mullets  gu. 
COETS,  [London]  Per  pale  or  and  a/,,  two  dolphins  coun- 
terchanged  ;  on  a  chief  fa.   a  covered  cup,  bctw.  two  dove- 
cotes or. 
COSARD,    [Cofard,  in  Hampftiire]   Ar.  five  bars  and  a  can- 
ton gU. — Creft,  a  lion's  head    erafcd   gu.    ducaljy    crowned 
COFFIN,  [Somcrfctfliirc]  Gu.  two  bars  embattled  ar. 
Coffin,  [Somerfctfliire]   Az.  three  bezants  and  five  crofs  crof- 

lets  or. 
Coffin,  [Portland,  in  Dorfetfliirc]  Ar.  achcv.  betw.  three  mul- 
lets pierced  fa. 
COFIEI,D,  or  CooFiELD,  Gu.  a  fleur-de-lis  erm. 
COGGS,  [London]  Sa.  on  a  bend  betw.  three  cogs  of  a  mill- 
wheel  or,  as  many  elm-leaves  vert. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural 
coronet  az.    a  grifEn's    head  or,   charged   with  a  cog   fa. 
Granted  Aug.  7,  J 703. 
COGAN,   [Ireland]   Sa.  three  pine-apples  ar. 
Cogan,  [Chard,  in  Somerfetfhire]  Gu.  three  afpin-Ieaves  ar. 
Cogmt,    Ar.  three  afpin-leavcs  gu. 
Cogan,  Lozengy,  ar.  and  gu. 

Cogan,  Gu.  three  laurel-leaves  ar.   two  and   one ;   in  chief  a 
mullet  of  fix  points  or.— Creft,    a  lion's   head  erafed  gu. 
femee  de   mullets  of  fix  points    or.      Her.   Off.    London, 
C.  24. 
COGHILL,    [Knarefborough  in  Yorkfhire,  and  of  Bufhy  in 
Kertfordfhire]    Gu.  on  achcv.  ar.  three  pellets,  a  chief  fa. 
— Creft,  a  cock   with  wings  endorfed  erm.     Another^    (of 
Oxfordfliire)   the  cock  fa.  with  wings  expanded  or. 
COGGESHALL,   [Melton  and  Bengali,   in  SufFolk]   Ar.  a 
crofs  betw.  four  efcallop-ihells  fa. — Creft,  a  flag  lodged  fa. 
attired  or. 
COYNE,   [Stafiordfhire]  Or,  on  a  bend  fa.  three  trefoils  flip- 
ped ar. — Creft,  a  cubit  arm  erect,  vefted  fa.  flafhed  and  cuff- 
ed or,  holding  in  the  hand   proper,  a  cutlafs  ar.  embrued 
with  blood  in  three  places,  hilt  and  pomel  or. 
dyne,  [Dublin]    Erm.  on  a  bend  az.  a  dove  betw.  two  pheons 
ar.   on  a  canton  gu.  a  bezant. — Creft,   a  fea-horfe  proper, 
holding  a  fufil  ar.  charged  with  a  fleur-de-lis  fa.     Granted 
COYS,  [Hatfield  Peverell,    in  EfFex]   Sa.  on   a    chev.    betw. 
three  fpears  heads  ar.  as  many   crofs  croflets  of  the  firft. — 
Creft,  on  a  wreath  of  his  colours,  clouds  proper,  ifTuing  rays 
or,  out  of  which  an  arm  proper  and  ere£t  in  pale,  grafp- 
ine  a  fnake  entwined   round  the  arm  vert. 
COYNY,   Ar.  on  a  bend   fa.  three  cinqucfoils  flipped  of  the 

COKE,  or  Cook,  [Landford,  in  Derbyfhire]  See  COOK  of 

COKEFIELD,   [Norfolk  and   SufFolk]  Ar.  a  faltier  fa. 
Cchefiiht,   Ar,  a  faltier  fa.  betw.  four  crefcents  gu. 
CAcjieU,  Az.  a  crofs  chequy  ar.  and  gu. 
Cchjifid,  [Buckinghamfhire]    Az.  a  crofs  betw.   four  fetter- 
locks or. 
COKEFULL,  Ar.  a  crofs  betw.  four  efcallop-fhells  h. 
COKEYNZ,    [Dorfetfhire]    Bendy  of  fix  gu.  and  erm. 
COKELEY,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  over  all  a  bend  fa. 
COKENAY,   or    Cokney,    Gu.   three  lozenges    ar.   each 

charged  with  a  rofe  of  the  field. 
COKER,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  leopards  faces  gu. 
Coker,  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  leopards  faces  or,  a  martlet  in 

chief  fa. — Creft,  the  fame   as  Coker  af  Mapowder. 
Coker,  [Mapowder,  in  Dorfetfhire]   Ar.  on  a  bend  ou.  three 
leojjards  heads  or,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  fa. — Creft,  a 


Moor's  head   couped   at  the  fhoulders,  full-faced,  proper, 
wreathed  about  the  temples. 

Coker^  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  leopards  heads  or. 

Coktr,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  Moors  heads  couped  fa. 

Coker,  [Dorfetfhire]  Ar.  three  men's  boots  (i.  e.  fliambrogues) 
fa.  two  and  one. 

COKERFIELD,  Ar.  a  bend  cotifed  dauncettee  gu. 

COKENINGHAM,  [Yorkfhire]  Vert,  on  a  crofs  engrailed 
ar.  an  annulet  fa. — Creft,  a  goat's  head  erafed  ar. 

COKERAM,  or  KoKERAM,  Ar.  on  a  crofs  fa.  a  mullet  with 
fix  points  of  the  field. 

COKERHAM,  [Derbyfhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  leopards 
heads  of  the  firft. 

COKEREY,  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  leopards  heads  or. 

COKERITH,  Ar.  a  crofs  fa. 

C'.kerith,  The  fame  as  CQCKERINGTON.  ^ 

COKESEGED,  or  Cocksedce,   Ar.  a  faltier  fa. 

COKEWORTH,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  a  chev.  az.  betw.  three 
cocks  gu. 

COLBATCH,  [Middlefex]  Party  per  pale  gu.  and  vert,  a 
fefTe  dauncettee  ar.  guttee  de  fang,  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis 
or. — Creft,  a  dexter  arm  cmbowed  per  pale  dauncettee  vert 
and  az.  cufFcd  erm.  holding  in  the  hand  a  pine-apple  down- 
ward, leaved  and  flipped,  all  proper.  Granted  Nov.  2, 

CQLBECK,  [Bedfordfhire]  Or,  two  bars  wavy,  and  in  chief 
three  whales  heads  erect  and  erafed  fa. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau 
gu.  turned  up  erm.  a  lion's  head  erafed  or,  pellettee. 

COLBY,   Az.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  crefcents  ar. 

Colhy,  [Suffolk  and  Norfolk]  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  ef- 
callop-fhells   within    a  bordure    engrailed    or. Creft     an 

arm  in  armour  cmbowed  proper,  garnifhed  or,  hoHinf  in 
the  gauntlet  a  broken  fword  ar.  hilt  and  pomel  or,  the 
broken  end  of  the  fvi-ord  embrued  with  blood. 

COLBORNE,  or  Colerond,  Ar.  on  a  fefTe  gu.  a  crefcent 
of  the  firft,  a  canton  of  the  fecond. 

Colborne,  Gu.  a  crofs  betw.  four  fworJs  ar.  hilts  and  pomels 

Colborne,  [Bruton,  in  Somerfetfhire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw. 
three  bugle-horns  fa.  ftringed  of  the  fame,  and  garnifhed  or, 
as  many  mullets  of  the  lafl. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet 
or,  a  rein-deer's  head  ar.  attired  or.  Her.  Off.  If^'ittjhire, 
Devonjhire,  and  Somerfctjhire,    C.  22. 

COLBRAND,  or  Coldand,  [StafFordfhire]  Ar.  a  chev. 
betw.  three  bugle-horns  fa.    ftringed  or. 

Colhrand,  [Chichcfter,  and  of  Lewis  and  Bocham  in  SulTex] 
Az.  three  levels  with  their  plummets  or. — Creft,  a  tiger 
fejant  ar.  maned  or. 

COLBROKE,  Sa.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  over  all,  on  a  fefTe  or 
three  croPiets  fitchee  of  the  field. 

Colhroke,   Erm.  a  crofs  gu. 

COLCHESTER,     [Somerfetfhire,     Warwickfhire,    and   of 
London]   Or,  a  chev.   betw.  three  etoiles. — Creft,  a  demi- 
lion  proper,  holding  in  his  gambs  an  etoile  gu.     Granted 

COLCLOUGH,  [StafFordfhire]  Ar.  five  eagles  difplayed,  with 
wings  down,  in  crofs  fa. — Creft,  a  demi-eagle  difplayed  fa. 
ducally  gorged  or. 

COLDHAM,  [Midhurft,  in  Sun"ex]  Az.  a  mullet  ar.  charg- 
ed with  a  torteaux. — Creft,  a  dragon's  head  gu.  transfixed 
through  the  breaft  with  a  lance  or,  armed  ar. 

COLEBY,  [Hampfhire]  Az.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  eagles 

difplayed  ar.  beaked  and  legged  or. 
COLEBROKE,  [Afhwell,  in  Kertfordfhire]  Gu.  a  lion  ram- 
pant erm.  crowned  or  ;  on  a  chief  of  the  laft,  three  martlets 
Cslebrcke,  [Gatton,  in  Surry]   Gu.alion  rampant  ar.  ducally 



crou-ncd  or  ;  on  a  chief  of  the  laft,  three  Cornlfh  choughs 

proper.— Creft,  a  wivern  with  wings  expanded  or,  relting 

his  foot  on  an  efcutcheon  gu. 
COLES,  [Ireland]  Gu.  on  a  chev.betw.  two  lions  heads  erafed 

or,  ten  ogrefTes.— Greft,    a  fnake  wreathed  about  a  m^ble 

pillar  proper,  garniflied  or.     Granted  1648. 
COLE,  [Newcaftleupon  Tyne]  Ar.  a  chev.  engraded  betw. 

three  fcorpions  ereft  fa.  on  a  chief  az.  as  many  fleurs-de-hs 

of  the  firft.- Creft,  a  naked  arm  ereft,  holding  in  the  hand 

proper,  a  fcorpion  fa. 
Cole,  [Brancepeth,   in  Durham]  Ar.  a  feffe  engrailed  fa.  betw. 

three  fcorpions  reverfcd  of  the  fecond. 
Cole,  .Gu.  a  chev.   betw.  three   leopards  heads  ar.— Creft,  an 

eagle  difplayed  ar. 
Cole,  [Devonftire,  and  Waldcn  in  Eflbx]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw. 

three  fcorpions  reverfed  of  the  fecond. 
Cole,    [Oxfordfhire]  Sa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  betw.  two  bendlets 

ar.— Creft,    a  bundle  of  arrov/s  ar.    banded  with     a    belt 

buckled  or. 
Cole,  [Shenley,  in  Hertfordfliire]  Party  per  pale  or  and  ar.    a 

bull  paffant  fa.    within  a  bordure  of  the    laft  ;  on   a   chief 

of  the  third,  three  bezants- 
Co/^,   Party  per  pale  erm.  and  fa.  a  feffe  counterchanged. 
Cole,  Ar.  a  bull  paffant  gu.  armed  or.— Creft,  out  of  a  ducal 

coronet  or,  a  bull's   head  gu.  armed  or. 
Cole,  [Devonfhire]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  cotifcd,  betw.  three  leopards 

heads  ar.   as  many  torteauxes. 
Cole,  [Maldon,  in  Effex]    Ar.  on  a  chev.  embattled  az.  betw. 

three  dolphins  embowed  fii.  as   miuiy  etoilcs   or. — Creft,    a 

leopard's  head  erafed  ar.  collared  and  chained  or,  holding  in 

his  mouth  a  flip  of  an  oak-branch  vert. 
Cole,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  a  bull  gu.  within  a  bordure  fa.  bczantce. 

Creft,   a   demi-dragon,  holding  an  arrow  or,  headed  and 

■  feathered  ar. 
Cole,     [Somcrfetftiirc]    Gu.   a  chev.  crm.     betw.    three    leo- 
pards he:;ds  or.— Creft,    an  eagle  dilplayed  ar.  ducally  gorged 

COLELING,  Vert,  a  griffin  fegrcant  or. 
COLEMORE,  orCoLLVMORE,    [Tournay  in   France,  and 

Colmore  in  Somerfetftiire]  Gu.  blllctty,  and  three  crcfcents 

or.     Another,  ar. 
COLENLEY,   Or,  fix  billets  gu. 
COLENWOOD,    [Northumberland]    Ar.  three  bucks  heads 

o-u.  two  and  one,  attired  or. 
COLEPEPER,     [Yugham,    in  Norfolk]    Ar.   a  bend    en- 

o-railed  gu. — Creft,  a  falcon,  with  wings  expanded,  ar.  beak- 
ed,  legged,  and  belled,   or. 
Colepeper,  [Prefton  Hall,   in  Kent]   The  fame,   with  due  dif- 
COLEY,     Or,    a   lion    rampant  gu.' — Creft,   a    dexter   arm 

in   armour  proper,   holding  a   fcimeter  ar.    hilt  and  pomel 
COLFOX,    Or,  on  a  chief  az.  three  foxes  heads  erafed  of  the 

Colfox,   Sa.  on  a  chief  ar.  three  foxes  heads  couped  gu. 
Colfox,  Sa.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  foxes  heads  couped  gu. 
COLIMER,  [Kent]  Gu.  three  crefccnts  betw.  nine  (another, 

eight)  billets  ar. 
COLLAR,   or  CoLLOR,   [Gloucefterftiire]  Ar.  a  faltier  vaire 

or  and  fa.  betw.  four   efcallop-fljells  of  the  laft. — Creft,  a 

tiger's  head  erafed  or.     Confirmed  June  2,    1569. 
COLLAND,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.   in  chief  three  torteauxes. — 

Creft,  a  fifh-wheel  or. 
COLLARD,  [Barnfton,  in  Effex]  Per  feffe   or  and  ar.  three 

Moors  heads  fide-faced  couped  proper,  wreathed   round  the 
temples  or  and  fa. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  rampant  fa.  fupport- 

ing  a  crofs-bow  or. 
Collard,   Az.  three  ladies  heads  in  feffe,  betw.  as  many  fleurs- 
de-lis  or. 

C     O     I. 

COLLARDE,  [Collard  and  Southcott,  in  Devonfliire]  Gy- 
ronny  of  fix  or  and  fa.  three  Moors  heads  couped  of  the 
fecond.— Creft,   a  demi-lion  rampant  fa.  holding  a  fcaling- 

ladder  or. 
COLLAY,  or  Colley,  [Hertfoi-dfhire,  Chefhire,  and  War- 
wickfliire]    Sa.  three  fwans  necks   erafed  ar.  within  a   bor- 
dure or. — Creft,  an  elephant's  head  gu.  betw.  two  wings  fa. 
COLLEE,  Colley,  or  Cooling,  Ar.  a  crofs  wavy  /a.    Ano- 
ther,  wavy  and  humetty  fa. — Creft,   a  griffin  fegreant   ar. 
beaked   and  legged  or. 
Colley,  Ar.  a  crofs  fa. 
COLLEN,   [High  Laver,  in  Effex]  Vert,  a  griffin   fegreant 

or. — Creft,  a  griffin's  head  erafed  or,  collared  vert. 
Collen,   [Little  Laver,  in  Effex]  The    fame,   charged  with   a 
crcfcent. — Creft,    a  griffin's  head  erafed  vert,  collared  erm. 
and  charged  v.-ith  a  crefcent. 
Colkn,   [Eflex,  Kent,   and  Staffordfliire,  1612.]  Vert^  a  griffin 
fegreant  or. — Creft,  a  griffin's  head  erafed  or,  collared  erm. 
Another  creft,  a  demi-griffin  or,  collared  ar. 
COLLER,  or   Collar,   [Gloucefterftiire  and  London]    Ar. 

a  crofs  vairc  or  and  gu.  betw.  four  efcallop-fliclls  fa. 
COLLES,   [Worccfterfhire]  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  pellettee,  char- 
ged with  two  bars  gemolles  of  the  field,  betw.  three  lions 
heads  erafed  or. — deft,   a  fea-pie  with  wings  expanded  or, 
guttee  fa.  ftanding  on  a  dolphin  lying  on  his  back  or. 
COLLET,   [London  and   Suffolk]    Sa.    on   a  chev.  betw. 
three  hinds    ar.   as  many  annulots. — Creft,   a    hind    trip- 
pant  ar. 
COLLETT,  [London]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  ar.  voided  of  the  field, 
five  annulets  of  the  fecond,  betw.  three  hinds  proper. — Creft, 
a  hind  paffant   proper,   repofing  his   dexter  foot  on   an  ef- 
cutcheon fa.     Granted  May  7,  1711. 
COLLETON,    [London,   and    Exmouth     in    Devonfhire] 
Or,  three  ftags  heads  couped  proper. — Creft,   a  flag's  head 
couped  proper. 
ColUtoii,  Or,   three  roe-bucks  heads   couped  proper,  two  said 

one. — Creft,  a  roe-buck's  head  proper,  collared  ar. 
COLLIAR,  orCoLLYAR,  [Darlfton,  in  Staffordfliire]  Ar.  on 
a  chev.  "az.  betw.  three  demi-unicorns  current  gu.  three 
acorn-fiips  or. — Creft,  a  demi-negro  proper,  with  pearls  in 
the  ears  ar.  holding  in  the  dexter  hand  an  acorn-branch 
fruiSed  or. 
COLLIER,    or  Collyer,    Sa.    a  crofs    pate'e   fitchee  or,  a 

canton  ar. 
COLLYER,    [Staffordfliire]  Sa.  a   crofs  patee  fitchee  or. — 
Creft,  a  crofs  patee  fitchee  or,   betw.  two  eagles  wings  fa. 
Confirmed  Ocl.  10,  1629. 
Collytr,  [Dorfetfhire]   Gu.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  wolves  heads 
erafed  ar.  three  rofes  of  the  firft,   ftalked  and  leaved  vert. — 
Creft,    a  demi-unicorn  ar.  armed,  hoofed,  and  maned,  or. 
Collier,   alias  Dimock,    [Puddle,   in  Dorfetfliire]   Ar.   a  chev. 
betw.  three  bats  difplayed  fa. — Creft,  a  wivern  with  wings 
endorfed  ar.     See  DIMOCK. 
COLLIN,  Az.  on  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  bezants,  three  birds 
fa.  on  a  chief  or,   a  griffin  paffant  per  pale  gu.   and   fa. — 
Creft,  a  griffin  paffant  gu. 
Collin,    [Elton,    in  Nottinghamfliire]  Vert,  a  griffin  fegreant 
or,    beaked    and   membered    gu.   on    a    chief   indented   ar. 
two  croffes  formee  gu. — Creft,  a  talbot's  head  erafed  per  feffe 
indented  or  and  ar.   eared  and   charged  on  the  neck  with  a 
crofs  formee  gu.     Granted  June27,  1712. 
COLLING,     [Cockleigh,   in    Suffolk]   Vert,    a   griffin    fe- 
greant or,  on  a  canton  ar.  a  fleur-de-lis  gu. 
COLLINGBORNE,   [Devonfliire    and   Wiltfliire]    Ar.    a 
faltier  chequy  or  and  az:  betw.  four  colombines  proper.— 
Creft,  a  demi-woman  proper,  her  hair  diflievelled  or,  habited 
erm.    fleeves   gu.    holding   in  the  dexter  hand   a   covered 
cup  or. 

Collingbonie,  Quarterly  or  and   ar. 



Collinglorne,  [XorthumbcriancI]  Qunrtcrly  or  and  az.  a  crofi 
patte  counterchangcd. 

C'lHingoorne,    [Devonfhirej    Ar.  a  falticr  chequy  or  and  r.z. 

COLLINGRIG,  or  Collvncrege,  Or,  three  fieurs-dc-lis 
az.  tv.'o  and  one.  Another  adds  a  bordure  engrailed  of  the 

COLLINGWOOD,  [Northumberland]  Ar.  a  chev.  flo;y 
countcr-flory  az.  bstvv.  three  haics  heads  trafcd  purpure, 
each  having  in  his  mouth  an  oak-leaf  vert. 

Collitigivood,  [Branton,  in  Northun.berl.mdJ  Ar.  a  chev.  bctw. 
three  bucks  her.ds  erafed  gu. 

CoUingwood,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  three  bucks  heads  erafed  ar.  attired 
or. — Creft,  a  buck's  head  ar.  attired  or. 

CoUingiLOod,  [Northumberland]  Ar.  three  chcv.  fa.  on  each 
five  bezants. 

COLLYNGE,  [Bury,  in  Suftolk]  Vert,  a  grifEn  fegreant  or, 
on  a  canton  of  the  fecond  a  fleur-de-lis  fa. — Creft,  a  nag's 
head  fa.  bridled  or,  the  rein  hanging  down  before,  with  a 
ring  at  the  end  of  it. 

COLLINS,  [Kent]  Vert, a  griffin  fegreant  or,  beaked,  legged, 
and  ducaliy  gorged,  ar. — Creft,  a  demi-griffin  or,  beaked, 
legged,  and  ducaliy  gorged,  ar;     Granted  May  12,  1570. 

Collins,  Gu.  on  a  bend  or,  three  martlets  fa. 

Cillim,  [London,  Suffex,  and  of  Sittingbourn  in  Kent]  Gu. 
on  a  bend  or,  three  martlets  az.  all  within  a  bordure  erm. 
^Creft,  a  deir.i-grifHn  or,  beaked  and  membered  gu.  col- 
lared erm. 

Col'im,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  Cornifli 
choughs  proper. 

Coliir.s,  [Kent]  Vert,  a  griffin  fegreant  ar.  armed  or. 

CcUins,  [Ottery  St.  Mary,  in  Devonfhire]  Az.  three  torches 
or,  two  and  one,  fired  (or  lighted)  proper. — Creft,  a  cubit 
arm  ereiSl  proper,   holding  a  torch  or,  lighted  proper. 

COLLENS,  [Cffwell,  in  Dorfetfliire]  Sa.  a  chev.  ar.  guttes 
de  fang,  betw.  three  doves  of  the  fccond. — Creft,  a  dove  ar. 

Collens,  or  CoUenfiveU,  [Barnes  Hill,  in  Devonftiire]  Az.  three 
firebrands  proper,  two  and  one. — Creft,  a  cubit  arm,  hold- 
ing a  fire-brand,  all  proper. 

COLLINSGN,  [York]  Az.  three  cinqucfoils  or,  on  each  a 

COLLIRAY,   Ar.  three  bats  wings  fa. 

Colliray,  Per  pale  indented  gu.  and  ar.  a  bull  palTant  counter- 

CoUlray,  The  fame,  with  a  bordure  fa.  bezantce. 

COLLS,  Gu.  on  a  chief  indented  ar.  three  annulets  of  the 

COLLOMBER,    Gu.  a  bend  or. 

COLLUMBELL,  [Derbyfhire]  Sa.  three  doves  ar.  each  hold- 
ing in  his  beak  an  ear  of  wheat  (another,   laurel)  or. 

CdUmbeU,  [Blyton,  in  Lincolnfhire]  Sa.  three  doves  ar. — 
Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm.  a  dove  clofc  pro- 
per, in  his  beak  an  ear  of  wheat  or. 

COLLVILE,  [Gornc,  in  Ireland]  Quarterly  ar.  and  fa.  in 
the  firft  and  fourth,  a  crofs  formee  gu.  in  the  fecond  and 
third,  a  fcfte  chequy  or  and  vert. — Creft,  a  hind's  head  ar. 
charged  with  a  crofs  formee  fa.     Granted  April  25,  1670. 

COLMAN,  [Suffolk,  and  Harwich  in  Eftex]  Az.  upon  a 
pals  radiant  raioncc  or,  a  lion  rampant  gu. — Creft,  a  cal- 
trap  or,  bctw.  two  wings  ar. 

Cdmart,  Ar.  on  a  fcfle  gu.  three  mullets  or. 

Col/nan,  [Kent]  Per  felTe  ar.  and  fa.  a  crofs  patonce  betw. 
four  mullets  counterchangcd. — Creft,  a  greyhound's  head 
Ti.  gorged  with  a  collar  and  ring  ar.  charged  with  three 
muHets  fa. 

COLMEL,    [Northumberland]  Ar.  three  chev.  fa  bezante'e. 

COLMER,  [Wyghton,  in  Norfolk]  Gyronny  of  eight  ar. 
and  fli.    on  a  chief  or,  three  lions  rampant  gu.- 

COLMERLEY,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  a  label  of  four 
points  gu. 


COLNEY,    Sa.  a  fefte  betw.  two  chev.  ar. 

COLNET,  [Hampfliire]  Or,  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  pome- 
granates of  the  field. 

COLRETH,    [Lincolnfliire]   Ar.  three  flcurs-de-Iis  az. 

COLSMILL,  or  Colsell,  Chequy  or  and  fa.  a  chev.  ar. 
guttec  de  fang. 

Ciiflilll,  or  C./j:!!,  [Eflcx  and  Cornwall]  Chequy  or  and  fa.  a 
chief  of  the  firft,  guttce  de  fang.  Another,  the  chief  ar. 
— Creft,  an  arm  couped  at  the  fhoulder,  in  armour garnifhed 
or,  holding  in  the  hand  a  gauntlet,   all  proper. 

CoIJhill,  [London]  Chequy  or  and  az.  on  a  chief  ar.  a  goat  fa- 
lient  gu. 

CoIJhill,  Chequy  ar.  and  gu.  a  chief  or. 

Coljhill,   Chequy  ar.  and  fa.  a  chief  erm. 

ColJIiill,   [Devonfliire]  Chequy  ar.  and  fa.  a  chief  or. 

Coljliill,  or  Csljltl,  [Kent]  Q^iarterly  gu.  and  fa.  a  lion  ram- 
pant or,  bctw.  three  croffcs  formee,  fitchcd  at  the  foot  of  the 

COLSON,  Sa.  on  a  pale  betw.  two  pallets  ar.  three  ef- 
cutcheons  gu. — Creft,  two  arms  couped  at  the  elbow,  ha- 
bited .  .  .  holding  in  the  hands  proper,  an  efcutcheon  or. 

COLSTON,  [Efle.x]  Az.  two  bar'oels  hauricnt,  refpeclino- 
each  other,  ar. 

Ciljhn,  [Eflcx]  Ar.  two  dolphins  haurient  fa. 

Coljion,  Ar.  three  dolphin*  haurient,  two  and  one,  within  a 
bordure  fa.  « 

Coljlon,  [London  and  Eflex]  Ar.  two  dolphins  haurient 
refpeding  each  other,  fa.  chained  together  by  their  necks 
the  chain  pendant  or.      Sec    COULsVoN. 

COLT,  [Eflcx]  Erm.  a  fefle  bctw.  three  colts  in  full  fpced  fa. 
— Creft,  a  colt  in  full  fpeed  i\.  holding  in  his  mouth  a 
broken  tilting-fpear  or,  headed  az.  the  other  part  of  the 
fpcar  lying  bctw.  his  hind  legs. 

CAt,  [Middlcfex  and  Carlifle]  Ar.  a  ftfle  betw.  three  colts  in 
full  fpced  fa. — Creft,  a  colt  in  full  fpeed  fa. 

Colt,  [Colt  Hall,  in  Suffolk,  1587.]  The  fame,  %vith  due 
difference. — Creft,  a  nag's  head  erm. 

Colt,  [Eflex]  Ar.  a  feffe  az.  betw.  three  colts  in  full 
fpced  fa. 

Coult,  or  Colt,  [Canterbury,  1613.]  Or,  a  'icS^  betw.  three 
colts  in  full  ipeed  fa. — Creft,  in  a  fire  proper,  a  ram  ar.  at- 
tired or. 

COLTAMEE,  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  az. 

COLTHURST,  [Somerfetfliire]  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  two  colts 
pafTant  fa. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  rampant  gardant  ar.  fN.  B. 
In  this  creft  the  body  muft  be  in  front,  as  well  as  the  face 
and  the  legs  extended  on  each  fide  ] 

COLTMAN,  or  Coleman,  [Leicefterfhire  and  London] 
Az.  a  crofs  patonce  pierced  of  the  field  or,  betw.  four  mul- 
lets pierced  ar.— Creft,  a  nag's  head  erafed  fa.  maned  and 
bridled  ar.  tafTcled  or. 

COLTWORT,  or  Collywarp,    Vaire  ar.  and  gu. 

COLUBERS,  Per  fefte  ar.  and  gu.  a  crofs  farcelly  counter- 

COLVELEY,  [Hampftiire]  Gu.  a  fefl-e  betw.  three  plumes  ar. 

COLVILE,  Or,  on    a   feffe   gu.    three  crofs  croflets  ar. 

ColviU,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  lions  of  the  field.  Another, 
the  lions  or. 

Col-Ale,  [Yorkftiire]  Or,  a  feffe  gu.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond, 
three  bezants. 

Colvili,    Per  fefle  ar.  and  gu.  a  crofs  moline  counterchangcd. 

ColviU,  [Yorkfhire]  Or,  a  feffe  gu.  in  chief  three  torteauxes. 

Colvile,  Or,  a  feffe  gu.  in  chief  a  cinquefoil  az. 

ColviU,  Or,  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  crefcents  ar. 

ColviU,   [Bitham,    in   Lincolnfliire]    Or,  a  feffe  gH. 

ColviU,  [Lincolnfliire]  Or,  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  lions  rampant 

ColviU,   [Suffolk]  Sa.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  and  bend  eu. 

ColviU,  [Suffolk]  Az.alion  rampant  ar.  and  bend  gu. — Creft, 
3  ^  a  demi- 


a  dcmi-lion  or,   holding  in  his  dexter  foot  a  crofs  inoline 

Colvik,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  on  a  chief  erm.  a  label  gu. 

Colvi/e,  Or,  on  a  pile  az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  betw.  two  cock- 
pheafants  endorfed  purp. 

Colvilc,  [Ifle  of  Ely]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  az.  and  label  gu,— 
Creft,  a  greyhound's  head  erafed  ar. 

Colviky  or  Colwell,  [Cambridgcfhire]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or, 
and  label  gu. 

Colvile,  Ar.  three  lions  palTant  fa,  bezantee. 

Colvlle,  [Lincolnlhire  and  Cambridgefliire]  Az.  a  lion  rampant 
ar.  and  label  gu. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  az.  turned  up  erm.  a 
lion  ar.  charged  on  the  fhoulder  with  a  label  of  three  points  gu. 

Co/vile,  Ar.  a  crofs  flory  gu. 

Colvilc,  Ar.  a   crofs  moline  gu. 

Culvile,  Ar.  a  crc:fs  patonce  (another,  patee)  gu. 

Colvilc,  Ar.  three  crolTes  patee  gu.  two  and  one, 

Colviic,  Or,  fix  billets  gu,  three,  two,  and  one. 

Cilvlk,  or  Colyvill,  [Cumberland,  Northumberland,  Kent,  and 
Lincolnftiire]  Ar.  three  chcv.  fa.  bezantee. 

Colvile,  or  Colwall,  [Kent]  Ar.  three  chev.  fa.  each  charged 
with  five  annulets  or. 

Colvile,  Or,  three  chev.  f;i.  each  charged  with  five  bezants. 

COLWICH,  Ar.  a  fefle  betw.  three  bats  difplayed  fa. 

COLWIKE,  Gu.  three  fufils  in  felTe  ar.  in  chief  two  cinque- 
foils  or. 

Cokvlke,  Ar.  the  field  replenifhed  with  crofs  crodets  fitchee 
az.  a  bend  of  the  laft. 

Colwike,  Quarterly,  firft,  ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  bezants ;  fc- 
condly,  ar.  a  crofs  croflet  fitchee  az.  and  fa. 

Colwike,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  bezants  pierced,  in  chief  a 
a  crofs  croHet  or. 

COMBE,  Parry  per  pale  ar.  and  fa.  a  crofs  betw.  four  mart- 
lets counterchanged. 

Combe,   Erm.  (another,  ar.)  on  a  bend  gu.  three  combs  or. 

Combe,  or  Coombc,  [Stratford  on  Avon,  in  Warwicldhire]  Sa. 
three  lions  rampant  or. 

Coombe,  [Cludington  in  Buckinghamfliire,  and  of  Hertford- 
fllirej  Erm.  three  lions  pafTant  in  pale  gu. — Creft,  a  dex- 
ter hand  and  arm  embowed,  in  armour  garnifhed  or,  wreathed 
about  the  arm  ar.  and  or,  holding  in  the  hand  a  broken  tilt- 
ing-fpear  of  the  laft. 

Combe,  Ar.  on  a  chcv.  gu.  three  garbs  or. 

Combe,  [Somerfetfliiie]  Sa.  two  bars  between  feven  bees,  three, 
three,  and  one,  ar. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  fa.  ducaljy  gorged  ar. 

COMBER,  [Donnington,  in  Suffex]  Or,  a  fcfie  dauncettce 
gu,  betw.  three  ctoiles  fa. — Creft,  a  greyhound's  head  fa. 
charged  on  the  neck  with  three  bezants,  one  and  two. 

COMBERFORD,  [Comberford,  in  Staffordfhire]  Gu.  a  tal- 
bot  paflant  ar. 

Comberford,  or  Ctimberford,  [Warwickfhire]  Gu.  on  a  crofs 
engrailed  ar.  five  rofes  of  the  field. 

COMBERTON,   Erm.  on  a  fefie  gu.  three  caftles  or. 

Comberton,  Gu.  a  lion  vaire  or  and  az. 

Comberton,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or,  crowned  az.  tail  forked. 

Comberton,  Gu.  two  lions  fejant  gardant  under  one  head  or, 
crowned  az. 

Comberton,  [Lincolnftiire]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  martlets  fa. 

COMBERWORTH,  Chequy  or  and  gu.  on  a  chief  of  the 
firft,  a  lion  paflant  az. 

Comberworth,  Chequy  or  and  gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  a  lion  paflant 
gardant  fa. 

COMBY,  Erm.  three  cinquefoils  fa.  two  and  one^. 

COMBREM,   Ar.  a  fefie  betw.  three  birds  fa. 

COMBRIELL,  Az.  three  lions  paflant  or. 

COMYN,  Gu.  three  garbs  argent,  two  and  one. 

Comyn,  [Durham,  and   Eflex]    Az.  a  chev.  erm.  bet\y.    three 
garbs   or. — Creft,    two   arms  couped  at   the  fliouldcrs,    ha- 
bited erm.  holding  in  the  hands  proper,  a  garb  or. 
Comyn,  Gu.   three   garbs  or,    two  and  one. 


Comyn,  [Yorkfliire]    Ar.  three  garbs  gu.   two  and  ens. 

Co7nyn,  [Lincolnftiire]  Ar.  three  garbs  betw.  nine  crofs  crodets 
fitchee  gu. 

COMPION,  Or,  a  maunch  fa, 

Compion,  Or,  a  maunch  within  a  bordure  engrailed  fa. 

COMPORT,  [Eltham,  and  Chiffclhurft,  in  Kent]  Ar.  a 
chev.  gu.  betw.  three  torteauxes  charged  with  as  many  qua- 
trefoils  of  the  field. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  ar.  charged  on  tb.e 
fhoulder  -with  a  quatrefoil  gu.  holding  a  torteaux. 

COMPTON,  [Northamptonftiire]  Sa.  a  lion  palfant  gardant 
or,  betw.  three  helmets  ar. — Creft.  on  a  mount  vert,  a  bea- 
con or,  inflamed  on  the  top  proper  ;  on  the  beacon  a  fcroll, 
with  this  motto,   Niji  Domima. 

Compton,    Sa.  three  clofe  helmets  ar.  two  and  one. 

Compton,  [Surrey  and  Hampfliire]  Erm.  oil  a  bend  fa.  three 
clofe  helmets  or. 

Compton,  [Somerfetfliirc]  Ar.  three  mafcles  gu.  two  and  one, 
on  a  chief  fa.  a  helmet  of  the  firft,  betw.  two  birds  heads 
erafed  or. 

Compton,    Or,  on  a  bend  fa.  three  mullets  of  the  field. 

Compton,  [Hartbury  in  Gloucefterfliire]  Ar.  a  fefl'e  nebulcegu. 
on  a  chief  of  the  laft,  a  helmet  betw.  tvi-o  lions  heads  erafed 

Compton,  Ar.  a  feffe  nebulee  gu,  on  a  chief  of  the  laft,  a  helmet 
betw.  two  hawks  heads  erafed  or. 

CON  AN,    Ar.  a  crofs  engrailed  fa. 

CONARTON,  [Cornwall]  Az.  three  covered  cups  or. 
Anotiier,  ar, 

CORNARTON,  or  Corvatok,  The  fame. 

CONDEROW,  Ar.  a  chev,  betw,  three  horns  fa. 

CONDON,  [Wellerby,  In  Yorkfliire]  Gu.  a  fefl"e  ar.  in 
chief  a  martlet  or. 

CONDUITT,  [Weftminfter]  Gu.  on  a  fefl"e  wavy  ar.  betw. 
three  pitchers  double-eared  or,  three  bees  volant  proper. — 
Creft,  on  a  wreath  ar.  and  gu.  two  caducean  rods  with 
wings  lying  fefleways  or,  thereon  a  peacock's  head  erafed 
proper.     Granted  Aug.  i6,   1717. 

CONEY,  [Marton,  in  Lincolnftiire]  Sa.  on  a  fefle  cotifed 
or,  betw.  three  conies  ar.  as  many  efcallop-fliells  of  the  field. 
— Creft,  a  demi-coney  fa.  holding  a  panfy  flov/er  purp. 
ftalked  and  leaved  vert. 

Coney,  Sa.  a  chev.  or. 

Coney,  Or,  on  a  bend  fa.  three  trefoils  flipped  ar. 

CONELEY,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  leopards  fac.-s  or. 

Conchy,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  leopards  heads  fa.  as  many 
fleurs-de-lis   of  the  field. 

CONGEY,  Az.  on  a  fefTe  betw.  three  hawks  heads  erafed  ar. 
collared  gu.  fet  with  bells  of  the  fecond,  five  crofles  formee 
fitchee  fa.     Another,  az. 

Congey,  Az.  on  a  fefl^e  betw.  three  bulls  heads  erafed  ar.  col- 
lared or,  five  crofs  croflets  fitchee  fa. 

CONGLETON,  [Hower,  in  Northamptonftiire]  Gu.  on  a 
fefle  ar.  betw.  three  dragons  heads  erafed  or,  as  many  tre- 
foils flipped  fa. 

CONGREVE,  [Staffbrdftiirc]  Sa.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three 
halberts  or. 

Congrcve,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  pole-axes  ar. 

CONY,  [Huntingdonfliire  and  Hertfordfliire]  Ar.  a  faltier 
gu.  betw.  four  conies  feeding  fa, — iCreft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a 
coney  or. 

Cony,  [Baflingthorp,  in  Cumberland]  Gu.  on  a  bend  double 
cotifed  or,  three  torteauxes. — Creft,  a  talbot's  head  or, 
the  tongue  hanging  out  of  his  mouth,  diftilling  blood  proper. 

CONYERS,    [Hornby  Caftle,  in  Yorkfliire]  Az.  a  maunclr 

or. — Creft,    a  finifter  wing  gu, 
Conyers,  [Horden,    in  Durham]    Az.  a  maunch  or. — Creft,   a 

trefoil  flipped  proper. 
Conyers,  [Northamptonftiire  and  Efl"ex]   The  fame,  with  due 




Conytrs,  [Kent]  Or,  a  maunch  fa. 

Canyers,  Az.   a  maunch  crm. 

Ccnyc-rs,  [Durham]  Az.  on  a  inauncli  or,  a  mullet  fa. — CrcfV, 

a  finirter  wing  fa. 
Csr.ytrs,  [London]  Az.  a  maunch  or,  in  chief  an  annulet  ar. 
dryers,  Sa.  on  a  maunch  or,  two  crcfccntsgu. 
Csnyers,  [Copped  H.ill  in  EflLx  ;  originally  of  Bowlby,  Whit-* 
by,  and  of  Scarborough,  in  Yorkfliire]  Az.  a  maunch  or; 
over  all  a  bendlct  gobony  crm.  and  gu. — Creft,  a  bull's 
head  erafcd  or,  armed  fa.  pierced  through  the  neck  with  an 
arrow  of  the  laft,  barbed  and  feathered  ar.  vulned  "u. 
CONYLYE,  or  Conley,  Ar.   a  chcv.  betw.  three  mullets 

fa.  pierced  of  the  field. 
CONYLESH,    [Lancafliirc]  Sa.  three  conies  current  ar. 
CONING,  Ar.  crufuly  fitchccgu.  three  g.irbs  of  the  laft. 
CONING  HAM,  Sa.  two  gull'cts  ar. 

Cuningham,    Ar.   a   fhake-fork    betw.    three  cinquefoiis   f.i. 

Creft,  in  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  mount  vert,  thereon  a  ftork 
of  the  firft,  holding  in  his  beak  a  fnake  environed  round  his 
neck  of  the  fecond,  betw.  two  cinquefoiis  ftalked  and  leaved 
of  the  fame. 
CONYSTON,  Ar.  three  conies  paflant  fa.  two  and  one. 
Ccnyjion,  Or,  three  conies  fa.  two  and  one. 
CONISBY,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  three  conies  ar. 
CONISBIE,    or  CoNlNGSBY,    [Hampton-Court,     in  Here- 
ford fli  ire ;   and  of  Worccfterftiire,   Shropftiirc,  and   Middle- 
fcx]  Gu.  three  conies  fcjant,  within  a  bordurc  engrailed  ar. 
— Creft,  a  coney  fejant  ar. 
CONMELL,    [Afhtown,   in   Ireland]  Per  fefle  ar.  and  vert, 
a  ftag  proper,   betw.   three  trefoils  countcrchanged. — Creft, 
a  ftag's  head  erafcd  ar.  charged  with  a  trefoil  vert.     Grant- 
ed in  Ireland,  1668. 
CONNEY,  [BafTingthorpe,  in  Lincolnfliire]  Ar.  a  fefic  betw. 

three  conies  paflant  fa. 
CONNY  or   Coney,    [Norton,    in  Lincolnfliire]    Sa.  on  a 
fefle  cotifed   or,   betw.    three  conies  ar.   as  many  efcallop- 
fhells  of  the  field. — ^Creft,  a  coney  fejant  ar.  holding  in  his 
mouth  a  panfy  flower  proper,   leaved  vert. 
CONNTER,  Barry  of  fix  or  and  gu.  bezantee. 
CONNOUR,  Vert,  a  lion  ramp.nnt  finifterw.ays  or. — Creft, 
an  arm  in  armour  proper,   embowed,  holding  a  fword  .  .  . 
CONNTESSE,  Ar.  three  harts   attires  in  fefle  fa. 
CONOLLY,   [Caftlrtown,  in  Ireland]  Ar.   on   a  faltier  fa. 
five  efcallop-fhells  of  the  field. — Creft,  a  cubit  arm  creel,  in 
armour,  holding  in  the  hand,   all  proper,  an  annulet  or. 
CONQUEST,  [Houghton  Conqueft,  in  Bedfordfliire]  Quar- 
terly ar.  and   fa.  in    chief  a  label   of  three   (another,    five) 
points  gu. — Creft,  a  holly-tree  proper,  fruded  gu. 
Conquejl,  Qiiarterly  fa.  and  ar.  in  chief  a  label  of  three  points 

Conqueft,  Qiiarterly  or  and  fa.     Another  adds  a  label  gu. 
Conqueft.,  Quarterly  ar.  and  fa.  a  bend  gu. 
CONRADUS,  [London]  Sa.   a  chev.   betw.   three  unicorns 
heads  erafed  or  — Creft,   an  unicorn's  head  erafed  or,  col- 
lared fa.  ftudded  or. 
CONSTABLE,  [Halftiam  and  Burton  Conftable,  in  Holder- 
ncfle,   Yorkfhire]  Barry  of  fix  pieces  or  and  az. — Creft,  a 
dragon's  head  ar.  charged  with  three  bars  gu.  on  each  three 
mafcles  or.    Another  creft,  a  dragon's  head  az.  charged  with 
two  bars  cr.    Another,  the  dragon's  head  barry  of  fix  ar.  and 
gu.  charged  with  nine  mafcles  or,  three,  three,  and  three. 

[Thefc  arms  were  originally  belonging  to  the  family  of  D'Oyris, 
of  Gedney,  in  Lincolniliire,  whofe  daughter  and  heirefs  was 
married  to  Conrtable  ;  and  thefe  arms  were  firft  aflumed,  in 
lieu  of  their  paternal  bearing,  (which  was.  Or,  a  fe/Te  com- 
pony  ar.  and  az.  in  chief  a  lion  paff^int  gu.)  by  Sir  Simon 
Conftable,  grandfon  of  the  heirefs  of  D'Oyrit,  about  the  year 
1280.  TheConftables  of  Thornetorte,St.  Sepulchre's,  Kiln- 
fey,  Eentley,  EfTiHgton,  Kirby-Knoll,  and  Upfal,  were  all 
branched  out  from  this  hcufe,  and  bore  the  fame  arms,  with 
the  proper  diftinifUoas.     They  are  all  nowextinfl.J 


Conjlabli,    [Beverley,   Catfifln,  and  Ganftead,   in   Yorkfliire] 
Qiiarterly  gu.  and  vaire,  over  all  a  bend  or. — Creft,   a  fliip 
in  full  fail  or. 
Conjiable,  [Flamborough,  in  Yorkfliire]  Gu.  a  bend  or. 
Conjlahle,  Sa.  a  cinquefoil  within  an  orlc  of  crofs  crodets  or. 
Conjiable,   [Burgwith,    in  Yorkfliire]   Or,  a  fefle  compony  ar. 

and  fa.  in  chief  a  lion  paflant  gu. 
Conjiable,  [Dromonby,  in  Cleveland]  Quarterly  gu.  and  vairc, 

on  a  bend  or,  an  annulet.  .  .  . 
CONSTANTYNE,    Az.  fix   leopards  faces  ar.    three,  two, 

and  one. 
Conjlantyne,  The  fame,  with  a  canton  or. 

Conjlantyne,  [London,  Chcfter,  and  Shropfliirc]  Or,  fix  fleurs- 
de-lis  fa.  three,  two,  and  one. 
CONWAY,  [London]  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  dexter  gaunt- 
lets or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet,   a  dcmi-cock,  with 
wings  expanded  gu.  beaked  and  wattled  az. 
Conway,  [Bothrington,  in  Flintfliire]  The  fame. 
Cmivay,  [Gloucefterfliire,    Buckinghamfhire,    Warwickfliire, 
and  of  Ireland]   Sa.  on  a  bend  cotifed  ar.  a  rofe  betw.  two 
annulets  gu. — Creft,  a  Moor's  head  fide-faced  proper,  banded 
round  the  temples  ar.  and  az. 
Conway,    Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.    cotifed    erm.   a  rofe    (another,   a 

cinquefoil)  gu.  betw.  two  annulets  of  the  laft. 
Conway,  [Callis]  Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.  betw.  two  plates  (another, 

roundels  erm.)  three  cinquefoiis  pierced  gu. 
Conwey,  or  Conway,  [Callis]  Az.  a  lion  paflant  ar.  guttee  d'or, 

betw.    three    dexter   gauntlets    of  the   fecond. 
COOK,  [Wheatley,  in   Yorkfliire]  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  two 
lions  paflant   gardant  fa. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  rampant  gar- 
dant  fa.  ducally  gorged  or. 
COOKE,  [Mylton,  in  Warwickfliire]    Per   pale  ar.  and  fa. 

three  wolves  heads  erafed   counterchanged,    collared   gu. 

Creft,  a  wolf's  head  per  pale  gu.  and  or,  gorged  with  two 
Cooke,  [Norfolk]   Parted  per  pale  gu.  and  az.  three  eagles  dif- 
played    ar.  two  and  one. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  az.  turned 
up   erm.   an  oftrich  ar.  holding  in    his    mouth   a   horfe* 
fhoe  or. 
Cooke,  [Eflex]   Or,  a  chev.  chcquy  gu.  and  az.  betw.   three 
cinquefoiis    of  the    fecond. — Creft,  an    unicorn's   head   or, 
with  two  v/ings  endorfed  az. 
Cooke,  [Yorkfliire]  Parted  per  pale  ar.  and  fa.  three  greyhounds 

heads  erafed,  collared,  and  counterchanged. 
Cooke,   Per   faltier  or  and  az.  four  eagles  difplayed  counter- 
Cooke,  [Linfted,  in  Suffolk]  Or,  a   chev.  engrailed   gu.   betw. 
three  cinquefoiis  az,  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  a  lion  paflant 
ar. — Creft,  an  antelope's  head   erafed  or,  charged  with   tor- 
teauxes,  tufked  ar.  horned  and  tufted  gu. 
Cooke,  [Norfolk]  Az.  on  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  cinquefoiis 

erm.  two  lions  combatant  of  the  field,  armed  gu. 
Cooke,  [Norfolk]    Or,  on   a  chief  fa.  a  cinquefoil    betw.  two 
annulets  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  or,  two  wings 
expanded  per  pale  or  and  fa. 
Cooke,  [Cotton,  in  Suffx)lk]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  demi- 

lions  rampant  or,  as  many  cinquefoiis  az. 
Cooke,  [Devonfliire,  and  Traife  in  Cornwall]  Erm.  on  a  bend 
cotifed  fa.   three  cats  paffant  gardant  or. — Creft,  a  demi-c»t 
rampant  gardant  or,  holding  an  oak-branch   vert,  frufted 
of  the  firft. 
Cooke,  [Whitehcld,  in   Suffolk]  Or,  a  fefle  betw,   two  lions 

paflant  gu. — Creft,  a  wolf's  head  ar.  ducally  gorged  gu. 
Cooke,  Sa.  on  a  chcv.  or,  three  cinquefoiis  of  the  firft,  in 
chief  two  annulets  ar.  on  a  chief  az.  three  colombines 
ar. — Creft,  an  arm  ereft,  vcfted  paly  of  fix  or  and  gu. 
holding  in  the  hand  a  bunch  of  colombines  and  rofes  ar. 
cuffed  proper. 



Cooke,  [Eirex]  E;m.  on   a  chev.  gu.  three  efcallop-fhells  or,  a 

chief  ar.  charged  with  as  many  ftaples  of  the  fecond. 
Cooke,  [Mildham,  in  Suffolk]  Per  pale  az.  and  gu.  three  eagles 
difplayed,   two  and  one,   countcrchanged. — Creft,  on  a  cha- 
peau  fa.   turned  up  erm.  an  oftrich  clofe  ar.  in  his  beak  an 
horfe-ihoe  of  the  laft. 
Cooke,  [Fulwel  Heath,  in  Eflex]   Erm.  on  a  chev.  gu.   three 
door-flapies  or  ;  on  a  chief  ar.  as  many  door  ftaples  of  the 
fecond. — Creft,   a  wolf's   head  erafed    erm.    h.^lding  in  his 
mouth  a  trefoil  flipped  per  pale  or  andaz. 
Cooke,  [Efiex]   Sa.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  door-ftaples  gu.  betw. 

as  many  foxes  heads  erafed  erm. 
Cooke,  [Kent]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three   plates,  as  many 
cinqucfoils  of  the  field  ;  on  a  chief  ar.  three  colombines  pro- 
Cooke,  [Kent]  Sa.  on  a  chev.   chequy  or  and  az.  betw.  three 

bezants,  on  a  chief  ar.  as  many  colombines  of  the  third. 
Cioke,  [Little  Staybridge,  in  Eflcx]  Sa.  three  bends  ar. 
Cooke,  Gu.    a  cinqucfoil  (another,  three)  erm.  betw.  fix  crofs 

croflets  fitchee  ar. 
Cooke,  Or,  on   a  bend  engrailed   gu.    three  cinquefoils  of  the 

Cooke,  Gu.  three  crofs  croflets  fitche'e,  two   and  one,  a   chief 

engrailed   or. 
Cooke,    [Eflex]    Ar.    a  chev.   gu.  in    chief  three    nags   heads 

erafed  fa. 
Cooke,  or  Coke,  Ar.  three  bars  az.  in  chief  as  many  annulets  gu. 
Cooke,  Az.  two  bars  ar.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  three  annu- 
lets gu. 
Cooke,  [Langham,  in  Suffolk]  Gu.  an  inefcutcheon  ar.  betw. 

four  croffes  formee  fitchee  in  faltier  or. 
Cooke,    [Effex]   Sa.  a  chev.   or,    three  horfes   heads  in    chief 

Cooke,  [Mildham,    in  Norfolk]  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed   betw. 

three  tigers  heads  erafed  fa.  manes  of  the  firft,   collared  or. 
Cooke,  [London]    Or,  a  chev.  az.  betw.  three  dragons  heads 
couped  and  ered    of    the  fecond.— Creft,    out  of  a  ducal 
coronet  or,  a  dragon's  head  eredi  ar. 
Cooke,  [Devonfhire]    Ar.    a    chev.    betw.   three   ravens   heads 

erafed  fa.  within  a  hordure  engrailed  of  the  fecond. 
Cooke,   [Kent,  and  Broadwater  in  Suffex]   Gu.  three  crefcents 
ar.  a  canton  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  bea- 
ver paffant  or. 
Cooke,  [Trulley  and  Mellborne,  in  Derbyfhire]  Gu.  three  cref- 
cents and  a  canton  or. — Creft,  the  fun  in  fplcndor  or. 
Cooki,  [Langham,  in  Suffolk]  Erm.  on  a  chief  az.  a  griffin  paf- 
fant ar. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  gardant  erafed  ar. 
Cooke,  [Kilkenny,  in  Ireland]  Pean,  on   a  chief  az.  a  griffin 

paffant  ar. Creft,  a  leopard's  head  erafed  pean.     Granted 

June  24,  1638. 
Cooke,  [Worcefterfliirc]  Ar.  two  chev.  betw.  fix  martlets   gu. 
three    two,  and  one. — Creft,  out   of  a  mural  coronet   or, 
an  arm  embowed  in  armour  proper,  garniftied  or,  holding  a 
fword  ar.  hiked  or,  on  the  arm  two  chev.  gu. 
Cooke,  [London]  Erm.   a  lion   paffant  in  bend  betw.   two  co- 
tifes  gu. Creft,   a  demi-lion  rampant  and  eraied  erm.  hold- 
ing betw.  his  gambs  a  bezant. 
Cook,  [London]  Ar.  a  lion  paffant   in  bend   betw.   two  cotifcs 
gu.  on  a  chief  az.  two  etoiles  or. — Creft,    a  demi-lion  gu. 
holdino-  out   in  his  gamb  an  etoile  or.     Her.  Off.  int.  Mfs. 
Vincent,  No.  154. 
COOKER,   [Devonftiire]   Ar.  on  a  bend   gu.   three   lions 

heads'  or. 
COOKMAN,  Erm.  an  eagle  difplayed  az.  ducally  gorged  or, 
and  charged  on  the  breaft  with  a  fleur-de-lis  of  the  laft. — 
Creft,  a  griffin's  head  betw.  two  wings  expanded  or,  ducally 
gorged  az. 
COOKES,  [Norgrave,  in  Worcefterfliirc]  Two  coats  quar- 
terly ;  the  firft  or,  two  chev.  gu.  betw-  fix  martlets  fa.  fe- 
condly,  fa,  a  buck's  head  caboffed  or. 


COOKESEY,  [Litttle  Wolverton  and  Engham,  in  V.'or- 
ccfterfhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  betw.  three  mullets  fa.  as 
many  cinquefoils  or,  within  a  hordure  gu  bezantee. — '.Creft, 
a  wolf's  head  fa.  charged  on  the  neck  with  a  cinquefoil 
betw.  two  bars  or. 

Cookefey,  or  Cokefey,    Ar,  on  abend  az.  three  cinqucfoils  or. 

COOLE  Y,  Erm.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  leopards  heads  jeffant  is 
lis  or. — Creft,  a  leopard's  head  jeffant  de  lis  or. 


COOPER,  [Doubiggcn,  in  Yorkfnire]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  betw. 
three  lions  paffant  ar.  as  many  lozenges  of  the  firft. — Creft, 
a  lion  fejant  ar.  fupporting  a  battle  axe  fa.  headed  ar.  Her. 
Off.  M.  2. 

Cooper,  [Winborne  St.  Giles,  in  Dorfetftiite]  Ar.  three  bulls 
paffant  fa.  armed  or. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu.  turned  up 
erm.  a  bull  paffant  fa.  ducally  gorged  or. 

Cooper,  [Winchefter,  1584.]  Az.  a  feffe  betw.  three  pelicans 
ar.  vulning  themfelves  gu. 

Cooper,  [Bray,  in  Berkfliire]  Az.  a  faltier  or,  on  a  chief  of 
the  laft,  two  chev.  paleway,  point  to  point,  of  the  firft. 

Cooper,  Az.  atortoife  ereft  or. 

Cooper,  [Colne  Green  in  Hertfordfhire,  Ratling  Court  in  Kent, 
and  of  Stroad  in  Suffex]  Ar.  three  martlets  gu.  on  a  chief 
engrailed  of  the  fecond,  three  annulets  or. — Creft,  a  lion's 
gamb  ere£l  and  erafed  or,  holding  a  branch  vert,  fruiled  gu. 

Cooper,  [Shropftiire]  Ar.  three  martlets  gu.  on  a  chief  of  the 
fecond,  three  annulets  or. 

Cooper,  [Hackefworth,  in  Nottinghamfliire]  Or,  a  bend  az. 
betw.  two  lions  heads  erafed  gu. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert, 
an  unicorn  fejant  ar.  armed  and  crined  or,  fupporting  a 
broken  tilting-fpear  or. 

Cooper,  [Trowbridge,  inWiltfliire]  Or,  a  faltier  az.  on  a  chief 
of  the  fecond,  three  leopards  heads  gardant  couped  or, 
fpotted  fa.  and  ducally  crowned  ar. — Creft,  a  demi-leopard 
gardant  proper,  ducally  crowned  ar.  holding  in  his  dexter 
paw  a  holly-branch  vert,    frucled  proper.     Granted  172 1. 

Cooper,  [Warwicklhirc]  Ar.  on  a  bend  engrailed  betw.  two 
lions  rampant  fa.  langued  and  armed  gu.  three  plates. 

Cooper,  [London]  Az.  a  faltier  engrailed  betw.  four  trefoils 
flipped  or,  on  a  chief  ar.  three  dolphins  embowed  of  the 
firft. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  ar.  erafed  gu.  gorged  with  a 
chaplet  of  laurel  vert. 

COWPER,  [Shropihire]  The  fame,  within  a  hordure  en- 
grailed gu. 

Coivper,  [Glouceftcrfliire]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  goats 
heads  couped  ar.  three  pellets. — Creft,  an  arm  holding  a 

Cowper,  [London]  Az.  on  a  bend  ar.  betw.  two  pelicans  or, 
three  ogreffes. — Creft,  a  bull's  head  erafed  or,  billetty  fa. 
horned  ar.  betw.  two  wings  expanded  az. 

Cowper,  or  Cooper,    Gu.   on    a  chev.   betw.  three  lions  paffant 
gardant  ar.  as  many  mafclcs   of  the  field. — Creft,  a  lion  fe- 
jant ar.  holding  a  battle-axe  of  the  fame. 
COORTOIS,  Or,  two  piles  az.  on  a  feffe  chequy  ar.  and  fa. 

three  martlets  of  the  field. 
COOTE,    [Suffolk]    Ar.  three  coots  fa.  two  and  one. 
Coote,    [Lincolnfhire,  Norfolk,    and  Effex]   Ar.  a  feffe  betw. 

three  coots  fa. — Creft,  a  coat's  head  erafed  fa. 
Coote,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  coots  fa.  membered  gu. — Creft, 

a  coot  proper. 
COOTH,  Gu.  a  feffe  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  or. 
COPCOTE,  Barry  of  ten  pieces  or  and  az. 
COPECOTT,    Barry  of  fix  pieces  or  and  az. 
COPE    [Hanwell   in  Oxfordfhire,  of  Northumberland,  Mid- 
dlefex,  Staflbrdfhire,  Northamptonfliire,  and  Eflex]  Ar.  on 
a  chev.   az.    betw.  three  rofes  gu.  ftalked   and  leaved   vert, 
as  many  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field. — Creft,  out  of  a  fleur-de- 
lis  or,  a  dragon's  head  gu.     Another   creft,  a  fleur-de-lis 
per  pale  or  and  ar, 



COPENGER,  [Norfolk]    Or,  tlute   bends  gu.  a   fcffe   vert. 

Another,  the  fcdc  gu. 
Cipctiger,  [Norfolk]  Or,  thhee  btnds  gu.  on  a  fcire  vert,  three 

plates  within  a  bordure  purp. 
COPINGER,  [Suffolk]   Bendy   of  eight  or  and  gu.— Creft, 

a  {hr.mois  deer's  head  fa. 
Copinrir,   [Kent]    Bendy  of  fix  gu.   and  or,  on  a  fclFe  vert, 

three  plates  within  a  bordure  of  the  fult. 
Cop'iKger,  [Kent]  Bendy  of  fix  or  and  gu.   over  all  a  fcffe  az. 

charged  with  three  plates. — Creft,  a  ram's  head  fa. 
Copiigcr,   Bendy  of  fix  gu.   and  vert,  a  lion  rampnju  double- 
queued  or,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  ar.  pellettcc. — CrefV, 

a  parrot's  head  bctw.  two  wings  vert,  beaked  gu.  in  his  beak 

a  fprig  of  three  marygolds  proper,  leaved  or. 
Copi::g^r,  [Kent]  Ar.  four  bends  gu. 
COPEVVOOD,  or  Copwoob,  [Staffbrdfti.-c]  Ar.  a  pile  co- 

tifcd,  engrailed,   ifTuing  out  of  the  dexter  point,  betw.  two 

eagles  difplaycd,  fa. 
COPWOOD,     [Totteridge,    in   Hertfordfhire]    Ar.  a   pile 

ilFuant  from  the  dexter  chief  point  fa.   fimbriated,   engrailed, 

gu.  bctw.  two  eagles  ot  the  laft. — Creft,  an  eagle  with  wings 

indorfed  or. 
Copwood,  Ar.  a  pile  in  bend  fa.  cotifed  diuncettee  gu.  charged 

with  two  eagles  difplaycd  or. 
Cop'xcod,  [Hertfordihire]  Ar.  a  pile  in  bend  fa.  fimbriated  and 

engrailed  gu.  betw.   two  eagles  difplaycd  vert. — Creft,    an 

c;?g!c  difplaycd  vert. 
COPER,  Az.  on  a  chcv.  en.T:ailcd  ar.  betw.  three  cinquefoils 

pierced  crm.  two  lions  palTant  fa. 
COPFIELD,   [Suffolk]  Gu.  on  achev.  erm.  three  martlets  fa. 
COPHERST,  Vert,a  chev.  betw.  three  crefcents  vx. 
COPHURST,  Vert,  a  chev.  betw.  three  fcythes  or. 
COPILDYKE,   or  Copledyke,  [Kent]   Az.  tliree  fwords 

in  bend  ar.  hilts  and  pcmels  or. 
CopiiM-h,  or  Copledykt-,  [Lincolnlhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  bctw.  three 

crofs  crodets  gu. 
COPIN,  [London]   Per   pale  a?,,  and  gu.  three  boars  heads 

erafed  (another,  coupcd)  or,  a  chief  of  the  third. 
COPINGDALE,    [Yorkfllirc]  Ar.  a  iruillct  fa.   on  a  chief  of 

the  fccond,  three  piles  of  the  firft. 
COPLAND,  CoPPLANDj  and  Capsal.  Ar.  a  crofs  fa. 
Ccploiiif  Or,  on  a  crofs  fa.  betw.  four  trefoils  flipped  vert,  five 

'  mullets  ar. 
Copland,  Gu.  on  a  fcfte  or,  three  trefoils  vert. 
Copland,  Gu.  on  a  fefTe  ar.  (anotlier,  or)  three  hawthorr.-leavcs 

Copland,  [Bofton,  in  Lincolnfliirc]  Ar.  two  bars  and  a  canton 

CTu.  over  all  a  bend  la. 
Copland,  Ar.  two  bars  and  a  canton  gu.  over  all  a  bend,  az. 
COPLEY,  [Yorkftiirc]  Ar.  a  crofs  nioline  fa.     Another  add.<', 

on  the  crofs,  a  mullet  of  the  firft. — Creft,  on  a  goat's  head, 

quarterly  ar.  and  fa.  attired  or,  four  crefcents  counterchan- 

ged.     Another  creft,  a  covered  cup  or. 
Copley,  [Bodley  in  Yorkfhire,  and  of  Surrey]  Ar.  a  crofs  mo- 
line  fa. — Creft,  a  griffin  fejant  ar.ducally  gorged  and  lined. 
Copley,  [Suffolk]    Ar.   on  a  crofs  furcelly  fa.  a  crefcent  or. — 

Creft,  a  griffin  fejant  regardant  with  wings  expanded  ar. 
Copley,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  on  a  crofs  farcelly  fa.  five  crefcents  of  the 

Copley,  Vert,  a  felTc  ar.  betw.  three  covered  cups  or. 
Copley,  [Worcefterfliire]   Ar.   a  crofs  moline  fa.  charged  with 

a  martlet  or. 
COPLESTON,  [Devonftiire  and  Dorfctfliire]   Ar.    a  chev. 

engrailed  gu.  betw.  three  leopards  faces  az.     Another,  fa. — 

Creft,  a  demi- tiger  gu.  tufted   and  maned  or.     Another,  a 

wolf  paffant  az. 
Csplejhn,  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  az.  betw.  three  leopards  faces  gu. 
Coplejlon,  [Dcvonfhire]   Or,  a  chev.  betw  three  griffins  heads 

erafed  fx. 


COPPANDALE,  [YorkftiireJ  Ar.  a  mullet  fa.  and  chief  in- 
dented of  the  fecond. 

COPPIN,  [Hertfordftiire,  1608]  Or,  a  chief  of  one  row  of 
vaire  ar.  and  az. — Creft,  on  a  ducal  coronet,  a  cock  or. 

Coppin,  [Norwich]  Per  pale  az.  and  gu.  three  boars  heads 
couped  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  demi-griOiii 
az.  beaked  and  legged  of  the  firft, 

COPPULL,  alias  Ognell,  [Ognell  Hrll,  \r.  Lancaniirc] 
Per  faltier  gu.  and  or,  two  eagles  difplaycd  in  pale  cf 
the  laft. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  crm.  charged  with 
three  guttes  or,  two  and  one. 

CORAM,  [Ottery  St.  Mary,  in  Devonftiire]  See  CORIIAM. 

CORBEN,  [Suffolk  and  Staftuidftiire]  Ar.  on  a  chief  or, 
tliree  ravens  fa. 

CORBET,  [Stoke,  in  Shropfliirc]  Or,  a  raven  proper. — 
Creft,  an  elephant  ar.  armed  or,  on  his  b;:ck  a  tower  of  ths 
firft,  the  trappings  gu.  and  or.  Another,  the  tower  or,  and 
trappings  fa. 

Corbet,  [Morten-Corbet,  in  Shropfiiirc]  The  fame. 

Co/ic/,  [Suffolk  and  Norfolk]  Or,  a  raven  clofe  proper. — Cieft, 
a  fquirrcl  fejant  or. 

Corbet,  Ar.  a  raven  proper,  within  a  bordure  fa.  bczantce, 

Corbet,  Or,  a  raven  proper,  coll;. red  ar. 

Corbet,  Or,  two  ravens  in  pale  proper. 

Corbet,  Ar.  two  ravens  in  pale  proper,  within  a  bordure  f^u. 

Corbet,  [Longor,  in  Shropfliire]  Or,  two  ravens  in  pale,  with- 
in a  bordure  gu.  bezantee. — Creft,  a  raven  proper,  in  his 
beak  a  holly-branch  vert,  fruited  gu. 

Corbet,  Ar.  a  chev.  bctw.  two  (another,  three)  ravens  proper, 

Corbet,  Ar.  three  ravens  proper,    tv.'o  and  one. 

Corbet,  [Hertfordfhirc]   Or,  three  ravens  in  pale   proper. 

Corbet,  Sa.  two  ravens  or. 

Corbet,  [London]  Or,  three  ravens  proper,  a  martlet  for  i'(- 
ference. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  fquirrel  fejant  or,  crack- 
ing a  nut  of  the  laft,  leaved  vert. 

Corbet,  Or,  five  ravens  proper,  two,  two,  and  one. 

Corbet,  Or,  five  ravens  proper,  two,  two,  and  one;  on  a  can- 
ton gu.  two  lions  paffant  ar. 

Ccrbit,  Or,  fix  ravens  proper,  three,  two,  and  one;  a  can- 
ton gu. 

Corbet,  Per  fcffe  ar.  and  fa.  fix  crofs  croflets  countcrchanijcd. 

Corbet,  [Suffolk]  Per  feffe  fa.  and  ar.  fix  croffes  formce  florjr 

Corbet,  [Norfolk]  Per  bend  ar.  and  fa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  coun- 

Corbet,  Ar.  two  bars  and  a  canton  gu.  within  a  bordure  en- 
grailed of  the  fecond. 

Corbet,  Or,  two  bars  and  a  canton  gu.  Another  adds,  in  chief, 
a  cinquefoil  pierced  or. 

Corbet,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  ar. 

Corbet,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  gardant  or. 

CORBY,  [Tournay,  in  France]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  be- 

Corly,  Ar.  a  faltier  engrailed  fa. 

Corby,  Ar.  five  fufils  in  feffe  gu.  betw.  three  ravens  proper. 

CORBREAKE,  Quarterly  indented  gu,  and  ar. 

Corbreake,  Qiiarterly  indented  gu.  and  ar.  four  croffes  formed 
fitchee  counterchanged, 

Corbreake,  Qiiarterly  indented  gu.  and  ar.  four  crofs  croflets 
fitchee  counterchanged. 

Corbreake,  Qiiarterly  indented  gu.  and  ar.  fix  crofs  croflets 

CORDELL,  [Melford,  in  Suffolk]  Ar.  a  chcv.  crm.  betw. 
three  griffins  heads  erafed  gu. 

CORDALL,  [London]  Gu.  a  chev.  crm.  cotifed  ar.  betw. 
three  griffins  heads  erafed  of  the  third. — Creft,  a  cockatrice, 
winsrs  clofe  vert,  collared,  combed,  wattled,  and  leg- 
ged, fa. 

Cordall,  [Suffolk  and  Norfolk]  Gu.  a  chev.  ercn.  betw.  three 
4  A  griffin's 


griffins  heads   erafed   ar.— Creft,  a  cockatrice,  wings  clofe, 
vert,  combed  and  wattled  gu. 
Cordalt,  [London]  Gu.  a  chev.  en-railed  bctw.   three  griffins 

heads  erafed  ertn. 
CORDEROY,    Sa.    a  chev.   or,  betw.  tv/o  mullets  in  chief 
of  the  laft,  and  a  lion  paflant  in  bafe  ar.   ducally  crowned  of 
the  fecond,  a  label  of  three  points  for  difference,  all  within 
a  bordure  of  the  fecond. 
CORDERAY,  Sa.  a  chev.  or,  bctvl'.  two  mullets  in  chief  of 
the  laft ,  and  a  lion  paffant  in  bafe  ar.  crowned  or. — Creft, 
■  human  heart  gu.  ducally  crowned  or. 
CORDRAY,  [Chute,  in  Wiltfhire]  Sa.  a  chev.   betw.  two 
mullets  in  chief,  and  a  lion  paffant  in  bafe,  ducally  crowned, 
or,  all  within  a  bordure  ar. 
CORDERS,  or  CoRDREY,  Or,   on  a  bend   az.   three  lions 

heads  erafed  of  the  field. 
CORHAM,   [Ottery,   in  Devonfhire]   Ar.   a  crofs   fa.  betw. 

four  eagles  difplajed  gu. — Creft,  a  beaver  paflant  or. 
COREY,  [London]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  griffins  heads 
erafed  or,  three  etoiles  gu. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet, 
a  griffin's  head  betw.  two  wings  or,  each  wing  charged  with 
three  etoiles  in  pale  gu.     Granted  by  patent  i6j2. 
CORY,   [London]   Or,  three  mullets  gu.  on   a  chief  of  the 

fecond,  three  griffins    heads  erafed  of  the  firft. 
Cory,  or  Corcey,  [Northumberland,  StafFordfiiire,  and  Cumber- 
land] Ar.  a  faltier  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  three  cinque- 
foils  or. 
Cavy.,  or  Cork,  Or,  three  mullets  gu.  on  a  chief  of  the  laft,  three 
griffins  heads  erafed    or.— Creft,  a  griffin's  l^ead  gu.  betw. 
two  wings  expanded  or,  each   charged  v?ith  a  mullet  gu. 
CORITON,  [Newton,  in  Cornwall]  Ar.  a  faltier  fa. 
CORING,  Erm.  achev;  fa.  betw.  three  cinqucfoils  or. 
Coring,  [Kenwyn,  in  Cornv/all]  Ar.  a  millrind  in  pale  bctw. 

four  martlets   fa. 
CORKE,  Or,  a  chev.  chcquy  gu.  and  az.  betw.  three  cinque- 
foils  pierced  of  the  third. 
Corke,  [Cornv/a'il]  Sa.  three  lions  tails  ere>!n:  and  erafed  ar. 
CORKER,   [Dublin]  Az.  on  a  pile  erm.  betw.  two  etoiles  or, 
a  lion  rampant  az. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  rampant  erm.  hold- 
ino-  an  etoile  or.     Granted  in  Ireland  Aug.  9,  1666. 
CQRMAYLE,  Ar.  on  a  fefle  fa.  three  bezants. 
CORNEY,  Sa.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  crofs  croflets  gu, — Creft, 
a  lion's  head  per  pale  and  erafed  ar.   and  gu.  on  the  neck,  a 
rofe  counterchangcd. 
CORNAY,  [Low  Hall,  in  Yorkfhire]  Sa.  achev.  or.     Ano- 
ther, ar. 
CORNARD,  [Suffolk]  Az.  a  fefle  betw.  two  chev.  or. 
CORNCELEY,  Cornsley,  or  Conolley,  Ar.  on  a  faltier 

engrailed  fa.  five  efcallop-fliells  of  the  field. 
CORNELL,  Or,  five  towers  fa.  in  crofs. 
Cornell,  Or,  five  towers  triple-towered  in  faltier  gu. 
CORNEW,    or  CoRNEY,  Ar.   a  chev.   betw.    three   bugle- 
horns  fa. 
CORNHILL,  Ar.   a  finifter  arm,  ifl'uing  out  of  the  dexter 

point,  and  extended  towards  the  finifter  bafe  bendways,  gu. 
CORNINGHAM,  or  Coryngham,    Ar.  an  ogrcflc  and  a 

chief  fa. 
Carningham,  Ar.  an  ogrefle  and  chief  gu. 
CORNISH,  [Sharenbroke,  in  Bedfordftiire]  Sa.  a  chev.  em- 
battled or,  betw.  three  rofes  ar. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  co- 
ronet or,  a  demi-eagle  difplayed  fa. 
Carnijh,  [Kent  and   EflTex]    Sa.  a  chev.   embattled  or,    betw. 
three  rofes  ar. — Creft,  a  branch  of  a   tree   couped  at  each 
end  and  lying  fefleways  proper,  with  one   fprig  at  the  dex- 
ter end  vert,  on  the  branch  a  Cornifh  chough  fa.  with  wings 
indorfed,  beaked  and  legged  gu. 
CORNUCKE,  Ar.  three  bars  gu.  in  chief  a  greyhound  cur- 
rent fa. 


CORNWALL,  [Oxfordfliire]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  crown- 
ed or  ;  over  all,  on  a   bend  fa.  three  bezants. 
Cornivall,  [Efl'ex]  Erm.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  crowned  or,  with- 
in a  bordure  engrailed  fa.  bezantee. 
Cornwall,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  crowned  or  ;  over  all,  on  a 

bend  fa.   engrailed,  eight  bezants. 
Cornwall,    [Shropftiire]    Erm.  a   lion   rampant  regardant   gu. 
crowned  or,  within  a  bordure  fa.  bezantee — Creft,  a  Cornifti 
chough  proper. 
Cornwall,  Ar.  a  lion   rampant   gu.  crowned  or,  within  a   bor- 
dure engrailed  fa.  over  all,  on  a  bend  of  the  laft,  nine  mart- 
lets of  the  fecond. 
Cornwall,  [Cornwall  and  Devonfhire]    Ar.  on  a    crofs  patc'e 

fa.  five  bezants.     Another,  five  plates. 
Cornwall,  Erm.  on  a  fefle  gu.  (another,  fa.)  three  plates. 
Cornwall,  Ar.  three  lozenges  in  tefle  betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  fa. 

Another,  the  croiies  fitchee. 
Cornwall,  Ar.  a  bend  lozengy  betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  fa. 
Cornwall,  [Warwickftiire]  Or,  three  chtv.  vert. 
Cornwall,  Or,  five  caftles  in  faltier  fa.     Another,    the  caftles 

in  crofs. 
Cornivall,  [Dorfetfhire,   160S.]   Ar.  on   a  fefle  fa.  three  plates 
fretty  of  the  laft. — Creft,  a  boar's  head  couped  or,  lying  on 
the  wreath   bendv.'ays,    with  the   blade  of  a  broken   fword 
thruft  down  his  throat  proper. 
CORNWALLIS,  [Suflolk]    Sa.  guttee  d'eau,  on  a  feflb  ar. 
three  Cornifh  choughs   proper. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a 
Itag  lodged  regardant   ar.  gorged  with  a  chaplec  vert,  and 
vulned  in  the  fhoulder  gu. 
CornwalUs,  [Norfolk  and  Suffolk]   The  fame,  with  due  dif- 
CORREN,  [Oxfordfhire]   Ar.   a  fer-de-moulin    in   bend  az. 
betw.   two   Cornifh    choughs   proper  ;    on    a    chief  of   the 
iecond,    a    fleur-de-lis   betw.    two   demi-rofes  ftreaming  in 
bafe  or. 
CORSELIS,  Az.  a  griffin  fegreant  or. 
CORSER,    Ar.   on  a  chev.    fa.   three   horfes  heads  couped  of 

the  firft. 
CORSON,   [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  bend  fa.  betw.  three  dragons  heads 

erafed  gu. 
CORTESY,    [Lincolnfhire]   Paly  of  fix  or  and  az.  a  feffe 

chequy  fa.  and  or. 
CORTON,  [Northumberland]  Sa.  a  maunch  ar. 
CORWEY,  Ar.  fretty  gu.  a  chief  az. 

COSBY,  [Stradbally  Hall  of  Queen's   County,   in  Ireland] 
Quarterly ;  firft,  ar.    a  chev.   betw.   three  leopards  faces  fa. 
on  a  canton  or,  a  faltier  vert,  betw.  a  crofs  croflet  in  chief 
gu.  a  lizard  ereft  in  the  dexter,  and  a  falraon  in  the  finifter, 
feffe  points  of  the  fourth,  and   a  dexter  hand  couped  in  bafe 
gu.    (forCofby);    fecondly,   az.  three  fhackles  or,  two  and. 
one,  on  a  canton  ar.  a  faltier  gu.  betw.  a  finifter  hand  coup- 
ed in  chief  of  the  laft,  two  falmons  in  feffe  and   one  in  bafe 
vert,  (for   Cofby) ;  third,    or,  a  pheon  az.     (for  Sidney)  ; 
fourth,  fa.  two  bars  per  pale  indented  az.  and  gu.  in  chief 
three  pellets,  (for   Dodwcll). — Creft,  a  griffin  rampant  gu. 
fupporting  a  broken   fpear  or,  headed  ar. 
COSARS,  Ar.  a  bend  mafculy  fa. 
Cofars,  The  fame,  adding  a  label  of  five  points  gu. 
Cofars,  Or,  billetty  fa.  a  lion  rampant  of  the  laft.     Another 

adds,  over  all,  a  bend  gu. 
COSEN,  [Devonfhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  thres  mullets  pierced 

Cofen,  [Kinninghall,    in  Norfolk]    Az.   a  chev.  wavy   betw. 
three  eagles  difplayed  or. — Creft,  on  a   chapeau   az.  turned 
up  erm.  a  tiger  fejant  or. 
COSYN,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  an  eagle  difplayed  ar. 
Cofyn,  [Dorfetfhire]    Az.   a  lion  rampant  ar.  guttee  de  fang, 
crowned  or,   (guttee  d'eau,  of  Kent.) 



Csfin,  [Dorfetfiiire]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or. 
Cifyn,  Gu.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  keys  ereft  fa. 
Ccjjn,  [London]  Erm.  a  clicv.  per  pale  or  and  fa.     Another, 

the  chev.  engrailed. 
COSrI.\LME,  Ar.  three  lions  rampant  gu.  two  and  one. 
COSSON,  [London]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or,  guttte  dc  fang, 

crowned  ducaliy  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  the  fame. 
COSlNG'rON,    [HampfhireJ    Az.   three  rofts  or,    two  and 

COSTOMER,  [Yarmouth]   Gu.  two   bars  erm.   in  chief  a 

lion  pafi'antor. — Cftft,  on  a  chapeau  gu.  turned   up  crni.  a 

lion  or,  betw.  two  wings  gu.  each  charged  with  two  bars  erm. 
COS'l'ON,   [Coilon,  in  Shropfhirc]  Ar.  a  faltlcr  vert,  on  a 

chief  gu.  a  lion  paflant  of  the  firlK 
COSWORTH,  [Cofworth,  in  Cornwall]    Ar.   on  a   chev. 

betw.  three  falcons  wings  az.  five  bezants. 
COSTON,  Or,  on  a  bend  fa.  three  crofs  crodets  ar. 
COTTES,  Erm.  on  a  bend  engrailed  fa.  three  plates. — Creft, 

a  dog's  head  or,  collared   gu.  and  his  mouth  cnibrucd  with 

blood,  (i.  e.  a  kind  of  hound's  head.) 
COTES,  Ar.  a  crofs  moline  engrailed  fa. 
Cotes,  Erm.  on  a  felTe  fa.  three  elcallop-flielis  or. 
Cotis,    [Buckinghamfhire]  Ar.   fretty   az.  on    a   canton   {.'..  a 

lion    rampant  or. — Crcll,    a  cock  or,    combed    and    wat- 
tled gu. 
Coies,  [Elfon,  in  Lciceftcrfliire]  Ar.  fretty  az.  on  a  canton  fa. 

a  lion  rampant  or. — Crefl:,  acock  proper,  combed  and  wat- 
tled or. 
COTGRAVE,  [Chefliirc]   Gu.  a  chev.   indented  erm.  bctw. 

three  bugle-horns  fa. 
COTEEL,  [Devonfiiire]  Or,  a  bend  gu.  femee  de  croncllsar. 
COTTELL,  [Somerfctfhire  and  Devonfhire]  Or,  a  bend  gu. 

a  crefcent  for  difference. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or, 

a  leopard  fejant  proper,  charged  with  a  crefcent  for  difFcrcnce. 
COTTERELL,  Ar.  a  bend  betw.  fix  efcallop-fliells  fa. 
Coticrell,  Ar.  a  bend  nebu'.ec  fa. 
Cotterdl,  [South  Repps,  in  Norfolk]  Ar.  a  bend    betw.  three 

cfcallop-fliells  fa. — Creft,  a  talbot's  head  fa.  ducaliy  collared 

ahd  lined  or. 
COTTES  FORD,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  fa.  three  bezants. 
Cottesford,  [Oxford,    1611.]    Ar.  two  bars  gu.  within  a  bor- 

dure  engrailed  fa. — Crcft,  a  bear  couchant  fa.  muzzled  and 

collared  or. 
Cottesfard,    The  fame,    and    the   bordure  charged   with  ei-'Iit 

COTTESMORE,   Az.  an  eagle  difplayed   with  two  necks 

ar.  on  his  breaft  an  efcutcheon  gu.  charged  with  a  leopard's 

face  or. 
COTISMORE,     The   fame,  the   charge  of   the  efcutcheon 

being  a  bezant. 
COTTEZ,  Ar.  a  crofs  farcelly  engrailed  fa. 
COTTINGTON,  or   Cottingham,  [Chcfhire  nnd  Mid- 

dlefc.x]  Sa.  two  hinds  counter-trippant  in  fefie  ar. 
Coitinpon,  [Gloucefterihire  and  Wiltfliire]  Az.  on  a   fclFe  ar. 

betw.  three  rofes  or,  as  many  bugle-horns  fa. — Creft,  a  ftag's 

head  ar.  attired   or,  gorged  with  a  collar  az.  charged  with 
three  rofes  or. 
COTTON,  [Lanwade,  in  Cambridgefhire]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw. 
three  griffins  heads  erafed  ar. — Creft,  a  griffin's  head  erafed  ar. 
Cjlloii,  Sa.  a  chev.  or,  bctw.    three  grifEns   heads  erafed  ar. — 
Creft,  a  griffin's  head  erafed  ar.  holding  in  his  mouth  a  gaunt- 
let proper. 
Cotton,  [Connington,  in   Huntingdonfhire]  Az.   an  eagle  dif- 
played ar.  armed  gu. 
Cotton,  [Staftordftiirc]  The  fame,  with  due  ditterence. 
Cotton,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  griffins  heads  erafed  gu.  an 

efcallop-fljell  or. 
Cotton,   [Kent]  Gu.  a  chev.  erm.  berw.  three  griffin?  heads 
erafed   ar.  langued  az. 

c    o    u 

Cotton,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  grifiins  heads  erafed  (a. 
Cotton,  [Suffolk]  Sa,  on  a  chev.  betw.'three  griffins  heads  ar.  a 

martlet  gu. 
Cotton,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gardant  vert. 
Cotton,   Vert,  a  leopard  rampant  regardant  ar. 
Cotton,  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  three  bundles  of  cotton  or. 
Cotton,  [Cotton  Hall,  in  Hampfliire]  Az.  a  chev.   betw.  three 
bundles  of  cotton  yarn  ar. — Crcft,  an  eagle  with  wines  ex- 
panded ar.  beaked  and  legged  or,  holding  in  hi*  dexter  clav/ 
a  belt  az.  buckle  or. 
Cotton,  [Laughton  in  Leiccftcrdiire,  and  of  StalFordfliire]  Ar. 
a  bend   fa.  betw.  three  ogreftes. — Creft,   an  eagle   diiplav- 
ed  ar. 
Cotton,  [Whittington,  in  Gloucefterihire]  .Xr.  a  bend  d.  bctw. 
three  pellets. — Creft,   five  fnakes  proper,  tied   in   a  parcel, 
their    heads  in  chief. 
Cotton,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crcfcents  ar. 
Cotton,  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  az. 
Cotton.     See  COETON. 

COUCHM.AN,  Sa.  three  cinqucfoils,  two  and  one,    bctw. 

nine  crofs  croflets  ar.— Creft,  a  dcmi-lion  rampant  {d.  fcmt^ 

of  crofs   croflets  ar.    holding   bctw.    his  feet  a  cinqucfoii  of 

the  laft. 

COVELEY,  [Hampfhirc]  Gu.  a  felTe  betw.  three  helmets  ar. 

CoveUy,  Gu.  a  felfe  or,  betv/.  th.^ec  helmets  ar. 

COVELL,  Ar.  on  a  faltier  engrailed  fa.  five  cfcallop-fliells  of 

the  field. 
Covell,  [London]    Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.   a  file  of  three  lam- 
beaux  gu.  each  charged  wi'h  as  many  bezants. — Creft,  on  a 
chapeau  guT  turned  up  erm.  a  lion  pafiant  ar.  gorged  with  a 
file  of  three  lambeaux  gu.  each  charged  with  as  many  be- 
zants.    Her.  Off.  London,  C.  24. 
Covell,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  guttee  de  poix  armed   or. 
Covell,  [Yorkftiire]  Or,  a  chev.  bet%v.  three  martlets  fa. 
COVE,  Ar.  three  piles  wavy  gu.  betw.  twelve  martlets  fa. 
Cove,  Gu.  a  bend  ar.  cotifed  or. 

COVENTRY,  Sa.  a  feffe  erm.  betw.  three  crcfcents  or. — 
Creft,  a  garb  lying  fcffcw-iys  or,  thereon  a  cock  gu.  comb- 
ed, wattled,  and  legged  or. 
Coventry,  [Grange]  Sa.  on  a  feffe  bctw.  three  crcfcents  or, 
an  eagle  difplayed  of  the  firft. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu. 
turned  up  ar.  a  cock  pheafant  proper,  beaked  and  membrr- 
ed  gu. 
Covaury,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  (ji.  betv.-.  three  colombines 

az.  flipped  vert,   a  bezant. 
CO  VENTRE  YE,  Ar.  a  chev.  bctw.  three  colombines  az. 
COVERT,  [Slaugham,    in  Suffex]   Gu.  a  feffe  cm.   bctw. 

three  lions  heads  erafed  or. — Creft,  a  leopard's  head  or. 
Crjn-t,  [Kent  and  Surrey]  Gu.  a  feffe  erm.  betw.  three  mart- 
lets or. — Creft,  a  leopard's  face  or.     Anot'ncr,  a  lion's  face 
Covert,  [Suffex]  Gu.  a  feffe  erm.  betw.  three  lions  heads  erafed 

ar.     Another,  or. 

Crji-rt,  or  Court,  [Somerfetfliire]   Paly  of  fix  or  and  az.  on  a 

chief  of  the  firft,  an  eagle  difplayed  d.     Another,  a  demi- 


Cjvert,  or  Court,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  fa.  guttee  of  the  firft. — 

Creft,    out  of  a  ducal  coronet   or,    an  unicorn's  head  ar. 

armed  and  crined  or,  charged  on  the  neck  with  a  mullet  gu. 

COVILL,     [Yorkftiire]    Ar.  a   feffe   gu.    in  chief  three  tor- 

Covin,  [Lancafliire]  Or,  a  feffe  gu.  in  chief  three  torteauxcs. 
COVYN,  V^ert,  a  griffin  fegreant  ar. 
COULDWELL,   [Kent]  Paly  wavy  of  fix  or  and  fa.  on   a 

chev.  gu.  three  griffins  heads  erafed  of  the  firft. 
COULSON,  or  CoULSTOK,  Ar.  two  dolphins  haurient,  re- 
fpecling  each  other,  fa.  collared  and  chained   together  or, 
the  chain  hanging  betw.  them. — Crcft,  a  dolphin  eir.bcw- 
cd  fa. 


c    o    u 

Couljloh,  [St.  Ive's,  in  Huntingdonfliire]  Ar.  a  chcv.  engrailed 
o-u.  betw.    three   dolphins  emb'owcd    fa. — Creft,    an   eagle 
with  wings  endorfed  or,  preying  on  a  dolphin  proper. 
^COULSELL,   [Eflex]  Chequy  or  and  fa.   a  chief  or,  guttce 
de  fang. 

COUPER,  [London]  Az.  a  faltier  ar.  on  a  chief  or,  three 
lions  r.impant  gu. — Crefl,  on  a  mural  crown  ar.  a  pelican 
withwin^s  indorfed  erm-.  beaked  and  legged  or,  vulned  gu. 

COUP,  [Effex  and  Northamptonfhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  az.  betw. 
three  lofe-branches  flipped  gu.  leaved  vert. 

COUSMAKER,  Az.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  or,  three 
trefoils  flipped  vert. — Creft,  an  etoile  or. 


COURTALL,  Ar;  on  a  fefle  fa.  three  bezants^ 

COURTHOP,  [Wylye,  in  Siiflex]  Ar.  a  feffe  az.  betw.  three 
etoiles  fa. — Creft,  a  demi-ftag  gu.  femee  d'ctoiles  and  at- 
tired or; 

COURTHOPE,  [Stodmarfli,  in  Kent]  Or,  a  fefTe  az.  betw. 
three'  etoiles  fa. — Creft,  a  camel's  head  or,  vulned  in  the 
neck  gui 

COURT,  or  CowRT,  The  fame  aS   COVERT. 

COURTHORP,  [Dov/ry,  in  SufTex]  The  fame  as  COURT- 
HOP,  of  Wylye. — Creft,  a  cubit  arm  creft  proper,  hold- 
ing an  anchor  az.  fluke  and  ring  or. 

COURTIN,  [London]    Or,  a  talbot  paflant  fa. 

COURTEENE,  [Aldington,  or  Aunton,  in  Worccfterfliire] 
The  fame. — Creft,  a  demi-talbot  fa. 

COURTNEY,  [Powderham  Caftle,  in  Devonfliire]  Or, 
three  torteauxcs. — Creft,  a  dolphin  embowed  ar.  Another 
creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  plume  W  feathers  ar. 
with  a  crefcent  fvt. 

Courtney,  Or,    three  torteauxcs,  a  label  of  five  points  az. 

Courtney,  Or,  a  feffe  az.  betw.  three  torteauxcs. 

Courtney,  Qviartcrly,  ar.  and  or,  on  the  firft  a  lion  rampant  az. 
on  the  fecond  three  torteauxcs,  the  third  as  the  fecond,  the 
fourth  as  the  firft. 

Courtney,  [Devonfliire]  Or,  three  torteauxcs,  a  Libel  of  three 
points,  each  charged  with  as  many  bezants. 

Courtney,  [Devonfliire]  Quarterly  ;  firft,  or,  a  lion  rampant 
az.  fecond,  ar.  three  trefoils  flipped  fa.  the  third  as  the 
fecond,  and  the  fourth  as  the  firft. 

Courtney,  [Somerfetfhire]  Or,  a  bend  ga.  betw.  three  tor- 

COURTOYS,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bulls  heads  gu. 

Courtoys,  [London]  Gu.  a  chev.  vaire  betw.  three  bulls  heads 
ar.     Another,  or. 

Courtoys,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  bulls  heads  gu. 

Courtoys,  [London]  Gu.  a  chev.  vaire  ar.  and  fa.  betw.  three 
bulls  heads  of  the  fecond. 

Courtoys,  FBofton,  in  Lincolnfhire]  Paly  of  fix  countcr- 
chann-cd  per  feffe  or  and  az.  over  all  a  feffe  chequy  ar.  and 
fa.  '^ 

Courtoys,  [Lincolnfhire]  Paly  of  fix  or  and  az.  a  feffe  chequy 
ar.  and  fa.   charged  with  three  martlets  or. 

Courtoys,  or  Coortois,  Erm.  on  a  canton  gu.  an  inefcutchcon 
voided  ar. 

Courtoys,  [London  and  Dorfetfliire]  Sa.  a  feffe  erm.  betw.  three 
horfes  heads  couped  ar.  billetty  or. 

Courtoys,  [Dorfetfliire]    Gu.  a  griffin  fegreant  or, 

COUTRY,  [Boxbourne,  in  Kent]  Az.  a  pile  betw.  four 
fleurs-de-lis  or;  over  all  a  chev.  of  the  laft. — Creft,  a  fal- 
con's head  or,  betw.  two  wings  az.  each  charged  with  a 
fleur-de-lis  or. 

COWELL,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  on  a  label  of  three  points 
gu.  nine  bezants. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm. 
a  lion  paffant  or,  gorged  with  a  label  gu. 

COW,  [Norfolk  and  Kent]  Gu.  a  bend  cotifed  ar. 

Cow,  or  Cowe,  Ar.  three  bends  fa. 


COWARD,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  three  martlets  of  the  field, 
on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  a  chamber-piece  or. — Creft,  a 
demi-greyhound  fa.  holding  betw.  his  feet  a  flag's  head 
caboffed  ar.  attired  or. 

COUCY,  Barry  of  fix  vaire  and  gu. 

COWCEY,  Bendy  of  fix  vaire  and  gu.  a  chief  or. 

Coiueey,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 

COWCY,   or  CowciE,  Paly  of  fix  vaire  and  gu. 

COWCHER,  Ar.  on  a  fciTe  gu.  betw.  three  martlets  of  the 
fecond,  three  marlets  or. 

COWDREY,  [H  mipfliire]  Gu.  ten  billets,  four,  three,  two, 
and  one,  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  dexter 
arm  embowed,  in  armour,  proper,  garnifhedor,  holding  in 
the  gauntlet  an  anchor  gu.  the  ftcck  fa.  to  the  ring  a  piece 
of  cable  fa.  entwined  round  the  arm. 

Coivdrey,  [Berkftiire]  Gu.  thirteen  billets  or,  four,  four, 
th^ee,  and  two. 

COWDELL,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bucks  heads  caboff- 
ed ar. 

COWDEN,  Az.  on  a  feffe  ar.  betw.  three  annulets  or,  a 
lion  paffant  fa.  a  label  for  difference. — Creft,  a  dcmi-lion 
fa.  charged  with  annulets  or. 

COWFIELD,  Ar.  three  bars  gemelies  and  a  canton  gu. 

COWLING,  [Trengoenthen,  in  Cornwall]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa. 
betw.  three  Cornifii  choughs  proper. 

COWLEY,  Per  pale  indented  gu.  and  ar.  a  bull  paffant  coun- 
tcrchanged,  within  a  bordure  fa.  bezantee. 

Cowley,  [DevonfhireJ  Ar.  a  bull  paffant  gu.  within  a  bordure 
fa.  bezantee. 

Coivley,  [London],  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  within  a  bordure 
engrailed  of  the  fecond,  charged  with  ten  mullets  of 
the  firft. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  demi-Iion 

Cowlev,  Gu.  a  chev.  counter-compony  or  and  ar.  betw.  three 
crofs  croflets  of  the  laft. 

Ciivley,  [Amfterdam,  1606.]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  leopards 
heads  jeffant  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field. — Crefl,  on 
a  mural  coronet  az.  a  leopard's  head  ar.  jeffant  with  a 
fleur-de-lis  or. 

COWNE,  Per  pale  gu.  and  fa.  a  lion  rampant  erm. 

COWPEN,  Gu.  three  writing-pens  ar.  two  and  one. 

Covjpen,  [OxfordfhireJ  Gu,  fix  writing-pens  ar.  three,  two, 
and  one. 

COWPER,  [Yorkfliire]  Gu.  a  bend  vaird  betw.  fix  lions 
rampant  or. — Creft,  on  a  caftle  gu.  a  Saracen  king's  head 
proper,  wreathed  about  the  temples"  ar.  and  az.  and  crowned 
with  a  Saxon  coronet  or. 

Couper,  [Bolton  upon  Swale,  in  Yorkfliire]  Gu,  a  bend  erm. 
betw.  fix  lions  rampant  or. — Creft,  on  a  caftle,  a  Saracen 
king's  head  as  before. 

Cjwper,  [Suffex,  1614.]  Quarterly  ar.  and  gu.  in  the  fecond 
and  third  quarter,  a  pheon  of  the  firft. — Creft,  a  pheon 
ar.    point  upwards  betw.  two  wings  gu. 

Cowpcr,  [Ratling  Court  in  Kent,  and  Colne  Green  in  Hert- 
fordfliire]  Ar.  three  martlets  gu.  on  a  chief  engrailed  of  the 
fecond,  three  annulets  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  gamb  eredt  and 
erafcd  or,  holding  a  branch  vert,  fruiSed  gu. 

Cowper,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  three  leo- 
pards heads  or. 

COX,  Per  chev.  gu.  and  az.  in  chief  two  rofes,  in  bafe  two 
cocks,  refpccting  each  other  ar.  in  the  center  point  a  be- 

Cox,  or  Cod:,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  wolves  heads  erafcd 

Cox,  [Beamonds,  in  Hertfordfhire]  Or,  three  bars  az.  on  a 
canton-ar.  a  lion's  head  erafed  gu. — Creft,  an  antelope's  head 
erafed  fa.  pierced  ihrough  the  neck  with  a  broken  fpear, 
vulned  gu. 



Cox,  [London]  Ar.  three  cocks  gu.  two  and  one,  crowned  or  ; 
on  a  chief  az.  a  pale  charged  with  a  role  gu.  betw.  two  of- 
trich's  feathers  ar. — Crefl,  a  cock  gu.  ducally  crowned  or. 
Granted   i-^6i. 

Ctx,  [Chichefler,  in  SufTcx]  Or,  three  bars  az.  on  a  canton 
gu.  a  lion's  head  erafed  ar. — Creft,  a  griffin's  head  cralcd 
la.  pierced  through  the  neck  with  an  arrow  gu.  headed  and 
feathered  ar. 

Co.v,  [Bemonds,  in  Hertfordfliire]  Or,  three  bars  az.  on  a 
quarter  ar.  a  lion's  head  couped  gu. — Creft,  a  goat's  hcud 
erafed  fa.  horned,  bearded,  and  pierced  through  with  an 
arrow  or,  the  wound  guttec  de  fang. 

Cox,  Quarterly  gu.  and  vert,  on  each  quarter  a  bezant. 

Cox,  Barry  of  fix  or  and  az.  on  a  canton  ar.  a  crofs  gu. 

Cox,  [Bronierton,  in  Norfolk]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  thrcegrif- 
fins  heads  erafed  or,  three  etoiles  gu. — Creft,  out  of  a  du- 
cal coronet,  a  griffin's  head  betw.  two  wings  .... 

Cox,  alias  Cokks,  [London]  Sa.  two  bars  humetty  or,  betw. 
two  fwans,  one  in  chief  the  other  in  bafe,  ar.  beaked  and 
legged  gu.  betw.  the  bars  a  cock  ar.  combed,  legged,  and 
wattled  gu. — Creft,  a  dexter  arm  in  armour  proper,  garnifhed 
or,  the  hand  proper,  fupporting  a  battle-axe  ar.  handled  gu. 

Cox,  [Glouccfterlhire  and  London]  Ar.  a  bend  fa.  in  the  fi- 
jiifter  chief  an  oak-leaf  az.^ — Creft,  a  goat's  head  ar.  attired 
or,  in  his  mouth  an  oak-leaf  az. 

Cox,  [Shropftiire]  Ar.  a  bend  az.  in  the  finifter  chief  an  oak- 
leaf  of  the  fecond. 

COXE,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  a  fpear's  head  orj  in 
the  iuiifter  chief  an  oak-leaf  of  the  fecond. 

COXSON,  [Yorkftiire]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  cocks  ar. 
combed  and  wattled  gu. — Creft,  a  cock  ar;  combed,  waiiled, 
and  legged  gu. 

CoxfoH,  Gu.  a  fcfle  raguly  and  counter-raguly,  betw.  three 
demi-lions  rampant  ar.  ducally  crowned  or. — Creft,  the 
fame  as  the  fore_oing. 

COXTON,  Ar.  on  fefle  betw.  three  croftes  botonee  fitchee  fa. 
two  tons  or, 

Coxton,  Ar.  on  a  feftc  betw.  four  crofs  croflets  fitchee  fj.  three 
tons  or. 

COXWELL,  [Gloucefterfhire]  Ar.  a  bend  wavy  fa.  betw. 
f:x  cocks  gu. — Creft,  a  dragon's  head  ar.  betw.  two  dragon's 
wings  expanded  gu. 

CRADOCK,  Ar.  ona  chev.  az.  three  garbs  or,  in  chief  a  lion 
paflant  fa. 

Cradock,  [Somerfetfliire  and  Wiltfliire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  az. 
three  garbs  or. — Creft,  a  bear's  head  erafed  fa.  billetty,  and 
muzzled  or. 

Cradock,  [Wales]  Az.  three  boars  heads  couped  in  fefle,  betw. 
as  many  crofs  croflets  or. 

Cradock,  [Wales]  Az.  crufuly,  three  boars  heads  couped  ar. 
two  and  one. 

Cradock,  Ar.  three  boars  heads  couped  fa.  armed  or,  two  and  one. 

CRAFORD,  [Kent]  Or,  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  hawks  heads 
erafed  ar. 

Craford,  [Kent  and  EfTex]  Or,  on  a.  chev.  vert,  three  hawks 
heads  erafed  ar. — Creft,   a  hawk's  head  or. 

Craford,  [Northumberland]  Or,  on  a  chev.  vert,  three  eagles 
heads  erafed  ar. — Creft,  an  eagle's  head  betw.  two  wings  ar. 

CRAGG,  Erm.  on  a  fefTe  fa.  three  crefcents  ar. 

Cragg,  [Devonfhirc]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  betw.  two  talbots 
pafTant   fa.  three  martlets  or. 

Craggs,  [Weftminfter]  Sa.  on  a  fefTe  or,  betw.  three  mullets 
erm.  as  many  crofs  croflets  ermines. — Creft,  a  dexter  and  fi- 
nifter hand  and  arm,  couped  above  the  elbow,  armed  az. 
garnifhed  ar.  grafping  a  fword  of  the  laft,  hilt  and  pomel 
or.     Granted  Feb.  8,  1691. 

CRAY,  [Kent]  Gu.  a  crofs  engrailed  or,  over  all  a  bend  az. 

Cray,  Ar.  on  a  bend  betw.  three  crofs  croflets  fitchee  gu.  an 
efcallop-fhell  of  tlie  field. 

C     R     A 

Cr^y.     [Yorkfliire]   Sec  CRCYKE. 

CRAYE,  [Wickford,  in   the   Ifle  of   Ely]  Ar.  three  grry- 

hounds  current  in  bend    cotifcd   fa.  betw.   three  cables  di/- 

played  of  the  laft— Creft,  out  of  a  ducal   coronet  or,  a  grif- 
fin's head  ar.  collared  or. 
CRAYCROFT,  [Lincolnfhire]  Per  bend  vert  and  gu.  en  a 

fclfe  dauncettec  ar.  three  martlets  fa. 
Craycroft,  [Lincolnfhire]    Per  bend  vert  and    gu.  on   a  bend 

dauncettee  or,    three  ravens  proper. 
Craycroft,  [Lincolnfhi.c]  Per   bend  gu.  and   vertj  on   a  bend 

dauncettee  ar.  three  mullets  fa. 
Craycrcft,  [Cambridgcfl»ire  and  Lincolnfhire]  Vert,  on  a  bend 

dauncettee  ar.   three    martlets   fa.— Creft,    a    ftork   proper, 

fupporting    with    his    dcxlcr   foot   a    battle-axe,    ffaft'   or, 

headed  ar. 
CRAYKE,  orCREVKE.     [Yorkftiire]  See  CREYKE. 
CRAKENTHORPE,  [Northumberland,  and  Newbiggcn  in 

Weftmoreland]  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  pierced  az. 
Crakenthorpe,  Or,  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  mullets  pierced  vejt. 
Crakenthorpe,  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullet:  pierced  fa. 
CRALL,  Ar.  three  mafcles  pierced  fa. 
CRAMPHORNE,  [Ambury,  in  Hertfordftiirc]  Per  palegu. 

and  az   on  a  chev.  betw.   three   bugle-horns  ftrjngcd  or,  as 

many  crt  fs  croflets  fitchee  fu.— Creft,  a  talbot's  head   erafed 

erm.  eared  (.-..  gorged  with  a  collar  gu.  chargeS  with  three 

crofs  croflets  tiithec  or.     Granted  Jan.  29,  i700. 
CRAMHURNE,  Az.  three  bars  ar. 
CRAMLINGTON,  [Yorkfliire]  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  in 

chief  three  annulets  of  the  laft. 
CRAMP,  [Oudinghurft,   in  Eflex]  Az.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  fix 

crofs  croflets  filched  or. 
CRA.MPHILL,  or  Crampill,  Ar.  a  faltiergu.  frettvor. 
CRaNADGE,  [Chefliire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three 

torttauxes,  three  mullets  of  the  field.— Creft,  out  of  a  ducal 

coronet  or,  a  demi-ftork,  with  v/ings  expanded,   proper. 
CRANAGE,  [Pixlcy,  in  Cheftiire]  Ar.  a  bend  az.  betw.  two 

bucks  heads  cabofled  fa. 
CRANBbR,  Ar.  on  two  bars  gu.  three  martlets  of  the  field. 
Cranbcr,  or  Crancburne,  Az.  on  two  bars  ar.  fix  martlets  gu. 
CRANE,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  fefle  betw.  three  (another, fix)  crofs 

croflets  fitchee  gu. — Creft,  a  crane  proper. 
Crane,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  betw.  three  crofs  croflets  fitchee 

gu.  an  efcallop-fhell  or. 
Crane,  Per  bend  or  and  az. 
Crane,  [Wenny,   in  Wales]  Gu.  a  pelican  in  her  neft,  with 

wings  difplayed,  feeding  her  young  ones  or,  vulned  proper. 
Crane,  [London,  l6c6.]   Gu.  on  a   fefTe   betw.   three  crofles 

formee  fitched  or,  three  annulets  az. — Creft,  a  demi-hind 

or,  ducally  gorged  az. 
Crane,  [Cornwall]  Ar.  a  crane  fa.  ftanding  on  a    fialF  ra" uly 

in  bafe  vert. 
CRANFIELD,  Az.  an  eagle  difplayed  or,  crowned  of  the  laft. 
Cranfield,  Ar.  on  a  pale  az.  three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  firft. 

Creft,  on  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  fleur-de-lis  .  .  .  betw.  two 

oftrich's  feathers  ar.     Granted  1613. 
CRANFORD,  Or,  two  lions  pafl"ant  fa.  crowned  of  the  field. 
Cranford,  [Warwickfhire]  Gu.  a  fret  or,  chief  ar. 
Cranford,  [South  Newton,  in  Northamptonfhire]  Ar.  a  chief 

indented   az. 
CRANISLEY,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  cranes  az. 
CRANESLEY,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  cranes  az. 
CRANMER,    [Nottinghamfhirs]  Ar.   a  chev.  betw.   three 

cranes  az. 
Cranmcr,  [Kent]  Ar.  on   a  chev.  az.  betw.  three  pelicans  fa. 

vulning  themfelves  proper,  as  many  cinquefoils  or. 
CRANWELL,  [Cranwell,  in  Lincolnfhire]  Gu.  three  cranes 

clofe  ar. — Creft,  a  crane  clofe  ar. 
Cranwell,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  cranes  clofe  az.  three 
4  B  efcallop- 

C     R     A 

^fcallop-fhelb  or.-Creft,    on  a  moant  vert,  a  hare  current 

C^anwell,  [Kent  and  Hunfmgdonfcire]  Per  faltier  or  and  gu. 

over  all  a  faltier  fa.  charged  with  a  crefcent  ar. 
CRASY,  Ar.  two  bends  gu.  betw.  nine  efcallop-ftiells  of  the 

fecond.  . 

Crafy,  or  Crafey,  Or,  two  bends  in  bend  gu.  betw.  nine   el^ 

callop-fhells  of  the  fecond. 
CRASTEIN,  Ar.   three  Cornifh  choughs  proper,    two  and 

one,  and  three  arrows  gu.  one  and  two.— Creft,  a  Cornifli 

chough  clofe  proper,  betw.  a  pair  of  wings  expanded  gu. 
CRATFORD,  [Chelmarfh,  in  Worceflerfliire]  Ar.  an  uni- 

corn  falient  gu.  -  Creft,  a  demi-lion  rampant  gardant  cr- 

minois,  ducally  gorged  az. 
CRATHORNE,  [Crathome,  in  Yorkfhire]  Ar.  on  a  crofs 

gu.  five  crofTes    patee  or.— Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  bird  fa. 
Crathorne,  [Salaby,   in  Lincolnfl.ire]  Ar,  on  a  faltier  gu.  five 

crolTes  flory  or.— Creft,  a  bird  ftanding  on  a  thorn-bufh,  all 

Crathome,  [Yorkfhire]  Ar.on'a  bend  engrailed  fa.  a  mullet  of 

the  firft. 

CRAUCURE,  or  Crevicure,  Az.  a  crofs  coupedand  void- 
ed or. 

CRAVEN,  [Comb  Abbey,  in  Warwickfliire]  Ar.  a  feffc 
betw.  fix  crofs  croflets  fitchee  gu.— Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu. 
turned  up  erm.  a  griffin  pafi'ant  of  the  laft. 

Craven,    [Sperfliolt,  in  Berkfhire]  The  fame,    with  due  dif- 


Craven,  Or,  five  fleurs-de-lis  with  croffes  fa.  a  chief  wavy  az. 
—Creft,  on  a  fquare  pedeftal  fa.  a  falcon  az.  with  wings 
expanded,  beaked  and  legged  gu. 

CRAWE,  Az.  on  achev.  betw.  ten  cinquefoils  ar.  three  mul- 
lets gu.— Creft,  a  hawk,  with  wings  expanded,  ar.  charged 
on  the  breaft  with  a  cinquefoil  fa. 

CRAWFORDE,  Ar.  a  chief  dauncettee  az. 

CRAWLEY,  [Luton,  in  Bedfordfhire]  Or,  on  a  fefie  gu. 
betw.  three  ftorks  proper,  as  many  crofs  croflets  of  the  field. 
—Creft,  a  crane  proper,  holding  in  one  talon  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 

Crawley,  [Bedfordfhire  and  ElTex]  Ar.  on  a  fefTe  gu.  betw. 
three  cranes  az.  as  many  crofs  croflets  of  the  field. 

Crawley,    [Middlefex]    See  CROWLEY. 

Crawley,    Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  cranes  az. 

Crawley,  [Dorfetfhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  pears  az.— 
Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  .  .  femee  de  hurts,  gorged  with 
a  ducal  coronet  gu. 

Crawley,  [London]  Sa.  a  lion  pafi^ant  gardant  betw.  three  mul- 
lets ar. 

CREDY,  Az.  fix  mafcles  ar. 

CREAGH,  [Newcaftle  upon  Tyne]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw. 
three  laurel-leaves  vert ;  on  a  chief  az.  three  bezants.— 
Creft,  on  a  wreath,  a  horfe's  head  couped  ar.  betw.  two 
laurel-branches  proper.     Granted  March  3,  1684-5. 

CREFEYT,  Sa.  on  a  feflTe  dauncettee  ar.  three  mullets  of  the 

CREFTON,  Gu.  a  faltier  engrailed  ar. 

CREYKE,  or  Cray,  [Marton,  in  Yorkfhire]  Per  fefTe  ar. 
and  fa.  a  pale  counterchanged  and  three  birds  of  the  laft.— 
Creft,  on  a  garb  lying  fefievvays  or,  an  eagle  with  wings  en- 
dorfed  ar. 

CREYKELEYD,  or  Creketlaid,  Ar.  a  fefie  betw.  three 
horfes  heads  couped  fa.  bridled  or. 

CREKE,  [Cartling,  in  Cambridgefliire]  Gu.  a  maunch  with- 
in an  orle  of  fleurs-de-lis  or.-Creft,  in  a  crefcent  ar.  a  bun- 
dle of  five  arrows   or,   headed   and  barbed   ar.    tied  with    a 
ribbon  gu. 
CREKINGHAM,    Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  gu.  in  chief  three 

torteauxes  ;  over  all  a  bendlet  of  the  firft. 
Creklngham,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  in  chief  three  torteauxes  ;  over 
all  a  baton  fa. 

C     R     E 

CREKINGTON,  Erm.  (another,  ar.)  on  a  bend  gu.  three 

cinquefoils  or. 
CREKTOFT,  Lozengy  or  and  fa. 
Crekt'ft,  or  Criketet,  [Suffolk]  Az.  on  a  crofs  ar.  five  efcallop- 

fkells  gu. 
CREMFORD,  or  Cramford,  Ar,  (another,  or)  two  lions 

paflant  in  pale  fa.  crowned  or. 
CREMER,  or  Cremor,  [Norfolk  and  London]   Ar.   three 
wolves  heads  erafed   fa.  on  a  chief  gu.  as  many  cinquefoilS 
pierced  or. — Creft,  a  ram's  head  erafed  paly  of  fix  ar.  and 
gu.  attired  ar. 
CRENECOURE,  [France]  Or,  a  crofs  voided  gu. 
CRENEKER,  [Kent]  Gu.  a  crofs  or. 
CRENELEY,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  eagles  difplayed  with 

two  necks  or. 
CRENWAY,  Gu.  a  fefle  or,  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond  three 

martlets  vert. 
Crenway,  The  fame,  with  a  bordure  gobonated  ar.  and  az. 
CREPIES,  orCREPUES,  [France]  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  three 

bars  counterchanged. 
CREPING,  [Lincolnfhire]  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  within  an 

orle  of  billets  or. 
Criplng,  Gu.  gutteo  d'or,  a  Hon  rampant  ar. 
CREPPIGS,  [Oxfordftiire]  Chequy  or  and  az.  a  crefcent  gu, 
CRESEYT,  Sa.  a  fefTe  dauncettee  betw.  three  martlets  ar. 
CRESPIGNY,  Quarterly,  firit  and   fourth  ar.  a  lion  falient 
in  bafe  a   millrind  fa.  fecond  and  chird  az.  three  bars  ar. — 
Creft,  on  a  chapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm.  a  gauntlet  proper, 
holding  a  cutlafs  ar.  hilt  and  pomel  or. 
CRESSEN,  or  Cresson,  P.ily  of  fix  ar.  and  fa.  a  chev.  gu. 
CRESSENBEYN,  or  Cressenber,  [Tournay]  Or,  femee 

de  trefoils  gu.  a  label  of  five  points  gobonated  ar.  and  az. 
CRESSET,  [EfTcx]  Ar.  a  bend  gu.  in  chief  a  demi-lion  fa. 
Cre£et,  [Upton  Creflet,  in  Shropfhire]  Az.    a  crofs  engrailed 
within  abordure  engrailed  or.— Creft,  a  demi-lion  rampant  gar- 
dant ar.  ducally  crowned  or,  holding  a  beacon  ar.  fire  proper, 
CRESSE,  or  Cressy,  [Ouldcotts,  in  Nottinghamihire]  Ar. 

on  a  bend  cotifed  fa.  three  crefcents  of  the  field. 
Crejfy,  [Crefly  Hall,  in  Lincolnfliire]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa. — 
Creft,  out  of  a  d  ucal  coronet  or,  a  demi-eagle  difplayed  proper. 
Crejfy,  Ar,  a  lion   rampant  double  queued  fa.   in  the   dexter 

canton  a  cinquefoil  gu. 
Crejfy,  or  Crefivick,  [Birken,  in  Yorkfhire]  Ar.  a  lion  ram- 
pant fa.  tail  forked. 
Crejfy  [EfTex]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  fa.  tail  forked.     Another 

adds  a  l.ibel  gu. 
CRESSENOR,    Cresnor,    and   Cresnall,    [Morley    in 
Norfolk,  and  of  Suffolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend  engrailed  fa.  three 
crofs  croflets  fitchee  or.  Another,  ar. 
CRESTON,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  a  faltier  engrailed  ar.     Another, 

a  crefcent  in  chief. 
Crejlon,  Az.  three  mullets  or,  two  and  one. 
CRESWELL,  Ar.  on  abend  fa.  three  rams  heads  cabofTed  of 

the  field, 
Crcfwell,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  rams  heads  cabofi'ed  or. 
Crefwell,  [Purfton,    in  Northamptonfiiire]   Az.   three  plates, 
each  charged  with  afquirrel  gu.  cracking  a  nut  or. — Creft, 
on  a  wreath,  abranchof  a  treebarways  vert,  thereon  a  fquirrel 
gu.  cracking  a  nut  or,  betw.  two  fprigs  of  hazle  vert,  fruct- 
ed  or.    Another  creft,  a  Saracen's  head  proper. 
Crcfwell,  [Crefwell,  in  Yorkfhire]  Gu.  three  plates,  on  each  a 

fquirrel  of  the  field. 
CRETINGE,   [Suff"olk]    Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  gu. 
CRETING,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.   three  mullets   of  fix 

points  pierced  gu. 
Crciing,  [SufFolk]  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  fa.  betw.  three  ogrefTes. 
CRETOWNE,  Ar.   a  lion  rampant  fa.  over  all  a  fefl'e  bat- 
telly  az.  within  a  bordure  engrailed  gu. 

^  CREW, 

C     R     E 

CREW,  [Kantvvich,  Pulcrofr,  Holt,  and  Aflon,  InChefhirc] 
Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar. — Crcft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a 
lion's  gamb  erect  ar. 

CREVVKE.'?,  Ar.  a  fcdc  betw.  fix  mullets  C^. 

Crewker,  The  f;ime,  within  a  bordure  fa. 

CREWS,  [Fotheringham  in  North.imptonfhirc,  and  of  Crufc- 
Morchard  in  Devonfhire]  Az.  a  bend  per  bend  dauncettee 
gu.  and  ar.  betw.  fix  efcallops  or.— Crert,  a  ftorlc  proper, 
holding  his  foot  on  a  ftonc. 

CREWS  E,  [Dcvonfliire]  Az.  a  bend  per  bend  dauncettee  gu. 
and  ar.  betw.  two  efcutchcons  or. 

Crewfe,  Az.  a  bend  cotifed  betw.  four  birds  volant  ar. 

CRESWICK,  or  Criswick,  The  fame  as  CRESSY. 


CRICHE,  [Oxford/hire  and  London]  Erm.  on  a  pale  fa. 
three  croiles  formte  fitchee  or,  a  mullet  for  difference. — 
Crert,  a  demi-lion  erm.  crowned  or,  holding  a  crofs  formec 
fitchee  of   the  laft.     Granted  i6ig. 

CRIELL,  PerfelTc  or  and  gu.  three  annulets  counterchanged^ 
two  and  one. 

Cr'ull,  Sa.  on  a  fefle  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar,  as  many 
mullets  of  the  firft. 

CRYER,  Or,  two  chev.  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  laft,  three  an- 
nulets ar. 

CRIKRAM,  Ar.  a  fefle  quarterly  az.  and  gu.  betw.  three 
mullets  pierced  fa. 

CRICKMAN,  Ar.  a  fefle  quarterly  az,  and  gu.  betw.  three 
mafcles  fa. 

CRIKTOFT,  Az.  on  a  bend  ar.  five  efcallop-fliells  gu. 

CRYMES,  [Pcckham  in  Surrey,  and  of  Devonfliirc]  Or, 
three  bars  gu.  charged  with  as  many  martlets  of  the  field,  on 
a  chief  ar.  two  bars  nebulee  az. — Creft,  a  martlet  vert. 

Crymes,  Az.  three  taws  or. — Crcft,  an  arm  couped  at  the 
ihoulder,  embowed,  and  lying  fefleways,  habited  or,  hold- 
ing in  the  hand  proper,  a  chaplet  of  laurel  vert. 

CRYNES,  Gu.  thiee  bends  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  .  . 

GRIPPING,  or  Chopping,  [Oxfordfhire]  Chequy  or  and 
az.  three  crefccnts  gu. 

CRISPE,  [Hammerfrnith,  in  Middlefex]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa. 
five  horfc-flioes  or. — Creft,  a  camelopard  or,  pellettee,  at- 
tired and  collared   of  the  firft,  lined  ar. 

Crifpi;  [Kent]  Or,  o;i  a  chev.  fa.  five  horfe-flioes  of  the  field. 
— Creft,  a  camelopard  ar.  pellettee,  attired,  collared,  and 
lined,  or. 

Crifpe,  [Kent]  Vert,   on  a  chev.  ar.  five  (another,  three)  horfe- 

,    fhoes  fa. 

Crifpe,  Or,  on  a  chev.  fa.  five  horfe-fhoes  ar. 

Crifpi,  [Kent]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  horfe-fhoes  of  the 

Crifpe,  Erm.  a  feflTe  chequy  ar.  and  fa. 

CRISPIN,  Per  barry  and  lozengy  counterehanged  ar.  and  fa. 

Crifpin,  [France]  Gu.  ten  lozenges  ar.  four,  three,  two,  and 

Crifpin,  Ar.  a  crofs  flory  gu. 

C'ifpin,  [Halton,  in  Huntingdcnfhire]  Sa.  two  arms  in  fefle, 
habited  ar.  joining  the  hands  proper,  one  ifluing  from  the 
dexter  fide,  the  other  from  the  finiftcr,  betw.  three  cref- 
cents  ar. 

CRISTY,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  wells  gu.  Another, 
the  wells  fa. 

CRISTOFER,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  pine-apples  vert. 

CROBBER,  Sa.  a  fefle  ar.  in  chief  three  lozenges  of  the  fe- 

Crobber,  Sa.  a  fefle  or,  in  chief  three  lozenges  of  the  fecond. 

CROCHEMAN,  Sa.  three  cinquefoils  betw.  eight  crofs  crof- 
lets  fitchee  ar. 

CROCHROD,  [Suffolk  and  Effex]  Or,  a  faltier  erm.  betw. 
four  lions  heads  erafed  fa. — Creft,  a  demi-boar  rampant 
regardant  gu.  armed  or,  pierced  through  the  body  with  a 
broken  fpear  ar.  which  he  has  hold  of  in  his  mouth. 

C     R     O 

CRODAKE,  or  Crokedake,  Erm,  three  ogrcfics,  two  snj 

CROFTON,  Per  pale  indented  az.  and  or,  alion  pafTant  gar- 
dant  counterehanged  ;  on  a  chief  ar.  a  rofe  betw.  two  fleurs- 
de-lis  gu. 

CROFTS,  [Wefthow  and  Saxmundham  in  Suffolk]  Or,  three 
bullsheadscoupcd  fa.— Creft,  a  bull's  head  couped  fa.  armed  or, 

Crofti,  [Dalton,  in  Eancafhirc]  Bendy  lozengy  ar.  and  fa. 

Croft,  [Croft  Caftle,  in  IlertforJfliirc]  Per  fcffe  indejited  az. 
and  ar.  in  the  firft  quarter  a  lion  gardant  or. 

Crofi,  Paly  of  eight  ar.  and  lozengy    fa. 

Crofts,  Gu.  a  bend  crcnellee  or,  betw.  two  bucks  heads  ca- 
boffed  ar.  attired  or.— Creft,  on  a  chapcau  az.  turned  up 
erm.  an  eagle's  neck  with  two  heads  erafed  fa.  gorged  with 
an  eaftern  crown  or.     Granted  J^uly  25,   1709. 

Crofts,  [Herefordftiirc  an.l  Shropfliire]  Quarterly  per  fcffe  in- 
dented az.  and  ar.  in  the  chief  dexier  quarter  a  lion  pafliint 
gardant  or.— Creft,  a  wivern,  with  wings  expanded,  fa. 
Another,  the  wivern  az.  and  wings  endorfed.  Another, 
a  lion  paffant  gardant  or. 

Crofts,  [Shropfnire]  Quarterly  per  feffe  indented  gu.  and  az.  in 
the  firft  quarter  a  lion  pafl'ant  gardant  ar. 

Crafts,  Qiiarterly  az.  and  ar.  a  feflTe  counterehanged,  on  the 
firft  quarter  a  lion  paflant  or. 

Crofts,  Qiiarterly  per  fefle  indented  ar.  and  az.  the  fiift  quarter 
charged  with  a  lion  paffant  gu. 

Crofts,  [Norfolk]  Qiiarterly  per  feffe  indented  gu.  and  ar.  the 
firft  quarter  charged  with  a  lion  rampant  of  the  fecond. 

Croft,,  [ShropftiireJ  Quarterly  ndcnted  ar.  and  az.  the  fecond 
quarter  charged  with  a  lion  paffant  or. 

Crofis,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  cinquefoils  pierced  az. 

Crofts,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  a  quatrefoil  or,  bctw. 
two  ef.  allop-fhtlls  ar. 

Crofts,  [Cheftiire]  Lozengy  ar.  and  fa. 

CROGG,  or  Crog,  Sa.  a  feffe  or,  betw.  three  mullets  ar. 
in  bafe,  and  in  chief  as  many  crofs  croflcts  of  the  fecond. 

Crogg,  Sa.  on  a  fefle  betw.  three  mullets  pierced  ar.  as  many 
croflcs  botonee  gu. 

Crogg,  Sa.  on  a  feffe  or,  betw.  three  mullets  ar.  as  many  crofs 
croflets  gu. 

CROYLB0Y3,  or  Croleeovs,  Ar.  three  bugle-horns  fa. 
garniflied  or. 

CROYSIER,  Sa.  a  crofs  betw.  four  flies  or. 

CROISSE,  [Ireland]  Az.  two  bends  ar.  betw.  fix  efcallop- 
fhells  of  the  fecond. 

CROKEYN,   [Ireland]  Ar.  a  crofs  farcelly  pierced  gu. 

CROKYN,  [Ireland]  Ar.  a  crofs  raguly  gu. 

CROKER,  [Oxfordfhire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  engrailed  gu.  bctw. 
three  ravens  proper,  as  many  mullets  or. — Creft,  a  raven 
proper,  ducally  gorged  or,  holding  in  his  beak  an  ear  of 
wheat  of  the  laft. 

Croic-r,  The  fame,  leaving  out  the  mullets. 

Crokir,  [London,  and  Batisford  in  Gloucefterfhire]  Ar.  on  2 
chev.  engrailed  fa.  betw.  three  ravens  proper,  as  manyefcal- 
lop-fhells  or.  — Creft,  an  arm  embowed  in  armour,  gar- 
niflied or,  holding  in  the  hand  an  anchor,  all  proper. 

Croker,  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  fa.   betw.  three  ravens  proper. 

Croicr,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  crows  proper. 

Cr:ker,  [Linham,  in  Devonfliire]  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  gu, 
bctw.  three  ravens  proper. 

Croker,  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  fa.  betw.  three  Cornifli  choughs 

Croker,  or  Crocker,'  [Devonfhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three 
leopards  faces  or. 

CROKEY,  [York,  1494-]  Per  pale  ar.  and  fi.  on  a  chev. 
three  efcallop-fhells,  all  counterehanged. — Creft,  a  lion's 
head  fa.  erafed  gu. 

CROLLY,  Gyronny  of  ten  pieces  ar.  and  fa. 

CROMBWELL,  Az.a  lion  ramp.  ar.  tail  forked,  crowned  or. 


C     R     O 

CROME,  [Mayden  Early,  in  Bcrkfiiire]  Gu.  a  chev.  crm. 

betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
Crmu;  [Brompton  in    Middlefex,  and  Ockingham  in  Berk- 

Ihire]  Gu.  a  chev.  engrailed  erm.  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 

Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  or,  a  demi-lion  fa.  holding 

in  his  dexter  paw  a  fleur-de-lis  ar. 
Crome,  or  Cromey,  Az.  three  leopards  faces  in  bend  betw.  two 

cotifes  or. 
Cmme,  [London]  Lozengy  gu.  and  or. 
Crome,  Lozengy  bendy  or  and  gu. 
CROMER,  Gu.  three  pieces  of  mafls  couped  with  the  tops  ar. 

two  and  one. 
Cromer,  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three  faltorels  or. 
Cromer,  [Tonftall  Court,  in  Kent]  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  betw. 

three  ravens  (or  crows)  fa. 
Cromer,  [Norfolk]  Or,  a  chev.  engrailed  gu.  betw.  three  ra- 
vens proper. 
Cromer,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  boars  heads  erafed  fa. 
Cromer^  [Norfolk]  Or,  a  chev.  engrailed  barry  wavy  of  fixar, 

and  az.  betw.  three  ravens  proper. 
Cromer,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  engrailed  betw.  three  ravens 

fa.  as  many  annulets  of  the  field. 
CROMY,    Az.    two    bars  gemelles  ar.  betw.  three  leopards 

heads  or. 
CROMLINGTON,  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  in  chief  three 

annulets  fa. 
CROMPTON,    [StafFordfliire]   Ar.  on  a   chief  vert,    three 
pheons  or.— Creft,  out  of  a  mural   crown  or,  a  fea-horfe's 
head  ar. 
Crompton,  [London]  Or,  on  a  chief  vert,  three  pheons  of  the 
firft.— Creft,    out   of   a  mural  coronet   vert,    a  fea-horfe's 
head  or. 
Crompton,  [Staffordftiire]  Gu.   a  feffe  wavy   betw.  three  lions 
rampant  or. — Creft,  a  talbot  fejant  or,  holding  in  his  dex- 
ter foot  a  coil  of  rope  or. 
CROMWAY,  or  Crumway,    Sa.    a  faltier  engrailed  or. 

Another,  erm. 
CROMWELL,  [Putney,  in  Surry]  Quarterly  per  feffe  indent- 
ed az.and  or,  four  lions  paffant  counterchanged.— Creft,  on  a 
chapeau  gu.  turned  up  erm.  a  pelican  or,  guttee  az.  vulned  gu. 
Cromwell,  Az.  on  a  fefle  betw.  three  lions  rampant  or,  a  rofe 

gu.   betw.  two  martlets  fa. 
Cromwell,  alias  JVilliams-,  Gu.  three  chev.  ar.  betw.   as  many 

lions  rampant  or. 
Cromwell,  [Huntingdonftiire]  Ar.   three  chev.   gu.  over  all  as 

many  lions  rampant  or. 
Cromwell,  [Huntingdonftiire]    Sa.  a  lion  rampant  ar.— Creft, 

a  demi-lion  rampant  ar.  in  his  dexter  gamb  a  gem-ring  or. 
Cromwell,  [Lincolnftiire]  Ar.  a  chief  gu.  and  baton  az. 
Cromwell,  [Hampftiire]  Sa.  a  lion  rampant  ar.— Creft,  a  demi- 
lion  ar.  guttee  fa.  holding  a  fpearor,  headed  az. 
Cromwell,  Ar.  a  griffin  fegreant  gu.  over  all  a  bend  az. 
Cromwell,  [Cambridgeftiirc]  Gu.  fix  annulets  or,  three,  two, 

and  one. 
Cromwell,  The  fame,  with  the  bordure  gobonated  ar.  and  az. 
Cromwell,  Or,  fix  annulets  gu. 

Cromwell  Gu.  fix  annulets  or,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  ar. 
Cromwell,  Ar.   a  chief  gu.   and  bend  gobonated  or  and  az. 

Another,  the  bend  az, 
Cromwell,  Gu.  fix  mullets  or. 
Cromwell,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  torteauxes. 
Cromwell,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  and  bendlet  az. 
Cromwell,  Sa.  a  bend  engrailed  ar.  voided  or. 
Cromwell,  or  Cronwell,  Erm.  on  a  fefie  gu.  three  cronells  or. 
CROONE,    [London]    Paly   bendy  or   and   gu.— Creft,    a 
lion's  gamb  erafed  and  ercft,   holding  a  fnake,    all  proper. 
Her.  Off".  London,  C.  3.4. 
CRON,  Gyronny  of  eight  or  and  fa.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond, 
two  leopards  heads  of  the  firft. 

C     R     O 

CRONE,  or  Clone,  Fufuly  gu.  and  or. 
CROKE,  [Buckinghamftiire]  Gu.  a  fc.Te  betw.  fix  mart., 
lets  ar. — Creft,  two  fwans  necks  endorfed,  conjoined  in 
bafe,  and  erafed  ar.  beaked  gu.  in  each  beak  an  annulet 
or,  charged  on  the  neck  with  a  crefcent  az.  the  necks 
ifl'uing  from  betw.  the  horns  of  the  crefcent. 
CROOKE,  Az.  a  feile  engrailed  erm.  betw.  three  eagles  dif- 

played  or. 
Crooke,  Az.  on  a  fefle  engrailed  betw.  three  eagles  difplayed  ar. 

as  many  martlets  fa. 
Crooke,  [Alderford,  in  Norfolk]  Ar.  a  heronfew  rifing  az.  on 

a  chief  indented  of  the  fecond,  three  etoiles  or. 
Crooke,  [Winchefter]  Gu.  a  faltier  erm.  betw.  four  fleurs-de-lis 

or. Creft,  a  fleur-de-lis  or,  the  ftem  wrapped  about  with  a 

fnake  vert,  the  head  ifl'uing  from  the  middle  of  the  fleur-de-lis, 
CROP,  Az.  on  a  mount  in  bafe  vert,  a  pigeon  ar. 
CROPLEY,  [Cambridge]  Ar.  on   a  chief  gu.  three  owls  of 

the  firft. — Creft,  a  mountain  cat  paffant  gardant  erm. 
Cropley,  [Middlefex  and  London]  Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.   three 

owls  ar.^Creft,  a  lynx  paffant  gardant  proper. 
Cropley,  [Offord  Cluney,   in  Huntingdonftiire]  Ar,  on  a  chief 

ITU.  three  owls  sr. — Creft,  a  cat  paflant  erm. 
Cropley,  [Clerkenwell  in  Middlefex,  and  of  Cambridgeftiirc] 

The  fame. 
CROSBY,  Per  chev.  ar.  and  fa.  three  guttes  counterchanged. 
Crojby,  Per  chev.  ar.  and  fa.  three  unicorns  heads  couped  coun- 
Crofby,  Per  chev,  fa  and  ar,  three  goats  paffant  counterchanged. 
Crojhy,  [London]  Sa.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  rams  paffant  ar. 
CROSSBY,  [Yorkfliire]   Ar,  a  lion  rimpant  fa.  betw.   two 

dexter  hands  couped  at  the  wrift  gu. 
CROSHOLMY,  Ar.    a  chev.    between    three   bugle-horns 

ftringed  fa. 
CROSLEY,  Gu,  a  feffe  betw.  three  croffes  engrailed  or, 
Crojley,  [Berkftiire]   Sa.  a  crofs  betw.  four  martlets  or. — Creft, 
a  dragon's  head  fa.   gorged  with  a  collar  or,  charged  with  a 
cinquefoil  gu, 
CROSLAND,    [Yorkfliire]   Quarterly  ar.  and  gu.  a  crofs 

flory  counterchanged. 
CROSSE,  [Liverpool,  in  Chefhire]   Quarterly  gu.   and  or, 
on  the  firft  and  fourth  a  crofs    botonee  ar. — Creft,   a  ftork 
proper,  in  his  beak  a  crofs  botonee  ar. 
Crojfe,  Quarterly  gu.  and  ar,  on  the  firft,  a  crofs  potent  of  the 

Crojfe,  Quarterly  ar.  and  gu.  in  the  dexter  quarter  a  crofs  crof- 

let  of  the  fecond. 
Crofe,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  a  crofs  croflet  betw.  two  crabs  of  the 

Crojp,  Gu.  a  chev.  paly  of  fix  ar.   and  or,  betw.  three  crofs 

croflets  of  the  fecond. 
CroJJe,  Gu.  a  chev.  paly  of  fix  or  and  ar.  betw.  three  croffes 

botonee  of  the  laft. 
Crojfe,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crofs  croflets  ar. 
Crojfe,  Or,  on  a  bend  betw.  two  fea-crabs  fa.  three  crofs  crof- 
lets of  the  field. 
Crojfe,  Gu.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  crofs  croflets  ar. 
Crojfe,  [Somerferihire]    Sa.   a  feffe    betw.    three  mullets   ar. 
pierced  gu. — Creft,  a  tower  ar.  from  the  top  flames  of  fire 
iffuing  proper. 
Crojfe,  [Liverpool,  in  Lancaftiire]  Gu.  a  crofs  potent  ar. 
CroJJe,  Sa.  on  a  feffe  betw.   three  mullets  ar.  as  many  croffes 

botonee  gu. 
Croffe,  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  fa.  three  crefcents  of  the  field. 
Crojfe,  [Weftminfter]  Quarterly  az.   and  ar.   in  the  firft  and 
fourth  quarter  a  crofs  moline  of  the  laft. — Creft,  on  a  cha- 
peau gu.  turned  up  crm.  a  ftork  az.  repofing  his  dexter  foot 
on  a  crofs  moline  ar.     Granted  Dec.  12,  1701. 
CROST,  Quarterly  per  feffe  indented  ar.  and  az.  in  the  firft 
quarter  a  lion  paffant  gu. 


C     R     O 

CROSTE,  [Pickleton,    in  Leiccftcr&ire]   Lozcngy  ar.  and 

az. — C'rcil,  a  giiiSn's  head  ;ir. 
GROSSMAN,  Sa.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  goats  hcaJs  crafcd 

ar.  attired  of  the  kcond. 
Crajpnan.,  [Somcrfetftiirc]   Ar.  a  crofs  ermines,   betw.  four  ef- 

callop-flitflls   fa. — Crefl,  a   (Jcri)i-lioa  trniiiics,    holding  an 

cfcdlop-flicll  ;.r. 
CROSTH,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three cinqucfoils  pierced  .-.z. 
CROSWLLLER,    [Hampfhire]    Gu.    a    lion  rampant  or, 

betw.  three  plates,  each   charged  with  a  trefoil  (lipped  \ert. 

— Crcft,  a  lion's  head  g.nrdant  and  crafed  or,  charged  on  the 

bread  v.  ith  a  crofs  gu. 
CROTON,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  m:irtlets  fj. 
CROUCHIS,  Ar.  two  pales  within  a  bordurc  engrailed  fa. 
CROW,  [Lanhorne,  in  CaerniarthciilhireJ   Gu.  a  chev.  or 

betw.  tlucc  cocks  ar. — Crefl,  a  cock  ar.  combed,  wattled, 

and  legged,  or. 
Cmv,  [IJiafted,  in   Kent]    Gu.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  dung- 
hill cocks  ar.  armed  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  camel's  head 

or,  wounded   in  the  neck  gu. 
Crow,  [Biincy,  in  Norfolk]  Gyronny  of  eight  fa.  and  or,  on 

a  chief  of  the  firft,  two  leopards  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  five 

arrows  fa.  feathered   ar.  four  in  faltier  and  one  in  pale,   tied 

together  with  a  ftring  gu.  betw.  the  arrows  a  mafclc  or. 
CROWAN,    Az.    three   wolves   pafiant   ar.    two   and    one. 

Another  adds,  collared  or. 
CROWAPiiS,  [Dorfetihire]  Ar.  fix  mafclcs  gu.  three,  two, 

and  one. 
CROAPKS,    [Somerfetfr.irc]  The    fame,    with   the  niafcles 

CROVVCH,  [Alfwyke,   in   Hertfordiliire]   Ar.  on  a  pale  fa. 

three  croffes  patee  or. 
CroTVch,  Ar.  on  a  pale  voided,  three  croiTcs  formce  fa.  within  a 

bordure  engrailed  of  the  fecond. 
Crovjch,  Ar.   a  pale  fa.  voided    of  the  f:e!J,  within  a  bordure 

engrailed  of  the  fecond. 
Croivch,  Ar.  a  bend  engrailed  fa. 
Crowch,  Ar.  three  crolles  formee  in  pale,    two  cotifes   and  a 

bordure  engrailed  fa. 
Crowch,  [Alfwick  in  Hertford/hire,  and  of  London]  Ar.  on  a 

pale  fa.  three  crolTes  patee  or,  within  a  bord'.:re  engmilcd  of 

the  fecond. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  Iamb  couchant  ar. 
Crowch,  Ar.  on  a  pale  voided,  three  croffes  formee  fa. 
CROWCKER,  Gu.  a  bend  wavy  vaire  or  and  az. 
CROWTHER,  [Shropfhire  and  London]  Gu.  a  bend  wavy 

vaire. — Crcft,  on  a  tllting-fpcar  gu.  a  tiger  paffant  or. 
CROWLEY,  [EfTcx]  Ar.  on  a  feffe  gu.  betw.  three  cranes 

az.  as  many  mafcles  fa.  each  charged  with  a  crofs  croflct  of 

the  field.     See  CRAWLEY. 
Crowley,  or   Craivhy,  [Middlefex]  Vert,    on  a   chev.   or,  an 

etoile  of  fixtcen  points  betw.  two  rofes   gu. — Creft,  on  a 

mount  vert,  a  fun  or,  charged    with   a  rofe  gu.     Granted 

June  14,   1707. 
CROWNAI.L,  Erm.  a  fcffe  betw.  three  crofs  crodets  or. 
Crownall,  [Cornwall]  Erm.  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  crowns  or. 
Crowiiall,  Erm.  a  fefte  purpure. 
CROWTON,  Ar.   on  a  chev.  gu.   betw.   four  r.-.vens  fa.  a 

cre'ccnt  or. 
CROXrORD,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  chaplets  fa. 
CROXTON,    [Cheflilre  and  Ireland]  Ar.   on  a   feffc   az. 

betv.-.  three  crofs  croflets  ntche'e  fa.  two  tuns  or. 
CRUFFE,  [Ireland]    Az.   a  bend' voided,  betw.  fix  cfcallop- 

ftells  ar. 
CRUGGE,  Ar.  en  a  bend  az.  betw.  two  creyhounds  current 

fa.  three  martlets  or. 
CRULE,  [C^mbr.iy,    in  Spain]   Az.   three  lapwings   ar. — 

Creft,   a   demi-Iion  rampant  .  .  holding  a  bezant.     Granted 

March  8,  1631. 
Cru'.f,  Az.  three  doves  or.     Another,  ar. 

C     U     L 

CRULL,  Az.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  cinquefoils  pierced  ar, 

CtuU,  Vert,  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  cinquefoils  gu. 

Crull,  Az.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  cinquefoils  pierced  gu. 

Crui:l!,  or  CruU,  Per  chev.  az.  and  gu.  three  eagles  ar.  armed 

CRUMPE,  or  Crompe,  [Kent]  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three 
quatrefoils  ar. 

Crompe,  [Stonelinch,  in  Suflex]  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  qi:i- 
trefoils  or. — Creft,  three  quatrefoils  erect  or,  ftalkcd  and 
leaved    vert. 

CRUSE,  [Devonfhire]    Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  gu. 

Crufe,  or  Cmift,  [Crufe  Morchard,  in  Devonfhire]  Az.  x 
bend  per  bend  indented  ar.  and  gu.  betw.  fix  cfcallop-ftjclls 
or. — Crcft,  on  amount  vert,  a  ftork  proper,  holding  in  the 
dexter  foot  an  efcallop-fliell  ar. 

Crufe,  or  CrciJ'e,  Az.  two  bends  betw.  fix  cfcallop-fhells  ar. 

CRUTEKDON,  Az.  a  chev.  ar.  b=tw.  three  ctoilcs  or. 

CRUX,  [Grecnhoufc,  in  Milton]  Ar.  on  a  pale  fa.  an  ca2le 
difplayed  betw.  two  croflcs  formcic  of  the  firft,  all  within  a 
bordurc  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  demi-eaglc  with  wings  ex- 
panded ar.   holding  in  his  mouth  a   crofs  formee  fitchcd  fa. 

CUCKBORNE,  Ar.  a  fret  gu.  a  chief  of  the  laft, 

Cuckhorne,  Ar.  a  fret  fa.  and  chief  gu. 

CUCKLE,  CuGLCV,  Vert,  a  ciiev.  ar. 

CUDERLEY,  or  Cudderley,  [Dcrbyftiirc]  Ar.  on  a  chev. 
fa.  three  acorns  or. 

Cuderley,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles  heads  crafed  fa.  as 
Piany  acorns  or. 

CUi>LOW,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  three  boars  heads  couped  gu.  two 
and  one. 

Cud'oiv,  Ar.  three  dragons  heads  couped  gu.  two  and 

CUDMORE,  or  CuDNOR,  [Kelvedon  inEffex,  and  of  Suf- 
folk] Ar.  a  fefie  nebulee  gu.  bctv/.  three  eagles  difplayed  fa, 
armed  .gu. — Creft,  a  griffin  paffaiit  or. 

CUDWORTH,  [Worneth,  in  La.ncaftiire]  Az.  a  feffe  er- 
minois,  bctv,'.  three  demi-lions  rampant  or. — Crcft,  on  a 
mount  vert,  an  arm,  couped  at  the  elbow,  erect,  veftcd  cr- 
minois,  holding  In  the  hand  proper,  a  b.'.ttle-axe,  handle  fa, 
headed  or. 

CUELLEN,  VAN,  [London]  Per  feffe  rr.  and  az.  in  chief 
two  fpsars  in  faltier  or,  in  bafe  two  hawks  belled  feffewa\s 
of  the  laft. — Creft,  an  angel  proper,  wings  expanded,  the 
outfide  or,  the  infide  az.  vefted  of  the  fecond,  in  the  dexter 
hand  a  fpear  fa. 

CUERDEN,  [Cuerden,  in  Lancafliire]  Per  bend  finifter  or 
and  az.  a  grifSn  fegreunt  counterchanged,  all  within  a  bor- 
durc engrailed  and  compony  ar.  and  fa. — Creft,  a  ftag's 
head  quarterly  per  feffe  indented  or  and  az. 

CUERDALL,  [Cuerdall,  in  Lancaftiire]  Quarterly  ar.  and 
fa.  four  leopards  faces  countercharged. 

CUFFE,  [Ikhefter,  in  Somerfetfliirc]  Ar.  on  a  bend  daun- 
cetlee  fa.  cotifed  az.  bczantcc,  three  fieurs-de-lis  of  the  field, 
i — Creft,  an  arm  ereft,  vefted  az.  charged  with  two  bends  ar. 
cuffed  erm.  holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a  battle-axe. 

Cafe,  [Somerfetfnire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  dauncettee  fa.  three 
fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field. 

CUYET,  Gu.  a  crofs  vaire. 

CULEMECH,  or  Culchech,  Or,  an  eagle  fa.  preying  on  :a 
infant  gu.  fwaddled  and  appareled  or. 

Culehech,  [Lancafliire]  Ar.  a  griffin  fegreant  az.  armed  or. 

Culeheeh,  or  Culchech,  [ChcQiire]  Sa.  a  griffin  fallent  or. 

CULEF-iETCH,  [Chc&i.-c]  Sa.  a  griffin  fegreant  ar. 
CULEY,  [Derbyftiire]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  cotifed  az.  betw.  three 

mullets   pierced  of  the  fecond. 
CuUy,  [Dcrbyfliire]   Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  pierced 

Culey,  [Ncttinghamfhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betiv.  three  ogreffes. 
Culry,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  ducally  gorged  or.— Creft,  an 
4  ^  aim 

C     U     L 

arm  embowed,  veiled  gu.   cuffed  ar.  environed  with  a  duCal 

coronet  or,  betw.  the  cuff  and  elbow,  holding  in  the  hand 

a  fcimetar  proper,   hiked  or. 
CULLAMORE,  [London]  Gu.  billetty,  three  crefcents  or,, 

two  and  one. — Creft,  a  demi  Turk,  in  profile,  coupcd  below 

the  waift,  habited  gu.  billetty  or,  on  his  head  a  turban  ar. 

cap   gu.   on    the  top   a  crefcent   ar.    holding  in  his  dexter 

hand  a  Turkiih  fcepter  or,  having  on  the  top  a  crefcent. 
Culkmore,  [Devonftiire,   i6i I.]  Gu.  three  crefcents,    two  and 

one,  betw.    nine    billets   lying  barways,    three,    three,  and 

CULLEN,   [Eaft  Sheene,  in   Surrey]  Or,  an  eagle  difplayed 

fa.  armed  gu. 
CULLIFORD,  [Purbeck,  in  Dorfetfliire]   Ar.  a   fefle  betw. 

three  nags  palFant  fa. 
CULLING,  Ar.    a  crofs  wavy  fa. — Creft,  a  griffin  fegreant 

of  the  field. 
.CULLOWE,  [Tyntagle,  in  Cornwall]   Az.  three  garbs  in 

-pale  or. 

CULLUM,  or  CuLME,  [Haftede,  in  Suffolk]  Az.  a  chev. 
erm.  betw.  three  pelicans  ar.  vulning  themfelves  proper. — 
Creft,  a  lion  fejant  proper,  fupporting  a  column  (or  pillar)  or. 

CULMER,  [Devonfliire]  Az.  a  chev.  erm.  betw.  three  peli- 
cans vulning  themfelves  or. 


CUMBER,  [Suffex]  Or,  a  feffe  dauncettee  gu.  betw.  three 
etoiles  fa. — Creft,  a  lynx's  head  or,  charged  with  three  pel- 
lets,  one  and  two. 

CUMBERFORD,  Gu.  on  a  crofs  engrailed  or,  a  rofc  of  the 

Cumberfoid,  [Staffordftiire]  Gu.  on  a  crofs  engrailed  or,  five 
rofes  of  the  field.     See  COMBERFORD. 

CUMBERLEGE,  [Staffordftiire]  Barry  of  fix  erm.  and  fa. 
on  a  canton  or,  afieur-de-lis  gu. 


CUMYNE,  the  fame  as  COMYN. 

CUNE,  [Wefen  Cune,  in  Staffordftiire]  Or,  on  a  bend  fa. 
three  trefoils  flipped  ar. 

CUNLIFF,  [Chiflchurft,  in  Kent]  Sa.  three  conies  cur- 
rent ar. — Creft,  a  greyhound  fejant  ar.   collared  or. 

Cunlif,  or  ConncUfe,    [Lancaftiire]  The  fame. 

CUNNINGHAM,   [Scotland]   Ar.  a  pale  furche  fa. 

Cunningham,  Ar.  a  fcffe  fa.  betw.  three  cinquefoils  of  the 

CUNTON,  [Warwickfliire]  Or,  a  lion  paffant  in  fcffe  fa. 
fretty  or,  betw.  three  dolphins  gu.  bezantee  within  a  double 
treffurc,  flory  counter-flory,  purpure. 

CUPDECLE,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  az.  betw.  three  gillyflowers 
proper,  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  or. 

CUPHOLME,  [Bofton,  in  Lincolnftiire]  Gu.  a  ram  paffant 
ar.  attired  or,  betw.  three  crofs  croflets  fitchee  of  the  laft. — 
Creft,  a  ram's  head  erafed  gu.  attired  or.  Granted  0&. 
26,   1562. 

CUPPER,  [Somerfetftiire]  Ar.  a  faltier  fa.  on  a  chief  or, 
three  lions  rampant  gu. — Creft,  on  a  mural  crown  ar.  a 
pelican  erm.  vulning  her  breaft  gu.  beaked  and  legged  or. 

CURE,  [London]  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  two  rofes  in  chief 
or,  and  in  bafe  a  fleur-de-lis  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  out  of 
a  ducal  coronet  ar.  a  griffin's  head  and  wings  expanded  of 
the  firft,  charged  on  the  neck  with  a  rofe  gu. 

CURLE,  [Saberton,  in  Hampfliire]  Vert,  a  chev.  engrailed 
or.— Creft,  an  eagle  with  wings  expanded  proper,  beaked 
and  legged  or. 

Curie,  Vert,    a  chev.  ar. 

Curie,  or  Kerle,  [London]  Vert,  on  a  chev.  betw  three  fleurs- 
de-lis  or,  a  cinquefoil  gu. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a 
hedge-hog  or. 

CURLEY,  Vert,  on  a  chev.  or,  three  cinquefoils  pierced  gu. 
— Creft,  on  a  mural  coronet  or,  a  dragon's  head  erafed  vert. 


ducally  gorged  and  lined  of  the  f.rft,  iffuing  from  his  mouth 
flames  of  fire  proper. 

CURLING,  [Kent]  Or,  en  a  pile  gu.  a  leopard's  head  jcf- 
fmt  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 

CURRER,  [Kildwick,  In  Yorkftiire]  Erm.  three  bars  ge- 
melles  fa.  on  a  chief  az.  a  lion  paffant  gardant  ar. — Creft, 
a  lion's  head  erafed  ar.  collared  fa. 

Ctirrer,  The  fiime,  except  the  bars  humetty  gu. 

CURSEY,  or  Cursy,  Az.   fretty  or. 

CURSELLIS,  or  Corselis.  [London]  See  CORSELIS. 

CURSON,  [Kedlcfton,  in  Derbyfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa, 
three  popinjays  or,  collared  and  membered  gu. — Creft,  a 
popinj;.y  with  wings  expanded  or,  beaked,  legged,  and  col- 
lared, gu. 

Curfon,  Az.  on  a  bend  betw.  two  lions  rampant  or,  three 
doves  of  the  field,  membered  gu. 

Curfon,  Or,  on  a  bend  fa.  three  martlets  ar.     Another,  fa. 

Curfon,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  doves  of  the  field, 
collared  and  membered  gu. 

Curfon,  [Cropton,  in  Derbyfliire]  Az.  on  a  bend  betw.  two 
lions  rampant  ar.  three  popinjays  vert,  membered  gu.  col- 
lared or. — Creft,  a  cockatrice,  with  v/ings  endorfed,  and 
tail  noweJ,  gu. 

Curfon,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  martlets  or. 

Curfon,  Erm.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  martlets  ar. 

Curfon,  [Derbylhire]  Qiiarterly  ar.  and  or;  on  the  firft  quarter 
a  martlet  fa.  on  the  fecond  a  bend  chequy  or  and  fa.  cotifed 
of  the  laft  ;  the  third  as  the  fecond,  the  fourth  as  the  firft.- 

Curfon,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  a  bend  chequy  or  and  az,  on  a  chief  gu. 
two  lions  rampant  of  the  fecond. 

Curfon,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  a  bend  gu.  bezantee. 

Curfon,  Gu.  billetty,  on  a  bend  or,  three  efcallop-ftiells  fa. 

Curfon,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  on  abend  gu.  tliree  bezants. 

Curfon,  Barry  of  fix  or  (another,  ar.)  and  az.  fix  fleurs-de-lis 

Curfon,  [Lithcringfet,  in  Norfolk]  Erm.  a  bend  counter-com- 
pony  ar.  and  fa. — Creft,  two  arms  in  armour  proper, 
couped  at  the  ftioulder,  garniflied  or,  holding  a  fword  feffe- 
ways ;  the  hilt  in  the  dexter  gauntlet,  the  point  in  the  fi- 

Curfon,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  bend  fa.  betw.  three  griffins  (ano- 
ther, wiverns)  heads  erafed  gu. 

Curfon,  The  fame  ;  and  adds  three  martlets  on  the  bend  ar. 

Curfon,  Chequy  or  and  az.  a  feffe  ar.  in  chief  a  label  of  three 
points  gu. 

Curfon,  [Derbyfliire]  Chequy  or  and  fa.  a  feffe  ar. 

Curfon,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  wolves  heads  coupcd  of  the 
firft,  in  chief  a  mullet  of  the  fecond. 


CURTHAM,  Ar.  a  crofs  fa.  betw.  four  eagles  difplayed  gu. 

CURTHAW,  or  Curlyho,  [Northamptonfiiire]  Gu.  a  feffe 
ar.  in  chief  three  lozenges  of  the  fecond. 

CURTIS,  [Tuddenham  H.ill,  in  Suffolk]  Az.  a  chev.  daun- 
cettee betw.  three  mural  coronets  or. — Creft,  a  lion  fejant 
proper,  fupporting  with  his  dexter  foot  a  fiiicld  of  the 

Curtis,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  bulls  heads  caboffed  fa. 
— Creft,  an  unicorn  paffant  or,  out  of  a  wood  proper. 

Curtis,  Erm.  a  chev.  az.  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Creft,  an 
arm  in  armour  embowed,  holding  in  the  hand  a  fword,  all 

CURTOYS,  [Cornwall]  Sa.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or.  Another, 
ar.  two  and  one. 

Curtoys,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  bulls  heads  gu. 

Curtoys,  [Cheftiire]  Barry  of  fix  ox  and  az.  a  feffe  counter- 
company  or  and  fa.  betw.  three  mullets  of  the  firft. 

CURWEN,  [Sella-park,  in  Cumberland]  Ar.  fretty  gu.  a 
chief  az. 

Curwen,  [Cumerton,  inYorkfliire]  The  fame;  on  the  chief 
an  efcallop-fliell  ar, 



Ciinven,  Ar.  fretty  fa.  a  chief  or. 

CURWIN,  Ar.  fretty  fa.  a  chief  az. 

CUSACK,  Per  pale  or  and  az.  a  fcirc  countcrchanged. 

CUSACKE,  Vairc  ar.  ai)d  fa. 

Cufacke,  Sa.  a  maunch  and  fleur-de-lis  or. 

Cufacki',  [Ireland]  Per  pale  ar.  and  az.  a  fcflTc  counterchangcd. 

Cufacke,  Per  pale  ar.  and  fa.  a  fcdc  countcrchanged. 

Cufacke,  [Ireland]  Per  pale  or  and  az.  a  fefle  countcrchanged. 

Cufacke,  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  a  fcllb  betw.  three  plain  croills, 
all  countcrchanged. 

CUSANOR,  or  Cusavor,  Sa.  kvcn  fufils  in  bend  ar. 

CUST,  [Stamford,  in  Lincohifhire]  Erm.  on  achcv.  fa.  three 
plates,  each  charged  with  three  bars  wavy  az. — Creft,  a 
lion's  head  crafed  fa.  collared  gobony  ar.  and  az. 

Ciijl,  [Stamford,  in  Lincolnfiiire]  Erm.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three 
roundles  (or  fountains)  barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  az. — 
Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  fa.  collared  gobony  ar.  and  az. 

Cujl,  [Lincohifhire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  wavy  fa.  a  human  ftull 

CUSTE,  [Somcrfetfhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  dauncettec  fa.  three 
fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field. 

CUSTACE,  Az.  on  a  bend  erm.  three  legs  couped  at  the 
thigh  or. 

CUSTANTON,  Az.  three  leopards  faces  ar.  a  canton  or. 

CUTBERT,  Ar.  three  chev.  fa.  bezantce. 

Cutbert,  Sa.  two  lions  paflant  gobonatcd  ar.  and  gu. 

Cutbert,  or  Cutberd,  [Oundle,  and  Warrington,  in  Northamp- 
tonfliircl  Ar.  on  a  felle  gu.  three  crofs  croflets  fitchee  of 
the  firft. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  ar.  collared  gu.  there- 
on three  crofs  croflets  fitchee  ar.     Granted  June  12,  1654. 


CUTLER,  [Weftminftcr]   Az.   three   dragons  heads  erafej 
.   or,  a  chief  ar. — Creft,   a  dragon's  head  erafed  az.    gorged 

with  a   mural  coronet  or,    holding   in   his  mouth  a  laurel- 
branch  vert.     Granted  Ma.'ch  27,  1693. 
Cutler,    [Suffolk]     Az.    on  a  fcfie   cotifed  or,     betw.    three 

dragons  heads   erafed  of  the  fccond,  a  cock,  and  two  doves 

volant  gu.  . 

Cutter,  [Chantry,  in  Suffolk]  Or,    three  bends   fa.  over  all  a 

lion  rampant  gu. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  gu.  holding  a  battle- 
axe,  handle  ar. 
Cutlet,  [Surtolk]    Az.  three  dragons  heads  erafed  or,  langued 

gu. — Creft,  a  dragon's  head  erafed  or,  ducally  gorged   gu. 
Cutler,  Ar.  three  dragons  heads  erafed  gu. — Creft,  a  dragon's 

head  erafed  gu. 
CUTTING,  Ar.  fretty  of  eight  gu.   on  a  chief  az.  an  efcal- 

lop-fliell  or. — Creft,  a  dcmi-griffin  ar.  collared  az.  holdin-^ 

betw.  his  claws  an  efcallop-fhell  or. 
CUTTS,  Or,  on  a  bend  engrailed   fa.   three  bezants,  each 

charged  with  a  mullet  fa. 
Cutts,  [Kent]  Or,  on   a  bend  engrailed  fa.  three  plates,  each 

charged  with  a  martlet  of  the  fecond. 
Cutts,  [Arkefdcn,  in  Lflex]  Ar.  on  abend  engrailed  fa.  three 

Cutts,  [ChilderL  y,  in   Cambridgefliire]  The  fame. — Creft,  a 

greyhound's  head  erafed  ar.  collared  gu.  ringed   or. 
Cutts,  Ar.  on  a  bend  engrailed  fa,  three  bezants  within  a  bor- 

dure  gobony  or  and  gu. 
CUTTES,  [Eflex]  Ar.  on  a  bend  engrailed  fa.  three  plates, 

each  charged  with  a  martlet  of  the  fecond,  within  a  bor- 

dure  gobonated  or  and  gu. 




,ABBINS,   Gu.  five  etoiles  or,   betw.  two  flaunches 
chequy  ar.  and  fa.— Creft,   out  of   a  mural   coronet 
chequy  ar.  and  fa.  an  acorn  or,  leaved  vert.       1616. 
DABCOTT,  Or,  two  lions  paflant  gardant  gu. 
DABENY,  [Norfolk]  The  fame  as  DAWBNEY. 
DABERNON,  [Hampfhire  and  Surrey]  Az.  a  chev.  or. 
DABETOT,  [Worcefterftiire]  Erm.  a  chief  bendy  of  fix  or 

and  fa. 
Dabetot,  [Worcefterftiire]   Erm.  a  chief  bendy  of  fix  or  and 

DABITOT,  Or,  a  lion  paflant  gardant   gu.   in  chief,  (ano- 
ther, in  bafe)  az. 
Dabitot,  Per  pale  or  and  gu.  three  roundles  counterchanged. 
DABYTOT,  Or,  two  lions  pailant  gardant  az. 
DABGREENE,  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  betw.- three  leopards 

faces  fa. 
DABORNE,  [Guildford,  in  Surrey]  Az.  a  chev.  betw.  three 

crofles  patonce  or.     Another,  fleury. 
DABRICHCOURT,  Erm.  three  bars  humettygu. 
DABRIDGECOURT,  or  Dabriscourt,  Erm.  three  bars 

humetty  gu.  in  chief  as  many  efcallop-flielb  or. 
DABRIDGCOURT,  [Warwickftiire]   Erm.  two  bars   hu- 
metty  o-u.    each    charged   with    three  efcallop-fhells    ar. — 
Creft,    out  of  a  ducal   coronet  or,  four  feathers  ar.    char- 
ged with  two  bars  gu.  each  charged  with  three  mafclcs  of  the 
Dabridgcourt,  Erm.  two  bars  humetty  gu, 
Dabrielgmirt,  Barry  of  fix  gu.  and  erm.   within  a  bordure  of 

the  firft. 
D  AC  HAM,  Vert,  a  griffin  fegreant  ar. 
DACHARD,  or  Dacherd,  Or,  five  fufils  in  bend  gu. 
DACRE,  [Weftfflorland]    Gu.  three  efcallop-ftiells   ar.   two 

and  one. 
DACRES,  [London]  Ar.  a  chev.  fa    betw.  three  hurts,  each 

charged  with  anefcallop-ftiell  of  the  field. 
Bacres,  [London,  and  Cheftiunt  in  Hertfordftiire]  Or,  a  chev. 
fa.  betv/.   three  tortcauxes,  each   charged  with    an  efcallop- 
Ihell  ar. 
DACTON,  Quarterly  indented  ar.  and  az. 
DADALE,  Gu.  three  plates,  two  and  one. 
Dadale,  Gu.  three  pales  ar. 

DADE,  [Whitton  in  Norfolk,  and  of  Tanington  in  Suff"olk] 
Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  garbs  or. — Creft,  a  garb  or,  enfiled 
with  a  ducal  coronet  per  pale  az.  and  gu. 
DAGGETT,  Ar.  on  a  cbief  az.  three  crefrents  or. 
DAGNELL,  Gu.  three  bezants,  two  and  one. 
DAGWORTH,  Or,   a  fefie  gu.  plate'e. 
Dagworth  Or,  on  a  fcfle  gu.  three  plates. 
Dagworth,  [SutFolk]  Erm.  on  a  fefli;  gu.  three  bezants. 
Dagworth,  Erm,  on  a  chief  gu.  three  bezants. 
DAINTRY,  S.a.  a  bend  ar.  betw.  two  cotifes  engrailed  on  the 

outfides  or. 
DAY,  Quarterly  ar.  and  gu.  a  crofs  quarterly  and  pierced  betw. 

four  rofes,   all  counterchanged,   flipped  vert. 
Bay,  [E/lex]  Ar.  a  fefli  betw.  three  martlets  in  chief  and   a 

chev.  in  bafe  az. 
Day,  [Shronlhirej  Per  chev,.  ar,  and  az.  three  mullets  counter- 

Day,  [Tile  of  Elv,  Suflex,  Berkfliire,  and  BucklnghamfhircJ 
Per  chev.  or  and  az.  three  mullets  counterchanged,  two  and 
one. — Creft,  two  hands  conjoined  proper,  fixed  to  a  pair  of 
winn-s,  the  dexter  or,  the  finifter  az.  each  charged  with 
a  mullet  counterchanged.  Another  creft,  two  wings  ex- 
panded or  and  az.  Granted  by  patent  i6o5. 
Day,  Per  felTe  or  and  az.  three  mullets  counterchanged,  two 

and  one. 
Day,  [London]  Gu,  two  flaunches  erm.  on  a  chief  az.  three 
funs  or. — ^Crcft,  a  greyhound's  head  eraied  ar.  collared,  ring- 
ed, and  lined,  gu.  the  end  nowed.    Granted  March  20,  1582. 
Day,  [London]  Erm.  on  a  chief  indented  az.  two  (another,  fix) 

eao-les  difplayed  ar. 
DAYBY,  Ar.  three  cinquefoils  gu.  a  canton  of  the  laft. 
DAIGERS,  Or,  an  orle  of  ftars  gu. 
DAYLEY,   [Overbury-hall,    in   Suftolk]    Gu.    three   bucks 

heads  cabofted  .... 
DAYNCOURT,  Ar.  a  fcfie  dauncettee  betv.-.  eight  billets  or. 
DAYNES,  Sa.  three  Danifli  axes  ar.   two  and  one, 
DAYNTON,  Vert,  a  crofs  moline  betw.  two  crofs  croljets 

fitchee  rr. 
DAYRELL,  [Lillingfton  Dayrel,  in  Buckinghamfiiirc]   Ar. 
on  three  bars  fa.'  fix  cinquefoils  of  the  firft,  three,  two,  and 
one. — Creft,  a  goat's  head  ar. 
DAYTON,  [BedfurdOiire]  Or,  on  a  fefiTe  betw.  three  annu- 
lets gu.  as  many  ftanding  cups  of  ths  field. 
DAKECOMBE,  or  Dakeham,  [Lincolnfliire  and  Shrop- 

fhire]  Gu.   three  fteeple-fpires  ar.   two  and  one. 
DACKCOMBE,   [Stepleton,  in  Dorfetftiire]  Gu.  on  a  chev. 
or,  betw.  three  rofes  ar.  three  fteeples  (or  fpires)  of  churches 
Dackcombe,  [Hogford,  in  Dorfetfhire]   Vert,  a  griffin  fegreant 


Dackcombe,   [Croft  Caftle,   in  DorfetfhireJ    The  fiimc  arms, 

with  a   crefcent. — Creft,    an  oak-tree   proper,    fru£led  or, 

round  the  tree  a  fcroll,  witfi  this  motto,  Virtutis  rohort  robor. 

DAKENFIELD,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crefcents  or.     See 

DAKEYN,  [Stubbing  Edge,   in    Derbyfliire]   Gu.    a   lion 
pafilint  gardant,  betw.  two  mullets  in  pale  or,  all  betw.  tv/o 
flaunches  ar.  each  charged  with  a  griffin  rampant  fegreant  fa, 
— Creft,  out  of  a  naval  crown  or,  a  naked  arm  embowed 
proper,  holding  a  battle-axe,  on  the  wrift  a  rfDhon  az. 
DAKYNS,  Az.  a  crofs  betw.  four  lions  jrampant  or. 
Dakyns,  [Derrbyfhire,   and  Linton   in  YorkfhireJ   Gu.  a  liom 
paflant   gardant,    and   two  mullets   in  pale  or,    betw.  two- 
flaunches  ar.   charged   with   a   lion   rampant   fa. — Creft,   a 
dexter  arm  embowed  proper,  holding  a  battle-axe  ar. 
D  AKNEY,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  a  crofs  betw.  four  lions  paflant  gu. 
DAKON,  Az.  femee  fleurs-de-lis  or,  a  lion  rampant  ar. 
DALADpWNE,  [London]  Gu.  an  orle  of  twelve  efcallop- 
fhells  or. 
DALAMERE,  Erm.  a  fefl"e  gu.  fretted  or. 
DALARYVER,  Gu.  a  faltier  betw.  four  mullets  ar. 
DALAVALL,  [Seton    Delavall,  in  Northumberland]  Erm. 

two  bars  vert. — Creft,  a  ram's  head  ar.  attired  or. 
DALBERY,    or  Dalubury,     Gu,    three   bugle-horns  ar. 
ftringed  or,  two  and  one. 



DALBEROUGH,  or  DALDisnRoucii,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant 
errtt.  powdered  w.tli  fleurs-Jc-lis  v./.. 

DALBIE,  [Broolchampton,  in  Warwickfliirc]  Barry  w.ivy 
of  fix  ar.  and  gu. 

DALBY,  [Warwickfliirc]  Barry  wa\y  of  fix  or  and  gu.  a 
martlet  of  the  firfl. 

Dalby,  Ar.  three  bars  wavy  gu.  .^^ 

Dalb'j,  Ar.  a  bend  engrailed  and  canton  ^i. 

Daily,  Ar.  a  chev.  bend  and  canton  fa. 

Dally,  Ar.  a  chev.  and  bend  engrailed  {.x.  a  canton  of  the  laft. 

Dally,  Gu.  a  chev.  crm.  betw.  three  buckles  or. 

Daily,  Az.  a  chief  and  bordurc  or. 

DALliRETH,  Gu.  a  bordure  indented  ar. 

DALDEBURGH,  or  Dalderdril;he,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant 
ar.  charged  on  his  fhouldcr  with  a  fleur-dc-lis  or. 

DALDERBY,  Ar.  a  chev.  bctw.  two  eftallop-fliellb  in  chief, 
and  acrofs  croflct  fitchcc  in  bafe,  gu. 

DALE,  [Surrey]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  hinds  paflant. 

Dalf,  [Brentwood,  in  Efllx]  Sa.  on  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three 
hawks  cifuig  ar.  beaked,  legged,  and  belled,  of  the  fccond, 
five  tortcau.xes. 

Dale,  [Yorkfhire]  Gu.  a  fvvan  ar. 

Dale,  [London  and  Northamptonfliire,  1613.]  Gu.  on  amount 
vert,  a  fwan  ar.  membered,  collared,  and  chained,  or. — 
Crefl:,  a  ftork  ar.  beaked,  legged,  and  ducally  gorged,  or. 

Dak,   Ar.  two  lions  pafiant  in  pale  a/,. 

Date,  [Rutlandihirc]  Paly  of  fix  ar,  and  gu.  on  a  chief  az. 
three  garbs  or. — Crefl,  three  Danifh  battle-axes  crecf,  han- 
dled or,  headed  ar.  enfiled  with  a  chaplet  of  rofes  or.  Con- 
firmed l602. 

DALISON,  [Kent,  and  of  Gretwcll  and  Laughton  in  Lin- 
colnfhlre]  Gu.  three  crcfcents  or,  a  can.ton  erm. — Crell,  a 
man  completely  accoutred  in  armour  proper,  holding  in  his 
dexter  hand  a  battle-axe  ar.  handle  gu. 

Dallfcn,  The  fame,  v;ith  a  crefccnt  gu.  on  the  canton, 

Dalifon,  Ar.  a  pile  engrailed  fa. 

DALLABERE,  Az.  three  boars  heads  couped  in  fefTe  bctw. 
twelve  crofs  croflets  or. 

DALLABER,  Az.  a  boar's  head  couped  in  fefTc  or,  betw. 
three  efcallop-fliells  in  chief,  and  h.x  crofs  croflets  in  bafe, 
argent.      See  DELLABER. 

DALLAMER,   [Ireland]   Erm.  a  fefle  gu.  frctty  or. 

Dnllamer,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  eagles  difplayed  or. 

DALLENDER,  [Poynings  in  Suflcx,  and  of  Buckland  in 
Surrey]  Vaire  ar.  and  gu.  a  bordure  az.  bezantce. — Crefl,  an 
eagle's  head  vaire  ar.  and  gu. 

DALLHAM,  or  Dalha.m,  [London]  Erm.  three  cinque- 
foils  fa.  two  and  one,  betw.  two  flaunches  of  the  fecoiid, 
each  charged  with  a  coney  paiTant  or.  Another,  a  coney 
paflant   ar. 

DALLING,  Erm.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  acorns  or,  flipped  vert. 

Dalling,  Erm.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  trefoils  or,  on  a  chief  gu. 
an  anchor  betw.  two  martlets  ar. 

Dallin^,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  holly-leaves  (.inothcr, 
woodbine-leaves)  vert,  as  many  bezants. 

Dallin^,  The  fame,  with  a  chief  gu.  charged  with  an  anchor 
betw.  two  martlets  ar. 

D.rllin^,  alias  Bulwere,  [Effwicke,  in  Norfolk]  Gu.  on  a 
chev.  betw.  three  eagles  clofe,  regardant  or,  as  many  cinque- 
foils  fa. 

DALLINGER,    Erm.  a  crofs  engrailed  gu. 

DALLINGRIDGE,   Or,  a  crofs  engrailed  gu. 

DALLYSON,  [Hornfcy,    in  Middlcfex]    Ar.   on    a  pile  en- 
grailed az.  three  crefcents  of  the   firft. — Crefl,   the  fun   or, 
rifing  from  clouds  proper. 
DALMOND,    [Devonfliirc]    Ar.  a  fcfTe    betw.    three  legs 

couped  at  the  thigh  fa. 
DALROCH,  Gu.  three  roaches  haurient  sr. 

D     A     M 

DALSTON,    [Damon,  in   Cumberland] 'Ar.   a  chev.  b;tw'. 
three  blackbirds  heads  la.   bills  or. — CrcIV,   out  of  a  ducaL 
coronet  or,  a  blackbird's  head  proper,  bea'>;ed  or. 
DAL  TON,  [Thornam  in  Lanca(hi.-e,  and  of  Hildcr(ham    in 
Cambridgcfhire]  Az.  fcmec  dc  crofs  croflets  ar.  a  lion  ram- 
pant garci'ant  of   the  lafl. 
Dalton,  [Dalton,  in  Lancafhire]  Quarterly  ;  firft,  az,  crufuly, 
a  lion  rampant  gardant  ar.  crowned  or ;  fccondly,  barry  of 
fix  ar.  and  az.  in  chief  three  lozenges  gu.   the  third  as  the 
fecond,  the  fourth  as  the  firft. 
Dalton,  Az.  fcmce  dc  lis,    a  lion  rampant  ar. 
Dalton,  Ar.  three  bars  az.  in  chief  three  lozenges  gu. 
Dalton,   [LancafliireJ   Az,  femee  dc  lis  or,  a  lion  rampant  ar. 
Dalton,    [Bifphan,    in   Lancafliirc]   Az.   crufuly   or,    a   lion 
rampant  gardant  ar.  a  chief  barry    nebulec  of  four  ar.   and 
i.\. — Crclf,  a  dragon's  head  vert,  betw.  two    dragons  v/ings 
Dalton,  [Yorkfhirc]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  gardant  ar. 
Dalton,  [Yorkfhirc]   Az.  a  lion  rampant  gardant  ar.  within  a 

bordure  engrailed  or. 
Dalton,  [Lancafhirc]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  crowned  or. 
Dalton,  [Yorkfhirc]   Ar.  a  crofs  az.  betw.   four  popinjays  (or 

parrots)  vert. 
Dali'jn,  Lozcngy  ar.  and  fa. 
Dalton,  [Durham]  Ar.  three  lozenges  gu.  each  charged  with 

a  fahicr  of  the  field. 
Dalton  [Yorkfhirc]  Gu.a  faltier  couped  ar. 
Dalton,  Gu.  two  bars  or,  in  chief  three  rofes  ar, 
Dalton,   [Kingfton  on  Hull,  in   Yorkfhirc]  Az.   femcc  crofs 
croflets,  a  lion  rampant  gardant  ar.  a  chief  barry  nebulec  of 
four   pieces   ar.   and   fa.— -Crcft,   a  dragon's   head  difplayed 
vert,    the  out-fide  of  the  v/ings  or,  gorged   with   a  collar 
nebulee  ar. 
DALVOY,    Chequy  ar.  and  az, 
DAM,   [HaJham,  in  Hcrtfordfhirc]    Or,  a  griflin  palFant  az, 

on  a  chief  gu.  three  fleurs-de-lis  ar. 
DAMARETTE,   or  Damerot,    [Dcvonfhire]  Gu.  three 

crefcents  or. 
DA.MERLEY,  Gu.  on  a   chief  az.   three  crofs  croflets  fit- 
chcc ar. 
Damerley,  Per  fcffe  az.  and  gu.  three  crofs  croflets  fitchcc  ar, 
Dameticy,  Gu.  on  a  chief  az.  three  crefcents  ar. 
Damerley,     Sa.    on    a   feffe   ar.    three   efcallop-fhclls    of    the 

Domerlty,  Gu.  three  crefcents  in  fcfl"L-  ar.  a  chief  or. 
DAMBERNORT,   or  Da.mere.v.crt,    Erm.  two  bars  hu- 

metty  gu. 
DAMuOYS,   [France]  Paly  of  fi.x  or  and  gu.  a  dolphin  hau- 
rient in  pale  az. 
Damho-i:.,   Paly  of  fi.x  or  and  gu.  a  jaw-bone  ere 5  in  pa'e  az. 
DAMECK,  Gu.  three  Catharine-wheels  or,  two  and  one. 
DAMENOR,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  az.  over  all,  on  a  fefTe  gu, 

three  martlets  ar, 
DAMER,  [Milton  Abbey,  in  Dorfetfhlrc]  Barry  nebulee  of 
fix  ar.  and  gu.  over  all  a  bend  engrailed  az. — Crefl,  out  of  a 
mural  coronet  or,  a  talbot's  head  az.  eared  or. 
DAMEREX,  Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  gu. 
DAMNERE,  Vaire  ar,  and  gu.  a  label  of  five  points  fa. 
DAMO,  Quarterly  per  pale  indented  or  and  gu.  two  quatre- 

foils  of  the  fccond. 
DAMOE,    Quarterly  per   pale  indented  gu.  and  or  ;    on  the 
firft  and  lafl  quarter  five  lozenges  conjun£l    or,  one,  three, 
and  one. 
DAMORY,  or  Da.mouy,  Barry  wavy   of  fix  ar.  and  gu.  a 

bend  az. 
Damory,  Barry  wavy  of  fix  gu.  and  vert,  a  bend  erm. 
Damtry,  Vaire  ar.  and  gu. 
Damory,  Valrc  a  label  of  five  points  fa. 



DAMPIERS,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  fa.  a  label  of  five  points  gu. 

DAMPORT,  [Chefhire]  Ar.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  crofs  crof- 
]ets  fitchee  fa.  within  a  bordure  engrailed  gu. — Creft,  a  lion 
palTant  erin.  ducally  crowned  or,  refting  his  dexter  paw  on  an 
efcutcheon  of  the  laft.     Granted  1582. 

Damport,  Dampler,  or  Davenport,  [Lovington  in  Somerfet- 
fliire,  and  Hanbery  in  Lancaftiire]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three 
crofs  croflets  fitchee  fa. — Creft,  a  man's  head  couped  at  the 
flioulder,  and  fide-faced,  proper,  with  a  halter  round  his 
neck  or. 

Damport,  Az.  three  fpades  or.— Creft,  as  DAMPORT  of 

Damport,  Az.  three  crofles   ar.  two  and  one. 

DAMPTMARTYN,  Ar.  two  bars  az.  within  a  bordure  gu. 

DAMSELL,  Erm.  on  a  crofs  engrailed  fa.  five  crefcents  of 
the  field,  out  of  each  a  mullet  ifluant. 

DANBY,  [Yorkfliirej  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  birds  of  the 

D.inby,  [Great  Laughton,  in  Yorkftiire]  Ar.  three  chevronels 
braced  in  the  bafe  point  of  the  efcutcheon  fa.  on  a  chief  of 
the  fecond,  three  mullets  of  the  firfl:. — Creft,  a  crab  erecl 

DANCYE,  [Lancafliire]  Ar.  a  cockatrice  az.  combed,  beak- 
ed, wattled,  and  legged  gu. 

Dancye,  Per  pale  ar.  and  or,  a  feffe  ncbule'e  betw.  three  lions 
heads  erafed  gu.  out  of  each  mouth  the  head  of  a  fpear  az. 
— Creft,  an  horfe's  head  couped  gu.  bezantce,  maned  and 
bridled  or. 

DANBURY,  Ar.  a  crofs  betw.  four  mullets  gu. 

DANCASTLE,  [Berkfhire]  Az.  a  ball  or,  iffuing  fire  from 
the  top  proper. — Creft,  a  flag's  head  ar.  attired  or,  wounded 
in  the  neck  gu. 

DANCELL,  or  Dansell,  Or,  a  bend  gu. 

DAND,  [Mansfield  Woodhoufe,  in  Nottinghamfhire]  Vert, 
a  griffin  fegreant  or,  in  chief  three  efcallop-ftiells  of  the 
laft. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  fwan  ar.  winged  fa.  beaked 

DANDALE,  Ar.  fix  choughs  proper,  three,  two,  and  one. 

DANDELEIGH,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  each  charged  with  three 
crofs  croftcts  or. 

Dandclelgh,    Az.  a  canton  or,  within  a  bordure  gu.  bezantce. 

DANDERLEY,  Gu.  on  a  chief  az.  a  crefcentar. 

Danderlcy,  Per  fefle  az.  and  gu.  three  crefcents  ar.  tv^o  and 

DANDESEY,  Per  pale  or  and  ar.  three  bars  wavy  gu. 

DANDEZEY,  Per  pale  or  and  ar.  three  hounds  paflant  gu. 

DANDSEY,  [London]  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  two  bars  nebulee 
counterchanged  gu.  and  or. 

DANDY,  [Sapifton,  in  Sufiolk]  Qi^iarterly  az.  and  or,  in 
the  firft  quarter  a  mullet  ar. — Crelt,  a  garb  or,  on  the  fi- 
nifter  fide  a  dove  clofe  ar. 

Dandy,  [Cretingham,  a  faltler  or,  betw. 
four  bucks  trippant  ar.  a  leopard's  head  gu. — Creft,  as  be- 

DANE,  [Wells,  in  Somcrfetfhire]  Sa.  a  ferpent  entwined  and 
ereft  in  pale  ar. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  demi- 
lizard  vert. 

Dane,    Gu.  on  a  bend  cotifed  ar.  three  birds  vert. 

DANEYS,  [Devonfliire]  Er.  three  battle-axes  within  a  bor- 
dure engrailed  gu. 

Damp,  or  Danes,  Ar.   a  chev.  fa.  betw.  three  mullets  gu. 

Danes,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  cotifed  gu.  between  fix 
halberds  fa,   three  fwords  or. 

DANELEM,  or  Danelyn,  Az.  a  falticr  or,  betw.  four  be- 

DANERAY,  Ar.  on  abend  az.  cotifed  gu.  three  mullets  or. 

DANEREY,  Sa.  three  covered  cups  ar.    two  and  one. 

DANERSTON,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  three  halberds  gu.  two  and 


DANETT,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  mullets' or. 
DANGERVILE,     [Leiceftcrfhire]    Gu.    a   cinquefoil.  erm. 
within  a  bordure  az.  bezantee. 

DANGUYLLA,  or  Danguiloe,  Gu.  three  bezants,  two 
and  one. 

DANIELL,  [Wiltfliire,  and  Befwick  in  Yorkfliirc]  Ar.  a 
pale,  fufilly  fa. 

Daniell,  [Suffolk,  Chefliire,  and  Wells]  The  fame— Creft,  a 
tiger  pafTant  regardant  ar. 

Daniell,  [Chcfliirc]  Ar.  two  lozenges  in   pale  fa. 

Dimiell,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  four  lozenges  in  pale,  within  a  bordure 

Danidl,  Ar.  a  tiger  pafTant  fa. 

Daniell,  Az.  a  bend  betw.  fix  efcallop-ftiells  or. 

Diinicil,  [Yorkfnirc]  Or,  a  pale  wavy  fa.  betw.  eight  cinque- 
foils  gu. 

Daniell,  Ar.  a  pale  wavy  fa.  betw.  eight  cinquefoils  gu. 

Daniell,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  within  an  orle  of  eight  fleurs-de- 
lis  ar. 

Daniell,  [Gloucefterfliire]  Paly  of  fix  fa.  and  erm.  a  lion  ram- 
pant ar. 

Daniell,   [Chefliire]  Ar.  two  flaunches  indented  fa. 

Daniell,   [Chefhire]  Sa.  two  {launches  ar. 

Daniell,  Az.  on  abend  or,  three  martlets  fa. 

Daniell,  [Befwick,  in  Yorkfhire]  Gu.  on  a  crofs  or,  five 
eagles  difplayed  fa. 

Daniell,  Gu.  a  crofs  betw.  four  eagles  difplayed  ar.  armed  az. 

Daniell,   [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  a  pale  engra-led  fa. 

Daniell,  Gu.  a  bend  and  bordure  engrailed,  and  in  chief  a 
martlet  or,  for  difFcrence. 

Daniell,    [Durham]  Gu.  abend  and  bordure  engrailed  or. 

DANKVRSLEY,  [Yorkfliire]  Gu.  two  bars  betw.  eight 
martlets  ar,  three,  i-.vo,  and  three. — Creft,  a  demi-woman 
habited  ar.  playing  on  a  i;5ip  or. 

DANMARE,   Barry  nebulee  of  fix  ar.  and  gu. 

Danmarc,   Ar.  three  bars  nebulee  gu. 

Danmare,   Barry  nebulee  of  fix  ar.  and  az. 

DANNSEY,  Per  pale  ar.  and  or,  a  feffe  nebulee  betw.  three 
lions  heads  erafed  gu. — Creft,  a  nag's  head  gu.  bezantee, 
maned  and  bridled  or. 

DANNCE,  Per  pale  ar.  and  or,  three  lions  heads  erafed  gu. 
in  their  mouth  a  fpear  head  az. 

DANNCEY,  Per  pale  ar.  and  or,  a  feffe  nebulee  betw.  three 
leopards  faces  az. 

Danncey,  Per  pale  ar.  and  or,  three  wolves  heads  erafed  "u. 

Danncey,  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  a  feffe  nebule'e  betw.  three  lions 
beads  erafed,  all  counterchanged. 

Danncey,  Per  pale  or  and  ar.    three  bars  nebulee  gu. 

Danncey,  or  Daunfey,  [Brinfopp,  in  Herefordshire]  Barry  wavv 
of  fix  ar.  and  gu. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  ar.  collared 

Danncey,  [Gloucefterfliire]  Gu.  a  drsgon  or,  and  lion  ar. 
rampant  combatant. 

Danncey,  or  Dawnttfey,  [Taunton,  in  Wiltfhlre]  Gu.  a  lion 
rampant  ar.  fupporting  a  wivern  ereifl  vert. — Creft,  a  dra- 
gon's head  erafed  vert. 

Danncey,   [Lancafliire]  Gu.  a  cockatrice  ar. 

DANNAT,  or  Dankant,  [Shropfliire,  and  of  Warwick- 
iliire]  Sa.  guttee  and  a  canton  ar. — Creft,  a  greyhound's 
head  erafed  ar.  gorged  with  a  collar  or,  rimmed  gu.  charo-ed 
with  three  torteauxcs. 

DANNETT,  [Leicefterfliire]  Or,  on  two  bars  gu,  three  lions 
rampant  ar.  two  and  one. 

Dannett,  Quarterly  per  pale  indented  or  and  gu.  on  the  firflr 
and  laft  quarter,  four  cinquefoils  of  the  fecond. 

Dannett,  [Watfthorp,  in  Leicefterfliire]  Sa.  guttee  ar.  a 
canton  erm. — Creft,  a  greyhound's  head  erafed  fa.  gorged 
with  a  collar  ar.  charged  with  three  torteauxes. 

Dannett,  [London]  Sa.  guttee  or,  a  ca.nton  erm. 



Dannett,   [London]  Sa.  guttee  crm.  a  canton  of  the  fecond, 
DANREY,  or  Daudie,    [Laurcth,  in  Cornwal!]  Ar.  on  a 

bend  fa.  cotifcd  az.  three  ciiiqucfoils  pierced  or. — Crcll,   a 

horfe  padant,  bridled  and  faddled  .  .  . 
Danrcy,  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifcd  az.   three  ciiiqucfoils   pierced 

Danrey,  Sa.  a  fcde  or,  bctw.  tlircc  cinqucfoils  ar. 
DANSEY,  Or,  three  bars  wavy  gii. 
Danfey,  Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  gii. 
Danfty,  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.   tiirec  lions  heads  erafcd  countcr- 

DANSKE,  Barry  of  eight  or  and  az. 
DANTY,  Gul  on  a  bend  or,  three  efcallop-flicjls  d. 
DANTRY,    Chcquy  or  and  uz. 

DANTREY,  [Norfolk]   Gu.  a  bend  cotifcd  ar.    See  DAW- 
DANVERS,  [Oxforddiirc  and   Nortliamptonfliirc]   Erm.  on 

a  bend  gu.    three   birds  vcrt. — Crcft,   a    parrot  vert,  in  his 

beak  an  annulet  or. 
Danvers,  [Culworth,  in  Northampto;ifhirc]  Gu.  a  bctw. 

three  etoilcs  or. 
Danvers,    [VVai-wickfliire,    O.xfordfhire,   and   Northampton- 

ftiire]  Gu.  achev.  betw.  three  mullets  with  (i.\  points  or. 

Creft,  a  wivcrn  with  wings  endorfed  or» 
Danvers,    [Switliland  and  Cothorp  in  Lciceficrfliirc,    and   (if 

Oxfordfliirc]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.   three  martlets  or. — Crelt, 

a  parrot  vert,  v.'inged  gu.  in  his  beak  a  round  bucivle  or. 
Danvers,  [Swithland,  in  Leicefterfhirc]    Ar.   on  a  bend  gu. 

three  marrlcts  or,  in  chief  a  trefoil  flippid  gu. — Crcft,  a  par- 
rot clofc,   holding  in  his  beak  an  oak-branch  frucleJ,  ,i'.l 

Danvers,  Ar.  a  pa]e  fufilly  fa. 
Danvers,  [Buckinghamfliire  and  London]    Gu.  a  chcv.  betu'. 

three  mullets  or. — Crcft,  a  fleur-de-lis  crm.    environed  with 

a  ducal  coronet   or. 
DANWJCKE,  Or,  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  pierced  fa. 
DAPTFER,  Gu.  a  crofs  within   a    bordure  or,  on    the   firft 

quarter  an  efcarbiincle  of  the  laft. 
DARBY,  [Suffolk]     Vert,    a    chev.  bctw.    three  garbs    ar. 

banded  or. — CrefJ,  a  garb  ar.  banded  or. 
Darby,  [Benington,  in  Lincolnfliire]    Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three 

garbs  fa.    banded   or. — Creft,  an  antelope's  head  erafed  "^u. 

maned,  tufted,  armed,  and  double  attired,   in  fret  or. 
Darby,  [London  and   Dorfetfliire]   Per  chev.  battcUy    or  and 

az.  three  eagles  difplayed  counterchanged. — Crcft,  out  of  a 

tower  ar.  two  wings,    the  dexter  or,  finifter  az.     Another 

creft,  an  eagle's  head  erafed  ar. 
Darby,  [Walton,  in  Leiceflerlhire]  Ar.  a  fcITe  batw.  three  fi- 

nifter  wings  fa. 
DARCIE,  Ar.  an  inefcutcheon  fa. 
Darcie,  [Lincolnfliire  and  Durham]  Ar.   an   inefcutcheon   fa. 

within  an  orle  of  cinqucfoils  gu. — Creft,  a  woman's  head 

couped  at  the  breafts,   hair  flowing  or,  wreathed  about  the 

temples  with  a  garland  of  cinqucfoils  gu.  pierced  or. 
Darcie,    [Lincolnfhire]    Gu.    an   inefcutcheon   ar.  v.-ithin   an 

orle  of  iix  eagles  difplayed  or. 
DARCY,  [St.  Clere's  Hail,  in  Effex]    Ar.  three  cinqucfoils 

gu. — Creft,     a  demi-vlrgin   holding   in    her   right-hand   a 

branch  of  cinqucfoils,  all  proper. 
Darcy,  [Durham  and  Norlhamptonfliire]  Az.  fcmee  crofs  crof- 

lets   and   three  cinqucfoils,    ar. — Crcft,   on  a  chapeau    gu. 

turned  up  erm.  a  bull  fa. 
Darcy,  [Lincolnfnire]   Ar.  an  inefcutcheon  az.  within  an  oric 

of  eight  cinqucfoils  gu. 
Diircy,  Ar.  an  inefcutcheon  fa.  within  an  orle  of  eight  mart- 
lets gu. 
Darcy,  [Kent]  Az.   three  cinqucfoils   bctw.  nine  crofs  crof- 

lets  or. 

D     A     R. 

Darcy,  Az.  three  cinqucfoils  and  nine  crcfi  croflct:  ar.  within 

a  bordure  engrailed  gu. 
Darcy,  Ar.  a  fefic  engrailed  betw.  three  cinqucfoils  gu. 
Darcy,  Ar.  three  cinqucfoils  gu.  pierced  or,  two  and  one, 
Darcy,  Ar.  three  cfcutchcons  within  a  bordure  gu. 
Darcy,  Sa.  three  martlets  or, 

Darcy,  [Lincolnfliire]  Ar.  three  rofcs  gu.  two  and  one. 
Darcy,  [Lincolnfnire]  Gu.  three  rofcs  ar.   two  and  one. 
Darcy,  Ar.  three  rofcs  gu.  two  and  one,  within  a  bordure  en- 
grailed fa.  * 
DARDAS,  Ar.  a  chcv.  bctw.  three  fpindlcs  of  fa. 
D.VRDERNE,   Or,  a  lion  rampant  vert. 
Dardernc,  [Wilifliire]  Erm.  a  fefle  chcquy  or  and  az.  in  chief 

three  ogrcflcs. 
Dardernc,    Gu.  fi.'v  crof:i  croflets  fitclice  or. 
DARE,  [Tournay,   in  Fiance]    Gu.  a  chev.   v?.ire  between 

three  crcfccnts  or. 
Dare,  [Norfolk]  Sa.  a  chev.  ar.  bctw.  three  dol;;hins  or. 
])ARRES,  Per  chcv.  engrailed  gu.  and  erm.  in  chief  a  demi- 

lion  rampant  betw.  tvi-o  crefcents  or. 
DARES,  [Loddon,  in  Norfolk]   Per  chcv.  engrailed  gu.  and 

crm.  in  chief  a  demi-lion  rampant  ar.  betw.  two  crcfccnts 

DARLEY,  [Buttercram,  in  Yorkfliire]   Gu.  fix  fleurs-de-lis 

ar.  three,  two,   and   one,    within   a    bordure    erm. — Creft, 

a  hcrfc's  hc:id  coupeJ  gu.  accoutred   in  arnr.our  ar.    bridled 

Darky,  [St.   Edmondft)ury  in    Suffolk,    and    of   Yorkfliire] 

Gu.  fix  fleurs-de-lis  ar.   three,   two,   and  one. 
DARLSTON,  [Wcrceftcrftiire]  Az.  on  a  bend  or,  cotifcd  ar. 

three  Cornifli-choughs  proper. — Crcft,  a  hawk's  head  betw. 

tv/o  wings  expanded,  barry  of  four,  ar.  and  fa.  beaked  or. 
DAP.LINGTON,   Az.  guttee  ar.    on  a  fefle   or,  three  crofs 

croflets  gu. 
Darlhiglon,   Az.  guttee  ar.  on  a  fcfic  or,  three   crofs    croflets 

gu.  in  chief  a  leopard's  face  of  the  fecond. 
Darlington,    Az.  guttee    ar.    on    a  fe.Te  betw.    three  leopards 

heads  or,   as  many  crofs  croflets  gu. 
D  ARM  AN,  [Chefliire]   Az.  two  bars  ar.   on  a  lozenjc  fa.  a 

lion's  head  erafed  or. 
D.ARMINE,  or  Dermvne,   Ar.  on  a  bend  g ;.  cot'fcd  fa. 

three  efcallop-fliells  or. 
DARNALL,   [London]  Gu.  on  a  pale  or,  a  lion  ran~.pant  az. 

Another    adds   a  crofs   croflct;  ano:h:r,    a   trefoil   gu.    for 

DARNEL,  or  D.\rnol,   [London]   Ar.   o.t  a  bend  betw. 

two  fleurL--de-Iis   ix.  three  leopards  headsor. — Crcft,  a  lion's 

head  erafed  az.  betw.  two  wings  gu. 
D.^RNELL,  [Heylings,  in  Lincolnfliire]  Az.  two  bars  bctw. 

fix  mafcles  voided,  three  in  chief,  two  in  fcfiTc,  and  one  in 

bafeor. — Creft,  a  falcon's  leg  erafed  at  the  thigh  .  .    belled 

or,  ftanding   on  a  cock  pheafant  fetting  proper. 
Darnell,  or  Darnhill,  [Lincolnfliire]  Az.  on  two  bars  :;r.  three 

mafcles  gu. 
D.ARRELL,    [Rye,  in  SuiTex]  Gu.  two  bendlets  wavy  or,  a 

canton  vaire. 
Darrcll,  [Kent,   Sufiex,  and  Yorkfliire]  .Az.   a  lion   rampant 

or,  croivned  ar.  armed  and  langucd  gu. 
Darrcll,  [Bcrkftiire]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  crowned  or,   arm- 
ed gu. 
Darrcll,  or  Dorrell,    [Lyllington  Danell  in  Buckinghamfliire, 

and  of  Yorkfliire,  Wikfliire,  and  Lincolnfliire]   Az.   a  lion 

rampant  or,   armed,    langued,  and  crowned,   gu. — Creft,    a 

goat's  head  erafed  ar.  attired  or.     Another  creft,    out  of  a 

ducal  coronet  or,  a  Saracen's  head  couped  at  the  fljoulderi 

proper,  bearded  fa.  wreathed  round  the  temples  ar.  and  az. 

on  his  head  a  chapeau  az.  fretty  ar.  talTcIed  or,  turned  up 



D     A     R 

Darrdl,  [SufTex]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or,  crowned  ar.  fupport- 

in^  a  crofs  croflet  fitchee  of  the  third.     Another,  fa. 
Damll,   Barry  of   fix  ar.   and   fa.   each   charged  with  three 

cinquefoils  countercharged.     Another,  three  mullets. 
Darrell,    Ar.  three  bars  fa.  on  the  firft,  three  rofes  of  the  field. 
DamU,  [Gloucefterfhire]  Per  feiTe  az.  and  erm.  a  pale  coun- 

terchanged,  three  lions  rampant  ar. 
Darrell,  Ar.  on  a  chief  fa.  three  rofes  of  the  field. 
Darrell,  Sa.  on  a  fefie  ar.  three  efcallop-fliells  of  the  field. 
DART,  alias    Walles,    [Devonfliire,    1590.]    Gu.  a   fefle 

and  canton  erm.— Creft,  on  a  wreath,  a  fire  proper. 
DARTIQUENAVE,  [London]  Ar.    a  caftle  triple  towered 
au.   on  a  chief  az.   a  key  creft  or,  bctw.  two  flcurs-dc-lis 
ar.— Creft,  a  lion  fejant  or,   powdered  with  fleurs-de-lis  az. 
holding  in  his  dexter  paw  an  arrow  gu. 
DARTOIGNE,  [Tourney,  in  France]  Or,  a  crofs  chequy 

ar.  and  gu.  a  label  of  three  points  az. 
DARTOIS,  [Ireland]  Barry  wavy  of  fix  ar.  and  gu. 
DARTOYS,  Ar.  a  label  of  five  points  gu.  each  charged  with 

three  towers  or. 
DASHWOOD,  Ar.  on  a   fefle  double  cotifed  gu.  three  grif- 
fins   heads  erafed  or.— Creft,  a  griffin's  head  erafed  per  fefll: 
or  and  gu. 
DASSETT,   [Ricel,  inYorkfhire]  Sa.  three  martlets  or,   a 

chief  ar.  all  within  a  bordure  engrailed  gu. 
DASTON,  Per  fctfe  fa.  and  ar.  a  pile  counterchanged,  three 

goats  heads  of  the  fecond. 
DASTIN,  [Worcefterfliirc]  Gu.  on  a  bend  or,  three  etoiles 
fa.— Creft,  a  rein-deer's  head  ar.  couped  gu.  pierced  through 
the  neck  with  a  broad-arrow  or,  the  arrow  entering  the  back 
part   of  the  neck. 
DASTURES,    Gu.  an  increfcent  or. 

Dc/hires,  [Wiltfliirc]  Az.  a  fret  or.     Another,  az.  fretty  or. 
DATEBOROUGH,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  on  his  fhoulder 

a  fleur-de-lis  fa. 
DATERLING,  or  Daveling,  Az.  on  a  faltier  or,  five  tor- 

DATHELL,  [Suffex]  Ar.  three  pales  fa 
DATHELLS,  [Suff'olk]  Or,  three  pales  fa. 
DATHELLES,  or  Dathellis,  The  fame. 
DATLING,  Ar.  fix  lions  palTant  fa.  three,  two,  and  one. 
DATELING,  Or,  fix  lions  falient  (another,  rampant)  fa. 
DAVELL,  Ar.  a  pale  lozengy  fa.  within  a  bordure  of  the  laft. 
Davell,    [Yorkfiiire]    Or,    a  pale  wavy,  betw.  eight  cinque- 
foils gu. 
Davell,  [Devonlhire]  Ar.   a  chev.  embattled  erm.  betw.  three 

fleurs-de-lis  fa. 
Davell,  [Yorkftiire]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  gu. 
Davell,   Gu.  a  bend  ar. 

Daviell,  Az.  a  bend  or,  bctw.  fix  efcallop-fliells  of  the  fecond. 
DAVENANT,    [Davenant,    in   Efll-x]   Gu.   three  efcallop- 
fliells  erm.  betw.  eight  crofs  croflets  fitchee  or. — Creft,  a  fi- 
nifter  arm  embowed  or,  holding  a  chaplct  of  wheat  of  the 
Davenant,  Gu.  three  efcallop-fliells  ar.   bctw.  nine  crofs  crof- 
lets fitchee  or. 
DAVENHIER,  Az.  three  eagles  difplaycd  with  two  necks 

or,    two  and  one. 
DAVENPORT,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crofs  croflets  fit- 
chee fa.     See  DAMPORT. 
DAVENT,    Erm.  on  a  bend  gu.    three  mullets  or. 
DAVENTRE,    [Northamptonftiire]  Erm.  a  crofs  gu. 
DAVERNETT,  Az.  two  hands  conjoined  in  fefle  proper,  in 
chief  a  wolf  paflant  ar. — Creft,  a  woodpicker  clofe  proper. 
DAVERS,    [Warwickfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  vert,  three  mart- 
lets or. 
Davers,  Gu.  bezantec,  a  canton  erm. 

Davers,   [Rougham,  in  Suffolk]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three 
leopards  heads  or,  as  many  mullets  of  the  fecond. 

D     A     V 

DA'VERSTON,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  three  halberds  in  pale  gu. 
DAVET,  or  Daveth,  Ar.  a  wivern  paffant  az. 
DAVY,    [Stanfield,    in   Norfolk]    Sa.    on  a    feffe  .ar.  betw. 
three    dragons    heads   erafed   clofe  to    the   head   or,    three 
cinquefoils   fa.— Creft,   a    talbot's   head   erafed   ar.   ducaliy 
crowned,  collared,  and  eared,  or. 
Davy,    [Credy,   in  Devoniliire]  Az.  three  cinquefoils  or,  on  a 
chief  of  the  fecond,  a  lion  paflant  gu. — Creft,  a  bird,  with 
wings  endorfed,  proper;   in    liis  beak  a   fprig  vert,  thereon 
three  rofes  or.     [N.  B.   This  bird  is  called  a  Halcion  bird.] 
Granted  April  2C,  1594. 
Davy,  [Beckley  in  Sufl'ex,  and  of  Suffolk  and  Wiltfhirc]  Sa. 
a  feifcor,  betv/.  three  cinquefoils  erm.    Another,  ar. — Creft, 
a  lion  fejant  ar.    fupporting  a  column  or. 
Davy,  [Kent]   Gu.  a  chief  erm. 
'Davy,  [Gouthorp  in  Norfolk,  of  Hoxton  in  Suffolk,  and  of 
Devonftiire]  Sa.  a  chev.  engrailed  erm.-  betw.  three  annulets 

ar. Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  an  elephant's  head  fa. 

armed  ar.   in  the  front  of  the  coronet  a  riiig,  thereto  a  line 
and  ring  or,  turned  over  the  trunk. 
Davy,    [Beaford,    in  Devonftiire]    Ar.    two  chev.    ft.   betw. 
three  mullets  gu. — Creft,  a  pafcal-lambpailant  regardant  ar. 
holding  a  pennon  of  the  laft,  ftaff  or. 
DAVYE,  Sa.  a  fefle  or,  betw.    three  cinquefoils  ar.  a  mullet 
for   difference. — Creft,    a   lion    fejant  ar.   charged   on    the 
ftioulder  with  a   mullet  fa.  fupporting  a  column  or. 
DAVID,  [North  Wales]  Gu.  on  a  bend  ar.  a  lion  paffant  fa. 

Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  quarterly  ar.  and  fa. 

David,  Ar.  within  a  double  trelfure  fl.ory  counter-flory  gu.  an 

inefcutcheon  of  the  fecond. 
David,   Az.  a  fliip  in  full  fail  or,  on  a  chief  ar.  three  cinque- 
foils gu. — Creft,  a  lamb  pallant  ar.  in  his  mouth  a  fprig  vert, 
fruiSled  gu. 
David,   Ar.  a  crofs  patee  az. 

David,  Barry  of  fix  gu.  and  ar.  in  chief  three  crofs  croflets  or. 
David,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  on  each  three  crofs  croflets  or. 
DAVIDGE,  [Somcrfetfhire]  Gu.  on  a  feffe  wavy  betw.  three 
lions  paflant  ar.  as  many  croffes  patee  of  the  firft. — Creft,  a 
demi-lion   ar.   gorged  with  a  collar  gu.  charged  with  three 
lioni  paffant  ar. 
DAVIES,  [Marflr,  in  Shropfhire]   Sa.   a  goat  ar.  attired  or, 
ftanding  on  a  chiid   proper,   fwaddled  gu.   and  feeding  on  a 
tree  vert. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  goat  lodged  ar.  againft 
a  tree  proper. 
Davies,  Or,  a  chev.  bctw.  three  mullets  pierced  fa. 
Davies,  [Shropftiire    and  London]   Per  bend  finiftcr  erm.  and 
ermines,  a  lion  rampant  or. — Creft,  two  lion's  gambs  erafed, 
the  dexter  ermines,  the  finifter  erm.  holding  a  buckle  or. 
David,  [Staffbrdftiire]  Sa.  a  chev.  gu.  bctw.  three  fwans  necks 

or;  on  a  chief  of  the  third,  a  fleur-de-lis  fa. 
Davids,    [Vine  Hall,  in  Sufl'ex]  Ar.    a  chev.    fa.  betw.  three 
mullets   gu.   pierced  or. — Creft,  on  a   ducal  coronet  or,    a 
boar's  head  couped  fa. 
Davits,  [Thicknam,  in  Somerfetfhire]    Gu.   a  griffin  fcgreant 

or. — Creft,   a  griffin  fegreant  or. 
Davies,    [Killkenny,    in  Ireland]    Ar.   on   a  bend   gu.   betw. 
two  calltraps  fa.    three  cinquefoils  or. — Creft,  a  nag's  head 
ar.  charged  with  a    calltrap  fa.     Granted    in  Ireland,  Feb. 
23,   1566. 
DAVILE,  [Cockwold,  in  Yorkfliire]   Or,  on  a  fefle  betw. 

four  fleurs-de-lis  fa.  two  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  firft. 
Davile,  [Angram,  in   Yoikfliire]    Or,  on  a  feffe  bctw.  four 

fleurs-de-lis  gu.  two  of  the  field.      See  DEVILL. 
DAVILLE,  Gu.  a.  lion  rampant  ar.  within  an  orlc   of  eight 

fleurs-de-lis  of  the  firft. 
DAVILLERS,  Ar.  three  efcutcheons  gu. 
Davillers,  [Suffolk]  Or,  three  inefcutcheons  gu. 
DAVIS,  Sa.  a  feffe  or,  betw.  three  cinquefoils  ar. — Creft,  a 

lion's  head  erafed  or,  ducally  crowned    gu. 
Davis,  Sa.  a  feffe  betw.  three  cinquefoils  erm. 


D     A     V 

Dit\,is,    [S-!op]    Gj.    a  chcv.  bctw.   three  boars  heads  coup- 

ed  ar. 
Davis,  Ar.  on  a  bcnJ  az.  cotifed  gu.  three  doves  or. 
DAVISON,    [Brandhall,   in  Shropfhire]   Sa.   three  garbs  or, 
on  a  canton  ar.  a  martlet  gu. — Crcft,  an  eagle  difpLlycd  ar. 
collared  gu.  holding  in  his  beaic  an  car  of  wheat  or.     Grant- 
ed 1737. 
Davifon,  Gu.  a  ftag  trippant  or. — Crcft,  a  ftag's  head  couped, 

betvv.  two  wings  endorfed  or. 
DAVYSON,  [Newcaftle  upon  Tyncj  in  NorthumberlsjidJ 
Or,  a   fefle  wavy,  betw.   fix  cinquefoils  gu. — Creft,  out  of 
an  earl's  coronet  or,  a  dove  rifing  ar.  holding  in  his  bealc  a 
vvheat-ftalk.   bladed  and   eared,  all  proper; 
DAULBENY,  or  Dawbeny,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or. 
DAUNCEY,  Or,  two  bars  ntbulee  gu.  within  a  bordurc  go- 

bonated  ar.  and  gu. 
DAUNTRE,  or  Dauw'te,  Sa.  three  beacons  fired  or,  the 

flames  proper. 
Dauntre,   [Gloucefter]  Ar.   a  chcv.   betvv.  three  birds  heads 

fa.  beaked    gu. 
DAWEENCY,   [Worcefterfhire]  Gu.  a  fefTe  fufiliy  ar.  over 
all  a  bendlet  fiiiiftcror. — Crcft,  a  holly-tree  vert,  fruclcd  gu. 
DAWBENEY,   [Cambridgefliire]    Az.  a    crofs  betw.   four 

lions  rampant  or. 
Dawliimy,  Gu.  a  feiTe  fufiUy  ar.  each  charged  with  a  fleur-de- 
lis  fa.  in  chief  three  martlets  or. — Crcft,  an  elephant's  head 
crafed  per  feiTe  vert  and  or. 
PAWBE^JY,  Gu.  a  crofs  patee  vaire. 
Daiubcny,  Gu.  a  fcft'c  fulfily  ar,   in  chief  three  martlets  of  the 

Daivbeny,  Gu.  a  (c^e.  fufiliy  ar.  in  chief  three  etoiles  or. 
UAWBNEY,  [Devonfhire]  Gu.  a  fefl:e  fufiliy  ar. 
Dd'j.'l'ney,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  a  fefie  fufiliy  gu.  in  chief  two  mart- 
lets rcfpe£ling  each  other  fa. 
Dawbn-y,  Gu.  on  a  fefit   engrailed  ar.    three  martlets   of  the 

Daivhtiey,  [Eflcx]  Gu.  three  lozenges  in  fefie  erm. 
Dawbney,  Gu.  a  fefie  engrailed  ar.  in  chief  three  martlets  or. 
Dav;bney,  Gu.  in  chief  four  lozenges  erm. 
Da-d.hncy,  Gu.    a  fcfli   engrailed    erm.    in    chief  three   mul- 
lets or. 
Dazvbnty,    Gu.  a  fefie  engrailed  ar.   in    chief  three    efcallop- 

fliells  or. 
Dawbney,  Or,  two  chev.  within  a  bordure  gu. 
Daivbney,  Or,  a  bend  dauncettce  vert. 
Daivbney,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  a  crofs  between  four  buckles  gu. 
Dau-bney,  Or,  a  crofs  flurte  vert. 
Dawbney,  Gu.  a  crofs  patee  vaire. 
Daiubmy,  [Norfolk   and  Cambrldgefhire]    Ar.  a  crofs  betw. 

four  lions  rampant  gu. 
DAWDWEN,    Or,  a  crofs   patee  gu.    betw.   four  lozenges 

DAWE,   [Eaft  Chilborough  in  DorfetfhireJ  Ar.  on  a  pile  nu. 
a  chev.  betw.   three   crofs  crnllets  ar. — Crcft,  a  lion's  (^amb 
eraftd  and  erecl  ar.  holding  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 
DAWES,  [London]  Az.  three  mullets   ar. 
Dawes,  [London  and  Shropfliire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  cotifed  <y\i, 
three  fwans  of  the   firft,    betw.  fix  halberds  of  the  fecond. 
— Crcft,  an   halberd  ered   or,  on  the  point  a   flying   dra- 
gon (or  wivcrn)   without   legs,   tail   nowed    fa.    bezantee, 
vulned  gu. 
Daivcs,  [Stow-market  in  Suffolk,  of  Staff'ordfliirc,    and   Sta- 
pleton  in  Leiceftcrflbire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  cotifed  gu.  three 
fwans  or,  betw.  fix  battle-axes  fa. — Creft,  as  before. 
Doxies,  or  Dowries,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  mullets  or. 
DAWS,  [Putney,  in  Middlefex]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  cotifed  s.u. 
betw.  fix  battle-axes  fa.  as  many  fnovelers  or. — Creft,   on  a 
demi  battle-axe  handled  or,  headed  ar.    a  dra»on  without 
legs,  wings  endorfed,  bezantee. 


DAWEST,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond,  a 
rofe  of  the  firft. 

DAWIKES,  or  Dawkes,  Or,  a  chcv.  betw.  three  mullets 
pierced  fa. 

DAWNDLEY,   Az.  a  canton  or,  within  a  bordurc  gu. 

DAW NG ATE,  Per  bend  battelly  ar.  and  fa. 

DAW^NE,  [ChefhireJ  Ar.  on  abend  fa.  three  arrows  of  the 

Daw)ie,  [Chcftiire]  Ar.  two  bars  az.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  ar- 
rows of  the  field. 

DAVVNEY,  [Chcfliire]  Ar.on  a  bend  fa.  three  broad-a:rowi 
heads  of  the  field. 

Downey,  Az.  two  bars  ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  arrows  or. 

Dawney,  [Chclhircj  Barry  of  four  az.  and  .ir.  on  a  bend  of  the 
firft,  three  arrows  of  the  fecond. 

Daxiney,  Per  pale  ar.  and  or,  three  lions  heads  erafcd  gu. 

Dawney,  Ar.  a  bugle-horn  ftringcd  fa. 

Dawney,  [Cowick,  in  YorkftiireJ  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  fa. 
three  annulets  of  the  firft. — Creft,  a  demi-man  in  armour 
couped  at  the  thighs  and  wreathed  about  the  temples,  all 
proper,  holding  in  his  dexter  hand  a  gem-ring  or,  ftone 
az.  in  his  finifter  a  lion's  gamb  erafed  of  the  (econd. 

Dawney,  [Chefhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  az.  three  rofcs  of 
the  field. 

Dawmy,  [Sefiiy,  in  Yorkfhire]  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  fa.  three 
annulets  or.     Another,  three  n^artlets. 

Dawney,  Ar.  on  a  bend  vert,  cotifed  az.  three  rofes  of  the  field. 

Dawney,  Az.  three  rofes  in  bend  cotifed  or, 

Dawney,  [London]  .\r.  on  a  bend  vert,  three  rofes  or. 

Dawney,  At.,  on  a  bend  vert,  betw.  two  colifes  ar.  three  rofes 
of  the  third. 

Dawney,  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  fa.  an  annulet  of  the  field. 

Dawney,   Ar.  on  a  bend  cotiled  f;i.  three  cinquefoils  or. 

Dawney,  Ar.  on  a  bend  cotifed  az.  three  wolves  paflant  or. 

DAWNTRE,  [Chefhire]  Sa.  five  fifties  ar. 

DAWSELL,  The  fame  as  DAUNCELL. 

DAWSON,  [Ireland]  Az.  on  a  bend  engrailed  or,  three 
martlets  gu.  quartering  az.  three  torches  ar.  two  and  oncj 
flatnmant  proper. — Creft,  an  etoilc  or. 

Dawfon,  [Sutterby,  in  Lincolnfliire]  Ar.  two  pales  fa.  a  chev. 
gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  laft,  a  battle-axe  or. — Crcft,  a  dex- 
ter arm  embowed  in  armour  proper,  garnifhed  or,  holding  in 
the  gauntlet  a  battle-axe  of  the  laft. 

Dawfon,  Az.  on  a  bend  engrailed  ar.  three  ravens  proper. 

Dawfon,  Az.  on  a  bend  engrailed  or,  three  martlets  gu. — Creft, 
a  cat's  head  gardant  and  erafed  tabby,  in  the  mouth  a  rat 

Dawfon,  Az.  a  chcv.  erm.  bctw.  three  broad-arrows  or,  fea- 
thered ar. 

Daivfon,  [Yorkfliire]  Erm.  on  a  canton  az.  a  ftag  lodged  or. 
— Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  hound  fa. 

Dawjon,  [Spaldington,  in  Yorkftiire]  Az.  a  chcv.  erm.  betw. 
three  arrows  or,  feathered  and  barbed  ar.  on  a  chief  of  the 
laft,  three  Cornifh-choughs  proper,  a  canton  gu.  charged 
with  a  mullet  or. — Creft,  a  leopard's  head  gardant  erafed  at 
the  neck. 

DAWTMARSH,  Gu.   on  a  bend  ar.  cotifed  or,  three  efcal- 

lop-fhells  fa. 
DAWTREY,  [Lincolnftiire]  The  fame. 
Dawirey,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  cotifed  gu.  three  cinquefoils  or. 
Dawtrey,  Gu.  a  bend  ar.  betw.  two  cotifes  cnTailcd  or. 
Dawirey,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  a  bend  cotifed  ar. 
Dawtrey,  Ar.  on  a  bend  (a.  three  pheons  of  the  field. 
Dawtrey,  [Hampftiire]    Az.   a  ftflc  fufiliy  ar.     Another  adds 

a  label  of  five  points  gu. 
Dawtrey,  [Petworth  and  Morehoufe,  in  Sufiex]  Az.  five  fufils 

in  fclfe  ar. — Creft,  a  unicorn  ar. 
Dawtrey,  [HampfliireJ  Sa.  five  fuftls  in  fefll-  ar. 

4  E  Dawtrey, 


Dawtrey,  Erm.  afcITe  chequy  or  and  aZ.  betw.  three  efcallop- 
fhells  ermines. 

Dawtrey,  Erm.  a  fefTe  Indented  chequy  or  and  az. 

DAXLEY,  [Bickerton,  in  Yorkftire]  Erm.  a  chev.  fa.  betv/. 
three  mullets  gu. 

DEACLE,  [London]  Or,  on  a  chev.  az.  betw.  three  rofes 
flipped  proper,  an  eagle  difplayed  of  the  firft.— Creft,  on  a 
mural  coronet  ar.  an  eagle  riling  or,  holding  in  the  beak  a 
rofe.     Granted  1 7  04. 

DEACON,  [London]  Az.  a  crofs  or,  betw.  four  lions  of 
the  fecond  ;  on  a  chief  ar.  three  rofes  gu. 

DEACONS,  [Bedfordfliire,  Buckinghamfhire,  and  Warwick- 
fhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  counter-compony  gu.  and  ar.  betw.  three 
rofe-branch  fprigs  gu.  leaved  vert.— Creft,  a  demi-eagle 
difplayed  ar.  winged  fa.  Another,  an  eagle's  head  erafed 
ar.  betw.  two  wings  fa. 

DEALDEN,  Ar.  a  crofs  betw.  four  martlets  vert. 

DEALE,  [Feverfham  in  Kent]  Gu.  three  bars  ar.  on  a  can- 
ton of  the  laft,  a  tower  triple-towered  fa. — Creft,  within  a 
fnake  coiled  up  proper,  a  dove  ar.  beaked  and  legged  gu. 

Dealc,  Barry  of  fix  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  firft,  a  co- 
lumn fa. 

DEALCHAMBER,  [OxforJfiiire]  Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.  a 
lion  paflant  or. 

DEANFIELD,  Barry  of  four  ar.  and  fa.  a  bend  gu. 

Deanfield,  Barry  of  four  ar.  and  gu.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  mullets 
pierced  of  the  firft. 

DEANE,  [London]  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  gardant  or,  on  a 
chief  ar.  three  crefcents  of  the  field. — Creft,  a  demi-iion 
rampant  or,  holding  in  his  dexter  paw  a  crcfcent  gu. 

Deane,  Dedan,  or  Dene,  [Leicefterlhire,  and  Newton  Patrock 
in  Devonftiire]  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  purp. 

Deane,  [Leicefterftiire]  Ar.  alien  paffant  purp. 

Deane,  [Rutlandfliire]  Ar.  a  fefle  dauncettee  betw.  three  cref- 
cents gu. 

Deane,  [Rutlandfliire]  Or,  a  fcffe  dauncettee  gu.  in  chief  three 
crefcents  of  the  laft. 

Deane,  [Derbyftiire]  Sa.  a  fciTe  dauncettee  ar.  in  chief  three 
crefcents  of  the  laft. 

Deane,  [Eftex]  Ar.  a  fefle  dauncettee  gu. 

Deane,  [BerkOiire]  Sa.  two  bars  ar.  within  a  bordure  gu. 

Deane,  [Huntingdonfliire]  Ar.  two  bars  fa. 

Deane,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  each  charged  with  three  croflTes  formee 
of  the  field.     Another,  or. 

Deane,  [Yatton,  in  Herefordfhirc]  Ar.  two  bars  and  a  canton 

Deane,  Gu.  two  bars  and  a  canton  ar. 

Deane,  Barry  of  fix  gu.  and  ar.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond,  a 

calf  fa. 
Deane,  Gu.  three  bars  ar.  on  a  canton  of  the   fecond,  a   bull 

paflant  of  the  firft. 
Deane,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  within  a  bordure  gu. 
Deane,  [Maplefted  in  Efl!ex,  and  of  Blackburne  in  Lincoln- 

fhire]    Sa.   a  fefle  erm.  betw.   three  chaplets  ar. — Creft,  a 

bear's  head  couped  ar.  muzzled  or. 
Deane,   or  Deene,  [Lincoln&ire]   Gu.   two  (another,  three) 

chev.  within  a  bordure  ar. 
Deane,  [Tilney  Marfh,  in  Norfolk]  Gu.  two  chev.   ar.  each 

charged  with   three  croflcs   formee  fa.   within  a  bordure  of 

the  fecond. 
Deane,  Vert,  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  eagles  heads  erafed  or,  five 

mullets  fa. 
Deane,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  birds  fa.  as  many  crofles 

formee  or. 
Deane,  Gu.  afaltiererm. 
Deane,  Az.    a  fword  in  bend  dexter  ar.  hilt  and  pomel  or ;  in 

bend  finifter,  a  tilting-fpcar  or,  headed  ar.   faltierways  over 

the  fword,  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or,  two  in  fefle  and  one 


in  chief,   in  bafe  three  gem-;ings  of   the  laft,  gems  gu.  one 
and   two. — Creft,  a  hand  couped  proper,    lying  feflTeways, 
holding  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 
Deane,  or  Deanke,  Gu.  two  bars  ar.  in   chief  three  annulets 

of  the  fecond. 
DEARDS,    [London  and  Hertfordfnire]  Ar.  a  'oend  betw.  fix 
mullets  fa. — Creft,  a  Catharine-wheel  ducally  crov/ned  or. 
DEARHAM,  [Brimelawe,    in    Durham]    Az.   three  bucks 

heads  cabofled  or. 
DEATH,  or  Dech,   [Dartford,  in  Kent]  Sa.  a  grifEn  paflant 
or,  armed  gu.  betw,    three   crefcents   ar. — Creft,    a  griffin's 
head  or,    holding  in  his  mouth  a  trefoil  vert. 

DEATMORE,  Ar.  a  fefle  dauncettee  gu.  betw.  three  mul- 
lets fa. 

DE  BEAUVOIR,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  cinquefoils  gu. — 
Creft,    a  dcmi-wivern  with  wings  endorfcd  proper. 

DEBDEN,  [Branfton,  in  Suffolk]  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three 
rofes  or. 

DEBENHAM,  [Suffolk]  Sa.  a  bend  betw.  two  crefcents  or. 
Another,    the  field  az. 

DE  BEST,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  az.  betw.  three  dra- 
gons heads  erafed  gu.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Creft,  on  a 
mural  coronet  or,  a  fleur-de-lis  party  per  pale  or  and  az. 
betw.  two  laurel-branches  vert.     Granted  by  patent,  1617. 

DEBOROUGH,  Sa.  two  fwords  in  f.ikier  ar.  betw.  four 
fleurs-de-lis  of  the  laft. 

DEBOUCHE,  or  Deeuche,  Or,  on  a  crofs  fa.  five  efcal- 
lop-fhells  ar. 

DEBURGH,  [Yorkftiirc]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  dauncettee  in.  three 

DECKER,  [London]  Ar.  a  demi-buck  gu.  l-ietw.  his  fore-legs 
an  arrow  ere£t  in  pale  or.     Grante'd  Aug.  6,   1616. 

DEKES,  or  Deckles,  Az.  a  lion  rampant  betw.  eight  crofs 
croflets  fitchee  ar. 

DECOMBE,  Ar.  five  lozenges  in  bend  betw.  two  crofs  crof- 
lets fitchee  fa. 

DE  CRYOLL,  or  Deicrow,  [Enfield  in  Middlcfcx,  and  of 
London,  1634.]  Or,  two  chev.  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  laft, 
a  key  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  crown  a  demi-lion  rampant 
gardant  gu.  holding  betw.  his  two  gambj  a  key  or.  Her. 
Off.  Hert.  and  Mlddlef.  C.  28. 

DEDEN,  Az.  a  chev.  ar.  and  canton  engrailed  or. 

DEDHAM,  Az.  a  chev.  engrailed  and  canton  or. 

DEDUKE,  Ar.  a  felfe  vaire  or  and  gu.  betw.  three  water- 
bougets  fa. 

DEE,  [Moitlake,  in  Surrey]  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or,  within  a 
bordure  indented  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a  lion  fejant  gardant 
or,  holding  in  his  dexter  gamb  a  crofs  formee  fitchee  az.  on 
the  crofs  a  label  with  this  motto,  Hk  Lahr  ;  and  his  finifter 
gamb  on  a  pyramid  ar.  on  it  a  label  with  this  motto.  Hoc 

DEEDES,  [Kent  and  London]  Per  fefle  nebulee  gu.  and 
ar.  three  martlets  counterchanged. — Creft,  an  eagle's  head 
erafed  per  fefle  nebulee  gu.  and  ar.  betw.  two  wings  expand 
ed  fi. 

DEERHAAl,  [Deerham,  in  Norfolk]  Az.  a  buck's  head  ca- 
bolfed  or. 

DERHAM,  [Crimplefliam,  in  Norfolk]  The  fime. 

DEERING,  [Surrenden-Deering,  in  Kent]  Or,  a  faltier  fa. 
— Creft,  in  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  mount  vert,  thereon  a  horfe 
paflant  fa.  Another  creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  az.  a  dra- 
gon's head  or. 

Deering,  [Kent]  Gu.  three  bucks  heads   couped'or. 

DERING,   Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  trefoils  flipped  fa. 

DEEVES,  Gu.  two  chev.  betw.  three  efcallop-fliells  or. 

DEGAYNE,  Gu.  a  fefle  dauncettee  betw crofs  crof- 
lets or. 

DEGGE,  [Derbyftiire,  and  Staffbrdftiire]  Or,  on  a  bend  az. 
three  falcons  mounting  ar.  jefles  and  belles  of  the  firft. — 


D     E     G 

Creft,  on  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  falcon  clofe  ar.  jcfTcJ  and 
belled  ar. 

DEGGS,  [SufluJk]  Gu.  on  a  chcv.  ar.  five  eagles  difplaycd  of 
the  field. 

DEGNEALL,    Paly  of  fix  or  and  az.  a  chief  gu. 

DEGON,  [Norfolk]  Az.  fi.\  plates,  three,  two,  and  one  ; 
on  a  chief  or,  a   lion  rampant  of  the   field, 

Degon,  [GlouccftcrfhireJ  Az.  fix  plates,  three,  two,  and  one; 
on  a  chief  ar.  a  lion  rampant  of  the  field. 

DegoK,  Az.  fix  plates,  three,  two,  and  one  ;  on  a  chief  or,  a 
demi-lion  rampant  purp. 

DEGREY,  liarry  of  fix  ar.  and  vert,  a  filticr  engrail- 
ed gu. 

DEYEE,  [Worccftcrfhire]  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crefccnts 
ar.  each  charged  with  another  gu.  within  a  bordure  gobo» 
nated  of  the  fecond  and  third. 

Deyfe,  [GloucederftiireJ  Sa.  a  chcv.  erm.  betw.  three  leopards 

DEYLEY,  Gu.  a  koparJ  rampant  ar.  crowned  or^ 

DEYNI5AND,  Az.  on  a  chief  ar.  a  demi-lion  rampant  gu. 

DEaI'HOLE,  or  Deypole,  Az,  an  eagle  difplayed  ar.  on  a 
chief  or,  a  lion  pafTant  gardant  gu. 

DEYNGOURT,  Chequy  or  and  az.  on  a  feffe  gu.  three 
plates.     Another,  three  buckles. 

Deyncourt,  Ar.  billetty  fa.  a  fefie  dauncettee  of  the  laft. 

Dfynco'.irti  [Yorkfliire]  Az.  a  fcfie  dauncettee  betw.  ten  billets 

Dcyncourt,  Ar.  a  feffe  dauncettee  betw.  ten  billet?  fa. 

Deyncoitrt,  [Yorkfliire,  and  of  Oxfordfliire]  Gu.  billetty  or, 
a  felTe  dauncettee  of  the  laft. 

Dejmcurt,  Or,  three  bars  dauncettee  gu. 

DEYNES,  [Coddsnham,  in  Suffolk]  Or,  two  bars  gu.  within 
a  bordure  fa. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet  or,  a  dragon's 
head  fa.  gorged  with  two  bars  of  the  firft. 

DEYSE,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crefcents  erm. 

Dcyfe,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crefcents  or,  each  charged  with 
another  fa. 

DEYVELL,  [Yorklhirc]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  eight  fleurs-de- 
lis  or. 

DEYVILL,  Deyvelle,  or  Davell,  [Cockwold,  in  York- 
fliire] Or,  on  a  felTe  betw.  four  fleurs-de-lis  gu.  two  fleurs- 
de-lis  ot  the  field. — Creft,  a  cubit  dexter  arm  lying  felFeways 
proper,  vefted  ....  holding  in  his  hand  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 
On  the  arms  and  creft,  a  crcfcent  for  difference.  Motto, 
Pcnffs  Cement. 

DELECHAMBER,  Erm.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  lion  palTantgar- 
dant  or. 

Ddfchiimher^  [Radmill,  in  Suflcx]  Ar.  a  chev.  erm.  fimbriated 
fa.  betw.  three  chamber-pieces  of  the  laft,  fired  proper.  — 
Creft,  an  afs's  head  erafed  ar. 

DELABER,  Ar.  a  feflc  betw.  three  crefcents  fa. 

DELLABER,  Gu.  a  fefle  wavy  within  a  bordure  engrail- 
ed or. 

Dellaber,  [Northamptonftiirc]  Az.  a  bend  cotifcd  ar.  betw.  fix 
martlets  or. 

Ddlahcr,  Or,  a  crofs  gu.  and  chief  vert. 

DELLABERE,  [Gloucefterftiire]  Az.  a  bend  or,  cotifed  ar. 
betw.  fix  martlets  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  co- 
ronet or,  a  plume  of  feathers  partj'  per  pale  ar.  and  az. 

DcUahcre,   Az.  a  bend  double  cotifed  betw.  fix  martlets  or. 

DELABYME,  Az.  a  crefcent  or. 

DELADOWNE,  [London]  Or,  twelve  efcallop-fliells  gu. 
two,  three,  two,  three,  two. — Creft,  a  hand  and  arm  ere£l, 
habited  ar.  cuff  or;  in  the  hand  proper,  a  cup  of  the  firft  j 
out  of  the  cup,   fire  proper. 

DELAFlELD,  [Lancalhirc]  Sa.  a  crofs  patee  or. 

Dclajield,  Viire  ar.  and  fa. 

Ddafield,  [Ireland]  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu.  armed  ar. 
UELAFOUNTAINE,  [EffexJ  Gu.  a  bend  or,  in  the  llnif- 

D     E     L 

Icf  corner  a  cinqucfoil  ar. — Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  grif- 
fin fejant  or,  holding  his  dexter  foot  on  an  eaftern  crown 

DELAFOY,  Sa.  two  arms  meeting  in  chcv.  ar.  crofling  their 
hands  on  a  human  heart  or. 

Delufoy,    Sa.   two  arms    in    falticr,  a    human   heart   in   chief 

DELAFORD,  [Iver,  in  Buckinghamftiire]  Sa.  a  pale  ar. 

DELAFORS,  orDELAHovsE,   [BerkftiireJ   Ar.  a  fcflb  . 
betw.    three   lions  rampant   gu. 

DELAIIACHE,  Or,  a   crofs  engrailed  gu. 

DELAHAY,  Ar.  an  ctoile  fa.  bezantcc. 

Delahay,  Ar.  an  etoile  gu. 

Ddabay,  Ar.  a  mullet  with  fix  points  pierced  gu. 

Ddahay,  [Hcrefordfliirc]  Ar.  an  etoile  of  fixtttn  points  gu.— 
Creft,  a  wolf's  head  .  .  . 

Ddiihay,  Ar.  a  fefTc  gu.  betw.  fix  martlets  fa. 

Ddahay,  Ar.  on  a  feilc  gu.  betw.  fix  martlets  fa.  three  mullets 
of  the  firft. 

Ddahay,  Or,  a  fefle  gu.  betw.  three  martlets  fa. 

Ddahay,  [Kent]  Ar.  on  a  fcfie  fa.  betw.  four  martlets  of  the 
fecond,  two  martlets  or. 

Delahay,  Ar.  three  efcallop-ftiells  in  bend  gu.  cotifed  fa. 

Ddahaf,  Ar.  a  pile  wavy  gu. 

DELAfllLL,  Ar.  two  legs  in  pale  gui 

DELAHOESSE,  Ar.  a  feffe  fa.  betw.  three  fufils  gu.     Ano- 
ther,  lozen;,cs. 

DELALAND,  or  Deland,  [Suffolk]  Azi  a  maunch  erm. 

DdaLmd,  Per  pale  az.  and  gu.  three  lions  paffant  or,  two  and 

Delaland,  [Pinchbeck,  in  Lincoliifliirc]   Ar.  a  feffe  d:;unccttec 
betw.  fix  billets  gu. 

Ddaland,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  billets  gu. 

DELALEE,    [Hertfordfliire]  Ar.  a  crofs  chequy  or  and  az. 

Delake,  [Staftordfliire]  Sa.  three  eagles  heads  erzfed  ar. 

DELALEIGH,  Delegey,  or  Delegh,  Erm.  on  a  chev.  fa. 
three  bezants. 

DELALYND,    [Suffex   and    Surrey]   Ar.    a   crofs   engrail- 
ed gu. 

Ddalynd,  Gu.  three  bucks  heads  couped  or. 

Delalyiid,  Gu.  three  hinds  heads  coupcd  ar.  two  and  one. 

Delalynd,  Gu.  three  ftags  he.ids  cnboJlcd  ar.  two  and  one, 

DELALYNE,  or  Delaluke,  Az.  a  moon  dccrcfccnt  or. 

DELALUCE,  [Chcflow,   in   Dorfetftiirc]  Gu.  three  bucks 
heads  couped  ar. 

DALALUNE,  [Suffolk]  Ar.   three  hurts,   two  and  one. 

Ddalunc,    [Suffolk]   The  fame,   with  a  label  of   three  points. 

DELAMARCIIE,  Barry  of  twelve  ar.  and  az,  over  all  a  lion 
rampant  gu. 

DELAMARE,  Vert,  a  niaunch  erm. 

Dclamare,  Az,  a  maunch  erm. 

Ddamare,  Gu,  a  maunch  ar. 

Delamare,  Gu.  a  maunch  cr. 

Ddamare,  [Oxfordfliire]   Gu.  a  maunch  erm. 

Delamarcj  Gu.   a  crofs  formee,    in  chief  an  efcallop-flie!l  ar. 

Delamare,  or  Delamaync,  Ar.  (another,    ox)   three   crollcs  gu. 
two  and  one. 

Delamare,  Sa.  a  crofs  ar. 

Delamare,  Gu.  a  crofs  pate'e  flory,  in  the  f.rft  quarter  an  cfcal- 
lop-fliell  ar. 

Ddamare,  Or,   a  feffe  cotifed  az.     Another,  double  cotifed. 

Delamare,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  a  feffe  cotifed  az. 

Delamare,  [Effex]  Or,  a  feffe  cotifed  gu. 

Delamare,  Gu.  a  lion  paffant  ar.  collared  az. 

Delamare,  Gu.  two  lions  paffant  gardant  in   pale  or. 

Delamare,  Gu.  t'vo  lions  paffant  in  pale  ar, 

Delaware,  [Hampfliire]  Gu.  two  lions  paffant  gardant  in  pale 
or,  collared  fa. 

Delamare,  or  Delamore,  [Berkfhire]  Az,  two  bars  dauncettee  or. 



Dclamare,  [Bcdfordfliire]  Or,  three  bars  dauncettdc  gu. 
Delamare,  Az.  three  bars  wavy  ar. 

Delamare,  [Effex]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az,.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
Delamare,  [EiFex]  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three  eagles  or. 
Delamare,  or  Delamore,   Ar.   fix  martlets  fa.   three,  two,  and 

DELAMERE,  [Lancafhire]  Gu.  a  crofsformee  or. 
DELAMORE',  alias    MoKEING,  [Moreton,  in  Devonfliire, 

1620.]   Ar.  fix  martlets  fa.  three,  two,  and  one. 
DELAMOTE,  Vaire,  a  bend  lozengy  gu.— Creft,  a  lion  paf- 

fant  gardant  ....  collared  vaire. 
DELAMOTTE,  Vaire,  a  bend  gu. 
DELAPINE,  [Suffolk]  Az.  fretty  ar.  on  a  chief  of  the  fe- 

cond,  three  ogreffes. 
Delapini,    [Kent]    Gu.   a  chev    erm.   betw.    three   pine^ap- 

ples  or. 
DELAPIPE,  [Staffordfliire]  Az.  ten  crofs  croflets  or. 
Delapipe,  Az.  a  feffe  betw.  ten  crofles  patee  or  ;  four  in  chief, 
fix  in  bafe,  three,  two,  and  one.     Another,  ten  crofs  crof- 
Delapipe,  or  Pipe,    [Derbyfliire]  Az.  femee  crofs  croflets  and 

two  orgari-pipes  in  chev.  or. 
DELAPLANCH,  [Buckingham{hire]  Ar.  guttee  fa.   a  lion 

rampant  of  the  laft. 
Delaplanch,  [Buckinghamfliirc]  Ar.  billetty  or,  a  lion  rampant 

fa.  crowned  of  the  fecond. 
Delaplanch,  Ar.  billetty  fa.  a  lion  rampant  gardant  of  the  fe- 
cond, crowned  or. 
DEL  APOND,  Az.   a  fret  ar.  on  a  chief  or,  three  torteauxes. 
DELAPOOL,  Az.  a  felle  betw.  three  leopards  faces  or. 
DELAPOOLE,   [Middlefex]  Ar.  a  faltier  gu.  within  a  bor- 

dure  fa.  bezantee. 
Delapoole,  [Ireland]   Gu.   a  faltier  engrailed  betw.   four  rofes 

Delapoole,  Az.  a  fclTc  or,  and  label  of  three  points  gu. 
Delapoole,  Az.  a  fefle  or. 

Delapoole,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  within  a  bordure  fa.  bezantee. 
Delapoole,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu. 
Delapoole,  Az.  two  bars  nebulce  or. 

Delapoole,  Per    pale    fa.    and  ar.   a   faltier   engrailed  counter- 
Delapoole,    Per    pale  or   and  fa.    a   faltier   engrailed    counter- 
DELARENOR,  or  Delarour,   [Kent]  Ar.   three  hats  fa. 

two  and  one. 
DELARYVEU,  Vaire,  within  a  bordure  gu.  bezantee. 
DELARIVER,  [Yorklhire]  Vaire  ar.  and  gu.  within  a  bor- 
dure az.  bezantee. 
Delartver,  [Ireland]  Gu.  a  faltier  betw.  four  mullets  ar. 
Delariver,  Sa.  two  bends  dauncettee  or. 
Delariver,  [Berkfliire]  Ar.  a  fret  fa.  and  canton  gu. 
Delariver,  Ar.  fretty  fa.  an  inefcutcheon  gu. 
Delariver,  [Berkfhire]  Az.  two  bars  dauncettee  or. 
DELAROCHE,    [Hercfordfhire]    Sa.  three   roaches  naiant 

in  pale  ar. 
DELATOWRE,  Az.  a  tower  triple-towered  ar. 
DELATUNE,  [Hampfhirc]   Ar.  a  crofs  engrailed  gu. 
DELAVACHE,  Gu.   three  lions  rampant  ar.   crowned  or, 

two  and  one. 
Dekvache,  [Buckinghamfliirc]   Gu.  three  lions  rampant  ar.  a 

label  of  three  points  az. 
Dclavache,  [Buckinghamfliirc]  Gu.  a  lion  paflant  ar. 
DELAVAL,  [Northumberland]   Ar.  two  bars  vert. — Crefl-, 

out- of  a  ducal    coronet  or,  a  goat's  head  ar.  attired  or. 
Ddaval,  [SeatonDehwal,  in  Northumberland]  Erm.  two  bars 

vert. — Creft,  a  ram's  head  erafed  ar.   attired  or. 
DELAVIL  [Northumberland]  Erm.  three  lozenges  az. 

D     E     M 

DALAVERE,  Or,  a   cro.'"s    gu.  on  a  chief  vert,  a  label  of 

three  points  ar. 
Delavere,  Or,  a  crofs  gu.  and  a  chief  vert, 
Delavcre,  Quarterly  or  and  gu.  in  the  dexter  quarter  a  mullet 

of  the  fecond. 
DELAUNT,  Or,  a  chev.  tetw.  three  billets  gu. 
DELAUNE,   [London]  Az.  a  crofs  of  lozenges  or,  on  a  chief 
gu.  a  leopard  paffant  gardant  of  the  fecond,  fpotted  fa.  hold- 
ing in  his  dexter  paw  a  fleur-de-lis  or. — Creft,  the  lion  (or 
fymbol)  of  St.  Mark  fejant,  v/ings  elevated,  and  round  his 
head  a  glory,  all  proper,  laying  his  right  paw  on  the  Gofpcl 
clofe  or,  covered  gu.  and   garniftied  or.     Her.  Oft.  Lonim, 
C.  24. 
DELAWARDE,  [Oxfordftiire]  Vaire  ar.  and  fa. 
Delaward,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  billets  gu. 
DELAWARE,  Gu.  a  liori  rampant  betw.  five  crofs  cro.lctj 

fitchee  or^ 
Delaware,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  within  an   orle  of 'eight  crofs 

croflets  fitchee  ar. 
DELAWARR,    [Warwickftiire    and    Glouceftcrfliire]    Gu. 

crufuiy  fitchee,    a   lion  rampant  ar. 
Delawarr,   Gu.  crufuiy  fitchee,   a  lion  rampant  ar.  a  bend  en- 
grailed fa. — Creft,  a  bird's  head  couped  ar.  beaked  gu. 
DELAWREY,  Az.  three  leopards  heads  jeffant  de-lis   or. 
DELEGEY,  or  Delegh.     See  DELALEIGH. 
DELILLERS,   [London]    Or,    three   lions  rampant  az.  du- 
cally  crov/ncd  gu. — Creft,  a   demi-lian  rampant  az.  ducally 
crowned  gu.     Granted  1657. 
DE   LIGNE,  Or,  abend  gu.  a  chief  chequy  ar.  and  az. 
DELLAND,  [Ireland]  Ar.  a  faltier  az. 
DELLEE,  orDELLY,  Ar.  a  feffe  betiv.  thiee  crefcents  gu. 

Another,    fa. 
DELLESFEILDE,  [Lancafliire]  Vaire  gu.  and  ar. 
DELLYNE,  Sa.  fix  lions  rampant  ar. 
DELLORTY,  Az.  a  crofs  or. 

DELME,  [London]   Or,  an  anchor  in  pale  fa.  betw.   two 
lions  paflTant  gu. — Creft,  a  lion  palfant  gu.  againft  an  an- 
chor fa. 
DELMY,  Sa.  fix  lions  paffant  ar. 
DELNAM,   [Suffolk]   The  fame  as  DEBENHAM. 
DELNER,  or  Delver,   Ar.   a  chev.   gu.  betw.   three  bil- 
lets fa. 
DELOREY,  Gu.  two  flaunches   indented   ar.  within  a  bor- 
dure or. 
DELSUME,  [France]  Per  feffe  or  and  az.  five  fleurs-de  lis  in 

crofs  counterchanged. 
DEELSUME,  Or,  a  fleur-de-lis  az.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond, 

an  eagle  difplayed  of  the  firft. 
DELVES,  [Chefliire  and  Kent]   Ar.  a  chev.  gu.    fretty  or, 

betw.  three  delves  fa. 
Delves,  Ar.  a  chev.  az.  fretted  or,  betw.  three  delves  fa. 
Delves,  [Lancafhire  and  Chefliire]    Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  fretty  or, 
betw.  three  billets   fa. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a 
demi-eagle  betw.  two  wings  fa. 
Delves,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  billets  fa. — Creft,  a  dol- 
phin embowcd  az. 
Delves,  [Chefhire]  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  fretty  or,  betw.  three  ewer- 
pots  fa. — Creft,  a  dolphin  embowed  ar. 
Delves,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  fa. 
Delves,   Ar.  a  chev.  fa.  fretty  or,  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  fa. 
DELLWOOD,  Ar.    an  eagle  difplayed  with  two  necks  fa. 

perched  on  a  ftaff  lying  feffeways  raguly  vert. 
Dellwood,  Ar.  an  eagle  difplayed  with  two  necks  in  bend  vert. 
DEMARDESTON,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  two  bars  az.  on  a  chief 

gu.  a  lion  paffant  or,  collared  of  the  fecond. 
Demardejlon,  Az.  two  bars  ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  leopard  paf- 
fant or. 
Demardejlon,    Devejlon,   or  Denejlon,  [Suffolk]   Barry  of  four 
ar.  and  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  lion  paffant  gardant  or. 



DtmardeJl'M,  Az.  two  pales  ar.  on  a  chief  gU.  a  Icop.ird  paf- 
fant  or. 

DEMELEY,  or  Denley,  Az.  a  chcv.  betw.  three  martlets 

DEMYLLY,  [France]  Az.  achev.  betw.  three  martlets  or. 

DEMORBY,  Ar.  on  a  bend  az.  three    fpur-rowels  or. 

DEN,  or  Denne,  [Kent]  Ar.  two  flaunches  fa.  each  charged 
with  a  leopard's  head  or. — Creft,  on  a  ftafF  raguly  vert,  a 
ftag  lodged  proper,  attired  or. 

Deriy  [Huntingdonfhirc]  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  each  charged  with 
three  crofTcs   patec  or. 

DENAMURE,  Demaure,  or  Deumore,  [Tournny]  Gu. 
a  bend  fufilly  ar. 
J;       DENARSTON,  or   Deverston,  Ar.  three  pole-axes  gu. 

DENCH,  or  Den'echye,  Vert,  a  falticr  engrailed  betw. 
four  crofs  croflets  fitchce  ar. 

DENENSHE,  Vert,  a  faltier  engrailed  ar.  betw.  four  crofs 
croflets  fitchee  or. 

DENET,  Gu.  a  demi-lion  rampant  ar. 

DENEVILL,  Gu.  a  fcfle  daunccttce  ar.  within  a  bordure  en- 
grailed or. 

DENG,  Dengis,  or  Dency,  Ar.  a  chcv.  fa.  betw.  three  mul- 
lets gu. 

DENGAYNE,  or  Engayne,  [Brunfted,  in  Norfolk]  Az.  a 
fcfle  dauncettee  betw.  fix  efcallop-fhelk  ar. 

Dengayncy  Az.  a  fefle  indented  ar.  betw.  fix  efcallop-fliells  or. 

Dengayne,  Or,  a  fefle  dauncettee  fa. 

Dcngaync^  Gu.  a  fefle  dauncettee  ar.  betw.  fix  crofs  crof- 
lets or. 

Dengayne,  Gu.  a  fcfle  dauncettee  or. 

Dengayne,  Gu.  a  feffc  dauncettee  or,  betW.  ten  crofs  croflets 
of  the  fccond. 

DENGATE,  Per  bend  embattled  fa.  and  ar. 

DENHAM,  [London,  Buckinghamfliire,  and  Surry]  Gu. 
three  fufils  erm.  two  and  one. — Crefl:,  a  lion's  head  erafed 

Denham,  [Devonfhire  and  Kent]  Gu.  five  (another,  four)  lo- 
zenges   in  fefle   erm. 

Denhaiiiy  Gu.  a  fefl"e  lozengy  ar. 

Denham,  Quarterly  or  and  fa.  on  each  three  martlets  counter- 

Denham,  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  mullets  or.  Another,  three 
mullets  ar. 

Denham,  Ar.  a  fefle  betw.  three  lions  heads  erafed  gu. 

Denham,  Gu.  a  chev.  betw.  three  lions  gambs  erafed  erm. 

Denham,  Gu.  three  bezants,  two  and  one. 

DEN  YNGSELL,  Ar.  a  fefl'e  gu. 

DENYS,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  fefTe  nebulee  gu.  betw.  three  fleurs- 
de-lis  az. 

Denys,  [Kent]  Ar.  a  fefle  wavy  gu.  betw.  fix  fleurs-de-lis  az. 

Denys,  [Devonfhire]  Az.  three  halberds  or,  headed  ar.  two  and 
one. — Creft,  a  tree  vert,  behind  an  antelope  paflint  ar. 

DENISELL,  Densell,  or  Denstall,  [Cornwall  and  De- 
vonfhire]   Sa.  a  mullet  furmounting  a  crefcent  in  pale  ar. 

DENMAN,  [Newfhall  Grange,  in  Yorkfhire]  Ar.  three 
lions  heads  erafed  gu. 

DENN,  [Eversfield,  in  Suflex]  Erm.  on  a  bend  fa.  three 
mullets  or. — Creft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet,  a  camel's  head 

DENNE,  [Kent]  Ar.  achev.  wavy  gu.  betw.  three  fleurs- 
de-lis  az. 

Demie,  [Adfham,  in  Kent]  Az.  three  bars  erm.  in  chief 
three  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Creft,  on  a  chapeau  vert,  turned  up 
erm.  a  peacock  in  its  pride  proper. 

DENNER,  Quarterly  gu.  and  ar.  a  label  az. 

DENNET,  [London]  Sa.  guttee  ar.  a  canton  erm. — Creft,  a 
boar's  head  erafed  ar. 


DENNEY,   or  Deknv,   [Waltham  Abbey  in  Eflex,   and  of 

Norfolk]    Gu.  a  faltier  ar.   betw.  twelve  crofs    croflets  or. 

Another,  ar. — Creft,  a  cubit  arm   ere£l  proper,  holding  a 

bunch  of  barley  or. 
DENNILL,  or  Dev.nill,  [Leicefterfhire]  Gu.  a  fcfle  daun- 
cettee or,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  ar. 
DENNIS,  [Gloucefter,  1623.]  Gu.  three  leopards  heads  jcf- 

fant  de-lis  or,  over  all  a  bend  engrailed  az. 
Dennis,  [Gloucefter]  Ar.  on  a  bend  engrailed  betw.  three  leo- 
pards   heads  az.  jcflant  dc-lis  or,    a  martlet  of  the  field   for 

Dennis,  [Pucklcchurch,  in  Gloucefierfhire]  Gu.  a  bend  en- 
grailed az.  betw.  two  leopards  heads  jeflant  de-lis  or. Crefl, 

a  demi-lion  rampant  az.  bezanfee. 
Dennis,    Gu.  a   bend    engrailed    az.    between    three  leopards 

heads  or. 
Dennis,  Gu.   a  bend  engrailed  az.   betw.   three  leopards  heads 

or,  jeflant  de-lis  of  the  fecond. 
Dennis,    [Devonfhire]  Erm.   three  pole-axes,  two  and  one, 

within  a  bordure  engrailed  gu. 
Dennis,  [Devonfhire]  Sa.  three  Danifh  axes  ar. 
Dennis,  [Devonfhire,  Cornwall,  and   of  the  Ifle  of  Wight] 

Erm.   three   battle-axes   in  pale  gu. — Creft,   a  tiger's  head 

erafed  erm.     Another,  ar. 
Dennis,  [Orley,  in  Devonfhire]  Sa.  achev.  betw.  three  broad - 

arrows  ar. 
Dennis,  Ar.  on  a  chcv.  az.  three  crefcenfs  or. 
Dennis,     [Kent]  Ar.  a  chev.    betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis   gu. — 

Creft,  an  arm   couped  at  the  elbow  and  ere<S,  in   armour, 

grafping  a  fnake,  all  proper. 
DENNY,  [Waltham]  Gu.  a  faltier  ar.  betw.  twelve  croflcs 

formee  or. — Creft,   a  cubit  arm  vefted  and  turned   up  ar. 

holding  in  the  hand  proper,  four  ears  of  wheat  or. 
DENSY,  Gu.  a  crofs  moline  or. 
DENSILL,  Ar.  a  bend  betw.  three  crofiers  "u. 
DENSELL,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  crofs  croflets  fa,  as 

many  crefcents  or. 
DENSSEN,  Ar.  a  chev.  fa. 

DENSTON,    Ar.  a  chev.  betw.    two  couple-clofes  engrail- 
ed fa. 
DENSTONE,  Ar.  two  lions  p?,flant  gardant  gu. 
DENT,  [Dent,  near  Ncwcaftle  upon   Tyne]   Ar.  on  a  bend 

az.  three  lozenges  erm. — Creft,    a  tiger's  head  erafed  erm. 

maned  fa.  vomiting  flames  of  fire  proper. 
Dent,  Gu.  two  bars  and  a  canton  ar. 
Dent,  [London]  Ar.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  fufils  erm. 
Dent,  [London]  Sa.  a  fcflTe  dauncettee  ar.  in  chief  three  efcal- 

lop-fhells  or. — Creft,  a  demi-wolf  fallent  fa.  charged  on  the 

neck  with  a  collar  dauncettee  ar. 
DENTON,   [Carden,  in   Cumberland]   Ar.  two  bars  gu.  in 

chief  three  martlets  of  the  fccond. — Creft,  a  martlet  fa. 
Denton,  [Lancafhire,  Oxfordfhire,  and  Buckinghamfhire]  Ar. 

two  bars  gu.  in  chief  three  cinquefoils  of  the  fecond. — Creft, 

a  lion  couchant  or. 
Denton,  Ar.  two  bars  gu. 
Denton,  [Warncll,  in  Cumberland]  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  in  chief 

three  cinquefoils  fa. 
Denton,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  collared  or. 
Denton,  Ar.  two  bars  and  in  chief  as  n.any  martlets  fa."" 
Denton,  Ar.  a  fefle  gu.  in  chief  three  martlets  of  the  fecond. 
Denton,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa. 
DENVER,  [Eflex]  Sa.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  crofs  croflets 

fitchce  ar. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  rampant   az.  holding  with 

both  his  gambs  a  crofs  croflet  fitchee  or. 
DEOBODY,  [Ireland]   Or,  a  crofs   gu.  fpotted  with  erm. 

DEOYLE,  Ar.  three  chcv.  fa. 



DEONFIELD,  the  fame  as  DEANFIELD. 

DEPDEN,  or  Deptun,  [HerefordfliireJ  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu. 
three  rofes  of  the  field. 

Depdcn,  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three  leopards  heads  gu. 

Depdtn,  Ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  three  leopards  faces  or. 

Depdi-n,  [Suffolk]  Erm.  on  a  chief  az.  three  lions  ram- 
pant or. 

DEPHAM,  Ar.  (another,  or)  on  a  fcfle  gu  three  leopards 
heads  or. 

Dephatn,  [Norfolk]  Ar.  on  a  feffe  gu.  a  lion  rampant  or. 

Depham,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  lions  rampant  girdant  or. 

DEPORTE,  [Sheepfhead,  in  Leiceftcrfliire]  Ar.  two  bars 
az.  over  all  a  faltier  gu. 

DERAM,  Az,  three  crefcents  betw.  nine  crofs  croflets  ar. 

Deram,  Gu.  femee croflets,  three  crefcents  ar. 

Dc-ram,   Az.  a  crofs  betw.  four  lions  rampant  ar, 

Deram,  Az.  a  crofs  betw.  four  lions  rampant  or. 

DERBY,  Ar.  three  cinquefoi's  and  a  canton  gu. 

DEREHAM,  [Weft  Dereham,  in  Norfolk]  Az.  a  buck's 
head  caboffed  or. — Creft,  a  bear  rampant  fcjant  fa.  muzzled, 
lined,  and  ringed,  or,  charged  on  the  fhoulder  with  an  an- 
nulet ar.     See   Dt'EREHAM. 

DEREWARD,  Erm.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  crefcents  or, 

DERHAUGH,  [Coulfton  Hall,  in  Suffolk]  Sa.  three  mart- 
lets in  bend,  betw.  tv/o  bendlets  ar. — Creft,  a  tiger  paffant 
or,  tufted  and  maned  fa. 

DERYCOTT,  Or,  an  antelope  paffant  gu.  on  a  chief  of  the 
fccond,  three  efcallop-fliells  of  the  firft- 

DERING,  [Hampfliire]  Gu,  three  roe-bucks  heads  coupcd 

DERLING,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  porridge-pots  fa.  Ano- 
ther, three  ewers. 

DERMYNE,  Ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  cotifed  fa.  three  efcallop- 
fliells  or. 

DERNEYS,  Gu.  a  feffe  ar-  in  chief  three  plates. 

DERNESTODE,  or  Dernford,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant 
chequy  or  and  az, 

Dcrnjlodc,  Sa.  an  eagle  difplayed  ar. 

DERNFORD,  Sa.  an  eagle  difplayed  ar. 

Dernford,  [Devonftiire]  Sa.  a  ram's  head  caboffed  ar.  attired 

Dernford,  Ar.  two  wings  conjoined  fa. 

Dernford,  Az.  two  fifties  haurient  or. 

Dernford,   Gu.  a  lion  rampr.nt  or,  fretty  az. 

DERPATRICK,  [Ireland]  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu.  a  feffe  coun- 

Dcrpatrid,  Per  pale  or  and  gu.  two  ba/s  counterchanged. 

DERULE,  Sa.  a  fun  in   fplendor  or. 

DERWARD,  Erm.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  crefcents  ar.  Ano- 
ther, or. 

DERWELL,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  fa.  as 
many  crefcents  or. 

DERWENT,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond, 
a  rofe  or. 

DERWENTWATER,  Ar.  tn-o  bars  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the 
fecond,  a  rofe  of  the  firft.     Another,  the  rofe  or. 

Derwcnttvatcr,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  on  a  canton  of  the  fecond,  a 
cinqucfoil  or.     Another,  a  lozenge  ar. 

DERWICK,  or  Derawnt,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  billets 

DERWYN,  Gu.  a  feffe  and  pale  engrailed  or. 

DESCUS,  Gu.  an  increflant  or. 

DESLAND,  [Ireland]   Ar.  a  faltier  az. 

Defmond,  [Ireland]   Erm,   a  faltier  gu.— Creft,  a  lion  paffant 

gardant  or,  grafplng  a  faltier  gu. 
Defmond,  [Ireland]   Erm.  a  faltier  fa. 

DESNEY,  Ar.  a  feffe  gu.  charged  with  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. 
DESPAYNE,  Gyronny  of  eight  or  and  az.  an  inefcutchcon 



I)(fpayne,  Ar.  a  feffe  gu.  a  chief  bendy  of  fi.'c   of  the  firfl  and 


DETHICK,  [Bredfale  in  Dcrbyfliire,  and    of  Norfolk]   Ar, 
a  feffe  vaire  or  and  gu.  betw.  three  water-bougets  fa. — Creft, 
a  nag's  head  erafed  ar. 
DETLEY,  [Chefhirc]  Ar.  on  a  feff:  betw.  fix   crofs  croflets 

fitchee  fa.  three  efcallop-fhclls  or. 
DETLING,  Or,   [another,  ar.)  fix  lions  rampant  az.  three, 

two,  and  one. 
DETMORE,    Ar.    a   feffe   indented     gu.   betw.   three  mul- 
lets fa. 
DEATMORE,  Ar.  a  feffe  engrailed  gu. 
DETON,  Sa.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  crefcents  pr.  each  char- 
ged with  a  crefcent  of  the  firft,  as  many  martlets  vert. 
Deton,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three  crefcents  ar.  each  charged  with 

another  gu.  within  a  bordure  gobonated  ar.  and  gu. 
Deton,  Sa.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  martlets  vert. 
Deton,  Or,  two  lions  paflant  gardant  gu.  within  a  bordure  azy 
DEATON,  [Devonftiire]  Erm.  a  feffe  gu. 
DEVALL,   Sa.  a  bend  cotifed  dauncettee  ar, 
DEVELL,   Quarterly  ar.  and  fa. 
DEVENDALE,   or  Deundale,    [Hampfhire]  Ar.  a  crofs 

farcelly  gu. 
DEVENISH,  Vert,  a  faltier  engrailed  ar.  betw.  four  crofs 

croflets    fitchee  or, 
Devenijh,  [Suffex]  Vert,  a  faltier  engrailed  or,  betw.  four  crofs 
croflets  fitchee  ar. — Creft,  a  demi-tiger  falient  vert,  in  his 
dexter  foot  a  crofs  croflct  fitchee  ar. 
DEVER,  Erm.  a  bend  gu. 
DEVERDOWNE,  Or,  a  fret  gu. 

DEVERELL,  Gu.  three  ftirrups  with  leathers  in  pale  or,' 
DEVERLUX,  [Herefordfliire]  Ar.  a  feffe  gu.  in  chief  thres 
torteauxes. — Creft,    out  of  a   ducal   coronet    or,  a  talbot's 
head  ar.  eared  gu. 
Devereux,     [Warvvickfhirc]   The   fame,  with  due  difference, 

and  the  fame  creft. 
Devereux,  [Chefhirc]   Gu.  a  feffe  ar.  in  chief  three  plates. 
Devereux,  Paly  of  fix  gu.  and  vaire,  on  a  chief  or,  a  lion  paf- 
fant fa, 
Devereux,  Or,  on  a  feffe  g\i.  three  martlets  ar. 
DEVERS,  or  Deveris,  [Suffolk]  Ar.  achev.  fa.  betw.  three 

mullets  with  fi.x  points  of  the  fecond,  pierced  or. 
DEVERSON,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  on  a  chief  of  the  laft,  a  lion 
paffant  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  gardant  and  erafed  gu.  col- 
lared or. 
DEVIFORD,  Sa.  a  crofs  engrailed  or,   and   bend  ar. 
DEVILL,  Gu.  a  feffe  indented  within  a  bordure  or. 
DEVIE,  [Ifie  of  Guernfey,   1612  ]   Or,   three  caltraps  fa.  a 

chief  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a   caltrap  fa. 
DEVON,  Or,   three  torteauxes,  two  and  one. 
DEVONSHIRE,  [Cornwall]   Az.  three  eagles  or,  two  and 

Devonfi'ire,  Ar.  three  eagles  difplayed  gu.  two  and  one. 
DEVENSHIRE,  [Buckinghamfliire]  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three 

efcalloivfliells  fa. 
DEWELL,  or  Dewill,  Ar.  two  bars  gu.  each  charged  with 

five  bezants. 
Dewill,  [Hertfordfilire]   Gu,  femee  de-lis  ar.  a  lion   rampant 

gardant  of  the  fecond. 
DEWES,  [Studley,  in  Warwickfliire]  Or,  three  quatrefolls 
pierced  gu.  diverfified  with  a  chief  vaire. — Creft,  a  wolf's 
head  erafed  or,  about  the  neck  a  collar  vaire,  holding  in  the 
mouth  a  quatrefoil  pierced  gu.  flipped  proper.  Granted 
July  25,  1709. 
Dewei,  [Stow-hall,  in  Suffolk]  Or,  a  feffe  vaire,  betw. 
three  quatrefoils  gu. 



DEWHURST,  [Dewhurft,   in  Lancafliire]  Ermlnois,  three 

efcallop-fhclls  gu. — Creft,  a  wolf's  head  erminois. 
DEWY,  [Stratfidd,  in  Norfolk]  Sa.  on  a  feflb  ar.  betw.  three 

dragons  heads  crafcd  or,  as  many  cinquefoilsof  the  field. 
DEWYN,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  three  cinqucfoils  fa.     Anothcrj 

three  trefoils  flipped  fa. 
Dtwin,  Per  pale  indented  az.   and  or,  a  lion  pafTant  gardant 
countcrchangc-d  ;  on  a  cliicf  ar.  a  role  betw.  two  fleurs-de-lis 
DEWIXSTOM,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  in  chief  tortcauxes. 
DEWNILL,  Or,  a  fret  vairc. 

DEWPORT,  Per  chev.  embattled  az.  and  fa.  a  lion  rampant 
or,  in  chief  a  crefccnt,  in  bafc  a  mullet  of  the  laft. 

DIABLE,  or  Dit«le,  Sa.  on  a  chief  ar.  a  lion  pallant  gu. 

DIAMONT,  [London]  Ar.  five  fufils  in  fefle  conjoined  gu. 
each  charged  with  a  flcur-de-Iis  or. — Crcft,  a  demi-lion  or, 
holding  in  his  dexter  paw  a  fufil  gu.  charged  with  a  fleur- 
de-lis  or.  Granted  l6i2.  Her.  Off.  int.  Mfs.  Vincent 
Numb.  154. 

DICAM,  [Cowlby,  in  Lincolnftiire]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  or, 
betw.  three  rofes  ar.  as  many  ftecplcs  az. 

DiCOME  [Lincolnfhire]  Gu.  a  chev.  erminois  betw.  three 
rofcs  or. — Creft,  an  unicorn's  head  erafcd  quarterly  erm. 
and  gu.  crineJ  or,  the  horn  gobony  or  and  ar. 

DICO.M,  or  DicoNs,  [Bedfordfliire]  Or,  a  chev.  gu.  fretty 
of  the  field,  betw.  three  rofes  gu.  flipped  vert.  Another, 
ar. — Creft,  a  cock's  head  az.  beaked  or,  combed  and  wat- 
tled gu. 

DICER,  [Uphall,  in  HertforJfhire]  Gu.  on  a  chev.  betw. 
three  eagles  difplaycd  or,  as  manv  torteauxes. 

DfCHFIELD,  [Shabcry  in  Oxforddiire,  Ditton  in  Lanca- 
fliire, and  of  Effex]  Ar.  three  pine-apples  gu.  two  and  one. 
— Crcft,  a  porcupine. 

DICHFIELD,  or  Dicher,  [Shawborie  and  Mugleton,  in 
Shropfhirc]  Az.  three  pine-apples  or. — Creft,  a  bear  paffant 

DICKARD,  or  Dickwakd,  Sa.  three  plates,  on  each  a 
cinqucfoil  gu. 

DICKES,  [Norfolk]  Az.  on  a  bend  or,  three  martlets  gu. 
on  a   chief  ar.  ti.vo  rein-decrs  heads  couped  of  the  third. 

Dlckes,  [Walthole,  in  Cumberland]  Or,  a  fefie  vairc  erm.  and 
fa.  betw.  three  cinquefoils  of  the  laft. 

DICKING,  [Bubbington,  in  StaiFordfhire]  Erm.  a  crofs 
flory  fa. 

DICKINS,  [StafFordfhirc]  Erm.  a  crofs  patonce  fa. 

Duiins,  The  fame,   with  a  canton  gu. 

DICKENS,  [London]  Erm.  on  a  crofs  patonce  fa.  a  leopard's 
head  or. — Crcft,  a  lion  couchant  or,  holding  out  in  his  gamb 
a  crofs  patonce  fa.     Her.  Off.  London,  C.  24. 

DICKINSON,  Vert,  a  crofs  betw.  four  hinds  heads  couped 
or. — Creft,  a  tiger  fejaiit  erm.  ducally  gorged  or,  holding  up 
in  his  gamb  a  broad  arrov.-  or,  plumed  ar.  Granted  in  Nov, 

Dkkhtfon,  or  Dicoiifon,  [Clcypole  in  Lincolnfhire,  of  Yorkfhirc, 
and  of  Bradley  in  StaffcrJftiire]  Az.  a  fefle  betw.  two  lions 
paffant  erminois. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  rampant  per  pale  ermi- 
nois and  az. 

DlCKLESTON,  Ar.  a  pile  fa. 

DICON,  or  DicoiiKs,  Ar.  fufils  in  bend  betw.  two  crofs 
crcHets  fitchec  fa. 

DICTON,  [Li.icolnfliire]  Ar.  an  antelope  paffant  betw. 
three  leopards  faces  gu. 

DYE,  [Yorkfbire]  Ar.  a  feffe  fa.  in  chief  three  mullets  of  the 

DYER,  [Stoughton  in  Huntingdonfliire,  and  of  AlJebur\' in 
Herttbrdftiire]  Sa.  three  goats  paffant  ar.  attired  or,  two  and 
one. — Creft,  a  goat's  head  erafed  ar.  holding  in  his  mouth  a 
rcfe  proper,  ftalkcd  and  leaved  vert.     Granted  1575- 

Dyrr,  [Modbury,  in  Dcvonfhirc]  Or,   a  chief  indented  gu. — 

D     Y     M 

Crcft,  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  goat's  head  fa.  attired  or. 
Dyir,  [Waters-place,  in  Hcrtfurdfliire]  Sa.  a  feffe  engrailed 
or,  betw.  three  goats  paffant  ar.— Creft,  a  Saracen's  head 
in  profile  proper,  on  the  head  a  cap  or,  verged  round  the 
temples  chcquy  ar.  and  az. 

DYES,  or  Diss,  Sa.  a  chev.  betw.  three   leopards  heads  ar. 

DYEWIN,  Gu.  a  feffe  erm.  over  all  a  pale  engrailed  of  the 

DIGBY,  [Sherborn  in  Dorfetfhire,  Colftiill  in  Warwicklhire, 
Barnes  in  Surrey,  and  ot  London,  Lciccfterfhire,  and  Grey- 

ftocke  in   Buckinghanifhirc]  Az.  a   fleur-de-lis  ar. Crcft, 

an   oftrich  ar.  in  his  mouth   a  horfe-flioe  or. 

Dist'j;  [Wclby  in  Leicefterfhirc,  and  of  Norfolk]  The  fame, 
with  due  difference. 

Digby,  [Mansfield  Woodhoufe,  in  Nottinghair.fhire]  Az.  a 
fleur-de-lis  ar.  and  a  canton  or.— Crcft,  an  oftiich  ar.  in  its 
beak  a  horfc-flioc  proper. 

DIGGS,  crDycEs,  [Kent,  P.xton  in  Wiltlhirc,  and  Rye- 
gate  in  Surry]  Gu.  on  a  crofs  ar.  five  cigles  difplaycd  fa. 
armed  gu. — Two  crefts  ;  firft,  an  eagle's  leg  couped  front 
the  thigh  fa.  three  oftriches  feathers  ar.  fecond,  an  ea-^Ic'» 
head  fa. 

^'SV^  Gu.  on  a  crofs  ar.  five  eagles  difplaycd  with  two 
heads  fa. 

DIGHTON,  [Sturton,  in  Lincolnftiire]  Per  pale  ar.  and  gu. 
an  antelope  paffant  counterchanged. 

Dighton,  [Hoftow  in  LincolnflTire,  of  Worccftcrfliirc,  and 
of  London]  Ar.  a  lion  paffant  betw.  three  croffes  formee 
fitchee  gu. — Creft,  on  a  ducal  coronet  or,  a  hawk  clofe  ar. 
beaked  and  legged  gu.  belled  or. 

Dightati,  [Hertfordfliire]  Erm.  a  lion  paffant  betw.  three  croffes 
formee  fitchee  gu. — Crcft,  a  lion's  gamb  erafed  or,  holding 
a  crofs  formee  fitchee  gu. 

DIKES,  or  DvKES,  [Cumberland]  Or,  three  cinquefoils  fa. 
— Creft,  a  lobfter  vert. 

DYKE,  [Horeham,  in  Suffcx]  The  fame. — Creft,  a  cubit' 
arm  in  armour  proper,  garnifhcd  or,  holding  in  the  gaunt- 
let a  cinquefoil  flipped   or. 

DILDARNE,  Ar.  a  chev.  engrailed  az.  betw.  three  cocks 
heads  erafed  gu. 

DILDOE,  [Gillingham,  in  Dorfetftiire]  Ar.  a  .'"effc  betw. 
three  ftorks  fa. 

DILFORD,  Az.  three  lions  rarrpant  ar.  crowned  o.',  two 
and   one. 

DILKE,  [Staffordfhire,  Leiceftcrfliire,  and  Warwickfhirc] 
Gu.  a  lion  rampant  per  pale  ar.  and  or. — Creft,  a  dove  clofe 
ar.  beaked  and  legged  gu.     Granted  Jan.  10.  15J4. 

DYLLES,  or  Dills,  Gu.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  three  hawks 
heads   erafed  or. 

DILLINGTON,  [Dillington,  in  Norfolk]  Or,  three  hawks 
proper,  perched  ar. — Creft,  a  hawk  clofe  proper,  beaked, 
belled,  and  legged  or,  on  a  perch  ar. 

Dillington,  [Knighton,  in  the  Ifle  of  Wight]  Gu.  a  lion 
fallent  or. 

DILLON,  or  Ditton',  [Dcvonftiire]  Ar.  on  a  lion  rampant 
betw.  four  ctoiles  iffuing  from  as  many  crcfcents  gu.  a   bar 
az. — Creft,  a  demi-lion  holding  in  his  dexter  foot  an  etoile  • 
gu.  iffuing  out  of  a  crefcent  of  the  fame. 

Dillon,  [Chimwell,  in  NorthamptonfhireJ  Ar.  a  lion  rampant 
gu.  debruifed  with  a  bar  az.  betw.  three  crefcents  iffuant  as 
many  etoiles  of  the  fecond. 

DYLNEY,  Ar.  on  a  feffe  gu.  three  fleurs-dc-Iis  or. 

DYMOCK,  [Lincolnftiire]  Sa.  two  lions  paffant  in  pale  ar. 
crowned  and  .irmed  or. — Crcft,  a  lion  paffant  gardant  fa.  du- 
cally crowned  or.  Two  other  crefts ;  firft,  a  fword  ere£t  ar. 
hilt  and  pomel  or ;  fecond,  the  fcalp  of  a  hare,  the  ears 
ereiEl  fa. 

Dytnock,  or  Dymatt,  [Lancafliire]  Gu.  on  a  chief  or,  a  lion  paf- 
fant fa. 

*  #  Dymtik, 

D     Y     M 

Dymod,  cr  VyMc,  [Dcvonfl.ire]  Ar.  on  a  chief  fa.  three  etoiles 


DymocH,  Sa.  a  fword  in  pale  ar.  hilt  and  pomel  or. 

Dymud,  [Warwickfliire]  Per  bend  finifter  ermine  and  ermines, 
a  lion  rampant  or.— Creft,  an  hand  and  arm  in  armour  erea 
proper,  holding  a  tilting-fpear  fa.  headed  ar.  embrued  gu. 
Granted   158 1. 

Dymcck,  alias  Collur,  [Staffordfliire]  Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  betw. 
three  demi-unicorns  current  gu.  a  lion  pafTant  ar.  crowned 
or.     See  COLLIER  of  Darlfton  in  StafFordllyire. 

DYMOCKE,  [Devonfhire]  Ar.  on  achief  az.  three  mullets 
pierced  or. 

Dymo^h,  [Erdington,  in  Warwickfliire]  Az.  three  boars 
paffant   in  pale  ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  a  lion  palTant  or. 

DYMOND,  [Tiverton,  in  Devonftiire]  Gu.  three  fufi Is  in 
fefTe  ar.  over  all  a  feffe  of  the  firft. 

DYMON,  or  Dyman,  [London]  Ar.  five  fufils  in  fcfle  gu. 
each  charged  with  a  fleur-de-lis  or,  betw.  three  mullets  fa.— 
Creft,  ademi-lion  .  .  .  holding  in  his  paw  a  fufil  gu.  char- 
ged with  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 

DYNANT,  Gu.  a  fefle  dauncettee  erm. 

DYNE,  Gu,  a  fefTe  dauncettee  or,  betw.  three  efcallop-fliells 


Dyne,  [Weftfield,  in  Suffex]  Ar.  two  bars  gemelles,  betw.  three 
efcallop-fliells  gu. 

Dyne,  [Noithumberland]  Gu.  on  a  bend  or,  three  birds  fa. 

Dyne,  or  Dynnc,  [Heydon,  in  Norfolk]  Sa.  a  marlion's  wing  in 
feffe  ar.  betw.  four  croffes  formee  or,  two  and  two.— Creft, 
a  plume  of  feathers  or.  Another  creft,  out  of  a  ducal  co- 
ronet, a  marlion's  finifter  w  ing  ar. 

Dyne,  Or,   a  feffe  fa. 

DYNEASTER,  Ar.  on  abend  az.  three  efcallop-ftiells  or. 

DINELY,  [Stanford  Dinghy,  in  Dorfetfliire]  Ar.  a  feffe  fa. 
in  chief  a  mullet  of  the  laft,  betw.  two  pellets. 

Dinely,  [Yorkftiire]  Ar.  a  crofs  moline  gu.  in  chief  three  mul- 
lets fa. 

DINGDALE,  [Clitherow,  in  Lancafliire]  Ar.  a  crofs  mo- 
line gu.  in  the  dexter  chief  quarter  a  torteaux.— Creft,  a 
griiEn's  head  betw.  two  wings  endorfed  or.  Granted  Aug. 
10,  1560. 

DYNGE,  or  Dykcey,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  five  (another,  three) 

eagles  difplayed  fa. 

DINGHAM,  Gu.  three  bezants,  two  and  one. 

Dlngham,  Or,  a  lion  paffant  fa. 

Dinsham,  Gu.  three  fufils  in  feffe  erm.  Another,  within  a 
bordure  of  the  laft. 

Dlngham,  Gu.  a  fleur-de-lis  or. 

DINGLEY,  or  Dinley,  [Yorkfliire]  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three 
mullets  fa. 

Dynghy,  or  Dynly,  Ar.  in  chief  three  mullets  fa. 

Dinghy,  Ar.  fretty,  in  chief  three   mullets  fa. 

Dyngley,  Ar.  a  feffe,  in  chief  an  ogreffe  betw.  two  mul- 
lets fa. 

Dyngley,  or  Dynclcy,  [Chorlton,  in  Worcefterfliire]  Ar.  a  feffe 
fa.  in  chief  a  mullet  betw.  two  pellets.- Creft,  out  of  a  du- 
cal coronet,  a  dragon's  head  or. 

Dyneley,  [Melborne,  Swellington,  and  Branby,  in  Yorkfliire, 
and  of  Feverfham  in  Kent]  Ar.  a  feffe  fa.  in  chief  three  mul- 
lets of  the  fecond. 

DYNHAM,  Gu.  four  fufils  in  feffe  erm. 

Dynham,  Az.  five  fufils  in  feffe  erm. 

Dynham,  Gu.  a  feffe  fufilly  ar. 

Dynham,  Gu.  five  fufils  in  feffe  erm.  betw.  three  pair  of  bridge- 
arches  on  columns  ar. 

Dynham,  [Wortham,  in  Devonfliire]  Gu.  four  fufils  in  feffe 
erm.  within  a  bordure  of  the  laft. 

DYNSEY,  Ar.  three  lions  paffant  gu.  armed  az,  two 
and  one. 

D     I     X 

DYNTREY,  Sa.  on  abend  ar.  three  cinqucfoils  gu. 
DYON,    [Tathwell,    in  Lincolnfliire]   Or,  a  faltier   gu.  fur- 
mounted   by   another  erm.  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  three 
faltorels  engrailed  of  the   firft.— Creft,    in  the  infide    of  an 
efcallop-fhell  or,  the  point  in  bafe,   a  lion  paffant  fa. 
DYOT,    [Litchfield,  in   Staffordfliire]    Or,-  a  tiger   paffant 
fa. — Creft,    a  tiger   paff-nt  ar.  armed  or,  collared,  ringed, 
and   lined,   gu.     Granted   Feb.  20.  1562. 
DYPER,  orDiPREY,  [Cornwall]  Vert,  a  lion  rampant  or, 

oppreffed  with  a  bend  gu.     Another,  the  bend  engrailed. 
DIPDEN,  Ar.  a  feffe  betw.  three  leopards  heads  gu. 
DIPFORD,  or  DiTFORD,  [London]   Or,  three  bars  az.  over 
all  a  faltier  counterchaiiged  of  the  firft  and  fecond,  withm  a 
bordure    inve£led   gu. 
DIRBY,  Az.  an  inefcutcheon  voided  or. 
DIRDO,   The  fame  as  DILDOE. 

DYRTUN,  [Yorkflii:e]   Sa.  andar.  a  chev.  per  pile  Counter- 
DYWARD,  cr  Dyrward,  Sa.  three  roundlcs  gyronny  ar. 

and   az. 
Dyrward,  or  Dyrwayne,    Ar.  on  a  chev.  fa.  three  crefcents  or. 

Another,  ar. 
Dyrward,  Sa.  three  chaplets  gyronny  ar.  and  gu. 
DYRWELL,  Ar.  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  fleurs-de-lis  az. 
DIRWYN,  Gu.apale  engrailed  erm.  furmounted  with  a  feffe 

of  the  laft. 
DISGREMOND,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or,  crowned  az. 
DISKER,  or  Disher,  Gu.  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  eagles 
difplayed  with  two  necks  erm.  each  head   crowned  with  a 
ducal  coronet  or. — -Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  centaur  paf- 
fant regardant  proper  and  ar.   drawing  a  bow  and  arrow  .or, 
feathered   ar.     Granted  Nov.  23,   1704. 
DISMARYS,  Vert,  five  rofes  or,  ftalked  ar. 
DISMOES,  or  Dismos,    Or,   a  chev.  quarterly  az.  and  gu. 

betw.   three  rofes  of  the  third. 
DYSON,  [Staffordfliire]   Gu.    a   fun  per  pale   fa.  and  or. — 

Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  pafcal  lamb  ar.  with  a  banner. 
DISNEY,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  or,   oppreffed  with  three  bafs 

Difncy,  Gu.  a  lion  rampant  barry  or  and  az. 
Difney,  [Lincolnfliire]   Ar.  three  lions  in  pale  gu. 
D'lfney,  Ar.  three  lions  paffant  gardant  gu. 
Difney,  [Swinderly  and  Norton-Difney,  in   Lincolnfhire]  Ar. 
on  a    feffe  gu.  three  fleurs-de-lis  or. — Creft,  a  lion   paffant 
gardant  gu. 
DISSERT,  Gu.  three  finifter  hands  couped  ar. 
DISTER,  Gu.  a  chev.   ar.   betw.  three  plates. 
DITTON,  [Lancafliire]  Ar.  a  bend  fa. 

DIVE,  [Bromham,  in   Bedfordfhire]  Gu.  a  feffe  dauncettee, 
betw.    three    efcallop-fliells   erm. — Creft,    a    wivern    with 
wings  endorfed  gu. 
Dive,  Gu.  a  feffe  dauncettee  or,  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  ar. 

— Creft,  a  wyvern  with  wings  endorfed  gu. 
Dive,    Sa.  on  a  bend  ar.  three  ravens  proper. 
Dive,    [Northamptonfhire]    Gu.  on  "a  bend   ar.  three  ravens 

DIVES,  Gu.  a  feffe  dauncettee  betw.    three   cfcallop-fhells 

DYX,  [Wykmer,  in  Norfolk]  Az.  on  a  bend  or,  three  mart- 
lets gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  two  rein-deers  heads  couped  of  the 
third. — Creft,  a  greyhound's  head  erafed  ar.  ducally  gorged 
gu.  betw.  two  wings,  the  dexter  or,  the  finifter  fa. 
DIX,  Az.  on  a  bend  or,  a  martlet  gu.  on  a  chief  ar.  a  crefcent 
fa.  betw.   two  ftags  heads   couped  of  the  fecond. — Creft,  a 
greyhound's  head  ar.  ducally  gorged  gu.  betw.  two  wings  or. 
DIXES,  [Norfolk]  Sa.  fretty  erm.  a  chief  countercompony 

ar.  and  fa. 
DIXEY,  [Brampton  in  Northamptonfliire,  Market-Bofworth 


D     I     X 

in  Leicefterftiirc,  and  Normanton  in  Dcrbyfhire]  Az.  a  lion 
rampant  and  chief  or. — Crcft,  a  leopard  fejant  proper,  du- 
cally  gorged  or. 

DIXON,  [Hertforcifhire]  Ar.  a  pale  indented  vert.— Crcft,  a 
fphere  ar.  charged  with  a  pale  indented  vert. 

Dixon,  [Wallifigtons  near  Newbury,  in  IJerkfliirc]  Gu.  a 
fleur-de-lis  or,  a  chief  crin. — Creil,  a  demi-lion  ram- 
pant ar. 

Dixon,  [Rainfham,  in  Durham]  Gu.  on  a  bend  or,  bctw.  fix 
plates,  tliree  tortcauxes,  a  chief  erminois. — Crc(h  an  arjn 
embowcd,  habited  erminois,  cufFcd  ar.  holdin^j  in  the  hand 
proper,  a  rouiiJle  erminois. 

Dixsn,  [Hertfordfhire]  Sa.  a  crofs  bet w.  four  hinds  hcids  crafcd 
or.  Crcft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  t/ger  fejant  erm.  duc.dly 
gorged  or.     Granted  1634. 

Dixon,  [Kent]  Or,  a  crofs  formee  betw.  four  eagles  difphiyed 
{ji. — Creft,  a  demi-hind  fa.  bczantec. 

Dixon,  [Hildcn  near  TunbriJ;^c,  in  Kent]  Or,  a  crofs  for- 
mee throuLjhout  the  field  gu.   betw.  four  eagles  difplayeJ  fa. 

Dixon,  [Wymondham,  in  Norfolk]  Per  bend  daunccttee  or  and 
fa.  two  talbots  paffhnt  counterchanged. — Crcft,  aftag's  head 
erafed,  per  pale  dauncettee  fa.  and  or,  attire  counterchanged. 

DiX TON,  [GljucsltL-rthirc]  Sa.  a  pile  ar.  furmounted  by  a 
chev.  gu. 

DIXWELL,  [Brome-houfc  in  Kent,  and  of  \Varwl-l;fliirc] 
Ar.  a  che-,'.  gu.  betw.  three  flcurS'de-lis  fa. — Creft,  a  i.on's 
gamb  couped  az.  grafping  an  eagle's  leg,  with  a  Wing 
joined  to  it,  fa. 

DixtL'c-ll,  or  Dexiucli,  [EfTcx]  Ar.  a  chev.  az.  bcr\v. three  fleurs- 
de-lis  fa. 

DOANE,   [Ireland]  Az.  crufuly  or,  an  unicorn  falient  ar. 

DOBINS,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  annulets  gu. 

DOBBINS,  Gu.  five  mullets  of  fix  points  or,  two,  one,  and 
two,  betw.  two  fl.iunches  chequy  ar.  and  fa. 


DOB  ELL,  [Suflcxj  Sa.  a  hind  paftant  betw.  three  bells  ar. 
— Creft,  on  a  mount  vert,  a  hind  lodged  ar.  betw.  four  ar- 
rows ftuck  into  the  mount  or.     Granted  1605. 

DOCKELEY,  or  Dockesey,  [Shmpfhire]  Ar.  a  lion  ram- 
pant az.  over  all  a  bend  gobonated  or  and  gu. 

DOBINSON,  [Wcftminfter]  Gu.  five  etoiles  ar.  betw.  two 
/launches  chequy  ar.  and  fa. — Creft,  out  of  a  mural  coronet 
chequy  ar.  and  fa.  an  oak-branch  fru(Sled  proper. 

DOCKWRAY,  [Nuburne,  in  Northumberland]  Sa.  a  chev. 
engrailed  ar.  betw.  three  plates,  each  cha.'-ged  with  a  pallet  gu, 

Dcdivray,  or  Dickware  [Yorkftiire]  Sa.  three  plates,  two  and 
one,  each  charged  with  a  pallet  gu. 

Dcckivray,  [Foulborne,  in  Cambridgefhire,  i6ig.]  Sa.  a  chev. 
ar.  betw.  three  plates,  each  charged  with  a  pale  gu. 

Dockwray,  Sa.  a  chev.  engrailed  ar.  betw.  three  plates. 

Dockwray,  [London]  Sa.  a  chev.  engrailed  ar.  betw.  three 
plates,  each  charged  with  a  pallet  gu.  on  a  chief  of  the  fe- 
conJ,  a  crofs  of  the  third. 

DOCMINIQUE,  [London]  Az.  a  chev.  ar.  betw.  two  cref- 
cents  in  chief  and  a  mullet  in   bafe  or. 

DOCTON,  orDoKETON',  Per  fefte  gu.  and  ar.  in  chief  two 
crefcents  or,  in  bafe  one,  fa. — Crefl,  a  fleur-de-lis  fa. 

DOD,  orDocGE,  Vert,  three  dog-fifhes  ar. 

DODD,  [Broxton  in  Chefliire,  and  SanJridge  and  Godftow  in 
Surry,  1623.]  Ar.  on  a  fefle  gu.  betw.  two  bars  wavy  fa,  three 
crefcents  or. — Crefl,  agarb  ar.  (another,  or)  environed  with 
a  fnake  proper,  its  head  ifTuing  from  the  middle  of  the  garb. 

Dcdd,  [Pertfey,  in  Shropfhire,  1623.]  Ar.  a  fefle  gu.  bctw. 
two  bars  wavy  fa.  all  betw.  three  crefcents  of  the  fecond. 

DoJd,  [Cloverlcy,  in  Shropfhire]  Ar.  a  fefle  gu.  betv,-.  t.vo 
bars  wavy  fa. 

DODE,  [HertforJfhire]  Az.  a  pale  engrailed  crm.  betw.  two 
dcmt-lions  or. 

D     O     Y 

Did/,  Erm.  a  chief  chequy  or  and  az. 

DODCiE,  [Suffolk]  Barry  of  fix  or  and  L.  on  a  pa'.c  gu.  art 

eye  ar.  weeping  and  dropping  or. 
Dodge,  [Kent,  and  Manington   in  Norfolk]   Barr)-  of  fix   or 
and  fa.  over  all  a  pale  gu.  a  woman's  breaft  diftilling  drops 
of  milk,  all  proper.— Crcft,  a  demi  fea-dog  az.  coliaicd,  fin- 
ned,  and  puificd,  or. 
DODINGFILLD,  S.n.  a  crofs  engrailed  erm, 
DODINGSEIJ.S,  Ar.  a  felfe  g„.  a  crcfctnt  fa.  fordiiTerence. 
Dcdinsjells,  or  Odingfdh,  Ar.   a  fefle  gu.  in  chief  two  mullet. 

of  the  fecond. 
Dodingfclh,  Ar.    a   fefil-  gu.   in   chief  three    mullets    with  i\-K 

points  of  the  fecond,  pierced  or. 
DODIER,  Az.  a  bend  bctw.  two  lions  rampant  ar, 
DODINGTON,  [ShropftiircJ   Az.  a  fefle  bctw.  two  mullets 
pierced  in  chief,  and  a  chev.  in  bafe  or,  within  a  bordurc  cn- 
grailejar. — Crcft,  a  lion's  gamb  cre£l  or. 
D.dington,    [Dodington,   in   Somcifetlhiie]    Sa.   three    bu^lc- 

horns    ar.  ftring-d  gu. 
Dodington,  Az.  two  bars  or,  in  chief  three  bezants. 
Dodington,  [Woodlands,  in  Wiltfliirc]  Ar.   three  bugle-horns 
fa.  two  and  one,  ftrin-ed  gu.— Creft,  a  ftag  lodged  to  the  fi- 
nllterfide,  regardant  ar.   in  his  mouth  an  acorn  or,  ftalkcd 
and  leaved  vert. 
DODMASTON,  Per  fefle  az.  and  or,  three  cinqucfoils  coun- 
DODO,  Or,  two  lions  paflant  in  pale  az. 
DODERIDGE,  [Delonlliire]  Ar.  two  pales  wavy  az.  betw. 
nine   crofs    crollets  gu.    three,  three,  and   three.— Crcft,  a 
lion's  head  erafed  gu.  murally  gorged  or. 
DODSCOMBE,    [DevonfliireJ    Purp.    three  cgles   difplay- 

ed  ar. 
DODSON,  or  DoBSON,    [Peterfdale,  in  Weftmoreland]  Ar. 
a  fefle  ncbulee,  betw.  fix  fleurs-de-lis  gu. — Creft,  two  lions 
gambs crafcd  in  fahier  gu. 
DODWORTH,  [London]    Gu.  a  chev.  erm.  betv.-.   three 

bugle-horns  ar.  ftringed  or. 
DODSWO.RTH,  [Shropfhire   and   YorkfliireJ  Ar.  a  chev. 

betw.  three  bugle-horns  ftringed  fa, 
Dodfivorth,  [Yorkfhire]  Ar.  a  bend  eng.-ailcd  f.i.   betw.  three 

annulets  gu. 
DODWELL,  [Dublin]  Ar.   two  bars  per  pale  indented  az. 
and  gu.  in  chief  thr.;e   pellets.— Crcft,   a  demi-lion  ar.  pel- 
Icttc'e,  armed  and  langued  az.     Grarued  in  Ireland,  March 
10,  1662. 
DOGET,  [Kent]  Erm.   on  a  bend  f.i.  three  talbots  head* 

erafed  or.     Another,  ar. 
DOGGET,    [Honing,  Serbarne,  and  Wronger,  in  Norfolk] 

Gu.   two  greyhounds   falient  combatant  or,    collared   fa. . 

Crcft,  a  lion's  head  or,  gorged  with  a  mural  coronet  U. 
DOGQETT,  [Norfolk]  Gu.  two  gieyhounds  combatant  ar. 

collared   or. 
Dcggett,  Sa.  two  greyhounds  combatant  or. 
DOYLEY,   [Stodham  in  Oxfordflii.-e,  and   of  Grcenfland  in 
Buckingham-Tiire]   Or,  two  bends  az. — Creft,  a  demi-dra- 
gon   with  wings   endorfed  or,  iffuing  fire  ■from   his  mouth 
DsyUy,  [Chifelhampton,  in  Oxfordfhirej  The  fame,  with  due 
difierence. — Crcft,     the   fame,    without    flames    from    the 
Doyli-y,  or  Doy/e,  [Sotttfbam,  in  Norfolk]  Gu.  three  bucks 

heads  caboircd  ar.     Another,  or. 
Doyley,  [Weftminfter  and  Suffolk]  The  fame. 
Dcyley,  Ar.  two  bends  az.     Another,  az.  two  bends  or.    Ano- 
ther, or,  two  bends  fa. 
Doyky,  [Suffolk]   Gu.  three  bucks  heads  ar.   attired  or. 
Doyhy,  [Ibfley,  in  Hampfiiirc]  Gu.  a  chev.  crm.    betw.  three 

towers  triple-towered  ar. 
Doylty,  [Moreton,  in  OxfordfliireJ  Or,  two  bends  wu. 

4  G  DOKLNflELE, 

D     O     K 

DOKENFIELD,  [Chefhire]  Ar.  a  crofs  voided  and  polnt- 

Dokenfidd,  Ar.  a  crofs  voided  and  pointed  fa.— Creft,  out  of  a 
ducal  coronet  or,  an  arm  ereft,  habited  per  pale  gu.  and  ar. 
cufFcd  ar.  holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a  fun  or.  Another 
creft,  the  arm  habited  gu.  ruffled  ar. 

DOKESBURY,   [Chcfliire]   Ar.  a  crofs  voided  gu. 

DOLBEN,  [Thingdon  or  Finedon,  in  Northamptonfliirc] 
Sa.  an  helmet  clofe,  betw.  three  pheons  ar.  each  pointing  to 
the  centre  point.— Creft,  a  griffin  fejant,  with  wings  en- 
dorfed,   proper. 

DOKESWORTH,  [Eflex]  Az.  on  a  crofs  or,  five  fleurs-de- 
lis  gu. 

Dokefworih,  [Cambridgefhire]  Az.  a  crofs  betw.  four  lions  ram- 
pant or.     Another,  ar. 

DOLINS,  Az.  on  a  fefle  or,  betw.  three  flcurs  de-lis  ar.  as 
many  mullets  of  fix  points  pierced  gu.— Creft,  a  fleur-de- 
lis  az.  betw.  two  wings  endorfed  ar. 

DOLESLEY,  or  Dolseley,  Gu.  on  achev.  ar.  three  mart- 
lets of  thefirft,  a  chief  az.  charged  with  an  etoile  betw.  two 
leopards  heads  or. 

Dolfeky,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  or,  three  martlets  of  the  firft,  in  chief 

a  leopard's  hfed  betw.  two  mullets  of  the  fecond. 
DOLLULEY,  orDoLSLEV,  Gu.  achev.  ar. 
DOLLING,  [North  in  the  Ifle  of  Purbeck,  in  Dorfetfhirc] 
Ar.  two  bars  dauncettee  fa. — Creft,  a  buck's  head  proper, 
attired  or,  gorged  with  two  bars  dauncettee  ar.      Granted 

Dolling,  Erm.  on  a  bend  fa.  three  acorns  or. 
DOLING,  Per  fcfle  dauncettee  ar.  and  az. 
POLLER,    or   Dollor,    Gu.   two  fiaunches   indented  ar. 

within  a  bordure  vert,  bezantee. 
DOLLIFFE,  Az.  on  a  chev.  or,  betw.  three  crefcents  ar.  as 

many  olive-fprigs  vert. — Creft,  on  a  caftle  ar.   three  fprigs 

DOLMAN,  [Shaw,    in   Berkfhire]    Az.   feven    garbs,   four, 

two    and  one,  or. — Creft,  a  garb  ar.  eared  and  banded  or. 
Dolman,  Sa.  a  fefle  erm.  betw.  three  annulets  or. 
Dolman,  [Pocklington,  in  Yorkfhire]   Az.  a  fcfTe  dauncettee 

betw.  eight  garbs  or,  banded  gu. 
DOLPHINLEY,  [Hampfliire]  Vert,  three  dolphins  in  fcftcor. 
DOLTON,  Sa.  a  crofs  engr.iiled  erm. 
DOMELL,  or  Doynell,  [Wiltfliire]  Ar.  a  fefle  dauncettee 

Darnell,  [Wiltfliire]    Ar.  a  bend  dauncettee  and  fefle  gu. 
DOMINICK,  [Great  Marlow,  in  Buckinghamfliire]   Vert, 
three   chevronels  erm.  in  chief  a  naval  crown  betw.  two 
lions  heads  erafed  or. — Creft,    a  ftag  fejant  or,  attired  gu. 
gorged  with  a  naval  crown  of  the  laft,   repoCng  his  dexter 
<Tamb  on  an  antique  fliicld  vert.     Granted    1720. 
DOMVILE,  [Shropfliire]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar.  collared  gu. 
DON,  or  DOON,  Az.  a  wolf  falient  ar. 
DONAY,    Vert,  on  a  chief  erm.   a  label  of  five  points  gu. 
DON  AND,  orDoNANT,  Sa.  a  fefl'e  dauncettee  or,    in  chief 

three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  laft. 
DONCASTELL,  [Willhoufe,  in  Berkfhire]   Az.  a  fire-ball 
or,  on  fire  proper. — Creft,  a  buck's  head  couped  or,  vulned 
in  the  neck  gu. 
DONCASTER,  [Berkfhire]  Gu.  a  caftle  or.     Another,  gu. 

a  caftle  ar. 
DONDALL,  [London]  Ar.  a  fefle  betw.  fix  martlets  gu. 
Dondall,  Or,  a  feffe  betw.  five  martlets  gu. 
DONE,  Vert,  three  fiflies  haurient  fa. 

Done,  Az.  two  bars   ar.  over  all  a  bend  gu. — Creft,  a  bugle- 
horn    .  .  . 
DONEY,  Vert,  a  chief  erm. 
DONETON,  Ar.  three  crofles  moline  gu. 

D     O     U 

DONETT,  Ar,  three  pair  of  barnacles  gu. 

DONEWILL,  [Ireland]   Az.  a  lion  rampant  ar,  over  ail  a 

bend  gu. 
DONHAM,  [Yo.'-kfliirc]    Az.  a  chief  indented  or. 
DONHAULT,   [Northan-.ptonlhire  and  Oxfordfliirc]  Or,  a 

bend  az. — Creft,  a  cherubim  or.     Granted  1600. 
DONHEAD,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  gu.  wichin  a  bordure  gobo- 
nated  and  engrailed  gu.  and  az.     Another,  within  a  bordure 
engrailed  gu. 
DONINGTON,   [Yorkftiire]  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  vert,  on  a 

chief  gu.  three  mafcles  of  the  firft.     Another,  bezants. 

DONKET,  Gu.  ten  martlets,  four,  three,  two,  and  one.  .  . 

DONNE,  or  DOAN,  [Chefl:ire]   Az.  two  bars  ar.  over  all 

a  bend  gu.  charged  with   three  arrows  or. — Creft,  a  bundle 

of  arrow;  or,  headed  and  feathered  ar.  banded  gu. 

DONNINGTON,  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  az.  on  a  chief  gu.  three 

DONNINGE,  Paly  of  eight  or  and  vert,  a  lion  rampant  fli. 
DONNUER,  or  DONNARD,  Az.  a  crefccnt  betw.  ten  bil- 
lets or. 
DONSELL,  [Devonfliire]  Gu.  a  bend  ar.  a  mullet  or. 
Donfc'll,  Gu.  abend  ar.  betw.  three  crofiers  or. 
DONSTABLE,  Ar.  a  chev.  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  fa. 
Dorjlable,  Ar.  a  chev.  betv/.  three  door-ftaples  fa. 
DONWIKE,  Or,  a  chev.  fa. 

DOORE,   [Cornwall  and  Devonfhirc]   Per  pale  gu.  and  az. 

three  ftag-beetlcs,  wings  extended,  or. — Creft,  a  demi-tiger 

az.  crincd  and  tufted  or,  holding  betw.  his  feet  an  ef;allop- 

fheil  of  the  laft. 

DORAND,  [Yorkfhire]  Sa.  a  fefle  dauncettee  or,  the  upp:r 

points  of  the  fefle  flory  of  the  laft. 
DOE.CKESTER,  Or,  fix  lion^;  rampant  fa.  three,  two,  and 

DORGREY,  or  DoRiiE,   [Ireland]  Ar.  fretty  gu.  femce  de- 
lis of  the  fecond. 
DOP..GUE,     [Tournay,     in   France]    Ar.    fretty   or, 

fleurs-de-lis  of  the  fecond. 
DORINGTON,  [Somerfstftiireand  StafforLlfiiire]  Se?  DOD- 

DORKE,  orDuKE.     See  DUKE. 
DORKSEY,  [Shropfhire]   Ar.  a  lion  rampant  az.  opprefied 

with  a  bend  gobonated  or  andgu. 
DORMER,  [Afcot,  in  Buckinghamfliire]  Az.  ten  billets  or, 
four,  three,  two,  and  one  ;  on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  a  dcmi- 
lion  iflTuant  fa. — Creft,  firft,  on  a  dexter  glove  proper,  a  fal  - 
con   ar.  another,    a  fox    paflant   proper,  betw.    two  wings 
endorfed  ar. 
Dormer,  [Buckinghamfhire]   The  fame,  with  due  difference. 
Dormer,  Az.  billetty  or,   on  a  chief  of  the  fecond,  three  mart- 
lets fa. 
DERMOT,  Gu.  a  fefl^e  dauncettee  ar.   in   chief  three  fleurs- 
de-lis  of  the  laft. 
DORNEY,  Quarterly  or  and  gu.  in   chief  two  cinquefoils, 

in  bafe    a  trefoil  flipped,   all  counterchanged. 
DORRELL,  Gu.  a  fefle  betw.  three  bulls  heads  couped  or. 
Dorrell,  [Cade-hill,  in  Kent]  Az.  a  lion  rampant  or,  ducallv 

crowned  ar. 
DORSEDLY,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  gu. 

DOTCHEN,  [Wich,  in  AVorcefterlhlre]    Ar.   a   chev.  gu. 
fretty  or,  betw.  three  rofes  of  the  fecond,    barbed,    ftalked,^ 
and  leaved,  vert. — Creft,  a  ftork's  head  erafed  ar.  betw.  tv/o 
wings  expanded  fa. 
DORTHORPE,  Ar.  a  fefl'e  betw.  three  efcallop-fhells  gu. 
DOTSON,  [Heye,  in  Cornwall]   Ar.  a  bend   engrailed  az. 
betw.  two  Cornifli  choughs  proper. — Creft,  a  dexter  arm  in 
armour  proper,  garnifhed  or,   holding  a  fcourge  with   four 
lafhes   fa.    the  handle  garnifhed  and  the  lafhes    ended  with 
fpur-rowels   or. 
DOUBLEDAY,  [MiddlefexJ  Per  fefTc  indented  or  and  az. 


D     O     V 

two  mullets  pierced  and  countcrchangcd.-^-Creft,  an  arm  in 
armour  or,  rcfting  the  gauntlet  on  a  fhield  az.  thereon  a 
mullet  pierced  or. 

DOVE,  orDoWE,  [Camberwell,  in  Surrey]  Per  chev.  az. 
and  vert,  three  doves  volant  ar. — Crcft,  in  a  thaplct  vert, 
banded  or,  a  dove  proper. 

Dove,  Az.  a  crofs  formtc,  betw.  four  doves  volant  ar.  beaked 
and  legged  gu. 

Dove,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  betw.  three  water-bougets  fa.  a  mullet 
of  the  firf}. — Creft,  a  dove  with  wings  expanded  proper, 
in  his  beak    a  fprig  vert. 

Dove,  [Eaft  Branftioth,  in  SutTolk]  Sa.  a  fefTe  dauncettce 
erm.  betw.  three  doves  clofe  ar.  beaked  and  legged  gu. — 
Creft,  on  a  tower  ar.  a  dove,  with  wings  expanded,  proper. 

DOVER,  or  Dower,  [Vorkfhire]  Enn.  a  ciiiijuefoil  pier- 
ced ermines. 

DOUGHTY,  [Hanworth,  in  Norfolk]  Or,  on  a  crofs  pa- 
tonce  gu.    a  bezant. 

Doughty,  ox  D:utey,  [Eflier  in  Surrey,  and  Bofton  in  Lincoln- 
fliirc]  Ar.  two  bars  betw.  three  mullets  of  fix  points  fa. 
pierced  or. — Creft,  a  cubit  arm  ereft,  veftcd  per  pale  cre- 
nellee  or  and  ar.  cuffed  or,  holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a 
mullet  as  the  arms. 

DOUGLAS,  Ar.  a  human  heart  gu.  on  a  chief  az.  three  mul- 
Jfets  of  the  fic'd. — Creft,  an  heart  gu.  charged  with  feven  be- 
zants, crowned  or,  betw.  two  wings  of  the  laft. 

Double,.-,  Ar.  on  a  chief  gu.  two  mullets  of  the  field. 

DOVVNDALE,  Dovedale,  or  Doovedale,  Ar.  a  crofs 
moiiiie  gu. 

DOWDE,  or  Odowde,  [Slinge,  in  Ireland]  Vert,  a  falticr 
or,  in  chief  two  fwords  in  crofs  ar.  pomelled  of  the  fecond. 
— Creft,  an  arm  embowed,  habited  in  mail,  holding  in  the 
hand  a  fpear,  all  proper,  headed  ar.  Granted  in  Ireland, 
June  14,   1608. 

DOWDALL,  [Ireland  and  London]  Ar.  five  martlets  gu. 
three  and  two. 

DOWDESWELL,  [Worcefterfhire  and  Gloucefterfhire] 
Ar.  (another,   or)   a  felTe  wavy,  betw.  fix  billets  (a. 

DOWEY,    The  fame  as  DONAY. 

DOWELL,  Ar.  a  lion  rampant  fa.  within  a  bordure  engrall- 
eJ  gu. — Creft,    a   lion's  head  erafed  fa. 

DOWER,  or  DOOR,  [VVorceaerfiiire]  Paly  gu.  and  az. 
three  cinquefoils  or,  two  and  one.  Another,  per  pale  az. 
and  gu. 

DOWGLAS,  [Scotland]  Ar.  a  cinquefoil  fa.  on  a  chief  az. 
three  mullets  pierced  of  the  firft. 

DruJglas,  [Scotland]  Ar.  a  human  heart  gu.  royally  crowned 
proper,  on  a  chief  az.  three  mullets  or.— Creft,  a  dexter  arm 
embowed  in  armour,  holding  a  fword,  all  proper. 

DOWLING,  [Kilkenny,  in  Ireland]  Ar.  a  holly-tree  eradi- 
cated proper,  on  a  chief  engrailed  az.  a  lion  pafiant  betw. 
two  trefoils  flipped  or. — Creft,  a  lion's  head  erafed  az.  gorged 
with  two  bars  or.     Granted  in  Ireland,  Aug.  5,  1662. 

DOWMAN,  [Yorkftiire]  Az.  on  a  fclTe  dauncettee  ar.  betw. 
three  garbs  or,  as  many  birds  of  the  field,  membered  gu. 

Dowman,  [Yorkftiire]  Az.  on  a  feffc  dauncettee  or,  three  mart- 
lets fa. 

DOWNE,  [Pilton  in  Somerfetftiire,  and  of  Devonftiirc]  Gu. 
a  buck's  head  cabofi'ed  erm.  attired  or.  ** 

Downe,  Az.  a  wolf  falient  ar.  langued  or,  armed  gu. 

Dn'jjne,  or  Doom,  [London]  Az.  an  unicorn  current  ar.  betw. 
ten  crofs  crodets  or. 

Dnvne,  [Cobhnm,  in  Surrey]  Az.  three  bulls  heads  couped  or, 
dacally  cro^vned   ar. — Creft,  a  fea-lion  eredt  gu.  guttee  or. 

DOWNES,  Az.  a  buck  lodged  ar.   charged  on  the  fboulder 

with  a  mullet. 
Demies,    [Evenwood,  In  Durham]  Sa.   a  buck  couchant  ar. 
attired  or,  in  the  finifter  chief  quarter  a  cinquefoil  or. 

D     R     A,  [Chcftiire]  Sa.  a  ftag  couchant  ari 
Dowries,  [Chclhirc]  Az.  a  ftag  couchant  ar. 
Dounes,  Ar.  a  bu^lc-horn  fa. 

Dnunes,  [Debnam,  in   Suffolk]  Ar.  three  pallets  wavy  gu,  a 
mullet  for  difference. — Creft,    a  wolf's    head  ar.    charged 
with  a  mullet. 
Dowies,  [Great  Melton,  in  Norfolk]  The  fame  arms  and  crcft, 

with  a  mullet  for  difference. 
Dounes,  or  Dcwes,  [Eilcx]  Or,  a  bend  betvr.  two  lions  ram- 
pant fa.     Another  adds  three  martlets  ar.  on  the  bend. 
DOVVNHALL,    or  Dow.nehall,    [London,    Oxfordfiiire, 
and  of  Geddington    in    Northamptonfhire]     Or,    a    bend 
dauncettee  fa. 
DOWNING,  [Effex]  Gu.  a  feffe  vaire  betw.  two  lions  paf- 
fant    gardant   erm. — Creft,    out   of    a   ducal     coronet     a 
fwan  or. 
Downing,  [Norfolk]  Barry  of  ei-ht  ar.   and  vert,  a -rifEn   fc- 

greant  or. 
Dsivning,  [Eaft-Hedky  in  Cambridgcfliire,  and  of  Lepham  in 
Noifolk]  Barry  often  ar.  and  vert,  over  all  a  griffin  fegreant 
or. — Creft,  an  arm  embowed,    in  armour  tied  round   the 
wrift  with  a  bow  ar.  holding  in  the  hand  proper,  a  broad- 
arrow  or,  feathered  and  headed  of  the  firft. 
DOWNROY,  Sa,  a  crofs  or,  betw.  four  bezants. 
D'.JWN  rON,    [Alderton,  in  Shropftiirc]   Ar.  three  piles  fa. 

on  each  a  goat's  head  erafed  of  the  firft,  attired  or. 
Downtoi,  [Sandhurft,  in  Kent]  Ar.  on  a  chief  dauncettee  az. 

three  goats  heads  erafed  of  the  field.,  [Downton,  in  HcrefordfhircJ  Ar.  two.  organ-pipes 

gu.betv/.  feven  crofs  crollets  az. 
Downton,  Gu.  a  bend  betw.  two  mullets  erm. 
DOWSE,  or  Dowse,  [Browton,  in  Hampfhire]  Ot'j  a  chev. 
chcqny  ar.  and  az.    betw.  three  greyhounds  current  fa,  col- 
hired  gu. 
Dowfc,  [Collingborn,  in  Wiltfhire]  Az.  a  fun  ar.  ifTuingfrom 

a  crefcent  or. 
DOWRICHE,  [Dowriche,  in  Devonftiire]  Ar.  a  bend  betw. 
two  cotifes  fa.  in  chief  a  label  of  three  points  az.  within  a 
bordure  engrailed  of  the  fecond, 
DOX,  or  DoxEY,  Vert,  three  fea-brcams  haurient  ar.     Ano- 
ther, or. 
£)«*(■;'.  [Shropftiire]     See  DORKSEY. 
Doxey,  Or,  a  lion  rampant  az.  opprcffcd  with  a  bend  "u. 
DRAGONER,  orDKAvNER,  [Middlefex]  Sa.  a  feffc  betw. 

three  helmets  ar.  barred  or. — Creft,  a  pheon  fa. 
DRAYCOTT,  or  Dracot,  [Staffordftiire  and  Dcrbyfliire] 
Paly    of  fix   or   and  gu.    over  all  a  bend    erm. — Creft,     a 
dragon's  head  erafed  gu.     Another,  vert. 
Draycoit,  [Staftordfhire]  Or,  fietty  gu.  on  a  canton  ar.  a  crofs 

patonce  az. 
Draycott,  [Wiltfhire]  Ar.  a  crofs  engrailed  fa.  on  the  firft  quar- 
ter an  eagle  difplayed  gu. 
Draycott,  [Suffolk]  .-^r.  a  crofs  engrailed  betw.  four  eagles  dif- 
played gu. 
DRAYCOTE,  [Lofco,  in  Derbyflilre]  Paly  of  fix  ar.  and  fa. 

a  bend  erm. — Creft,  a  dragon's  head  erafed  gu.  fcalcd  or. 
DRAYNER,  [Cranbroke  and  Smarden,  in  Kent]  Sa.  a  feffe 
nebulec,  betw.  three  clofe  helmets  ar.  plumed  or. — Creft,  a 
lion  fejant  ar.  holding  in  his  gambs  a  broken  tilting-fpear  of 
the  laft. 
DRAYTON,  [Wiltftiirc]  Az.  a  bend  betw.  fix  crofs  crolleU 

fitchee  or. 
Drayton,  Ar.  a  crofs  engrailed  gu. 

Drayton,  [Norfolk]  Per  pale  indented   gu.  and  az.  a  lion  ram- 
pant or. 
Drayton,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  ^another,  or,)  three  rofes  az. 
Drayton,  Erm.  two  bars   gu.  in  chief  a  demi-lion  rampant  of 
the  fecond. 


D     R     A 

Drayton,  Gu.  on  a  chev.  ar.  tlirce  crofs  croflets  fitchde  of  the 
f„ft._Crcft,  a  dexter  hand  couped  at  the  wrift  proper, 
holding  a  crofs  crofiet  fitchee  gu. 

DRAKE,  [Buckland,  in  Devonfhire]  Sa.  a  fefle  wavy, 
bctw.  two  etoiles  in  pale.— Crcft,  on  a  terreftrial  globe,  a 
ftiip  in  full  fail  trained  round  the  fame  globe  with  two 
hawfers  or,  by  a  hand  and  arm  iffuing  out  of  the  clouds,  all 
proper  ;  with  this  motto,  AuxUio  div'ino. 

Drake,  Ar.  a  wivern  with  wings  cndorfed  gu.  betw.  two 
(launches  of  the  laft. 

Drake,  [Ireland,  Norfolk,  Rygate  in  SufTex,  Withicomb  in 
Devonfhire,  and  of  Shcrdelow  in  Buckinghamftiire]  Ar.  a 
wivern  with  wings  difplayed  and  tail  nowed  gu.— Creft,  a 
wivern  with  wings  cndorfed  ar.  Another  creft,  a  naked 
dexter  arm  erect  proper,  holding  a  battle-axe  fa.  head- 
ed ar. 

Drahe,   or  Drakes,  [Eflcx]  Gu.  a  fefle  cotifed  betw.  two  frets 

Drake,  [Effex]  Gu.  a  fefle  cotifed  or,  betw.  two  frets  ar. 
Drake,  [Hardley,  in  Norfolk]   Az.  a  wivern  with  wings  dif- 
played  or. — Creft,  a  rein-deer's  head  couped  or.     Another 
creft,  a   rein-deer's   head   erafcd  or,  ducal! y  gorged  and  at- 
tired fa. 
DRAKELOW,    or   Dracelow,    [ElTex]    Ar.  a  chev.  gu. 

betw.  three  griffins  heads  erafed  fa. 
Drakehw,  [Effex]  Ar.  a  chev.    fa.   betw.    three  drakes  heads 

erafed  of  the  fecond,  beaked  az. 
Drakehw,  Ar.  on  a  chev.  gu.  betw.  three  hawks  heads  erafed 

fa.  as  many  crefcents  of  the  field. 
DRANFIELD,  Ar.  three  pales  gu. 

DRANSFIELD,    [Stobbed    Waldlng    in  Yorkfnire,  and   of 
Eflex]    Paly   of  fix  ill.  and  ar.    on   a  bend   gu.    three   mul- 
lets or. 
Dransfieldi  Paly  of  fix  fa.  and  ar.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  cinque- 
foils  or. 
Dranifield,  Ar.  two  bars  fa.  on  a  bend  gu.  three  mullets  or. 
'  DRAPER,   [London]  Gu.  four  bendlets  or,  a  chief  party  per 
feffe  ar.   and  erm.    charged  in  chief  with   three  fleurs-de-lis 

fa. Creft,  a  ftag's  head  gu.  gorged  with  a  feife  betw.  two 

gemelles   ar.  charged   with